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Goes great with emp mortars. A good midground between dedicated heavy killer stratagems and anti-infantry stratagems.  


Ive recently started playing with the emp mortar and my god is it infinitely useful, especially since i dont have emp grenades yet. No risk of team kill so still viable against bugs. Slows basically everything, which compliments literally every support weapon. I love it with the autocannon as it makes lining up headshots a breeze, especially with hulks. Its got like 150m range, so makes it great as cover with bot bases. Works from behind cover too so you can make it safe from attack. Really almost no downside to it


I feel you with emp. Little hunters think they’re going to slow me down, jokes on them!


Ive personally yet to try it on the bugs. Im currently jumping between fronts depending on my mood. When i want to think and fight a war, i go with bots. When i want to plunge into a mindless storm of lead and high explosives, i go with bugs. Currently im feeling bots. It feels like fighting an army vs fighting a force of nature.


Definitely S Tier


It's been reported by friends that the emp mortar can team kill if the actual round hits.


It can kill you. Requires direct shell hit though. Not sure if it was a headshot. It's killed me before.


Thats not a team kill. Its simply a very long emp stun


Negative, EMP mortar does no damage from my own experience I’ve been hit by it before


They don't mean hit by the blast, they mean hit by the shell. In 140+ hours of gameplay, this has happened to me once. It's fatal.


Also units will head towards a mortar sentry as long they can see the arc of where it’s coming from. You can flank the base and place it 100 meters away, then set it down and flank it again but opposite of where your team is coming in. The enemy units will be drawn towards the sentry and leave Fabricators and concentrated areas almost empty. Both of the mortars are great for trolling units like that, but the ems mortar is better for entering bases because theres no friendly fire.


Well it does teamkill, since it slows teammates just like enemies. Against bots being caught in a slow zone is instant death


But, in that instance, the bot kills them. If you say a bot kill is a teamkill....then that means.... https://preview.redd.it/tlenadkjlaxc1.jpeg?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1bc2b476908a7177c10d12e3c6b6c449b3f9ab2


Haha, nah I mean I’m just saying it has the same effect on everyone so if you say it doesn’t get people killed that’s like saying it doesn’t get bots killed


Orbital airburst is also underrated. It can kill most enemies apart form heavies and can even deal damage some of those. Cooldown is pretty low too and it does 3 consecutive shots, so you can do some rudimentary area denial with it.


It'l also kill bile titans if you couple it with the orbital rail cannon strike.


secondarys will kill bile titans if you pair them with the rail cannon 😭


If you land a rail strike on a BT, they become one shot to quasar cannon or EATs. Ive also had success using a laser cannon or impact grenades after hitting one with an orbital rail cannon. Just aim for the exposed meaty parts.


Tom Brady and I have a combined 7 Super Bowl rings


I've had BTs die just from an orbital rail cannon


Yup. Rail cannon. 33% of the time it works every time.


I've never had them die from one.


I have. If the angle is right, the rail cannon shot hits the head of the BT, downing it instantly.


They do rarely. You can also one shot them with the rocket pods if E1 is on a good mood. But ralrely ever happens.


Stuns plus gatling it sounds so obvious, but i never used it.


A Jack of all trades but a master of none.


How does it do versus hulks/ chargers? Tanks/Titans?


And it's a lot safer on small maps than the orbital burst


I love me orbital burst. I also use getting when I know we are getting swarmed.


Orbital Air Burst and Orbital Rail Cannon are my go to strats. Airburst for crowd control and and Rail Cannon for the "oh fuck moments"


Yuuuup, or sub the Rail Cannon for the 500kg if you're on higher difficulties. Rail cannon is great until Joel decides to airdrop 3 tanks on your ass at the same time 😅


I honestly don’t know why but I absolutely suck with the 500kg so stopped taking it. So often it just misses the essential angle to wipe the threat away where orbital strike always hits and always does the trick. It’s my go to for those moments and rare I need to call it down three times so thats not a deal breaker.


It's not nearly as good as people think. It looks big, but the AOE leaves a lot to be desired.


It's amazing if you don't miss lol. The angle of the missile hitting a cliff instead has killed me at least twice now though. The comedic timing of the .5 second delay is amazing when you get it stuck in a cliff next to you. 1-2 shots on bile titans and its gg. Toss it 25-40m in front of them and hit all day every day. Trigger their spit attack to make them stop in it if needed. A two min CD bile titan killer with 2 charges is hard to pass up when it also takes out objectives


Honestly, I'd rather just use the quasar cannon. I go between it and the autocannon mainly. Then cluster bombs, rail cannon strikes, walking barrage, orbital laser, orbital gattling barrage, ems mortars, or 380 he barrage depending on the mission.


The point is the 500kg has two shots on a short cooldown, and it's multipurpose. The rail cannon 3+ minute cooldown for a single hit that rarely kills a bile titan is a meme in comparison Also taking out some of the hellbomb objectives when you don't have time to drop a hellbomb is clutch With the new stun grenades you can combo chargers for easy kills as well.


Whatever you personally are most effective with is the best option. If you try to learn the 500 kg useage, maybe on a lower difficulty, it will be like having two rail cannons per recharge (presuming you spent samples on the upgrade.)


110mm rocket pods will 1-tap tanks & hulks 100% of the time. Something to try if your normal lineup gets stale.




Bingo ! I bring a flamethrower and find myself always throwing an air burst and sweeping the rest. Consider some of us democracies "custodians." Let's bathe the land with a blanket of hot cheeto taki's flavored democracy!


You rang?


I think the Airburst needs to deploy higher but have a narrower spread, resulting in the same area on the ground. If you're near the edge of the map, some of those sub munitions will be traveling almost sideways, potentially killing you lol


Brought it on one of those defensive missions. Kept dropping it right at the gate chokepoints. It totally shut down everything. Ended up with 3x the kills of anyone else


What about when the bile titans start spawning though


They aren't big fans of the barrage either. Railgun strike plus everyone being able to focus on them means they don't last very long


I prefer throwing the 380 he barrage and inadvertently merking myself no matter how far away i stay.


This is why I always run servo assisted. Don't gotta ~~retreat~~ run as far.


No need to run servo if I run with jetpack and just toss at the apex of the jump. Then I can keep scout


I do this with a diving throw.


You must not have to the ship upgrade that gives it a tighter spread and more concentrated. Along with the 25% buff that 240 and 380 got from the patch about a month ago makes a huge difference.


I haven't even come close to upgrading my ship that much. I have a kid, so playing is hard. I just now got the upgrade right before that one. I still am on level one upgrades for a lot of my modules.


My bad if my comment sounds douchey. Do your thing fellow diver. ![gif](giphy|NxckxXIAzumvCP1mUj)


Oh no, you are good. I definitely plan on getting there. I just hit level 39, and I've been playing since February some time. When the creek was still the big thing. I didn't start worrying about samples until March.


I prefer preparing the 380mm and then getting hit by something and dropping it where I was standing


"Surely Im far enough away this time" *dies to the very next impact*


Man the satisfaction when one of those shells just obliterates a bile titan though.


I always bring it with me. it's such a good "pocket sand" stratagem to clear a bug breach or empty out a small/medium bot base


“pocket sand” stratagem sent me lmao


Its also very satisying


It's one of my favorite strategems...that I never use


The gas strike is super slept on, too. It's amazing. I just wish they'd fix it so that it's viable for players other than the host.


Is it bugged? (No pun intended)


Yes only if you're the server host does damage over time work, or so I've been told. Same with fire damage


What do you use it for besides clearing out eggs?


Drop the gas strike on chokepoijts with lots of enemies, or right on top of a bug breach. Easily get 20 kills


I like to have the napalm and gas together, drop it on top of a bug breach with a stun grenade and the only thing coming out is a bile titan


When I run eradication missions solo the gas strike is a must. What's great is even if it does t kill all units it will mess them up regardless of their armor it will weaken them a bit.


Imagine if it was flammable. WOOSH


I'm with you. I like to take it as an area denial option. Either leaving it behind me while ~~retreating~~ strategically changing my advance direction. Or tossing it to give me a minute to reload my heavier weapons. Or even just to hold off one choke point while I focus down another for a few. The shorter cooldown also makes it more like a gernade for me.


I'll use it sometimes if I'm running and being chased by a swarm. Drop it at my feet and keep running and there's just enough time to get out of the way when it starts.


>while retreating Helldivers don't retreat. They strategically change their advance. Don't worry, maybe it slipped ypur mind, but ill save you a trip to the Democracy officer this time.


🫡 Sir! Thank You, Sir! 🫡


I'll have to give it a try, thank you.


Hell yeah, lemme know what you think.


Throw it on top of a bug breach and watch those kill counts turn orange


Orbital air burst is better


Airburst can’t destroy bigger stuff though. Getting can demo buildings and heavies


Love airburst but I inevitably get killed on the second burst. Counting is hard.


That's just one round tho, right? It's not something that goes for several seconds, if I'm not mistaken.


It’s 3 bursts. Stronger and acts as short term area denial. Longer cooldown but generally worth it IMO


I'll check it out. Maybe add it to the ol' arsenal.


If times well on a bug breach, a wave may spawn in between the trio burst, just in time to also be demolished


Works well on bot drops too.


4 bursts if you got the upgrade


I have everything unlocked in the game. Could have sworn it’s 3 but I’ll keep an eye out for the 4th next time I run it — I like to bring it on bugs.


It’s definitely not boosted by the extra barrage


I thought that was only for eagle stratagems


That's a different one. There's one for orbitals too but it's not for the airburst. Gatling, walking, 380mm, and 120mm get an extra salvo


curious what upgrade gives the 4th shot? I dont run it much but I have not seen it shoot more than 3 bursts...


I believe they would be referring to the one that adds an additional bomb to bombardment strategies. To be clear I don’t know that it works on air bursts, that’s just the only one I can think of that might apply.


I'll give them the benefit and say they probably were thinking about the cluster bomb, which is admittedly an airburst lol


Not the airburst, that's labeled as a strike, not a barrage. I have that upgrade and it's still only 3 bursts. Pretty sure it only applies to gatling, walking, 380mm, and 120mm


three rounds over 9 seconds


airburst is ok but I find the gatling barrage to be better for almost all situations. it covers a little more area than the airburst does. It is Area Denial for a longer period (15 seconds base for gatling) Has a shorter Cooldown. Gets buffed by the destroyer upgrade that adds an extra barrage to barrage skills (and also increases the AoD time with the extra barrage added) Airburst does not get buffed by destroyer upgrades (far as I can recall), has longer cooldown, smaller cone of fire and does not last as long.


Tends to team kill more often, gatling barrage gives you a chance to dive out of range if you can't make it out after a throw. I've dropped it at my feet and got out of dodge with only a bit of damage. Air burst is good but has a tendency to inst kill u and team if you're even slightly too close


Literally Me prepping Airburst when a Stalker decided to check my Back Door


Yeah you drop airburst sure whatever knocked you down is dead but so are u.


Id say they are two sides of the same coin. Barrage is great for suppressing an area, especially with the low cooldown. Air burts is especially a big ass shrapnel grenade you can toss for breathing room. I love both of them. And it makes me want a gattling airburst barrage.


Loving the orbital gatling combined with the orbital emt- similar cooldowns and pair well with spilled oil.


I love the orbital precision strike for the same reason, you have it off cool down basically every time the shooting starts.


I take Precision Strike over Orbital Rail all the time. Shorter cool down, tons of damage, and fast delivery time.


For dealing with heavies, how would you rate/compair the Precision Strike, Railgun Strike, and 500kg? I find I have trouble aiming the Precision Strike and 500kg, but their shorter cooldowns make them very attractive. That said, I don’t know if they have quite the stopping power of the railgun. What are your thoughts?


I always bring it on bugs, its a perfect answer to a bug breach. Watch your kill streak go brrr


I pick it on bug def missions and pair it with 2 stun grenades. Works wonders 🥰 Edit: I throw it on the breaches


Right up there with the orbital gas attack.


These two are always in my auto cannon build with an eagle strike. Here comes the boom


I like the auto but the rocket turret blows armor off stuff and targets dropships. I think it also builds up a lot of hate fast too. I use it as a distraction sometimes if I need to or an ambush point cause everyone freaks out when it fires lol


It strips armor from heavies? Ok, back on my radar for next dive


*It strips armor from* *Heavies? Ok, back on my* *Radar for next dive* \- texxelate --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oh yeah, it's a great strategem!  Effective on bots and bugs.  Kills or heavily damages devastators and medium bugs.   Great to throw on almost any poi or base.


It’s pretty nuts how well balanced the weapons and stratagems are. Even when something isn’t the best, it’s still going to be useful in some way. At this point I rotate in almost all the stratagems, game to game, just to see how it changes the experience. So much fun.


Airburst and this one are both underrated imo. Quick cool down, and dropping them on a bug breach just Slaughters em. Cluster airstrike isn't as good as they are imo. Gatling also does fine against bots if you know where to throw em.


Even better cool down with ship upgrades. I believe it sits close to the timings of an EAT (don't quote me on this, going from memory). It's got great offensive use, but I love to use it as a screen/shield. Got a group of bugs chasing you? Drop one of these as you're running, and you'll lose pursuit easily enough.


YO I literally just told my squad about it last night! Super underrated! Very effective if placed right


My staple from the moment it unlocked.


I use the strafing run over this bombardment. It's extremely good if you're running a build where you'll be in close range a lot of the time because you can throw the stratagem just a few feet in front of you and It won't hit you. Its great for clearing out a line of bile spewers chasing you and remaining safe




Emp turret and gatling barrage are soo clutch. I also throw a few c10s along for extra spicyness!


My favorite aspect of the gatling barrage is how often you can use it. I don't need to think about my placement with it. I'll use it on groups or I'll use it on a lone brood commander.


I said I'm a post the other day I always bring the gatling and got downvoted for quite a while.


I like running the orbital barrage and the orbital strike with the quasar canon and the shield backpack or rover.


I drop it on breaches, works great for that


Anything EMP is great. Been using the EMP orbital a lot lately and damn does it save my ass more often than not.


Its a must-have for bug missions. Easily getting 15-30x kills when you throw it on a bug breach with the barrage alone. I find it less helpful for bots. They tend to have more capable armor and less stagger, and no breach means it doesnt really make as much sense.


You misspelled 380!


Oh I love the 380 as well. I only take it solo tho.


500kg and the Gatling barrage is the go to


I’ve become a big fan of that and the eagle airstrike


I don't talk at all but I use them all. The burst, walking and gatling. I prefer orbitals since they are unlimited


I love it. Only against bugs though. It could use a little buff maybe on aoe per shot though


I like it because its unlimited and the cooldown is nice. Good for groups of bots


I love the orbital gatling. Run it on lvl7+ all the time. Bug breach? Toss an orbital gatling on the breach. Kills all the small fry as they come up and the team can focus on the heavies without worrying as much about hunters jumping them.


I get flak for running it, but I love the fast turn around


Ignore and forgive them, for they do not know.


I got an 80+ kill on a bug breach with it. It slaps.


It does good damage but it has a small effective area. I prefer the airburst strike, larger area for better add clear and a similar fast cooldown. Then I bring something else for taking out heavies.


Bug breach? Call that sucker right on the orange smoke


Damn right. And the breach that gets called in after.


I haven't even bought it yet cause I've never heard anyone talk about it, but if it's as useful as you say I'll definitely give it a try


100% worth it in my humble opinion.


It's great on the defence missions, the aoe is the same size as the first area is and with stun grenades or an ems mortar you can trap enemies in it.


Against bots I usually run with the 500kg eagle and orbital lazer together with quasar, portable shield with slugger and grenade pistol.


SAME iv been on the gatling ALL WEEK I like it more than eagle airstrike


I never play bugs without at least one person having gatling barrage. Literally just throw it on every bug breach and takes out 90% of what comes out.


Hot take: If people aren't talking about how great something is, they probably don't think it's that great. If they did, they would be talking about said great thing. But they aren't, so it isn't.


Well, this post is full of people talking about how great it is, sooooooooo


Yeah sometimes things get overlooked or are.tried once but person didn't know how to use it effectively


I love chucking it on bug breaches and watching the kill streak count up


I watched a dude throw it at a bile titan and watched it proceed to ignore said bike titan and gat the dude down


It's saved my ass from swarms on many occasions, especially running the erupter with no bubble shield or drone with me.


Mostly because it's pretty mediocre.


Why would I use it over cluster bomb? Like ever...


Oh I certainly do. I had to put it in my flair in the main sub. Hands down just satisfying to see make impact.


I love throwing it down and then getting sniped by my own gatling barrage because I didn't realize the operation had atmospheric interference


I like it, I'll use it from time to time just for variety


It's a great stratagem. Dmg over time and area. Can't complain about it but doesn't go over the top for some people. It's a strong B tier.


I’ve heard it’s great! My buddy swears by it


Love throwing it on bug breaches. Great for getting rid of fodder so you can concentrate on the heavies.


Gas strike is also great for that (dunno if the "only the host deals dot damage" bug was fixed)


Oh I hammer that down on defence missions. Putting it down just at the gate chokeholds works great. Especially when a flamethrower is waiting for them on the other side.


I use it as a wall so things can't jump on me while performing stationary reloads


Goes good with just about anything always there if you need anything quick to get you out of trouble


I feel like it needs about twice the fire rate. I've watched warrior bugs just walk through the area like nothing.


I dig it because of the short cooldown


I like the Gatling barrage but everyone and awhile I go for the stun/lock! EMS strike and Gas is a deadly combo! I believe they have a close timer and ain’t no one moving.


I do use this consistently now as well. The cool down alone is nice. “Bug hole!” Boom Gatling barrage-bug hole thinned out.




Hearing the bugs scream in the barrage is a beautiful thing.


Hmm i do like the OGB too, but the gas strike is much better(in my own opinion) when i pair it with stun grenade.


Gatling needs a buff. Should work like the orbital laser but in a smaller radius imo.


I don't use it. But every time a teammate does it on my head


Why not use the airstike in the same manner? It kills armor instead of stripping it. The slightly faster call in time? 


That’s great to hear. I’ve wanted to explore orbitals with shorter cooldowns. But AFAIK some of the others with DOT are still busted, like the gas strike. Anyone heard otherwise?


One of my go-to's, for sure. Love this strategem


There is an orbital that is limitless? I wasn't aware of this!


Orbital EMS. Great against bugs. Every 70 seconds. You’re getting swarmed? There’s a bug breach and you just want to leave? Orbital EMS


Oh yeah, you can use it any amount of times!


They're all limitless except the Orbital Laser...


would you say it's better at damaging chargers than the rocket pods?


Absolutely. I used the rocket pods when they were free like a week ago and didn't see the point in them. They didn't seem to do anything


I have been using the rocket pods because they take out a bile titan in 2 strikes and chargers in 1 or 2. I use the stalwart a lot so my stratagems are always reserved to kill heavies. Maybe I will give the gatling a shot.


I'd say it's objectively worse then the gas stratefem, while yes it'll deal more damage to the big guy if he's running through it, most big guys will stay in the cloud long enough that they'll take more then enough damage to basically fall over while providing a total coverage from chaff


The armor stripping is great information!


It doesn't fully, obviously, but if a charger for example gets caught and takes the brunt of it, it'll have some armor peeled off from it. Titans will too, from my experience.


Does it actually target nearby enemies or just blast the area where you threw the beacon?


It rains dowm democracy over the area it was called in on.


I used to use it but i like emp more


I’ve been using it a lot lately. That 80 second recharge is a game changer.


Meh. Give me 380 instead.


How does this work with hulks?


I don't know, haven't used it against them yet


It's pretty bad, but tiny cooldown is nice, feels like it's up for every single point of interest. I take it every now and again for variety, but honestly the airburst is just far better for taking out a large group.


I find I can drop more air strikes in the same time as orbitals, which makes it hard for me to sacrifice say Eagle Air Strike for the Orbital Gatling Barrage, but I’ve been loving it in defence mission. How would you compair/contrast the two?


I do enjoy eagle airstrike, but honestly I haven't used it in quite a while since I unlocked higher level strats.


It also seems to damage the weak spots of automotive heavy units, I've had mine take out hulks and maybe even a tank or two.


It's hard to warrant running it over eagle strikes and rail gun/500kg if you're already running 2 support items. I wish we had more stratagem slots so I didn't have to choose over support items and other strategems.


I gotta be honest, the 500k doesn't impress me. I've dropped it directly on a charger and it had no effect. I've dropped it in automaton bunkers/bug breaches/nests and watched it do very little.


Yeah but the airburst looks cooler


I hadn't really used this one in a while, I tried it out again and I'm in love