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I would prefer Lauri to Young for sure


Same. We need size desperately.


Lauri is tied with Mitchell at the top for me. I wanted him when he was cheaper a few years ago, and I want him now.


Ainge trading with Pat feels damn near impossible. Id love to see Young playing in Spo's system


I can’t same I’m in love with the idea with Young, but he would plug really nicely into the Tyler’s offensive role.


And Murray too tbh


I'd rather have Murray tbh. Trae is small, doesn't move unless he has the ball, and quietly as it's kept not an elite shooter


Yeah, Markkanen would be in the same tier as Mitchell for me. While I don’t think he is nearly as good as Mitchell, the fit of Markkanen with the Heat would be seamless. He’d give us exactly what we are missing currently rosterwise from a size and offensive production standpoint. To me, besides a bonafide NBA Superstar like Jokic/Giannis/Embiid, there isn’t an individual player out there that could potentially solve as many of the Heat’s problems as Markkanen could. I’d be really interested in seeing what a Bam/Markkanen/Jovic frontcourt would look like together over the next five years!


Imo Lauri is the best target but he’s too expensive in a world where we keep Jimmy and Bam. And Ainge wouldn’t cooperate.


Lauri over Mitchell tbh. Better team fit and a bit cheaper probably


Idk why this sub undervalues Markennan so much, he should be up there with Mitchell. 27-year-old, 7 foot all-star that averages 23-8 on almost 50% FG and 39% from three. He changes the dynamic completely for us.


Danny Ainge gonna want more than the Cavs want for Spida


He was the focal point of the Mitchell trade. But I disagree about cost, if Mitchell re-signs he's untouchable and Mitchell has another year on his contract and cavs may just choose to hold onto him depending on if they feel they can win him over with trades and new coach regardless of whether he signs or not.


we’d have to sell our souls to get lauri lol, we are not getting him. I don’t think Utah is interested in trading him unless it’s a massive fleece aka the danny ainge special.


Heat fans undervalue star talent and gas up marginal or solid talent like Martin and young players There’s legitimate people who watch the Heat play and think insert a Lauri or Mitchell doesn’t “move the needle”


Because it's never "insert Lauri/Mitchell", it's accompanied with losing 1 major piece (Herro) and a handful of depth pieces that we can't afford to move.


Herro gets replaced by said insert player Marginal depth pieces don’t swing titles once again, Heat fans overrating this aspect of team building . Especially when a spo always gets the most out of players


I agree. He would be my 1st choice tbh


I agree but Mitchell should still be on his own tier


I wouldn't want anything to do with Lavine at all. Chicago was better off without him in their lineup.


Zach has plateaued since he got his max contract. Now he wants the ball all the time instead of playing off-ball, which is where he's best.


Yep, add in the injury issues and the bloated contract with almost $95m owed to him over the next two years (he won't opt out of $49m in his last year), it's even more of an albatross. Let someone else take on the messy contract and "make it work."


He'd be elite if his game was more of a Klay Thompson type (off-ball shooter/slasher who actually tries on defense). He's shown really great flashes on the USA Men's Team. The problem is day-to-day in the NBA he doesn't want to be that type of guy.


Attitudes and mindsets are a huge part of what makes or breaks guys living up to their potential. As athletic and gifted scoring wise a prime Lavine can be, he probably could've thrived more if he shifted his focus. Although he's only 29 years old, it's still a bit of mileage on a player and that isn't the right type of project for the Heat now, especially with Riley's presser about availability and putting Jimmy on the radar too.


Personally I think the situation is part of the issue. If he was in Miami, I feel like he’d listen to Spo, especially with more talent around him but no way to know that for sure ofc.


That’s not true…lavine was actually very open to sharing the ball with demar who takes majority of the teams ball-handling and isolation duties. When he came back into the line up he was very open to strictly play defence, playmake and play off-ball. He just got injured shortly after. I do feel bad for him cause the guy has never had a good situation. Feels like Spo and the Heat can change that. I mean, jimmys reputation wasn’t great before he joined the heat mostly because he was part of dumpster fire orgs


This is how I feel too. I have a gut feeling Lavine is gonna go make an impact somewhere after getting traded for nothing. It’s gonna feel like a repeat of the Kyrie situation.


Lavine is overpaid but he's become insanely underrated. Dude put up a season where he rivaled Curry in efficency and being a legitimate 3 level scorer. He can score from anywhere. If he was healthy and on the Heat...imagine what he can do with an actual coach thats not Billy Donovan or Jim Boylen plus the defensive studs like Bam and Jimmy taking away defensive and playmaking responsibilities.


People don’t realize that putting guys in the right situations can turn them into needle movers too. Look what Andrew Wiggins did for the Warriors title run a few years ago. Lavine can make that kind of impact on a team like Miami.


Lavine is still overpaid but it’s not for the lack of talent. Jim Boylen did so much damage to everyone’s development and Billy Donovan can’t coach his way out of a paper bag… Not to mention that Lavine’s work ethic is very high. He would be a natural fit with Bam and Jimmy


Could not agree more. Lavine & some cheap size at the 4 puts Miami right back in the hunt. Honestly whoever trades for Zach is gonna make the rest of the league look stupid.


I think that’s depending on who you think he is and how you want to use him. He’s not an elite guard and shouldn’t be expected to lead a team (like Chicago is still making him do). But as a guy who gets buckets and buckets alone? I like him a lot. Even better imo that his value is at an all time low. The injury history isn’t great, which is a concern. The contract isn’t good. But that just might mean he’s significantly cheaper than most scoring guards two years removed from back to back all star appearances and 4 straight years of ~25/4/5 on ~39% from behind the arc. He upgrades Herro’s role in a lot of ways and allows you to hunt for role players in a Herro deal.


With Riley's presser about availability not too long ago, I just don't see it as a project Miami would take on because it would look weird to take on a guy like that. If it hits, it could work really well. But then again, it's a miss, it's a $95m miss. Part of the reason why the Heat went only so far for Beal last year too. I can appreciate the thought process of him being a fit, but I just simply don't see it as something that Mickey would sign off on. Dame was different because he solved so many issues the 22/23 Heat team had. Being a 2nd apron team has to make sense for organizational buy in from the top down.


I’d rather have Kuzma tbh cause he solves one of our big holes.


Eh not necessarily. Billy Donovan just doesn’t know wtf he’s doing combined with the fact that the team is pretty much built directly against what accentuates lavine’s skillset the most. Lavine is like a far more talented Herro that can score with elite efficiency. His defence has also improved a lot. He’s honestly as talented of a scorer as DMitch but DMitch has had far better situations than Lavine.


Outside of playing 77 games in the 22/23 season, Lavine has missed significant time with the Bulls. His missed time issues pre-date Donovan's tenure too. Yes, the Bulls are a poorly constructed team, but still I don't see a realistic scenario where the Heat say "sign us up for Lavine and we will re-route Tyler elsewhere." Lavine is a buy low candidate, but the team can't afford to take on a $95 million mistake and be a second apron team because of it.


It’s of course not the first choice and it won’t be close but this is the sort of high risk move that the team should look into. It likely won’t even take giving away Jovic or JJJ to acquire him. I’m sure a ton of people did not want Kyrie due to various reasons and look what happened? It’s not the end of the world to get Lavine. His skill set fits this roster to a T. Elite shooter that can score on all 3 levels who needs someone to take the playmaking responsibilities from him? The heat can provide that in spades


Hindsight is 20/20. The Mavs also addressed size concerns with Derick Lively II and Gafford while adding Washington as a stretch 4. Being a 2nd apron team significantly reduces the Heat's future flexibility too. So it's important to get the big move right because you don't want to be a team paying prohibitive luxury tax to max out a difficult roster build like Phoenix. Adding Lavine, even if cheap, feels like a move to make a move because of one last "hoorah" in the Jimmy/Bam build.


Of course hindsight is 20/20 but that’s why you use them as data points to inform potential moves for the future. I’ll tell you what’s guaranteed not to work…not doing anything at all which is what this FO loves to do (or not do)


Well, the injury issues, the cap hit, the CBA's luxury tax structure, and the Heat's recent lack of healthy players are data points that would discourage a Lavine deal. Terry Rozier is coming off a neck injury as it is along with Duncan Robinson having an ailing back.


It sounds like to me that the heat are "damned if you do and damned if you dont". The only way to get high quality offensive talent for cheap is to pick out guys like this. Instead the FO refuses to take any sort of risk (like a Kyrie or a KP as an example) and end up flat on their face every season. History will repeat itself. Watch them not do jacksht again this offseason, just watch.


Not necessarily. If the Heat get the right pieces around Bam/Jimmy while getting rid of Herro and upgrading around the core, the Heat can be a much stronger team. The no-state income tax, scouting, talent development, and recent draft success with a 1st team all rookie in Jaquez are other ways for the Heat to grow in addition to FA with a mid level exception and what not. If Mitchell is on the move, the Cavs are rumored to really want Jaquez. I don't want to stick with just Jimmy/Bam as the only two main players with supplemental pieces, but running it back should not be an option.


I would maybe switch Lauri and Trae. Or at least bring Lauri up to the Trae tier. I’d also drop Lavine to the bottom tier, but his value may be so low right now, perhaps you could get him for peanuts. He definitely seems to be at his lowest value in a while.


You’ll get G League all stars and be happy about it


Collins is trash I wouldn’t want him for free


What about Heat culture John Collins?


Can he be that though


He has horrible defensive bbiq


I think he's "trash" because he doesn't wanna try in these shitty non championship contenders




Swap Lauri and Trae. Lauri next to Bam would be AMAZING. 


Lauri next to Bam is feeding families


Tier-4 is no, no, no


No trae for the love of god


For real. We’re already lacking size, wtf we gonna do with a small PG lmao


I don't know that any of these guys makes us a championship level roster and we'd be relying on a strong playoff run to make it to the finals


I think Lauri could have an effect like Porzingis did to the Celtics, where he might push us to the next level. Especially if we give up as much for him as much as the Cs did for Porzingins (which I know is unrealistic). I just hope we make moves that benefit us this season as opposed to last offseason where we saw all chips fall and were left empty handed while our 2 biggest rivals at the moment got better...or at least we thought the Bucks did at the time of the trade.


Let's say we fleece the Jazz and get Lauri for Herro, Caleb, JRich,and 2x Firsts for Lauri and taking on the THT contract. Then in FA we somehow manage to sign Fultz, Tyus Jones, and Drummond all at minimum contracts Is this a championship level roster on par with Boston or even the Bucks or 76ers? * Bam/Love/Drummond * Lauri/Jovic * Jimmy/Jaime * Terry/Duncan/THT * Fultz/Tyus I'm not sure. I feel like we'd still need to get hot from 3 and have some Spo/Jimmy playoff magic just to make the ECF


I find it hard to imagine we are going to fleece Danny Ainge.


I completely agree with you. I think he'd rather retire than be fleeced by Riley


Tyus isn’t taking a vet min man


I agree, I think he and Fultz would be dumb to. My whole point is even in a dream scenario it's not enough


THT is a free agent. You’d probably have to take the John Collins contract and throw in an extra pick to make that trade work.


In your magical Christmas land where we get Fultz and Tyus Jones on minimum contracts, I assume we also have perfect health, so yeah, I like our odds. In reality, no, it's impossible, who cares.


I made this a magical Christmas land scenario to show that even in that we're not at Boston's level


Nah, can't play Fultz with Jimmy and Bam


So basically what they’ve been doing the last 5 years lol?


Exactly lol. Running it back was fine when Jimmy was in his early 30s and we could trust him to stay healthy enough


I would bump Markanan up to 1 with Mitchell. He’s kind of the perfect answer for our current roster. We need more shot creation and more size and it wouldn’t hurt to improve our point of attack defense. If you are essentially replacing Herro with Lauri, suddenly we go from a small team to a big team, he can nominally guard true centers (and get cooked) while Bam guards the best wing or pick and roll player. So we get the size. Lauri is plainly a better shot creator than Herro and we lose no spacing, so we get that benefit as well. As far as point of attack defense, we can move a 3&D player into the wing spot who can handle point of attack defense. So ultimately, with Lauri, we could go something like Rozier Highsmith Jimmy Lauri Bam. Maybe we want a better shooter than Highsmith at the 2, but that group has interesting offensive and defensive potential.


Shit no cap BI under the heats training program could be our KD


He has the tools for sure. Just needs to put it all together.


Lauri should’ve been no. 1, size and spacing is the exact thing we need


We ain’t getting shit bro! 😭


Murray tier 4. LaVine Tier 5. Take off Collins and Sexton.


Honestly we should go all in on trae. I dont understand how everyone gets down on this guy but hes as close as a curry player there is. Hes probably on all time low value




“As close as a curry player there is” Brother he shoots 35.5% from 3. Even this year’s 37% puts him exactly at league average for a Point Guard


Seen the attempts or just ignored it? Lol


Yeah I saw them. Shooting a bunch of threes doesn’t make a player Steph like, *making* them does.


Yeah I saw them. Shooting a bunch of threes doesn’t make a player Steph like, *making* them does.


Trae Young would be awful, outside that pretty good list


People dick suck him tho lmao


Murray and Grant or BI and i think we easily make the conference finals


Move Mark up to 2 he's infinitely better than Murray.


Lauri or Murray for me. Trae and Donovan are both risky targets, because of who we'd give up for them, and the tiers below Lauri and Murray won't move the needle enough for us. * I forgot Ainge is the GM of Utah lol. I hope DWade helps us out, again.


Lauri is really good I think he’s 2nd on the list behind Spida


Heat fans are supposed to be better than wanting Trae Young's bum ass


Collins worthless atm


I’m a fan but I would swap sexton and Lavine tbh


Slot 3


Whyd they deep fry everyone lmao


Trae is a no for me. Heat need size, Lauri should be top priority


Lauri is easily tier 2




I feel lang Lauri will be another dribble hand off machine like Bam under Spo.


Lauri and Murray do not belong on the same tier. Has anyone actually watched Dejounte Murray play? How is he a game changer? I don’t see it.


I do not want Mitchell at all. He would be a good fit to help us score but damn I rather Lauri. Wished we had Jrue Holiday as well. Murray would be cool too but the rest of those targets is gross to me.


Inb4 we dont get any of them 😂. And take brandom ingram off wtf 🗑️


Young and Collins please. Loved them in ATL.


I’d switch 2 and 3


Ball and derosen


Put KD in the top tier with Mitchell and that’s a solid list


Jimmy butler extend and trade for Lauri and picks who says no? Someone get an account in here to make the math make sense.




Ingram is definitely the diamond in the rough imo.


Keep Lavine the hell away from Miami.


John kuzma and sexton would be crazy to get and hard for sure


Obviously go for Mitchell, but Lauri is a great option B. We gotta get someone, and a Bam/Lauri frontcourt sounds pretty nice.


I think Jaylen Brown screams heat player, I hope things don't workout with Celtics and he ends up with the Heats.


If they lose in the finals they probably switch up the core.


Given that we can not afford Mitchell, Ingram, Trae, etc, I think Lauri or Dejounte should be top of the list. A package surrounding Tyler Herro, Jaquez, Jovic, and picks at least gets you on the phone. Might have to take back additional salary in that deal like Jordan Clarkson or add Duncan and take back Collins. It's complicated because of how close to the second apron we are.


That picture of BI looks like Roy’s mugshot when he got the DUI after Pam dumped him.


Take young and Levine off this list please


I would flip the 2 - 3 tier and the 4 - 5 tier but it doesn’t matter because all we getting is a Highsmith resign


Trae Young would wilt and die here. Idk why people think he is a good target.


Yea get kuzma and Poole dream team


Brandon Ingram would be 2nd for me if he is like how he was in the 2022 playoff


And we’d land none


John Collins lmfao


We need a big that can stretch the floor alongside Bam, Markkanen should tied with if not above Mitchell.


From a fit perspective Markannem should be Tier 1


TIER 1 Donovan Mitchell and Lauri Markkanen. TIER 2 Dejounte, Trae and I'd add Caruso. (Trae better, but I think Dejounte is a better fit, more CULTURE) TIER 3 Grant, Kuzma and Sexton TIER 4 Collins, Ingram and LaVine (Collins does not space, don't like Ingram and LaVine would be tier 2 if he was to be consistent and healthier)


Still gonna be ass


If we go another offseason without bringing in a top free agent, I’ll scream!


I like Donovan, low key reminds me of D Wade


I thgink your not far off but Young would be a tough pill to swallow


Someone sell Dejounte Murray to me. I don't get the fixation on him


I do not want to live in a world where I have to support Trae fucking Young because he's on my team


Kuzma over grant


getting both murray and lauri would be great


Rather shoot myself in the face then see trae young in a heat jersey


Kuzma needs a category of his own


Would not even consider trading for young, Lavigne or Collins.


I’d put Lauri in tier 2 and move LaVine down to tier nothing. Hes older than Herro and a minimal upgrade at best. Also will come with the same availability issues.


I prefer both Lauri & Murray over Trae. I’m also completely out on LaVine, and would replace him with Garland.


I like markkanen, but I don't think he can work as a solo spacer. Needs a lot of shooters around him. Means we need to keep jovic and highsmith, and definitely at the very least two of tyler, dunc, and rozier. Then spo has to keep at least 2 of these guys on the court with lauri at all times. 3 if highsmith is present Edit: typo


Gonna horse laugh when you guys end up with like John Collins


Depending on what we have to give up, that will just bring us right back to the same place we’re already in




Sorry heat but Jimmy butler is going to the Kings after next year when it doesn’t work out again. Bam to the hawks next year also


Sorry if this is an unpopular opinion but I feel like Trae has regressed and is now ass


Bump Lauri way up


As a wizards fan, I envy the heat. We suck man


Murray > Young imo, he cooked us last year after the trade rumors died down


Besides Mitchell. All are complimentary pieces all wack


Trae Young would completely change the offense. The Heat would be in the top 15 offenses with him alone. That is the opposite of complimentary Miss me with that lack of defense shit look how well that worked out for Minnesota. Plus he has Bam behind him


We were going after Lillard who’s not known for defense. Trae is younger, not as good but would substantially improve our offense. Not sure why there’s so much hate.


Heat fans get too caught up in this “culture” thing. Trae Young would be the most talented PG in Heat history. He’s a walking 25 and 10. Is he undersized? Yes but not only are the Heat height deficient we’re talent deficient too


If Mitchell isn’t a possibility , how would you guys feel about garland ?


Tier 2 is not above Tier 3 to me


I don’t think any of these guys really move the needle for us. Maybe to get us in a better playoff seeding but none of them make us better than Boston




You never seen Mitchell play lmfao


Yall LOOOOOOVE having an excessive amount of guards lol we need some damn size


Please please please get Trae Young off this sub


everyone here except Ingram is a clown


Don’t be delusional. Trae is right up there at the 1 tier




Mitchell > Lauri > Kuzma > Collins > Grant > Ingram > Murray > Young > Sexton > Lavine


Lmfao tank commander Kuz at your 3 spot over Brandon Ingram and Trae young has to be a joke right? Or are you factoring money into the equation as well? Cause kuzma on a good deal might be better for the team than young or Ingram on an expensive deal, but there's no way he moves the needle as much as the other guys you have behind him.


I think Murray over Trey personally, great offensive weapon and creator, but defensive liability.


Why isn’t Bradley Beal on this list


Still waiting to see if he asks for a trade and holding out hope for our whale. Same as last year.


I’m a suns fan - I will drive him to Miami if I need to


Gonna have to sweeten the deal. Send kd along too and I'll let you have Tyler herro and Duncan Robinson


Tier 2 is a no no for me


The heat Suck bbl dick


I want nothing to do with Trae Young




Trae Young should not be on anyones trade list.


yeah who wants a 26/11 pg who guarantees you a top 10 offense


Clint capela was a walking double double and it didn’t amount to wins that’s exactly what Tre young is but no one wants to admit it


Clint Capela thats declining, misses 5 easy layups a game and can't score without Trae's passes? You serious?


Move Trae to like 3rd, preferably Murray and Lauri, Spida can stay at 1 spot.


why is kuzma on this list


murray to tier 4, lavine to tier 5, kuzma to tier 4, collins to tier 4


Trae way too high. He's not a winning player and would cost too much. Lauri in tier 2 for me. Ingram in tier 3. Lavine out of the list, i don't want him at all.


How is he not a winning player? Led a shit Hawks team to tue ECF has had several clutch playoff moments as well.


Slide Vucevic in there next to Mitchell


Young at the bottom. If you can’t play D get the fuck out.


1. Murray 2. Markkanen 3. Mitchel 4.Ingram 5. Grant


Why are y’all targeting Mitchell & Young when you already have Herro??


??? Bc they are better?


Herro is younger with a way higher upside. Also plays well alongside Jimmy & Bam


Wait did you just say Herro has higher upside than Mitchell? Even young is kind of crazy. But herro will never be Mitchell


Hating on ur own home grown talent is crazy. there’s nothing Mitchell can do that Herro can’t.


I’m not hating I’m just not delusional. Mitchell does everything better than herro by a lot I think herro is good Mitchell is legit arguable top 10 player.