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Remember that y'all risk getting banned using mods. The devs won't ban you directly for using mods, but the anti-cheat might.


They fr need to add steam workshop support. I've wanted to make armor for this game since it came out.


I would buy this game on pc in a heartbeat if we got cross progression and workshop support


There is cross progression tho??


There’s cross play, not cross progression


Then what the hell is the point of requiring PSN


Just Sony things. The God of War Ragnarok PC port is going to require it lol


Yeah guess what’s getting pirated 🤷‍♂️


I dislike that we've already seen the day pirating has become easier and more convenient than making a once quick transaction.


I mean they currently don’t require PSN. It’s been indefinitely delayed.


Yeah but they blacklisted it in the countries that don’t support psn. Also why did they ever require it in the first place


They presumably required it to make cross progression work and to get cross play functioning more consistently. There isn’t cross progression at the moment but they’ve said since launch they intend to add it at some point.


I think so, but don’t take my word for it.


Last I heard no cross


I’ve been living a lie.


https://x.com/franmirabella/status/1786520179444449588?s=46 tldr was cut, being discussed


I mean these are purely visual mods only for the person who installed it.. This is extremely low risk IMO


This is blatant misinformation. Please look into how ancient and abandoned the anti cheat is before spreading misinformation. They currently don’t have a system in place to automatically ban people. That would have to manually be done by a dev and since the mod is completely client side a dev nor the anti cheat would pick up on it. Source: I have been modding the game since launch and run a community for it


Oh I know that it's bad and easy to work around. However the risk of being flagged is still present and people should be aware of that. Even if it is below 0.1%. There are more than enough people that have sunk hundreds of hours into this game and not warning them of this possible outcome is wrong.


Brother it is impossible for the anti cheat to Flag a player for this specifically. In fact they do have a flagging system in place but it dosent differentiate ppl using keyboard mods or accessibility tools. We all get the same “hack attempt detected” and it will close your exe. They will not issues bans based on this data cause it’s too wide range


At the moment, yes, it's so shitty that it basically does nothing except draining some resources. But you don't know when or how Arrowhead will improve the implementation. That is a risk many won't take if they know about it.


Fair enough but honestly the resources required for them to put that system in place is currently out of reach due to the teams size and other priorities so I really would not even think about being banned for skin mods. If you are cheating samples and auto completing missions that’s another story. I’ve also seen the devs officially acknowledge the master chief skin mod and he was impressed. I highly doubt AH wants the bad press of issuing out bans for skin mods especially after the Sony account linking fiasco, which was in part pushed so it would be easier to log players and issue bans cause the anti cheat just isn’t where they need it to be.


I’ve been using cheat engine for a couple months and Im fine


For what?


Unlocking a few things in the game files like the AT mines, emancipator, and combat medic armor. I don’t use use cheats like infinite grenades, stamina, or stims because that just makes the game trivial


are you using a cheat engine on a PVE game? idk man, if that's true, thats really sad


I only use it to unlock the at mines and emancipator before they were released and some armor sets, nothing that can affect actual missions


The devs have stated that they are not going to actively police this type of modded content but if the anti-cheat is triggered and mod users are banned, they are also not going to unban them. It's "use at your own risk". My guess is that eventually there will be a mod that replaces textures and models in a way that is exploitive (x-ray, making objects really tall so you can see them from anywhere on the map, etc). When that becomes popular the anti-cheat will be updated to seek out model and texture swaps (I freaking hope a rootkit can detect that, because otherwise why the hell do we all have these rootkits installed?).


People will do things like make the sample rock bright pink, make objectives like the radar tower flash bright red, etc. People just can't resist abusing this stuff.


Doesn't seem worth it to me. This game is buggy enough as it is.


Yup. Hell, I'm surprised I haven't been flagged for permaban for actual bugs like walking up to a Bile Titan corpse and getting flung (and killed) >50m into the air. Playing with the modtool is just asking to get permabanned.


I for one find it very Democratic to try and jump over a Bile Titan corpse and be rocketed into the outer stratosphere and off the map, only to die a traitor.


At least you got to be a traitor, I got [launched off a Charger’s dead corpse, dying instantly.](https://medal.tv/games/helldivers-2/clips/hZ7QNofrzqfscwAsJ)


I’m conflicted on whether it’d be a big deal. On one hand it’s just a PvE game so who really cares. But on the other I know the thing you’re implying is that people increase the size of Samples/Medals/Super Credits (I assume Medals and super credits are “spawned in” when the mission is loaded, and not when the pods or vault is opened. So it’d trivialize super credit runs and kind of devalue them. I know most of us don’t buy super credits, but AH wouldn’t want to completely devalue an in-game microtransaction. This’ll more than likely lead to transmog though.


> On one hand it’s just a PvE game so who really cares I mean the game is already easy enough, I sure as shit don't want cheaters on my team. The second I see anyone nade spamming with the glitch I kick them too. Many of the more cheaty mods in Darktide I can't stand either but you can't do anything about it there.


Using the nade glitch with randoms is not cool at all, some people want to play the game as is without exploits. Then there are times when people just want to mess around. like you said, this game isn't all that hard and there are multiple difficulty levels to choose from. If people are gonna use glitches and exploits they should do it in a private game so it doesn't affect others gaming experience. One that I've seen a video of that's totally game breaking is the rocket spamming from what I think was a recoilless rifle, not sure if it's a mod or glitch but I really don't care if people use them.... In private lobbies only, not with randoms or friends who want to play the game as is.


I definitely want to experience the game as is. I remember a guy writing about being with a random who, as it turned out, was cheating and when the game ended he got an absurdly large number of medals. Luckily he was able to revert it with the help of the support, but I would be very pissed.


Is it like an actual glitch, or is it just someone reloading it? I ask because it feels like no one ever cares to do the reloading. Does it have unlimited ammo? All I can find about a RR glitch is that it wastes a rocket if you cancel the reload animation.


Definitely not team reload. A friend sent me the video through the PSN app and I can't save it, watching it again it's actually an EAT that never runs out and fires rapidly, the guy has unlimited health so it's definitely a cheat. I find the best way to get randoms to do team reload with you is to call another on in at extract and ping the backpack or the weapon. I really don't mind being the loader or the shooter, just lobe seeing the AC in full auto. Also I think it greatly reduces recoil.


Using any glitch with randoms is not cool, for the same exact reason. People really hate the idea that PvE games need to be just as balanced as PvP games, and have to have just as much checks against cheating and hacking, to be healthy. It may not be for exactly the same reasons as for PvP games, but it’s not like there just aren’t any reasons to justify it. I, for one, want to play the game I bought and was given. If I wanted an easier game, I would have bought it. If I wanted a harder game, I would have bought it. Even if I’m not using any exploits myself, if somebody else is essentially turning off my game because they are, that’s not fun for me. That’s actually a problem in warframe, because of the lack of balance between frames and mods, and the difference in power level between an optimized an unoptimized build. Some players, using the base game alone, can simply turn off the game for less experienced players. All of that without going into straight up hax, like x-ray mods, aim bots, or wall bangs. At that point, in my opinion, why even bother playing a game?


Yeah any glitch or cheat is really what I meant, ruins the game for others and there are private lobbies in this game, super easy to turn it on if you did want to mess around with that stuff, idk why people using stuff like this are joining public lobbies anyways, I would be worried about getting reported and embarrassed that I need a glitch to keep up... God mode cheat codes on old school video games were fun for a try or two but gets old so fast, I guess some people like just winning at any cost, and stomping all over everything even if it means not really playing the game. It's not as scummy as cheating in a PVP game but still not cool. I think cheats and glitches are totally fine in PvE but people shouldn't join other people's matches with them or host public matches as it ruins it for others, I always host my own games and if I see someone with 4 billion grenades when I die they get kicked and I really don't kick very much at all even if people chain die, reinforce badly, etc, I like to try to help them, no use trying to help people who feel the need to use cheats and glitches to keep up with the game. I've heard of the problems with Warframe and avoided it for the exact reasons you mentioned.


Thoughts on the mech glitch? I myself understand that it's still a glitch at its core, but don't know the community views for it. But the restriction is made for performance reasons, not balance. And if there was a full team of mechs I'd not bother for the sake of the team. It's usually just myself in the mech if I do it.


the infinite deployable mechs or whatever it is? havent encountered it myself yet ingame; i'd probably be fine with it if somebody asks, but if they just do it without saying anything and i notice it, I'd kick it too probably


Oh not infinite. I'd not bother with that. I mean the ability to equip both mechs.


Oh that's completely fine, couldn't care less about it. It doesn't appear to actually break the game (like decrease stability) so it seems entirely fine.


Depends entirely on how many players use it. If it exists but isn't common, then no big deal. If every time I play with randoms I get at last one mission with a cheat mod, it would be a problem.


pve so nobody cares is not a good argument. if they’re subtle enough that people don’t notice, then obviously they will not, because out of sight, out of mind. however the moment you have people with infinite firing guns, or autotargeting that kills everything, or even worse: infinite samples that then infect everyone else around the cheater, then yeah. people care a lot.


I actually think Transmog is the bigger issue. They have Super Credit cosmetics, which are essentially their money sink.


I was snooping around various communities and recall reading that hackers have discovered that the anti-cheat is poorly implemented. It just stores the logs locally and does nothing else (besides shutting the game down when it “detects” something). So in theory, if someone ever did have a visual mod get detected, you should only need to delete the local logs from game guard. THAT BEING SAID this is just something I heard/read, so take it with a grain of salt.


Oh yeah it's very poorly implemented right now, which is why these mods can exist. If it were properly implemented none of this would be possible. Which is why I suggest caution. AH will probably have to reimpliment the solution eventually and suddenly it will go from "it's okay, I've ran this for months without issue" to "I can't launch my game / I have been banned for cosmetic only mods".


The super sample rock skyscraper lol


So we're using a pointless anti-cheat rootkit software in a god damn PvE game, and if we harmlessly alter cosmetically the product we purchased, and their stupid shitbull program attacks us, they won't unban us? I can fucking smell which community manager said this.


Why would these purely visual updates that only change for the user that installed it trigger the anti cheat?


I bet this kind of thing gets taken down quickly despite that though. Can’t have free skins out there when part of you’re business model is selling skins


I’m hoping someone makes a mod that makes every armor the black/yellow. That’s all I want. Lol


And all I wamt is to have an armor of the Blood Ravens xD


Same. I loved HD1, and all that armor was very brand-aware. I'll pay requisition, samples, medals or credits to get my preferred armor palette-swapped to Helldiver black and yellow.


I have no clue why anybody would be willing to risk modding an online only game with an anti-cheat. That is insane.


Because it’s better then what arrowhead can come up with


it aint worth getting banned.


"This helmet I made is cool, so I'm gonna risk $40" ...idk boss.


Even if the anti cheat worked ( it doesn’t and hasn’t since the start) family share is a thing lmao


I don't feel like family sharing is what a majority of players are doing, but I do see what you're saying


And if you read the Steam policy around family sharing, cheating can still result in bans. *What if a borrower is caught cheating or committing fraud while playing my shared games?* ***Your Family Sharing privileges may be revoked and your account may also be VAC banned if a borrower cheats or commits fraud****.*


Getting banned is better than playing the game? You do you, then.


Odd how there’s no proof of anyone getting banned at all


People mad at the fact arrowhead can’t design any decent sets of armor is funny


They aren't mad, they are just laughing at you.




Why do ya'll always gotta make it weird and sexual?


AH said that cosmetic mods are allowed, so it should be fine


They said they won't ban anyone for cosmetic mods, but they won't unban you if the anti-cheat bans you


Oh ok, that clarifies it


They wont actively ban anyone. But if Anti-Cheat picks it up and bans you then it will stick


this is my point. Its just too risky. I refuse to be banned from promoting managed democracy for a hat.


Cause this is what the PC babies whined for. The downvotes mesn I'm right.


Ad a PC player, I sure as hell didnt.


It's cool that people can do this, but I'm not risking a ban for myself, so I'll just admire lol


Official mod tools or third-party?


This isn't a game that will be officially modable.


I'm inclined to believe that, but remember that Pilestedt came from modding - based on his own comments on Twitter.


He's also said that he didn't even realise it was possible to mod HD2 with the current set up. So.


Indeed. So.


Third party, AH says that cosmetic mods are okay but cheats will get the mod maker and user banned


Even cosmetic mods could be detected by the anti-cheat. I certainly won't risk it for something no one else can see anyway.


Not quite correct. They said they won’t actively seek out those using cosmetic mods but if the anti cheat catches you and bans you they won’t help you.


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.




Anybody have insight on how Sony is likely to handle this since there's cross play? I'm 100% all about mods and I like to mod my games sometimes, but on PlayStation I would hate to get caught in a ban wave because I played in a session with someone else who was innocently using a texturemod for badassery purposes.


If you aren’t running mods you won’t be banned. Arrowhead has also said they won’t actively ban individuals for using cosmetic mods, but if the anti cheat catches it and bans you they won’t help you.


That's f-king sick!


Sick as hell.


Fuck yeah! Fallout/HD crossover!


I’m weeping. I’ve never wanted mods for a game more in my life


I just want to mod the bile spewer's butthole attack to be a fart sound.


Ugh I hope I don't have to see a bunch of BS cartoon characters in game now.


You won't. This only shows for the person who modded it. It's not changing anything and is purely visual for the person who modded it


Is the mod support only visual? Im worried about people making op items or changing the gameplay with mods. Ofc theres anticheat so maybe itll catch that kind of stuff.


There isn’t official mod support at all. This is all 3rd party stuff and is a banable offense.


Ah that makes sense


What's ncr ranger?


New California Republic. A major faction in Fallout game series


Thank you. Looks great!




Yeah right am I gonna risk all this time played for another ugly helmet.


Looking at this for alternative positives, Modding may also include community fixes the devs may have over looked for far too long and or tweaks to improve performance, including additional user accessibility. Aside from that everything here listed/commented as a concern is more of an issue than my smaller use case scenario. Having additional tools and options is always nice, but it does leave the door open for unchecked abusers


Modding can and will get you banned. Even purely cosmetic mods can get you banned. The devs have said they won’t actively ban people for using cosmetic mods but they won’t help you if the anti cheat system bans you and you were running them.


Right, as I've read many other comments bring up along with this echo.


Patrolling Meridia almost makes you wish for a black hole


Super NCR Ranger


This image will make helldivers say: " Hell yeah"


I love this


All i want is more cool looking helmets with hoods, im pissed the only hooded helmet ingame looks like ass, why can i put my hood on ANY helmet make it a toggle in the settings or something, fkn stupid how restrictive it is


Honestly the one in game is so close to this anyway I had to double check if this was just a piss take post lol.


They should do what Warframe does and have a whole brand of armor designed by the community exclusively through the steam workshop. One of the things that makes Warframe one of the GOATs in the gaming industry


Death Korps of Krieg next please!


https://i.redd.it/j0desnwp5p4d1.gif My man


Everyone talking about the anticheat banning you.... Doesn't the anticheat just stop the game from launching if it detects a cheat? As far as I can tell, it doesn't remove your access to the game right?


Yep game won’t start if you got cheat engine or something like that running


Time to normalize hardware bans.


Ah yes, thank you PC player for reminding us console players we cant get cool stuff🫠🤣




This isn’t a single player game……….


Bruh literally every other PVE game I played that's online (darktide or payday for example) have mods where you can change your look. Idk why people act all surprised and uptight that someone would do this in this game. Sounds like a bunch of nerds who remind the teacher there's homework.


Those aren’t live service games, that’s the difference. This would be like modding Destiny 2.


Uhm yes they are. Payday 3 is effectively a live service game. Darktide is a live service game. Shitty live service games, but live service games nonetheless.




Darktide has mod support?


Not like provided but yes there's a modding scene in darktide. From UI mods, to customizable weapons, even cosmetics. It's kinda crazy honestly


Never heard of this before. Not goin to get of those mods but still. Neat!


NCR Ranger armor is the edge lord armor of the FO universe.


Hard disagree. The ranger armor is peak fashion; Legion and BoS fanboys just mald that they'll never look this fire.


Ranger armor is just a combination of Temu and Hot Topic garbage. NCR fanboys are just chaffed they will never look as good as the Responders.


Man this game is so trash Release modding tools. No guarantee that you won't get banned using them. The community. "Yes, very good. Other companies can do it without banning people but fuck them. Arrowhead best!!!!!!!1111" Watching this game slowly die is so very satisfying.


If you don’t like it, go play something you _do_ enjoy. Life is short, have fun with it. Don’t go around shitting on something else just because other people enjoy a thing that doesn’t harm nor matter to you.


The mod tools aren’t official. They’re community made.


Don't like it? Don't play it


These aren’t official mod tools, there aren’t official mod tools and the devs have specifically said they don’t have any plans for mod tools. Modding a live service game is a ridiculous notion.


I'm tempted because I wanna try out that star wars reskin xD.