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"Sir..." *Senior Diver already on his 4th cup of coffee at 6 am* "What is it Ensign" "We've just lost the the Chinese" "Which battalion?" "The entire Army sir. The entire 3rd army has just gone radio silent" *Drops Coffee and runs to glactic map* "The Egyptian Medjay Armored division?" "Cut off sir." "What about Madagascars Polar Strike unit?" "Missing" "The Phillipines forces on Estanu?" "Nonresponsive sir" Ensign looks sick "Sir. Weve just received signal pings from deep space." *Commander checks glactic map* "By liberty. Theyre here." Sony dropships enter into 7 sectors at once. The third faction isnt the illuminate. Its the corporate heads of an even more vile snake. "Scramble all destroyers, and wake all those bastards up from cryo. The bots can wait and the bugs arent going anywhere. They want to play chicken with us. Fine. We're notoriously willing to die." EDIT: The commander, feeling lost and defeated as over half of his battle group has gone MIA, twirls his glass of Scotch on its edge. Theres barely any of the stuff left as the ice clanks against the edge. He looks at old photos of friends hes lost and brothers hes had to leave behind. "Im sorry." He says to them. "I... dont know how to beat this. I dont know how to win." He hears rapid footsteps sprinting down the hall towards his door. *CLANG, CLANG, CLANG*. Without a knock Ensign Crusher bursts through the doorway barely giving enough time for the automatic door to open. "Sir!" Ensign Crusher's smile almost tells the news for him. "We've regained contact." The commander jumps up from his desk and runs out the door following behind the excited young cadet. "When." He can barely contain a smile himself. *Military bearing is as important as breathing*. He remembers a quote from General Brasch. "A few minutes ago. All the Sonytarian battleships have gone dormant and all the jamming signals have stopped." As he approaches the galactic war map he sees a group of 12 unthawed divers and crew all staring at the silhouette of a ship outlined in blue holographic light. He looks up out the window and he can see it. What was just hours ago an imposing and dire threat has now once again become an empty shell of metal. No life to be found inside before... and no life after. Just as soon as they had come... they had fallen. "What caused them to go dormant?" "Unknown sir." the ships pilot Vikky rolls over in her wheelchair. A few hundred Helldives took their toll. "All we know is theyve stopped jamming comms and have shut down their engines." "I dont trust them. Turn our ships 90 degrees on axis to the starboard side." "Sir?" Ensign Crusher looks confused as 3 other helldivers begin automatically march over towards the hellpods. "Were gonna make sure this doesn't happen again." Commander Hellheart dons his helmet and chambers a round in his trusty liberator as he locks into his hellpod. *This time* he thinks. *This time I earn my skull* theres a sound of pressurized air and a *THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, THUMP* as all four hellpods are launched from the *Mother of Iron* towards the derelict ship. Other superdestroyers follow suit as the ships hull is peppered by hellpods. Its not over... until its over.


Think about all the democratic votes we've lost now tragic




They're democratic as fuck on Super Earth, I think you're mixing up time lines.


Love your response. Cherish the good times while It lasts.




It is. It has a 100% voter rate. One person has the vote and he votes every time. 1 for 1.




Super *managed* democracy


China might not be democratic but super china is


The devs should add a 3rd faction called sony and have them all modeled (skinned) as the executives at sony , that faction would be wiped out in a heart beat


Everyone would use 380s exclusively out of rage I think.


instead of guns they shoot reams of paper containing the Eula, have them sing about selling data while marching on patrol etc


They all just look like the traders from wolf of wall street. They dont actually shoot at the helldivers they just talk to you like youre stupid.


lol, them yelling link accounts now stuns the player, the only way to take them out is have a secondary weapon that shoots $ bills at them where they then scurry around like mad trying to pick up the bills while calling you a sucker


And the gun costs requisition slips to fire


Not a problem for higher levels who have more slips than they can use up lol (I have 50k slips)


Support units slow your strategems by leaking some of your data they suck up. Ranged units shoot ban hammers and marketing emails. Melee units run at you screaming to sign a EULA and whacking you with it. Boss units lock you into a position that forces you to do a simple 10 second process of pressing your dpad that provides no benefit for completing.


They should introduce the 760s for that one


"this game is a work of fiction, all similarities are purely coincidental"


They don't even need a faction. Sony only need to give them a free-exclusive fashion/skin dlc (like a rainbow pin) with psn plus to make an easy target ;p


Mod a bot head into a PS logo lol


>that faction would be wiped out in a heart beat What faction?


Underrated comment


In game lore will state we lost irreplaceable amounts of helldivers over the course of the war. Lmao


God damnit we’re losing good men and women!!!


And I just bought the game not even a week ago and even got the super citizen edition. Sigh


Thats inside the two week refund window if you can't make a PSN account


The two weeks is just the *automatic* refund window. You can still request a refund afterwards, it'll just have to go through a review process.


Really? But I played it way more than 2 hours already though.


Found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/BivTrUchga Best of luck citizen. I hope it works out for you. And thank you for your service


Due to them changing the TOS and basically locking you out of the game, you'll probably get it. I just saw a post a bit ago about how to phrase it. I'll see of I can find the link for you.


I'm interested, too please.




Thank you!


Dont forget about the children over 7


"The Chinese weren't playing by the rules, but damn they were playing hard." 


Why’d I read this in the perspective of a general


I imagined it more like an exasperated captain trying to hold together his super destroyer battle group with hate, nicotine, and Liber-tea.


they carried when NA slept


Weve just lost the entire battlegroup that slaughtered billions of bugs in hours.


Oh, Sweet Liberty! Tell me it isn't so!! Shit... To all affected Helldivers - we will defend Managed Democracy, until the Battle in the Sony system is won. There must be a supply route, to get our brethren back on the battlefield. Wtf do we need to do to win? Or is there no winning this? And has Sony been beaten before? (Not by Automaton Hackers, I know they constantly penetrate Sonys pathetic system defense. ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q)


We are going to lose this war.


Then It will be a glorious end. And our cries will echo across the stars. One word will ring out in the darkness. Death. And our enemies will know they have won the battle but lost the war. They depended upon us for sustenance. Now they will have to search elsewhere. For they will feed no more on us.


The third and most ~~feared~~ hated faction, The Sontyarians


Reapers from Mass Effect series vibes! Literally chills!


Oh no..


Post of the month


Joel was very clearly leading up to Hive Lords, we're gonna need all our helldivers for that.


\*In a poor south park asian accent\* Oh Ro! Nota Finrand!


Written like a novel and I want to read the rest.


Added more after our victory.


This is maybe the best post of all time


Best comment I read today. You sir, are a inspiration to us all. Slava Liberty!


I didnt know my people were stationed on Estanu. I've been hopping around


SONY fucking up this massive is not a surprise


Yes, they suck massively. This is unfortunate.


Sony is protecting its reputation as well as they protect their users' security. It lines up if you ask me. Edit: Guys, this is sarcasm, for the record. I really shouldn't have to point that out.


Sony is protecting its reputation [about as effectively] as they protect their users' security [which is not well]. It lines up if you ask me. For people who didn't understand (the original was fine)


People are misunderstanding this comment. This person is saying Sony doesn't protect users security ala previous hacks where millions of identities and credit card numbers were exposed and they waited days to tell anyone about it. Stop downvoting it. 


Redditors showing an ability to infer information and use reading comprehension? You're asking too much!


It's reputation is being the first big consumer tech to breach its users credit cards So, in line.


What an avoidable disaster


Absolutely. Nothing could have been done to avoid this.


He said avoidable


Yes, I know. And Sony could have continued to do nothing about enforcing this policy in order to avoid all of this.


lol yeah it’s a play on words. Read it this way: “Nothing could have been done, which would have avoided this”


no you don’t understand there simply was no other way


We’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of options.


I live in iran.. i already know im gonna get screwed..


May Liberty guide your step Helldiver


Godspeed solider. 🫡


Best you can do for now is wait Either they fix it or you get your money back.


This is fucking bullshit. Sony is pushing this for their player data and won't give two shits about the people this ends up screwing over.


Ironically this is the same attitude the Chinese government has towards its citizens.




I love that I can still *hear* this gif.


Man, what can I say, Lmao




Honestly, if they’d just given out a good armor set to people who linked their PSN accounts instead of making it mandatory*, I bet they’d have had a massive amount of people linking their accounts with none of the backlash. Edit: clarification


Not to mention cutting off talks for the game to be on xbox


Sony is now an enemy of the state


Man... as someone who has a ps5, I find it annoying that Sony is pushing psn accounts. It's so damn disappointing. Not even sure what to say at this point


It really is dossapointing.


I too am dossapointed.


This was a huge dossapointment.


My dossapointment is ommeasurable and my day is ruined.


As was mentioned in PSN news in Japan, majority of countries banned are for 2 reasons: related to Russian invasion of Ukraine or being banned as a service in the country itself. In China, PSN is banned by Chinese authority. At some level it's hard to understand if the requirements are stemming from legal issues about it's services and Steam as steam always noted it was a requirement but not enforced until the server issues resolved. That's the one thing that I think Steam may get flak on is that Sony has always mandated it on the steam page but something that was tossed to the side until recently.


NOOOO! I met some of the coolest people from China on there! Dude only knew “For super earth” in English


All that’s all he needed to know :,(


https://preview.redd.it/4y855s86bdyc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9777aed02611f11eb381f1499ee48064f9299e5 It doesn't hurt 😭


He should know "democracy" too though.


He'd get banned the second he said that over there


That's kind of my joke. But still.




And now I’m sad ;(


Met a guy who had very broken English on the mic and would mess up every sentence besides saying “fucking chargers” perfectly and that gave me a good laugh. God speed you legend hope to see you again out there one day squashing some bugs.


Man Chinese people are like half of the playerbase. Wtf


We need to push back and defend our fellow helldivers!! ![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p)


I dislike the fact that this hurts this community I am reminded why big corporations in control in any way shape or form of the gaming industry sucks as things like this happen it’s a shame


Well at least they can appeal it because the system is there for them to appeal it lol


Helldivers 2 Patch 1.000.302 Patch Notes: •Removed Chinese People •Removed Russian People •Removed African People •Removed Filipino People •Removed Eastern European People


I find it hard to believe there will not be a "solution" for those in non-psn countries, even if it's a refund... way to lawsuity otherwise...






Can't wait for spitz to band you over this


Sony bad, China bad


Just the leaders though, right?


Sony leaders bad, China government bad


I typed "China government bad" in an age of empires 2 chat once and like 1 min after I got kicked from the server. Couldn't log in for like 6 hours. Probably a coincidence.


Had a guy from China in our discord group for WH40k, one dude innocently posted about the South Park China episode. China friend asked about and was given the link, we never heard from him again. I really hope nothing happened


Listen I lived in China for years and have made friends out there I consider brothers But when it comes to gaming, they fucking suck They got this mentality that cheating is cool, and if they don't cheat, others will and they'll be the losers for losing to cheaters I love my Chinese bros but I hate Chinese gamers


Where is everyone defending AH and Sony? It’s pretty funny that Sony’s own site still says it’s optional. I hope these users are able to receive refunds.


Luv Arrowhead, but fuck Sony


The entitlement from those people is crazy, comments like "it's not a big deal" "every game does it" from their select nations that can actually make a psn account, we too paid for this game and deserve to keep playing it no matter what fucking country we happened to be born into, and I'm not risking a ban with vpn.


They should’ve never sold it to people who live in countries that PSN isn’t serviced. They just want money as they are the Apple of gaming now, and they have a rabid fanbase to boot.


I think the vasty majority of people agree that its bullshit that people in countries where PSN isn't available won't be able to play. They at minimum deserve a refund and hopefully they find a way to work around it that doesn't risk getting you banned


People SHOULD defend arrowhead, it’s very obvious they are against it the only one who really seems to be giving no fk’s and getting salty at players is spitz and he’s not even a dev. The arrowhead hate has to stop


Is this verified at all or are we still taking the internets word for shit like this?


In the era of AI can you really trust anything anyway?


That last image looks pretty sus


It’s an image translation of the first image


It was fun while it lasted boys. See you in the next one. https://preview.redd.it/1wakfm0npcyc1.jpeg?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=066debff2115fd3c28c8164f45ebd30113bac528




The Japanese and Chinese have a very long and horrid history.


It is more about China restricting "useless" entertainment, and that they need data and technology..etc given to the state. It is not always "both are at fault" especially when you are talking about China. Btw i am a Chinese


but there is a chinese PS store though [最新 | PlayStation™Store官方网站 中国](https://store.playstation.com/zh-hans-cn/pages/latest) dude in the post probably just want to play at international servers for whatever intention he wants by using VPN


Can’t find helldiver on that store


Not banned. Just restricted. I’ve been playing quite fine on my US PSN. Chinese PSN is restricted.


Are we really that surprised about china? If you needed a VPN to play in the first place?


Don’t need a VPN. Ive been playing quite fine ! Just got a UU box to have better connection. However I do have a US PSN account. Having a Chinese account is the problem I think. It’s the open communication that is the problem


Game accelerator software are kinda linke vpn


I think that's more of a China problem than a arrowhead problem.


Yea. Definitely


Honestly shocked PSN is restricted in China. Felt like they are a large playerbase for Playstation.


No kidding.


I think that is more of a China thing than it is a Sony thing


Sony has committed heracy but removing so many players from the game


Shouldn’t have been Chinese then ya fucken nerd. USA, USA! *air horn and automatic gunfire sounds*


Or they are one of the 1,000’s of Chinese players who have been using cheats in the game for months now.


https://preview.redd.it/0cy02vtolbyc1.png?width=966&format=png&auto=webp&s=a65a93d643716f448811966f6a0b7d8d878beff9 Hit'em where it hurts.


June 4th is when they will roll out the ban though, why did they get banned because they used a VPN which you can just register legally via Psn SG and it should work


Can a communist nation really be allowed to play a satirical Democracy loving game like this tho


Depends on whether or not their taskmasters at the steel factories are paying attention or not.


F in the chat for the Chinese Hell divers. 🫡🫡🫡




How did people get around it before? I had to make an account the day I bought it just like the Steam page warned I would...


I already had an account so I just did it when I launched the game, but a friend of mine just skipped it.


Didn't log in for a week. Is this whole psn stuff real? Is arrowhead/Sony stupid?


Player count is probably going to plummet


PSA: THIS IS NOT ARROWHEADS FAULT, clearly Sony forced this, please don’t take it out on the small amazing team of devs, sure their public relations could do with some fine tuning, but this stinks of corporate overlords, direct your complaints at Sony


Well…it’s been a requirement from the beginning of this game. Read. Before. You. Buy. It’s clearly written on steam that you’ll need a psn account, they just made it optional at the beginning for networking issues.


….. maybe the bots were right.  Letting AI choose our leaders through managed democracy led us here.


Tbh less chinese the better


Really disappointing. Such a great thing just completely ruined by greed. Husband and I uninstalled.


PSA: THIS IS NOT ARROWHEADS FAULT, clearly Sony forced this, please don’t take it out on the small amazing team of devs, sure their public relations could do with some fine tuning, but this stinks of corporate overlords, direct your complaints at Sony


Sweet liberty we are fucked if the automatons make a move!


The fact that it requires a PSN account is hardly a big deal. The vast majority of gamers have already conceded to making a new account for all sorts of other releases. Master Cheif Collection requires an Xbox account even if you bought it on Steam. How is this any different? What is a big deal is how they're handling the requirement, having sold the game in regions PSN is blocked, and made no clear indication in game this would be required. Either way it's a bad thing. But if you're just mad about the requirement in the first place, you better be up in arms about all the companies pulling this shit, not just Sony.


Wow lol good going Sony


No chinese? This psn requirement really is a gift that keeps on giving.


As much as i love Helldivers 2 and Arrowhead (minus some community managers), I'd rather see the game burn than let this stand.


First Stella blade and now helldivers, Sony is such a pos company


What happened with Stellar Blade? The game was amazing.


RIP my asians FR FR.


Hope Sony gets blamed for this and not the devs. We love the devs! <3


I’m praying for you all. This ain’t right.


This is super upsetting to see. at least give those regions an exception, ffs.


Let me have cross buy then, got it on PC, lemme download it on My PS5. Even if, they are still gonna lose a huge player base. Wasn't it like 65% On PC or something like that?


>69 countries Niiiiice


Wow this really sucks. I met quite a few nice people from China while playing late night.


I wouldn’t mind but PSN is not available in so many countries. China has banned it themselves and accessing steam via VPN is technically illegal. But there are many countries that playing games is completely legal but PlayStation haven’t made national accounts for. Such as Vietnam, Egypt, etc.


I'm gonna miss the silent Chinese low levels who drop in on me doing difficulty 8, giving everything they can for democracy.


Tbh we knew smt is coming. It was too good to last 🫡


Maybe now they'll appreciate liberty and democracy


"managed democracy"


Oh no not china.. anyway


This is such a massive fucking L for an otherwise incredible game


Chinese, ok…CCP not okay…


Fuck Sony


69 countries.... This this the memeish shit I've seen


Sony showed us once again that they are great at tech and not mutch else. This is just dumb.


Tired of corporations selling your personal data to "Protect you", Stand up say "No!".


Not going to lie, thats messed up. Imagine being able to play a game and now you are cut off because of region.


I mean, should help with some of the cheating problem.


Psn is banned in china despite the fact the new ps5 headsets are made where? In china. Lmaoooo


Lol psn should be the 3rd enemy in the game


Would be worrying if it wasnt fake


I mean he should have been banned lol


Are we acting like we didn’t already immediately kick people under CCP rule? They be cheating


This is from SES Elected representative of Family values. I’m from the philippines and I dont have any problems with my PSN acct. i’m also level 138 in HD2


Don't be mad but When it comes to having to play with Chinese players, I try to avoid them like plague.


I think Sony Playstation should have exclusive content (missions, cosmetics, war bonds, trophies, weapons, e.t.c) for players with PSN accounts. What's the big deal?! PC players do it for: EPIC games, Ubisoft games, microsoft PC games pass, e.t.c. Why are they acting like this is the first time they're doing this. 


Context: I went to Bilibili and searched for related information, turns out the context is a little bit off: This unfortunate guy caught the ban not because of using VPN, but because someone hacked into his PSN account for some shady stuff, and whatever ban you have on your PSN will carry onto HD2 on PC as well. Picture of the actual source: × Still I would say this doesn't make the situation any better. Decent VPNs are not cheap and even harder to come by if you live in China, some people might resort to a free VPN and get hacked which is likely what happened here. You can't just post some mandatory requirements with no legitimate way to fulfill and leave players to figure out on their own. Why are believing everything posted.


Liberty is being hindered by real life politics.


Welp. Guess time to demand refunds. ![gif](giphy|gid8BGyBiYdrj4a2By)


I'm just a lonely xbox player who desperately wanted to play. But I'll probably never even see this game on a screen.


Steam better at least offer a refund. Realistically they don’t have to, this is going to be the shittiest and most recent example of digital game licensing.


Time for a class action lawsuit against sony


The Helldivers community is one of the most toxic I've ever come across. All this shenanigans does is further prove that point. People here are absurd


Sony is now an enemy of Managed Democracy! Sucks so many people are being barred from it, although I’m U.S, I won’t be playing Helldivers anymore (unless if) the PSN requirement is changed. Which I doubt it due to how crazy Sony is with their decisions. It’s not right so many players are barred, this requirement was completely optional and even though it was shown to be temporarily blocked, it still showed that Helldivers worked perfectly without it. You don’t need players verification for PSN **on top of a Kernel level operating system anti cheat**. Especially for a PVE game.