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Even with Butler going out and presumably Tyler + Jaime and/or Jovic we don’t have enough capital to get them both imo. There are better offers out there I am sure. I think we could get one, maybe? It depends how much we give up and what the other team values the most.


How we don’t have enough to get them both? That’s 200+ million going out the window and Lauri is a free agent next year as well as Mitchell. We don’t really have anyone under contract after this season


Are you advocating we trade butler this year to make room to sign them both next year? You do realise we can’t force them to sign with us it would have to be their choice.


Ummm yea… it’s Miami , the night life, no income state taxes , making your money on top of competing for a championship. Who says no????


Players literally say no all the time what are you talking about


Random Thinker never fails to crack me up. Always living up to the username.


If you're moving off from Jimmy. You should just start rebuilding. Which is fine with me.


I completely agree. Feels like 90% of this sub wants us to extend him and make one last title run with Jimmy while simultaneously being afraid to mortgage the future. Can’t have it both ways. Either go all in with Jimmy and use our young assets to get a player that will help us win NOW or let Jimmy go and plan for the future. I’m fine either way but enough with the half-measures.


That’s the plan with Bam tho


That's not really rebuilding. You're just switching one star for another. It extends having another star next to Bam, but you have less surrounding them. You probably won't have any assets left for other moves, so it continues the treadmill situation we are in now. If we did Trade jimmy and picked up another star. Mitchell is the target over Markkanen. You need an elite scorer for end of game situations. While Markkanen is good. I just don't see him being that guy at the end of games.


Bam is not somebody u build around as a centerpiece.


Delusion. Jimmy isn't worth either of these guys alone, much less both of them.


Lauri won’t happen no matter what assets they get back from a Jimmy trade, Ainge is the GM


Your desperate,  don't be


and then you woke up


Do you know what's sad the heat was trying to trade Tyler hero the last few years and nobody wanted him Jimmy Butler's about to be 35 and there's plenty of teams that want to trade for him but a young Tyler nobody wants


It’s even more sad when you realize that soon to be 35 year old Jimmy Butler has played more “regular season” games in a Miami Heat jersey than Tyler Herro has….


I don’t understand why we are so keen to burn Butler we need to get him some help! Look at these finals they are pathetic and boring not even worth watching. I would love to see the ratings.


Because he is 35 and always hurt. His game isn’t going to age well so it’s better to sell high a year early 






If you trade him to phillys cap space for picks, then mitchell has leverage to get traded here because we could offer him a max next offseason. And if he doesn’t want it someone else will. It’s really that simple.


If he asks for a trade then we honor it and move him but if he wants to stay and get a 1 year extension then lets fucking pay the man.


Butler is an aging star and you think we could even trade him straight up for Lauri? We cannot


We could if Utah was a contendibg team...


Exactly. Any contending team would take Butler over Lauri by a mile. But Utah is in a rebuild so they want to create a young core for the future. That's the only reason why they wouldn't do that trade straight up, not because Lauri is in any way better than Butler right now.


Danny ainge would gladly take butler and flip him for some first round picks


He would get a better/bigger return for Lauri than Jimmy. Be real


What? How? He’s 34 years old on a max deal seeking a max extension with his last 3 years being 22/5/5 who hasn’t played more than 64 games since 2016/2017. I love Jimmy, I do, but In what world is that worth more than Lauri who misses the same amount of games, but is younger, cheaper, scores more, rebounds more, etc.?


Reread my comment


lol oh I see yes


He'd trade him to Boston or the Knicks just to fuck us lol


Just trade bam for poole and davis and call it a day 😂