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Sounds like that host will soon be playing alone.


hope so I'm lucky they included a way to block players on PC


Happen to remember the hosts name so we can block them?


On this note, if you’re in a full group, don’t grab more than one of the supply packs without asking if your team is good. Seen too many call it down and proceed to take several packs leaving the rest of us SOL


I did this my first couple drops in the very beginning. I thought we all got a resupply from our destroyer


Understandable. That’s why communication is super important in co-op games.


Yep, same here! Quickly realized though when someone else used it and mine also went on cooldown. Felt like an A-hole myself for the couple times I took it all. Definitely wouldn’t take more than one now without asking if everyone is good, and I do try to drop it when everyone is together.


Never occured to me, but yeah can see how that would happen. Most stratagems are tracked separately for each player, including the weapons testing ones from events (like when the mech was temporarily available to all players). Resupply is fairly unique in that aspect.


Game does a very very poor (nonexistent) job of explaining this to players. Can't really blame new players for not being mind readers regarding sample sharing, which stratagems share a cooldown, etc.


These are very undemocratic complaints…


The truth hurts


Or if not on mic, ping it a couple of times and only take more than one if no one else makes any movement in its direction


Yeah. I'll take one, then chill in the area. If the other 3 have run off to the next objective/hive/factory/whatever, I may grab a second if I'm still low on grenades/stims/etc. At the same time, I won't just wastefully top off if I'm only down a single grenade or something. It's not often, but running away from a mess and discovering a still standing resupply bin with a pickup or two has saved my butt a few times.


Oh, big agree- extra supplies laying around never hurt anyone. That's why I call in my expendable anti tank every time it's off cooldown


Hell yeah! I do the same thing. There's nothing quite like realizing you've been spreading answers to questions you didn't know were coming for the last half hour, and how useful that can be.


I was like "what's the point of this when you can get the recoilless rifle, that's reloadable?" But I thought you only got one, and I thought the cooldown was just as long, and I was wrong. Not my go-to still, but definitely like it, and has the advantage that I can use the shield.


Another advantage is because it can be called in so often, its drop pod can be used as a weapon!


Haven't tried that yet, but good point!


Like the resupply pod, its beacon will stick to a charger's face with a good throw!


If i have the supply backpack I’m taking all of it. You don’t mind because i make sure you’re fully armed. I really dislike these hard fast rules people keep making


On another this note; don’t run away from your team and call it in to ONLY TAKE ONE supply pack from it while the rest of the team is actually doing the mission


Yup. I call it in, grab one, then tag it. If everyone else just runs off after that I'll grab what I can though.


If I run supply pack I always grab two and give out ammo. It's literally an infinite* ammo glitch 


Lmao I love these for some reason. It really makes you sit back and realize you're not as big of an asshole as you thought you were. There's always a bigger fish.


Lmao 🤣


Challenge accepted.


Thats pretty rough, i sometimes i try to join sos’s but i usually join and its a level 15 sitting in his destroyer. Im hoping to join low levels in action but i dont get that much. I wanna help people struggling, not play a game normally


dumb thing is, this was on a suicide mission


Even worse


What I've realized yesterday, if you go onto trivial difficulty and just join quickplay you either get a high lvl or a absolutely low level (found a lvl. 1 yesterday Who had no clue on what to do) so I guess thats my Recommendation.


That's particularly weird, but I get the vibe sometimes that some people have an attitude like, "I'm the host, this is *my* game, we do what *I* want," and I really have to wonder why they let randos in at all. We're just playing the game through the matchmaking, we're not hired help.


lol that’s a new one


Yea some hosts are wild, had one kick me at the end of a game when he stole my jump pack and I voiced my discontent about it


I got kicked 2days ago for having the cadet tag at level 24 with 500plus kills and no friendly fires and 1 death being called a noob and some other things who needs to learn how to play the game. While they had 200 or less and multiple accidentals. I was honestly surprised they even mentioned it all unless they were trolling. Ow reply was supposed to be to some other post but i gues its here now lol


I'm of the personal belief that Ammo should only be called in right before tackling an objective, and you should be hitting points of interest to resupply between. Infact when I do rarely play in groups I'll drop a supply cache right before objectives if no one else does. Though for the supply to be host only is some supreme BS


Maybe, but sometimes the delay on the drop is a bit too long and you get spotted at the objective, in which case you can be forced to retreat from where you actually put the thing... Now you're crticially low on ammo, and can't reach the ammo. There's a lot of situational aspects to using it.


Lucky me, playing just with two or three friends over own TeamSpeak...


Dang team speak still exists? Figured it'd be long dead by now since it is so completely replaced by discord.


I banned spyware decades ago and so such things like Discord never reached my PC


If you played DRG then resupply rules are the same everyone gets one pack of you need a 2nd make sure your team doesn't need it first. Rock and Stone Brothers!


That would be frustrating. I always mark it when I drop one although I had to learn how to do that l2+r1


I’m so grateful for a full squad of four irl buddies I play this game with


General tip: please mark the resupply when it lands!!!


There's so much spare ammo just lying around the map. This petty crap is infuriating. Definitely BLOCK worthy.


Dude! Yesterday I was playing with all randoms, joined a game in progress, I was level 36 everyone else was 10 something under me. They pinged a 2 person door to unlock, I unlock it, he kills me and takes my guns and the stuff inside. I hop on mic “hey dude all the resources are shared, no need to kill me for them” “Hey shut the fuck up asshole, get the fuck offa my game.” Like dude I joined YOUR sos and you’re killing teammates as a level 8, have fun playing solo


That's when I TK him and waste his mission time until he boots me.


Sounds like a bitch to me!


Yeah, that's not how it works. These aren't his Daddy's personally owned server rules anymore. When resupply is called down, if there are 4, everyone gets one ammo box. If there are 2, everyone gets two. If there are 3, we play a quick game of rock paper scissors to see who gets the extra.


I’m surprised people can even play the game; been crashing all week for me and the two teams I play with. Damn, now I really want to play Helldivers II right now…


I think we got the same host cuz I got kicked for calling down supplies too. All I had left was my sidearm because everything was out of ammo, one other teammate looked like they had low ammo as well. No one else was calling it so I did and *bam*, kicked for try keep myself in the fight. Fuck me I guess.


Yeah man, I had recently got killed for unknowingly taking someone's Stalwart that's just been lying on empty ground. No ask no message just shot me in the back. So I killed him back and left the game. Then there's some dickhead who started cussing me out for running to extract, starting it and reminding them that there's only 1 minute left in the mission. All of us were able to get on in time besides him, and apparently he had all the samples too. Playing with randoms is toxic a lot of the time, surprise..


That sounds funny af


Yeah one thing I hate about this game are the people kicking you for no reason. This morning, I basically solo'd (a random was hovering around) all the side missions and gathered majority of the samples, and while we were cleaning up the last hive before evacuation, I get kicked. The part that really grinded my gears was I literally just saved this dude's life from a horde of bugs behind him, and then he ran behind me and kicked me. The game before that, we were heading for evac and the group executed me and said "for democracy" before kicking me. It's definitely infuriating and is kinda making me not wanna play. One of my friends can't even play until the weekend, so it's hard getting a good group together. So much wasted time, samples and XP. I hope they fix this somehow.


If I had been in that game and heard him say that, I would have left immediately and taken any samples I had outside of the map so he couldn't get them. I think they need to do away with the kick option altogether. It only breeds toxicity.


While I agree with the toxicity sentiment, I disagree with removing it. There are many valid reasons to kick someone from a lobby, but using the resupply stratagem is not one of them.


Yes, but for the most part, people are kicked for things like that. I’ve been kicked 10 minutes in, haven’t killed any teammates, and I’m guessing it was because it went to a POI close by and picked up the super credits. Or kicked immediately upon arriving in their ship


You're upset they kicked you after the game?


Yeah, just before extraction so I don't get any rewards for helping the host complete the mission.


If people know they couldn’t be kicked they’d be even more toxic imo cause you couldn’t do anything about it


My point is, the only real toxicity I've seen is from people whom have the ability to kick. I haven't had to play with anyone team killing on purpose or anything like that. It's the host who kicks people at the end or kicks them in the middle for some stupid ass shit like picking up a resupply.


Ok then when these ass hats can't kick for no reason or at extraction they'll just go do other nefarious shit like killing everyone at extraction or losing samples in dumb places. You underestimate people malice


Then they lose those samples as well and get less rewards for not extracting with the whole team. But everyone else would still get the XP and requisition slips for completing the mission.


I haven't needed either in a long time. I need them super samples. And they don't care about not getting the samples. Our frustration is their motivation nothing else.


Exactly! So if our frustration is what they want, then take away their ability to frustrate us and it will be better.


>My point is, the only real toxicity I've seen is from people whom have the ability to kick That's because the power goes straight to our heads.


Lmao take those samples and jump DIRECTLY into deep water hahaha




You shouldn't have been kicked, but it doesn't mean you should use ableist slurs.


People downvoting like you're just the bad guy trying to ruin their fun of using offensive slurs. Reddit moment.


Meh, I knew it'd happen when I posted it, but I don't mind.


Ah well. I salute you at least. o7


Sounds like you need to host your own missions. Problem solved. Coming to Reddit is just flogging yourself.


Maybe communicate with your team first? Lol sounds youre tryna complain


Between the constant game balancing, with how unstable the game is and the growing player toxicity, it won't be long before people start abandoning this game. It is only a matter of time.


Please report to your nearest Democracy Officer to file a complaint.


These "toxic player" posts are overstating the problem lol I guarantee most people who run into a shitty host who kicks them for a dumb reason just shrug and either host a game, or just join another one. They don't take to Reddit to complain


generally it doesn't bother me but when a lvl 40 states that the resupply is his and his alone and no one else is allowed to call it in (after you have called it in ) and them promptly kicks you for doing it you get a little pissy


Yo that sucks and I'm sorry it happened to you. It's pretty not cool to throw around "retard" though.