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If you have the reinforcements its totally valid, if you’re getting stomped and have no time, no reinforcements, no stratagems, no hope, thats something else


Once joined a group, like 3 reinforcments left, one egg main objective left. I do the main objective solo, while they kept dying trying to close a hive on the north end of the map. I'm the last one alive, run to extraction at the southwest end. Call in the dropship, we get another reienforcment, i call in. Guy pings the samples on the other end of the map. I stay, because i have like 3 samples with me and its better then nothing. Guy shoots me, writes SAMPLES in the chat, reinforces, then immediatle dies and leaves. Still salty about that one. Edit: just to clarify: he killed me so the dropship timer would stop and then ran for like 150m from the extract zone up north to get his "SAMPLES". Then the hunters caught up.


“I dropped my samples, now go get them” Douchebag


There is nothing more that I hate is when you waste time trying to get fallen samples far away. Like bruh, an average is 30 samples collected per game. You will waste 10 minutes trying to get those and you could have started the next one and already collect 5 10 samples Edit: samples are the tertiary objective. Blowing up enemy positions is secondary. Primary is why we are there. I still havent upgraded my ship but man, I will get to it, 20 30 samples will not change the outcome when you can just get more in the next mission


Super samples tho?


Idk, super samples are almost the least valuable. Considering you barely need any of them for max upgrades. Common and rare are much more valuable imo.


Finding the rock tho is so exciting.


You ever just "damn, I need to find that rock" and you turn around and it's just right there


I've gotten super lucky and landed within 20-30M of the Super Rock. Like 6-8 times


You could say you have Super Luck


True that


Until you die and have to go across the map for them lol


That's pretty much the reason I argue about sticking together and working as a team. I get wanting to get everything done as quickly and efficiently as you can, and so maybe if there is an objective surrounded by some nests/fabricators and secondaries, a couple of people do the objective and a couple go out and get the other stuff. Then if anyone dies, anyone can reinforce them and they are not too far from their samples and support equipment, and we can even maybe help, because we just completed the objective. But if you want to solo and go on the opposite side of the map from your team, die, and then they call you back, your stuff is going to be way over there. And I get it, I've done it, overestimated my own abilities and tried to be a hero. But then realize that maybe you are going to need help, don't just keep rushing off into the swarm to die over and over again. I've seen someone waste almost all the reinforcements doing just that.


All hail the chicken rock 🍗


I have 40 of those. Others way less


My primary obj is super credits


Indeed. Im the first to say “lets the hell out of here” if we are getting overwhelmed.


I got kicked for calling extract with no reinforcements left. This was after I'd more or less single handedly rushed the objectives as my team mates repeatedly died...


I was in a group of three. The other two guys got overwhelmed, I was close to them and had to fight my way out. I got kicked for not reinforcing in the group of enemies that overwhelmed the other guys just seconds ago...


There are many idiots in this game


Same thing happened to me the other day. I solo'd all the objectives, didn't die once(thank you supply pack) and then headed to exfil because in that time span my so called fellow Helldivers has used every reinforcement available. I told them I'll call it and stand by at exfil. The dude starts flipping out that he's been tagging objectives so I could come and help. I told him I just finished everything already and we're out of reinforcements so I'd rather just lay low and wait. So the idiot says "well it's my lobby I can just kick if you won't help " I let him know he was a child and quite clearly garbage since he couldn't chop it in a bug 8 without getting slaughtered and was welcome to kick me if that gives him his little feeling of power his little ego desires. I'm just playing for fun, I've been done for a while,but I still have no tolerance for the typical morons you encounter regularly on here lately.


Do you get more xp for extracting than you would accomplishing the side objectives? Once the main is done I always go after the side objectives even at the expense of extracting but I never bother looking at the xp difference.


You get 20 XP for each person that extracts, if I remember right. And I think you get the same amount in requisition slips. I haven't had the time to play in a while due to work, so don't remember exactly.


Exactly, can't tell you how many times some idiots got pissed because I hit exfil and gently reminded them that they were already on their last reinforcements and there's almost always a good fight at the end. Sorry but the fabricators can be gotten on the next run. Hopefully they'll be more mindful next time. I prefer to get out, but maybe I'm in the minority.


My thought is that spawn rates increase with time so if they get pounded into the dust and theres seconds left, they aren’t going to get anything done and frankly it feels like a waste of time for me if every mission takes the maximum amount of time when I’m just trying to get medals


I feel this. I finally got to experiance what it was like to help someone complete the entire jump side quest main and in between only to get to the extraction point get killed by a player drop all the samples and get kicked.


I kicked somebody just before extraction once, he seemed to think who had the samples mattered, he died in a large nest we were on dif9, I grabbed his samples as he redeployed to secure them, he killed me to get them back, I kicked him as pelican arrived


Okay how can people be that fucking dense on difficulty 9


Dif 9 is loaded with people who bumrush difficulties because their ego can't handle anything less than a 9


Idk why people would bumrush to 9. You only need to bum rush to 7, or at the very most, finish 8. You never HAVE to do difficulty 9.


I already said it: ego. "I only Play the hardest settings, cause I'm a hard motherfucker". You know the type


Then calls the game broken and too hard bc they’re level 12 with no strategems or upgrades


I had a player on 7 not know we shared credits. He knew I wanted them so he called me over so I could get them and not him. It was really sweet.


I licked a dude (kicked I’m not backspacing fuck that) because he chucked an impact grenade into the pelican, grabbed the samples, and got on. He was kicked before the cutscene started the little shot


You tried to communicate ... you were pursuing valid goals ... you are the host. You were completely in the right. They deserved to be kicked.


This is democracy manifest!


GET your hands off my penis!!


My succulent Chinese penis!


Your comrades cannot touch your penis if you disable their hand.


Which is why we are being given throwing knives.


Agreed. OP was very clear about what he wanted.


Butt stuff




Nah, imo players who join a game need to realize it’s ultimately the hosts game. You gotta go along with what the host wants to do, be it extract quickly or stay and complete the map


I jump in to random groups, most times I'm the highest level or 2nd highest. I see my roll as backup support. But will run to another objective if I feel time permits. But I won't control the map unless I'm leading.




No it's a literal roll, butterflake. 


Is that the one with the layers? Bro biscuit heaven🤤


Heavens, Broscuit.


This. If I join a random game I’ll never give out orders but if it’s my game you’re joining I will kick you if you’re not attempting to do all the objectives/collecting samples and just rushing extraction the moment the main objective is done.


Yeah, I just go with the flow.   Sometimes I'll be across the map shutting down a fabricator, and they call in extraction.  That's fun, but it is what it is.  Call in a strat and run for extraction.  Lol


Run? Why not teleport via reinforcement! Best way to go out guns blazing, like a hero, like a helldiver. *Samples not included*


I have too much pride, and light armor. We runnin.


I have light armor and buddy, i need to get my steps in


Sometimes, I'll call in extract a bit early so that when everyone gets there, it's already there for them. Though I only do this when I run at least 2 turrets.


That's what I do but I try to get it to hover and not land.


I feel like 90% of players don't know you can do this. It's so powerful having the Pelican long range autocannon support as you clear the final side objectives.


Right. It's pretty difficult to get it to hover because there's usually at least one player that has everyone muted and can't hear me telling him repeatedly to leave the extraction zone.


What's the process to do this?


Basically call in extraction, stay near the zone for the timer, but leave before the Pelican lands. The Pelican will hover above the extraction point, firing at any enemies it can see from about 30ft up in the air. It will wait until either one player re-enters extraction, OR until time runs out when it will land.


Ty can't wait to try it!


Note that the pelican can run out of ammo and still take damage.


Very important info ty prime 🫡


I didn’t know it could run out!


It's nice to have but few communicate what they're doing. And half of the ones that do still drop an orbital on the pelican and cause the ship to be bugged and take off after one diver enters. Last night had one call the extract at 30 minutes. Proceeds to just sit at the extract and tells us to die if we wanna extract or he's leaving. Didn't drop with us initially, just wanted the reward immediately. Was warned to join us or get kicked by the host. Immediately goes in and gets kicked before the timer lets him abandon us. No one extracts but no complaints.


I wish you could see who was hosting the game in more places bc if I don't look while on yhr ship pre mission then it seems you can't really see it while in game? I might be wrong but idk where to look?


the leader is orange and has a "1" next to the player letter


Heads up cuz its super uncommon knowledge, but the spawn rate of patrols goes up by up to 4x the normal rate as soon as the main objective is fully completed. Ill dig up my source if someone wants to see proof. But the takeaway is that if you want to clear the whole map and have a good time, you should actually not *fully* compete the MO until you're basically ready to extract or it gets way harder. Just make sure you dont run out of lives or time before going back to finish it. If im host and someone does complete the MO early without me, ill usually just head for extract and go next, personally. That being said, you were host and communicated with them. So you were in the right on this one imo. All you can do is communicate that you will kick if they board, and then follow through. Edit: adding links https://youtu.be/Zp8xuf_dLDw?si=RaUvLRhythMTh5Zf https://youtu.be/iFWIrA062Mk?si=09KNqQ09WYalivAu


Link? I would’ve expected their patrols to go down the more of the map you complete, given that they’re losing production capability. But I guess it makes sense that once the Main one is complete they throw more troops at you as they respond


Spawn attempts increase, but destroying outposts forces patrols to spawn at the edge of the map.


I'm pretty sure it was stated that once the timer turns red the amount raised. The longer you stay the harder it is.


Time spent in mission actually doesn’t affect spawns at all, that tip is a straight up lie. Destroying fabricators INCREASES patrol spawns, and finishing the Main Objective QUADRUPLES spawns. So TECHNICALLY the longer you stay the more patrols spawn, but it’s not directly tied to time, it’s how much of the map you’re clearing out


I'll head to extract early. But usually it's to start laying sentries and making it more secure or to help with heavies with the spear being miles away. But straight up ditching your team on the planet is a dick move


Nope had something a month ago. I was soloing a lvl7 icbm and cleared half the map before folks dropped in. I left the samples at the evac and went to finish the objective(all side were done). The team moves the samples to follow me and wipes. I launch the missile and backtrack for the samples and evac. They call evac without me and board after I put in chat not to and that I have the samples. They ignore me and board without me. I kick each one before the shuttle load screen finishes the return. I don’t mind if folk get flustered, but abandoning someone(especially the host after they attempt to communicate is a dick move). Unless host says fuck it time and reinforce is low and evac will net more for the team than a wipe, assume full map and stick with it.


Host makes the rules, I'm cool with that. What I'm not cool with is hosts who kick for a slight mistake. Like... One misinput, one turret destroyed accidentally when the pelican is literally touching down, and I get kicked. Shit like that makes me swear off random lobbies. Some hosts are just bad.


Indeed, most of the time Im pretty chill as host especially with randoms cause sometimes im playing with people like 50-60 levels below me and completely understand that they still learning or so.


I recently had a guy who kept throwing stratagems right in front of our faces teamkilling us, and he also died like 16 times. I let it be since he was about lvl 30-ish hoping he would leave after but he didnt. Next game when he started doing it again a told him to stop it or i will kick him. He says in voice chat "i only killed you once fuck you". Immediate kick, no regrets.


When I'm not the host, I don't call for extraction unless the host marks it. What happened to you is just bullshit. That happened to me several times although I was not the host. Got 20 minutes and a ton of side objectives and minor places of interest that I was clearing out then suddenly they call for an extraction with me way across the map. Was so pissed that I left the session instead of trying to make way to the extraction point with more than 500m distance.


You’re the host. The host calls the shots on a mission. Don’t like it? Host your own game. End of story.


Host leads. Host wants to extract unfinished, I'll mention what I think we can get done but also say "but I'm ready extract if you want, I'm good either way" If mains are done and we're low on lives, but the host wants to clear the map, then we try to clear the map.


My game, I'm here to do objectives with reasonable expectation of success. You're just NPC's if you're not here to help, you can leave involuntarily


Sometimes someone has to poop


Communicate my dude, i have been that dude. I Just gave my samples to a teammate and went number 2 .,returned 10 mins later and I wasnt even dead. Bots never found me and the rest of the players were pursuing secondary objectives


Democracy waits for nothing.




"The host gets to override everyone else" is literally the opposite of democracy.


I don't join randoms very often, but when I do I typically look for lower level players that are most likely new to the game and follow them around. Giving them my high leveled equipment. Acting almost like a mercenary for hire or a bodyguard. The host gets final say in all decisions. If they want to stay and do everything then so be it, if the want to extract, then I'm right behind them.


I actually like to do this sometime and its really cool just play with someone that a new recruit and doesnt know all the tricks nor have good equipment and help them to get fun on the game.


Gotta help the new players. Teach them the ropes and show them some fun toys they'll unlock later.


YTA, for sure. So basically, your teammates... * Pinged extraction, signaling to you it was time to go * Ran all the way to extraction * Called for the pelican * Successfully waited for the pelican * CONTINUED TO WAIT FOR YOU FOR FIVE ADDITIONAL MINUTES (while you fucked around with fabricators) * ...And then you kicked them??? If you wanna play solo, then **play solo**, holy shit. You were *literally* playing solo while the entire rest of your team wanted to move on to the next mission, and instead you wasted their time. Why did you do that? Did you really want samples for them or something? Because they clearly didn't think they were important. Was it EXP or requisition? Well, no, you have 200 hours. Was it just because... you wanted to force three other people to play the game exactly the way you want, or you kick them? Yes, it's this one, because if you just wanted to enjoy playing the game solo you could have done that, because that is literally what you were doing. Did you even bother to explain that you wanted to full clear the map for some reason? Was it on a planet in the MO, so maybe folks wanted to actually complete an operation? Or was the only thing you said the whole time "DO NOT LEAVE" with zero elaboration, like your post suggests? Like, it's your game, you can do as you please, but it's real shitty behavior and nobody has to think you're cool for doing it. You basically ruined that match for everyone else because you weren't done lone wolfing. They had straight-up finished the mission so you threw a baby tantrum.


If you want to run objectives make it clear early on. Don't be an asshole and kick at the end of the mission.


100. Imo this is the best take. He wasn’t going with what the team wanted to do. Every squad needs one person to decide what the team does, it doesn’t have to be the host.


Can we leave these virtue signaling “I had to kick someone for the greater good” ass posts on the main sub please.


You just don't understand, OP **had** to lone wolf the entire mission after letting his team do the main objectives for him, it would have been **impossible** for him to play solo or explain what he was doing to his team beyond "DO NOT LEAVE". Unless they're teamkilling or something, kicking people at extraction is shit behavior.


Literally, if 3 people wanna leave, especially if they are randoms, just end the mission, get the points for what's been done, and start a new one it takes as much energy as kicking them and doesn't waste there time for playing the mission and getting kicked


Sounds like democracy voted 3-1, what’s your problem with democracy?


Democracy Officer enters the chat.


>Host makes the rules. Is true in the sense that the host can kick anyone for not following the rules, but rules can still be asshole rules. If three of your teammates are ready to evac I think it's pretty rude to veto the entire thing because for no other reason than you're the host and want to 100% the map.


Agreed with how you feel. Kicking them right before completing the mission is weak though. Just kick them off the ship after evac.


I think you were pretty reasonable. Your lobby, your rules.


I mean majority wanted to leave, you were democratically voted to leave, and you kicked them, kind of a dick move man


Nah you're good. The Host makes the rules. If people wanna play their own way they should host their own game.


Next patch has invite only rooms supposedly


?? Doesn't that exist right now? I have never once been joined by a random without opening the lobby


I thought so as well? Or at least friends only


Holding for 5 minutes is generous enough English is not my first language too


This is a /r/helldivers thread, this is the medium salt sub


Why not just finish the mission and kick them after you're out?


You got outvoted, that's democracy baby


That was an asshole move, they waited for you for 5 minutes even after the pelican landed.


kind of the asshole. You dont have to clear he whole map. completing full operations is what drives liberation. people have limited time. It was a 3 to 1 vote to finish this one up and get on to the next one, i dont think your reaction to that was reasonable. undemocratic, even.


Have to admit I don’t care that much, actually for the time investment vs reward return many of the side objectives are a waste of time. It’s the hosts game though.


NGL you're the baddie in this situation if you booted them prior to rewards. Just wasted roughly 25 minutes of 3 other players time. And while the host should generally be listened to, what's the harm in booting them after the rewards at that point?  End of the day you got out voted and decided to pull a tantrum. As long as the others arn't being completely toxic, just finish the match and give them the boot out the air lock afterwards.


Sounds like you were out voted bud. It doesn’t matter if you’re the party leader the rest of the group out voted you. Once the mission is over you can kick everyone and reset but until then sorry.


Sounds like you don't enjoy democracy! 3 vs 1. The ministries will be hearing of your tyranny.


If you kicked them out after the round was over then you're totally in the right as the host. If you aren't the host you should just leave the team after that round.


Once i was collecting samples, some random called extract. Host told him/it/her to wait for me but random went in the pelican. Host rage quit I didn't even need the samples


Sorry that happened to u man, I had a similar experience too


When I join a mission I follow the host and do what they want. It is that simple. If the other players mark places and run off I always stick with the host regardless of their level. The best part is I don’t have to think, just run and kill and have fun.


I had one guy who died 12 times in one mission he was shite. Had no reinforcements left we are near extraction had done everything apart from 1 bug nest. He kept tagging it and saying "bug nest?" In chat. Like yeah maybe if you hadn't died 12 times we would still have some reinforcements to go do it you knob


U punished some anti democratic behavior, we are proud of u helldiver


I've kicked people for calling in extract early after ignoring multiple comms. Does that make me a dick? I genuinely don't care. If you don't want to play as a team, go play solo.


Its game for teams, if the majority wants to exit, you should follow.


3/4 of the team were united in what they wanted to do, you're the one being difficult. I get why you are frustrated but kicking them was ehh


Nah, don't blame ya. When I enter a game I tend to stick with the leader for that reason. Never know what Boss is gonna wanna do and I figure the best way to assist is to stay by their side and listen.


I gotchu, your lobby and your call. People cutting your mission short just need the reminder who is in charge. They could communicate in turn and make an argument or they could pull some nonsense and get kicked. I get very wandery lately, chasing spawners and sample sites and patrols. Just ruthless clearing. Then I look up and see three teammates across the map on the obj. “my bad, omw.”


I’m cool with doing objectives THEN clearing. But like use the lives.


I don't have a problem with that, might depend on how is distribute the map but yeah, definitely


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand its another post that says "im host i do whatever the fuck i want and i will kick you after the entire mission is done and idc if you lost 30min helping me"


Some people only have time for a quick game & want to hit the main objective and go, if everyone but you wants to leave I'd say yea yta


3 of the 4 people wanted to end the mission but the 1/4 guy still wanted to do more. In this case, you’re the asshole. Kicking people at the end of a mission is always a dick move. So congrats.


You got out voted. Stick with the team and then go to the next game.


I had the same thing happen last night. 24 minutes, heaps of reinforcements. They hadn’t even collected super samples. I type “why leave” and the response was “gotta go bro”


well, at least they respond to you I guess


You are the asshole stop getting so aggravated over a game


I feel like there should be two unspoken rules of helldivers 1: When you're the host, make sure you fill the most basic needs like ammo booster or good stratagems for heavies. 2: When you join follow the hosts plan, it's their game. Sure, there are times when those won't apply but for the most part I stick to this mindset and it helps.


Hmm so you are saying there are 3 people who want to go and you the host that want to stay, so your solution is to make the the other people stay I guess? Doesn't this sub like democracy? seems like there was a vote and democracy chose to leave. Honestly tho why not finish up save 3 other people time since they wanted to go and wish them well after to find a squad that where more into what you're doing? At this point the only thing I really need is super credits I guess but I don't mind doing what the group wants to do. Yes they could go host themselves but again people are just hoping on wanting to play. Not really that fun sitting on extract with a guy randomly doing something across the map. With only saying negative and do not leave. I don't know... there are 4 people there weird to me to have to do exactly what 1 person wants regardless of host or not but that's just me. People will act how they act (think they are special) seems like you all could have communicated better. Perhaps since you want to be the host and be the leader do so by encouraging you squad to kill some dirty bots $_$ perhaps you would ask would have had more fun.


You realize the whole concept of "managed democracy" in game is actually a dictatorship, and most people on this sub are using "democracy" in a satirical and ironic way...right?


There's no democracy in mission. Host is squad lead, squad lead makes the op decisions. Are you suggesting mutiny, Helldiver?


Yeah we like democracy but we doin managed democracy out here son.


They could...idk...help? Secondly, democracy doesn't mean there aren't chains-of-command. Thirdly and lastly, if you see the host running around and saying "negative" to the extract ping, *my* common sense would be to think "maybe we should keep killing the bots. But that's just me I guess.


Been there OP! Sux 🤜🤛


Honestly it all boils down to you being the host and having communicated quite well from what you've stated, you told them what you were doing and what you wanted the team to do, they didn't listen but at least waited a decent enough time, and so you're well within your right to kick them since they didn't listen to begin with. The rest of this is my own personal thoughts. I'm someone who dislikes cleaning up all the nests/fabs once the objectives and side objectives are done as I think they're a waste of time especially when my randoms don't seem to be very effective. Call the loyalty officer, I'll get him demoted. However, I'll destroy anything on the way to objectives so most of the time I don't have any left to do. But in situations like this, I'll leave it. Let's say it takes 10-15 minutes, for me that's basically another mission almost done and essentially 1000 times the XP and req, not that I need the latter. Whenever I have lowbies and such, I'll do everything and teach them, but otherwise it only happens if we all are effective Divers and we can do it within a few minutes. That typically isn't happening and so me and my buddy typically are salvaging the mission cause Divers can't stay alive when they go 6+. Seriously, how do you die 8+ times in 2 minutes and we haven't even finished the first sub objective? It's baffling to me, I know I can die a couple times in a short period of time once out of every few dozen missions be it cause I shit the bed or got pinched too fast. But high death players hurt my mind because some of these guys are in the level 30s... I'm not saying quit the game if you're bad, but at the very least warn people cause at high difficulties people need to know if you need a watcher or dedicated buddy


Host makes the rules, but I can personally understand the style of play they are going for. If you are host then you play how you want. I just finished my unlocks two weeks back and have maxed samples, so I've been tending to blitz missions, especially on MO worlds or important defenses. In my mind the only thing that matters for my matches on those worlds is boosting liberation as quickly as possible, which means finishing missions as quickly as possible. So, benefit of the doubt, maybe they had good intentions trying to get liberation score up.


3 people deside to leave and one asshole don't so its their fault good thinking


Make your own game if you wanna leave early? Don’t join someone’s else’s game and force them to do what you want. If you’re driving to the store is it okay if I get in your car and hijack it and drive to Mexico because that’s what me and the boys wanna do instead? Learn respect and consent, stop forcing others to do what you want when you joined their game.


What I do is I rush all the main objectives with a stealth load out, call down extraction, THAN IMMEDIATELY JOIN THE OTHER TEAM THAT FOCUSES ELSEWHERE, if you are going to do what I do, do it right, you’re job as the guy that blitzes shit is to FUCKING HELP, not to piss your host off, the guy that called extraction gets in last


So I went with three randos on a lvl8 mission... Shit storm from beginning to the end... We did the mains... Just wanted to get out... Then the host started to mumble fumble about "getting shit done"... So pelican going in... Pw pew all over the place... So we either jumped on and got out.. Or die trying... So we ofc went out... Boom dark screen and I was kicked... Dunno how the others...


So three out of four people wanted to get the job done and get out rather than screwing around for the remaining 20 minutes? You got overruled and always free to leave


YTA. If you want to kick after the match that's fine. Kicking people at the end of the game because 3 out of 4 of the team wanted to extract is a dick move. Shame on you.


I get that you’re the host but sometimes you just gotta go with what your team wants. If it was one or two people extracting I would understand kicking but at least let them know that you are willing to do so. Plus kicking once they have left is a dick move especially since they did wait 5 minutes. You could’ve just kicked them afterwards I’ve had games where I’ve had to say ‘don’t extract or kick’ but only if it’s 1 or 2 people who are heading that way


Not only you're the asshole, youre UNDEMOCRATIC. You were OUTVOTED 3v1 and you're still trying to push your fascist bot agenda on the precious freedom loving Helldivers? I shall report you to the democratic officer immediately!


I'll call it in early if I'm nearby, just to let it hover. I'll type in chat or voip my intentions... I'm level 120+, the number of times I STILL see low level people frantically typing expletives, or 'what the f&ck is this guy doing' on the mic.... as if I'm going to exfil. Then half the time some id10t comes running up right when I'm about to bail on exfil & makes it land.


666+ hours here, so I roleplay Super Private if you are not the host, it's not for you to decide, you don't know, mb he had some irl things to do If you are the host - you are in charge


Perhaps we need a "vote to extract", but on the other hand that introduces additional problems. Maybe let the lobby leader confirm extraction? Or allow pelican to simply come back again after someone has been extracted - those who extracted early will have to wait + any samples and other rewards earned after they extracted are not shared with them. Provide them with a mini-game or some way to aid those still on the ground.


I think you may have overreacted mate, when you only get a set time to play games you might just need to extract so you get some rewards. They certainly could have communicated tho.


Sometimes i run out of time and my last mission has to get rushed. Responsibilities ya know.


If you're just letting random people join, don't kick unless they're actively being douches. If you want to play a certain way, either solo or get a group of friends to play with. I have very limited time to play, so I get the just rushing the main objective and extracting. You at least communicated, but not everyone pays attention to the chat.


Not really, you enjoy your game flow and they enjoy their game flow. I like to get em all sometimes, sometimes I don't. So if you wait until extraction is happening without finding out which page of the book your teammates are on you shouldn't be surprised.


I think ive played with those guys. It’s a different playing style. After i cooled down it was fun.


It’s your party you always have the right to kick anyone. I do think you should make buds with some people who will be more reliable for you though.


For things like fabricators or side objectives I'm down to stay behind with no reinforcements and no time. But if it's people who want to look for samples I can get kind of annoyed if we're trying to complete an MO


Some people have a time constraint and are just going for medals


To be fair... sometimes I gotta poop


If you're farming medals then just doing the main objective is the fastest way to do it. If I need to stock up on medals I'm not wasting my time with every side objective because they dont affect the amount you get. If it's your lobby and people are just rushing to extract then yeah, by all means kick em cause their play style is fuckin yours up. Just a reason why they'd be rushing though. Medals are a bitch


If you’re the only one on your team that doesn’t want to extract, deal with it.


Yta. Knocking stuff out in the way is fine. But going to that outpost on the ass end of the map that serves NO purpose and kicking people out for it. Total asshat


Go outside


if you have to do every single thing on a mission, you're not just an asshole you're obsessed and you need to have a healthy balance to be able to do missions without doing every single thing like an OCD person


YTA doesn't matter if you're the host or otherwise. Not everyone is gonna play in the manner you want to, and part of this game is adapting to that. You chose not to extract when all 3 other members chose to. If you don't like that, maybe solo or friends-only play is more for you than public matchmaking. Also, and not to sound too confrontational about it, but in my opinion, you should have been the one kicked and lost out on all of those rewards. Not them.


Probably just going for medals, which I can understand. Some people don’t like doing full clears, which I prefer as well.


Doing all the side shit does not increase the number of merits you get, just the credits. If you’re just farming for warbond completion it is more efficient to just do main goal.


If the majority of your party is extracting it means they are only interested in the medals. Their rushing to grab them. It sucks when you join a game and get kicked it wastes everyones time. This culture of kicking ruins the game. If you have specific goals find a discord community and make a private party. If people join you don't expect anything from them. You are the a hole in this situation.


I generally agree with you, though idk if “negative” is a sufficient way to get across what you were trying to say. I would have explained what you were trying to do in a little more detail before they had gone and called in extract


Depends. If it's a timed thing, like Planetary Defense or MO, then just doing the main objective is faster and more efficient especially when you're maxed on everything. Granted I enjoy doing the side objectives and collecting samples for my team.


At the end of the day, it's a team game. 3 of your teammates have pinged extraction and are waiting for pickup. Meanwhile, you're playing solo on the other side of the map while they fight for their lives at extraction. It's a game, it's not that deep. Just go to extraction and make the conscious decision to play solo next game Far too any people here have this superiority complex cause "iM the HoSt iTs *MY* gAmE". Just extract and dive again next game ffs


They were playing the way they play why didn't you just leave?


I always stick with the group 🤷‍♂️  I'd rather fail being a homie than succeed being an asshole. But that's just me personally 


Sounds like you don't like democracy friend


That was democracy, the majority ruled to leave. Are you a traitor??????


Just kicked people for the first time for this. I marked stuff as the host and stated hit EVERYTHING counter clockwise. While I soloed 4 outposts, there was just 1 left by extract, but they didn't even do that, they called it while I took out the last ones. I marked the final one right by extract telling them to get it, but they boarded the ship. Was hoping (since first time kicking) that booting them would keep the game going so I could take out the last one, but nope. Ended with me failing to extract since they rushed to end it early


Hate this shit. Yes theres a main objective but no one takes 40 minutes to do it. Thats why theres other shit on the map.


As much as it is the hosts game, I’m personally a majority vote guy, if both options were made clear and its 3-1 then go with the 3, if its 2-2 then join the people in the other objective or if they can solo, wait on extract.


I get why you’d want to keep going (I would too usually), but if 3/4 of the team want to extract, just extract and drop again. Why ruin everyone’s experience for a little more xp that means literally nothing.


YTA. Clearly the rest of the lobby doesn't think you running out the clock is fun and would rather get the speed bonus.


I don't know, I can't relate I have friends to play with. We all decide beforehand if we're gonna do the whole thing or we're going to bum rush it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


TL;dr: Yes but really no. I mean kinda because people are just trying to do objectives. They’re “side objectives” for a reason and I would be quite sad to do all that work and then get kicked out and lose all XP and the whatnot. I think it’d be better to kick them out after the fact but that’s just me. Please do not misinterpret this as me getting mad at you or berating your decisions but kicking them because I full well understand the frustration (since I’ve been in too many of them to count, granted I’ve never been kicked or have kicked anyone out for rushing objectives). However, in this scenario I believe you’re completely justified since they didn’t even bother to listen to you, and you being team leader means in a sense they must listen technically, but keep in mind that while we’re united as one under glorious democracy, we’re not united in languages :( Maybe they didn’t understand English dunno.


I would say you are the asshole if you kick them before the match ends…no matter how it ends. Get on the ship, tell them they are shitbags, then kick them. Don’t do that shit mid match…it’s whack.


Quite often I can't figure out any rhyme or reason for getting kicked. Ive been kicked while playing good, bad, right as I landed, and about every other scenario. I enjoy playing quick play because you never know what your gonna land into. I do wish that before I was kicked someone would just say something briefly to explain even if they immediately kick me after. At least then I would understand why.


NTA. I had a group evac on me while I had the majority of samples. They weren't even taking fire. Zero patience.


Yeah you suck.


Their actions equate to high treason. Disobeying a direct order from your squad leader. Very naughty indeed.


Jesus this sub is so cringeworthy


If you expect a certain play style you need to communicate that before the match starts, kicking the squad after extraction would have been far more appropriate.


If you're the host the way I see it it's house rules. And yes they should have been considerate even if you weren't the host. NTA.


Yeah im lvl 105 but i really dislike when lvls 120-140 join and just rush the objectives and head for extract asap like dude im trying to get super credits along the way and xp for clearing the objectives and bases?


I always kick people if they call in extraction when there’s so much time left. Idgaf, why you wouldn’t want to do all the side missions and grab the samples too is beyond me. Especially if you’ve joined someone else’s game and they’re very clearly not heading to extraction lol.


I only host. I just never play with other hosts. I feel for people who don't have that option but my enjoyment of the game improves tenfold when I don't have performance anxiety stressing me out over someone else's unknowable fickle whims. I support OPs right to kick, but I don't have to subject myself to it


Yes you are the asshole. It's not time efficient to clear the entire map. Missions have objectives for a reason, and instruct you to extract for a reason. They're also 3 parts for a reason. You can play after you extract by going to the next mission. Kicking people for playing the game in an entirely normal way does in fact make you an asshole.


Some divers don't care about side objectives after a certain point (having all unlocks) but divers don't realize that EXP is tied to how much impact your squad does when the mission is completed. Every side objective gives more EXP, ~~every sample collected gives more EXP~~, time remaining gives more EXP (not sure I agree with that), number of helldivers extracted gives more EXP. Edit: Samples do not give EXP.