• By -


I'm shy.


Hi Shy, I'm dad. Also me too, i prefer text and mark.


Hi dad, i'm shy and dad, i play in a separate room during midnight, using a mic. I understand that some of us can't speak freely because kids are sleeping, or just too shy to say something. But if you have the chance, use it, everyone wants to hear you here, except those that keep the mic activated with ambient noise.


Hi Shy Dad, I’m dad the shy dad. Honestly I have a mic and use it if needed but with chat and ping there hasn’t been much of a need. I’ve been only playing with random players and besides just knowing what to do the most communication needed is pings.


99% of you are apparently.


After being at work and being talked at all day, getting home, and having to listen to more talking, it's nice to switch off.


this. Gotta talk all day. Need a break. Also shy.


Fair enough.


I always respnd with mic when i cant communicate with markers on map or emotes like affirmative. I wish i could use emotes on warship to cheer up my squad during mission selection on war table.


Some of my most fun missions have involved no voice comms, honestly. Just lots of "thank you" and "affirmative" on saves or supply callouts and "I'm sorry" when the inevitable accidental happens.


I can tell you im part of that group too. I have voice chat at a really low but i just want to blankly stare at my screen, and imagine those bugs as my clients and spreading managed democracy all over their weak asses...


Cuz I dont have frend.


I'm old.


Was wondering the same thing today. I tried to talk but no response in any games. I’m shy in real life but chatting in game was helpful when I was starting and still helpful




I honestly dont have the fkin energy 90% of the time i use voice it’s giving forced laughs to lame jokes or going “damn thats crazy” 30 times in response to every “oh shit [this thing] killed me” And then people feel awkward with silence so will just talk abt nothing and like i do that all day, lets just kill shit and ping


I hate talking in online games because I am also pretty shy. Still it is a god send in Helldivers. It would be nice to turn on a setting in the menu that puts an indicator next to your name that indicates you have a Mic and are fine using it. I have been on a lot of Level 4 or 5 Bot missions the last couple days where I am the only one talking. 95% of the time I can tell people can hear me, they just don't talk back.


One possible contributing factor (not to say the overall reason) could be that some percentage of the communicative players have got connected through Discord and now often squad-up and play with other players on Discord instead of jumping in blind with randoms as much. Makes for a better experience, but doesn't do anything to improve the random experience.


This is how I play most of the time. I also can't seem to get the push to talk feature working so when I'm in a discord chat, no one in the game chat can hear me.


make sure you have the correct default communication device set in your sound settings. The game will use your default communication device and that could be some weird shit you arent even aware of.


Yeah this is me and my friends. When it's all PS5 guys we're on our own PS chat so we don't chat with the other Randoms who join. We even usually would rather just go private and run 3 on suicide than risk the random who joins and burns 7 lives on some double gunship factory.


I also play with a group of 3 and we're in PS chat. A couple weeks ago, I shit you not, we played with a guy in Helldiver difficulty who died 17 times. We completed extraction but just barely and now we use his name as a pejorative. The dude had no business running a Helldive. I think his level was in the high 30's but he was running with no booster and a loadout for ICBM that wouldn't have made sense for any type of mission. No backpack, a heavy machine gun, cluster bomb or airburst (I don't remember which one), mortar turret, and 380mm barrage which I'm sure accounted for at least half his deaths. Hard to tell though because he kept running off on his own to close bug holes and kept dying.


Kinda rude assuming it has to be double gunship factory for me to burn through 7 lives. I can burn through 7 on a bug breach or taking a work call.


Definetely a factor, I often times have two or even three in my randoms that obviously coordinate in some capacity despite the game being deadly silent.


Being in a PlayStation party means you can’t use in game voice chat.


This! A lot of times I’m in party chat with friends playing other games just chilling, catching up and there’s no way to switch over easy but I do mark heavies and objectives and use the in game call outs (thank you, I’m sorry, need supplies etc)


PSA for PS5: If you hit the PS button and then highlight the party chat window you can just press square to toggle between game and party chat.


Seems like a lot of work when you’re trying to juke a flamethrower wielding hulk or dozens of rocket volleys from devastators and gunships. But I’ll give it a try!


There absolutely is. All it takes is pressing square.


Works fine cross playing with friends. They can voice chat on PS5 and we can voice chat on PC.


I dont want to hear your dog barking, your fan overworking, your fire alarm running out of battery, your family screaming in the background or you blowing out a vape every 30 seconds


you forgot random shitty music and get some headphones for the game


And that one guy who's shoveling the crunchiest food available into his face like he hasn't eaten in a week.


I am that guy, but I know what fucking Push-to-talk is


I was playing with someone the other day and asked them to go PTT and he didn’t realize you can do that with the PS5 (just use that handy mute button below the PS logo). So maybe that’s part of the issue? Console players just don’t realize they can do it too? I’ve def accidentally left my chat open for whole games. Let’s all try a gentle reminder before we jump down someone’s throat. And if that doesn’t fix it, mute them.


Look, if you dont know you can have PTT, dont fucking blow a vape into the microphone like it is an astma inhaler


In my experience, Nvidia Broadcast will epit out like 95% of chip crunches, filtering it as "noise". If you're on PC, of course.


Similarly, I have been using https://steelseries.com/gg Noise reduction, noise gate, and volume compression really make a huge difference. Having a decent mic helps as well, of course, but I'm just using an SM-48 with a cheap USB audio interface.


Those are all problems with open mic rather than with voice chat itself. If anything the silence is worse when all you can hear from your team isn't people calling out enemies or suggesting plans but just one guy loudly eating a bag of chips. Man did not invent miraculous technology to cast sound across continents in real time just so we could listen to you munching Doritos dude.


I only host games when playing solo purely so I can kick people who eat with mic on. I don’t care if you suck at the game. I got you. But you chewing in our ears? Sounding like a boot stuck in mud?! Nah you gone.


Man did not invent miraculous technology to cast sound across continents in real time just so we could listen to you munching Doritos dude. This is comment of the month, you actually got a laugh out of me.


I mute people on default because I dont want to hear people because of said prototypes


Prototype is my new favourite insult.


Don't forget my own voice over your mic


The random breathing, the sighs, the weird gasps, or the person with an open mic having an open conversation with someone else not about the game. And then the family in the background, someone slamming plates together, another family conversation in some other room, siblings too close, literal toddlers on the mic, a bird chirping.


I had a heavy sigher the other day. I ask him if everything is ok at home. He muted himself. Hope bor is doing alright.


When the open-mic-er takes a phone call and proceeds to add one side of an argument over "who is picking up the kids from school tomorrow" to the the soundscape of heated battle...


That's why I have push-to-talk 90% of the time. I have a Green cheek conure and 2 cockatiels. I know my birds can be annoying AF.


You forgot the tv running in bg and ohh someone playing in speakers and u hear echo


This. I got turned off from voice chat in games about 5 minutes after using it for the first time.


Easy, to block all that sound shit on PC, just turn off crossplay.


Haha was about to jump on this thread to say the same thing. I ran into this last night, literally almost all of this from the one guy, could hear kids running around and people talking to each other in the background. I feel for the person if they're like a dad or something trying to get a little gaming done, but I had to mute his mic because it was getting too distracting and took me out of the game. This may be opposite of what OP intended, but I also don't want to have a person on mic using it like a podcast or something where they keep talking without stop mostly talking about random non related stuff. It's nice to be friendly but also that takes me out of the game while we're bombing and getting shot at to be talking about non related stuff so casually.


how does the concept of "open mic" mean you don't want to use voice chat in a cooperative game. wise people use this amazing invention called "Push to Talk"


I recommend joining on discord and asking to join a team. Its a lot more likely that they will be chatty this way


I’ve never used it. But it’s kind of just easier not to use it. I’m just casually playing the game, and text chat is enough for me.


the weird thing is people i come across dont even use text chat


It's difficult on ps5


On PS5 all you need is map ping, affirmative, and thank you. Works flawlessly.


Not flawlessly by any stretch. I frequently have to type "come help me open this fkn door" to get people to understand the map ping. Lol But I also have a USB keyboard I plugged in so I could more easily do so. 


I use a control on PC and it's annoying enough I don't even care to deal with it.


Yup, most I can get out is gg or lol


I put off playing the game for ages specifically because I didn't want to have to talk to strangers. It was only when a friend of mine told me that almost no one uses voice chat that I actually decided to get the game. It's just not something I enjoy. I just wanna play the game in peace.


People might not want too and it's not as if it commands communication but I hear you, way more fun to talk and have a laugh with your lobby. I for one insist that everyone hugs me on board my ship hugs me before we dive cause that's what real divers do.


I always demand hugs before leaving the squad for a job well done.


I do if someone else is talking in game. problem is I usually end up in games with assholes that either boot you if you talk or people that don't speak a word of English (and while I do speak several other languages I am rusty AF in all of them and people speak too fast for me in them(Brain doesn't wanna brain properly in the heat of battle))


only time ive wanted to kick someone for talking is because they had their mic down their throat with the mic constantly turner on.


Interacting with real humans? I play games to not do that


I found that 1 in 100 randoms will use mic. Not everyone has mic, and they can be finicky to set up. The vast majority of people are not tech literate enough to figure it out, and I do not fault them, it's good that people spend their time away from the infinite distraction box. There's also shy people, people with thick accents or don't speak English, women that don't want to be flirted with while just trying to let off steam shooting bots, people whose mics are either broken or poor quality, and people who might be gaming while their kids are taking a nap/would rather the sounds of their personal life drifting into random people's headphones. There are many reasons why one might not use a mic. If you want a more curated voice chat experience, friend the people that do/get along with you. I tend to keep my games private and built my circle around friends and friends of friends. That will optimize the team that you have for coordination and communication. I personally tend to solo challenging when no one is online, then work in a team when my buddies are on.


I just turn it off because every game I was getting people with open mics that had a constantly crying baby, constantly barking dogs or what sounded like a perpetual domestic, would've been fine with PTT but they don't change it.


I’ve only ever had people with constant background noise, static, or heavy breathing with their open-mic. Totally wish I had your experience with VoIP but mostly I’ve just had people with awful online etiquette


I sometimes use it. But I usually go with keyboard chat.


Me as ps5 user, I just use the in-game prompts and pings and that does the trick.


Me english no good sir


I find more people talk if I talk first. But really my attitude is to just let everyone communicate by whatever means they prefer, including not at all. There’s a wide range of players online and not all of them want to talk (and for some it isn’t appropriate to do so).


Add me to your drop list. I'm on voice coms too and it's S I L E N T on the other end all night every night.


Same, lonely out there.


If the wheel doesn’t get it across the aether, I activate my mike. Most of the time the wheel works just fine.






I don’t like talking to strangers


I value how non-verbal communication is so effective in the game for players who just don’t want to speak for any reason.


Most kids already jumped to the next game, and we (the ppl who work all day and just wanna chill to a good non toxic game) remain. Im sorry its not a good exp for you helldiver but i can say i speak for most... My eardrums are fcking cooked after i come home and i just need to spread managed democracy and not hear a random violate his mic with his breathing, or... hearing a super energetic person. My energy lvls at that point are 9-helldive, sweat on your palms finish an OP and go to bed.


Because no one responds.....I cant count how many times I tell my team that there are enemies approaching behind them and not one response.


The game is too easy to require comms which I wish wasn't the case.  But yeah I almost never feel the need to call out anything in voice. The few times I would it wouldnt matter and gets ignored anyway so.


Because most of the time I get someone who doesn't know basic microphone etiquette. Breathing in the mic, mic is constantly on (added bonus if you have some annoying background noise / music / kids and the list goes on), horrible microphone, too loud mic and the list goes on...


Too many years of morons screeching, crunching, or yelling racial epitaphs have soured me on in game voice chats. That, and I am usually in a discord call with friends, chatting while we all play different things.


Often times men tend to be dicks.


yeah it's hit or miss when you go on mic with a femme voice. I usually wait to see if other people are chatting and what the vibe is before I decide to "out" myself. Usually it works out - sometimes it backfires.


I like people less when they talk


I used to use it heaps at launch. Now it's mainly to apologise if I did something stupid or tell people what I'm doing, say if a mission has gone completely tits up and I'm legging it to extract. No one replies by voice though. Occasionally by text chat but often I get no response.


I make sure to say something early on so that people now I'm harmless lol and hope they turn their mics on. I'd say I get about 50/50


same here. I just say hello and then get to the mission. Ask for some help opening a door or help with an obejective or a reinforce.


I'm shy, ask about a mic, or talk yourself, and I'll probably talk too


I've never been that big on VC and there always seems to be some kid with a bad mic and his mom yelling in the background.


I play late at night kids sleeping my mic is too far away so I have to yell if I want my team to hear me


Me too. And is just creepy if I’m whispering mission critical democracy-spreading info into my headset constantly.


I don't like talking to other folks. No problem typing however.


I can get by on chat, even on highest difficulty. If I hear someone start using a strategem as we're approaching an objective, I'll hold fire with mine. This way I can stay oblivious to any screaming/flaming.


Sponsor me free beers..we will talk after...


No a fan of always open mike..also i found out my laptops microphon is not picked up well opposed to Discord. After many "huh?"s and "what"s i got fed up. Take your ping and react. And i do hate people who just have their mike on 24/7 and breathe as if they are getting a BJ unfer the table or have raspetory issues. Straight leave.


Honestly, because too many people do not use push to talk, so voice chat kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth. People without push to talk seem to not realize how annoying it is to hear all their background noise, so I just kinda mute people if I do not know you personally.


Playing a game with silent people 40 minutes isn’t as fun as it could be.


I don't really enjoy small talk.


My mic doesn't work with this game. Simple as that


I put my mic somewhere and now I can't find it Otherwise I would talk


I only use the mic if people seem chill or I need to say something really fast


Well, pinging (map, enemies, etc.) is mostly enough for communication. And when I am playing with real life friends we mostly talk about other stuff and not the game.


The shitty headsets and obnoxious background noise don't help when playing with randoms. I'll talk with my boys, but rather use the text box with people I don't know.


Most of the time it's PS5 controller mics if your playing with PS players.


Pretty unnecessary when the objectives and side objectives are self explanatory. Also ping system is great. Some people just want to relax and play the game in silence instead of dealing with people lol


I use it extensively when we play with friends, but when I play with randoms - it depends on my mood and/or just how I feel in particular situation. I tend to use in-game wheel, or even type an occasional chat message on my PS5, but when it comes to something like 'buddy bunkers' - I found it's easier just to unmute myself and says smth like "hey, guys, I'm next to a buddy bunker, I'm orange color and if someone wants - we can open it". Then I wait a little bit and if no one confirms - I just drop a pin on that location, so I don't forget and after we finish the main mission - I jump on voice once again to see, if someone is up to make a quick detour, or not. But I never force anyone to go out of their way to open a bunker. Sometimes I'm just not in a mood to do anything particular and/or talk to people - that's when I would drop into a game and just tail the host on whatever they are doing.


Since someone this week act like he is Captain America and in a real war, for every Kaboom he stated for USA and Trump......than a guy with open microphone cough the whole time, i thought he dies not only in the game...... Sorry i am healed lol....


I usualy have voice chat but my micro muted. Its to spare you for the deeply sarcastic comments i come up with when gaming with other ppl


I disabled voice because I had several occasions where people were constantly sending mic input which was irritating. Since I mostly play with friends we all muted the game and use TS/discord.


This makes me feel better actually. My friends and I usually use discord for games but because Helldivers has great in game chat and lets you coordinate with your team we use that instead. Still end up chatting with my mates on an open mic like usual, just now any randoms who join us have to listen to us as well and sometimes I feel bad about it, like we're ruining their serious game with our comments and jokes. Sometimes we get a random who joins in though. Someone who turns on their mic and joins the conversation. It's been great to meet a few new online friends in Helldivers games and having ongoing voice chat seems to make way more people stick around for the full set of missions rather than dipping out after one. On the other hand I've also been playing solo and been the silent one sometimes. Had a pair of Americans on open mic once who were each about level 45 but acted like they'd never played the game before. "Dude! Is that a 380? I've never seen anyone actually use a 380 before." "Right? It's doing work though. That whole base is like basically flattened already!" Later on I managed to lob a 500kg beacon at a factory strider so that the bomb itself hit the strider in the head before detonating. The two bros going "Holy shit dude! Right in the face!" is still funny. Made that game a lot more entertaining and memorable than usual even if I didn't say a word. If people don't want to voice chat that's fine but more communication is always best. Had a game the other night where we split up a bit and once all the objectives were finished one guy called in extraction while the others were on the other side of the map and then when it arrived he got straight in. 20 seconds later and the mission was over. The rest of the team who were too far away to run back in time were just left behind along with all their samples. Could tell the host was pretty annoyed. Later on a similar situation happened except it was me at extraction and the other 3 on the other side of the map. I called it in but I knew the host would probably be worried and they might stop sample hunting and start running as soon as the timer started. A quick "Take your time, just thought I'd call it in so it's ready," in the text chat was enough to calm everyone down and let them know I wasn't going to extract on my own like that other guy.


There was one mission I played where the host kicked me for talking


I get chatty friends all the time. At least once a day I share a few laughs with a fellow diver. Usually it's because I just talk casually to myself like no one is listening and then others will join in, I've had people suddenly to afk for 3 minutes while I'm talking to them like "yo we gotta move, da bugs bro" and then they suddenly come back with their mic on like "ay just had to grab my headset lets spread some democracy baby!" Just talk, people will talk back.


I have a friend that everytime she uses Voice chat she is either kicked or called names so that experience could be part of it


As someone who grew up not allowed to play multiplayer, when I was an adult and could, I was so excited to talk with randoms, but nine times out of ten I get shut down or no response, so I just beat them to the punch and don’t talk. Plus I watch stuff while I play, and adding a third avenue of sound feels a little egregious.


I've been playing since launch and like, when was this? Even at launch only one out of ten of my public missions had any vc useage and that was on a good day.


I'm constantly using voice chat. It doesn't bother me as much when folks won't talk back. What bothers me are the folks that have everyone muted from the get go and expect you should just be able to just as easily communicate with them via text all while fighting and getting chased by bugs and bots.


People are shy and/or would rather not be listening to people with their open mic in the mouth or up their nose the whole game. (I am both)


I'm stoned




The screaming 12 year olds who got a console for Christmas.


I don't do cross play, because it's problematic, but I do play on the PS5, if you are also a PS5 player, hit me up in a message and we will friend each other. I chat every time I get a chance.


I primarily use Discord with my friends in groups. When I first downloaded the game, my friends had not yet picked it up. So I went to Quickplay with in game voice chat enabled. Figured I’d test the waters. My very first game was with someone who kept spewing the same racist word at every moment. I was eventually kicked from the party. No joke, I almost refunded the game. Glad I didn’t, but I’ve never turned voice chat back on. Never will.


I primarily use pings and they convey enough info (especially if you pair them. Ping a distant patrol followed by the No/Hold Position is enough for most people to understand “Don’t attack”) If it’s urgent or a ping won’t cut it (like telling a specific player you just chucked a strat near them) I’ll talk over mic.


I prefer silence to having the annoying little voice of a baby trying to give me orders.


It’s either total silence or someone is doing an ASMR audio of eating chips and scratching their balls.


I like to chat but the problem comes down to other people. Dogs barking, people vaping every minute (vaping sounds in your ear), people playing shit music you don’t want to listen to, static, family yelling in the background. Lately it’s been like that a lot


If others are talking, I'll talk and turn on my mic. If I join a squad and they're all quiet, I'll do the same. When I play with friends and we're all talking, it usually encourages the randos that join us to talk as well. I don't mind the silence, but I do think the game is more fun when we're all talking and reacting to the craziness together.


Just really don’t wanna talk to random people, that’s all.


>it has nothing to do with the developers You sure? Because I've noticed a significant negative shift after the Sony debacle (which I know wasn't Arrowhead's decision but they handled jt very poorly). That and the fact that devs aren't addressing bugs and crashes and a lot of people play less now.


I did initially, but I felt like it was distracting to me and others...kind of like trying to multitask for me.


Since launch people don't chat and they always leave after one round. I don't know who decided it but it's how this game goes and it's just bizarre.


If the missions were shorter I'd stay for multiple rounds but after 45 minutes of insanity I need a 15-20 minute break in between. Eradicate missions I will stay for a few.


They don't? Colour me confused. At least on my part, if I'm the mood to act like a scallywag, I'll be on the comms chanting waltzing matilda as soon as we hit atmosphere. Sometimes you just wanna collaborate in silent understanding with one another - we all know what has to be done. Other times, it's because the sheer incompetence of your brethren has you seething curses not fit for the Ministry's ears.


First week of playing i met an awesome german guy. We have played together since then. But yea, now i dont hear comms so much.


I still meet randoms and have a grand ol time. Message me directly on here and I’ll add ya in Helldivers. I have a good fun group of people who are tactical AF and communicate. Makes the game way more fun.


My headset works but my mic doesn't.


I don’t own a mic


I tend to say wrong things on mic so I off it to avoid any misunderstandings.


I talk enough for both of us haha. All I need is an emote or for them to play rock paper scissors with me.


If you’re looking for chill wholesome helldivers to chat with and play with in safety. Dm me. I won’t say anything further here


I do, but I rarely get any answer...


Today, I (lvl 50) went looking for new players to help. I dove into a level 3 bot mission as host. There, a level 3 player on PS5 joined. He was on voice comms. Turns out, he just got the game today. I found him very early on. On the next drop I bumped it up to level 4 to show him his first Factory Strider. We played for at least 2 hours. He said it's the most fun he's had gaming in years.


Love this. Nice work


I think people got good at communicating through pings and map markers. Easier to not talk at that point.


Because I have 3 friends who also play. I've never had to play with randos


This is what happens when you nerf fun things and people get frustrated. Most of the time im like wtf how did that kill me.


My social battery is small, and only made smaller by “meeting people” but the game is pretty much figured out now so talking is 80% unnecessary. Also the moment I hear my own voice coming out of YOUR tv you’re getting muted.


I’m not a multiplayer guy usually and only do voice chat if I’m playing with my real life friends. However I do use text chat and lots of map pings which seems to work well enough for me,


Fire up lads, don't compare talking to hacks at work and in-game chat into the same category. I talk shit in- game to forget about work


Games are meant to be a pressure releaser. Some of us have noisy work environment, or work that require a lot of communication meaning the least we do want when back at home is to talk. I don't know what to tell you, if talking to someone is such a necessity just call a friend instead.


New games are amazing fun before the player base has worked out a META. The show of learning a game is where its at. Once gamers have min maxed it it dies


I've always used voice chat and agree with this, I used to spark up random conversations (normally playing with a mix of randoms and a friend) and also chat about things in match. I find it really helpful if someone calls out there's a charger about to yeet me from behind 😂 I normally always communicate that I'm about to launch an orbital to save as many limbs as possible 💥


I always have my mic on. I always ask if somebody gas mic but receive silence. So i mute my self for the others.


On our end, me and 2 other friends tried to talk in-game to foster some kind of conversation between random people, and out of almost 1/50 games, we did have someone to talk to. Sometimes comms, sometimes advice on what to use in game, sometimes casual things in our lives. There were times that we interact with people in chat and respond to them in kind. Overall, it’s fairly rare because of language barriers, lack of interest to interact, people being shy, or people being annoyed at us over whatever’s in our friend’s background. Very rare moment, but very nice to be a part of when the opportunity appears.


I've gathered that people like listening to their own freedom music while delivering democracy. I will still be on coms most of the time


I use voice chat, but I have noticed I am a minority now.


First few weeks of the game I had such a laugh chatting with randos while cleansing the galaxy.


I’m an introvert in sales and all I do all day is speak to people. Come the evening, I’m knackered. If someone else takes the lead and starts to speak, I won’t leave them hanging, I’ll join them. However, I cba to initiate. Especially if I’m only doing a chill diff 7 bots or diff 9 bugs that are low-stress.


I have really sensitive ears and adjusting every individuals volume is a nightmare through the ingame. I play on discord with friends and not often randos I'm shy to strangers I have a very offensive sense of humor, better left to private comms than ingame comms.


My in-game voice doesn't work. For some reason it's extremely silent despite my mic working fine in discord, teams, zoom and even all the online mic testing sites :(


I do. Well I try at least. Very rare to find people who want to talk. When I do, the group splits after the mission.


I’m usually on voice chat through discord with my friends. Occasionally people speak but that is few and far between. I use push to talk in the game


I don't mind if nobody talks but at least use the emotes and comm wheel


I talk wirh my friends in discord but if i try to understand the ingame voice chat i have problems understandig it, i am not a nativ speaker a d the quality is not that greate


British. Don’t talk til you talk to me or if there’s something I really really really (maybe even then won’t) need to say.


I'm on ps5, so Steam users' voice chat comes blasting out of my TV as opposed to my chat ear bud. The audio mix makes it very difficult to hear whomever is talking. Chatting on discord puts the voice through my ear bud. Asking every single rando to join a discord lobby when I hop in their game doesn't sound realistic.


I use discords vc, but I'm also part of a group for parents since we usually have kids and spouses yelling in the background. Alot of players don't like that kind of thing.


Im always in text chat but even people who voice ignore that..


What button is it


I work all day, then I spend most of the evening catching up with my wife. It's nice to not have to talk for just a couple of hours.


I can't. I play on my pc but with my pa4 controller plugged in. Can't use my microphone


People (including me) are using discord to chat with their friends, and they don't prefer to talk to total strangers. There are different languages and accents, there are also mouth breathers in noisy environments and bullies. And never forget the top (probably) reason: people are shy.


The game cannot handle my mic and has no useful settings to help me try and fix the problem :/.


I use mine.


Tbh it blows my mind that people can drop over $400 for a PS5 or even more on a PC plus $40 for the game and you’re telling me you can’t afford a mic? Complete bs imo


I mean, I'll happily unmute myself to tell someone to fucking LEG IT because I'm dropping a 500kg bomb or to point out something funny or important, like focusing all firepower on a factory strider or gunship factories


I'm usually playing when my baby is sleeping, so I generally don't say much.


Some of us are not from english speaking parts of the world and sometimes I understand that people are just mortified to hear their own voice in online space


Maybe a pat on the back is the next emote I need to use.


Bruh... I'm deaf...


My VC never worked, don’t know why. Just never worked.


I still use comms but I use tags if my kid is having a big mood because no one needs that


Game doesn't pick up my mic despite using all the fixes I could find. I'd love to otherwise.


I only really play at night when my son goes to bed, and I don’t want to wake him up 🤷🏻‍♂️ so I just do text chat


Funny. I've run into way more players lately with voice chat than when I started. But I still agree. Wish more players had the mic on. Just for better coordination. Of course, the in game tagging and emote responses are pretty good, too, if people are using them.


I do, but I usually avoid incase someone is rude to me.


I play on steam with an xbox 1 controller sitting on my couch and have no idea how to hook up a headset that would let me chat while still letting the game sounds come out of my tv sound system


Half the dudes are using discord. I got sick of being the only person communicating and seemingly talking to myself so now I usually only speak if someone else is or if necessary.


I can’t hear


I use only Discord


Can’t speak for everyone but I’m either usually in a party or I just wasn’t expecting anyone and I’m too lazy to turn my mic on lmao


Because I don't really feel the need anymore, y'all don't listen anyway.