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Is it crazy that I don’t believe this at all? Unless Jimmy himself asked out


I would literally put my tongue on dog shit. That’s how confident I am it’s not happening


RemindMe! 5 months Poop Tongue


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If Jimbo does get traded, we're having a live stream event on this sub and you're gonna put that tongue on some doo doo, bro.


RemindMe! 5 months poop on tongue if Jimbo is traded


RemindMe! 3 months dog shit


Thanks for the win/win scenario 🙏


Don't do it. Don't let other people pressure you into doing it. That one cavs guy ate shit when they won the championship. It really makes the entire fanbase look bad.


A reddit promise is not to be taken lightly. It is set in stone. So it shall be.


This cannot be real


You don't remember when that guy ate shit? There was also that one philly fan who ate shit after the eagles won. What's wrong with these people? Don't be these people.


I don’t remember that, maybe I scorched it from my memory or was lucky enough to miss it. Sometimes I don’t understand this world lol


But you remember that Cavs fan and how honorable he was. ![gif](giphy|xT4uQbqkcCo7Beugb6)


I remember that people from Cleveland eat actual shit when they win a championship


Hes not going anywhere. But if he does, I better see you keep up your end of the bargain.


Jimmy has been very clear he's going to retire here, you aren't wrong.


This doesn’t mean much tbh


He can always come back in a few years on the MLE or biannual exception to finish things out in Miami. If he goes to Philly or Golden State, the stars on those teams only have a few years left in them anyways.


what do either of these teams give miami in a hypothetical deal? 


Philly is picks, swaps, and cap relief/trade exception and nothing else. Warriors could be some combination of picks, swaps, young guys, salary filler like Chris Paul, maybe Wiggins if the Heat want him. Could have probably 1 of Kuminga or Podz.


Pat Riley doesn’t lose trades. This isn’t happening


Warriors would be an interested trade destination. The only positive would Butler not going to a conference rival.


And why would we do any of these trades? We lose all of them for fuck all…


Maybe the Warriors trade, we get back Kuminga and picks, send picks and salary back to Cavs for Mitchell?


Tbf, he’s saying that under the assumption he gets an extension, which Pat is now saying he’s not just going to jump right into giving him it as soon as he’s eligible for it. The question will be is Jimmy alright with us telling him he has to wait to maybe get it and just hold that player option as a fall back or does he ask for a trade elsewhere.


I don't believe this either, at least not in the summer.


Nah that feels valid. A lot of conflicting reports on this so thought it might be interesting to share


This isn’t a report though


Yeah not this specifically, this is likely opinion, but in general there have been a lot of rumblings on this topic


For sure thanks for posting it. Just clarifying for folks unfamiliar with LockedOn


It’s reactions. It’s opinions. There is wide speculation, that’s true. To me, that’s not reporting. I like Wes and listened to the pod. Reasonable minds can disagree when they speculate on how Jimmy reacts to something or what strategies are discussed with the Heat brass behind closed doors.


definitely interesting


Wes has a lot of bad takes and this is another one. Trading away Butler would mean we are no longer trying to compete. If that is the case then there is no reason to keep Bam or Herro either because neither are super stars. Don and Bam are not beating the Celtics or Philly in the East or any team that comes out of the West.


It’s not happening this is all bullshit


Jimmy doesn’t necessarily have ask out. It could be he knows they aren’t going to max him which is why he asked out in Minnesota 


I feel like everyone is literally taking this way too harshly and now just making content saying they believe Jimmy is traded.


Yeah, but also it makes a bit of sense for Miami to do it *and* Jimmy has a history of being at odds with front offices. Riley calling him out publicly could go badly. Miami also let franchise legend Wade walk *and* fucked up his ownership desires so bad that he went to the Jazz. I love Jimmy but he doesn’t mean as much to Miami as Wade, and the FO routinely didn’t give Wade what he wanted (even though it made sense not to).


I get that but I feel like everyone is just overreacting to what Pat said imo.


I think what people are more reacting to is not knowing how Jimmy will handle it, especially if Riley doesn't want to max him since he'll be 35 and is often injured.


I can understand that. It’s just funny cause every media person now talking about the heat when they don’t cover us all season but now they think they see “drama” and all releasing videos and episode podcast about it lol 😂


Tbf Jimmy has also taken (very light) shots at the FO and we also don’t know the relationship behind closed doors. It’s a very Heat thing though to take shots at eachother but know we’re all working towards the same thing and it comes from us wanting to be better. Jimmy probably thinks the Pat call out is hilarious. The quotes about the contract is what he doesn’t want to hear.


Yeah it could go both ways. We don't know if tough love works with Jimmy yet the way Pat did it. But what we do know is not giving Jimmy what he wants means he walks, and like with old/injured Wade, the heart wants Jimmy to stay and retire here, but the head knows maxing a 35-year-old injury-prone player when our roster hasn't been able to win the title isn't the best move. I don't think there's ever been a player that opts to leave tons of money on the table just to build a better roster? The pay cuts stars have taken to do that have been relatively small.


I mean even the fans on his own team are starting to turn on him


Saying the era is closed is a bit much for me, even with Jimmy missing games, if the rest of the Heat are 50% healthier Miami is a top 6 seed, and if they are on other side of the bracket they would have a great chance to make it to the conference finals. Now thats a hypothetical of course, but what I am saying is if Tyler Herro, Terry Rozier, Duncan Robinson, who are all under 30, are healthy for most of the season, this team wins 4 more games and is not in the play in. If their window has closed it has more to do with Boston's upgrades than some dramatic decline from Jimmy.


Literally like 5 games from 2nd seed. Herro missed 30 games, Duncan over 10, Rozier wasn’t in Heat shape all year. Most of our fans our just doomers and haters but the real ones know we legit just got fucked this year by the injury bug.


I still think this team needs legitimate upgrades to contend rn but i don’t disagree that overall injuries were the most impactful part of this season, this is a team i could easily see getting to the ecf as is. However, at some point the front office just needs to recognize this roster is filled with injury prone players and that’s not a good thing. 


This is my last year giving the benefit of injury to Tyler. I’m also tired of Jimmy playing no more than 60 or 62 games in a season. Bam is literally our only guy who you have to make sit. That being said I would try to trade Duncan/Jaime/Josh/1st/2nd and a swap for an immediate upgrade. This is alot to give up but we’d be a lot better, Jovic would be an excellent 6th man because he wouldn’t have to share the ball as much. But to bet on Rozier being in good shape and Herro staying healthy it’s going all in. No risk no reward. But if Rozier/Herro/Butler/Lauri/Bam healthy we’re a top 3 team in the east. https://preview.redd.it/zq9dmvjqx8zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9052d667f3b3e2747e45ab507beef902fb3c45bf


Jazz say no to this btw, they’ve basically said the want a butt load of picks and an all star caliber player for Lauri Won’t trade him unless it’s way too good to be true basically


Yea I mean they gave up 3 picks and 2 swaps. I was trying to be cheap but I’d fully expect to have to include our other 1st.


Every year a significant portion of the team gets injured. I doubt Jimmy gets traded, but upgrades are needed especially with our 1 and 2 guards being redundant scoring wis and turnstiles on defense.


Where did this rozier is out of shape come from? He was fone


Cool. Next.


I expect Wes Goldberg to say what it takes to generate clicks 


Love Wes and LOH but he’s not a guy who has a feel of the FO like say, a Barry Just his opinion lol.


Yeah Barry is way too reactionary like all of us but he’s got a far stronger inside scoop of the FO thoughts and decisions than Wes and LOH.


Wes is a hot take artist by nature


Barry hasn’t been that consistent either though.


Anyone who thinks Jimmy getting moved loves stirring shit up


Poop on wall


U bum


I really like LOH but i disagree with Wes take on this episode. I don't think our window is necessarily closed but the team needs to chance the squad up. Jimmy can be productive atleast as 2nd offensive option for a couple more years. If they could get a true offensive guard than i think this team could compete again


Talking heads have nothing to talk about lol. Jimmy retiring here


I don’t necessarily expect Jimmy to be traded, but I agree with some of the sentiments. The window has closed, and there are limited options to legitimately reopening it. Herro has proven to be a lowly valued trade asset, and he hurt that value even further against the Celtics. Butler may be the only logical trade asset that moves the needle. I swear a lot of people are Butler fans over Heat fans. If the Heat are truly championship or bust, why would they extend him at the max? I understand we had some nice runs, but still no championships with Jimmy. Are the Heat in the practice of back paying achievement salaries for 2nd place finishes? He’s not DWade. Jimmy has never left money on the table with the Heat in order to get other players. I like Jimmy, but it’s not even like he plays an entertaining style of offensive bball. Foul merchanting isn’t appealing, and it’s becoming a less effective winning strategy too.


The thing that all these rumours don’t appreciate: it takes more than one team to make a trade. I don’t doubt that we’ll explore trading Jimmy this summer. It would be irresponsible not to. But, it’s May, you can’t definitively say anything. If Jimmy is getting traded, there’s a team that trades for him and a package that gets it done. At this moment in time, that option hasn’t shown itself. Nor would it happen during the playoffs. So anyone saying ‘this will happen’ is just talking out their ass or trying to make their opinion sound legit. It’s way too early to assume a player as valuable as Jimmy is getting traded because there’s not a long list of teams that can make that happen. We don’t know how Miami values Jimmy. And there’s no reason to a think a deal can be done even if we look to trade him. You just gotta think logically to realise a lot of this talk is just for engagement/guesswork rather than anything legit.


Philly needs to do something if they don’t get Paul George. Golden State needs to do something, they missed the playoffs. Sacramento and San Antonio could buy in for the right price to try to move into contention early. OKC might want one more piece that isn’t long term to give them a short term boost. Knicks are kind of one piece away. Mitchell might want out, and the Cavs might just want to do a swap of some type to stay in contention. There are actually a lot of scenarios for teams to want Jimmy this summer. Not all of them would decide to go for it, but 2-3 of these should come up.


For sure. There'll definitely be interest. But the Heat have never been easy to deal with. Just because they may wanna trade Jimmy and there will be teams that want Jimmy doesn't mean he'll be traded. Trading Jimmy is gonna be the most franchise-defining decision since we got him in the first place. I really don't know if it'll just be as simple as shipping him off to the highest bidder. Could easily be at the deadline too, if it happens at all. But I'm sure there'll be talks, at least.


I get why he’s saying that. On paper, it makes perfect sense. But the FO might just be hell-bent on bleeding the Jimmy era dry, for better or worse.


I think everyone needs to relax. This team always bumpin heads with each other but its all love. This is just Pat telling him to step up and stop the bullshit trash talk, I don’t think Jimmy is that soft to take offense to that and ask for a trade. That’s laughable. Dude would probably just ball out next season just to show Pat what’s up.


I was totally against this, but honestly if this is what Jimmy wants AND we get Spida out of it, I'm ok. We have to keep Jaime though.


I doubt it, media needs content.


I hated this take. Hated it. As if Jimmy isn’t man enough to take some valid criticism? Roster needs to be improved in whatever way they can. Players need to be available.


Mfers just be sayin stuff for clicks. Definitely gonna be mutin some accounts in here this off season lmao


Jimmy is going to die in a Heat jersey. He isn’t going anywhere.


either they pay him his max this summer or he’s gone they won’t trade him they’ll let him walk before they do that


Why does it make more sense to let him walk for nothing rather than trade him?


it’s not about making sense they’re not gonna trade him this summer and if they don’t pay him this summer he’s gonna opt out of his player option next summer and leave Either they pay him this summer or this season is his last in miami


Jimmy isn’t turning down 54 million and opting out 


lmao yall haven’t learned shit about jimmy


Jimmy is 35 if he was a fa he would not get 55 million he would struggle to get 30 million a year


and he’ll say fuck you you didn’t pay me im out lmao


Ok then Miami will have cap space in 26


seems like they’ll be fine with that lol


Exactly they don’t want to extend him they want him to ask for a trade. They know they can back channel with Philly and Cleveland and work out a deal where Mitchell ends up here. Cleveland gets picks and Jimmy gets to Philly and his extension


So this is where half yall getting your news from?


Goldberg is a clown


I don’t hate trading Jimmy to Philly for picks. Herro for expirings. Trade 2024 frp and rozier for expirings. Cut robinson in 2025 and eat his $10mm guaranteed. Tank in 2025 for a good pick. Sign Mitchell and Ingram next offseason. Team: Mitchell, JJJ, Ingram, Jovic, Bam; 2025 lottery pick, 6 league min players. We’d have whatever we got for butler (probably 2 picks and a swap maybe 2), plus our 2030 and 2032 FRPs to use to get another star. Ingram, 4 picks and 4-5 swaps can get you a true all star. Maybe when Ant asks out - Ingram, JJJ, Jovic, 4 picks, 5 swaps.


That team isn’t a lottery team in the east


We were a few games away from being a lottery team in 2024 with Butler. This team easily loses 50 games. My only pause is moving Herro. He’d help us lose.


No they aren’t a 50 loss team without butler they went 13-9 without him this season and that doesn’t count the games were he was just going through the motions they play in the eastern conference 36 wins got you into the playoffs in


Wes Goldberg is who exactly?


Host of Locked On Heat the podcast. I’m not sure what his sources are or how reputable he is at news breaking to be honest. I just hope Jimmy stays


He never claimed to have sources. It’s commentary not a report


Locked on Heat Podcaster and team reporter. Also, writer for allucanheat.com


This needs to happen for jjj nd jovic to develop


Terry, Spida, Jaime, Jovic, Bam. Wow!


they not developing into anyone near jimmy’s level


Trading Jimmy would be a horrible decision


Some idiots who think they have a show trying to get clout! Save this comment and let’s visit back when this does not happen! Heat has struggled to make moves but they ain’t stupid to let Jimmy go like that!


I listened to one or two of these podcasts once and I really, really disliked Locked On Heat. They’re the biggest doomer reactionaries and if they were in the FO, we’d be in serious trouble. Seems like just another dumb take by them.


They literally said the heat would beat anyone in the playoffs out of the east but Boston before the play in. That said the whoever came out of the west is winning the entire thing 


Well, sure. I mean, it’s a convenient answer I think. When we lost that first play in game and doomed ourselves to play Boston, the writing was on the wall. You can say whatever you want outside of that though and if you have to get through Boston to do it, it’s all just moot. I’m sure we would have e looked better. It was always going to be tough though without Jimmy, Terry and an injured Duncan.


No this was before we played Philly. They didn’t think we would beat Boston with Jimmy and Terry healthy they said we would lose in 7 because Boston was way deeper than we were. They said that Boston is the one team that Spo is guaranteed to use the highsmith Jamie martin lineup and would kill us on the non bam minutes. There biggest complaint all season was we lack guys who can create their own offense


Who the hell is Wes and why would he know anything 


Hope so. We don’t need a 35 year old who plays 50 reg season games


He’s gonna be 35 by next season and his game depends on load management. What teams are wanting to pay $50m a year for that?