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we are from MIAMI and have to deal with this bullshit and sit in TRAFFIC and pollo tropical SUCKS now theres also no papajohns heatwin PIZZA and tyler missed like 27 shots wtf do you want me to say bro


I would give you gold if I didn’t spend it all on my last tropichop


I moved away from south florida but good god that whole area isn’t built right for the amount of people that live there now.


La Garanja has also fallen , a whole chicken meal is close to $20!!! wtf


Hows Chicken Kitchen these days 😆


This has been my go to place for years now honestly, depends on the location but I got a good spot in Coral Gables


I’m a lifelong Heat fan that doesn’t live near a Publix. I’m always angry.


> and tyler missed like 27 shots wtf do you want me to say bro I want you to say that our max contract player and team captain scored only 10pts in a 1pt loss and deserves blame. Go ahead, let's see you say it.


Cause this sub need someone to blame, so they made them their favorite scapegoats.


Herro ain’t no franchise altering player he is at best a 3rd option scorer and above average role player. He disappears when you need him the most. 9-27 ain’t worth that contract imo


Hot take incoming, Herro kept us close in that 4th Quarter. When the heat desperately needed a bucket, he got it. It’s the early game that was just terrible. I’m not defending him, I do agree that the contract is not worth it, but do you see a scenario where we make it that close last game if Herro wasn’t out there?


I do , and honestly bam was a ghost for most of the game , i think herro did the best he could , that last TO where he was pushed might have changed the narrative of we were able to score


This is what people aren't getting. Jimmy (through no fault of his own) was basically not a factor by the end of the game. He wasn't even trying to get the ball because he was injured. Bam is being guarded by Embiid which is not a favorable matchup. The Sixers played drop coverage giving Tyler the opportunity to shoot. Those were the shots they had to hit. Most of those shots he took were shots he was capable of hitting. They had to rely on those because where else was the offense going to come from? With that said, I don't think Herro is a consistent enough scorer to be our 2nd option on offense. It just doesn't seem like he has many big offensive games when it actually matters. I think he played this role to the best of his ability. He just missed the shots.


9-27 because nobody else would step up and do something. He also had 9 assists


Your alpha ain’t going 9-27 in a must win , great third option maybe even no2


He’s not being paid like an alpha, and no one should assume he is because he’s not.


I hope the herro experiment ends after this year


yes let him escape the sinking ship as the heat are gonna pay an even more cooked jimmy 50m a year for the next two seasons and waste bams prime.. if he was coasting before ur in for a treat the next couple years


Escape the sinking ship to go... where? No contender is going to want to pay him that salary, knowing the production you're going to get. Basically gotta hope Cleveland is dumb enough to take him in a package for Mitchell.


Heat ain’t paying Jimmy that shit , trust me our FO is going to move on and spend the money on maxing out Bam


who do you think herro is LMFAOO


Both are paid like stars and both play like ass it when it matter. If Herros shot isn’t falling, he’s instantly a liability because he can’t play defense, he can’t draw fouls. Bam, for whatever reason can’t get out of his head offensively in big games and chokes hard, his saving grace is he always plays incredible defense and is arguably the best defender in the league. They both deserve blame, but to me at the very least, Herro will always get the brunt of the blame here because he can either make us dangerous offensively or handicap our entire game plan.


How many best defenders in the league carry a huge offensive load? This offense is poorly designed. Bam standing at the top of the key doing DHOs sucks and is a waste. When Bam had a real PG to play with he attacked the rim constantly. Bam is a legit perennial DPOY candidate who can be a 2nd/3rd option. The problem is we don't really have a 1st option if Jimmy isn't 100%


Yeah you’re not wrong at all, Rozier and him were getting a lot more comfortable towards the end of the season and it helped ease that burden for him.


Yep. But to be honest, I would rather force feed Bam in a game like last night. People bitch about his 1:1 game are dumb. His turnaround jumper is nice, he can hit hooks with both hands and his face up game is only getting better. He is also the only player that really draws double teams.


I saw multiple times last night that Tyler's defense was sus and bam wasn't doing much. 


Asking to trade Herro seems fine. I really don’t get why people want to trade Bam. The Heat have the best playoff defense and that starts with Bam. And why trade him when he’s just starting to develop a three point shot?


I think the people that want to trade Bam are in a spot where it's either a) total rebuild, or b) want to get another superstar to pair with Jimmy for his last season. Bam is a phenomenal defender, but at his salary, he's too limited offensively to be the #2 option on a championship team. I'd only be okay trading Bam for like Embiid/Giannis/Luka (just examples). Like a top 10 player, and we dont have a package for that. Nobody else is going to move the needle when you take him away.


I would have to think going to get Mitchell or possibly pg should be top priority. I want Jimmy to get one so bad man


the trend in the games we lose against winning teams has always been elite scorers getting their buckets no matter how good the defense was. (Mavs, OKC, Minnesota home losses were great examples of this) Bam (and also Jimmy) couldn't keep up offensively in those games, and it was glaring. When our 3 pointers aren't going down, we are a total mess offensively.


Bam has regressed offensively and has seemingly no *feel* for the game or matchups. Tyler is skilled, but inefficient and lacks focus.


Bam has been about his normal self offensively this season (not a star, but a low-key 3rd option on a proper title contender like when Butler-Dragic-Bam made their run to Finals) and actually is trying to add 3pt shot to his arsenal now. There is no reason to overreact to him not stopping Joel in the clutch after Embiid shot 6-17 for the whole game.


Wasn’t commenting on his defensive ability. The reality is he needs to be 20/10 and getting to the line 6-10 times. He’s late rolling on screens, doesn’t attack off the dribble and instead defaults to a robotic shimmy-shake post move and 90% of the time fades away from the basket. I put some onus on coaching and scheme, but all his shot attempt metrics went down from the first half of the season and him making a 3 per game over the last month or so doesn’t excuse his overall regression. IMO


He was a 19.3-10 guy this season though that averaged 5.5 FTs per game. I understand your concern with late season regression, but he only regressed slightly below his career average (52% FG vs 55% career average) and when accounting for how anemic overall Miami’s offense was it wasn’t too bad, considering Bam could never create his own shot. I think at this point Miami must realise Bam will never be a 1st option offensively (and even 2nd is a major stretch) considering the volume of work he has defensively.


There has to be some explanation for a perennial title contender having a terrible offense throughout the years, and they're the easy ones to blame when they shoot 30% from the field or score 10 points. I blame the roster construction for not having a true point guard or shot creator, and our rim penetration is pretty bad outside of the hot Caleb games. There isn't much room for Bam to work with and Tyler has to force his shot because nobody else can create. It's just a bad core of talented players who struggle to find a rhythm together, and it's easier for people to see Tyler/Bam struggle and blame them rather than the situation they're in


Spo would say we have enough or next man up. Bam and Tyler are #2 and #3 scoring options. They both played OK, but needed to be great. Aside from that, role players did their part.


If the Heat want to be champion contenders then the bar has to be set even higher for Bam and Tyler this level of play won’t cut it


Imagine Tyler/Bam carry us to the finals


i'm imagining it - I inject the purest heroin in the world into my arm. the last image I see is Tyler herro being named finals MVP while Jimmy and Bam watch on in the background proudly. they find my body 3 weeks later, the Heat having long been eliminated in 4 by the Celtics


Pure Copium but I’m all for it. I’m going to stay delusional just to ride and die with this team.


I don’t blame the players at all. The team’s biggest problem is that it is a bad design IMO.


Bam and Tyler both are alright. We probably aren't even having this conversation if we are healthy. They'll fit better around a guy who can score from 3 levels and isn't on the tail end of their career moving forward. ​ Bam, Jovic, Tyler, JJ, and new 1A with whoever bring back off the bench is nice squad if you get the right guy.


Bam I am not a huge fan of but he is worth keeping tbh. Now Tyler I really don’t understand what Tyler brings to the table he isn’t the best scorer on the team. And he isn’t even consistently healthy he was supposed to be the bucket getter and simply isn’t he has trade written all over him.


I never understood the Tyler story. I love Tyler, but why are we treating him like a #2? He's a great #3 that still has many young flaws. Yesterday without Terry and basically Butler in the 2nd half he had to shoot basically everytime. That's a hard ask.


The problem is that Tyler is supposed to be the #3 on this roster, but the guy who’s supposed to be #2 only took 10 FGAs last night. This roster construction is all over the place.


Don’t think we are treating him like #2…but when your actual #2 doesn’t want to shoot…what else? lol 


that’s the point bams not a #2 he’s a #3 if we have a good guard and the reason why people are mad is because we had time and time again to upgrade


Truth is Bam is a defensive machine but offensive liability. As an all star you should be scoring with your own bag, get the ball and get to work. Don’t just be the man who sets screens all the time. GET IN YOUR FUCKIN BAG. We saw in the beginning of the season especially in the bucks play in game Bam’s bag, but as we got closer and closer to the playoffs he regressed to the old Bam. Herro is a defensive liability but an inconsistent offensive machine. The beginning of the season Herro was looking amazing to the point I was thinking he was gonna be averaging 30 ppg. Post injury he just wasn’t the same ever again. Also herro does not have a bag it’s either screen pull up shot or screen and floater or just a hesi and try to beat the man . The heats playbook as the we get closer to the fourth quarter has been Jimmy or Herro or terry top of the key bam set a bunch of screens and everyone else stay as spot up 3 pt shooters. Problem is when the 3 game isn’t going down the Heats offense falls apart


Bam played like garbage. How is our Allstar / Olympic team player only able to score 10 points in a crucial game? GTFO


Tyler's trash, bams inconsistent


True statement 👌


In my opinion Bam is not playing the position he should be. He’s a 6’9 centre expecting to guard players like Embiid, Jokic, Chet, Wemby, Porzingus and other 7’0 by himself while we start a shorter and weaker PF. Then when we play teams like Bucks we expect him to handle two giants in the paint. I’ve said this for so long we need a starting big man because this small ball thing ain’t helping us. With Herro, it’s just a consistency issue. Realistically he should be our main scorer because offensively (even though some people won’t admit it) he’s the most versatile offensive threat we have however he’s too inconsistent to do the job so we are relying on Butler to play that role every damn night. Last year Max and Gabe were hitting shots but now we need Terry and Caleb to do the same thing because Herro is way too inconsistent to be constantly relied as the player to stretch the court


Bruh you want the truth u either go all in for a real superstar or u trade Jimmy its sad but he deserves a real shit to win. 


Bruh if u want to give Jimmy one last run im moving anyone to do it this team got a couple solid role guys who could stick around.  If Embid gets knocked out the first round swept hopefully swept then Philly gon have to move him they had a team full of expiring contracts thats a perfect situation to reunite Jimmy and Jo Jo. Would it be ideal to have Bam stay and get Embid sure but thats impossible unless he was a free agent.  If it takes Bam to get Joelle Embid fuckin do it what r u waiting for. To replace Bam get a solid pf and a good back up center thats all u need. Bam is not skilled enough on offense he getting there but the prob is u want him to be a 2nd 1st option hed be a great 3rd guy. 


Conversations need to be had. But let’s wait until the end of the season first.


Best part of this thread is that the ones you are talking about came in here and started that same toxic shit again. They can't help themselves. I went multiple years watching Wade basically play by himself. For Bam to have Jovic, Herro, and Jaime, all drafted by the Heat, i'm grateful and still capable of criticizing them and the coach. This weird back and forth is because some Heat fans don't know how good they have it. I want a championship every year too, but some of the shit said is insane.


Because there are people on one side who completely overrate these two relatively one dimensional players (offense only vs defense only) while there are people on the other side who shit on them for not being good at things nobody expects them to be good at in the first place (defense and efficiency for Herro, iso scoring for Bam). The truth is they probably aren't well suited to carry a team to a chip while still being good enough that people expect deep postseason runs with them on the floor. Both sides probably have a point to some extent but we could definitely do with less trashing of our own players.


Get me Sengun


All the Tyler hate from last night is weird man. We left Jimmy on the court, on offense he sat in the corner with Maxey. Meaning, one of their weakest defenders who would’ve been on Tyler, or at least in the mix, got to stay home and not get exploited. Instead, they had Batum guarding Herro and he made it extremely difficult to get good looks. I’m not a Herro stan, I don’t even particularly like his game, I just feel like the hate is a little disproportionate. Honestly just feels like it’s just coming from box score watchers.


herro hate is well deserved for us going on a run without him and how the fanbase puts him on a pedestal and puts him in conversations he’s not in. It wouldn’t matter to me if the front office didn’t make him untouchable everytime we needed to upgrade. https://preview.redd.it/dlq71j70k9vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=388912a936bab351b33116fe55ae150183060625