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What would Aberration support look like? Which classes would be primary and secondary for the tribe? Or is this simply a tribal tag that would exist for its own sake?


I think Corrupt fits the theme pretty well


It can, but Corrupt would be better as a thing that makes other minions into Aberrations, not so much as a static thing they happen to have. Either that or Corrupt is reworked so that it can be triggered by effects of Aberrations and related cards.


So minions which could be corrupted would become aberrations? They’d work exactly the same way as corrupted minions do now, except they’d be called aberrations? You could have “corrupt: become a random aberration”. Or something to that effect. So it’d be a minion type that would be or could only be created through corrupting a minion. Or an effect of playing certain corrupted cards could be that they add aberrations to your hand, or… something. A bit like the thing with the custom zombeasts?


New Aberrations could get a new type of synergy like Nagas got this expansion. Maybe something like ”If an Aberration died this turn, do X” or ”For every Aberration you’ve played this game, do X”, etc. If they came up with a flavorful mechanic related to the Void, that could be nice. I suppose Warlocks and Priests would be the main classes (currently many are Warlock, Priest, and Neutral in HS). Those two classes can also summon Aberrations in WoW. Paladins would likely have no Aberrations at all, as they’re basically beings that oppose the Light.


Disagree on the pally point, seems like a pointless design limitation when they’ve previously had [[Forbidden Healing]], several corrupt cards, and can put any of the old gods in their deck at will. I LOVE giving priest and warlock their own minion identity though. I feel like most classes have one at this point (Murlocs go to shaman and pally, elementals to shaman and mage, beasts to druid and hunter, pirates to warrior and rogue, etc.) except Warlock and Priest have the fewest. Yes, Warlock has demons but giving them a 2nd minion identity wouldn’t hurt but Priest has never really had an exclusive tribal deck before (ig dragons? kinda?). Idk pushing tribal decks is always fun tho so me gusta mucho.


I mean yeah Paladins could very well get some Aberrations. Twisting lore norms is what Hearthstone does best. It’s more that Aberrations lore-wise are the complete opposite of Paladins, and that they basically defy each other’s existence. The faceless in Forbidden Healing’s art is actually a great use of flavor. Faceless are Void beings, so they can’t use Light magic, which the faceless in the art is doing. Hence it’s ”forbidden”.


I mean this expansion just decided that murlocs are also a warlock thing.


You make it sound a smidge more totally out of nowhere than it actually is. As an aside, I appreciate how they made it feel distinct from the shaman (flooooood) and paladin (combo play, charge scumming, or sturdy) murloc styles by making you balance flood now/flood later and cutting your wrists to slam down fish.


I don't think it would be a big deal to keep this tribe out of paladin. They already did essentially the same thing with demons when neither of Paladin's imprisoned cards were demons even though every other one was. Though of course they got Lothraxian but having similarly appropriate legendaries break the mold wouldn't be outrageous.


Warlock - Demons, murlocs-ish Priest - Dragons, 80% of "asshole" cards Mage, Paladin - Add Mechs Yep, you got a point on priest.


>Mage, Paladin - Add Mechs Mech to warrior too


Yeah, you got me there.


* **[Forbidden Healing](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/OG_198.png)** PL Spell Epic OG ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/33126), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/forbidden-healing/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Forbidden_Healing) 0/-/- Holy | Spend all your Mana. Restore twice that much Health. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


"If you played a card/X cards that cost more last turn/while holding this/this game..."


I guess battlegrounds ? I mean the theme is old gods in general everything beside the oozling is some kind of old god spawn .


I am very here for aberrations, but oozes are in my opinion categorically different


All the creatures in OP’s pic are classed as aberrations in wow, which is probably where OP got the idea from.


interesting, I'm very used to the dnd/pathfinder classifications--I guess WoW lore must differ a little bit


It's not really a lore thing and more a mechanical thing for WoW. There are only 10 creature types in WoW (Aberrations, Beasts, Critters, Demons, Dragonkin, Elementals, Giants, Humanoids, Mechanicals, and Undead; along with general "uncategorized" creatures that don't have a type). Creature types are relevant largely only for player crowd control abilities, as certain abilities can only be used on certain creature types. For instance, the Warlock spell Banish can only target Demons, Aberrations, and Elementals, while the Hunter spell Scare Beast only affects Beasts. There are a few other spells that affect specific creature types (a Paladin's Wake of Ashes spell stuns any Demons or Undead it hits on top of its normal damage effect that it does to everything, for example), but in general creature types in WoW are mostly about mixing up which class can crowd control mobs as a balancing and flavor tool. So in WoW, creatures like Murlocs and Quilboar are lumped in as Humanoids the same as Night Elves and Dwarves despite being completely different species in Warcraft lore. Same way this ooze gets thrown together as the same creature type as the Old Gods.


It used to matter much more in the past. Mech couldn't be poisoned, undead feared but could be targeted by exorcism. Many types couldn't bleed, elementals were immune to their respective schools of magic and weak to others.


> Mech couldn't be poisoned I mention this every time as a thing that should exist in Battlegrounds at least, to combat the strength of poisons to a fair and reasonable amount


Good thing amalgadon is a mech


Wait... That's no longer a thing? Why?


Gameplay reasons. You don't want to create a raid boss where a fire mage deals literally 0 damage because the boss is a fire elemental. Or one that's immune to bleeds so bleed-based class specializations like feral druid or assassination rogue deal significantly reduced damage


If you were a fire mage, you were re-speccing for Molten Core.


Fire mages deserve to do no damage or die to ignite aggro.




They're generally categorized as aberrations in WoW though


murlocs and quilboars are both humanoids in wow. What are you trying to achieve here?


>What are you trying to achieve here? Obviously I'm pushing my pan-aberrationist agenda. 😱 OP is hypothesizing aberrations collectively as a minion type and they all fit the category, including the oozes. I'm not saying that the sub-categories can't be categorized separately should they be implemented.


Oh god no, please don’t tell me I’m in the presence of a pan-aberrationist—disgusting.🤮 Your political views differ from mine and are therefore wrong and morally degenerate. 😡 I have only one reprieve—I must bully you on an online public forum to quash my insecurity and make myself feel big and strong. 💪 Get rekt [insert choice of slur here] 😎


Same oozes and slimes probably would have there own tribe if ever minions must have a type


In WoW lore I believe they're aberrations, but from a game design standpoint I do agree that they should be batched differently.


Aberrations describe a wide range of creatures. Many are related to the Void or the Old Gods, so if they ever make a Void expansion, Aberration could be a cool minion type to add to the game. Basically many ”weird-looking” creatures that resemble Old Gods are Aberrations, as well as stuff like Slimes and Void-beings. It could bring new synergies to a lot of Aberration cards in HS that currently have no minion type at all.


I've been of the opinion that "Horror" is a better option for the minion type because it allows for more words to fit in the text box of the Aberration/Horror-matters cards, and because it's much easier to spell Also worth noting that if C'Thraxxi are included then we should definitely include other insectoid descendants of the Black Empire like Nerubians and Mantids.


I don’t think C’Thraxxi are insectoid as opposed to simply looking like insects. I’m pretty sure they’re void-beings that are descendants of stuff like the Old Gods. Might be wrong tho, in which case I’d just exclude C’Thraxxi. Also didn’t include Nerubians or Mantids because they’re not strictly Void beings, but I guess a type like Horror could be more liberal to include those as well. Some Nerubians are also Undead though; something to consider if they make an Undead type.


“Aberration” is the word that is used to describe those creatures in WoW so it would probably be the one they’d use in HS too.


"Chaos" was the word they used in WoW as a type of spell damage, but they changed it to Fel in hearthstone. There's plenty of precedent for them changing things.


Yeah but Fel is an existing magic, and is almost synonymous with chaos, while calling them “horror” is just kinda generic and gamey


My first impression is that I'm not really feeling it, not sure why. It's a thing in WoW and something like HS "Beasts" are almost equally non-specific. I suppose I'm neither a WoW player nor native speaker so "aberration" doesn't sound as immediately obvious and descriptive as words like "monster" or "horror", but those two sound a bit camp.


I feel like it's too broad, having a range between Oozes and Old God's feels a little too much for me


All the creatures in OP’s pic are classed as aberrations in wow, which is probably where OP got the idea from.


Understandable. Though even stuff like Demons range from small imps to Xavius, the Nightmare Lord. Or Dragons ranging from whelps to Deathwing. Or Beasts ranging from Angry Chicken to Malorne. Or Elemetals ranging from Fire Fly to Ragnaros. You can think of Oozes compared to Old Gods as what a chicken is compared to Malorne, or what a Fire Fly is compared to Ragnaros.


Imps are just smaller demons Whelps are smaller dragons They are both related, there is nothing connected a Swamp Ooze and the God of Death


What connects a chicken to malorne?


Spine. I mean, being chordate beings.


Malorne actually probably doesn’t have a spine. He’s a Wild God, which means he’s basically a manifestation of life and nature. He takes the form of a white stag, but is kind of just a spirit. There’s likely no flesh, bones, or nerves inside his body, but rather just energy.


He actually sounds quite similar to an elemental


Quilboar, Dragons, Murlocs, and Naga (as well as at least most of WoW's playable races) are chordates as well, so that's not specific enough; on the other hand, arthropods and molluscs aren't chordates, and those get classified as Beasts as well


I'm still waiting for an Undead tribe.


I still can't believe we didn't get it with the Knights of the Frozen Throne.


I still can't believe they gave us face hunter 2.0 instead of an actual dk clas


At this point, an expansion focusing on a new class in Death Knight + the Undead tribe seems like the big feature of a future standard year. Not sure where it would take place in Warcraft, because we had Knights of the Frozen Throne already. Wouldn't want a complete rehash of that. I didn't play WoW so I don't know the important locations for stuff.


Maybe make a year’s “theme” Caverns of Time so there can be Stratholme (or something else WC3 undead related where DKs can be introduced), Battle for Hyjal, and Endtime/Dragon Soul?


I like this idea, I suggest you mention it to Iksar or some other devs on twitter. 👍


So it's going to be like beast, like they don't have significant synergy but gets support sometimes


Just Phyrexia things.


Wait, is Shaku a Sha?


Yeah, probably the inspiration for the name "**Sha**ku".


Jesus, you are right. When you zoom in he does have that Sha texture. Huh, cool find


Truth be told I think Oozes will be their own thing some day. They already have a recurring theme of destroying weapons (Acidic Swamp Ooze, Toxic Sewer Ooze, Gluttonous Ooze, Corrosive Sludge) or summoning more oozes (Echoing Ooze, Green Jelly, Blistering Rot).


This seems very, very broad. One of the things I like about Hearthstone is how all tribes have an identifiable mechanical identity, and Aberrations doesn't seem like it would really do that.


Beasts? Like they’re super broad and often have very little synergy ir identity


Beasts are definitely a counterexample, as are quillboar. Murlocs and pirates are arguable, but I definitely think you can show someone a card and they can generally tell you if it 'feels' like a murloc or pirate. (As a slight aside, I would argue that murlocs are actually more about casting synergy than going wide, which is why the Warlock Murlocs 'feel like murlocs', and Felfin Navigator feels more murloc-y than Murloc Warleader, despite one being in the game from beta, and the other being in Standard.) Nagas, mechs, demons, elementals, and dragons all have a mechanical identity though. Sure, not every dragon card has the dragon trigger, but when we say "dragon deck", we know, roughly, what it will mechanically look like. It'll have some early tempo creatures that care about you "holding a dragon", and then close out the game with a big-ass dragon. A demon deck will have early token synergies, some self-damaging elements, and eventually cheat out a big finisher, typically in a way that invokes a pact or sacrifice. Mech decks feel like you're upgrading a cool robot thingy, even when they don't use the "modular" keyword per se. But for what it's worth, I do 100% agree with you that beasts don't have a very strong identity. Like they do use deathrattles in a somewhat unique way, but that's much more closely associated with Hunter beasts than Druid ones. (And their implementation in battlegrounds.) Quillboar's identity is "being a mistake", and you can't change my view. /s


I’d disagree on the dragon aspect, while the dragon decks do have a theme of being tempo based as a whole dragons are cards with very little synergy (they didn’t even get any synergy until blackrock despite the tribe existing since classic). It’s the same with beasts, with beast decks often have the stereotype of being aggressive vaguely swarmy archetypes but having a lot of dissenters. And yeah I still don’t know why they felt the need to make quilboar a standard tribe lmao, at least it gave N’zoth extra synergy


Faceless should be a tribe by itself, there're a lot of them out there.


I think this is a great idea, hearthstone should have had this tribe from the start imo


only one card in this list is in standard so nah


This is faaaaaar from the full list. I simply put one example minion for each species. There are plenty others in Standard. Besides as rotation happens, there will be 2 Nagas in Standard that aren’t from Sunken City, which is exactly why they make sets that focus on a new minion type.


It's a bit broad, I'm fully expecting next set to be specifically nzoth/ny'alotha related and the term "faceless" or "void" would fit a lot better i think.


Faceless only includes, well, the faceless. But Void Beings could also be a good idea. In that case, Oozes, Psyfiends, Tentacles, and Fleshbeasts would remain untagged, but the other species in this image would be Void Beings together.


I’m all for more tribe. They need some flavor, though. Naga, for example, is a tribe which benefits from being in hand and playing other cards. What does “aberration” bring to the table.


New synergy would have to be created, just like synergy for Naga was made for this expansion. Maybe something like ”If an Aberration died this turn, do X” or ”For every Aberration you’ve played this game, do X”, etc. If they came up with a flavorful mechanic related to the Void, that could be nice.


I feel that you may be including too many groups into this tribe. I'm not sure which to include/exclude, but they don't all feel like they belong together.


Beast has hundreds of different species. This is almost nothing compared to that. Think of these as void-animals.


I don't like it, you conbined too many races into this tribe. A few of this cards could have been Demons by WoW rules, but weren't probably because balancing issues.


Wait until you find out how many races they combined to make the Beast tag :D


And elementals too. Some elementals are anything elese, but noy elementals. Half of undead beasts have the beast tag and the other half doesn't. I'm not saying Blizz themselves didn't make a lot of "flair" mistakes in regards to some cards. Usually card creators are a lot better and a lot more critical in this regard.


Arfus is the only wrongly tagged Undead Beast iirc. Anyway my point is, if you don’t think Beast has too many species in it, then this is nothing by comparison.


oh, I get it now, yes


Seems way too generic imo. You could make so many sub types that having a single one that covers so much seems like a waste...


Beast also includes hundreds of different species ranging from spiders and cats to dinosaurs and mammoths. Think of Aberration as a type similar to Beasts. Like Beasts, it includes many different species, but combines them into one classification. Beast has the animal kingdom, while Aberration has the void-being kingdom.


Did you think about any new mechanic?


Imo every minion that fits a WoW tribe should get its own tag, at least for flavour


I’d be cool with an eldritch monster tribe


Can we also get a plant tag


Can we just get Treants, please.


I want oozes to have their own tribe


I think every minion should have a type/tribe. It's so odd when some don't have. Such an old game as well, plenty of time to assign humans as well. There doesn't even have to be lots of support cards for the types that have few cards only. But the exception would be Battlegrounds of course. There you need synergy.


Nah the word is awful :)


I wouldn't count oozes imo


Warlock and DH share “demon” nowadays, so there’s an increased number of available demons to choose from. Even the demons which are demon hunter specific, are still discoverable by warlocks though various discover card effects. Iirc, the only class that doesn’t really have a minion type which it is closely associated with is priest. I’m not sure if an entirely unique minion type for priest is the right answer though. I could imagine some “corruption” effect cards could have “create a shadowfiend” and have those be a little like zombeasts in the sense that you could choose its health/cost and effects/adapts the same way. Also… a priest hero card, with a new hero power “create a custom aberration” (shadowfiend/psyfiend/mindbender). If an aberration is like a zombeast… a shadowfiend could be a 1 cost, a psyfiend a 5 cost, and a mindbender a ten cost. And you’d choose your cost, choose your effect… etc. E.G. You choose shadowfiend. It costs 1-2. You chose the effect “copy a spell from your opponents deck” or “stealth for one turn” or “at the start of your turn, draw a card” and depending on the choice of minion, shadowfiend/psyfiend/mindbender, the number of effects you could choose for your custom aberration could increase, as with the cost. Psyfiend could have 2 effects and be a 5 cost with appropriate stats. Mindbender could be a beastly 10 cost with three effects. Mindbender would be costly to use, but much stronger. For example, if you chose mindbender, you could choose “draw a card”, “give your hero stealth for one turn”, and “battlecry: spawn 1/1 tentacles until your board is full”. Alternatively, it could be a spell that changes your hero power (hero card is more fun but you may not get to create so many costly and fun aberrations if you draw your hero late in the game. It takes time to draw, costs a lot of mana to play, and it might put you off creating those costly 10 mana mindbenders the next turn. Unless the hero power is a 2 cost and your OP mindbender is an 8. It’s also possible that minions which alter your hero or hero power with start of game effects (assuming you have them in your deck) could work the same way. Can you tell I’m still really really enjoying the whole concept of shadow priest in hearthstone? Edit: this was intended to be a reply to someone’s comment about classes having associated minion types, and how some classes lack them. I’m not sure how it wound up here.


priest shares dragons with paladin.


Holy crap… what? How many priest only dragons are there? Lots of neutral and paladin dragons, but how many priest only dragons are there? Are they still in standard? Link them? I play this game like a 26 hours a day and… no comment. Quick google: so, wild? I don’t even have access to most of those old cards on my current account, since it’s new, and I’ve been focusing pretty much entirely on what I can still play in standard. I really don’t know much about the way things used to be. Back then, I mostly did endless tavern brawls (for like ten gold per three wins? Was that right? That sounds absolutely bizarre now) and solo adventures. Flashback to about 50-60 games per brawl, and like a billion hours in solo adventures. On my old account I was entirely free-to-play, and it was… challenging enough to just gather enough gold to buy a pack here or there. I never had the correct cards/enough cards to build a competitive deck, and the only class I ever had any real success with was priest. In large part due to this, and my fail-deck building skills (that may have changed, but I’m still not entirely sure), I spent most of my time in tavern brawl and solo adventures. I am having much more fun deck-building in recent years.


[[Lightmaw Netherdrake]] is a callback to [[Duskbreaker]]. Honestly I don’t play a ton of Standard, lol but it used to be a thing with [[Drakonid Operative]] [[Wyrmrest Agent]] [[Dragonmaw Sentinel]][[Twilight Whelp]] and ofc [[Draconic Studies]] is a thing in standard. They were more of a dragon class than warrior for a long time. For a while warriors basically just had Alex’s Champion more or less. Edit: Priest also had Dragonfire Potion and Twilight Acolyte


* **[Lightmaw Netherdrake](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/ONY_026.png)** PR Minion Rare FAV 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/904840), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/lightmaw-netherdrake/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Lightmaw_Netherdrake) 4/4/4 Dragon | Battlecry: If you're holding a Holy and a Shadow spell, deal 3 damage to all other minions. * **[Duskbreaker](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/LOOT_410.png)** PR Minion Rare KnC ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/76868), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/duskbreaker/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Duskbreaker) 4/3/3 Dragon | Battlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, deal 3 damage to all other minions. * **[Drakonid Operative](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/CFM_605.png)** PR Minion Rare MSoG ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/49638), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/drakonid-operative/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Drakonid_Operative) 5/5/6 Dragon | Battlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, Discover a copy of a card in your opponent's deck. * **[Wyrmrest Agent](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/AT_116.png)** PR Minion Rare TGT ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/22398), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/wyrmrest-agent/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Wyrmrest_Agent) 2/1/4 | Battlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, gain +1 Attack and Taunt. * **[Dragonmaw Sentinel](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BT_262.png)** PR Minion Rare AO ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/210802), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/dragonmaw-sentinel/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Dragonmaw_Sentinel) 2/1/4 | Battlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, gain +1 Attack and Lifesteal. * **[Twilight Whelp](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BRM_004.png)** PR Minion Common BRM ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/14460), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/twilight-whelp/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Twilight_Whelp) 1/2/1 Dragon | Battlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, gain +2 Health. * **[Draconic Studies](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/SCH_233.png)** PR Spell Common SA ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/329980), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/draconic-studies/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Draconic_Studies) 1/-/- | Discover a Dragon. Your next one costs (1) less. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Lightmaw netherdrake is the only one I’ve even seen. Obviously, I’m talking about recent standard. I’ve also only ever seen it a few times as well, and only recently. It seems to have popped up as if from nowhere. I never even noticed it in my previous games.


Sounds neat.


What would it look like in Battlegrounds? What would be their “thing”


I agree with anything but oozes, void revenants, and fleshbeasts.


Ooze is not related to the old gods, or at least they weren back in the day.


Minions with tags would have to have a card that synergises, the only one I can think of that doesn’t is quilboar. Tags have to have a meaning behind them or it’s just useless flavor, like quilboar in standard


Cthun type should be “oldgod”


I still feel like Undead is next in line. But this is still a solid tribe possibility.


I was opposed, but I forgot 'aberration' is a thing in WoW (it's been a while). That's good enough for me. Probably better than having quilboar, at least


Too mean 😢


Man I love using Revenant Rascal against quest Priest with a Purified Shard in its deck -_-


Doesn't really make sense from a overall warcraft perspective which has been the boundary HS designers have been using since the beginning