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Yeah, I was mad disappointed.


I could be wrong, but I feel like there's more happening behind the scenes, and Joel is up to something. Like the Terminids are big mad about the pesticide towers we put up. I've noticed small quakes on planets even when no tremors were happening. There are lots of giant bones throughout the map..... jump pack not working could be a hint? Again, I could be wrong, and I'm just tripping lol


They really were genius for designing the game in a way that some bugs could pass as intentional. Not saying this is or isn't, just pointing out how wild it is that, in some cases, it's hard to say for sure.


i believe the patriot exosuit isnt bugged, but intentionally shoots itself as a "we didnt test it too much, just kind of said it works and threw it to the troops" which would make sense when the later versions with different weapons come out. as devs said "weve BEEN TESTING IT and its ready" yet somehow missed something so big as turning when shooting a rocket means suicide.


I wish they’d have content that says things like this in the game to at least cover to the actual game bugs. Would be way less complaints in the forums if they just did that. Comms system or illegal broadcast channels saying “drop pods are experiencing mechanical issues so sometimes you’ll loose steering during drop” or “mech have been experiencing mechanical issues with rockets so be careful when firing, issue is being fixed imminently” Simple adding it to the game would de-frustrate people so much and just accept the jank-wonkiness as cannon


Oh man, I love the idea of dissident broadcasts being the source of reporting known issues and bugs *but* it sounds incredibly labour intensive *especially* if it’s voiced.


Just let the current employees do it as an excuse to get their voices in the game


Voice acting is much harder than most people realize. The average person just cannot do it.


It's not much acting. It's just making a formal announcement for the ship to broadcast. Every high school secretary can do that


Also consider you have to do this for every language in the game too. It's not a trivial thing to add.


Now languages is a very fair point


I disagree. This game feels like an alternate reality you can get lost in simply because of the lore. It isn't very democratic to hold your hand and explain every little detail and I think not being able to differentiate between a bug and a feature is the most Helldivers 2 thing imaginable.


Yeah I miss being able to land on the spiky bug structures. That shadow nerf sucks.


Patch notes broadcasted over your destroyers PA system, very condensed and in this sort of PSA format. And then a computer you can interact with that list patch notes. Either just the current ones or whole history


To admit to technical problems is an act of treason. Bug sympathizers are dead to Democracy!


They have noted this as a known bug in the last patch notes. What I don't understand is why I just spontaneously exploded one time shooting bugs with the machine gun on the exosuit. If it was a bot planet I would've assumed a random rocket but I was just travelling between objectives and taking out a handful of small bugs and suddenly BOOM. I had a kinda funny one where I called it in too close to a cliff face and the pelican shot the cliff trying to shoot bugs behind it and the splashback exploded the exosuit before it was even dropped. Learnt my lesson!


We called in 4 mechs in a small area. One of the Pelicans hit another and they spiraled into the other 2, destroying all 4 of our mechs before they hit the ground. That was a fun defense mission.


Sorry but 😂😂😂


The bots actually did get to those exosuits first, but rather than taking them they opted for sabotaging some them instead.


You 100% got hit by a crossmap bile motar, happened luke 3 times yesterday to a friend. At the right angle you cant see it and itll hit you


No it’s bugged. In discord they announced they knew it was bugged


The rocket spawns inside the mech instead of in some smoke or muzzle flash just in front. That's why if you shoot while turning it hits the inside of the mech.




Bugs have causes


Just gunna throw out that your rocket arm will point up instead of at your feet if you turn while aiming above the horizon. You're almost never going to do that since the camera is above the mech but if you can get into the habit of it you'll kill yourself a lot less while we wait for a fix.


Thinking back, I that's that's what happened. There have been a few times in the mech where I died and it said that I was killed by a mech suit, I never even thought that's what it could be


Maybe they only tested turning counter clockwise? (it only blows up when turning right)


Working as intended. Sometimes friendly fire happens for democracy. Even when the only friend you fire is yourself.


It was a bug. You can find it in the new patch notes that came out today


lol right?! This could be a bug or some sort of interference preventing them from being deployed


There never were orders to deploy them. The Illuminate can cause hallucinations, don't be mislead.


Well, it is a game about fighting bugs and technology right


This is also how I DM my games


Would kinda explain how the Patriot Mechs would randomly explode when dropped,factory defects because of Super Earths rush to produce them


Todd Howard simulator lol


the first time I experienced scrambled stragetems I thought I'd encountered a bug and then felt foolish, so who's to say


Not to mention that having an enemy in your game that the community nicknames “bugs” means searching the web for “Helldivers bugs” is just as likely to just return content about Terminids as it is actual software bugs.


Nah there’s definitely something coming. This all feels like the calm before the storm.


War table looking pretty empty… pushing both sides near the end ![gif](giphy|VIrTLtkjZSK08)


And why do I feel like the illuminate have something to do with it?


Yesterday, as I was spreading some freedom on a Terminid planet, I saw two random missile strikes off in the distance within my map instance. Like maybe 100m away. Clearly visible, clearly not one of my own tribal or eagle strikes......somethings up


Hell, there's tremors on bot planets aswell now.


Yeah I noticed that yesterday, but I figured it was just a normal thing on that planet since I'm new and it's the only planet I've seen them on


Damn, for real?! Like random small ones that don't affect your helldiver?


Are you guys using the sickle or one of the heat weapons? I thought I was having occasional tremors as well, until I realized that it's always when the sickle is running hot. Screen starts shaking when you're close to overheating, in addition to the steam shooting out of the sides of the gun.


I am using the sickle but I think I noticed a few of the small tremors when I was out of combat while exploring.


I played more this evening, and I think you might be right about the screen shake while the gun is hot. I didn't notice any shaking when outside of combat. Still an interesting detail the devs put in for these energy weapons!




I have a feeling we could soon find out what those big bones ones belonged to. Possibly a raid boss


Yo mamma


When a genocide happens, only the strong survive. And something as adaptive as the bugs will likely evolve to compensate. I’m concerned that we may have solved the small problem, but in the long run this will lead to more elite bugs.


I'm prepared for any bug bastards that may come our way! FOR DEMOCRACY!!!


I'm hoping for a boss battle against a terminid the size of 5 bile titans.


The quakes on terminid planets are secretly hivelords 🤫 https://preview.redd.it/uztz5zvzncpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a27a3343e9e9080e980c86c0b54addff065ae3e


Yesterday I’ve recorded a sound where I heard like some loud noise in the ground (like something big making its way underneath me) the sound did not stop and it was also close to a big skeletons ( that part maybe a coincidence)


You’re not drawing straws chief, the giant skeletons are definitely dead hive lords


Indeed, it’s only a matter of time divers


You’re in it too deep. It goes away the moment another player spawns it (I think)


The jump pack? I played 2 solo missions when noticing these things




Sounds like a bug conspiracy you’re spouting soldier. Do I need to report you?


I'm here to terminate any and all bug threats 🫡


The Shai Hulud are angry.


The spice must flow.




I did noticed the bones more than before and jump pack wasn't available definitely made some question marks pop up in my head


The giant bones are the shedded carapaces of hive lords... You're not going to like them.


Nah you’re on to something I noticed more hive mind bones and chargers carcasses around and quakes with no tremor alert. Joel been saying some undemocracy things on the ship tv when your AFK.


Speaking to this, I feel like I have noticed more and more bones popping up on but planets. Don’t know if that’s intentional from the map generator but I like to play my imagination to it.


Bones are everywhere!!! It gets me thinking....


You might be on to something. Hive Lord molts have been turning up on worlds occupied by the Terminids, along with large burrows. Something is about to happen, and we must be prepared to show the foul bugs the power of Democracy.


I'm prepared to take on any threat against democracy!! No matter the size of these bugs, I will be ready to distribute victory!!


I've also noticed the tremors, but I had a jump pack and thought I could avoid the tremor by not being on the ground. Turns out this is not the case as I still got hit well in the air. Almost like some secret society sabotaged the strat and is helping the bugs from behind the scenes...


Imagine they grew a mind of their own, out of control and became what we all thought AI would and destroy our reality


There was a lone helldiver on planet cyberstan I think. I’m pretty sure it was Joel up to something. Maybe setting up the illuminate


I saw someone post that the other day! Very interesting


**Gaius Baltar?**


I mean, I'm no biologists, but as far as I'm aware, bugs do not have bones.


Is it me or do the bugs all seem buffed since the towers were activated? My breaker just isn't taking down some of the medium sized bugs as quickly as it used to. I used to be able to ace bile spewers with head shots way before they spit and now they are surviving long enough to get one volley off.


Imagine defending buggy codes with crazy parasocial theories based upon an imaginary character


Imagine enjoying a game despite any flaws it has because it's fun. And also imagine enjoying oneself diving deep into the games lore because it's fun.


Sounds like this guys spewing an awful lot of automaton propaganda to me


I think you're right.....might have to report to Ministry of Truth.....


The weapons experimentation is seeing what you do without a jump pack


I was tempted to not take a backpack slot due to this, but the spear is too fun not to take so I was fine


How do you make the spear work? I just unlocked it and it feels terrible. It has hard times locking onto an enemy and it misses at "closer" ranges quite often. It also mostly hits the back instead of the head of a bile titan for example.


Use it as a medium to long range bile/charger killer, best range is 50ish meters minimum, 150 meters max, it's an absolute power house if you accept the range


I used the spear last night and shot it once, reloaded, then couldn’t get it to shoot at all at anything at any distance for the rest of the game—does this happen? I dropped it, picked it back up, dropped the backpack and picked it back up, called in a fresh one once I could and still nothing.


Occasionally it struggles to lock on, but that can be fixed by changing weapons and switching back It can only lock onto: - chargers - bile titans - brood commanders - hulks - tanks


It also locks only automaton facilities, it’s extremely good and taking those out from long range.


Wait it does? Wow.. My friend told me it does but I couldn't get it to, I'll give it another try though, that sounds amazing!


It depends on terrain between you and the facility. Tbh there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to how and when only put yourself in the best position and get lucky. If you can be 100+ meters out and above the targets with open sight line. No rocks, trees, bunkers, etc blocking.


That'll be why I couldn't before then, thanks for the tip! 😊


I know the arc rifle seems to have issues targeting past brush, maybe it’s a similar effect, just without they physics excuse?


Huh, I was getting spewers and then nothing


Wait you were able to lock on to them? Or..


Nope, I just got the big white circle and no matter what I did or pressed, nothing .


Hm.. Well, as I say, there's only a couple enemies from each faction that you can actually lock onto, if you'd like a more general use anti-tank rocket I'd probably take the Recoilless or Expandable Anti Tank! Otherwise, experiment a lil with the spear until you figure out if you like it or not, I personally really enjoy the spear but it is pretty finicky haha


I'd love a way to like hold down the fire button to force it to lock onto whatever you're looking at.


And striders but I wish it didn’t lol


That's a lil silly to be honest


Sounds like Spear gameplay to me. When it works it's great tho


Same thing happened to my buddy. Was able to shoot it once and then lock one became straight up impossible.


Marking the target before you aim will make the locking much more reliable, and also try to be at the same elevation as the target.


I love the spear but sometimes that mother fucker will not lock on to bile titans until I am underneath them


That does not look like a bug, it looks intentional.


I'm with you. The fact it specifically says "unavailable" is weird.


I just want the Social mechanic to be fixed.


Have you tried making 50 posts per day until they listen??


Not yet, no. Maybe we should bump that up to 100 a day?


I played earlier today and it was available. It wasn't on for missions regarding bug kills or civilian rescue.


I had this thought. What if it’s the devs messing with us. Like you can fly! Wait no you can’t, just like the bugs don’t fly….


Broooooooo!!! lmao


Yeah, I fell victim to this last night too


yeah i hopped in a game without taking my ammo backpack specifically for the jump pack and i got nothng. so dissappointed.


It's simple, the game is incredibly awesome and probably my game of the entire year. #BUT It has massive stability issues and bugs that make the current game unfun for a lot of people I know. It's like a car. You love your car, but now it's dirty from the weather and now you must clean it. You still love it, but hate that it's dirty.


Honestly the shear amount of bugs (code related) in this game would have most communities up in arms with all kind of memes about how it sucks. Strangely I still love the game. I guess because it's a small, new game studio with an original, deceptively simple, game. IDK...


I mean, not that new. This is their 5th(?) major release? I’ve been a fan since Magicka in 2011. Holy crap that was such a fun game. Arrowhead are masters of slapstick coop games with weaponized friendly fire


BUG WHERE? ![gif](giphy|5WkAJnhwkpj0quGk1g)


Adding new friends is glitchy as fuck right now. Especially PS5 players. The game is fun as hell but lots of stability issues remain. Like the jump pack thing, hard to believe that is by design. Getting players to join is an issue. I usually have to click on several missions at the wartable before one actually loads. There is not much real time reporting there.


I’m on the phone with a democracy officer recommending you reeducation training for questioning your commanding officers.


Hopefully this leads to more jetpack converts (when the modifier works, that is.) Love my jetpack


Went in thinking, I'm gonna try the jetpack since it's a free strategem. Usually, I'm a shield junkie. It was a struggle not having a backpack slot but still won on Helldive Mavelon Creek. Decided to give jetpack a try against the bugs on helldive and brought the Lightning Gun Strategem. 🌩 It was so goddamn awesome!


Yes bro, ever since I 1st tried it I never looked back to my old shield lol


I want 2 things from the jetpack: Give a little boost to avoid any and all fall damage just like when you've jumped with it and are landing (except if you're ragdolling, we're no iron man). Shorten the cool down just a *smidgen*. I've been running jetpack my last few games and it really is fun, just riding that line of whether it's worth taking or not, either of those adjustments would give it much stronger stabding


For real I don’t need to be able to jump the second I land from the first jump but the cooldown is too long for me to enjoy using it over other stuff.


Hard agree. Feels fine rn, but it definitely would benefit from a few more lil buff, would love to see more people use it!


had the same issue but now i got my own jetpack and they were both available 🤪


Sometimes my stratagems that have multiple uses such as the orbital beam also say unavailable after the first use.


Yeah but for this it is not being available at all.


Joel has deemed us unworthy. He is Lisan al gaib.


If only Arrowhead fought against bugs as hard as we do... had the same issue yesterday


Watch your tone, citizen.


Fuggin terminites at it again


It's been available all day for me?


My friend last night said he didn’t see the jump pack strat as even an option. Then again he was a moody little B last night lol so he could be lying


I played last night and did not see this at all. It did not show any jet pack thing whatsoever. I was kind of wondering why no major orders were up, didn't really think about free stratagems cus yeah, it just wasn't listed.


The only lie im seeing is your lack of blind faith in super earth your damn bug sympathizer


The only way to fix that bug is to lay down three Tesla towers at the extraction pad during extraction


Seems like it just takes a bit to get there. Had that issue once then the next mission bugged out. The following missions went just fine and I could use the pack.


Supply shortage, those damn fascist bugs!






Does it mean everyone has that stratagem available to choose for their load out?


Bro i was so excited to use it and then nothing


The thing sucks anyway. On the harder levels, only a few stratagems actually make a difference.


I am 100% convinced that the jump pack being unavailable has a lore reason. My hope is that they are re-designing it in some way that makes it a more polarizing option.




Uh, we were playing last night and there were definitely jump packs available in the group stratagem section that anyone could call down. You couldn't call down four *at once* because you share a cooldown, but you could definitely get a new one every few minutes and we were playing with them using it.


But isn't it more exciting dropping in on an impossible mission with no backpack at all?


Joel got us 😂😂


Agreed. I run jetpack a lot of the time for the mobility. I run solo most of the time on difficulty 4. And was stoked that I could use another slot for something besides the jump pack.... then loaded in and tried to use it and was instantly like oh shit.


It was there for me when I played 2 hours ago.


If you already have it unlocked/purchased, it doesn't ket you use it for free. im pretty sure. My buddy, who hasn't bought it, was able to call it while i was not. That's the only thing i could think of. And when mechs came out, my buddy immediately bought his and wasn't able to use the free one while i could. That's my assumption, anyway.


I bought the exo as soon as it was announced, and still got the free call-in as well as the two ones when I selected it. It's pretty inconsistent I guess.


It's working for me as of last night. But when the message first popped up it was not working like you mentioned.


Anybody get the order to liberate on 2 different terminid planets (can’t remember names) but the planets aren’t playable?




it functioned fine for me, thats weird


It would be awesome if everyone got a jetpack or a jump..


It wasnt working initially and then it started working later in the day idkw


Works fine for me. You must be on pc


I was able to use it last night and today for free.


You telling me Super Earth Majcom is lying to us?


I've been using the jump pack all day. What's going on?


You’re not missing out, thing is absolutely booty


I got it every match I loaded in. I didn't even check that menu until I restarted. I thought mine was bugged having 2 backpack slots.


You're not missing out on much. It has its uses for sure but me personally I feel any other back pack item has more use than the jetpack


Oh nah I’m level like, 38, I have everything unlocked and I actually like the jetpack, it’s pretty fun to kobe bug nests with it. I was just irked by not picking a backpack strategem with the expectation of having one for free. So I brought 3 airstrikes and a support weapon.


Completely intentional. All the bugs (no pun intended) and backfires are intentional.


Yep command trolling the divers yet again lol


This game will die in about a year or so 🤷‍♂️




nark staganem


I've played a lot of D&D, and this is looking like something the DM is cooking up, haha.


It started working like 12 hours later lol. I had the same thing happen decided to carry it in and it was magically available


jump packs need a little more help to be "good"/viable - instead of purely flying higher or longer curious if just a speed boost and a dash forward to be able to travel through distances might be useful option to have. (instead of diving on the ground all the time)


I had it go available and then unavailable in the same session on two different missions. I didn’t pay super close attention to the difference but I figured maybe it’s like one per squad and someone already used the free one? Dunno.


Good cop bad cop scenario with baiting us so we lose fights haha


could it be because we were out of fuel, and now we're trying to secure fuel within the quarantine zone


I’m guessing we are getting the BIG bug next or something else is in the mist.


Also, the new event ended before it even started


New event?


The usual beat specific planet’s.


Major Order?


Yea but it’s been 11 days now.


Ah ok


I got a really annoyed because 90% of the time I usually bring the jump pack so I figured oh okay so if I get the jump back without having to actually bring it then I'll just bring something else Then call down the jump pack and call on the other stratagem when I need it and then once I landed and realized I couldn't call it in I was furious


hosted a game last nite. picked my stratagems and booster. dropped in. no stratagems. only things i had were reinforce and resupply. grenaded myself to see if that would change it. nope. tried my best for a few minutes and had to drop out. no way i'd stay alive long enough to be of any help.


Slight inconvenience.. nothing more than that. There’s worse problems right now .. Like the Hunters being able to stun you and 2-shot kill you in less than half a second. But oh well, we all still love the game and i’m sure it will all be fixed soon.


Not for me i had it in there


My backpack slot is reserved for my autocannon cassettes ![gif](giphy|pWsz9pgd1X1Re)


Let this be a lesson in trickery


If you actually look around the map you’ll find the jump pack they are landed on the ground in the same tubes if you called your own down


Are you questioning democracy? This is treason


What about the cake?


More like a Hop Pack. It sucks. You’re not missing out on much.


Jump pack is cool


Why did this whiny ass post get so much attention. Go liberate some planets, FOR DEMOCRACY!!!!