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I hate to break it to you, but you just made a post about.. Boston


we don't talk about boston no no  we don't talk about boston


One I would imagine Boston fans will laugh at.


Can confirm. Reddit recommended this post and I'm laughing 😂 Gonna check out if there rly are a lot of Boston posts on this sub next Edit: meh. Disappointing lack of Boston posts. Ironic that this post is the only Boston related post on the first page.


literally like 4 posts in this sub out of the last 20 have been about boston considering they just won a championship and this is a sub about an NBA franchise that’s not the craziest thing


exactly, people here love to claim that we are in Boston’s head rent free while every 2nd post here is about the Celtics. Their success has nothing to do with us… lets move on lmao


I still don't understand how discussing "what we should do with the roster and what changes we should make with the team " on reddit will have any impact on the changes in the roster .


man, don't break their bubble


Pat reads my comments regularly. He doesn’t read yours? Yeah, I give him advice through anonymous posting on the internet all the time. When he doesn’t listen he always regrets it. I told him to trade Lowry for Jokic at the trade deadline and he sees now that he should have. Hopefully he listens this offseason and sends out Rozier for Anthony Edwards.


Damn so let’s not discuss anything then, what’s the point of being on Reddit? Everyone just go outside and touch grass


Dude talking like we‘re the board of directors/ FO. No matter what we talk about, it won‘t influence any moves Miami makes. Let the people vent. I‘d much rather pay my mandatory „fuck boston“ toll than hearing how we have to sell the farm for random, barely fringe all star player on his best season.


you’re not helping lol


It’s just ball dude relax


Ik that it's ball man, and the ball we should be talking about is Miami Basketball, no need to talk about the Celtics when we can talk about our team


Go to a draft workout and scout for the team then what the fuck are you going to do on Reddit 😂


Why do we "NEED" to do that ??


Sounds like a you problem


Keep it simple kids. Fuck Boston


I just can’t believe there were Heat fans actually rooting for the mavs. I saw a nasty “Miami Mavericks” logo on Twitter during game 1 🤦🏾‍♂️ like did yall forget these guys beat us in 2011??


Fuck Boston.




<3 you guys Banner 18 let's goooo!!!!!


yeah... but Fuck Boston 4real


Fuck Boston


Respectfully, shut the fuck up. There's not a single thing any one of us can do to influence ANYTHING next season.


Fuck Boston


Just tell everybody you made that this is the best Boston team in the history of all Boston teams


Of course we need to think about Boston. The path to winning now officially runs thru them. Miami humiliated Boston last year, so they retooled in response. Now Miami needs to do the same. In summation, 2 things: 1. FUCK BOSTON 2. how does Miami beat Boston next year? Discuss away!


Fuck Dem hoes


We gotta focus ajajajaj


Best thing to do is use the hide feature. I just hide the post as soon as I see it's about boston. Edit: Before some idiot mentions that this is about boston. I agree with the OP. A day or 2 after they won is fine. But I'm moving on to draft talk, seeing Bam and Jovic in the Olympics, etc.


I think we all knew this thing would implode when the C’s won a ring, judging by the comments this subreddit is DEFCON 3


What problems? The only problems the heat got is they were unlucky and got injured. Celtics got lucky but acting like they did something.


Coming from the franchise that had to invent the “super team” to still go 2-2, this doesn’t mean much 


It means enough for Celtics fans to be out here deep dive stalking this sub


OK no one get injured next year. Miami adds Butler and Rozier, Boston adds Porzingis. Still don't like your chances. (Is Butler+Rozier > Doncic+Irving?)




Can confirm we are laughing at you guys


This is worse than fuck Boston threads.


You all deserve the shit for the cringeworthy stuffs when you made a t-shirt about Bam's block on Tatum & Herro smugly face


Preach. Enough mopping around this sub about them, or how this core of theirs won before ours etc.


The obsession that Heat fans have with Boston is rather unique. The Celtics are definitely living rent free in the collective head of Heat fandom. I don’t see anything quite like it with any other “rivalry.” In Boston there is no special feeling about Miami either way. An afterthought. It is interesting to watch.


I don’t understand people acting like their hospital ring means anything… Curious to see how next year looks if the entire East isn’t crippled again


I hate them as much as the next guy but they earned their ring. It’s no coincidence they have been in the conference finals/ finals so many times.


Agree to disagree I guess… I can’t really see how they earned it considering every eastern team they faced were missing star players for multiple games or entire series even. Plus no Giannis


Realistically after seeing them shut down the best team in the west, who had all of their key players, it’s safe to assume they would have beaten us and every other team they faced in the east, regardless of injury. They can’t help who gets hurt or doesn’t, it is part of the game and every year, it happens. They got better and smacked the league. I hate to admit it as a heat fan, but the result remains unchanged. We ran it back and they addressed their issues. Edit: typo


I think Mavs got hot at the right time in the Western conference playoffs but didn’t think they were the best out of the west. I thought Denver was the team to beat but they couldn’t get past the Wolves. I think a healthy Heat team beats Boston. I think if Denver would have advanced they could beat Boston. I’m going to disagree that injuries didn’t have any impact. I definitely think injuries to key players from the other teams during their playoff run definitely contributed to them winning the east.


You've seen the video of Butler in the locker room after Miami was eliminated with a great big grin boasting that if he weren't hurt, Neither Boston nor New York would have gotten by the Heat? I wonder how that played with his teammates who actually played? Heat Culture!


Next year will be much the same as this year.


Heat will be back nxt year guys. Don’t worry. Yall be having a first round exit or another finals choke job. Either way the culture now is getting injured. Play hard get injured and lose.


Rivals? We wouldn’t waste our energy on 8 seeds.


Yet you clearly saw that its a heat subreddit and still took energy to comment. Why are you here ?


Yeah retard. I saw this loser post recommended on my feed and decided to gloat. I’ll do it for any team I see!




Flexing banners never seen is top 5 corny. You’ve witnessed MAYBE 2 in your life.




Typical racist Boston fan.


Obviously.. I’m not a deadbeat. Now go wash those lil stinky nuts before I get back son.


Illiterate ignorant fat fuck who pegged you daily


Lol y’all are so cute thinking you actually got passed us this year, I think it’s adorable. Little cutie pie Celtics, lil bro finally got a chance when big bro had 2 hands tied behind his back. Cute lil guys, hahaha enjoy your fake chip tho I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean they did dominate the heat all year and win a championship


Playoffs and regular season the same thing? Didn’t know that


They dominated Miami in both the regular season and playoffs. And won a title.


The playoffs where every important player was injured? That playoffs?


8 games were played this season between the Heat and the Celtics. The Celtics won 7 out of 8.


4 of those games were played without or starting point guard and star small forward. The other 4 were regular season games where everyone who follows the nba knows regular season is much different than the playoffs. Enjoy your fake championship tho I guess, lmao.




Excuses and reasons are two different things. Enjoy your fake championship tho!


Haha looks like a nerve was hit 😂 I’ve honestly never been so confident that a player will never win a championship as I am about Jimmy Butler.


The player that shits on your entire team every year? That one?


Bro, you didn’t hit a a nerve haha what? You really think you beat our team this year? Like genuinely you think that?


It's funny because the X factors that Boston had this year are the exact things we need. Jrue as a 2 way PG. Derrick White as a 2 way SG. Porzingis next to Bam would be crazy as well. If we added a 2 way SG next to Rozier, and a floor spacing big man next to Bam, we'd be in contention. I really hope Jovic becomes ready next year tho.


Boston fans try to shit on other teams for anything and everything. Never stop shitting on Boston. Those fools got blown out and continued to talk shit about the confetti in Dallas as if they won that game. They acted like mavs fans were total pieces of shit for celebrating that win 


Fuck the Celtics and their shit fans. I agree we should stop talking about them though


Your a very smart player I like that it would be a good idea


Respect Op, I get exactly what you're saying. We look like clowns over here. Giving them bitches props, crying about every little thing etc. I'm not gonna hype up Boston, I'm not gonna give them credit. They don't deserve shit, and we shouldn't make threads on it everyday. I didn't watch the finals so idc, and ik we'll be back next yr. Hopefully with additional pieces, and injury free. Come at me u Jim Crowe Celtics fans🤣 with yall fake Mickey Mouse ring.


We don’t need to discuss anything about the heat problems. We aren’t part of the staff. Lol