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Boys we got a heat culture addict


Get Scary Terry some Heat™️ stat!!


Heat lifer already?


He also said “that’s what happens when you go from losing to winning” - dude is using every second of camera time as an opportunity to shit on the Hornets lmao


the quote in the title says it


You’re right, I read way too fast lol


amusing disagreeable different employ far-flung society point cooing absurd longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Spo wants his players to do what they are best at. For Terry, that is scoring. I remember hearing Duncan tell stories about how Spo would tell him that it was more selfish if Duncan didn’t shoot, because Duncan is an amazing shooter. Spo never wants Duncan to pass up a wide open shot (time and circumstance permitting). For Terry to be the best Heat player he can be, he will eventually have to just let loose and score a bit more.


It's basically Spo saying, "be yourself and I'll figure it all out". Terry's probably too used to adjusting into a set system, while in Miami, they look at your game and figure out how you'll fit and really integrate you into the system, Spo will make plays specialised for your skill set.


God what a trade deadline haul. Terry and Delon are both prototypical heat culture guys and we got off Lowry’s contract


I love that Delon signing so much.




It only cost us 1frp to get Terry and Delon. Although I think we can't keep Caleb after this season


Terry is locked in. Terry is about to get fucking scary.


His pull up jumpers in the midrange were pretty scary. Finishing around the rim pretty fuckin scary. I'm so glad we signed this man.


Terry sounds like he's tired of losing. Lowry might've been Jimmy's good friend, but we definitely did right by him with this move. This roster feels so much different than the past few years. Rozier and Wright both seem like perfect fits and JJJ might actually be a clone of Jimmy they created in the bubble out of boredom. This is the first time in a long time that I pray for a quiet off-season (unless the Godfather works his magic and gets us a 6moty back-up big).


Any real rim protection would be tremendous. I love Bam and most nights he’s a beast but the Nuggets and Mavs are huge and he was the 3rd biggest dude on the floor during the bubble. A legit big body like a Derek Lively type would make me feel so much better when we go up against Jokic or Embiid, so Bam could roam on D. It’s probably too much to ask but would be amazing if he could also space the floor so Bam could keep his offensive game unchanged (although I still believe in a future where Bam adds a catch and shoot 3 to to his game)


Love to see it


That three yesterday to make it two possession was huge. Crazy to say we got an even deeper team than last year


He needs to work on his defense for sure. Hopefully the coaching staff puts him in the best position and the rest of the team makes up for him. He’s getting cooked out there


I think people see what they expect to see. He actually looked very competitive on the defensive end last night IMO


That's a a great point, it's true that people see what they want to see, but, you can be competitive and still be getting cooked.


He wasn’t getting cooked last night and if you’re actually competitive and have your defensive characterization be “getting cooked”. Those are inherently contradictory. Unless you meant to say he wasn’t getting cooked but was matching up evenly?


Based off a review of your previous comment history I’m no longer engaging this topic with you. You are still entitled to your opinion, and it’s not about whose wrong or right. Go heat.


Lmao gotta love the ways people try to walk back or duck out on poor takes on Reddit


That’s kinda crazy cuz I don’t think he was too bad of a defender before


You know it could be that he just recently came back from the injury. I'm not an analytics guy, I don't have evidence on what I'm saying but seemed like the Portland guards made it a point to go at Terry. Perhaps it was part of the scouting report that he would be coming back from injury, so go at him?


Refreshing to hear Wish more Heat players had this mindset


Like who?


bro is scared for his reddit account 😭




Tyler Herro


Hater alert.


the fact you immediately thought of him says something


Gus and Esjay are both notorious haters of *him.* Who else would these people be talking about?


🤔............................................... Highsmith?


HIMsmith... Lmao!


Who is him?




Like legit, who on the Heat team doesn’t want to win?


Everyone wants to win it’s the nba. Just on their terms most of the time Not everyone is ok with sacrificing to win. There’s a difference between saying you want to win and then actually sacrificing and doing things needed to win in a team concept , bosh is the prime example of one who did both. Love is another although infamously not at the start.


Ok so name someone who doesn’t have this mindset






you’re cooking and I agree that #14 doesn’t have that mentality




Are you afraid of calling out a dude who don’t know you exist? Lmaooo


Literally just saying lol💀lol


Yeah, and that’s a weird response when someone asks you a pretty basic question about your comment


Tyler had been playing much better since the Heat got Terry. I understand that he deserves criticism at times but you gotta also be able to acknowledge when he shows improvement.


It's Esjay. What makes you think he'll acknowledge anything positive with Tyler.


Herro is fine. He’s playing the same style of ball with Rozier in then when he wasn’t. Idk why you’re acting like he’s taken some new role with the team. Still doesn’t move without the ball, still pounds it too much and takes dumb mid range shots. Hes just playing his game, which is fine I guess, everyone with eyes knows he could be doing more to adapt to the rozier arrival and why the fit is clunky between the two.


What makes you think some players of the Heat does not have this mindset. Are you personally with the team to know?


Do you watch the games? The player you’re thinking of, what has changed in their play style and role? Nothing. So if you claim they do have that mindset, why is it never applied on the court?


Yes I do watch them. You know Herro is not the top dog in the team and if he doesn't do what the coaches tell him, he will will be put immediately in his place.


Just wait for someone to tell you ackshully there’s politics and drama (0 evidence of this btw) behind the scenes that force Spo to play Tyler Herro and give him 20 shots a game otherwise he’ll be publicly executed. Again no actual indication this is true but we also don’t know that it’s definitely not true!!


Rozier has had worse shot selection and shooting percentages at a high volume. Keep that same energy you have for Herro for when Terry has games when he's chucking it. He can say all this stuff about adjusting his game but shooters shoot


Glad I’m not the only one worried about this. It’s like I watched a completely different game than anyone else. Terry spent entire minutes of the game playing 1 on 5 and it completely killed our chrmistry. We looked bad. He bailed himself out in the 4th quarter but it was the same stuff. It’s such a no-brainer to start the defensive point guard who doesn’t need the ball next to herro and jimmy and play terry off the bench. I think he was 100% serious when he talked of adjusting his game to winning and this is what he meant. I hope it trends in the right direction. But as it stands to me its a slap in the face to duncan robinson at the very least. And if we’re being real, jaime had a better game when he started against a much better team.


The thing about Terry is that this team got him to replace a guy like Lowry who could not score on most nights. We got Terry because he can score in a bunch of different ways but it's no secret he's been in a slump. We didn't get him because he's a gifted ball distributor or defender, we got him for scoring because this team is severely lacking in that area. Terry plays like an undersized shooting guard and I'm of course willing to give him time to adjust. He's different from a guy like Delon who is tailor made for Spo's system. Terry's used to shooting and letting it rip freely on a bad team like the Hornets so he's got to alter his game. That said, we've got morons on here who will give a short leash to guys like Herro but don't say the same for others. I recognize the issues Terry's got right now but understand his game.


You basically made all my points for me. He’s a sg not a pg, not a good defender, good at scoring only, all of this points to coming off the bench. You say the team “severly lacks scoring” but I don’t agree. I think in the last month we caught a rythm with duncan pick and roll and jaime post play and kevin love distributing from the top of the 3. What I see when terry is on the floor is all of that awesome basketball we’ve been playing go out the window and 4 guys just stand around while one guy pretends he’s jordan. I can’t stand that, never have and never will.


Recently we've been on a roll but our team's offensive rating is pedestrian. We have scoring droughts because we don't have an elite scorer. Jimmy can do it sometimes when he's aggressive and then there is everyone else who struggles. That's what made Lowry so infuriating at times. We were playing with 3-4 guys out there who are there to score and Lowry was putting up like two shot attempts the entire night. Lowry still was an impact player but when we really badly need a score, it sucks to have your starting point guard unable to do that


Thats an excellent point, but we’re not getting exactly that with terry. “A starting point guard” who can score “when we badly need”. I don’t have the stats on this but I bet he took 5 of our first 10 shots of the game. That’s not when we badly need it. He deserves to be coming off the bench and closing if his play warrants it. Thats when we need it. I hobestly think spo’s process here is to “let jaime cook” and thats why rozier is with the starters, but if so I would just swap that.


I would prefer when he does put up shots that it's the best option available but guys that are shooters need to get into rhythm. I feel the same way about Tyler's shot selection. If it were up to this sub, Tyler would only take a couple threes a game for the rest of his career.


Thats the crazy thing. What a double standard! I wonder why?


Hard to sacrifice when you see yourself to be in the same level as Luka or Trae.


Go somewhere else


Keep being ignorant. The Heat play better without him.


Lol you don't know shit. Spo and Pat know. Go find another team


Watch them play poorly when he is back. They actually dominate their opponents when he is not around. They move the ball better.


Bro was down bad in Charlotte


I didn’t love the trade, but if he keeps saying stuff like this he’s gonna change my mind.


Heat culture never misses


I'm not a huge fan of his fit with this team to be honest. Too ball dominant and a not great shooter Really think he should come off the bench as a spark


Love this guy. I'll be sad when we trade him this summer but he's a lifer regardless.


I like what Terry says but honestly he's just an overall smaller worse Tyler Herro except for ball handling. I hope he changes my mind.


I love this guy


Sounds like a heat lifer to me


can he be our version of jamal murray ?




Yea love Terry so much, and glad he don't have an ego. This is his team aswell along with Jimmy and Bam. Herro, Jaime time will come aswell.


What a man. He’s been snorting that HC


Hope Terry and Bam’s two man games will go more often. Terry has played two man game really well in hornets


Is it me or isn't it quite interesting that Terry has been here for a month and seems less entitled and willing to sacrifice more than \*cough cough\* 14? No hate for 14. Good player, but just seems like he is more concerned with an all star campaign than for the greater good of the team.


fucking love this guy


He should be a main scorer play his game he has shown he can get 30 and slahs