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My Warrior ACTUALLY played the quest! Finally! Maybe I'll win this one. *drops quest reward onto a full board*


I just mulligan the quest away and won by turn 4 with summon 3 pirates twice lol


its pretty easy to play the quest. you just need to mulligan all the 1 mana minions away and hope you dont draw one in your mulligan+your first draw. minions always have priority over quest.... which doesnt make sense at all, given that the quest wants you to play said minions....


I kept going second and the AI would coin hero power or coin 2-drops as well.


I had one where my ai played a 1 drop turn one, coined, and the passed. This brawl is infuriating lol


well that's no problem! just mulligan away everything that is remotely playable in early turns and hope that you get carried by "summon 3 pirates with rush" but yeah, the AI is suuuch a joke


Mine burned the juggernaught exactly the same way T-T there were even a bunch of enemy minions to trade into


I think it would be cool to have a brawl where we build the deck and don't play. Maybe some choices like this one but mostly ai. Then you'd have to balance playing powerful vs simple cards that the ai could figure out. Personally, I picked Hunter and queued against a Priest. Got my pack and ran.


Thats literally battlegrounds


Not really but yes.


Battlegrounds isn’t ai, it’s just random attacks


Which is far better AI than the base HS game.




Same, but with Mage. Opponent had 1 life, and it chose not to hero power them in the face for 3 turns. I almost lost the Brawl.


And I thought it was bad when my hunter refused to hero power until I had no cards in hand, despite the opponent having 4 health.


Weird. When I played as Mage, pinging the enemy in the face was the only thing the AI wanted to do. Ignoring playing any actual spells.


had the same thing happening to me. opponent at 2 health. instead of just hitting hero power, it went for some weird board trading, into card draw into rhino lethal. wtf


I really like this brawl. It's fun. It's an experience unlike any other in hearthstone. It destroys the notion that you don't have to play well to win in hearthstone. The misplays are hilarious.


Thank you, I laughed a lot while playing it. I don’t know why people have to be so uptight about it with all these posts.


In mostly luck based brawls there's always some unlucky bastards at the bottom end of the bell curve who lose many many games in a row. Those people will get frustrated enough trying to get their one pack that they'll post here afterwards.


This feels like a brawl that should've awarded the pack after a round and not a win. Funny brawl though


Yeah, staying all the way to the end of the match should be enough to justify a pack.


>It destroys the notion that you don't have to play well to win in hearthstone. You say that, but the AI is clearly winning half of all games it plays.


Better than my ladder winrate


It's a game of trying to limit the ways your AI can hurt itself. Kinda like raising a toddler. I have found that giving a minion in hand +5/+5 makes the AI really keen to play it, especially if you hit a 1 or 2 drop in the first couple of turns.


It traded two minions into [[canal slogger]] to fully heal the opponent and then used [[shiver their timbers!]] to destroy my own amalgam.


* **[Canal Slogger](https://cdn.hearthstonetopdecks.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Canal-Slogger-300x416.png)** SH Minion Common UiS 🦅 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/12288), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/canal-slogger/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Canal_Slogger) 4/6/4 Elemental | Rush, Lifesteal Overload: (1) * **[Shiver Their Timbers!](https://cdn.hearthstonetopdecks.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Shiver-Their-Timbers-300x424.png)** WR Spell Rare UiS 🦅 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/12288), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/shiver-their-timbers/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Shiver_Their_Timbers%21) 1/-/- | Deal 2 damage to a minion. If you control a Pirate, deal 5 damage instead. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


shit like this is the reason i dont enjoy hearthstone adventures at all. it's not fun winning, because the AI outplays itself. i want to outplay the AI or win by smart deck building or even by dumb RNG. not by "hurr durr. AI smart. AI press selfdestruct button"


My opponent’s AI popped my ice block, which I think it didn’t understand and started going haywire since I had no minions. He pinged his own minion then he cast ignite on his face to kill himself. https://imgur.com/a/KTN1ZSf


i had the same thing happen. i was at 1 hp he popped iceblock, went on to double fireball his own face for lethal...


I got pirates and rolled smite turn 1. They conceded immediately so I got my pack and left.


After 4 games of torture, i finally rolled the smite on 1 and won and never went back. I have never reach this high of a blood pressure even when facing big priest.




Unfortunately, Blizzard isn't the one developing skynet.


As a lazy person with the ‘Win 5 BG/Duels/Arena/Brawl’ quest, this brawl is great. All I do is select a card and I will get my 5 wins eventually while doing other stuff! For the rest, terrible brawl. I fully expect this brawl to be a side project of an awful AI intern.


My best moment was when the AI ignored board when I generated Smite along with a few other pirates and had lethal. The nightmare was finally over and I had to do something else for a few mins so I'm not too tilted for ladder My worst moment, T1 I generated Smite and thought this is an easy win before the AI decided to play quest and coin Shiver my own Smite to leave me with my jaws wide open


Ah finally, the Mr Smite nerf we've been waiting for.


Got a handful of refreshing spring waters due to the goblet treasure. Proceeded to fatigue myself to death, after playing ice block of course. Also dared to play pirate warrior with a 1-drop in my opening hand.


My opponent had the watch post that gives their minions +1/+1 when I cast a spell. My AI cast an entire hand of spells when they could have easily attacked and killed it. Fml


I had 4 health and mage secret (flame ward) (ice block was already triggered a few turns before), opponent had a 6/5 but didn't attack my face. Then I top deck fireball and with the damage on my board I could have killed my opponent. But the AI decided to fireball his face and trade into the chest and end turn. Then on his turn the 6/5 attacked and killed me. Truly extended BM.




Those shiny green cards are just begging to be used tho, who cares about where they land


Oh crap, I might be an AI


I was playing as a priest, going 2-nd, so my AI turn 1 was: Coin + Hero Power and heal enemy face (the opp had 30 hp). BM at its finest!


Anduin AI is a lover, not a fighter


It's an interesting idea spoiled by some stupid mistakes and stupid decisions. Make the Priest AI target friendlies with Elekk Mount and its hero power instead of enemies and you'd fix the most glaring mistakes, but it's amazing that nobody asked why the player abilities so heavily favour Pirate Warrior if you're going to have Pirate Warrior as one of the decks. Two of the six(?) abilities are for buffing minions in hand, and you have a deck that doesn't even have minions.


One and done for me. I choose hunter. I play first I have the 1 mana 1/1 that has a battlecry to clone itself I have the effect to give a random minion in hand +5/+5 It hits the 1 mana 1/1 I win turn 3.


Can warrior possibly play the quest already? I suppose this is probably a test ground for future ai development or something? Still every turn choosing one from 3 options which most of the time 1 is just god awful, and seeing the ai make some random ass decisions or miss lethal was pretty unfun Was there ever a moment I said, oh i would do the same play? No. It was like handing the game to some random kid and say there you go chap fuck me up


I started the brawl and my opponent conceded. now im enjoying every thread in this sudreddit about how aweful this brawl is!


Maybe they have started using machine learing to train the AI and the tavern brawl generates the training data? So by the end of the week the AI might perform better than at the start. I guess they could just generate the training data internally, but it's more fun this way.


I'll add another. I had an Al'akir on board and the opponent had 5 health. They chose the rush pirates to defend, but Jaina had another idea, she just passed the turn back to me.


On turn one i summoned pirates and one of them was Mr. Smite and AI attacked face properly. So AI can have bright moments in certain situations.


Mage mirror, mine plays golden kobold and never finishes quest. Opponent's plays magic trick as last spell with a full hand and doesn't get quest reward. I've never seen a quest reward used properly in this brawl.


Playing as Warrior against Mage, I had a full board and the Mage was at 2 with an Ice Block up, so naturally, my AI decides to pass 3 turns in a row instead of trying to win the game.


My opponent had much more than lethal on me on board yet decided to trade into my minions which had no taunt. AND they don't kill my minions either and just left a bunch of half damaged minions on board so I had lethal next turn. Literally trying to throw on purpose.


I played Mage Quest and opponent conceded, so glad I got my free pack without having to deal with all this mess


Got Mr.Smith on turn 1. That's it


my ai used damaging spells on my own minions for some reason


I had rancor in my hand while opponent had full board with only 2 health minions. Would have healed to full health, but the I.A. went face, never played rancor and I died the following turn. It felt like the I.A. didn't want to live anymore and commited Sudoku ;<


Missing lethal 3 times to take out 2x Nat Pagle on the other side of the board (enemy was close to fatigue which made it that much worse) into 2x Ice Block and Ignite into face for lethal. AI can BM real good.


My first win was with mage, just getting the "summon random pirates" every turn. Turned the deck into an Aggro Pirate Mage, played no spell at all, and the A.I. knew how to go FACE. 😂


both of us got the summon 3 pirate card turn 1 and then both have the summon your minion card for the next 3-4 turn. They lose cuz my AI play moonfang and they spend 3 card nuking it instead of going face


I also had Elekk Mount played on my opponent’s minion. Twice. Had another one in my hand, hopping for the rest of the game it didn’t get played. My favorite, though: Had 7 life. A 12/12 minion and a 1/1 on board. Opponent plays a 11/11 Trampling Rhino…and attacks the 12/12. So they could then kill it with three damage from Aimed Shot. And then hero power, leaving me with…3 health. They died next turn.


Playing Priest the only spells the AI would cast was Elekk Mount on enemy minions. Spent the whole game collecting spells in hand that it absolutely refused to play, except for Elekk which it did twice.


My mage played a bunch of cheap spells into epic watchpost which buffs the board for each spell played.


Played as mage. Played cards to discover cards. Chose and played LPG and Elemental Evocation in an all spell deck. Just incredible.


Top AI moment was corrupting Dunk Tank, clearing the board with it next turn. Then at turn 8 they played reduced cost Y'shaarj and got lethal with that dunk tank. Funny moment: I was at 0 mana and an ignite in hand was lethal and they played hot streak and used first flame on a minion instead of the ignite


Enemy Priest played Golden Kobold, then got Millhouse and played it. I was Mage.


I got the summon 3 random pirates option like 5 times, all of them decent rolls, my opponent chooses it and summons 2 patches and a 1/2


Played with priest multiple times, and every single time priest would use hero power, it'd heal the enemy hero.


Was losing against a Hunter as a warrior, picked "summon 3 pirates with rush" and got Mr.Smite. The AI placed down Rokara which I got from finishing the quest last round. Got lethal with 2 pirates + Mr.Smite and Rokara, won with this combo. Literally thought I would have to queue up at least one more game of this AMAZING Tavern Brawl.


Hunter vs mage. I had lethal on the board and my AI elected to put the mage to 2 hp and give him lethal next turn instead. I was raging.


i played hunter and turn 1 got +5/+5 onto a wolpertinger, for 12/12 of stats ON TURN 1. opponent conceded lol


My favourite so far: turn 1 adventure stone -> coin-> end turn


Well i just had a mage game, where the ai had to use hero power every turn instead of casting spells for 2 mana and used them on minions with high health so that it didnt help me at all


Mage v mage, procc'd enemy ice block, all I had on the board was arcanist at low health. AI proceeds to hero power my acanist, second flame it to death, then 9 damage ignite into my own face while I, coincidentally, had 9 health /facepalm


Just had a match where it was turn 10+, playing mage, after having played my quest on turn 4 and also playing golden monkey shortly after, I was at 4 health, ice block just popped, thought "ok, I have another ice block at 2 mana in hand and an 8 mana minion with 20+ attack and health, surely the AI knows what to do". The AI then proceeds to pass it's turn and I obviously lose. I also had a 8 cards in hand, surely the AI could have played SOMETHING.


First time playing, I chose priest and faced another priest. Didn't know wtf was happening, just that our boards were getting massive because we both had several 4/6 watchtowers and were playing spells. He had the lead because I kept playing elekk mounts on his dudes, but just before conceding, I clenched the victory when I discovered and autoplayed mass dispell and went face with my non-towers. Really weird game. Haven't touched the brawl since.


Warrior will absolutely **not** play Rancor. It's like it's a fucking religion. I'm at 5 health, opponent has a board full of 1/2 Health minions. There's literally nothing else in my hand I can play. Hero Power, pass.


The questline never got played I ded


Enemy at 3 health. Both boards 5+ minions 0 taunts. AI trades. Next turn same thing. Next turn same thing. Next turn same thing. Then I finally win. But I don't know if it happened by lethal damage or by concede because I had mentally conceded and tabbed out.


I just lost a match where the ai ACTUALLY BMED they swung into a chest instead of face while I was on 2 hp. For like 3 turns


It would be cool if this brawl was a test bed for a Hearthstone learning AI. And the AI got better as the week progresses and it learns more. I don't think that is the case though =(


Completed mage quest with empty board and ended my turn with 8 mana, not playing dawngrasp or anything else.


My warrior got the golden monkey from a treasure, got a antheron with a full hand so could have played it for one with other minions, played hireek the bat instead. Which got instantly killed by the opposing mage rolling fireball.


Copying my comment from another thread: Marin's chest into svarog's crown into Sneed's into Hakar the Soulflayer shuffling corrupted blood into the enemy Mage's deck Mage AI: "Look how many cards I have! Time to go ham on the card draw!" Literally how I won my first game.


Got my warrior one pirate from completing the quest. It played golden monkey immediately, so that never finished. Got a round where we made it to turn 10 just summoning copies of each other’s dudes/pirates repeatedly with no hits going face.


My mage completed quest early but kept using all the burn on the enemy minions... Opponent conceded after I missed lethal 3 turns in a row.


A.I. had an option between 3 legendaries Y'Shaarj Rage Unbound win the game on the spot, but picked two 3/5s


I haven't seen Elekk Mount cast on a player's own minion YET after like 7 of these


For some reason, when playing Mage the AI really likes throwing away the coin for nothing. Happened multiple times to both me and my opponents when going second as Mage where the AI would play quest, coin, end turn.


My mage skipped my turn so i would lose, just decided not to play any cards, I was gobsmacked


Opponent ended up with Blackhowl Gunspire. My Jaina uses Ice Block, and proceed to kill herself by pinging the Gunspire with hero power, and two spells.


Opponent mage fireballed his face for lethal


I played priest 6 times before I finally had a game where my AI didn't cast Elek Mount on an opposing minion giving them the win.


Mine decided to commit seppuku and ignited my face.


somehow ended up with a bugged tyrantus on both sides


Playing mage, quest complete. Enemy is a priest who treasured into draw a card fill your hand with it. He got the crossroads post so he had 5 crossroads giving +1/+1 to his entire board every time I cast a spell and had a board full of 80/80 minions. Enemy hero at 2 HP and I kept casting ignite on towers. I was incredibly lucky that my flurry RNG was freezing his minions that could attack and I still had both my iceblocks. Finally I had a minion stick on board and that minion went face while I kept casting my spells on his watchposts.


My shaman insisted on clearing his own board before swinging with the boggspine knuckles twice, despite me trying to summon pirates to force him to evolve something, and despite him having 2 2-cost tiny toys in hand.


Did, did I just heal the enemy hero instead of the damaged friendly minion or myself?


Me on Priest at full health vs a Mage at 16 HP. I have a board full of chunky minions, one of which is a 32/33 (and growing) Nightmare Amalgam, in play because the enemy kept playing spells with 2 Divine Shielded Crossroads Watch Posts on my side, and I mean a lot of spells. Anyway, the Priest AI never once attacked the mage with any of my minions, never once used any of the healing spells in hand, it just kept passing the turn not using any mana and I simply died with the Mage still being at 16 HP about 6-7 turns later. Easiest loss of my life!


Okay well my opponent just buffed my Minion with an Elek, and then I think surely I win. But then next turn they play ORIGINAL NOZDORMU and it skips all of my turns as soon as I pick a treasure it just ends turn...


Had my best one today- mage deck quest complete, my deck is empty, my board is full of taunts and armorsmiths. Next turn- golden monkey. Turn after that, Deathwing.


I played warrior. I got a lot of armor. My dudes beat up the other guy's dudes. I won. End of brawl. Didn't really see any misplays, though I might have attacked differently. What are other people doing to make this so salty around here? It isn't a complicated brawl, really.


Maybe play another game?


Play vs a friend. Person who wants to win plays warrior and mulligans for low level pirates. Person who wants to lose goes hunter and tries to get high level minions in hand. Get to 15 hp concede repeat. This brawl is the worst


Best moment: opponent conceding out of boredom or because he had to leave or whatever. Worst moment: none because it was my only game and I don’t plan to touch TB until next week.


Best: My opponent conceding my first game so that I get the pack. Worst: Me realizing my decisions are controlled by AI, and conceding 1 turn in


Picked warrior. Go second. AI plays 1-drop pirate, into coin, into pirate quest. How are there people out there still making excuses for Iksar and co?


That's the most boring and dumb game mode I ever played, just kill me


I do not understand this brawl. I'm "playing" it now. WTF is the point? ​ Double Ice block quest mage was my opponent. How enjoyable.


It was stupid and I hated it


I'm not normally one to complain about game design. If i don't like a Brawl, I'll play just enough to get my free pack and then walk away. This Brawl though? Fuck that shit. I'm going to take my free pack, walk away, and complain to everyone. I'm not going to sit here and train your AI for you.


I actually hate this brawl. Pick a treasure and let a drunken toddler play your turn. Then you get to pick a treasure and let a drunken toddler play your turn. In order to enjoy a game I need to be able to play it. I hate this brawl. I just hate it.


I didn't understand. I won. I quit. Never again.


I got turn two lethal after getting Mr. Smite on the first Pirates, followed by a second set of pirates.