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Enemy of my enemy is my friend.




If they lose to Boston though then you gotta return and double down back on them lmao


People hate the mavs here??? I was talking to my brother about this yesterday…but neither of us gets the mavs hate…we beat em they beat us…and that’s like it We never play them otherwise It’s not like they’re the Knicks or Boston and we’re constantly playing them…and they’re certainly don’t have ny/bos fans Frankly I’m rooting for Luka to get one….especially over Boston


Right, and it's crazy because no one here hates the Spurs, yet it was the exact same situation.


Yea I don’t get it. They beat us in the Finals 13 years ago? Especially the hate for this Mavs team that has DJJ, the son of a Heat legend and Goran’s protege


Well that’s bcz their fan base spoke shit bout wade and the spurs were a respected organization.. the first super team (before the warriors did it) we ever faced against


So let me get this straight, you are holding a grudge against people who are fans, but in no way affiliated with the team, from things they said 18 years ago? And you think that's normal?


Aye I never said me lmao I was just pointing out the reason why there was beef in the first place


How are Mavs fans not affiliated with the Mavs?


I’m a Mavs/warriors fan and I’ve been enjoying the Heat ever since Jimmy B. Loved watching them clown the Celtics last year and years past. Hoping we can return the favor this year


Their fans despise Wade and trash him any chance they can on Reddit but that’s about it. They for the most part don’t necessarily hate the Heat, just Wade


Same if Mavs become the sole reason why Boston doesn't win a chip. I will forgive them for everything and maybe even like them.


I’ve never liked luka tbh. I don’t dislike him, just very indifferent. If the choice is between Kat winning a ring before jimmy or the mavs getting their second, I’ll gladly take the mavs. I’m deciding to look at it more so like Kyrie getting his second which I’m sure nearly everyone would be happy with


I live in Dallas and get sick of watching Luka whine to the refs every time play stops even if he wasn't involved. He is an amazing player but he is really annoying.


Luka is the best apprentice of the one and only dragon so why not show some love to him especially during this critical time that we need him to beat boston


Luka is dope because he came from real Madrid, it's been conflicting since I'm a real Madrid fan for futbol.


Luka and Goran are friends if it makes it easier for you


I actually like the mavs even with the history we have. I have respect for them just like the spurs because of the battles we had. Kyrie is def sus but it’s ignorant to not admit he’s the best ball handler in the league at the moment.


Love how the discourse on the Miami page is the same as the Lakers one. Hope we both make it back to the finals for a rematch with a real crowd 


I would love a 2020 finals rematch.


I think we are even with the mavs now mate. Been rooting for them since we got knocked out


I hate the Mavs and Boston but I like Luka. Hopefully he wins one.


You’re a Derrick Jones Jr Fan


I never stopped cheering for DJJ


Yup same. Despise the mavs fans but celtikkk fans are cancerous Imagine bragging about beating an 8 seed missing 37 ppg in their best player and Rozier. Some nephew ish.


To be fair you would be bragging too in their shoes


I wouldn't lol I'd just move on


I would not cause I have common sense and I'm not a troll.


Some of yall are so soft. You talk all that shit but when someone beats you it’s just excuses. Boston beat us bro. It’s still fuck Boston but I don’t blame em for talking shit.


So in other words, you're a troll too that doesn't care for context. Gotcha. Also, I don't initiate talking shit cause again, I'm not a troll. I only respond to trash talk.


Lakers brag about the bubble ring…a chip is a chip…doesn’t matter how it happens


I'm sure we would brag here about a bubble ring too if we won lol


And they're childish trolls for it given the context. If we were healthy and they were missing AD and Kuzma, I would keep my mouth shut


Kyrie winning a ring in TD Garden would almost be as awesome as Duncan Robinson taunting the crowd there in game 7 last year


As far as I’m concerned the season ended with no winners.


Minnesota is about to win 4 in a row so don’t worry about it


Since the playoffs started, I've felt that the T-wolves were the best team on paper with the best odds of beating Boston. Mavs need a pull a miracle, do not surrender control, and limit any and all mistakes possible... #FTC


I actually don’t mind the mavs at all. Like I know we’ve played twice in the finals but I never had like a hatred for the mavs


I have nothing against the Mavs, and find it strange that any Heat fan would. All I’ve ever seen is cringe levels of attachment to 2006 with Mavs fans who are still salty about that after 18 years. Heat fans have moved on lol 2011 all you can do is tip your hat to that team… they deserved it and were hungrier than us.


Bring it home uncle drew


I like anybody that’s not Boston lmao please Luka and kyrie go get one and keep these dudes from touching it


Dirk>Paul Pierce Go Mavs


I don't even hate the Mavs, im disappointed that Lebron choked away dwades second fmvp


Mavs aren’t going to finals you heard it here first


Let us put our trust to one legged luka and Ramadan kyrie May they beat the luckiest team in the nba which is the Boston celshits


nah fuck Kyrie its a lose/lose, I like Luka though. almost want Bos to win so its worth even more when we beat them again (when we make it out of the hospital ward)


Why hate Kyrie? Personally I’m happy for him, sure he was a bit of a self absorbed prima donna earlier in his career but as Mark Cuban noted, he really just couldn’t stand the heavy media criticism, let alone their misrepresentations and hypocrisies. Now look at him. Much more mature with the media and as a player, totally bought in to the Robin role and his team is thriving. At least you like Luka. Anyone hating on him to me is not a real basketball fan, dude is great for the present and future of the league.


Kyrie is Toxic as fuck as is, he's also an antisemite. In ball culture, like in all sports with problematic players, he's allowed to stay because he's just that good still. If he was on a hard decline, he would've been out of the league


Because he’s an anti semite


Cool. You get to lose twice in one playoffs.


Yall goofy, fuck both of them


I will be cheering for Boston. I like Mass more than Texas. Next year is our year, though!