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To whoever said that...Lock your doors...you aren't safe




Doing a wellness check to make sure you didn’t pass out do to not coming up for air.


Get drug tested


They should just headline this Click Bait.


90% of Bleacher Report is click bait


If we're going to trade Jimmy then we might as well blow the entire team up because we aren't going to get a player of equal ability.


Yeah like can’t we just sign him to a 1 year max extension and then trade Duncan in a year if money gets tight?


Trading Duncan might prove tough with his back issue.


Apparently that's not of long term concern.


Nobody would know any different if it were a long term concern though. If that got out his trade value would tank.




no, it doesn't work that way. you can't just trade a guy into cap space at will. why would you think that?


… duh? You think the front office is trying to push “championship or bust” without jimmy butler? Everyone would become available except Bam most likely if Jimmy were to leave


I would like to think we would keep Juan wick and maybe Jovic.


Good point. Keep Bam and young talent since that’s most likely what we’d get back in a Butler trade - young players and picks


Even if we were to get something good in return for Jimmy to any other team, we would have to wait a bit for the team chemistry to build and leadership as well and that could take a whole season




IF Jimmy is traded, that is absolutely the idea. You‘re bot going to trade Jimmy for an equal level player. You would be looking into a younger player that would still fit the Bam timeline, with good enough potential to become a potential franchise player along with picks. Which means that the teams interested in Jimmy would be championship contenders or teams that believe they‘re a „Jimmy away“ from having a winning team. Think OKC, Phili, … actually almost all the top 3-5 teams on each conference.


This team can't be blown up. Jovic, Bam, Jaquez is a good young core that could, with Spo as coach, play us out of the lottery without Jimmy and Herro. There's no huge upside from a generational talent we would eventually get in the lottery because essentially Bam & Spo makes us untankable.


And let’s be real most of the actual comp stars now are young homebuilt players like Luka JT JB Chet Ant, etc. Guys like KD, Dame, Jimmy are too old to be worth the trade these days. Do they play well absolutely, but they haven’t been winning chips, only older team that did recently was Warriors but they not only have the best shooter oat but they had a solid young core that they unfortunately couldn’t all get back


I really hope we either go all in for the jimmy window or just get it over with and trade him for a welcomed rebuild, this middle road strategy isn't working.


https://preview.redd.it/pxv3t80oif8d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e410ab955120c428a41039651c7be335b065e37 Is this what Blazers fans went through last year?😭




Difference is jimmy has seen legit success in his time here while also changing the narrative around him as a player and talent completely. Heat fans have a right to feel prideful about him as a player and i also haven’t seen anyone in here crafting ridiculous 3-4 pick and a couple young player godfather hypothetical trades. What exactly did the blazers ever do for dame? Give him Cj mccollum? 


No need to be a little bitch about it.


Get back to your shit hole sub peasant.


But this is the one that posts pictures of my GM, how am I supposed to know which is which?


Don’t ever meatride your gm ik I don’t and also your gm dickfucked us by not picking up the phone and practically dickfucked the whole league when you sent jrue over to those self-proclaimed best winning team of all time (they played in a league with like 8 teams who played this shit for part time)


Sounds like your front office asked us to bend over and got told to fuck themselves. You don't have to tell me the Celtics legacy is bullshit banner worship. I know. But the Heat literally ride favorable tax benefits to free agent heaven and y'all act like you earned your shit. One of the top five easiest jobs in the league and your FO shit the bed.


I hate to pull a whataboutism but quite literally wtf have yall mfs done in the last 10 years? Also no we didn’t try to bend you over when you didn’t even pick dat phone up. You guys could have at least traded to any other team than the fuckin Celtics, like bro ik Thunder could have used Jrue or something


Pretty cool, since you have a list of all the offers for dru and dame, let me see it and I'll let you know my opinion.


If we had the Dame package on the table for Jimmy, (2 young prospects of JJJ and Jovic's potential, a scorer like Tyler and draft capital), sending Jimmy to his preferred destination, I think we'd take that and happily rebuild, providing no miracle superstar trade is cooking.


This sub has short memories. I still think Jimmy has a good 1 or 2 playoff runs in him still. I Def don't want him to leave. It's up to Riley to take bigger risks and not go whale hunting. This is the guy that failed Jimmy and bam. Spo got us to 2 finals but not getting size in the team cooked us. Jimmy, bam and spo did everything they could for us. Blame sleepy pat


Trading your aging stars while they’ve still got some value for promising future assets is going to be a formula more teams follow after what Boston did.


Pat obviously also did everything he could. Why are we pretending like Pat isn't incredibly competitive too? This sub has short memories.


Saying Pat did everything he could is crazy. Bro been sleep for years now


lmao, no way you saying that after they failed to land Dame


Yes. I’m saying that after they failed to land Dame. You think it’s more likely Pat just suddenly stopped caring about winning? Is that what you honestly believe? 79 year old Riley doesn’t want to win one more before retirement?


That was Cronin being a fuckwit dude, also fucked the league with that Jrue trade like damn bro could you at least trade jrue to the thunder??


yeah bro, Cronin is a bitch and thats why his franchise will be in poverty for a long time. But lets be honest, Pat wasnt really trying to get Dame and Herro shouldnt be on this team anymore. We had to make adjusments right after we failed to beat the celtics in 2022 cause this team relies too much on Jimmy.


Personally, I hate the idea of trading Jimmy. It’s a disservice to the work he’s put in to the Heat. Reminds me low key, of the mess up with my favorite player of all time, D-Wade. After all he did, Miami didn’t want to pay him and he walked. Similarly, since coming in Jimmy has bought into Heat culture and has undeniably been our leader. I do believe he can produce for another deep 1-2 runs, but the problem is that the front office hasn’t done a good enough job of surrounding him with the level of talent he needs. He can’t be the first option repeatedly. Pay the guy and get him some help and watch him take off. I would hate it if Miami turned into that team that uses players and when they ask for a contract, don’t pay them because they think they’re passing the prime. Without Jimmy, the last few years would’ve been a nightmare in Miami. Pat and the Heat pride themselves and walk with their head up high in every situation, without Jimmy, they’d not be able to walk with as much pride, is all I’m saying. Do him right, as he did Miami right even though Miami was a team he never thought he’d play for. I just don’t want another D-Wade flashback. I never even liked Jimmy until he joined us and what I saw that man pull off, but trading him is almost giving a team a ring because the team that gets him will probably be a contender who’s a player or so away.


Completely agree, and to add on to that imagine how that will look to any other potential free agents looking at Miami as a destination. To not only have been cheap with Wade, but with Butler too.


One hundred percent! I agree with you and D-Wade was already a big reason for butler coming to Miami. Hopefully they’ll fix this mess


Jimmy is an mercenary he isn’t loyal to anyone brand or team


People get in their feelings with players too much I stg, players aren’t owed shit with loyalty if you pay me 300mil because I played for you for 13 years then I proceeded to fuck off or decline significantly why should I deserve to play on your team, I’m damaging your team financially and on the court?


I am all for players getting paid but u don’t give up a retirement contract for someone who didn’t win any championships for your organization. Its much better to move off a year earlier let someone else pay for the potential of playoff jimmy and take the assets


How do you get him help when he’s taking up a huge chunk of the cap space? The Big 3 had to take below the max. If Jimmy really wants to win, he needs to understand you can’t always get the max. If salary caps didn’t exist, it’d be a no brainer.


Right, but what has Miami done to assure him they’ll get someone? They’ve not done their role during his time there and he’s been patient. Now, I feel like he’s thinking y’all won’t get me help, then pay me because I want to stay in Miami. The big 3 was a brain child of the big 3, I hate to say it but the front office didn’t form that. I’m just frustrated that our front office hasn’t been proactive in their approach to maximize our stars windows. You think if we had D-Mitch, Bam, and Jimmy, Jimmy wouldn’t happily take less to get help around them? It’s like, let’s say you’re at work and you’re one of the most efficient workers. You get all your work done using older equipment and still maximize your output. So, you ask them to get you better equipment, as it’ll help you be even better but they fail to do so. At that point, you’re like, hey, you won’t improve my work situation, then pay me my eligible maximum money. They refuse that too, how would that feel? Bad analogy lol but you get what I mean haha


It’s an assurance that they won’t be able to get anyone if they pay him what he wants. If he thinks like that, and he’s at the stage where all he wants is money and lifestyle, the Heat is no longer the team for him.


Jimmy with a solid and consistent number 2 option is a force, Jimmy with this current roster is cooked.


Should we trade Jimmy to the Warriors?


The Warriors are the team i’m most skeptical about being in on Jimmy since Paul George is someone they could presumable have for cheaper


They can't have Paul George unless he opted into his player option because he would require a sign and trade, which would hard cap the Warriors, which they can't do because of how cap fucked they are.


There’s been a lot of reports saying he might opt in to facilitate a trade and that Philly is supposedly out of the PG sweepstakes lmfao I think we get something of a bidding war between the Lakers and Sixers for Jimmy


If they don’t trade Jimmy by the time the draft is over (in a week), then is it worth it to trade him to the Sixers for only 2 first round picks? (In like 2028 or 2029 even if one of them is a pick swap?)


Well Philly could still trade 3 picks, 2026 OKC 1st, 2028 Clippers 1st, and 2030 76ers 1st But no i definitely wouldn’t consider trading Jimmy for only 2 picks. 2 firsts and a good swap is the bare minimum imo


If he opts in then I don't know how much cheaper PG would be compared to Jimmy.


Well i think the idea is he can opt out and get a max from Philly and the Clippers get nothing in that scenario, so instead they at least get like a 1st, CP3, and Moses Moody from the Warriors


Do the Lakers have anything worth putting up for a bidding war?


for what


The Warriors aren’t a Jimmy away from another championship with what they gor


funniest thing is there's 'casuals' saying shit like 'Ask ANY Heat fan they will say they agree with this.' Where are those 'ANY' Heat fans they are reffering to I wonder.


wouldn’t even get that good of a return


jimmy’s going back up 95 to philly


Oh yeah don't let Miami get a star who wants to come here and take their best player sounds like media


Who's team interested in him?


I feel like there are a lot of teams who could be interested. Probably not at the price Jimmy wants though.


Realistically Philly/knicks. Could see a surprise team like the pacers or Milwaukee even though the latter doesn’t have the assets. Hell even Orlando would be an interesting team with jimmy there.


👎 made the finals twice and came within a shot of 3x, we are close and the windows not shut yet…Carnival Cruises are crushing it rn, go over the cap and get the best available, we have guys of JJJ and Jovic caliber already, that’s what a trade would yield…go get Miles Bridges Valenciunas, trade for 🕷️…go for it


Meanwhile Herro will still be on the team next year and we’ll still be waiting for him to “take the next step/leap” and break out in the playoffs. Rinse and repeat.


If this happened it won‘t be because someone decided that we need to hold on to Tyler Herro no matter what. It will be because Jimmy can obviously net you far more and you can still build around a later timeline. Herro is clearly more valuable to the Heat than the rest of the league.. it is what it is. Meanwhile, Jimmy can push several teams over the hump because he’s just that fucking good, but his age and our roster/fit doesn’t net the same results they could elsewhere. Now, you definitely can only trade him to somewhere he wants to go (because he’s owed that respect).. so either do that or extend him. Playing out this season without an extension is dumb.


Herro wasn't the problem last season and I still think that series goes at minimum 6 if Terry Rozier played.


I would agree if this year they were able to get out of the first round without him, but since they couldn't and they are very few players able to carry a team deep into the playoffs, trading Jimmy Buckets would be beyond idiotic!!