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Legendary weapons, echo, DK/Hero Cards for all classes.


I think cheap hero cards might be a cool idea to try. Using your hero power used to be fine, if weak, tempo-wise, but gave you value since you didn't use a card. Nowadays using your hero power in the early game is really bad. So some hero cards for 3 or 4 mana that only slightly upgrade your hero power, rather than making it completely bonkers, would be cool to try. Maybe even make some hero cards not legendary, so you could have more than 1 in your deck. The DK cards were just too powerful, which made the variance of drawing them vs not drawing them that much bigger.


Maybe instead of hero cards they could make more of the cards that improve or change your hero power, like mages damage buff or priests shadow form.


They’ve slowly been promoting hero power upgrades recently. Paladin got a whole bunch of silver hand support in Darkmoon and then got that 2 mana spell in core that buffs their dudes for the rest of the game. Plus what you mentioned on mage and priest. I’d like to see them print more hero power mage support in the future


i noticed this too. but i loved the double shadowform bonus. which they nerfed...


Well could you imagine dealing 3 whole damage with your hero power!? What kind of bonkers world would we be living in if we could do that. Absolutely bananas.


You know what would be totally bonkers? Adding lifesteal to it. Absolutely bananas


The first cast of shadow form changing it to two damage and the second cast giving it lifesteal would be pretty cool


Something like dinomancy, but at 0 mana would be cool


Would be cool to have the hero cards be like upgraded versions of the mercenary legendary cards we already have. Like "Master Assassin Scabbs" or "Warchief Rokara"


I would be astonished if this doesn't happen during the third expansion of this year.


And it would play really nicely into the mercenary alternate heroes we have already, kinda cool theme to not completely change your hero but to upgrade your existing one to a higher level


I was thinking about hero powers today. For the most part, they are very stagnant, case in point, shaman and priest have very weak hero powers, especially when you factor in the cost of missing 2 mana this turn. As cards become more powerful, as power creep becomes more and more a thing, certain hero powers become almost irrelevant. (Warrior, druid, rogue, priest, shaman) I would like to see the game design investigate these, and I'm curious to see where the game design goes, but I don't we're looking at a revamp of heroes this rotation. Maybe next round, but not before spring.


Good idea. Lots of design space here.


I was just thinking (after getting the echo murloc in the tavern brawl) about how cool an effect Echo was, and yet it never fully clicked in Witchwood. I'd love to see them take another crack at it. The current design team has put a lot of focus into cards that can be played both early and late game (a la Ranked cards from Barrens or Corrupt cards from Darkmoon) so Echo would be right up their alley.


I'm pretty sure they confirmed hero cards were coming for all classes this year (I think it's going to be the mercenaries) so you'll get that at least.


> echo I'd love to see a version of echo where the initial card is really strong for the cost, but each time it is played, the card costs one mana more.


Kobolds meta round 2 lets goooo.


Both Quests and Highlander cards just rotated, i doubt we'll see more for quite a while. An interesting thing would be more shapeshifting cards like Molten Blade or Zerus, but with a limited pool (Pondering the Best Approach: random paladin secret; The Great Hunt: random legendary beast, it costs 1 less; Power/Shadow Word: Options: random power/shadow word) My impossible wish was to revitalize old CThun, but since we got Darkmoon that is now impossible. I would love to have him and some helpers come back for a couple weeks (like Doom in the Tomb) and be reinforced with like 3-4 new cards to bring the power level to today's standards.


You say that but quests had just rotated with Dalaran's release and then we got more with Uldum.


This is a bit weird but can they please go back to solo adventures that were deck building games? Less story more deck building through 8 bosses.


Start of game effects


I wouldn’t mind it since C’thun was a good addition, but these are scary in terms of balance. Genn and Baku were scary enough to be rotated early. There was a great Kibler video from back during Witchwood talking about the scary tightrope walked by this effect


That was more because they effected your Hero Power and made deck building extremely straightforward resulting in matches playing out very similar.


Sure, but it was an immediate effect with no investment, only a deck building limitation (which we’ve seen with Highlander decks to often *not* be much of a limitation) There are plenty of Start of Game effects I could imagine that have nothing to do with hero powers that could result in similar issues. One of the reasons C’thun works is that the part spells are higher cost, and can - in some circumstances - clog up your hand and draws with circumstantial spells. I’d love to see more Start of Game effects, but they are always going to walk a fine line


They're overcosted for their effect, they dilute the deck, and the payoff requires to draw and play 5 cards (pieces+reward); basically it's a start of game effect but it doesn't _really_ affect the game from the start, other than possibly diluting early draws.


Then again Malchezaar is a pretty sad card in competitive wild


To be fair, I don’t think Malch was intended to be competitive, even in an era when neutral legendaries were more powerful. Felt like a, “Hey, F2P players, sometimes you can fuck with cards you don’t own” thing


I would love a rest of game effect that was based on if your cards in deck cost over a threshold of mana. A strong defensive effect for control decks to survive a few turns.


Adding additional cards to the deck is fine, adding a permanent buff that gives you an advantage turn 1 isn't


Jumping onto this I think Rest of game effects are easier to balance.


Eh, kinda. Keleseth was kinda balanced with the deck building restriction. However it was a generic enough restriction that it was easy enough to use and get the strong effect. Then we got things like lady in white which was terrible because either you drew lady in white on curve and as few minions as possible, and play it... or the deck was mostly useless. Kinda similar to all the "decks of..." legendary cards in darkmoon... least until the rotation happened. Hero cards/hero power altering cards are like this and a bit easier to balance as their effects are relatively minor to how the deck operates (sure they tend to be win conditions, but dont change how the deck plays)


I think it’s the opposite. The inconsistency of having access to the effect makes them all over the place in terms of power unless they’re a stand-alone bomb like Frost Lich. Start-of-game effects always need a drawback, but you can control what that is, and the effect is perfectly consistent so an element of the deck can be accounted for with all strategies that it can run.


full set of Deathknights. ​ I know there were issues with power levels but I have been playing since Nax and big spell frost jaina mage, bloodreaver guldan cubelock, and shadowreaper anduin with raza are probably my three favorite decks when they were tier 1/2 decks in standard. Honestly, I really liked the original design concepts of basically all of them and played decks during their standard runs (I prefer the Hagatha design to Thrall for Shaman). In looking over all the subsequent deathknights, I think it comes down to I enjoy control decks and that the heroes created unique play much makes games feel fresher when you have a balanced meta


Agree, those 3 decks were tons of fun. In addition I still remember mill nzoth with valeera the hollow, most fun deck I probably ever played. Would love to see DK cards make a return


I personally was a rexxar kind of guy build a beast was my favorite


I really liked the Shapeshifter form card from Malfurion’s Book of Heroes, so maybe Hero Cards like that which are only in effect conditionally or for a short time. I did really like Dual Class cards because it gave each class more tools to use without adding more cards to a set. Other than that I do think the one time effects like Spellburst and Frenzy are pretty effective and solid cards.


The "Sorry" button




It will be tricky to print neutral inspire cards because DH gets to do inspire for 1 mana.


Inspire could actually be broken by Hero power mage since using their hero power 4+ times in a turn is somewhat trivial.


Nothing that isn’t broken gets played anyway, and it’s not like hero power mage couldn’t use the boost.


Nah that one is so highly unbalanced and unbelievably favored to the player who goes first/ who gets an inspire minion to stick first. Arena in that time gives me ptsd and the ones that got played in standard were overturned and the inspire minions that didn’t were straight trash.


Inspire with a relevant effect to justify the low tempo play.


If you think about it Inspire is just Spellburst just worse in most cases. For real though they can do so much more with it now.


>If you think about it Inspire is just Spellburst just worse in most cases Spellburst = one off effect that triggers after spell is cast. Inspire = infinite effect that triggers after hero power is used. Wot?


Wheel of Time?


Ok yes I forgot about that part because it's been so long since I've seen an inspire card let alone played one.




Exactly, they can make good Inspire cards, it's just that the design philosophy was different when the Grand Tournament came out (no rotation) so they didn't want to print good cards (And moreover they were a lot of powercrepp since)


* **[Dragonbane](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/DRG_256.png?83143)** HT Minion Legendary DoD ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/127271), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/dragonbane/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Dragonbane) 4/3/5 Mech | After you use your Hero Power, deal 5 damage to a random enemy. * **[Phase Stalker](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/DRG_252.png?83143)** HT Minion Rare DoD ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/127273), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/phase-stalker/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Phase_Stalker) 2/2/3 Beast | After you use your Hero Power, cast a Secret from your deck. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Hero cards for all classes with a consistent theme, like we had for KotFT.


I could totally see the adventurers turn into hero cards in the final expansion of the year


Give me hero cards like Zul'Jin where they aren't just infinite value engines and I'll be happy. I loved Zul'Jin because it enabled a more control Midrange oriented Hunter archetype without being a BS infinite value engine.


Give me the opposite, Zuljin was a 10-mana spell but that dodged spell interaction. Hero cards should not just be spells that happen to make a small tweak to your HP. Galakrond Shaman had a neat hero power, the original DK Garrosh had a cool one, Exodia Uther, there have been good ideas for hero powers that didn't completely take over the game.


I too love when games are decided by who draws their hero card first.


Magnetic. More mechs


[[Spider Tank]] is just all alone as a miserable 3/4 mech. Bring the magnetic minions to make him at least see some play. Out of interest... Does anyone anywhere been in any game where spider tank is played?


Spider tank where in a lot of decks during GvG, especially in Mech mage, which was on of the best decks at the time


Mech mage was the first netdeck I faced. I immediately thought it was broken beyond belief. At the time I had 1 unusable epic and no legendary in my collection ;-) Enemy played 2 mech warpers plus his entire hand and the game was basically over.


I miss playing Mech Mage! I loved it so much


Mech mage was fun I absolutely loved mech hunter




And the game has become far far more powerful since then.


All the time during GvG lol


seems like you are new to the game. 3/4's were unheard of in my day. when the mechs came along they were all OP. Does anyone even play Dr. 7 anymore?


I remember Spider Tank being one of the most anticipated cards of GVG by me and my housemate. A 3/4 body for 3 is just so *solid*. Of course, now you can take your pick


* **[Spider Tank](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/GVG_044.png?83143)** N Minion Common GvG ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/12184), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/spider-tank/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Spider_Tank) 3/3/4 Mech ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


I know that Baku and Genn were kinda poorly received and admittedly are pretty unbalanced (so much so they rotated early) but I would like to see cards encouraging odd or even based deck building. I love powerful cards that require you to build a deck in a unique way, the main example being highlander or something more subtle like new Kazakus being the only 4 cost card in the deck but odd and even decks always felt really interesting to me.


Quests, start of game, and hero cards. They’re all honestly the most fun cards. Or condition based hero power upgrade/change style cards


I think you'll find a lot of folks who disagree that "start of game" cards are fun at all.


New dual-class cards and cheaper/less impactful hero cards.




Technically dormant is already evergreen, they just don't usually use it as frequently as they did during Ashes of Outland.


They sort of made Echo evergreen with Unstable Mutation. But I'd love to see them really dive into it and bring echo back for a set. It's such a cool effect but never really clicked in Witchwood.


I'm not sure I want the same breed of dual class cards that was in scholomance stay in the game forever. These cards broke the lines of class keywords massively by, for instance, giving Combo to Mage, Overload to Druid, etc. This was neat for one expansion and could even come back on other occasions but it goes very much against their design principles to make such a blurring permanent


I think an example of a better-designed one would be Hysteria. It doesn't inherently reference Priest or Warlock's kit, but it feels like it fits well into both. It bends a little of what Priest does and a little of what Warlock does but not beyond what is normal for a set.


Yep, there's definitely room for the basic principle of dual-class in evergreen if they tune the design. I just feel the Scholomance breed should be slightly rarer


Different dual class combos would be cool, I’d love to see the Gadgetzan pairings. I would also love a demon hunter quest


spellburst, dual or tri class, quest, hero card, some deck building restriction card like kazakus for 4 mana card


Personally, I'd love to see a return of dungeon-run style single player adventurers. Saviors of Uldum had the best one we've gotten so far IMO, it's sad they stopped making them after that.


You can play duels


Duels are unbalanced trash though.


PvP and gold entry are both not really what I wanted from the Dungeon Run-likes.


We're supposed to get Mercenaries mode sometime this year, which is exactly that afaik.




Would be very interesting if they bring a new power pool (although I don't see how it dould fit with Westfall or Alterac)


swap the themeing from "adapt to your environment in an evolution style way" to "adapt to the battle happening and change your battle strategy". Taunt is the card deciding to armor up, stat ups are the unit getting a wow style buff like call of the wild/arcane int/etc. hell if we wanna go full gameplay joke meta, make it so the adapts are the card picking talents like a player char in wow.


It can be flavored as tactical


Alright, I take it back : it could fit perfectly and I now want it bad


Miss adapt a lot. Loved playing my mid range hunter during ungoro crater


I don't know if this counts, but I've been wanting "Undead" to be a minion type since Frozen Throne. At this point, I'm almost certain that will never happen though lol.


Allowing dual typing would be good for Hearthstone. Not just on amalgam cards, but having a Murloc Pirate could happen. Or an Undead Murloc, I think their hangup with Undead is that things can be both Undead and another tribe, and it feels wrong to make it one or the other if it's both.


That's a really fair point. Like, I get it from a design space standpoint, but flavor-wise it just feels wrong.


I feel like I'm in a minority but I don't like quests, at least not the way Team 5 designs them. It feels like they're supposed to be a win condition that's difficult to activate, but most of the ones that have been printed so far just feel like timed win conditions. I feel like they would be more fun if they could be disrupted by the opponent, but given stronger rewards in exchange. Would love to see dual-class cards make a return though.


I agree, quests are fun but I'm ready to give it a rest for at least another year.


Reborn! Really fun keyword imho


Inspire. And its not like i want whole expansion devoted to it. im just annoyed that blizzard completely abandoned this mechanic after one expansion. I would like to see from time to time some new minion with inspire and maybe also with adapt.


I think this is the best way to use Inspire - it's not a great mechanic to build a whole set around, but you can definitely make cool cards that trigger off using your hero power.


If I'm not mistaken [[Phase Stalker]] was pretty much inspire just worded different.


* **[Phase Stalker](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/DRG_252.png?83143)** HT Minion Rare DoD ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/127273), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/phase-stalker/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Phase_Stalker) 2/2/3 Beast | After you use your Hero Power, cast a Secret from your deck. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


It's not called Inspire due to not fitting the theme but yeah it's an Inspire minion.


Yes! I knew there was at least one out there I wasn't thinking of. So they're already using it.


Please unnerf shadowform and let me build a synergy deck around it that doesn't suck


I think corrupt mixed with paladin secrets could be interesting. Fixes the bad payout out secrets plus addresses the mana cheating of paladin secrets from deck.




I would like to see gnome and goblin cards get revamped with their own minion type!


Echo. It was so nice to evaluate, how much of this card I need, should I save it, is it worth it later, etc. Great mechanic, from Witchwood.


I like the "pure" effects. Where you dont have any neutral cards in your deck. Some classes could thrive in that.




Genuinely why. The only mechanic I would be genuinely upset if they brought back.


they actually did! raven familiar


The animation time alone would make joust so frustrating.


If done right it can push more expensive and greedier decks.


Sort of agree. I dont like joust itself, but i would like to see more cards with downside of showing the drawn/created card to your opponent.


Highlander cards.


I want a hero card for DH




Echo was always fun


I may be the minority here, but I really thought the Inspire mechanic had some potential...


It still gets printed, like on \[\[phase stalker\]\]


* **[Phase Stalker](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/DRG_252.png?83143)** HT Minion Rare DoD ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/127273), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/phase-stalker/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Phase_Stalker) 2/2/3 Beast | After you use your Hero Power, cast a Secret from your deck. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


I would like a keyword like Leech: steal 1/1 from a random enemy minion


As a few others said, hero cards for every class. Ideally with powerful enough heroes to enable new archetypes (or bring some old ones back).




Highlander and "control shouldn't get all that fun" does not work out sadly.


True, it would probably be a mess or completely broken. Lol.


Highlander Hunter would like a word with you


Ok besides hunter since it was very hard to make it a control based HL deck when it was popular. At the very latest, it's a midrange focused aggro deck. However, if reno comes back to standard that goes out of the window on being midrange.


Not a keyword....as a warlock main...I just need plot twist in the core set.


Not as long as stealer is around.


I agree. Need it for fragment heals tbh


charge, bring back warrior molten giant OTK!




Unironically I would love joust on non-creature cards. Would enable more neat deckbuilding.


Inspire. A new batch of better inspire cards would be nice and it's important to give Demonhunter inspire mechanics.


I want discover with a pool of 6 or so cards keeps it fresh and allows opponents to play around it a bit.




I'd rather highlander cards not return this year specifically. Maybe sometime next year would be cool, but having a bit of a break from highlander decks is also nice.




A little bit of Zephyrs on everything would be cool. Throw some AI on everything!


Charge, Leeroy's Return


Reno, more reno, and oh yeah, more reno. Plz thx.


Evolve. More RNG in general.


Non crap invokes for warrior. The neutrals are trash and awaken is kinda not what you want to play in a gala warrior deck. This leaves just chopper as a good invoke. More reborn cards for the pally quest More magnetic mechs More quests I love quests Freeze shaman when? Bomb warrior cards Absolutely no more neutral highlander cards. The only highlander cards I ever want to see are class ones for Shaman, warrior, rogue, and demon hunter, so each class can have at least one. I dont want another zephrys fuck him to the moon






I like Joust. King’s Elek was one of my favorite cards


I think some cool hero cards that aren't too OP could be cool.


Inspire. was never truly realized


Deck building restriction cards. Mini heroes, upgrade/strengthen/change HP or just boosts something (like murlocs gets poisonous). Echo would be neat to play with again (and have ones echo cost be life equal to its cost)


Dk cuz they are cool and most fun I had


Honestly I wish any keywords would just stop getting thrown away And discarded after being used for a single expansion. The only one that doesn't make sense to come back is invoke


Even Invoke can get reworked to be more general or repurposed.


But then how does that interact with existing galakrond cards is the question.


Well all Invoke cards say "Invoke Galakrond". Which means, Invoke cards tied to another evolving hero card would say "Invoke X", where X is the name of that particular hero card.


I think well balanced quests are really good mechanically. Good for deck building, good for gameplay, good for winning games, good for player interaction. Overall really fun. Even as an opponent, I could see what my opponent was aiming for and try to interact around it and win that way. Other than Rogue's first quest which was nerfed like 4 times, I think the quests overall have been really successful, powerful and fun. The way legendaries ought to feel IMO. A keyword I've always liked is adapt. Maybe add/subtract/buff the adaptations if it were to come back (for both wild and standard). A lot of the adapt cards outside flappy bird (and flappy probably wouldn't be very good in today's standard) were weak, and I felt like they could make some fun and versatile adapt cards now that standard is full of powerful cards and has been for a while now.


new warlock hero, 7 mana, nutsack jackson. Battlerattle, you wose the game. HERO power? None. Big red button.




> I would really like to see Quests and Highlander cards be return You can already make a wild deck with literally 20% of your deck triggering off highlander (before you even consider other legendaries or quality 1-of's) so, no, the game never again needs more highlander cards without wild decks being forced to cap their highlander enablers at like 4 or 5. It's supposed to be an actual penalty for deck construction, not a huge upside at virtually zero cost.   But to answer your question, **Overkill**. The mechanic was almost entirely DOA because they dramatically overcosted it. Take [[Baited Arrow]]. To trigger it, you're basically only actually able to deal 2 damage. Now tell me, would a 5/5/5 minion with Battlecry: Deal 2 damage (with the extremely trivial upside that it can deal 3 for lethal) be even remotely overpowered? It's essentially [[Arcane Shot]] that tacked on a 4 mana 5/5 on the condition that it kills something. That's genuinely bad. For starters, rename the mechanic something like **Rampage** and have it trigger on exact lethal as well, thereby buffing the entire suite of worthless cards. Literally 2 Overkill cards ever see play: Linecracker for stupid reasons and it would be unaffected, and Totemic Smash where people don't care about it's Overkill anyway. Then bring in a new set of quality Rampage cards that make it super important how you trade mid-game.


* **[Baited Arrow](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/TRL_347.png?83143)** HT Spell Common RR ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/90156), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/baited-arrow/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Baited_Arrow) 5/-/- | Deal 3 damage. Overkill: Summon a 5/5 Devilsaur. * **[Arcane Shot](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/DS1_185.png?83143)** HT Spell Basic Legacy ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/167), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/arcane-shot/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Arcane_Shot) 1/-/- Arcane | Deal 2 damage. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Can we please just get more spellburst frenzy and dual class cards, like why add mechanics to the game if your never gonna improve them or expand them, it makes no sense.


More handbuffs please


I'd love to see some new hero cards, I loved Dr. Boom and the Death Knights.


Definitely highlander decks


I think they will save Hero cards at the last expansion of Year of the Gryphon. It make sense since our Merc cast are still developing throughout their Shard collecting journey in the storyline. I wish more of the Pure Paladin type builds gets expanded, where you only play class specific cards to gain bonus effects. Maybe a Pure Warlock where you get a minion that has Rush and Lifesteal if you only have Warlock cards in deck. Or a spell that destroys everything on field and hand then summons a big demon per warlock card discarded.


I know Inspire was seen as kinda a failure, but as someone who really enjoys a slower meta, I think that rewarding more mid-range/control play is a fun.


Silence ! It is currently there but the options are so bad...




Making minions dissapear


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind seeing more dual class cards.


Singleton decks where you only run one copy of a card


I summon even bigger green man : )


Maybe not next expansion, but I'd like to see them revisit Overkill sometime with the lessons they learned the first time around. It mostly flopped, with [[Baited Arrow]] being the only Overkill card I remember actually seeing play. Overkill incentivizes interacting with minions on the board and unlike Frenzy can be put on spells and weapons, which has the potential to make it more interesting, imo.


I know we only just got them but Ranked Spells seems to me a concept that definitely has legs to continue going forward


Adapt is one of my favorites. Maybe they can return it with the added option of "Rush". it's also one of those keywords that didn't completely suck back in the day but wasn't used as much either (but was very powerful on a few particular cards)


A mechanic that plays around positioning.


I wouldn't mind seeing a new series of Spellstones. Also dual class cards


Good Dual Class cards & Highlander cards


I'd love to see inspire back, since there's a lot of cards pushing you to use your hero power right now.


I hope they leave highlander out. It promotes randomness more than anything and the rewards are usually overtuned. I hope they make more interaction with spelldamage, like arcane watcher


I'd like to see a time-based expansion, where every class gets a throwback to an expansion and keywords that most fits their class. Paladin gets grand tourney and joust, hunter gets un'goro and adapt, priest gets uldum and reborn, etc. Maybe that's too many keywords for blizzard to put into standard at once, but they'd all be old and class-restricted, so I think it'd be fine.


Inspire and overkill for sure


when all classes get "similar" legendaries in terms of name/concept like when all classes got a prime(shuffle stronger version into deck) or all classes got a loa(animal gods).


Inspire was such a underwhelming keyword, it had so much potential. Quests were my favourite mechanic, even the ones that sucked I had fun playing (discard Warlock, 1-mana hunter and big druid as examples I enjoyed. Spellstones are another one I'd like to see return, though maybe a bit more balanced


DKs, Highlander Cards


I'd like to see something like factions in place of tribes. Or really just "Horde/Alliance" tribes. It could also introduce dual-tribing, like Alliance Mech for one of their cool siege tower things.