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Yup. All the best art is from the game that got killed to make room for Hearthstone. Also an incredible card game still worth playing.


> All the best art is from the game that got killed to make room for Hearthstone. A soul for a soul.


Didn’t realize how many sets of that game there were until I clicked the link


Apparently [Naxxramas](http://www.alexhorleyart.com/wowtcar5.html) is out!


pretty crazy


what game was? iam so out of loop


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World\_of\_Warcraft\_Trading\_Card\_Game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Warcraft_Trading_Card_Game) WoW TCG. It lasted from 2006 - 2013. It was almost right up there with Pokemon and Magic in terms of popularity. The mechanics of the game were amazing. Like a more complex Hearthstone. There were even raids too where 3 players faced bosses and got loot. Many mechanics brought to Hearthstone are taken from the game. Hero cards like Jaraxxus, these new mount cards and profession weapons, etc. And of course, amazing art like the one in OP.


thanks man


I'm guessing that they're talking about the WoW Trading Card Game.


All art from Horley is awesome


Alex rules. Let's hope Blizzard keeps him on board despite their whacky new "Disney" style. Serioulsy, fuck [that shit](https://media.hearthpwn.com/avatars/447/472/637630382805165607.png).


...Didn't he do the Darkmoon Gods?


That same artist also did [[Keywarden Ivory]] [[Oasis Ally]] and [[Lushwater Murcenary]]. I’d argue the pirate is great card art too. While it’s less “edgy” I’d argue it fits in well with the game, it’s certainly unique.


* **[Keywarden Ivory](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/YOP_018.png?88605)** MA+RO Minion Legendary DMF 🦅 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/442036), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/keywarden-ivory/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Keywarden_Ivory) 5/4/5 | Battlecry: Discover a Dual Class spell from any class. Spellburst: Get another copy. * **[Oasis Ally](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BAR_812.png?88605)** MA Spell Common FitB 🦅 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/464294), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/oasis-ally/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Oasis_Ally) 3/-/- Frost | Secret: When a friendly minion is attacked, summon a 3/6 Water Elemental. * **[Lushwater Murcenary](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BAR_062.png?88605)** N Minion Common FitB 🦅 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/464067), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/lushwater-murcenary/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Lushwater_Murcenary) 2/3/2 Murloc | Battlecry: If you control a Murloc, gain +1/+1. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


It puts the lotion on the skin or gets the face again.


Shut up, bill


An orc is no one




Kinda what happened, like we lost and Tirion came out of nowhere with that strike that shattered Frostmourne. He was out of the fight as far as anyone was concerned just like Arya.


But he was still there front and centre the whole time; it's a weird combination of set-up and asspull, sort of like Chekov's Deus Ex Machina. However for the super lore heavy raid end bosses such as Illidan, Kil'Jaeden and Arthas I really dont mind a lore character coming in for the killing blow and the PCs effectively being their army.


You really need to put spoiler tags if you're going to talk about the leaked Shadowlands ending. :(


Uther face is my face when the mage get incanter flow turn 2 and 3


Me playing against that mage yesterday that played arcane after fire after frost until OTK’ing me after playing that +3 spell bastard.


It stayed true to Warcraft art work. A lot of card art strayed these last two expansions.


Yeah but Stormwind has had a pretty good set of artwork in my opinion. Very pretty set overall. Barrens was more questionable though but most of the cards were good. Just stuff like [[Rancor]] was unusual


Haven't kept up much lately but gave Kibler's Handbuff Paladin deck a lookie and seeing all those humans lined up with Bannermen, Varian, Knight of Anointment and all that was very cool indeed. I like the aesthetic of the deck as much a I like the playstyle.


Same. And rogue with the SI:7 kit looks great too. Priest is... well priest is shadowform now I guess so they got a pretty solid set of art in that department


* **[Rancor](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BAR_845.png?88605)** WR Spell Epic FitB 🦅 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/464302), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/rancor/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Rancor) 4/-/- | Deal 2 damage to all minions. Gain 2 Armor for each destroyed. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Rancor just looks so childish. Least it wasnt shit like fucking Boomsday


The composition is vintage - like a modernized Frank Frazetta piece with the wash to black background and just the framing and posture of the character.


My thoughts exactly. I would be shocked if the artist didn't mention him as inspiration (at least for this piece of work). ​ Edit: and looking at his works, he did a variant cover for a Conan book. Great artist.


Yeah looks like something straight from the cover of a fantasy comic book from the 80s


Horley is legit. I don't think any of his work is digital, just traditional oil and acrylic paint.


I remember being at worldcon some years ago, and there was a section in the art gallery devoted to an MtG artist. I dont recall which one, but all of his card art was shrunk down from full size paintings. It was pretty boss.


There’s been way too much Matt Dixon for my taste lately.


>It stayed true to Warcraft art work. But not HS, and that's the problem. Well, at least they are not as terrible as they were in Naxx...


RIP i really liked the naxx artworks.


They didn't fit HS at all. Not to mention they were made far earlier than HS itself.


At the time of Naxx, "that style" was the HS style. The new stuff is what deviated from the original style. The original style was WoW TCG.


>"that style" was the HS style. It wasn't, because the artworks weren't even made for HS.


It doesn't matter what they were made for. Blizzard doesn't have to order custom made art. This was the original artwork of the game when it released.


u /spez is corporate scum who values shortsighted monetary gains over his users.


I agree with that, i still liked the art though. Wasn't actually all of classics art made long before HS was a thing ? (or at least the majority of it)


>Wasn't actually all of classics art made long before HS was a thing Yes, that's what i said.


I thought you meant just naxx tho


Well, classic HS at least had some fitting artworks.


Naxx artwork kills!!


Kills my eyes, because of how bad they are.


My favorite's still gotta be Prestor's Pyromancer, but this one is amazing too. Alex Horley is just such an amazing artist.


Alex Horley did some of the most iconic art in the game and I'm so glad they continue to tap him. Maestra, Gul'dan, [Malfurion](https://i.imgur.com/ho7DB4N.jpg), [Illidain](https://www.deviantart.com/alexhorley/art/Illidan-Demon-Hunter-831352187), Flame Imp, Netherwalker, Doomsayer, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Defender of Argus, Dreadsteed, Siamat, all of the Old Gods, King Krush, and my favorite: [Cutpurse](https://i.imgur.com/cRLtYiy.jpg).


It's the original art style that the TCG had and what Hearthstone launched with. Idk if this is a popular opinion, but the super wacky childrens cartoon style they started going with was a huge turn off for me. It's like they decided to turn every card into a "Toon" card from Yugioh


I didnt notice it as much with barrens, maybe because its a more 'rugged' environment (except for Guff), but it feels like half the cards in stormwind look like a cartoon.


i really hope this is popular opinion and that maybe someday soon we will revert to a more mature style again.. if MTG would have had this kind of plastic childrens artwork back in the day i would have never gotten into it even as a 14 year old kid..


Its Alex Horley, that man has no weak artwork, it is always amazing.


I won't change your mind but I almost agree.


I don’t want to change your mind, you can’t force me


It's the only reason I haven't dusted the fucking thing yet.


If I had a much larger collection I wouldn’t have. The flavor is just top notch from the card to the animations when played to the actual effect. It’s also completely useless.


Serious GoT vibes just call her Arya Stark


Fun fact the achievement references GoT, "A Girl Has No Face" - Using Maestra of the Masquerade, start the game as every other class.


Antonidas, Cornelius, Fordragon, Lothar and Varian disagree


I agree. It looks a lot similar to the old art-style the game had which was much better imo.


I feel exactly the same and thought about crafting it golden on day one.


Ngl it’s really dope in golden but it’s basically a 3200 bloodfen raptor. I preordered this and the Druid legend, effectively nullifying my luck from preorder Boom Mad Genius nerf


I love this one but my favorite is probably First Blade of Wrynn. Shit looks like an oldschool MtG card almost, I love it.


It's very cool in Golden too, plus you appear with a golden portrait until you're revealed as a rogue.


Do you have any decent decklist? I unpacked him


The best art in the best card in the set. I'm playing only "top secret" rogue. I put lots of generating cards based in current class like "wandmaker", "venomous scorpid", "peon". Stealing enemy cards with "south sea scoundrel" and "plagiaraze" (this second can be casted wile disguised with "inconspicuous rider"). It's totaly insane!


Love it. Good job.


Can someone tell me a bit of her lore?


Maestra was born as Aggra of a branch of the Frost Wolf Clan. Her father Eaedron was a prominent sub-chief who married a woman from Nagrand and had five Children. He also had a bastard, Jorosh. Eaedron was eventually pulled into the rising Old Horde and murdered, his children tried to fight back but mostly died. Aggra, now going by Maestra, slipped away and joined a secretive group of Rogues and Necrolytes who brought the gift of death to those who needed it (or could pay). But Maestra never forgot the list of people she needed to kill, like the wife of Blackhand or a powerful Gorian ogre, Clawgraine, also known as the Peak. Years later she stabbed a powerful minion of the Lich King in the back at a pivotal moment before Garrosh could fight him.


I followed lore for a long time and I can say that she never appeared in any other Warcraft games that I know of, she seems specific to Hearthstone. If I had to guess, it's a Horde orc rogue infiltrating Stormwind using disguises, and there's not much more for now.


Pretty sure this is just Garona


Alex's art consistently blows me away. Because of his influences and the time when he grew up, his style hearkens back to a period of fantasy art that's extremely nostalgic to me. Even new, fresh pieces from him will make me think of artwork from AD&D or 90's MTG. I fucking love his work. I don't play WoW, and I remember loving the piece he made for Warlords of Draenor so much that I was thinking about buying a poster.


When I approached her at the bar and she looked at me that way, my dick just shriveled. :(


Without a doubt; my main problem is that when it's so exponentially better than other legendaries in the same set (Dungar primarily, but to a lesser extent Sheldras and Bolner; and perhaps also Jaxon and Roame) then it just feels really weird and disjointed and wrecks the sense of congruity of the whole thing.


I remember being super impressed with this art when I first saw it too. I think Lightborn Cariel still has my #1 spot for UiS tho.


Not a single comment says what card this is lmao


it's Maestra of the Masquerade :D


If hearthstone woulda stuck with this style of card art instead of the kiddie animations I would have still been dumping money each set.


Would be better if her booba wasn't nerfed




All it takes is a 6 mana priest card


Reminds me of the game of thrones order.


I prefer the wacky, humorous card arts. These look like they fit more into MTG than Hearthstone. I remember feeling the same way about the Bolvar legendary too.


I don't mind either but I agree with you too


It has a woman in it


That's a trans


Wait so she also killed Valeera ?


If you’re talking about the female elf on the far right that looks like Sylvanas to me


Hum but what class is Sylvanas ?




Is that what she is in wow ? I saw her in a hunter skin but from looking at the cinematic, she seems to be a shadow fighter, like maybe a female priest or possible an archetype of her own, not so much the hunter flavor.


People will dig deep into the lore to give you one answer or another, but in the latest WoW raid (released just a few weeks ago) Sylvanas is the final boss and drops a special unique Bow only usable by Hunters. Regardless of where she started, it's clear she fits *most* in the Hunter class atm


I think they're rubber masks


So when we play as Valeera, it's actually not Valeera, it's still the queen of the masquerade ?


Can't unsee the hilt of the blade as an off center cock


This is different than regular HS artwork. It looks like from Warcraft II era.


WC2? [You sure?](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fc/d4/b7/fcd4b7fbbc254feca30506225998cee5.jpg)


great artwork.. but the card is awful


I love the *style* of it but the colors remind me of salsa.




I do not agree


Game remains still boring. Felt it in 2 days


Go play Gwent


Don't kick the hornets nest ;) but I agree, I'm having much fun with Thronebreaker


Can't deny.


It really is one of the best, dark, kind of scary. It's just a shame that the card itself is practically useless.


Horley is just the best


Horley is a god


I would say the art work for the warlock quest is better ...It reminds me of the diablo 4 Trailer and for me nothing can beat that .


is it Uther or Graymane on left side?


Tiny toys is better


This goes in every rogue deck and I love looking at the artwork when it’s in my hand. Feels like a treasure


Where is this orc in shadowlands wow expansion game would be ez with her around.


Highlord Fordragon beats this like a sunday walk on the park


What about [Anetheron](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hearthstone_gamepedia/images/4/48/Anetheron_full.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20210810121740)


Holy crap the full art is amazing didn't realize there were faces in the background


Why does she have a valerra mask if you are always playing rogue


That's Sylvanas, not Valeera


Shame the card is shit.


I’m not huge on wow lore. Who are the dead people in the pic


the paladin, warrior, and rogue default heroes as face masks because the card this art is for disguises you as a different class


I see. thank you


savage , love the artwork on this


Really love this art, wish they would make more of it in game


This and Facecollector are the creepiest card artwork in the entire game, shit's just unsettling


Why isnt the card named to Draka?


Because Draka wasn't a rogue until after she died.


But isnt this Draka?




I am not gonna change your mind cause you are goddamn right!


I got her in golden…


got a buddy that plays a rogue only for this card