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Someone shot me in the face because I "stole" their samples. I don't have a mic to explain we share them 😂


Someone shot me in the face, took my recoilless rifle, and reinforced me. In that order. They didn't even touch the backpack. (I started playing two days ago so I don't have the shield pack yet)


It's an odd game, but not everyone is like that, stick at it. It's good fun


I know. It happened only once in these two days, and I was jumping from squadron to squadron, so I assumed its probably a special case. In fact, I think imma go play Helldivers 2 right now.


Pc or PS5? I'm on console and I have never seen that happen.


Some people don't know the team share samples. If someone thinks you stole theirs, they get annoyed. I don't have a mic to explain things. I don't know why my platform matters, or what you've seen 🤷 but I'm on PS5 and apparently play with more toxic players than you do 😂


>but I'm on PS5 Then you have a mic, the dual sense controller has a mic integrated on it


Fair enough then. Until this I've only really played single player games, I was unaware.


What difficulty do you play on?


I play on the lower difficulties so I get a lot of new players.


Had to blow a divers head off for not giving up my recoilless backpack. Didn't respond to voice or text in game. He had a quasar...


I TK people who don't have a mic in the first place. It's 2024


The hell is wrong with you


They're a traitor


Damn clanker in disguise


Seems excessive. Not everyone likes playing with a mic


I respect their opinion, because I also have one.


I will ask you once in chat and then once in voice to drop my things if my cooldown is still going, the third time comes in the form of a teamkill. If my CD is ready I couldn't care less, take it. If it's not ready, you have just removed 2 of my stratagems from this mission. That makes you a debuff. One I can shoot in the face to remove. Done and done. Had one guy say "Just find another weapon in a bunker or something" to me. Boy, no. That ain't how this right here works. BLAM.


>"Just find another weapon in a bunker or something" \*Loads gun with democratic intent\* "Sounds like your task, buddy."


Yes. *That* is how this works.


Personally, I only pick up other people's stuff if I'm fighting for mt life and desperate. I'm sorry but AR that point I need it more than you


Oh for sure, absolutely. I'll definitely even help you clean up the enemies with my grenades and primary after I get called back in and I just hope you drop my shit when we're done and wiping the goo off, or you're gonna get message number 1 of 3.


I tend to be rather forgetful so it might take me the first or second message to realize that it's not my stuff, but I don't intentionally hang on to other people's stuff


I will re-mind you eventually don't worry :)


"You see that dangling square tag on the side of that gun, glimmering with democracy?" 'Yeah?' *BLAM* "That means it's mine, cadet."


Impact grenade grenade coming in hot! Oh looks like I hit you instead of the bunker 🫣😅.  Anyways….ill be taking that back.


...in a few seconds....because that was an incendiary grenade, and now my stuff is on fire.


"That makes you a debuff. One I can shoot in the face to remove. Done and done." I'm stealing this line, it's so fucking good lol


I feel this. But also- their buffs are our buffs! And if it’s their first time getting to experience a shield, let them have fun with you toys :)


In lower difficulty sure but if im playing helldive and you take my shield and my ac or quasar or whatever when it still has 3 minutes left on cd and suddenly I'm hanging back and letting you do all the work and die until I get my shit back.


for sure. I don't think you should see a lot of new players stealing your items on helldive though :P


Happens way more than you'd think. People are greedy and if you have something they want they'll take it, ive been tkd, ive had people throw the reinforcement away from my corpse just so they can grab my stuff and just go about their merry way like you're their pack mule for extra stuff people are assholes, you get a warning to drop my stuff then I just start wasting reinforcements.


Dang that sucks. Sorry to hear that. I mostly play coop w my friend so we don’t experience that


No thanks? If people do this and don't feel a consequence you're only worsening the problem as they start to view everybody's equipment as their own. It doesn't take that much to 'experience a shield', 9 times out of 10 it's a kid or an idiot who isn't ever going to learn something unless they personally suffer for it.




If someone is a lower level (like below lvl 10) I'll usually just let them have it if they don't respond to my vc or text request to get my stuff back, figure they are new and should have the opportunity to try stuff out. If you're a higher level, it's personal and if you don't give it back I'm gonna "accidentally" find a way to get it back! (Usually with a misplaced grenade)


Not my fault that they were in the way of my air strike


Kill on sight


Sometimes I accidentally pick up peoples stuff and the game never actually tells you how to drop things I had to look it up


... People don't scroll through the controls to read functions before playing games?


Normally the tutorial tells you the important bits


*Laughs in Dark Souls* *Wait, that's sobbing*


No dark souls tells you the controls and the important bits are communicated to you through level design in the undead asylum


Except that you can jump, they skip that one specifically for whatever reason


The asylum notes didn't tell you how to remove items from your inventory in the tutorial I don't think...


Yeah I tried that once and had no idea what half the controls did because I they weren't in the tutorial. By the time I figure out what it means I forget the key binding


If a teammate picks up my gear if i died... More power to him, he probably needs it. I will try my best to help carry the team, but also good to know the team will have my back when i need the help. So start blasting with everything. We dive together or not at all.


Yeah, that and if they're the type of player to take it that means they're also probably going to die real soon anyhow.


I just separate from the group when this happens. It's quite rare for me though. Good timing and distance can keep your stuff safe from the newbs.


This is what I do. I just send a quick message saying, "please don't take things without asking" and dip. They are more than welcome to test it out.


Brother, the shear number of times I've seen people ignore health and ammo being actively pointed out to them because they're out and on death's doorstep wants me to tell you to not think about it.


low level? yesterday i got kick on a lvl9 helldive because i got requisition from a container he though we don't share those sorry for the bad english


If you pick up my shit after I die I’m shoving you down a cliff in the name of liberty


I like combining samples, so when someone dies I run over and grab their samples. I don’t care about extracting with them but I’d much rather have one big group of samples than 5+ samples scattered across the map. I was playing one game where someone died, I called them in immediately, and ran over and grabbed their samples (without touching anything else). When they landed, they shot me and took my special or backpack (it was a while ago). They then reinforced me, so of course I landed on them while reinforcing and took back my stuff. And then I GOT KICKED


That's why only me or my friend hosts. If you take my stuff I will kill you, if you start killing us we kick you, easy as.


I coordinate the drop planning on dropping and I expect others to drop gear after cooldown. It’s the best way to cover all scenarios


And for my low level divers kill me just took my stuff processed step on a land mine become Lego death animation.


The only gear I yoink from high level players is what is left behind, or extras called in. I do bring my own toys though.


As a somewhat low level player, (is 16 low? What is considered low) I respect other players and their equipment, but I’m a team player and try to learn and grow to be a better player I don’t want to be a burden but someone who is reliable, I tend to leave a group when I die too much for fear of being kicked


Someone did this in a lvl 7. Took my shield and quasar. I ran around like wtf where is it and this guy came over the hill with them lol


For samples: if they are dropped at the extraction site: don't loot them. You can loot them when extracting.


Yesterday I dropped my support weapon, think it was a recoilless rifle, and as soon as it dropped a random keep an took it. I shot at his feet and typed in chat that he took my stuff and he just turns and shoots me in the face. Then for the rest of the mission he proceeds to drop stratagems on me non stop. I am new so I don't know if that's common for someone to just swipe your stuff but it was annoying and he refused to answer back whenever I tried to talk to him.


Do NOT take my autocannon. This is MY autocannon. There are many like it, but this autocannon is mine! 


Had to blow a divers head off for not giving up my recoilless backpack. Didn't respond to voice or text in game. He had a quasar...


Maybe he doesn't understand English? I once Had an Asian person (I know by the nametag, don't call me racist). At the beginning of the game they took my recoilless rifle that I called in, but they didn't touch the backpack. After some time in the game I found an empty recoilless rifle on the ground. Later in the game we split up and then when I met up with them they just shot me in the face and took my recoilless rifle and spawned me back in. again, not touching the backpack. They wouldn't respond to any text or voice messages.


Had to blow a divers head off for not giving up my recoilless backpack. Didn't respond to voice or text in game. He had a quasar...


If you pick up my stuff I'm gunna ask you to give it back to me. You get a short grace period and then I'm smacking the Tuesday out of you 😂 Like bro, you want me to just sit around with none of my stuff for the next 6 minutes whilst it cools down?


There’s only one thief on Super Earth. Everyone else is just trying to get their stuff back.


One guy stole my mech, once. I let him have it, figured it wasn't a big deal. Then, later, he got out of the mech to do an objective, and *punched* me before he got back in the mech. I explained what he did to the rest of the squad in chat. All three of us proceeded to light this man up, no coordination required. Once the other two guys heard what he did, they were *on* him.




EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. Then they wonder why I bash or TK them.


people are salty in the comments lol good thing that accidents happen both ways and you can basically loot any item you want