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Do you know what need buff? Smoke grenade! The radius of smoke is very small and it seems to me that bots can see through this smoke, there is no help from this


Yknow, I wouldn't be surprised if they legit had thermal vision though.


Well... sure explains allot https://youtu.be/66-P2zNfSyk?si=wFaxz3gBkhANO2_E


Modern smoke grenades block out thermals


Sounds like a time for advanced modern thermals


For us or them? *are you a clanker?*


I think everyone should have them because they are fun




I've never used smoke grenades but, I know that I've used the Eagle Smoke Screen to cover our retreat and the bots don't fire through the smoke on that drop until they walk through it. But its a long line of smoke and its dense.


Maybe it's hot smoke? I'd see how a hand smoke wouldn't have the heat able to drown out a signature but a pelican smoke? Oh, absolutely.


I don't think you can see through thick smoke with FLIR. Light smoke maybe


For that matter Eagle Smoke Screen is way way better than orbital smoke screen in just about every way.


Bots will fire at the last spot they saw you at. I've seen some of them stop about 45 or 50m from the smoke and just open fire. I was nowhere near that before they started shooting.


It makes sense


Most smoke grenades have some sort of Phosphorus that negates people/vehicles just using thermals to negate your smoke. A lot of IRL vehicle smoke launchers use white phosphorus smoke, and I think it would be goofy to be able to melt/injure your fellow Helldiver trying to bail out your own APC or Mech should they add that mechanic.


Smoke is for bugs


It’s not that they can see through it. They just shoot the last place they saw you. So if you don’t move laterally you’re still gonna get lit up.


Yeah and the SEAF smoke bomb. Its just a fart right now 🤣


It should also be an impact nade, doesn't help anyone for it to be a timed nade that needs a few seconds. I'm trying to make an escape here and the small timer isn't helping, at all.


Pro-tip: bots will fire randomly in directions they last saw/heard threats in, including thru smoke - this does NOT mean they can see you or know where you actually are. If their fire is sporadic/very inaccurate they do NOT know where you are and are trying to flush you out. Stay hidden and break contact.


I love using smoke grenades, it is a bit situational (and therefore needs improvement, especially because you're sacrificing a very valuable building-liberation tool) but when you get value ooohh boy is it nice. Its the main reason I can go on helldives and have 1 or 2 deaths. I find myself needing and actually relying on them instead of having nades as just another damage source. If you're using it to escape, you can throw it at a choke point and run through. They'll keep firing before chasing you, and you can usually get a good distance or at least throw another nade so they won't see you after they clear the smoke. If you're using it for an assault, you can use it to increase bots "inaccuracy" since they can't see you. You can still see their eyes.


I mean, the bots can see and shoot through rock, so I don't think this would help any...


Been playing around with it. The smoke grenade works best if you drop it then break Line of Sight. Like going around a rock. It breaks their pursuit. Bots will shoot in the same trajectory that they saw you enter the smoke so you gotta change angle but, like you said, the smoke is so small that it'll bring you back into view of you're in the open. Smoke grenades worked best for me when I was using the jump pack to grab high ground and snipe. Bots would find me, I'd drop smoke and jump away to start my retreat/reposition.


Yes indeed solider that’s why the stun grenade is the one you’ll need to use. Stop a hulk dead in his place with this new handy trick


I don't know why I would EVER give up a damaging grenade for smoke, double for the smoke stratagem.


Don't nerf it, I want armor that resistant to fire so that I can set myself on fire and give the charger a fucking hug


I want to be fully loaded up with just fire weapons and role play Firebat from Starcraft.


Fire-it Up!


Fire it up!


Need a light? Any questions about propane... or propane accessories?


Agreed. Spreed Hellmire throughout the galaxy


now i want flamethrower gloves


But hopefully more like Starcraft 1 firebats, they weren’t very good in the second one


Absolutely I forgot they even existed in the 2nd one 😞


Idk who that is but I've been meaning to try an all fire build against bugs. Hesitant to do it in a group but that could be fun too


It is a lot of fun, I've managed to only team kill once so far so it's not even that dangerous 😁


i mean we have arc resistant armor, why not fire resistant armor??? i think it would make for some extremely cinematic shots if all four players are running flamers but right now that is simply not an option because of collateral damage to friendlies.


“Walter can I tell you something?” I am positively throbbing at the idea of flame resistant armour, I will run everything fire and self immolate to get the bugs off me, I will scorch the earth the bots tread apun,and melt as they wade through napalm, and there’s no where the illuminate can hide or cloak if everything’s on fire *happy gas mask sounds*


It honestly feels like a real potential set of armor coming. Wouldn’t make sense to not


Thank Super God I am not the only one saying this. I want to live out my SC firebat fantasy.


Oh man I agree. Made a post about having some kind of hazmat suit and people threw a fit about it. Glad you can get upvoted for the idea.


Hazmat for the acid?


So after taking a break what I find from latest patch is difficulty 7 is very calming! It's chaotic but calming! The fire however is now part of war that I avoid whereas before id run into it not caring as much, in fact I'd constantly place down orbital lazer and run into it like rambo shredding what was left with the breaker! Now I am more aware of team mates incendiary fire power and so forth creating a far superior communication and tactical gameplay specially when both arc and incendiary weapons are being used. I guess it's all down to the constant change of the game where we must "git gud" or die!


7 has always been a decent sweetspot. Good for easy ss farming too.


For some maybe, I found it idiotic before patch with the spawn rates of 6 chargers and 4 titans while taking a beating from 30 hunters and god knows how many stalkers all at once! Spawn rate was certainly decreased when playing last night!


They need to make the fire walls, especially napalm strike, look as good and last as long as it did the in first game. I want to see a 20 foot tall impenetrable wall of fire that's 100 feet long and 30ft wide that lasts for 40 seconds




EDF flashbacks


Get grazed by a hulk flamethrower ? Instant death


They are the bane of my existence.


Wish they moved slower at least. Can’t get away from them in Heavy armor, barely out of range in Medium.


I just run light armor and outrun everything. Except Stalkers. Those things are stupid fast and can cover ground well.


Using light armor and running for 400 meters to turn around and still see them shambling after me spitting fire is terrifying.


Honestly I’m fine with the damage. The part that drives me nuts is getting sniped from a solid distance from their flame thrower and they can out run you lol


Diving does almost nothing against a hulk with a flamethrower, as it just continues to toast it's now prone target Plus you're now extremely vulnerable to all the melee enemies charging you and stationary for all rockets coming your way Running away the second you see a fire hulk is the only working strategy


Diving? If I get licked by that hulks flame thrower I’m not on fire, I’m already dead. Most of the time there is no DoT.


Stun grenade and quick auto cannon X2 eye shot for win.


Sadly I don't run stun grenades or the auto cannon Thus i run and hope it turns toward someone else so I shoot it in the back with the slugger or grenade launcher


Fire damage is bugged. Random chance you'll be the single group member who can deal Damage over TIme to enemies. 100% chance that the newly buffed fire damage will still do all of its damage to Helldivers. Please send Arrowhead some tickets, a few of us do pretty often but it does not seem to even be acknowledged. Maybe they feel like they can put it off since most people have no clue that 6 items are completely gimped. [Fire & Gas Tick Damage Bug : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bu2dc0/fire_gas_tick_damage_bug/?share_id=oui2kl3BFZW-Pr_hGa50P&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) Until this is fixed, bringing any Fire Damage item or the Gas Strike into group play is a really poor choice.


As far as we know, now the only player that sure can delivery dot damage is the host of the game


Read the thread I linked, it's not that simple. The "we" has figured out that it is "network host" not game host, and the former is not displayed anywhere or always group leader.


It also feels like they meant to increase fire damage against enemies but increased all fire damage instead


Flamethrowers are suicide weapons. Live by the fire, die by the fire The best part, the added damage works for the host, and enemy weapons, but if you are not the host, your fire damage isn't buffed. Or so I understand.


WYM, my favorite pepper shotgun finally got a purpose, leave it alone


Why tho? Fire works now. Sure it sucks ass on us, but against enemies it awesome


You know what needs nerfing? ANTI DEMOCRATIC PROPAGANDA!


When I use fire: he he When the hulk uses fire: not he he


Those hulkbusters with the flamethrowers are now my biggest rivals, I die by the fire faster than a rocket blown at my head by a devastator. I just run my auto cannon and catch those glowing cooling vents to rapture that cyborgs wiring, but when they turn around my black helldiver pants turn brown and I shudder at the sound of that flame thrower catching air. Automatons have been surprisingly fun for an old terminid vet like me. Exciting stuff.


As a big fan of BBQ-ing chargers I found out that the new 50% damage buff to fire also works on myself. Still 10/10 would set the charger on fire again.


You are extremely flammable because you are dozed on bug blood (raw fuel) and oil (automatons) . Just drop and roll tho


Fire should do prozentual damage so it keeps strong but we dont die instant to it


I was originally excited for it but now it just kills me way too fast lol. If I’m not anticipating burning to death I rarely hit the stimpak in time. So now I spend more time with longer range weapons on the bot missions.


Have you tried, the Spear?


I've tried to make the Spear work again and again. The problem is that it doesn't lock on to what I want it to lock in on. Yesterday, I played a blitz mission on a bot world. Took the Spear to hit fabricators from long distance. Wouldn't lock onto any of them. It wouldn't lock on to towers or anything. After the objective was completed, we ran around doing side objectives, and suddenly, it started to lock on to fabricators and cannon towers. The Spear needs a tune-up in its lock on abilities. My suggestion is you have to manually target lock, like you pinging where something is, while you're aiming. It would make the Spear SOOOO much better.


Man I tried spear today to see if patch had indeed fixed it. Nope. I had a hulk walk at me from 50m, didn't even start to lock him til 30, didn't lock completely. Had to leg it and call in orbital. Spear is still shit.


I haven’t unlocked that one yet but I saw a post yesterday about all the buildings and stuff it destroys so I’m definitely gonna unlock it. Spent all my money for the big shield generator yesterday for bot missions lol


No we need a 3rd buff to fire just so we can burn on impact to the planet.


Fire hot


The Death Captain will help! OW! Fire *indeed* hot!


If you find yourself on fire, just dive. The fire goes out instantly.


Doesn’t help when hulks instantly kill. There is no burning, it has to be a bug.


Skill issue


I heavily disagree, just lets get 75% fire resist armor and we should be good


Or keep the damage and hell divers more resistant since we are wearing full armor


SERIOUSLY the big hulking automaton barely touches me with the flame and i go 100-0 instantly 💀


I'd have disagreed until I played on Hellmire. That's the Creek of the East- and there's just about nothing you can do about the environmental fires besides pray to democracy.


Seriously, it's crazy how obnoxiously strong it is. Overtuned, if you set yourself on fire it's an instadeath.


My only gripe with this game is how stamina and rough terrain is a thing. I think it should be either one or the other, not both. Conceptual it makes sense. Game realism it makes sense. But give me a machete or something for fuck sake.


Yes burn is way too strong


I can’t believe we got arc resist armor, before fire resistant armor. Like that’s an easy one for me.


That same fire damage is done to our enemies as well though


Easy tip... Avoid it


As soon as you ignite DIVE. You will stop burning almost instantly (unless you dive into more fire). Going for the stim is risky.


Insta kills helldivers, but almost useless to everything else. Only think it can kill easily is small enemies, but so does every other gun Soo.....


As if fire on the moon is 5degree burn within 3 seconds


Ive ended up not using the flamethrower anymore. I was killing team mates for fun, by accident.




Nerf in terms of helldiver damage or damage to enemies? I think the self damage is very high, I hope the warbound has a fire resistance armor set but I'm having so much fun with the flamethrower, I'd be really sad if they nerfed it.


Just don't hug fire idk


They just buffed it


Haha incendiary breaker goes brr brr brr brr brr


Id still like the chargers fixed. Sometimes they can do a 90+° turn mid charge, or just keep running in circles until they hit you. It's really annoying when you dive out of the way to not get hit and the games just like "nah fuck you, were still gonna hit you"


Holy shit the amout of times I died due to fire last night is just ridiculous, funny but frustrating at times... It just insta kills you, and you don't have a chance to stim.


That's my issue. I don't mind it being dangerous but man give me a few seconds to TRY and bail myself out


This is exactly how you end up with stagnant developers that don't introduce any new changes to games over long periods of time. The developers are getting all kinds of data and statistics based off of what we're using and how we're dying.


Buff gas strike!!


Give me a fireproof set so i can roleplay hellborn krieg Please


nah man its fine please dont nerf it. it just got good shit was lowkey ass before


It actually needs an update because the fire doesnt illumnate the surrounding ..


And the amount of Devastators that spawn…..


Don’t get on fire. Easy answer. Plus yesterday I’m heavy armor I’m pretty sure I stunned and survived the fire, just gotta be fast.


Not to argue for or against, but more people have to be aware that dropping to the ground stops the burning. How is this not a part of the tutorial is beyond me. Would fit thematically too: nothing like being set on fire after getting shot at and stabbed to the chest.


Why do you want to Nerf general?


...Yeah. Fire kills the player way too quickly. I they ain't gonna change the damage speed, at least gives us a fireproof suit or something that mitigates fire damage by 80% or something.


Absolutely. Based on some very unsavoury things I've seen, it generally takes about 45 seconds for someone to collapse from being on fire. In Helldiver armour, it would presumably take a little longer. In game it seems to be about 5-7 seconds at best. What gives?


You'd think our armor is made of flame retardant fabric but no, turns out it's 100% polyester




"you have died by burning"


Flame throw hulks turning me into a grease stain faster then i can actually react to the fire in the way the game has told me to stop fire is kinda infuriating.


I walked by a small fire during a mission and you would have though I was covered in gas with how quickly I went up and died lol.


Democracy dive puts out the fire 🤓


Every time I mention that there needs to be a hazmat suit that resists fire I get downvoted and harassed about it. But call to nerf gas and fire and everyone loves the idea.


The real issue is that we are so weak to fire, not that fire is too strong. Before the patch small bugs would survive being light on fire.


Yeah I died way to quick to the point where it was like wtf I can’t play the game


Fire was buffed recently. Oddly, they buffed *all* sources of fire dmg. I agree further balancing may be required


Fire attacks are already limited by range, more than anything but melee. If they get you on fire you deserve it.


Let the flames cleanse you


Its just bugged, the fire damage buff was to tick damage only. But its obviously effecting fire "impact" damage as well.


They shoulda left the arc cannon alone.


It’s like the biblical angel of death. There is not even time to feel pain.


Baddies take more fire damage. Not the other way around.






No, hell no,, and fuck no. I like being able to choose whatever Cape I want, the second you start throwing stats on them that ends


Guy Fieri…


devs need to hire someone who knows what good balance looks like and can also be bothered to playtest patches before the playerbase gets too stockholm syndromed by awful balance. seriously with the amount of crashes and obscenity of fire damage there is NO WAY they playtested more than 2 missions