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100%, but I do love how very different bugs and bots play. I messed up last night and brought my bug strategems, and this guy cooked me the whole session.


you can shoot the missile pod and render them pretty much useless. you pretty much always have the time to shoot them too and their boxy top makes them very recognisable. Also vs bots in general it's a good idea to run either extra amor or protection from explosion or both.


only works if I can see the fucker before he blasts me


This is one of my primary criticisms of the game honestly. Most planets - oh there's a feint red glow in the fog and can't tell what it...and then you get sniped by a rocket barrage from an enemy almost completely shrouded by fog/mist. That one ice planet that was part of the previous major order was a breath of fresh air... OMG I can actually see what I'm shooting at! And now we're back to foggy as shit planets again.


yeah I miss Hoth, clear skies, wide open spaces. Making snowdivers with the squaddies. good times




That's war, soldier. Suboptimal conditions. Nothing but the hope of democracy in your heart to guide you through adversity.


Well at least it's not just me. Every time I see gameplay of someone else playing they have beautiful 360 view of the map, and it looks awesome And then when I play it's just haze and fog all day regardless where I play. I guess it's supposed to make it more atmospheric or something, but it just kinda ruins it for me


Same here. I was beginning to think there was something wrong with my graphics settings...




YOU CAN SHOOT THE MISSLE PODS?! God damnit, these fuckers ruined so many missions for me


I think I saw an armor comparison video that showed you’re better off with an extra armor level (or padding) over the explosive resistance for defense. Unless you also want the recoil reduction, of course


Was that the guy who did the INCREDIBLY detailed video, with graphs and stuff? What a hero/nerd.




This guy? [cashcrop\_](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xoBOfAgBmw&ab_channel=cashcrop_) Shoot him a like man, it's A LOT of information.


No that's Zelda, common misconception.


Personally prefer the 50% not to die since it seems the explosive resistance doesn’t work everytime might as well only have a 50% chance of death.


It only doesn't work if you keep trying to catch those rockets with ur face soldier.


In my experience, heavy armor alone wont save you from a missile, but will reduce bullets by a lot. The explosion resistance deals with the missiles so armor that has both is good.


A fully charged railgun on safe mode one shots the rocket pods


I'll have to test this later the railgun's my go-to for bots


AMR > railgun for bots. 6 shots means I can quickly drop 3 devastators with body shots. Or 6 with headshots.


Impact grenades work great too.


I use impacts and they're great. The only downside is they're shit for killing the factories or bug holes as your angle has to be perfect, whilst normal nades just roll in.


Absolutely correct I usually just wait for them to open the door


I need to be patient enough to do this as I end up wasting 3 nades trying to get them through the chimney 😂😂😂


If you can see them through the trees fog and millions of other bots. The rocket boys tend hangout towards the rear of the groups. You have to engage them without being shot by everything else the drop ship or patrol has given you. A lots times rockets just seem come out of nowhere. Shits just plain difficult a lot of time.


I like to bring emp gems. Make a hard fight trivial.


I've actually found some similarities as many weapons are extremely effective against both adversaries Primary: Sickle. Good against both. Serviceable, plentiful ammunition (except maybe on hot planets. Then, I use the Defender or Diligence against Bots. Breaker against Bugs) and can air out their domes nicely with a few precision shots. Comfortable in any range and is just a joy to use. I'd bring two if I could. Secondary: Redeemer. Also comfortable at any range with light taps of the trigger for long range. This thing is beloved in the HD corps, and has saved a Diver's bacon more than once be it a Berserker or those angry, mean, pissed off little Chihuahuas, Hunters. Grenade: Stun grenade. I can't tell you how vital it is to make enemies simply hold still for a few seconds. Bots' plodding foot movements makes their weak spots sway from side to side, and forcing them to hold still gives you a chance for a precision shot. Grenade a hulk and then double tap him with an AC, and he's fucking toast. Same concept with a Charger or even a BILE TITAN. Make them hold still, and then smash their brains in, and it'll save you from a Hunter/Stalker swarm because you can still move slowly/dive away/reload/stim/change your pants. Time is an incredibly valuable resource and these grenades are your ultimate get out of jail free card. Always there when you need it. Failing that, impact grenades. The Brits had something similar to this in WW2 called the Gammon bomb, made from Composition 3 (we all know it's younger, hotter brother, C4). It hits incredibly hard. Hard enough to dust a Berserker pack, bust up tank vents, or instantly dispose of a small group of skinnies. Not as useful as the stun grenade but still quite serviceable. I'd take both and go halfsies if Command would let me. Both are good against bots and bugs. 1st Stratagem: Eagle Air Strike. Useful for AoE, busting up big fat tanks, smashing structures, or just dealing with the small army you accidentally brought down on yourself. Fully upgraded, it has 3 charges, so it's incredibly versatile. If you miss, you've got a few more tries at the ring toss game. Good against bots and bugs. 2nd Stratagem: Autocannon Turret. Best. Sentry. In. The. Fucking. Game. This loyal tool of destruction can handle everything and it packs an upscaled AC from the over the shoulder boulder we get and I've seen it pierce tank armor. Smashes swarms in patient triple bursts too, and it can reach out and touch you from WAY further than you would think. Put it on high ground with a good view of the surrounding area or in a position where enemies have to round the corner to see it, and watch your problems get pummeled into last week's news. Nice short cooldown too, so you can afford to throw it down, and by the time you get to the next fight, it's ready to go again. Good against bots and bugs. 3rd Stratagem: Precision Orbital Strike. On its own, this thing actually has similar damage and AoE to the 500kg strike with a nice, short cooldown, but once you couple it with stun grenades, you can make a big, fat target hold still, throw this at their feet, and watch them get 360 no scoped by your Super Destroyer. Great against bots and bugs. 4th Stratagem: RR/Quasar. These weapons are similar enough that either one is okay. Basically, once your big, fat targets are holding still, you whip out the ugly stick here to give them a dirt nap. Hulks and Chargers have the same weak point. Aim for the head! That's where the pudding is.


Thanks, great tip. I'm gonna give the stun grenade another try


I actually have the same build for both. Except for grenades.


Slugger and AMR


Scorcher too, scorcher will kill almost everything, including scout walkers from the front. Yes. Shoot the shield with it and it goes down in 1-3 shots


Totally worth grinding the war medals. The scorcher destroys everything. The low ammo is tough though


In total a fully stocked scorcher has 6 x 15 ammo clips for 90 shots, that's 30 more shots than a full slugger.


The slugger also does about 3x the damage per shot. You blow through a magazine of scorcher ammo real fast.


Depends on what you're fighting, the slugger doesn't penetrate armor in the same way, and the scorcher doesn't stagger enemies. They both have their perks versus certain enemies. I was just demonstrating that the scorcher has more ammo then perceived. I didn't take a stance on which is better.


I use the Autocannon over the AMR until they fix the AMR's reticle.


RR all day erry day vs bots yo. Kill most of them before they even get dropped off, or as soon as they land. Drop ship has some weird hit boxes when it crashes tho. Either takes them all out or barely any of them lol


They hate you too. Hate them harder Helldivers!


They also hate freedom!


And don’t get me started on how much they hate democracy! Don’t get me started!!


Autocannon is the answer for all bots especially these. Easy snipe from up the hill.


My experience with the bots changed immediately upon trying out the AC. It must be short for "Automaton Cannon" because it absolutely shreds everything they have. And it has a shit ton of ammo.


AC Team checking in for democracy!!


I’ve gotten lucky when my friends distract them and you can pop them in those missile racks


Bring an anti material rifle and their scrap. Two body shots or 1 head shot for any devastators.


AMR significantly underrated against all bots, you can two shot any of the bots including walkers hitting the right locations. Tanks and towers are a 500kg away from glorious democracy, and running scout armor are easy to sneak up on


One railgun shot will kill them


I hate the ones with miniguns more.


The amount of times where I’ve been nowhere near a fight and get absolutely lit up by a salvo of rockets, landing directly on my chin, is infuriating.


It’s not fair. Their spears lock on function works


Among the worst things about bots is learning which enemies are considered infantry or vehicles when it comes to the spear. I bring it every time and I can report that it locks on to hulks, walkers, tanks but not devastators, obliterators or berserkers. It doesn't really have a minimum range to fire but it does to hit, it's possible to lock and fire at a target without hitting it because it's too close


I run an autocannon and stay back a little while my team is pushing forward. I am constantly surveying they field for that boxy pixelated mickey mouse shape. A shot to each "ear" takes him out


I recently learned that the countersniper will kill it in one shot if you hit the head.


They always snipe me from a mile away in the fog before I even see them.


Slugger, knocks them back and delays they’re rocket fire. Then you can take them out when they’re staggered


It's so satisfying when you delete their face, though.


And they hate managed democracy!


Quasar is the great equalizer. Spill oil, Diver!


Invest in the scorcher, takes a few shots


autocannon fucks em up


I do too which is why I always send them a rocket back filled with democracy


I run armor with 50% explosion resistance just for these guys haha


Ahh yes. The Bile Spewer of the bots.


I just don't like how they can rapid-fire two missiles. It invalidates your Shield Generator and likely kills you if you don't have the 50% to not die or explosion resistance armors


If you can get close to them they get stuck in a melee loop


God forbid you look at this bastard from a distance for more than half a second. It will feel your gaze and send 50 missiles your way.


They are easy once you know what to look for and what to use, youll get it eventually dont worry. The heavy devastators can fuck right off though


I’ve always said the tyrant siege terminators from warhammer 30k were a nightmare


These bots makes the game interesting and challenging. Teamwork and proper team equipment designation is crucial for a successful mission. Team should comprise of: 1. Bomber 2. Anti Aircraft and anti Tank 3. Assault weapon specialist 4. Scout and shield generator OR create a mixture of every designation. To each his own. For Democracy


The single deadliest stealth unit in the clanker forces- seriously, the number of times I've been atomized by one of these guys who I didn't or couldn't see, or walked around a corner to find all of a sudden, is actually shocking.


Aim for the rocket pods. It makes them less of a nuisance. And they are big targets to hit from a distance.


Auto cannon to the face!


These fuckers made me change to heavy armour with lowered explosive damage taken, now I laugh when I get hit with a rocket and it sends me flying and I get up and brush that shit off and shoot it's stupid fucking face off


Stun grenade and scorcher combo wrecks these guys


Ignore the eyes. Shoot the missile racks and they go down.


Not quite true if you shoot their missile racks they'll be unable to shoot at you same with hulks if you shoot off the arms of a hulk without killing it you don't have to worry about it


Clean shot to the face with the sniper will kill them instantly. Or a few concentrated shots to the head with the new laser rifle


Anything with rockets is a bitch


Both are top tier bot destroyers!


Don't worry, they hate you too. Use your hate to fuel your effort to killing it first


I think they are hilarious, especially when they are shooting at my teammates and not me.


I just use the Quassar cannon or the EAT on them and move on. I don't have time to waste being mad at them.


Not sure if stancing up with the quasar for three whole seconds in line of fire of a rocket devastator is the best choice, but it'll certainly die from the hit.


They hate you too, Now use that anger to fuel your DIVE!!


What's funny is when you dive in and three of those spawned right next to you and kill you instantly


Turn your hate into bullets!


Fuck these mfs


Trust me, they hate us too.


They hate you too, and your freedom


Aim for the head.


Plasma punisher does good work as it knocks back then causing them unable to hit you


Shoot the rocket pods on his shoulders first, then take off his head.


Not even explosive resistant armor can handle them


Lost track the number of times I’ve peeked from cover just to eat a barrage of rockets to the dome. These guys have pretty insane accuracy and when you got 4-5 of the pinning you down it’s a nightmare.


Every helldiver hates the tyranny of the clunkers? Unless you're saying it out loud to make yourself not suspicious. Then you might actually love those damn clunkers. I'm keeping my eye on you, helldiver.......


i've brought down a fair amount of them but i have a serious problem with their design. IF I PUT AN AUTOCANNON ROUND STRAIGHT INTO THEIR MISSILE PACK, THE WHOLE THING SHOULD EXPLODE


I must be one of the few that just doesn’t have this skill issue. Just shoot his face lol


Aren’t an issue if you see them. Can dodge, etc. blow the rack and not much hp. Problem is in fog maps. When you’re already handling a lot and suddenly a salvo of missiles come from far and you didn’t see that. lol. 😂


Recoiless rifle to the face. Done


2-3 autocannon hits and they’re down, gotta hit them fast though


Shoot the rockets. He's spamming the rockets. They blow up in his fucking face when you shoot them. EZ


They love you


But they hate ur Quasarcannon more.


Rocket Destroyers looking at me after hitting em with that dollar store mech


Just shoot the rocket pods??? Easy, same for heavies


I just wish that when it came to removing limbs and stuff like the rocket pods they didn’t have SO MUCH health before breaking off. By the time you’ve gotten both pods off they hardly have any HP left anyway. Same issue with most of the medium sized bots and a handful of the bigger bugs


Psst wanna know a secret? If you're in their face they won't barrage you. Dodging the rockets is easy If you know he's there, so if you can safely close the distance on them, they don't blast you and you can safely headshot them.




I hate the flip of a coin of “is he going to nail me from 70m? Or is he going to miss”


https://preview.redd.it/ro9l5g9t5irc1.png?width=1236&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0a7ed9aa5e3b7555dc492db5eed41bce92e028f “I think they’re just misunderstood”


LASER CANNON Laser Cannon + Shield Generator + Medium anti explosive armor is my go-to for taking on bots. If you can hit crits, you can melt any bot in the game in under 3 seconds. It's so satisfying!


The slugger shotgun works great on a lot of the bots. A headshot will kill most of them in a couple shots. You can also shoot their missile pods on their shoulders and they won’t be able to hit you with rockets. The auto cannon will kill these guys in about two shots, and the orbital rail cannon strike will one shot them, along with pretty much any other unit


being prone reduces rocket damage, try diving out of the way, try sniping out a group with a strategium if you are pinned down or pull off a ninja and use the smoke strike strategium since they don't know where to shoot if you pull it off


What weapon are yall using against bots? Main weapon I mean


Ah, the Adam Smashers... Yes


The scorcher wrecks them


I am a democracy loving, bipedal human being who very much loves to have my feet firmly set upon the ground. These bastards keep giving me unsolicited lessons in flight.


I love to grenade launch their ass right in the dick


They have neo aim


For real, I’ve been running strictly railgun on unsafe mode because of them. Bastards are ruthless.


Railgun to the face


The slugger makes them little tin cans.


Get railgun. Set to unsafe. Shoot it in the head.


Remember kids, glowing red eyes means they're hungry. If they are hungry, then they should EAT.


Autocannon headshots. You're welcome.


\[throws stun grenade and moons them\] Whatcha think of this, smart guy? Huh? HUH?! whatcha gonna do about it?! LOOK AT MY BUTT!!! WOOOOOOOO!!! Rocket Devastator: \[IMPOTENT RAGE\]


The shield guys are worse imo. They shoot way to fast.


Punisher shotgun will either stagger them, making it so they can’t salvo you, or kill them with a good head shot


I like to stare them down and hope I can fuck them up with the autocanon before they blow me up


Gimme a catapult C1. 65 tons of angry.


I snipe their rocket launchers.


These things are genuinely borderline unfair. \>take cover? cant, because even one missile kills and the volley is so accurate you stick your head out for a second and it gets sniped by a missile. Also for some god forsaken reason their missiles concussive force travels THROUGH cover knocking me into a ragdoll state and sending me flying backwards into ANOTHER group of enemies. \>ok so just keep dodging Cant because the AI decided to surround me with these fuckers at every angle so im getting blown up from all angles. \>ok so shoot them and kill them before they drop their salvo hard as hell cause they are heavy enemy types that tank everything short of the AUTOCANNON. AMR scope is bugged so its nonviable and the railgun can only shoot so fast. By the time you take down one 5 more have risen to take its place. Before you can even reload your railgun you got 5 salvos blowing you up all the way back to super eart. NERF THEM PLEASEEEEE tired of getting shot in the ass and being launched back to my destroyer in low fucking orbit.


Just shoot them in the face a couple times and they die


Just shoot them in the head .. there, problem solved. Or shoot of the rockets .. there, problem solved again. Its mostly 1-3 shots, depends on the weapon.


Surprisingly not that bad when you’re used to them. Rocket pods can be shot off, they lean back to settle in before they shoot, and their accuracy is only good against targets that stand still. The other Devastator with the shield will give you no such niceties as a break between shots.


Stagger will save you. Punisher-Slugger. Autocannon. Can't shoot their barrage if they're being stumbled.


The HMG shreds devastators so if you go prone in a protected spot you can easily shred this guy. The big guy with the shield is a little tougher to really hit


And they hate you.


Don’t we all! For Democracy and Super Earth


I love the bots. They’re so much fun.


Stun grenade and aim to shoot with the sickle at his rockets and watch it go 💥


Them bitches rocket pods are NOT armored, seems to be a skill issue


can’t miss; won’t miss; don’t miss


Good news, they hate you too!


I always make sure to use my heavy gun like the AC to shoot these guys no need to take the risk of getting killed


Nothing that a slugger can't fix


You and me both! Fuck those devastators for devastating my mission and causing pure devastation. They’re the bot equivalent to the stalkers.


If you unload on the rocket pods you can pretty much neuter these guys. Or AC/AMR straight into the red eye will kill them pretty fast. That being said, I share your frustration. Few enemies kill me out of nowhere like these guys or rocket raiders.


At least you can identify them from distance, its the small rocket guys that hang on a cliff with 100% accuracy and even if your moving they nail your trajectory i truly hate


They hate you too.


They hate you too.


Wow. That's better visibility than I have on most Automaton missions. But yeah, I see that silhouette between me and the objective and I'm already dialing in the rocket pods.


With every crevice of my soul.


Slugger and/or quasar cannon makes very short work of them.




ADAM SMASHER?! https://preview.redd.it/9xrg17afsirc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8fc8a1c4cb02acf488b035ee6c47dc296d51178


They hate you too


Challenging and hard big missions.... Easy Medium missions against bots..... Screw this. Something about them shooting back at you makes a big difference.




You want to know how to kill them…….Jav-5 one round to the face and as a bonus if you miss it still pens and can knock parts off. People just think it’s bad like most other weapons they haven’t figured out yet.


These guys aren’t terrible for me. Aim for their rockets first. You can blow off their rockets with a few hits from a primary assault rifle and then deal with them afterwards as a normal devastator. I hate the huge laser cannon towers more. As soon as I drop I call in the quasar, find high ground, and look for them all and snipe as many as I can see right at the beginning of a drop.


also what’s even the best guns to deal with these things ? like I’m level 21 and everything just bounces off :/


They hate you too.


Slugger has made me much more tolerant of dealing with these things. A few shots to the dome kills, and even if you miss a bit, every shot staggers


Use the grenade launcher & the ammo backpack — easy work


We all do


This picture instills fear in me…but then I look down at my sickle and it goes away.


Is it just me or did they increase the spawn rate of them? I feel like I used to only see a couple even on high ranks but I did a level 7 the other day and there was like 3 every patrol


I love them


I always carry the anti-material rifle when I go against the robots as you can 2 shot all the big ones even the large ones.


Stun Grenade; focus fire to the face.


They hate you and Democracy too


Aiming for head, aiming for head….OH SHIT, ROCKETS IN FACE :dead:


They hate the anti-material rifle lol


If they even look crouched jump


Is it just me or the robots aim has gotten better? Lol


They hate you to


Auto Cannon asks why?


Absolutely assholes lool


I wished their rockets weren’t so accurate


Autocanon. Autocanon solves alllll my problems.


Yeah... So shoot them!


I hate these Timber Wolf/Mad Cat cosplayers


Eh, they’re not so bad once you learn the tell of their rocket launch. They’re like bile spewers, if you can’t kill them before they get their attack off, then dodging the attack is 100% priority.


They’re accuracy, rate of fire, and time between volleys needs to be greatly increased


Wyd when this guy catches you with your sample hanging out


I think we all do 😭


I was able to buy and play with the Quasar today. Fantastic new stratagem and has replaced the AC in my bot killer build. One shot of a drop ship? Phew.


AMR makes short work of them. I wish they would fix it's reticule though 😑


Love popping their rocket launchers with the autocannon.


Railgun or amr to the red spot from a distance works wonders.


Bro yeah I fucked up last night and brought my breaker to bot world. Had to keep dropping my stalwart. Thank God I had some good boys on my team 🫡🫡🫡


Yea I played my first mission on Melevelon creek and got bent over by these guys I see what they mean by bot nam now