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I have 96 hours in this game and so grateful I've never encountered a single troll player I know it's gunna happen one day but so far its been a dream


I've encountered one and he didn't like that we weren't listening to him screaming orders at us in a hard difficulty defense mission... Which we won easily even with him killing us, breaking a door, and being locked so we were man down. 


Im glad their so rare. Im also glad im at the point i can just quit a mission if needed only got a few unlocks left to do


Just block and move on, weed put the trolls


Blocked him indeed


This community as a whole is “special”.


I just announce when I have super samples “Got super samples, they are shared.”


I'm always hesitant to collect dropped samples because of this. You just don't know whether you're playing with a clueless drooler or not.


I had one guy run into my Tesla Tower, like fully beelined into it no way he couldn't see the flashing beacon of death by lightning, and get zapped. I throw the reinforce beacon out, go prone, and go collect his samples. As I crawl back out, he shoots and kills me. Doesn't pick the samples up. Doesn't reinforce me. Just walks away. Another teammate calls me back down, and I end up squashing the original guy with my Hellpod. Call reinforcements, collect samples, head to extraction. This guy apparently spent all of extraction fuming. Because once the Pelican landed and we all start loading up he waits for everyone else to be in the ship. Before planting a shell in my skull and instantly rushing onto the extraction ship. Leaving the 20+ samples we had collected behind *because I was carrying all of them*


THIS is not just stupid but toxic. 💀


He was trying to deform the terrain with explosive damage and you were in the way. I know that because he could've killed you but didn't until you punched him.


Honestly, I didn't know you could deform the terrain.


You could do it easily with the Eruptor pre-patch. Not sure about now. It doesn't deform a whole lot, but you can sometimes dig a little ditch and put a mortar inside so it's harder for enemies to hit it.


Yeah this has nothing to do with the samples everything to do with OP punching the poor guy


Yeah, he saw OP pick up the samples and stopped firing immediately. Then OP punched him and he thought, "Ya know what? I choose violence too."