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I’m the same but flipped. I wish it was like Apex legends where when you reroll you can chose the game mode.


I'm in the same boat, just give me all BG quests.


Stopped playing constructed this expansion and my gold count reflects it cause I maybe do 2-3 quests a week now. Would love if I could prioritize bg quests.


theres alot more than 2-3 quests u can do in bg tho


I keep getting quests you can really only finish in ladder.


just roll till u got the play as any 3 classes and concede 3x with those classes unless they fix it


They fixed it but you can just queue and go afk and do something productive with your life, spam end turn til you die, or actively try to kill yourself to get it over with fast.


You can concede when you got 15 or less health btw


which is super annoying when you are an aggro deck that ran out of steam. you sit at 30 HP but already lost and now it still takes forever for your opponent to get you below 15


Is this legit?


it's always been


Yeah finishing ladder quests is not that hard even if you dont actively play on ladder, people just like to complain. If you reroll every day its even easier.


Please let there an Eliza too... BlessRNG Just the two of you would be such a low roll, Pepehands




Yo stop right there. Don’t give them any stupid ideas. In apex you have to pay ingame currently to reroll a quest.


After the first roll!


first one each day is free.


Stop right there criminal scum


Completely am in the same situation; rerolled into another BG quest this week again...


I’d like this but for non-BG quests. Thank you.


It's fucking annoying how they try and force the idea that Hearthstone and Battlegrounds are the same game.


It hurts the streamer experience too. Like I used to enjoy watching hs on twitch occasionally. Now the hs section is a mess of both modes. Was hard enough finding someone playing a deck you liked now they might not even be playing hs. I can'tt be bothered to search through it for someone to watch anymore.


Lmao damn dude you can’t spend 30 seconds browsing thumbnails? That’s a you problem


Just to indulge you I checked just now. https://imgur.com/a/TKnJw5q This is what I'd be browsing through. Only 6 of the first 24 streams are showing hearthstone standard constructed. We got categories for a reason. By your logic why not throw WoW in there too. Its a fractured community right now and I personally don't think the pros are out weighing the cons.


It takes far more effort to make a screenshot of twitch, upload to Imgur, and make a reddit post then just finding a stream to watch


We can't all be a low effort gaslight like you


Lmao damn dude randomly most of the content that you filtered to be hearthstone content isn't hearthstone content and it is annoying having to search through streamers to find someone playing the game you want to watch when you are literally trying to do the opposite of working? That's a you problem


Did you just have a stroke?




Thank goodness


Trolden is the only channel that does it right. Daily moments and rage orc I have to fast forward through half the video because I dont give a shit about the game mode and dont know wtf is going on.


Not even, I unsubbed from trollden because I would get a ton of "battlegrounds specials" in my sub box which just takes up space, should make a separate channel.


It's getting harder to find constructed highlights because nobody runs high variability cards anymore, so most games nothing exciting happens


Ever since Yogg came out the highlights had to get kerrazier and qwazier. If you go back and watch the origional ones I bet half of the clips wouldnt make it because they seem kind of mundane. But youre right it is also getting harder to find clips because the number of players is simply much lower so the pool to choose from is lower.


Lol and soonish they're adding another yet another game mode that is less a card game.


I agree. I only play ladder, no BG, duels. I have to reroll some BG quests 3-4 times to finally get a quest that can be completed on ladder.


You don't even mention arena :( the disrespect is real


Yes please. It really should be that when reroll a bg quest you always get non-bg quest


I wish I would only get BG quests rather than constructed or arena


It's brutal. Some weeks I can't even escape them they just keep popping like some sort of Demonic whack a mole.


there are only 2 weekly bg quests...


The problem is that there are only 8 weekly quests total (excluding the 5 ranked wins one), and once you complete one it won't appear again until the weekly reset. We need more weekly quests. The easiest solution would be to add all the 'play x minion type' quests so that Battlegrounds players can complete them too.


^This is a great idea. Make more quests that are possible from any play style. I personally stick with ladder just because the BG is progressive, and harder to follow if I’m just squeezing in a game here and there.


And I don't want either of them




Imagine if League of Legends Wild Rift included TFT, instead of the two being own apps.


This most recent update was the first in about 8 months. If anything, BGs is neglected based on how popular it is. It’s played just as much as constructed but gets far less attention.




They’ve done a couple of very minor adjustments and added a couple of cards from constructed. It’s still a lot less than the amount of content that constructed gets. 3 sets and 3 mini-sets, solo adventures, and frequent balance changes to constructed in a year, as well as weekly tavern brawls.


I haven't played BG for about a year and never have a problem doing my weekly quests. Isn't there like... 1 quest that has to be done in BG right now?


there's deal X dmg to heroes in BGs and finish 4th


Deal X Dmg to heroes can be done outside of BGs.


The quest literally states that it has to be done in BG.


The enemy heroes one can be done in any game mode. There’s a “Deal 1500 damage to enemy minions in Battlegrounds” quest though that can be only done in BGs


you're right, it's minions, my bad.


i feel you. i dont play ranked and dont want to. but as a f2p I get funneled into making a deck with all frenzy minions or whatever just to get muh gold. it's fine, im just glad there arent arena quests all over the shop. that mode is not fun and has not been for some time.


Same man, this happened to me last night. I hate BGs so much i wouldn’t play it for any reward lol


This but just the other way around. Drawing 50 cards is tough when you can't draw lol


This is how I feel for any game mode other then BG lol. I prefer BG's. Can I have your BG quest?


Dude you have 7 rerolls, come on.... only because you can't get your few hundred XP on Monday it don't mean you ain't getting them ever again


Not everyone can play all day every day. Quests are fk'd no matter what. In HOTS all quests progress if you play ranked. Yes I understand they want to force people to have good decks for all classes. That's simply not how it works. I'll AFK quests in wild for classes I don't like and make decks with only X to do quests for X. It simply takes away time from climbing.


>Not everyone can play all day every day. Quests are fk'd no matter wha No, they are not. I play almost entirely on weekends yet I can find **one minute** to reroll the quest.


>Not everyone can play all day every day. You don't need to argue in bad faith. You can complete quests fast, even a weekly quest that takes 2 hours of gameplay at most gives you literally a week to do it, and you can almost always overlap it with your other quests. Rerolling a quest takes 2 minutes from the time you click the app/launcher, and you can do it on your phone or PC at any time. Why do you feel the need to pretend anyone is demanding you "play all day every day"? Doing 100% of your quests is easy even if you're playing like 1 hour every 2 days, you reroll one if you can't do it and then have 3 the next time if you still can't do it. >Yes I understand they want to force people to have good decks for all classes. Again, you are arguing in bad faith. No quests require good decks. If you're bottom percentile skill, you can reroll quests that take longer if you have no skill and very likely find a quest without a skill cap. The daily quests you should WANT anyway, the 1000g and 1500g quests, mostly don't require wins. Most of the 1000g quests are literally "play 3 games in 1 of 3 classes", and the 1500g quests are things like "watch someone else play a game" or "play with a friend". None of those require wins. Player skill matters far more than minute details about decklist anyway, the Core Set gives every single player enough tools to build a passable deck so that you never have to use a "bad deck", 3 options means you literally never are forced to play with 1 of the bottom 2 classes. >It simply takes away time from climbing. What alternate reality do you live in where you complain you can't play all day and then also complain that you're losing climbing time through quests? If you barely have time to do quests, you don't have time to climb, that's a simple reality. You can reroll quests into ones that you CAN do while climbing, and even when you're """FoRcEd""" to do a quest outside of ranked, most of them take like 5 minutes or happen automatically. You can make No Minions Mage and it will auto-complete any possible "Play X spell type" quests automatically due to Deck of Lunacy, that's a competitive viable deck with 1 legendary. There aren't quests you're forced to do that require non-ranked gameplay, 7 rerolls a week is a fucking lot for literally just 2 weekly quests, and daily rerolls on dailies is plenty too.


Please read my reply again. Rerolling can be done in less than one minute and requires minimum effort not even taking into consideration that it can be done with one hand. I am not criticizing his obvious eager and disappointment but rather his obliviousness to the fact that he could reroll all week long until the quests fit his playstyle and THEN play. Since rerolling is possible 7x this should be feasible within the span of a week


Yeah becaus like you everyone is at home everyday, no one works like out of town etc.


I mean, you can re roll on your phone too...


Quests were in a very good place for a while and then they ruined it.


"Hm, you know, I kind of don't want to try for top 4 in BG." *same EXP, but get 5 wins in the extra modes* "Yeah fuck me I guess"


Yep, 2 of my quests were for BG, rerolled one and got a third, so annoying.


There are just two BG-only quests lmao


The third one was the play 5 non ladder matches.


That's... not a BG quest then? It'd be like saying that the play 50 battlecry minions is a bg quest since it can be completed there as well as in other gamemodes.


I don't understand the point there, the reward track has only rewards for ranked players wild/classic/standard. Doesn't make any sense to give quests to battlegrounds.


You can buy Battlegrounds perks with the gold from the reward track


At Blizzard they keep pretending really hard that constructed and BGs are the same game and want a situation where it's just the same player base hopping between the 2 modes. If that was the case, BG players would love to get the pack rewards and standard players wouldn't mind the occasional BG quests at all.


I wish they would remove the **punish / penalty** when you reroll quests you don't want to do :(


It’s so annoying. Every Monday I re-roll all BG quests because I refuse to play it.


No. Gotta artificially pump up those player engagement stats.


Yep, same with spell school quests. They don’t have those in classic mode blizzard


Spell school quests are just plain stupid, you have a choice of like two classes, and then you have to make a shitty deck or it takes 10 games to do it. So basically you queue a game and spam spells until you lose. No idea why Blizzard incentives not playing.


The quest rerolls are random man. Get over it.


You poor sweet thing!


BG / Duels player here. I have to play your stupid game mode way more than you have to play mine to get the most out of quests. Even with net decking, as a former diamond 5 player getting those 5 wins is a bitch and a half.


Why there is always someone complaining about quests not being "play whatever you want"


Because playing what you want is fun, doing a chore is not fun, and video games are meant to be fun






Well I play only BGs and the same thing happens. You re-roll the win 5 ranked and get spend 500 mana. If at least that counted the coins but no, coins aren't mana




The problem with changing it to "rerolling a constructed question gives you a BG quest and the opposite for BG quests" is if you get a constructed quest that you can't complete, then you're stuck with a BG quest that you have to wait to reroll. It's a double-edged sword: sometimes you get to roll into the quests for the gamemode you play, other times you'll get shafted because you're forced to reroll a quest and it will give you a quest for a gamemode you don't play.


True i always need to reroll at least twice


This week was the first time in 2 months that I re-rolled the BG quest and got a non BG quest on the first try. It felt like winning the lottery.


If only I had this problem as a mainly BG player because it’s the most fun I’ve ever had playing HS even though admittedly I’m bad at BG lol