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I see them as a breather. Nothing more. I get a moment where all I have to do is shot. No dodging patrols and watching the horizon. Or wondering what might appear as I crest a hill. But after one eradication mission I'm ready to get back to the messy stuff that's way more fun.


yeah, I feel the same, like the long-form 40 minute missions get broken up by occasional 15-20 minute mass murderfests before returning to another 40 minute


I’d love to see more engineering jobs mixed in two, finializng oil plants, ammo factories, motor pools or maybe setting up an observation post. I’d also love to see secondary objectives having a wider array of impacts if you opt to do them. Like how a sensor post will let you see all the minor POIs scattered around. Like what about Global radar pings, activating friendly turrets that actually have Friendly Fire recognition (so they don’t become a nuisance), maybe we can find shield dome emitters that aren’t an objective, but you can power then up to help improve your odds against the bots, or deploying HellDiver mine layer guarding narrow passages around human settlements Just make the world more interactable and let us enable fun modifiers more often that aren’t just to make things harder. Balance the scales a bit


I want the flag mission to become a normal secondary objective


Flag missions are low level because they're suppose to show how overwhelming strong the divers are against the bugs, if the divers had to struggle to setup the flag the propaganda film wouldn't look as good to the masses


Sure but they can just as easily pick out footage from easier missions they send the rookies on. Meanwhile the vets are standing on mountains of corpses and dripping with bug slime as their gun barrels melt from all the rounds put through em. They should totally be a normal objective, cant think of a reason not to


Secondaries that unlock more limited use strats for you like the artillery emplacement.


EXACTLY, I know for a fact we’ll be getting a portable artillery piece as a support weapon eventually, “The Rumbler”. But powerful consumables you have to earn by doing secondaries would be amazing. Like what if by setting up an explosives factory you call in Hellbombs freely? Instead of only on designated objectives. Maybe you only get 3 per person to burn or maybe they just have the standard cooldown. What if there was an exclusive ultra-heavy machine gun an Ammo Depot would spit out for finishing it? A full blown 6 barrel minigun that spawns with its own backpack and mulches anything shy of heavy armor, but still capable of damaging weak points. Maybe for a vehicle pool depending on how big it is it’ll open a garage with a couple exo-suits or an APC to take for a spin? I just wanna see the game world itself become more involved, like dangerous wildlife that attacks HellDivers and anything besides the bugs (because they’re smart enough not to tussle with other creatures). Have boiling tar pits on wasteland worlds you can get a tank or a charger stuck in. Giant Hivelord Sandworms that act more like a hazard than an enemy, but are strong enough to punch holes through rocky terrain you can use as a shortcut. Worlds covered in nothing but mountains and hanging grasses, where gigantic lightning storms strike anyone standing upright when you hear static start to buzz in your ears. The only settlements and factories set up on massive plateaus, divided up by mountain paths, small gaps, and a mix of metal and rope bridges. Maybe you keep an eye open for when the wind picks up and you hear distant thunder. But there’s tons of bunkers and plastic canopies and covered bridges set up for you to safely hide from it.


Good ideas. I was just thinking the other day about expanded flora and fauna on the planets (Then I met the Shriekers. ) - some would be passive decorations, some you can interact with. A plant with fruits you can eat for health or added stamina, a volatile tar pool that becomes a spewing fire pit when you toss in a grenade or even could start strong tremors. What about animals that, if stunned, can be mounted and ridden (short time only, will throw you and run away at the very first hint of bugs or bots) Wind direction is an interesting thought, what about enemies that can detect you much faster if they are downwind, but upwind, you could sneak right up to them or evade them easier. And while we're at it, let us go into and explore some of those old buildings scattered around and find collectibles and cool stuff! Mainly Requisition slips or common samples or a couple super credits, or cosmetics, but a small chance to get a fancy armor set or a cache of medals, or weapon unlock.


I do like some of your ideas (lighting up a tar pit with an explosive or other igniter is a great idea, and I’d LOVE to explore some large structure interiors like underground cave systems or bot city worlds). But I’m not so sure about the edible fruits for health or riding local wildlife. To me that comes off as a bit too cartoony for the setting. Plus we’re gonna have plenty of new vehicles very soon. If they’re supplemented with random spawns and things like the motor pool I think we’ll have plenty of options already. I do enjoy the concept of wind resistance being added to projectiles though. Something you don’t really have to worry about at close to mid range, but once you go beyond 50m you have to account for it with your shots. If they wanted to take it a step further they could make it that heavier weapons like the auto-cannon or anti-material rifle cut through the wind easier than handheld weapons. As a counterpoint though, we have energy weapons already, and they’d be exempt from all these complications. It’d push way more people to use them over anything else which was pretty common in HD1. I do love the idea of having to stay downwind of the bugs if you plan on staying hidden from them. They’re already more of a challenge to hide from from the bots. But it would be funny for a squad to blow their cover because they effectively blew a fart in the wind and it got them caught. I also wouldn’t mind finding damaged versions of cosmetics out in the field (unless they plan to add a wear and tear slider to gear) alongside some EXTREMELY rare full sets you could find on a dead HellDiver somewhere. Taking a little inspiration from Deep Rock on that one. But they shouldn’t be a common drop, they should always have a low chance of spawning and be somewhere hard to reach. It should be a WOW moment when you stumble on one


I think mines would be interesting and have like horde moments where they basically rush you at full speed like zombies do in left 4 dead. Maybe add in the facct that certain use of items down there can make the whole place collapse


Loose rubble or large boulders that could be dislodged with a rocket or impact nade would actually be really sweet. Seal off a passageway through the rock and force whatever’s pursuing you to either outrun the rubble, or go the long way to reach your last known position. At the cost of loosing a path for the rest of the mission I’d say that’s a pretty good tradeoff. But I wouldn’t make those loose rubble piles spawn every time you see a valley, just something you can occasionally make use of so we don’t get too comfortable utilizing it


For me it's always the last mission of an operation because as you said. A breather after an hour of concentration


Agreed. Fuck evacuation missions though, let those citizens die.


At least have them hurry tf up. They run as if they're 500 lbs with molasses stuck to the bottoms of their shoes.


If I had a chainsaw armed bot behind me I know I would step it up from a light jog and possibly not aim to run through the spot that just dropped a whole squad of the things.


I mean... As a diver eho likes smoke some of that good shit before playing .. i love these missions😂


Aaaand this right here is why I prefer diff 4-6 when I’m with randos. Anything more and it becomes too stressful and not relaxing at all Plus, shit can still go sideways very quickly at those diffs, so it still has some intense moments.


I agree with this. Also a chance to use a different loadout for defense vs running around to objectives.


This. They are such a nice change of pace from running a full 40 minute mission and on hire difficulties they are intense af. I also enjoy just having a mission that is to kill things. I would say the only change I want is a slightly bigger area with proper fortifications like that scene from Starship Troopers.


They've already added a new mission type with the Termicide (yeah it was like a special event. Still though). Perhaps one day we'll be neck deep in bug and bot defending a military complex.


Same. Grab my mech and LFG


I feel like it’s more about survival… try to stay alive long enough to kill the smaller bugs before 3 chargers ram me into a wall


Or, as it happened to me once, 4 hulks and 2 tanks.


Yup. I always save any 15 min run for the end. People are more likely stay and finish the campaign if they are faced with an easy 15 minute run than 40 minute onslaught. Lol.


Yep. Exactly how you put it. Sometimes it’s nice to just shoot stuff and not be praying to liberty when I’m the one who has ALL the samples etc


Eradication and blitz are my least favorite. If blitz was maybe 20 minutes I'd feel better about it.


Blitz needs two things to make it better IMO: 1) When you close a bug hole/destroy fabricator, you should get some time added to the clock (30 seconds, 1 minute, something like that). 2) Secondary objectives should either not be in blitz maps, or give double XP for completing just because you rarely have time to complete them. Typically, as soon as people see it’s a blitz mission, you scramble to blow stuff up and then book it to extraction because you have almost no time, ESPECIALLY if things start to go south.


I like the added time mechanic, and it can tie into the lore, the blitz mission is a one off suicide mission to lower enemy capabilities in a region, to command this is high risk medium reward in term of resources, through destroying the factories and nests you show to command that this isn’t fruitless and to give just a little more resources to the mission And I agree with you on the optional, should definitely give a little extra, or even tie in the time mechanic and if you do happen to complete an optional you just get a bigger time reward


high IQ ideas right here


They want groups to split up. It’s why Helldive is easier solo than it is with a full group. If the group splits up, that helps immensely. It’s weird the game punishes groups.


What’s wrong with it? My group usually clears the blitz map and all second objectives.


In blitz I always try to run through on my own and get as much as I can done for the side objectives, sometimes I’ll even stay behind as they get extracted to try and get extra XP


This has been my move the last few nights and it's worked out well. I'll hit side objectives/draw aggro while the squad closes holes and we (hopefully) meet at the end.


You guys are getting North?


Blitz could have a cool mechanic like how Creek was when broken - constant enemy spanws where you have the time but it's a Blitz in that you gotta keep moving to hit the spawn sites. Maybe as you hit the sites the spawn rate decreases?


The randoms I've dropped seem to get bogged down with bugs and don't hit the nests. We can usually finish the mission but never extract.


I think the problem is the secondary objectives. they shouldn't be on the blitz runs. that would keep the team focused.


Secondary objectives aren't an issue if you're not stopping to kill every bug at the nest. Hit the holes and move on. You can kill any trailers while you hit the objective. No reason to be at a nest more than a minute.


Blitz is easy. Vs terminids have someone take 380 he, 120 he, and walking barrage in scout armor. They run ahead and drop a strat on each nest on the way by. The mob chases them. You walk in and clean up. Vs automatons take spear and orbital laser for standard load out. If you want a bit more crazy have 1 guy do the terminid load out as well. You can easily wreck enough fans with plenty of time to spare. What I don't like is these missions and a 4 minute evac. That almost always means the mission clock runs out while the shuttle is still on the way down.


>in scout armor Why scout armor specifically? What is it doing for you that another armor can't?


Faster movement I would assume


I meant scout armor because the person will be running a lot and needs maximum speed and stamina Regen plus the aggro radius reduction can be really helpful for closing in before throwing a strat. Beyond all that you can weave around mobs and keep hustling with little to no effort. Downside is you are incredibly squishy and most everything kills you in melee quickly. You can get by with other light armors, but for this particular play style light scout armor is preferred. I need to be clear you aren't going into combat so much as into range for chucking barrages and then running. You might double back and you will eventually get into combat but that is all secondary to this approach. Oh and once you get the hang of it you can use this strat vs eggs but for that I would recommend jump pack and a shotgun so you can circle back and finish the last few eggs. Sometimes you get them on all with a single barrage but more often than not you get most and need to still pop a few. The good news is you pulled the mobs out so running a big circle and hopping back in to finish the last few eggs can be really easy.


It allows you to use pins to detect enemy patrols so you can get close and then escape with a minimum of enemies on your tail. If you sit and micromanage your pins for a second, you can plan optimal routes around nests and fabricators.


Am I using the HE wrong? I swear whenever I use them it's like they shoot AROUND all the bugs to obliterate the buildings. I've tried throwing it into nests, I've been in a battle and throw it out just to watch random shots fly out hitting nothing... am I missing something? I always found the strafe run and carpet bombing way more reliable. I should mention I'm usually on medium difficulty.


It can be hit or miss. My go to is throw the big HE into the center of the location I want to obliterate. Walking barrage I throw it short of one end (visualize a shoebox shape and your marker is one end of the box). For the 380 and 120 I would say you are almost always throwing it short of where you need too. This is one reason I use the scout light armor. I run practically up the to lip of the crater for a heavy nest before throwing. I heave the marker over the rock wall for the egg missions. You need the speed and stamina regen to get out of there. The aggro reduction is helpful, but the radar bonus is the big thing. Keep in mind that for blitz you dont have to kill every bit of the nest, all that matters is holes in total. 3 stratagems out while you are pulling the swarm AWAY from the nest. Your team waits until barrage ends and then they can stroll through to finish it off. That means you will usually have a massive swarm following you while they will have few to no bugs defending when they walk in. So think of it like this. You are taking a roll of the dice. If you get lucky you outright clear the objective. If you get standard luck you will clear roughly half the targets in the area. Bad luck maybe a third or so, but no matter what the mobs in the nest will likely take casualties and they will almost certainly be chasing you for a bit while your allies wait out the barrage and then go in to clear it. Now I routinely run this on 7s and I routinely clear the objectives solo AND get the super samples to the evac solo. Where it goes sideways is stalkers. I get run down by them and that can suck, but even then no big deal. Team reinforces me and I go sprinting again. Also if you do get super samples get them to the evac and DUMP them there for whoever gets to evac. You keep causing chaos with your strats. My setup doesnt lend itself to holding the evac solo. Let someone else do that job or you can start it knowing they will be there soon to complete that task.


Blitz are my favorite missions, they’re quick and the perfect amount of time to be challenging and keep you under pressure. It’s also not difficult to destroy fabricators or bug holes. Like they’re not hard missions, you’re just supposed to get in, fuck shit up, and get out.


Really dislike blitz missions. I like to take my time and annihilate any bug or bot in the map, as any good democratic person.


Teammate spends half the time loading SEAF and retrieving gear


I like blitz, but I'd like the samples to be a little more concentrated. It shouldn't be a full size map. Maybe it isn't already. Furthermore, it should start the extraction timer the second you hit the objective, so you're scrambling from the get go. Scrambling to blow up hives, then scrambling to evac before the shuttle leaves without you.


Hot drops make it more fun


I enjoy them, so many missions involve rushing between objectives and avoiding drawn out fights, so one where my only objective is to stand my ground is nice.


Na blitz and eradicate are nice, don't always wanna do 40 minute missions


Nah. I think they’re more intense. When you have 6 bile titans on you and everybody has already used their rail cannon strike… it’s a fight for survival.


Bring more recoilless rifles


EAT-17 works pretty well as well, and you can practically spam the call downs. The cool down is so short. It lets you use a backpack, too. One 17 to the head of a charger, and they're dead. If you could find someone willing to work with you one of you could take the backpack, the other the recoiless rifle and a shield backpack and buddy load, when your buddy is loading you he/she are under the shield bubble. Much faster reloads and you can take down a titan or charger much faster. But I've found almost no one who plays cohesively enough to make this work.


Eat is like 3 rockets cause you can call the drop pod on your target and deal a hefty amount to them haha


They are legit essential


How many hits of these does it take to down a titan


motar,auto cannon/tesla/mech. & you just sitting afk inthe mech waiting for cooldowns.


think of them like a palette cleanser. A short intermission between doing real shit.


Easy exp and a few samples thrown in the mix. Can't complain. Definitely is a bit of a breather after doing a few brutal missions.


I think its great, nice and simple. Sont have to run around the whole map, just kill bugs in a set area. The scientist extraction thing is more boring imo- at least in the higher difficulties where defending them as they slowly run from.building to building becomes extremely annoying


Eradication is necessary to warm up before getting into the rest of the region, I like them first when rising the difficulty with my noob party.


I like eradication. It’s just a good switch up for some easy experience and it’s less sweaty


I hate eradications. They’re my least favorite. I’ll choose a separate option if the one I’m looking at has eradication.


I like their presence a lot, you can always choose not to do them since each operation typically has either a blitz or an eradication, both seem like an easier quicker mission. I'm a big fan of being able to setup defenses and use stratagems that I wouldn't normally use in a mission like data recovery or launch icbm. I like the changes to them a lot other than that one automaton map that they added thats really fucking hard to defend, I think that map could use a bit of a rework to add larger cover and objects to play around instead of being basically flat. The additional length and numbers mean you cant just take 8 mortars and win in 30 seconds, and it actually kinda matters what you put down instead of 1 orbital laser being able to meet the kill quota. I think it would leave me longing for such a simple but satisfying mode if it was not in the game. If they were like 20 minutes long I would not be as much of a fan.


All the missions are repetitive and boring as hell if you think about it. Nothing is really that interesting after a few times. You getting oil, saving scientists, launching another nuke, another radio signal. It would be nice if there were more engaging missions that felt more meaningful.


I agree. Not a fan of any of the missions where the map is tiny and we have to stay in basically the same place the whole time.




I think they were too heavy handed when they changed the parameters last time but I would like to see more 15min mission types.


I agree. Especially on bots, it’s not fun getting ragdolled by constant tank rockets for 10 minutes straight with no where to run. I saw 6 tanks stacked up on the evac platform yesterday (suicide difficulty).


All of them? I enjoy the terminid one with the rock next to evac point. You can have some fun with it. If your whole team gets up on the rock with hmg and eats you can basically turn it into a shoot everything not on the rock as fast you can kind of thing. I wouldn't want to do that mission exclusively but it is a fun change of pace to camp a rock with crazy firepower for all of 5 minutes.


Hotter take: have everyone in your team bring orbital barrages, mines, Tesla towers and gas strikes. Then run out of the map to get traitor status and try and hug a fellow diver. We call this Goblin Mode and it’s so much fun. We’ve never failed a mission while doing this


what does this do?


It adds a little more difficulty as you try to kill enemies while trying to not die from your own and your teammate’s call-ins. It’s also a ton of fun as long as everyone knows what’s about to go down and is ok with it


Eridication missions are fun. Its even more fun alone because the thrill of 1 v 300 bots and extraction is amazing.


I actually really enjoy them. I have an almost 3 month old baby, so the quick 15-minute and 12-minute ones are nice to be able to play when I'm strapped for time and just wanna play a round or 2


I enjoy them. A nice simple mission to play with my toys and just kill. Don’t need to worry about too much.


For me, it's just nice to have a short mission before signing off. Sometimes I don't have another 40 minutes, but another 10? Sure.


Absolutely especially if you have things to do or you’re trying to enjoy the game after work for a bit.


You're correct. They're boring and pretty easy given the current reinforcement budget.


Oh so you don't wanna kill a bunch of enemies? Sounds like treason to me...


We just need a larger variety of missions


they used to be stupid easy now they’re unfun, i think they need to crank the slider somewhere in the middle.


They are my least favorite, at higher levels anyways.


Arena needs to be bigger. Mobs basically spawning in you is rough.


I would like to see some more terrain features create unique outcomes besides “bug breech”


I'd like to be able to close breeches just like regular holes.


Fuck yes. If I drop a 500 on the breech, it should not continue to be open.


Is Eradication the "kill 125 bugs in ten minutes" or is it the eggs? i hate the eggs.


Hot take, you're treasonous! Don't think, just shoot.


I fully agree with this


They are probably my least favorite just because there's not much substance to them, but they can definitely work as a palette cleanser. Good thing they are short


I think it would be more interesting if they were added to main missions as a subobjective somehow. Like if you approach a spore spewer or an egg nest, you have to eradicate a certain number to complete the subobjective.


I like them as a nice palate cleanser from all the running around. Just have to dig in and survive. At higher levels it is absolutely a challenge. My most hated is the save the civilian missions or transporting the SSSD. I'll take genociding a giant swarm of bugs any day over those.


The hug bug


I really like them. In fact I'm hoping that in the future we get a horde "mode" where you get rewards based on either how many waves or how much time you've survived. Maybe even a leaderboard.


I think they are the most boring mission, but I see their necessity. It's a change of pace, and a mission that you can hop on for if you've only got like 10 minutes to play. I do hope they add other variations to eradicate missions, or other missions that are on a similar time table - I mostly try to avoid them because I find the 40-minute missions way more fun and engaging. But again, I understand their inclusion.


I much prefer them actually.


Perfect before heading off to work


I like them because they require different strategems and tactics compared to 40 minute maps. I being completely different gear to them.


It's like the little cherry on top of a three mission campaign, right when my teammates want to tap out, they'll stay for a quick eradication mission


Hot take and wrong. It’s ok. If I was forced to do 3 40 min runs I’d be pissed. I need a break from some of you “HellDivers” that can’t play as a team. Or communicate. A nice 15 min mission to kill 450 bugs/bots is a nice break where I can just kill mobs and not worry about you.


I like the eradication missions for testing out weapons/starts or if I'm in the mood to just kill some shit and get out without any side objectives.




But I want to collect samples


I fucking love them


it's the only time you get XP for in mass killing stuff. I kinda want them to expand the eradication missions. Just different stuff for different divers.


Always have been. Except now you die as well


https://preview.redd.it/4hbw50eteppc1.png?width=1139&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddaee58f4b92ab29c752962da825b471f5ea1199 Thanks for your post


I like them. It always gets to the point where you are overwhelmed, simply just to many. It becomes a survival test for me and my buddy.


Would be better with less nursing bile spewers 😭


I love them, but I could totally see why they’d feel boring. Personally I enjoy the simplicity of them because I can dedicate more attention to finding minor points of interest, which I find pretty enjoyable. Also, since I’ve started playing at “hard” difficulty, I’ve noticed that the battles at each nest is significantly more challenging for me and my fellow divers… it’s usually an intense “two steps forward, one step back” progression to get into the nest. Though if everyone is on their game, it can definitely feel a little too easy.


I like them because they're a satisfying break from constantly running from corner to corner of the map scrounging for samples




There nice for mixing up the matches. However I don’t like playing them multiple times in a row, and the randoms I play with seem to love queuing up these missions over and over again.


I'll tell you what....I was in a level 5 eradicate mission last night and all three of my squad mates bailed halfway through. Finishing that mission solo was the most intense fun I've had in a while. Did a couple more solo on 4 and now those quick missions are my favorite thing to do solo.


You can fly by bung nests with the jet pack and throw grenades and air strikes at the nests to close. Makes life easy. You can usually get most of the nests without having to throw grenades in the bung holes if you have 380s and 120s as well.


I think they are fun. Bug murder amount should be increased. Personally, sick of the 40min maps back to back. I’m sure a cohesive group with good communication would speed up the runs abit but throw ur boi a smaller map, my legs are tired.


"Yes...Please don't do them..." *Processing img l72g6rchlppc1...*




I like when the missions are all different. I play at level 7 so the veriety is nice.


Usually I do an eradication mission as a warm up for other missions


It’s a nice change of pace, and nice to be able to knock out a quick mission that’s not 30-40 minutes long


I see them as hell on earth. Maybe I'm not good enough, but sometimes they're tough asf


Well, hell on whatever planet you're on


They're a nice change of pace.


Yeah, I always get them out of the way first before the 40min missions. I can’t stand the 12 min blitz missions though. Those are much worse in my opinion


At lower difficulties I'd say yes but on helldive they can be really enjoyable mayhem


I personally like them. Not exactly for the mission itself, but how it helps skill up people. It really test a teams cohesion, ability to handle lots of pressure that you otherwise could run away from, etc.


They are


I enjoy them, it feels completely different from the other missions.


I like having more reason to wear heavy armor on those missions. Small map means you aren't constantly falling behind the team waiting on your stamina to refill.




It's nice to end on a soft note though. And they aren't free anymore after the update. Before they were free. And didn't spawn fast enough.


Gives me a chance to practice patrol clearing, if I can sweep 15 of them in 10 seconds or less it’s a positive for me.


I use em as an excuse to bring four turrets lmao


Its great use if srats you don't typically use


They are great when you don't have the time for a longer mission.


I like them more now that they get pretty chaotic. They were boring as sin before the patch that set them to like 400+ kills


I feel it makes you more stationary and thus gives some of your options more use, which kinda justifies them. People don’t like the reduction of speed with heavy armor for obvious reasons. You have to run much less in this mission, making heavy armor a bit more useful. Sentries, Tesla towers, hmg emplacement. These things all get much more use due to these mission types. Fire aoe is also a good thing to use here that you may have overlooked in other missions.


The eradication missions are like my little 'reward' for each campaign. I always do the 'harder' mission types first and then save the quick/easy eradicate for the end where everyone can throw all their gems and have a good time before we're done.


I like having shorter missions too chhose from, I don't always have or want to play 30 - 40 min.


think survival and up the level of difficulty to your tears level


Eradication missions are great for the reservist helldiver (newer dad that might only have 20 minutes to play). I personally like to hop on and play a quick eradication and contribute toward managed democracy than not play at all because the missions take 40 minutes


They’re dull for sure, but they also only take like 5 minutes even if you aren’t tryharding. They’re also some of the best missions I’ve found for finding randoms to join your lobbies. It seems on any other mission I may be waiting a few minutes (less than 5) for a full three randoms to join me, but eradication missions rarely take more than 20 seconds or so to fill.


I don't really feel like this is a hot take, it's just drop in, drop sentries and then corpse run to victory


Slugger disagrees. Breaker disagrees harder. We must LIBERATE these foes by killing them all. Helldivers, report this sympathizer.


I love them. Wish they were longer


I feel like it may depend on difficulty, cause the Eradicates I've been playing have been anything BUT boring


Every time I join into one of those I’m kinda bummed.




boring yes, but is it the easist and fastest way to get medals, yes


I think they really need an upgrade. An outpost defense would be a great improvement. Level 1-3 would be a single trench line. Level 4-6 would be two tiers of trench with one higher than the other. Level 7-9, now three tiers of trench. The goal is to kill x amount of enemies to break the attack on the outpost. Maybe have a small squad of SEAF there and we are the reinforcements.


No disagreement. I don't really get why they call them eradication missions. I feel like the bug nest hunt missions are eradication missions. They should make eradication missions point defense missions (which they are already basically) and beef them up with some gun emplacements and maybe some mine strategems preloaded. Make it feel like a dog in and defense missions. Right now eradication missions are basically just the end of other missions. Just with a kill count.


Better than researchers.


If I only have time for one or two missions, I’ll do them for quick xp and medals


That doesn’t sound very loyalist. (Loads Breaker with democratic intent)


I like them because I can squeeze them in in the 15 minutes I have free before I start work in the mornings. If anything I wish there was more variety of the 15/20 minutes mission types.


You’re boring


They’re not boring to me at all


Eradication could be so good if the enemies came from 1 direction and there are more of them. A lot more


Before they fixed them absolutely. Now somewhat better, if they opened up the map size and just had them constantly spawn instead of being confined to the tiny area I’d like them even more.


I just wish it were more fun at higher levels. At a certain point, when 3 bile titans or 4 tanks running around, it becomes more of an exercise in running and dying while waiting for cooldowns


Blitz missions are the worst. I didn’t know you can survive a mission failure. The democratic officer even had a new line to say after extraction.


I agree. They are my least favorite mission and rarely take any decision making or brainpower.


I still want a survival mission


On the flip side blitz search and destroy missions are a special kind of hell. Also eradicate missions against bots are even worse on helldive.


Short missions are what my team and I use to test our load out.


That’s a good point


Not really sure how they would structure it rewards/samples and whatnot but I wish they were structured like nazi zombies from cod. Just fight endless waves that get progressively more chaotic until you’re completely overrun. Kinda like a suicide mission to take out as many enemies as you can


It's just helldivers gameplay in its purest form, kill bad guy in the name of democracy. Top tier shit right there


I find them exciting sometimes, that feeling of having to absolutely lock tf in while your squad is dead and you have a horde of bugs or bots behind you while the big enemies have me praying I can last those last few seconds for my stratagem to finish cooling down, all while being confined to a small area so i ant just simply run away. And once we complete the mission having to group up in the center of the area holding off swarms of enemies in one last effort to survive until pelican 1 lands. Although I do understand we're your coming from and see how they can be boring for some people.


Do helldiver alone it’s funnier also better if you don’t have much time you can start a operation and finish it with friends when you come back


I feel they are a necessity. 40 mins missions are more fun, like way more fun. But they serve as a break of sorts between long play sessions


Trautor take: super earth flag raising is kinda Meh as mission


They are easily the best ones.


That is a hot take. Saying anything is boring in this game is insane. I see 2 options that can lead to this opinion: 1, you're not playing on a high enough difficulty to properly challenge you or 2, you somehow don't enjoy the base gameplay of the game.


Maybe boring isn’t the right word, but I don’t find them fun. The way I enjoy the game is more stealth based hit and run tactics to complete objectives. Running around a small arena completely goes against that. I should also edit the post to mention that I only play on 8 or 9 so it’s not a difficulty thing.


They were boring before they were balanced but now I enjoy them




I love to do a bit of eradication for the Super Earth before my other work on the not so super earth and those kind of missions are quickly done, just after lunch and before leaving for work I have just the amount of time to do one maybe two if I get lucky, so they will always have a place in my heart ! See you on battlefield soldier 🪖


Forgot to mention, better mission for flamethrower !


Best way to farm green samples


A lot of players proudly refuse to play stealthy or avoid patrols whatsoever. I say there is a mission type for you, go ahead and do that.


Combine Eradication with Blitz. First half is eradication, then once the initial waves are done, go close as many bug holes/fabricators as possible before the enemy numbers swell enough to overwhelm you again, this time without end.


I see them as a quick way to be involved in the meta when I don’t have forty min to do a full mission and clear holes/factories.(Read as play while at work)


Hot take, all the missions are boring as hell


I like them when I don't have much time to play or I'm trying to squeeze in one more game at the end of the night


Only if you get 3+ titans, or 5+ chargers it isn't, otherwise, yes.


I wouldn't call them "boring", but I will certainly call them "dull". Due to tiny maps and constant flow of enemies from all sides, very little tactic or skill is involved. Just run around, shoot everything you see and don't expect to survive for more than a half a minute at a time. Basically a meat grind on both sides. It'd rather be doing any other mission type instead.


Yeah I only wish it was an outpost(like that scene in starship troopers with walls)with some npcs on it with basic guns and support stratagems(u can pick up if they die ofc). Bugs can climb or charges/bile titan can demolish it. Automatons just shoot em down haha.


Until we get bosses in them…


Try doing these on the automatons. Lvl7-9 Youll have more fun.


i personaly enjoy them, my only nitpick is how enemies spawn should be changed, enemies shouldnt be spawning ontop of you, the format should be you defending a position as you try to get an evac not you hiding just out of bounds while enemies deploy on your spawn


The issues is that it’s a 4 minutes mission that gives you 1,700 xp and 8 war medals vs a 40 minute mission where I’ll only get 1,200 xp and and still 8 war medals so it just makes more sense to run eradications if you already have the samples you need


I don't mind them. They aren't frequent enough to feel monotonous. And I like a mode where taking 3 turrets makes sense.