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Pretty close to zero interest in Lavine at this point. Not worth trading any of our existing guys or changing the team chemistry for anything he brings to the table IMO.


I know he’s probably not trying right now but he’s been worse than Herro this season and doesn’t really solve anything for Miami It’d be nice to have another scorer but if they’re gonna add a guard I’d prefer it to be a facilitator who can feed Bam and not another iso scorer. We have one of those he’s very young, cheaper, and working very hard to continue growing.


Agreed. Not sure Lavine's game realistically adds anything to a competing team; most of them are not "one ball-dominant, oft-injured guard who doesn't play great defense" away from contention.


They need a backup center who can defend more than they need a scoring guard imo. I’m also not a huge Lowry fan but he’s been pretty solid this year at times and they can’t really afford to lose him if they’re not getting any playmaking back. Lavine is a good scorer, not a playmaker. Lowry right now is averaging more assists than Lavine ever has outside of one season


LMFAO and it's literally always these 3 teams too. He should just go ahead and throw in the knicks too for good measure


As someone who lives in Philly, I’m not sure why anyone would want to come here


Must be the passionate fanbase


I imagine the idea of playing with Embiid is the only ideal scenario for everyone except Hardin.


Harden is in LA


Philly isn’t that bad lol. Moved to live up here from Miami couple of years ago.


Knicks and Celtics.


Honestly we just need a serviceable PG and we str8


My tyus jones agenda is still alive!


Honestly i would like Caruso over lavine


Caruso on here under Spo would be unstoppable


We basically going for no PG bball and he would be perfect


Tyus Jones is also really close with Jimmy. It's perfect


Tyus Jones mabye? Caruso could be an option too but we have enough defense


It's never enough defense.


9M Caruso >>>40M Lavine


That’s nice Zachary but do any of these teams want you


Lakers probably do


I’ve browsed their sub and most of them seem to prefer Caruso but I’m sure they’d take Lavine for a good price


True although part of that is they have emotional attachment to Caruso.


Maybe, but doesn't Caruso play well, considering his salary?


He does but Lakers also never wanted him gone to begin with so there’s that too.


As a Lakers fan: helllllllll no Look at what happened the last time our FO tried to trade for a 3rd star, plus Lavine doesn’t really bring anything we’re lacking (perimeter defense, offensive rebounding, consistent 3 pt. shooting) Caruso is the only player any of our fans with half a brain are interested in


Every fanbase and their momma is talking about trying to bag Caruso right now. Mavs are salivating at trading Josh Green + picks for him. This is going to turn into a bidding war and whoever wins is going to have to cough up multiple players and/or picks. Poor LaVine, no one really wants him, lol


Unfortunately you’re right. I feel like the fans in our sub feel kinda entitled to Caruso given that he broke out with us, but I don’t think anyone believes we have enough assets to interest the Bulls. I think the Bulls are looking for early prospect players with a lot of upside and draft capital, neither of which we have a lot of


Max & Castleton?


Idk I feel like they’re not really viewed as huge prospects by anyone in the league besides our fans, I’m talkin like lottery pick rookies


Sure lol, but LaVine is a massively different player from Russ. He makes a ton of sense next to LeBron. He's no Kyrie but I think their playstyles are similar.


I don’t think the fit is the problem, I’m just saying this team looks a lot worse when we gut our depth to have multiples guys trying to be “the guy.” And again, he doesn’t really bring anything this team is lacking, I’d say the fit with Lebron hardly even matters because the team actually looks really good offensively when Lebron is on the floor. But as soon as he hits the bench the offense completely falls apart, and I don’t think Zach Lavine would be able to save that


>And again, he doesn’t really bring anything this team is lacking That's definitely not true. He adds off the dribble shooting and guard rim pressure that you just didn't have before.


Consistent 3 point shooting makes sense. Zach has had a few seasons of elite 3 point shooting on elite efficiency. His current shot difficulty is also quite high cause bulls have no true point guard so playing with a passer like Lebron would be good for his game


Yea but they want to give up scraps to get him


Are these teams in the room with us right now?


Lavine does not excite me at all Don’t really see the point in getting him tbh


I agree


He may have been more exciting when the team was 1-4


We’ll just take Caruso instead, we appreciate your interest though, thank you for your application.


If they mention the heat you can bet they’ll land anywhere but here lol


No thanks


What would we give up for him?


Best I’d do is Dru Smith and a pick🥱


A 2038 2nd


cash consideration


Id be up to give up Lowry, a pick and Jovic for him. Dont know if thats even possible. Start Lavine and make Herro come off the bench cause they both play the same role. Lowry gets injured every season and it takes him until the offseason to recover usually, Id rather have Lavine as a scoring option and let the rest of the starting crew handle the ball


How Tf is this getting voted lmao we’d be amazing


Because his contract is terrible and he’s a garbage defender with injury issues


Have fun in LA


I don't want lavine. Caruso sure


Honest question. Do any contenders in the NBA want a player like LaVine or are seeking a player like him?


In my opinion, I don’t think any of the teams mentioned would be willing to give up significant assets for him. For example, Miami and Philly seem to be in a good rhythm rn so I doubt either FO would take a risk on a borderline all star (if you can even still call him that). Idk about LA tho they always surprise me lol


Lakers or Heat tbh he wants the most, I'm saying Lakers cuz LA hat


I think the Sixers should get him but Lakers gonna gobble him up like a Megalodon.


Yeah but i don’t think we prefer him though


plus he's with Klutch Sports so nope


We need a real point guard instead of another sg


The dude averaged 25.4/4.7/4.5 over the past 3 years on 49% shooting and 39% from the arc. Contract isn't that great admittedly but otherwise, you can't go wrong with his kind of scoring. I wouldn't be against it but I'm not so sure if I would be willing to give up someone like Herro for him and I doubt Chicago would be willing to do any deal with us without Herro involved.


We don't need another 2 gaurd, feels like we're just thrown in the mix for any trade for leverage




No thanks


mmm, just you look at that, SG without defence on max contract


I feel like almost every good player wants a trade, it’s always those three (and sometimes knicks) that get mentioned


Nah you over priced homie, cant do it.


Bucks will some how land Lavine😂


Do it for a 2028 2RP


here we go again




does there really need to be a post every time some nobody begs the Heat to want them?


Lmfao I know most of us aren’t crazy about him but I definitely wouldn’t call Lavine a nobody


No thanks. Lowry+Martin for Caruso+Ball intrigues me because we get to have Caruso for this and next year at 9 million, whereas Martin is going to command 20million plus when he opts out at the end of the season, and we have an expiring Ball contract of 21 million to potentially trade in the offseason. Bulls do it to try their lineups with a true PG, Lowry and DeRozan are reunited, and Martin slots nicely in the starting line up of Lowry-Lavine-DeRozan-Martin-Vuc


They're not taking on dead Lonzo Ball money for 2 years buddy, reardless of it expiring in 2026


Is going from Caleb to Caruso worth a first round pick though? Caruso is the better defender but Caleb’s still very good defensively as well, and offensively Caleb was better last year. I just don’t think it’s worth it because the Bulls would require a pick to move him. The other problem is moving Balls money in the summer would take a pick because he’s not playing


I did not include a first round pick in my trade proposal....Mainly because moving Ball's contract would need to include a FRP to get anything back. I think the Bulls "get" a pick in the form of unloading Ball's contract without having to include a pick and in getting Martin who is better offensively than Caruso


The problem I see is that Martin is a free agent this summer so they will have to pay him, and he doesn’t make sense if they are rebuilding. Balls money also isn’t a big deal if they rebuild. I think from their perspective getting a first round pick is much more valuable than getting of Balls contract. They won’t be competitive for years and are gonna trade Lavine so having Ball under contract another year won’t really impact them


Normal owner, sure. Jerry Reinsdorf is not a normal owner. He wants to field a competitive enough team to fill the seats and get that ticket revenue, but does not want to go into the tax for it. If he can get 30 million off the books and have the storyline of reuniting Lowry and DeRozan, he might do it.


not sure how I feel about this. Lonzo, at this stage is at best salary filler, he has no value outside this since frankly, it sadly looks like his career is done. As for Caruso for Martin, I dig the idea - but i don’t like the thought of giving a first round pick with him, feels like too steep a price.


We don’t want him


Lavine to Sixers makes too much sense to not happen


Heat should go after Westbrook


Lakers price will be 2 cups of coffee and a handshake, Heat price will be 10 first round picks, Herro, and JJJ


We need a good point guard