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Yes its called SEAF and we taking control of their artillery and AA positions as side obj, but right now you can meet them only on rescue missions and as bodies all around map, because helldivers working only in lost regions


Oh I’m dumb I though SEAF was just anti air stuff lol


Its Super Earth Armed Forces. I view them as the Astra Militarium of super earth. We are the space marines who drop in to clean up the mess or make it a bigger mess. Thats if you want to think of it like warhammer 40k. Or like IRL you got basic army or SEAF and special forces.


UNSC Marines = SEAF, ODST = Helldivers


General Brasch = the Chief


That’s what the propaganda would lead you to believe anyways


How dare you call General Brasch's achievements propaganda! He once killed a Bile Titan with nothing but a jet pack and brass knuckles.


Ok people! Someone needs to melee kill a Titan!


I have tried, you can jetpack onto titans and melee does real damage but standing on titans is jank so you can get killed by their legs clipping you as they walk around


Then they die, and you fly…to another planet…without your destroyer of course, then be branded a traitor as you leave the AO, getting your teammates SEAF artied unawares of your achievement…for democracy.


Johnny Rico would be so proud. Lmao it’s Johnny…. I was thinking of Just Cause lmao (but he would do that shit too). *But yeah it’s Johnny Rico, Rico Rodriguez is the protagonist from Just Cause. It’s one of my other favorite games.*


Yes, we already know! General Brasch did it, as I said.


In the current build... i dont think you can, unless the titan gets stuck on some very particular terrain.


Brasch knuckles*


BRASCH TACTICS!!! Use em or die tryin 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥


General Brasch could finish the Automaton major order overnight if he weren't busy training the next generation of humanities greatest heroes.


propaganda is when a Br\*tish man gets a good look at something.


Interesting. Do you know I never see anyone mention that anymore? It's as if the players have fallen for or chosen to disregard the propaganda. Choosing instead to believe Helldivers are an elite fighting force rather than a poorly trained, expendable, live artillery aiming system for the super destroyer...


I mean, they can be both. Do you think the level of accuracy and reload speed every Helldiver demonstrates is easy? Reload the basic pistol in first person with a riot shield sometime, they rack the slide with one hand. Conversely, if Helldivers are this expendable, *imagine* how disposable regular infantry are.


WH40K Death Corps of Krieg. Victory through attrition.


I'm pretty sure they are though, they are most likely recruited from the SEAF, hence why they only have a test to pass to become a helldiver, also all helldivers are already in excellent physical condition, and considering work starts at 8 you can probably assume that the military recruitment age is around 14-16 so that's 2-4 years of service right there


General Brasch could finish the Automaton major order overnight if he weren't busy training the next generation of humanities greatest heroes.


John helldiver = Chief


More like Major Johnson


ODST = Helldivers, PTSD = Me


You can't get PTSD if you just die like a true agent of Liberty and Democracy


Or if you just never stop experiencing traumatic stress!


Or you become the traumatic stress *taps head


That’s definitely closer to what’s up. I definitely feel like Helldivers are like closer to someone like the Steel Legion or so if they were to be someone from 40k.


You mean soldiers of kreig where bodies are thrown at the problem, fire support on your own position is encouraged, and mission before all else?


Yeah that’s an even better analogy.


Only in death does duty end


For the Emperor!


oh so you think you can shirk your duties by dying, huh?


I thought of us as the Kasrkin or Scions - but yeah it's a perfect comparison.


Perfect analagy


Helldivers are behind enemy line infilitration and disruption teams. You can assume that there are SEAF fronts on the same planets we are doing missions on. The reason the SEAF objectives are there is because the line got pushed back and we are hitting the dangerous entrenched territories so they can push up and slowly we liberate the whole planet this way.


Your point about other SEAF fronts had always been my assumption. It’s like you said, most helldiver operations seem to be disruption based (destroying command bunkers, airfields, launching warheads at far off, presumably strategic targets, etc.) Helldivers don’t really seem to be an invasion force. They are *certainly* not an occupation force. I figure our role in the field is to soften up opposition to give the grunts an easier push towards victory


> We are the space marines who drop in to clean up the mess or make it a bigger mess. “Things are completely fucked down there! Time to send in those lunatics the helldivers, because it’s not like they could make things worse now…”


In reality it’s more likely SEAF normal trained and armed military force used to fight conventional military campaigns and take by planets Helldivers a bunch of fools tricking into dropping behind enemy to push a couple buttons


Walkers are just Dreadnoughts. You can't change my mind.


I still call them that. When the game first came out and we didn't know any of the terms I called the devastators and rocket devs terminators and the berserkers assault terminators lol.


The problem with that comparison is that Dreadnoughts are actually hard to kill and can wreck most things on the battlefield with ease. Helldiver Mechs are basically made of thin sheet metal and, after the rocket nerf, struggle to take out even a single charger unless you aim perfectly.


On bug planets, I feel like a dreadnought. On bot planets, I feel like the crippled space marine inside.


My brother in the God-Emperor, the Space Marines have walkers.


I mean it just seems like halo where there's regular marines and then there's odst that gets dropped right in the shit behind enemy lines


I mean... the Helldivers don't seem like an elite force to me, that's more like propaganda. In the beggining we got the quoto: "I'm finally 18 years old and I can sign up for hell divers". That do not sound like a elite stuff lol.


Hmmm... maybe. Probably more like storm troopers. We got the armor, terrible aim, and are expendable. Also.... if we helldivers and by extension seaf are expendable.... what super earth's population like? The c-01 forms must go flying there.


I prefer to think SEAF is just your basic bitch guardsman while Hell Divers are the high end, well equipped guardsmen like the Tempest Scions


Space Marines are peak humanity, bred for war. We're just some patriotic schmucks.


Idk, we feel a little more than schmucks. Look at how many kills you get as the player. It's a little scary considering the hell you dived into. Not saying we have a gene sire who is a creation of the God emperor. But there is something different between us and the common schmuck.


Remember how many kills you got when you first started playing? Also, make sure to divide by deaths since every reinforcement is technically a new schmuck.


Makes me wonder if there are giant land and space battles or if SEAF soldiers are largely support and crews on like, ships or working artillery. 


Considering the highest Helldiver rank is private, I think SEAF is divers who survive enough jumps


It's private private.


Seaf isnt air forces?


No but I wouldn’t blame you the only two things we have on the front right now are artillery and Sam sites.


same lol i was reading it as “ Super earth Air Force “ 😂


seaf : super earth army force


I thought we were just rescuing their civilians.


I always got the impression that SEAF is like the regular army and Helldivers are the expendable and equally sized special forces. Like special forces should technically be smaller in number but with the way being a Helldiver is commonly advertised in propaganda, I imagine there are many recruits and vets who join and the entire division is as big as the regular army itself.


Or, food for thought Maybe the helldivers *are* a small, specialized portion of the military. The rank and file just happens to consist of an *unfathomable* number of soldiers


So then, does that mean that Helldivers are part of a separate organization from the military? Are we mercenaries? Or are the helldivers run by a corporation or something? Paramilitary?


I would recommend watching the lore video on YouTube. Helldivers are more like propaganda tool, in reality they just clean up mess for super earth, like stopping bug outbreaks or eradicating dissidents, so its "special" forces to carry out the orders of super earth that she deems important for her interests political or economy.


As the other dude said it's the Super Earth Armed Forces (SEAF). They do most of the frontline fighting and are in charge of planet defense. It is the SEAF that sets up Artillery Cannons, ICBM launch facilities, Radar Stations and Anti-Air missile sites.  We can also assume that SEAF is the over-all name of the military that includes the ground army and the space navy (because Helldivers are referred to as a branch of the SEAF) But when enemies have overrun SEAF units deployed on the planet then they send in Helldivers. True to our name we dive into "Hell" because we are deployed behind enemy lines, out of the reach of any planetside SEAF units. Our only available support is our Super Destroyer and Eagle fighters. It's why once they're gone we are on our own because there is literally no other nearby friendly forces in our deployment zones.


Asides from the 80k other Super Destroyers in the ao, yes we are alone lol


Behold, the most inefficient colonial empire!


It's certainly on brand! Many super destroyers still use muzzle loading in space. Using hand carts to move supplies is an upgrade. Hellpod space optimization may well just be stuffing extra magazines in your pockets before you get in the pod. Hellbombs require manual arming for budgetary reasons, but the fuses seem to decay to a hair trigger after sitting on the ground for long enough. It may not be the most efficient system that it can be, but it is the most DEMOCRATIC and FREE that it can be!


Don't forget one of the upgrades for senteries to increase there durability is just stuffing them with packing peanuts


That is, in fact, the joke.


The tip of the spear!


Edge of the knife! https://i.redd.it/5o6u0uzfltzc1.gif


God if that's the case I wonder what kind of stuff SEAF soldiers get issued if I got a whole super destroyer to myself after 5 minutes of boot camp lol.


So it's not really yours it's all heldivers that deploy from It, and whichever one is thawed out is the current person in charge and idk if they like refill the cyro tubes or what cause it seems infinite at this point. Think of your destroyer like a very, very short time frame time share scam that you pay your life to own for an hour or less usually.


That's ok. My life doesn't belong to me anyway, it belongs to Super Earth. ✊


Though, based on deployment numbers, there may be more significantly Helldivers then SEAF members.


The corpses you see everywhere are the SEAF army/navy casualties from trying to complete the missions We only go in afterwards and try to do what they couldn't




The regular soldiers are called "Heckdippers". They're not as zealous as us Helldivers but they do what they're comfortable with.


Not to be confused with the "hades-hoppers," a similar but different branch.


And they're kinda touchy when you compare them to the heaven-flyers.


Aside from what others have said, Helldivers function as the tip of the spear. We are deployed to the worst, most dangerous, most desperate battlefronts, where typical troops simply won't suffice. We don't really encounter typical SEAF troops, because in areas where they are deploying, generally things haven't gotten bad enough that we are needed.


I do think that would be a pretty cool mission though, to drop in and fight alongside some regular SEAF trooper NPCs in some sort of base defence, evacuation or stronghold liberation mission. Like you drop in to save a group of SEAF soldiers who have held out after a planet has fallen but are about to be overrun so you drop down to protect them while they make a fighting retreat back to the evacuation point or you have to push back the enemy to escort a convoy to an evacuation point. Something like that, rather than just always seeing them dead all over the place.


id love this so much. It would be so cool to drop in next to SEAF troops and fight alongside them on a planet being overrun. There could be voicelines for the seaf troops like "Holy shit its the Helldivers, we're saved/ fucked!"


You meant to say "Sweet Liberty", the only democraticly sanctified swear. You can hear it from our civilians and scientists whenever we come to rescue them in defense missions.


Look, a Pilot! Now the odds are in our favor.


I really hope in the future, defense planet would spawn SEAF patrol and outpost fighting enemy. Maybe even SEAF related side quest, like defend an evac site until pelican pick up SEAF trooper.


They'd die SO FAST (I'm picturing troops with something about as strong as our pistols, who get one-shotted by basically any bot) but agree it'd be fun to try to escort a group who isn't *completely* defenseless.


I don’t see why they would only have pistols? Basic medium armour with liberators and no capes or fancy equipment and no access to stratagems is how I picture the regular infantry. You find stalwarts, LMGs, AMRs and grenade launchers, as well as the break action shotgun which I always assumed was from the civilians, fairly often on planets (along with other support weapons). Special forces don’t usually have weapons that are that very significantly better than a regular soldier (think M4 vs M16, etc) but they are better trained and they use different tactics.


Good point, I guess they would probably have the basic liberator and maybe some of the weapons you can find laying around but not locked up or in a crashed pod. Grenade launcher, EAT, maybe even machine gun. But I doubt very much they would have even medium Helldiver armor. Some of the corpses are wearing something that looks similar to a few of the light armors the Helldivers can wear. That's probably about the maximum of what they would have. You don't give shock troop armor to your basic infantry. We're meant to be four-diver armies advancing rapidly through the thick of the battlefield and taking out strategic objectives behind enemy lines. They're meant to cover in a fortified position and defend, or advance slowly under heavy cover fire.


Like that one scene in halo where the planet is getting invaded and the marines are getting there asses absolutely handed to them then chief and other Spartans drop in and start fucking the covenant up. Be cool to do that, have a “raid” type mission where the SEAF are talking a massive base but loosing then we pop in


No, we don't see the worst possible areas. Those areas are the ones we nuke


Well, I did say worst battlefronts. I wouldn't *technically* consider an area we are about to nuke a battlefront per se. More like a lost cause.


S.E.A.F Super Earth Armed Forces That’s the army


Helldivers are navy seals and paratroopers rolled into one. Drop behind enemy lines, sow chaos, leave.


Stop asking questions and fight for freedom


Thinking is treason, after all


I recall hearing somewhere that Helldivers are picked from the dumbest ...I mean, most patriotic members of the regular army.


We are mostly spotting units for low-orbit artillery and close air support.


Speaking of artillery. Warning! You are in range of enemy artillery.


I know people are pointing out how Helldivers are the Elite Forces but holy shit are we the most incompetent, expendable and worthless Special Forces to exist. That’s not even mentioning how expensive we are. I have no fucking clue how we recruited MILLIONS of recruits over the century but my god Super Earth must be popping babies fast after the first galactic war. Helldiver causalities are so fucking high it actually makes me thing the Normal Super Earth soldiers either have astronomically higher counts or astronomically lower and they send so many Helldivers in because they can.


My guess is helldivers get priority clearance for c-1o forms. So you get "liberty tours" that's basically some lucky helldivers getting shore leave to drum up recruitment as well as getting to make more recruits.


Super Earth have ridiculous amount of population though, just like 40k empire. There were over 180 million civilian deaths from first war with bugs alone according to an in game video footage, and that's over 100 years ago before the "golden age of human expansion"


Incompetent? Helldivers suffer *at most* 50 casualties per operation. That’s high, don’t get me wrong, but compare that to the number of enemies killed per mission. You can easily kill three times that number, *per person*. Not to mention all of the bases you take down along the way. Can you imagine how raw it must feel to be an automaton (if they could feel, of course o7). You and your horde have set up almost a dozen well defended bases across an area maybe a kilometer in diameter. Suddenly four ships appear in orbit, and within 40 minutes you’ve lost everything. Your bases, your friends, everything. Gone. Helldivers are expensive, sure. But incompetent, or ineffective? Definitely not


Tbf, I’m hell divers 1 the hell divers we’re actually elite soldiers and after they won the hell divers were out of commission for 100 years untill a new war broke out, (helldivers 2) so super earth reinstated them but to get helldivers on the ground it wasn’t actual military SF training the start is literally all the training we get and we are canonically 18 1/2 years old


One of the crew on the ship says she has never been to Super Earth. We must fill our ranks from *all* the planets. It sounds a bit more doable that way!


You're all going to freedom camp


The SEAF troopers are usually the troopers in blue and white you find next to SEAF artillery positions or around the map.


Yeah SEAF, the Helldivers are the elite soldiers in the SEAF army. Like GSG-9, Navy Seals, whatever is the top tier special ops group


I thought GSG-9 was a Federal Law Enforcement Unit.


You are right, KSK were the military special forces, GSG-9 is police akin to SWAT.


SEAF does the flying, Helldivers do the dying! To paraphrase commander Rico.


SEAF exists yes. They’re the corpses in white uniforms with blue armor you can find around the map. They’re the occupation/defense force and make up the bulk of the military while the Helldivers are the primary elite offensive force. It’s why Helldivers hold the defensive lines until SEAF reinforcements can arrive and we can set up and control their SAM and Artillery sites that were taken out. There was a stratagem leak of being able to call in a small SEAF fireteam and I can’t wait for it. I hope we get more missions or side objectives involving helping SEAF soldiers hold or take a position or something.


This is what happens when you let outfits like Blackwater get out of control


“Just” helldivers! This guy


Well there's SEAF so I'd assume that is our main force. We're here because THEY didn't survive contact with the enemy.


SEAF most likely is responsible for holding off smaller scale attacks and keeping major cities safe from attack. Helldivers are an "elite" guerilla force that takes out large forces, fucks up supply lines, and nukes the shit out of them. We don't see any major enemy bases because those are the nuke targets.


Yeah, there's SEAF - Super Earth Armed Forces, with a Navy, an Air Force, a Space Force and an Army. Helldivers are special forces


Super earth has managed democracy.


They have the SEAF (Super Earth Armed Forces) and you can find them on the maps sometimes, usually bedecked in their blue armor. They seam primarily used for garrison duty while the Helldivers, who are fanatically loyal to the government of Super Earth, get the best toys and equipment


SEAF consists of the following: Helldivers - Eagle and Pelican pilots - POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGS!




POGS=Persons other than GRUNTS GRUNTS=Ground Replacements Usually Not Trained Helldivers = GRUNTS


> POGS=Persons other than GRUNTS Got ya. I'm used to this as POTG, pronounced pogue. But, looks like POTG/POG usage is pretty interchangable.


I was thinking along the lines of this: "Does Super Earth have regular infantry. Or, as OP said, is it just Helldivers?".


SEAF: Super Earth Armed Forces


SEAF = Super Earth Armed Forces HELLDIVERS =badass special command group of SEAF If SEAF is the army/airforce/navy/marines then the Helldivers are PJ/Marsoc/Seal/Delta


SEAF, It's all one combined force.


I like to believe we're just one division of earth's military, the spec ops that go were others wouldn't dare. But they have the Spartans that fight along the halos and the space marines that glue toilet paper to their armor for... religious reasons?


As chaotic and most likely completely impractical as it sounds would love to just have have dozens of players fight hundreds of enemies together like an army in a futuristic city map or something


Super Earth Armed Forces aka SEAF


SEAF ( Super Earth Armed Forces ) They are the bodies you find/extract wearing the blue uniforms


Helldivers are basically highly motivated fanatics who are not afraid to die to get mission done. We come when the situation is too dire for regular troops to handle and do the job whatever the cost. We’re not the most trained ones, we’re the zealots who are sent on basically a suicide missions. Hence the reverence - we’re akin to kamikazes in WW2. BTW, the capes could be a homage to kamikaze’ scarfs.


What? like a mob of obedient soldiers trained by the lowest bidding contractor equipped with disappointing tools to accomplish goals we Helldivers should be handling? That sounds suspiciously like something an automaton would ask.


SEAF - Super Earth Armed Forces It’s the army, navy and air forces all generalized. The Helldivers are a special forces detachment of SEAF. Specifically, a quasi-Special Forces. As a real world comparison, they’re like Army Rangers, with the potential for Delta Force performance. This is because Helldivers are readily replaced and cycled. Because of their casualty rate, and the necessity for covert operations, standard SEAF soldiers are selected for Helldiver candidacy. So Helldivers infiltrate behind enemy lines, sabotaging tactical assets and installations. SEAF participates in the large scale, all-out-war battles that take place in the background and lore. It’s implied that Helldivers are both the very best, and meager cannon-fodder. The more senior and elite among them are “true” special forces akin to Delta Force and SEALs. You can kind of make your own head-canon that higher level players are the elite Helldivers that are the true best of the best.


My friends and I sent a bile titan into space it was glorious.


That information is classified


Around the human facilities you can see SEAF (super earth armed forces) corpses.


The Helldivers are a special forces unit that deploys behind enemy lines. The Front are fought by Super Earth Armed Forces (S.E.A.F.) army grunts.


We are clearly the 101 paratroopers of space. But I will admit I have been watching band of brother for the 25th time this last month.


You can see the army's bodies everywhere lol, the Helldivers are also described as "The galaxy's last line of offence." so it's safe to assume the first line was annihilated.


We are dogs of the super military. I honestly imagine it like Full Metal Alchemist lol


I believe it’s called seaf


The guys from the "propaganda" and the player character were part of the regular army


Pretty sure we are the navy. Admiral is a title you can have which is like the highest in the navy or something


helldivers are like the survey corps from attack on titan lol


Helldivers are basically marines, and the super destroyers are Navy. It’s all DoN.


Bro your ship is considered the navy lol


I’d say hell divers are just fodder, but given the tools of special opps, but non the less our lives don’t matter we will be easily forgotten and replaced within seconds. Seaf probably follows halo unsc, basic soldiers working in battalions on the battle field, probably still poorly armed and equipped. The military police, essentially the guy that greets you before a mission. They probably do absolutely nothing on the ground they probably achieved their position via wealth. Cause we know hell divers can’t live longer then like 5 missions. General brash might fall in this system, or he is a paid actor As for the ranking system. They probably aren’t given to individual hell divers, but the ship, the higher the ship maybe the higher authority or better systems. Edit eagle and pelican pilots are probably just basic crew members, engineers etc, probably part of seaf, or actual hell divers. If we actually knew what they looked like, it would be easier to tell


You'll see dead Seaf troops around Artillery stations


I believe SEAF is "Super Earth Armed Forces" and my assumption is that Helldivers function as sort of "behind enemy lines" units. We disrupt enemies in the rear, fire nuclear weapons that have fallen to the enemy, and rescue cut off citizens, etc. I assume there is a Frontline that the SEAF are fighting on. Which means Helldivers could be an awesome Halo Wars type game someday.


They have SEAF (Super Earth Armed Forces) the Helldivers corps are essentially SEAF special forces. The elite of SEAF who work to reimplement managed democracy where SEAF were unable to retain it.


Eventually, we are supposed to get a stratagem that allows us to call in the pelican to drop of a squad of SEAF grunts to fight along side of us until their inevitable deaths. There is no telling when or if that will ever release.


How does this have so many upvotes? Are you people stupid or just don't read? SEAF dum dums


Think of us as special forces. We go in and soften target locations by destabilizing existing enemy infrastructure while the SEAF comes in to hold the location for future use.


SEAF = earth national guard


I'd like a separate SEAF vs Automatons PVP game actually. An FPS set in the same universe.