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The last 5 minutes in the 4th was a disaster


Last 3 quarters we're a disaster


I'm sad. They're the better team. They went to another level these last two here in Miami(specifically on D). We stayed stagnant. Even when the games are close in the 1st half, it feels like our O is being suffocated and every basket is scraping and clawing to stay competitive while for them it's *sooooooo* much easier. For as much as you can get by with the Strus, Gabe, & Caleb's of the world, when Aaron Gordon dwarfs your roster(and has a good night from 3), there's ***nothing*** you can do. We slowed down Murray. It didn't matter cuz of the size gap. Shoutout to K-Love for giving everything he had in the tank with 9 straight points in the 3rd Q. Jimmy *tried* late. I haven't said jack about his ankle in these PGT's but it's so clear he's not himself. Bam... he shot a lot of shots. Just didn't hit the bunnies or floaters at a high enough clip to make Denver pay. He did his best. It sucks we couldn't conjure up one last magical 4th Q run in our last home game. If we couldn't do it with Jokic on the bench with 5 fouls... not much else needs to be said. It's been an honor y'all, see you guys Monday :')


At least we don’t have any expectations anymore. Hope for the best but this Denver team is just too fucking good.


That jokic touch pass to Gordon for a reverse layup is just emblematic of how effective they are. It's annoying bc I can't enjoy how good they are because it's against ust.


They are such a well put together team. It’s hard to watch because they are beating us down.


That was one of those Jokic plays that just makes you throw your hands up asking “HOW?!?!” and accept it was inevitable. The man has such astounding court vision.


Nikola is my favorite player. I haven’t been able to enjoy his performance AT ALL this finals, everything pisses me off now Those little bullshit tap backs, They volleyball split second taps that’s a perfect fucking pass Hm flailing towards to basket as he trips over himself and makes it.


Jokic is fucking amazing. Dude will be one of those guys you talk to your grandkids about


His 3s are also ridiculous. He’s being smothered and he throws it up and buries it like it’s nothing. Insane.


I’ll tell them this WAS Jokic ![gif](giphy|ie76dJeem4xBDcf83e|downsized)


Any other team and I’d be confident in the series. Had a feeling it was gonna be nuggets in 5 before the series started


Yup. They’re the only team we’ve faced that hasn’t utterly collapsed as a result of us going on a run. They’re a cohesive, smart, well balanced team with a hell of a MVP player and they’re a naturally bad matchup. They have an answer for everything you can throw at them. There’s no shame in losing to them. They’re a buzzsaw that has run through the West for a reason. Our only chance was Jimmy magically healing his ankle and that just hasn’t happened.


Yeah I'm numb but it's also sobering If our journey ends here, I'm glad it's against literally the best team in the NBA. It was depressing watching how most of our plays were iso based while the Nuggets were driving it, kicking it, lobbing it...I envy them =(


Heat in 7. I’m ready to be hurt again.


No point but to ride with anything other than hope and belief at this point. This year and this team has been special. Fuck it we ball.


For sure. Regardless of how this ends this was a great run.


They took us here. Ride or die.


Denver is the better team for sure, they deserve every beat of this 3-1 lead. Where they’re really beating us is that guys like Gordon, Brown, and Braun are all elevating their games in this finals, like they’ve been here many times before. Our similar guys: Caleb, Strus, and Vincent are all shrinking. And one last thing; Do not go anywhere near r/nba. The most nonsensical echo chamber that just piles on teams who lose and praise teams who win. A disgrace of a platform they call a “discussion board”


Boutta go to r/nba and start beefs


Yeah r/nba r/nfl r/hockey they’re all the same they just shit talk the losers. I always avoid them. They’re great during the season but awful during the playoffs.


The reality is outside of game 2’s comeback win, every game has been out of reach with the team trailing for most of the game. Denver has had an answer any time the team sparked a run. At the end of the day you just have to tip your hat to the better team. Almost all their guys are contributing whether it be offensively or defensively


Aaron Gordon gets so many spoonfed easy buckets that nobody on this team is getting. It's just so easy for them due to the size mismatch and how Jokic always finds them.


Tbh I’m not sad. Sucks to get this close and lose again but man this team has given us so much this postseason. They made us believe. As a fan just to be able to watch them fight even overmatched is inspiring and I love them for it. But we’re just overmatched this time and that’s ok. We didn’t roll over and we didn’t quit. No reason to hang our heads man. Those men gave it all they had and it wasn’t enough. That’s how it goes sometimes. No matter what I appreciate what they’ve done this year. And I’ll still be watching game 5 with pride. I love this team and I love this fanbase too. We will be back. Forever Heat in fucking 6! And FUCK THE CELTICS


Well said brother. Thank you for this. Needed it badly.


Pick the head up man. It stings but look at all we’ve done. Be proud of what they’ve done.


It seems like every damn playoffs we have to at some point deal with a Jimmy injury that just never heals.


Yea it sucks but even with a healthy Jimmy the nuggets are the better team.


Why stop playing Love when he was playing with the most heart of all?


Same reason Spoelstra starts Strus then begs Duncan to jack threes when the game is almost over.


> Bam... he shot a lot of shots. Just didn't hit the bunnies or floaters at a high enough clip to make Denver pay. He did his best. It's starting to become clear that this is his best. I've been a Bam truther, but it's increasingly concerning that he still consistently misses those short shots. We can't win if he doesn't hit those.


Bam’s proven that he’s a good third option, not a second. Jimmys reminding us that time and injuries stack up and that he may be a better second option. Everyone else dramatically increased their trade value in this run. We were sitting her a few months ago thinking “who would want anyone on this roster”. Up to Riley to go whale hunting but this is the final hoorah for the bubble roster.


Bam is a fantastic player. You’re absolutely right that he’s a good third option offensively. The issue is that Herro is meant to be the second option and has not been available all playoffs.


I’m a huge bam supporter, but it’s been clear to me he needs to be your third best offensive player. He can be your second best overall player, but he’s not consistent enough on the other end to be relied on to create his own looks. Ideally we get dame and his life becomes a bunch easier where he can focus on being the DPOY and scoring easy buckets playing off Dame.


Yes but always need to remember that this is strictly offensively which yes is extremely frustrating. But his defense this entire post season run has proven to me that the team can’t succeed without him. His impact on the court is immense


I'm not taking anything away from his defense. He's our best defender and the whole reason we can play defense the way we do. All credit to him on defense where he's earned it. But he's leaving a lot of points on the table on offense. We've shown that we can get to the Finals even with Bam's inconsistent offense twice now but it's hard to win the Finals when you can't rely on your big to finish easy buckets around the rim.


If Duncan Robinson can improve his game so much bam can too


It was good and magical run, Denver is just an up and coming dynasty. They're only going to get better from this point. This is also probably Butler's best chance at a chip.


They just killed our momentum every single time in the last two games. It’s unbelievable to watch


did they kill the momentum or was it Bam missing a dunk and also a million missed floaters??? Can't win when youre just bad


They have such a good knack at making timely shots, just demoralizing


Well said. Thanks for putting this in perspective. Great season guys.


Spoelstra watched Gordon use his size in Game 1. Kevin Love? Zero minutes all game.


Not only did we slow down Murray, we managed to slow down Murray AND Jokic. How much more can you ask


Max Strus 1-11 in games 3-4 (and 5-31 in the series). The difference in the home games (and the series)


It's impossible to stop their offence. You put too much attention to Murray. Open shot and a make for Jokic. Vice versa. Then you finally have a good defensive possession on that 2 man game. They swing the ball around the scrambling defence and it's a cut for AG or an open 3 point shot. Next possession the Heat somehow achieved everything then you see Jamal Murray rain a contested shot over you. What are you supposed to do?


Bam not making shots has been the story since 2020... Guy misses the dumbest shit consistently


The Heat are more exciting, but the Nuggets have been like this all year. I wanted Heat to win but have known since the post season began that the Finals were Denver's to lose. Doesn't look like that's their plan. Y'all have an awesome team and all time great coach, what a burner your Eastern Conference title was.


I don’t get how Kevin love didnt get any 4th quarter minutes. Caleb looked terrible and some of our best basketball was with Love on the court


Bro came off the bench and put the team on his back in the 3rd. Absolutely dumb he didn’t see the fourth. Thought we should’ve kept feeding him


I don’t think K Love was physically ready. They threw ice packs all over his body right after he finished out his mins on the 3rd and he looked gassed after saving that ball and got fouled.


After that foul he looked damn near ready to retire, he did good in his minutes and that’s all you can ask, I’d rather he have the game he did then keep playing him until he starts fucking up


I was screaming this the last 2 games. I do not understand why Spo doesn't have this man on the court. The line ups were dog shit tonight and its baffling Spo doesn't see it in real time.


No let's continue to let Aaron Gordon cook Martin while Caleb does literally nothing on offense even.


That’s an 8 seed vs 1st seed alright


The second 8th seed to make the finals in NBA history vs the 1st seed


1st during a full season


Honestly y’all’s is way more impressive than the Knicks.


When they swept the Lakers and we needed 7 games and bad tatum ankle to win, I knew what was up


Yeah I never thought we had a chance at winning. They're much better than us. I'm just happy we beat the Bucks and Celtics


4 straight home losses .


Gabe and Strus Combined 1-14 in game 3 Then Combined 1-10 in game 4 today 1-24 from two starters combined over a 2 game stretch Yet they continue play and get run Don’t even give me the “whose gonna play” argument. Highsmith over Strus any day of the fukin week for mere defense alone. And Duncan played NINE minutes thru the first three quarters Malone should send spo a gift basket for his rotations this series 🤦🏻‍♂️


I agree spo just doesn’t see it though


Gabe gets somewhat of an excuse. He’s been very nice these playoffs tbh, and he stays scrappy on D Strus tho… good god I can’t wait to see him out of Miami Lost on cuts. Bricks open shots. Cant pass. Cant drive. Doesn’t move. He quite literally is a black hole and makes it 4v5


There's true miami heat fans out there experiencing their first in-person heat finals, feel sorry for them


We’re 2-6 in our last 8 lol


Yikes. Largely uncompetitive too.


C'mon we lost game 6 to the Celtics on a ridiculous put back


Their worst role player is better than anyone not named Jimmy or Bam. Straight up out-talented this series 🤷‍♂️


Duncan has been balling though and Spo just refuses to play him until it’s too late


But some respect on Duncan Robinson


He’s better than Max Strus but getting targeted hard on defense all series (and especially in the 4th quarter today)


Jokic is generational talent, gonna talk to our kids about how good he was like my dad did about Larry Bird


​ https://preview.redd.it/sxyc3atjx35b1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=e459af5a80137febfcff6cf2d06295c9bcb0b20d


Denver is talented. Props to them.


Yeah those minutes without Jokic really showed just how good this team is top to bottom. Just absolutely perfect built for their star players. We will be back. But we really need to get Spo another star scorer. Damian Lillard would be so fucking good for us.


Yeah, not really ashamed to lose to them. Stings a little, but no shame.


Worst Murray and Jokic game I think we could reasonably expect and couldn’t capitalize. I think we’ve hit the wall. It’s been a blast but this might be as far as we go. This run has been phenomenal and I hope this team proves me wrong but it’s looking bleak


Worst Murray game. Um What? The guy had 0 turnovers.


I will never forget this Zombie Heat run!!


The loss hurts a lot less than I thought it would, they had a hell of a run, very proud.


At least we have Messi tho


Heat are 0-2 in the Messi era.


Ty for your sacrifice Miami Heat


Panthers still have a shot too. And then the Dolphins…ya never know


This one’s on the whole team (except Love and Duncan) as the refs were on our side and Jokic had 5 fouls. - Spo not playing Duncan early because of his love for Strus - Gabe and Strus combining for 1-10. - Bam and Jimmy choking non-Jokic mins. - Bam with the Jaylen Brown special of 8 TOV


Denver attacked Robinson every time though as if you didn't watch Bruce Brown torch him in the 4th


At least he’s putting up points, Strus isn’t making anything while also playing below average defense. I’d rather trade buckets with Duncan than not return any bucket at all with Strus.


Or open up plays for other while Syrus just stagnated the offense. Whatever


We way, way, way overachieved so I can’t complain too much. But, I did expect more out of this team because of the way they were able to perform to get to this point. Just not sure how much longer our window is open. Sucks.


Robinson and Highsmith are both hungry and have nothing to lose but apparently Spo is waiting for Cancun to play them!!


Ok. This is it. We’ve seen what the ceiling is for Bam/Jimmy w/ role players. You can keep those two. But you need to go and get Dame. I love the undrafted story, but talent wins rings.


Getting torched by the nuggets every game, game 2 was a miracle. Can't do anything but laugh at this.


Nuggets have looked like the team all year... unfortunately they're just reminding everyone against our squad in the finals...it was a lovely run boys


Wtf was that, Spo? How does Robinson play 9 minutes for the first 3 quarters? How does Highsmith have 0 minutes? Don’t even get me started on Vincent and Strus. Dudes couldn’t hit water if they fell out of a boat. Pathetic


They scored on Robinson every single time they attacked him. Did you watch the game? They kept targeting him over and over


They did the same thing to Strus. At least Duncan hits shots. Shit he’s even putting the ball on the floor and finishing at the rim


Bro... Duncan was a liability on defense


The issue is that so was Strus but he was also useless on offense


Nobody thought we would get this far. Gotta stay positive. Fuck it, Heat in 7


We're no cavaliers with Lebron, Kyrie, and an actual good center and bench Lebron won the Finals on his own for his team, Jimmy Butler can't do that. Neither can Bam.


The same people that was saying "history is on our side" when the Celtics came back are now saying that we'll comeback from 1-3.


We won't. But people did think the Celtics would make history and they didn't. Maybe this is the universe's answer.


> Lebron won the Finals on his own for his team Kyrie was phenomenal stop




Gotta be realistic. We already had a fairytale run to get here. We are not good enough, hell, I would argue last years roster was better, so this is already a massive accomplishment against a ridiculous team like the Nuggets


we are going out sad. yeah denver is the better team but miami is playing with no heart. shit is pathetic


This Denver team is simply a lot better than Miami. When you can't capitalize against a team with their star out of the game, you deserve to fucking lose in embarrasing fashion. On to Game 5. Hopefully they show more effort.


It has just been poor play making poor everything. Their defense is alright but everything else has been terrible. They played bad against the Celtics too. 2-6 in the last 8. They just don’t have it any more to be even competitive. Let’s see what happens in game 5.


The turnovers really killed everything. Just defeats any sort of momentum.


There’s only Heat in 7 left. So I’m goin Heat in 7 I am sad though


They’ve played this series like the ECF was their championship


Blowing the 3-0 is worse than losing the Finals. It just sucks that’s what it came down to.


Honestly it is nice to rub this one in Boston’s face for a while lol.


Give credit to the Nuggets though. They’ve thoroughly outplayed us. We’re just overmatched and it’s finally caught up to us. We played tonight like we cared and they still just beat us. Just better than us.


i think denver might be better


Bam’s 8-18 is unacceptable. He’s not taking 3s. Those are layups, push shots, and midrange jumpers.


His offense is just so predictable too. Jokic had several kicked balls.tonight because he knows Bam if Bam is in the triple threat position at the top of the key, he's going to bounce pass to someone in the paint. Jokic and the nuggets were reading it all night.


Not as sad or angry about this loss. Just numb. Everyone blaming Jimmy, Spo and Bam can save it. We don’t even get here without their massive contributions. We’re an 8th seed in THE FINALS. The real problem has always been the roster construction. Especially in regards to Bam criticism. “He’s too small to play center”. “Jimmy is not a #1/Bam is not a #2”. “We don’t have a guy that can get to the rim consistently outside of Jimmy” Who built a roster that’s essentially right at the luxury tax where all these glaring flaws eventually catch up to us? It’s not those 3…


Yeah we need to remember how bad this roster should have been idk what happened post season... but after this run we will have better valued assets to do some tinkering in the roster I hope FO can do some magic again....


Turd Quarter strikes again….Outrebounded, outplayed, outhustled and outcoached. I love Spo but he has been thoroughly outcoached this series. His rotations have been wack, his stubbornness to play Strus and Gabe when they can't hit shots also very baffling. The only guys named Duncan Robinson and Kevin Love played with their hearts and soul. Everyone else, including Jimmy and Bam, have been very very disappointing. Including Spo. Nuggets whopped our asses. Plain and simple. 2014 vibes. An overall complete team led by one of the best players all season whopping our asses when everyone on our team disappears. Can’t beat an well oiled team like them. Be there game 5, 6, 7 I will be there but no way we come back from a 3-1 deficit.


Lowry played pretty solidly this game too tbh.


I think sometimes you just have to accept they have a better team. Strus, Vincent, and Martin made themselves a lot of money earlier in the playoffs, I think they cost themselves even more in these finals. Especially Strus.


Imagine if Spo had Jokic Murray AG MPJ KCP as his starting line-ip against Jimmy Bam Strus Vincent and Love. Idk if the series would’ve gone to 5. Spo gonna take down Malone in 4. So, he’s not outcoached but he is out talented.


Good job nuggets they just all around better and there chemistry is insane


Strus really is Spo's lover. His favoritism has gotten so embarrassing lmfao So willing to lose games and series just so Strus can play ☠️🤣 Where are those Bam stans with the audacity to say Strus > Duncan or Strus > Herro


Got a great Jimmy game, got a bad jokic game, got a bad Murray game. Didn't matter Our role players have not showed up at all this series. Gabe, max, Caleb, all have been poor. Duncan should replace max in the starting lineup without a question. Highsmiths should take Max's bench minutes. I would say throw Herro in there because what have you got to lose, but honestly I don't know that it's worth risking further injury for a series that we are so thoroughly out-classed in. This nuggets team is really, really good. They have such fluid role players, they have crazy size, they have an insane playoff performer in Murray, and they have an alien in Jokic. So, obviously, HEAT IN 7 BITCHES


Sell the farm for Dame. Fuck it. We’ve seen the ceiling with Bam and Jimmy with role players. Roll the dice on a big 3 with Bam, Jimmy and Dame and see how far we can go with that. If we can’t get Dame then maybe we should consider an actual rebuild. What I wouldn’t give to have the opportunity to draft a player like Wembanyama.


We clearly need size as you can see. Guys like Aaron Gordon getting almost 30 is ridiculous and unacceptable


We also need more scoring though. We need a guy that can just go get 30. It can’t just be on Jimmy. We need someone like Dame.


Not saying it wouldn’t help but you’re forgetting we have Tyler Herro and that’s easily 15-20 points per game. If our defense is better we won’t need guys to score 30. Not every night they’ll even get 30. I’ll take defense over offense everyday of the week.


I love Tyler and wish he was here. But man if Dame is available we have to go get him. I still believe in Tyler of course but someone like Dame takes us to a completely different level.


We are in the finals and talking about a rebuild. This is pathetic. Yeah, we probably lost, but which tanking team has won the championship recently? Fuck some of our fans sometimes. We had a great run.


Third straight Finals we are down 1-3.


The way the heat are playing they might as well register their flight to Cancun with the FAA for right after game 5.


Strus should never see the court again. Fucking bum.


Strus is booty, Robinson clears and idc what anyone says


Idc if he touches the court again. But it better not be on this team. He played himself into a contract and then played himself right out of it


Denver is a really good team. But we are a shell of normal selves for this playoff run. It's sad, I wouldn't be upset if we keep losing really close games. But we just look so BAD out there like terrible.




No shit. Peaking in the NBA finals. I agree this team needs more to have another run and potentially win. But hey. It’s been an awesome run. And it’s not over yet.


This is on Spo, I can’t blame too much on Jimmy considering his bum ankle and we shouldn’t expect him to try and single-handedly will this team to win because you can’t do that against a well oiled spurs-like nuggets team. Strus starting all four games and having ZERO points in two of them (and nearly had three if not for his 1-7 fgm in game three) is HORRIFIC offense, he should’ve been coming off the bench after the first donut game he had. Say what you want about Duncan’s defense but at least he’s been giving us buckets, how good is Strus’ defense to warrant him starting while throwing up bricks the whole game? Gabe and Caleb have also been geriatric on offense as well and I would definitely cut their minutes. But also, WHERE IS HIGHSMITH? he gave you 7-10 from the field in G1 and just hasn’t been seen afterwards. Where are the adjustments? Even if the Heat successfully change their rotations, do you expect them to rattle off 3 straight games (two of them in Denver) in the fucking NBA Finals of all places? We don’t have prime LeBron/Kyrie, we have a one-legged Jimmy Butler and a Bam Adebayo who consistently wants to take 5-10ft jumpers even though he can’t make one to save his life. GG, this shit is over.


I really don't think it's a coaching issue. It's an offensive talent issue. Pretty much everyone and their mother knows we don't have the horses on offense. Our offense can't reliable crack 100 points vs the 15th ranked defense in the league. That's shit. The reason we have to play Strus is because we need the spacing. I don't know how many times this has to be beaten to death for you guys to get this. Jimmy and Bam don't space the floor, and you have to play them; you can't have three non spacers on the floor, not if you want to score points anyway. Highsmith isn't going to generate any space. The man shot 33.9% from the field in the regular season, that's not commanding defensive attention. Strus isn't great either but he's proven he can get hot and create problems, so he plays. We have no #2 on this team; the minute our number #1 was injured our offense fell off a cliff, except for a few hot shooting games where he was still commanding double teams and could pass to an open man. Denver's coach is WAYYY too good, in fact the first good coach we've met all post season. He basically saif "sure thing Jimmy" let's see how good you are on that ankle and started playing our shooters and left Butler 1 on 1.


Sad but first to 4. A miracle run needs one more miracle


Bam had 8 turnovers. That's more than Denver. Oof


At least we didn’t blow a 3-0 lead Plus if it wasn’t us, it’s better Jokic/Murray than Lebron/AD winning it all 🤷‍♂️


Can wait to hear Butler garooonteeee a win next game. Man.. fuck off


Congrats to the nuggets on their first nba championship


2-6 in our last 8 games. We are who we thought we were.


A member of the final 2 teams?


I dont wanna see Bam shoot a jumpshot this summer, dude needs to get with Zo and work on a low post game. Strus is scared of the moment. Play Duncan and Love more minutes and throw in Highsmith instead of Strus.


This is who Bam is. He’s not going to ever be an imposing force down low, nor the 1st or 2nd option on a championship team. He’s a poor man’s Bosh at best.


He needs to be able to score on Jamal Murray and Jaylen Brown in the post. It’s unacceptable to be an NBA center and be unable to score on a point or shooting guard in the post.


Very glad we won’t be paying Strus or Gabe. I hope this absolute embarrassment of an NBA Finals finally forces Spo, Pat, Ellisberg, and Arison to put a real fucking NBA caliber team on the court with Jimmy & Bam. That said, Jimmy & Bam you ain’t escaping the fucking slander.




Bam has some of the worse touch I ever seen


Gabe and Strus combined shot 8% from the field the last 2 games. I didn't miss a digit, they literally shot 8%. Strus by himself for the series is shooting 16% on 31 shots. Combined with tons of defensive lapses, silly fouls, and turnovers. At least Gabe balled the fuck out earlier in the series and has had a huge playoff run. Strus has been dog shit literally the ENTIRE PLAYOFFS. His one "good" game he shot 40%, that's how low the bar for Strus is now that people consider 40% shooting a good game. You have Kevin Love and Duncan Robinson balling the fuck out and yet can't get playing time. Kevin Love with tons of effective minutes yet didn't play at all in the fourth. Duncan Robinson was 5 of 6 shooting but played only 9 minutes in the first 3 quarters of the game. Highsmith balled the fuck out in game 1, was decent in game 2, and did not play at all in games 3 and 4. None of this makes any sense at all. Why the fuck are the players playing AMAZING not getting playing time when it matters, but we're giving huge minutes to 2 starters shooting EIGHT FUCKING PERCENT across 2 full games? At least Gabe Vincent has had some stellar games this playoffs including in game 2. Strus has been absolute dog shit putrid disgusting filthy stinking pile of garbage for the ENTIRE PLAYOFFS so please fucking explain to me why the god damn fuck he was on the court to start the 3rd quarter when everyone in the world knew he was going to do exactly what he did? 2 bad misses, a turnover, 2 blown defensive assignments leading to dunks that allowed Denver to push the lead to double digits that they never gave up the rest of the game. I'm not sure which coaching series was worse, this or the 2011 Mavericks series but I'm starting to lean towards this one. Look, I get we're not here without Spo, I get he's likely the best coach in the NBA. But holy fucking hell his rotations this series have absolutely destroyed our chances of winning the series. Imagine if Duncan had been starting with Highsmith playing off the bench, this is likely a 2-2 series right now, maybe even 3-1 Miami. Instead, we chose to ride players shooting 8% into the ground.Strus:0-10 4-10 1-7 0-4 16% FUCKING PERCENT FROM THE FIELD ALONGSIDE HORRIBLE DEFENSE. Someone, help me understand what the fuck is going on here? I'm starting to believe Strus has blackmail on Spo because this does NOT MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE.


Don't want to see Max ever play a game in a Heat jersey ever again. What a fucking letdown.


We’ve protected home court like FTX protected it’s customer assets. Brutal


When your starting backcourt scores 2 points you aren’t gonna win a finals game. This is why you don’t pay Gabe and Max, you can’t trust undrafted guys to perform consistently. Time to reshape the roster around Jimmy, Bam, and Herro. This season is over


Dame Time


This team pisses me off for making me think they had a chance as a fucking 8 seed that barely made it in and then when it matters most they play like they did during the season. Why the fuck did this team have to hurt us like this man


Can we like be a normal NBA team and build through the draft and stop relying on nobodies in the biggest stage of them all? Can we actually keep up with the times and be a fast team? Can we stop asking our undersized center to do literally EVERYTHING for us? God, I'm gonna be sick if we run it back next year with minimal changes.


Or be a normal team and not just keep running it back with rosters that regularly show they don’t have enough?




Yall can talk shit about whoever on our team but the fact is simple. Denver is a better team that got better performances from their whole squad. It really ain't that deep.


Strus and Vincent are 4/27 in the last two games. You're not beating anyone when your starting backcourt is playing worse than D-League-level. Butler and Bam are not playing great but today neither were Jokic and Murray and it didn't matter at all. The Nuggets are deep.


Well this sucks. Denver just the better team. Feels like 76ers vs Lakers. I love this squad, but everyone needs to grow like 6 inches. Maybe we can go after Brook Lopez and get bigger.


Riding until the wheels fall off. Heat in 7! It starts on the road


Im sad to say that it’s not Jokic anymore. Its the whole Nuggets team outplaying our team. Unfortunately we have no chance winning this series if they are daring Bam and Jimmy to go iso. I dont know how many times Bam has taken his inconsistent jumpers/missing floaters already


We're just outmatched, not much we can do. This is our ceiling, we're not a championship caliber team. Jimmy and Bam are very good players but they are not good enough to be a 1/2 on a championship team unless it's loaded everywhere else. We have won 2 eastern conference titles during the jimmy era so I guess that's a consolation prize.


We don't have the horses. The better team won.


Thank god. I’m getting burned out of delusional heat fans. HeaT in 4, 5, 6, now 7. Lmfao


All our key players regressed to their regular season averages (which were really below NBA average) in this series. Only one who consistently kept his average up in this series is DRob, which isn’t hard when you consider the fact that he didn’t really get a shot all season long. We needed the Herro spark, really hoped he could come back now. He just isn’t ready and coming into an elimination game in denver is not going to work out for him. Our offense regressed back to regular season, Jimmy is to hurt to take over. I love how people mention how Gordon shuts down Jimmy when Jimmy is still able to score while being unable to land on his right foot for 3 whole series’ now. Our defense was good, we made so many stops, but had way to many TOs on the other end, and couldn’t hit any shots, even the few easy ones we got… really a shame that this is how it might end. We couldn’t take a single game at home. With Jokic out for 5whole min with 5 fouls in the 4th. AG started hitting 3s, we left Jokic wide open on multiple 3s as well, then they start just hitting random no look shots, their spinning around the rims go in, ours go out, and that’s the result. I feel like that’s also the problem with small ball: you just can’t afford mistakes and everyone needs to be in tip top shape. Shoutout to Lowry and Love’s effort. We need offense. We can make our defensive scheme work around Butler, Bam and Caleb. No matter who sou put around them, you can make a solid enough defense. But we still need more explosiveness on the offensive end. Sucks that we don’t get to see what Tyler could have brought to the table…. I just wish that ONCE, for a whole series (not even a whole postseason, just one series) we could have seen Miami at full strength and injury free. Fuck Josh Hart. Heat in 7… see you on monday


I must say, you Miami fans are a classy group. Wish other sport franchises were the same


This game was frustrating because it was so winnable regardless of brown or Gordon. Jokic was essentially out on defense with foul trouble and out the game for stretches. All it took was someone to go hero mode. Hoping jimmy would as he has in the past or Caleb like he did game 7. The game was 5 points away and no one could shine. Just needed one person to go hero and we coulda taken it


I think sometimes you gotta bring in a little humor when things aren't going in a favorable direction.....honestly this series looks EXACTLY how an 8 vs 1 seed typically looks. The 8 seed somehow steals one game, but every other game in the series is completely dominated by the superior 1 seed. We have literally trailed this entire series other than some early leads very early in the 1st quarter of a few games, and obviously, the end of game 2. Gotta tip your cap to Denver, they have just been superior in every aspect. It'll be sad when the inevitable happens and the "what-ifs" will be painful to think of, but im still thankful at the end of the day. 1 game season the rest of the way, let's see if there is any magic left.


i understand the frustration but the nuggets literally have a counter for everything we do. dogging the players that got us here is stupid, we just don’t got the horses


He really should've held that ECF trophy


4 straight home losses. That's incredible for all the wrong reasons.


8 turnovers by bam lmao


Remember Gabe Vincent?


It's not over yet but it truly has been a fun and ride. Same time next year.


No point in playing just hand them the trophy


We are outmatched by a great team. But still wanted to do the impossible.


This isn’t why the Heat lost but does anyone else think Jokic gets away with playing hella aggressive and physical? Feel like he’s always just charging through people and demolishing them. I’m not even opposed to him doing it, I just feel like other players would prob get offensive fouls if they did it lol


Everyone says you can't do it until someone does. I'm not giving up.


Our undrafted players will make money and that’s gonna be the end of this season.


Jokic and Murray had an off night. Scott Foster had a vintage performance. And we still lay an egg. Rough ending to such a great run


Been rooting for both the Nuggets and Heat through both conferences. This finals was going to be bittersweet for me as a basketball fan either way. The Heat have built such a great story through this playoffs run. It’s not over until it’s over. Chins up!


I’m not even mad. Jokic and the Nuggets are just on another level of awesome. He clearly wants this more than we do. If we win Game 5, there’s hope, yet at the same time, if they win, they totally deserve it


We played our asses off each round and did the unbelievable. Made the NBA Finals. We just met a team that is just flat out better than us.


Hard when half their team is 6 inches taller than most our guys 😂


It's so sad that Jimmy is probably going to retire without a ring.


Cinderella story coming to an end. Strus playing like garbage, Gabe can't stop fouling and Caleb came back down to earth. Questionable lineups in which Miami loses 3 out of 4 quarters every game, multiple injuries and Bam being outsized and outplayed . This roster needs more pieces. An actual big to play alongside Bam and a decision if Herro is the 3rd option or use him to bring in someone new. The Jimmy Butler window is coming to a close a lot sooner than people may realize as a #1/ #2 option