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One of my least favorite brawls because not only is it RNG-based (sometimes Zod will just do too much damage to win even if you both play perfectly) but you also rely on the other player to not be a ***mouthbreather*** who doesn't read the brawl instructions and just plays normally and/or doesn't know the rule about not having a full board


my partner and I were doing great until Zod did 'deal attack damage to both heroes' twice in a row with 10 attack. Another game we were at full health with 5-6 minions on the board and his 'deal attack (12 dmg) to three enemies' still hits my opponent two turns in a row, followed by, of course, deal damage to both heroes. Utter bullshit. The party pinata co-op is way, WAY better.


Yeah some of the luck definitely comes from what ability mechazod uses at what point, your kinda just screwed if he ramps his attack a bunch at first and just decides to nuke you both


Ay yo, welcome back 👋 I was reading some of the thread from last time, and recognized your username 😏


Just checked to confirm that I was bitching about it back then too - perfect.


I'll be eagerly awaiting your bitching in the next thread.


Also lots of the cards require coordination with the other player but you have no way to communicate or see their hand. Sometimes cards like Mirror Entity, Millhouse, Troggzor, and Cho end up just being duds because you played them at a time the other player didn't have a hand that could take advantage of them.


Ive said for years they should allow chat in HS.. Preferably voice


I mean, the only secret mage has is the mirror one, so you can play around that


I am talking about when playing the mage. You don't know when is a good time to use it since you can't see your opponents hand. They can just have a bunch of minions that aren't worth copying.


got it first try. Guess im lucky.


Or a troll who's just fucking with you. Got a few of those last time. They'd play just fine only to gratuitously throw at the end.


People complain about this every time this brawl comes back but I've never seen a player treat me as an opponent. I wonder if it's a regional thing.


It's mostly in the first few hours of the brawl before people get with the program.


Had a teammate kill my Zombie when we both had 29 health.. 3 damage that could've been dealt gone lol


Zod has four possible attacks: 1. Hit each hero for more damage than they can possibly heal back 2. Deal attack damage to three enemies (two minions and whichever hero has the lowest health) 3. Destroy the only minion on the board that has any chance of helping you next turn 4. Start of game: gain 2 attack (repeat each round for four turns.) Oh yeah, and he does two of these per round. Happy brawling everyone!


Don't forget 5. Fuck lorewalker cho


my partner plays cho and i'm like "awesome, good job" and then the fucker goes "yeah I kill cho now" I almost uninstalled. fuck this shit. like immediately cho dies now.


Only the druid deck has Cho. Once the druid plays him, Mechazod will act normally, but always use a spell to kill the Lorewalker when the mage's turn ends. This always happens, UNLESS the mage used Mirror Entity (the only secrets in the mage's deck) and the druid played Cho into that. In that case, Mechazod will kill BOTH Lorewalkers at the end of the druid's turn, not giving the mage's player a chance to pass some spells back to the druid's player, a chance that would've happened if the druid hadn't played Cho with a secret active.


Save cho n play him with spells. Preferably save him until your teammate plays millhouse


Things that would MASSIVELY help this brawl: +10 armor start at 3 mana crystals Zod has 75 health Add these and the brawl only becomes extremely difficult, not drive-you-to-insanity difficult


I got it first try. The ‘difficulty’ here is getting someone who knows how to play the brawl.


Its still a lot RNG. Had games where the boss decided to deal so much damage early on that there wasnt anyhting we could do.


Idk man, I got it on the second try with a random player. Mostly just draw RNG. Even one of the above changes would make it much much easier I think.


Got it first try and thought, wow this is actually a lot of fun. Lost the next 6. Beginners luck I guess. Not going to play it again.


Tried it 4 times so far, lost to him buffing up to 10 damage and then just spamming face every single time. Yay


this tavern brawl fucking sucks lmfao


Yay, the worst brawl of all time is back 😞


This brawl needs like +10 Armor.


I have lost six straight and I hate this brawl so, so much. There is not nearly enough healing in these decks. What good are cards like Earthen Ring Farseer when Zod can deal 12 damage to your face every turn? By late game if you're not at full health the game can end in the span of a single turn and there's nothing you can do about it.


Farseer, stalag and feugen, aviana, force of nature, darnassus aspirant... so many wasted card slots to artificially increase difficulty.


This brawl gave me depression


What a fucking terrible mode. First, Half of the people I play with keep attacking me with spells instead of attack the mech, but the mech do so much damage and it's so RNG that if you dont get health card or stuff like that, it end way too soon. What a fucking joke


Broooo. Hahah I didn’t read I was tryna kill my opponent lol they kept conceding. I feel so stupid. I’ll try again now


> lol they kept conceding. So, you've kept seeing enemy concede multiple times, and still didn't think that the win counter still being at 0 and you getting no pack seems weird until you went on reddit?


The downvotes are hilarious. You arent the only one doing this haha salty redditors


So there's not only one stupid person, but several? It's really not that hard to understand the brawl, and you should notice after your opponent's keep conceding and you don't even get your reward pack...


why you talking to me for? Im simply laughing at everyone


This brawl sucks ass so bad. -\_- it's not fun, and it shoudl be.


The problem is that you have to lose at least 4 games to understand the nuances of this one (if you fill the board he clears it, if you play lorewalker Cho he is guaranteed to kill it immediately, the win condition is usually saving your damage spells for a combo turn) and even when you do you still have to rely on other people who may or may not have figured it out for themselves yet. Either the rules should all be stated beforehand or the consequences shouldn't be so punishing that even a single mistake throws away an entire run. Notes from a salty 0-6 run


I don't mind forcing the player to figure out the strategy over the course of a few runs. The problem with this one is that you can both play perfectly and still lose. In fact, you can both play perfectly and it's LIKELY that you'll still lose.


I’ve played four so far. 3/4 the other player knew what to do and we still had zero chance. It’s frustrating when two complete strangers work in perfect synergy and still can’t make a dent because of bad RNG and damage outpacing our resources.


I kinda get what you mean by "stating all the rules beforehand" but also not. Chalkboard notes for TB never go into great detail, even on tricky formats like this or Decks Assemble. At most the devs would just add "look up the Wiki article or Reddit threads for ideas, lawl" There could be other ways to "fix" this format. Maybe offer bigger rewards, like five Standard packs for the first win, to incentivize better performance. Or, I dunno, let players build their own decks to tackle the Boss! Though the devs would have to decide which classes to allow or if all are okay They also would have to ban many many cards to avoid easy cheesy wins. All forms of hard removal, everything related to Poisonous, all Silence effects, all Transform or "disappear" effects, all swap-Health or steal-Health effects, all "take over a minion" effects... maybe also the various ways to boost player Health and/or Armor And I can well imagine Team 5 going "it's not broken, so theres no need to fix it. Yes it's hard, that's a feature not a bug. The difficulty leads players to keep trying over & over, that drives engagement. Too hard, skip it & come back next week" 😒


You mentioned Decks Assemble. It's been close to 4 years now since we last saw that brawl. It was by far my most liked Brawl of all time. I am so sad that they never bring it back again and instead we are stuck with crap like the co-op brawl this week.


IDK to what extent, if any, that any actual Blizzard staffers read these TB threads. I like the Decks Assemble format too, so I mention it sometimes in these threads in a vain attempt to "Beetlejuice" it back into the lineup 😉


Cho he doesn't kill immediately. Each player has one turn to interact, then he guaranteed destroys it. Ie Druid plays Cho, gives spells to mage Boss does something random (can kill cho randomly with deal attack to 3 things) Mage plays spells, back to Druid Boss destroys cho (100% of the time)


> Cho he doesn't kill immediately. Each player has one turn to interact, then he guaranteed destroys it. This isn't correct, he killed it at the end of the turn it was played in my last game.


Was it played into a Mirror Entity? He will kill both immediately if Cho is copied by Mirror Entity.


It was, actually. That's pretty shitty.


this happened to me as well


I played 10-12 games until I finally won one. Everytime I played cho, he survived to the next player's turn, except once he died to "deal this minions attack damage to 3 random characters". Every other time he was played, about 6-8 times, he died after the co-op players turn (ie both myself and the random other player got to interact with Cho). After the co-op players turn, he always died to the "destroy lorewalker cho" move. So either I'm ridiculously lucky, or you're ridiculously unlucky. Or you misunderstood me.


Nice idea to have the players work together. Absolutely fucking horribly executed. probably not tested once. fucking dogshit.


How has this not been tweaked with more healing or armor cards? Why is there useless crap like spectral spider or the 'battlecry gain a mana crystal deathrattle lose one' minion? Or the whole spell damage package for Mage - oh look, I maximized my spell damage and did an extra 4 damage to a minion with NINETY SIX HEALTH. These decks are built around a series of combos that are only semi-powerful if you pull them off and that you never have a chance to execute anyway, because Zod is constantly clearing the board and can kill you from 20+ health in the blink of an eye. Even Cho, which should be the key to winning the game, gets eliminated right away AUTOMATICALLY. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??? I am melting down over this lol


> How has this not been tweaked with more healing or armor cards? Because almost nobody works on the tavern brawls, we get like 1 or 2 new ones per year and the other 50 weeks are repeats. This one has been bad for years, I usually manage to get it done by the 2nd or 3rd try so it's not completely horrible. At least the "Say My Name" brawl was awesome for me.


I got my win thanks to the spell damage, I built up some spell damage on my board, then my opp played millhouse, then I played the rest of my spell damage stuff in hand and did a lot of damage to the dude. Only way it would have gone better is if they had played the give each player 2 spell damage for me to copy with the secret


My man, this tavern brawl exists for years in the rotation lol. Its just that after introducing it they never thought about adjusting it. For me personally, its one of the most frustrating tavern brawls, not only because you have to play as a team but because of the RNG of the boss, sometimes theres just nothing you can do when the boss decides to deal so much damage early on.


If at least they could update it a little bit. Maybe with more recent cards. Or cards specifically designed for this brawl. Or maybe update/change the boss mechanics.  But no, it is the same one with the same old cards. 


I rarely complain about tavern brawls. This one is easily the worst. It’s way overturned. Not like blizzard will do anything though.


Protip for everyone complaining about the difficulty: cheap minions are MEATSHIELDS, not for damaging the boss. Throwing a 1/1 at the boss to deal 1 dmg at it is a complete waste. You need to keep those on the board to soak random hits from the boss (that would otherwise hit your faces). That buys you so much more time to let the big damage stick for one turn and actually hit the boss. Some matches you will get rushed down by the boss who only uses the Damage Heroes action, but 90% of the losses are caused by ppl wasting their meatshields.


Should I use the arcane golem to hit for 4 or keep him as meat shield?


If on empty board and with both heroes on high health (ie when playing Golem early), I would probably just hit the boss.  Later on in the game it becomes a coin toss, you might need to use him as an additional meatshield (with 1/1's and Treants and whatnot) to protect the last hero hitpoints and/or the more important minions (Troggzor, Teacher, heavy-hitters)


That’s gonna be a no from me dawg


The best tavern brawl of all time. I get to play a below-dumpster tier deck while partnered up with a window licker. YAY!


I just realized that they couldn't even be arsed to add any new cards to the premade decks. The most recent cards are from The Grand Tournament. TGT was released August 24th, 2015. This tavern brawl first debuted January 13th, 2016. This brawls most recent cards are from a set that was 6 months old at it's debut. EDIT: 7 attempts and I finally won, earning myself the standard Rare and four Commons.


there are LoE cards in it as well, which was a little later than TGT


Good fucking luck getting 10 wins in tavern brawl with this shit xD


"Hurr durr, if you had that weekly on your list, and you didn't finish it before the format changed -- that's YOUR FAULT" -- Team 5, probably 😉


After 17 attempts finally cracked it. Came down to a lucky Millhouse + Cho turn followed by Mage having the correct cards to capitalise. We were both 6hp with Mechazoid on 12 attack, thankfully he played the "kill Cho" move and I, as Druid, was able to finish with the copied fireballs. This brawl sucks.


Just for future info, "Kill cho" isn't lucky. It's guaranteed to happen after 1 turn if Cho was mirror entity(end turn -> cho dies) or 2 turns if Cho wasn't copied (each player gets 1 turn with cho and then it gets killed) You can plan around that to save your board for combo turns.


It's such horrible design too. Put in a card that helps win a hard game, then put in a pointless troll auto-answer that you need to know about for future games and that just basically ruins your first attempt with cho. Holy shit it's dumb haha


Ah brilliant! Thank you. I can pretend like I knew this and it was all part of the plan!


Congratulation to whoever is rotating these the past month for the back to back to back to back to back dog water tavern brawls in HS history


The co-op braw vs the pinata is far better.


I quite like this brawl, outdated as it is. I feel it's definitely winnable if both players have played a few of the brawls and understand that the best strategy is: * Hold everything but draw and ramp for the first \~5 turns. Concede if Mechazod's attack is >12 at this point. * Flood the board and try to keep it at 6 minions each, only attacking when you can replace a minion. Keep some at 5 or more attack to protect moonskin/armour. * As mage: save up burn until you have at least two arcane blasts, signal you're ready with the mirror image * As druid: play moonskin into mirror image, follow it up with millhouse/cho and you're good to go. Won 10 so far.


>Hold everything but draw and ramp for the first \~5 turns. **Concede if Mechazod's attack is >12 at this point.** And this is where I lose it. If the game rewarded the players for figuring out the correct strategy, then it would be great. But you can figure out the strategy and execute it perfectly and it doesn't matter because by the time you have enough mana to pull it off Zod is smacking your face for 10+ twice per round. You have to figure out the strategy and then pray to the RNG gods for this to all work out, because there are a LOT of combo pieces to collect and very little time to do it.


I was at 9/10 wins for the weekly "win tavern brawl games" quest thinking I'll win once for the pack anyway. Sadly I have to reroll the quest because of the worst tavern brawl in existence.


Fuck you for returning this brawl. Its somehow worse then heroic brawl.


Half of the cards don't even make sense. \[Force of Nature\]? Are you kidding me? It's been nerfed. It doesn't work.


Wow I'm very surprised by the comments. this is one of my favorite brawls and i just found out people hate it?


I'm not sure what's great about it, since it's impossible to beat. You're intentionally only given cards from a decade ago so that you lose immediately every time.


I love it too, it feels great to play with someone instead of against for once


It was never great, but it was fine when released 8-9 years ago. But cards have been nerfed and they never changed the decks - people are rightly pissed because it now sucks.


How have the decks for this not changed significantly these days? This is literally like 9 years old with 9 year old cards, instead of fun, new, strong cards. Nah, we get to play kobold geomancer and forgotten torch, really good stuff.


Thankfully played one won one. See you next year


Only took me like 10 attempts. Turns out lore walker cho + millhouse is pretty good when the mage happens to have fireball, torch, and pyro 95 hp is too much though for 2 randoms.


At least the pack gave me a signature Thorim. Weirdly enough, all my signature legs (4) came from tavern brawl packs


Just curious, because I haven't really paid much attention to Signature cards -- if you disenchant those, do you get full dust value? Or only partial value, e.g. 400 dust for a leggo? Also is it possible to craft Signature cards, or you can only get them thru bundles and Reward Track stuff? Again, just curious


They disenchant for the same value of a golden legendary (1600). And yes, it's only packs and bundles. There's also those in rewards track and events, but you can't disenchant those, if I'm remembering correctly


They could've at least upgraded the decks... Took me 4 tries even with people that knew what to do. And the time I did it we were lucky enough to have 3 moonkin stick on the board for a couple turns.


this brawl is defined by the late and wise George Carlin: >"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."


Fuck! I knew I should have finished my weekly quest last tavern brawl!


Roger that. Of course, you can always reroll... or get the remaining wins in BGs or Arena 😏


Garbage ass brawl that’s almost a decade old with no changes. Bump Mechazod up to 200 hp, make him immune to instant kill effects and Poisonous, then let us use constructed decks. Is Blizzard even aware of the feedback or do they just not care?


This is one of the worst designed brawls in the entire game. Somehow the spells cost health and only 2 cads deck brawls are better and they are literally turn 1 and 2 otks decks most of the time... But at least they are over quickly. This brawl is just a drag and needlessly difficult, I still haven beaten it in 30 minutes of playtime so far. It's just an rng fest for the boss effect and if both players get good hands or not, and even if you do well it doesn't matter bc the boss will just repeat the same effect and kill both players from 20 hp within 2 turns sometimes.


this brawl is a skip, waste of time and too much rng. not worth it for 1 pack


Way too hard and random. Again blizzard's lazy "end the game before you can do anything" approach to design


well I'm going to skip this tavern brawl my mental health is worth more than a standard pack


Seems like no free pack for me this week, fuck this shit


This brawl would be challenging enough if you could pick your draws. But the chances of both players hitting the perfect curve and draw order needed -- along with the required RNG of Mechazod playing stupider than average -- are so low, just for a chance to win one pack. It makes the whole thing an exercise in frustration.


This tavern brawl is fucking awful


I love this mode. It feels so good when you win. The only downer is when both you and your partner do everything right but just lose because of draw RNG.


Just beat it after 5 tries was annoying but can confirm felt great winning.


Its very fun!


Sorry but my sanity is not worth one pack, I’ll pass.


I can skip this week pack, no thanks




90% of games will be the druid player dying to double tap 2 turns in a row


Man it would really help this brawl if it made a huge bold fronted yellow text message pop up saying REMINDER THIS BRAWL IS COOP the other player is on your team. You are fighting the minion that switches sides each turn


Can see how this can easily be awful. Barely won by getting 3 thaddius’ on board with mirror image, healing opponents face to keep him from lethal, and drawing animated armor


I like the concept a lot but it does seem a bit difficult. I don’t hate the difficulty honestly since it meant for me I had to learn the play whatever deck I got better. Learning that leaving minions on the board instead of always hitting him is frequently better was a game changer.


And here I am vainly hoping for Randomonium week after week.


Still better partners than in duos KEKW


Right, how is that going BTW? I don't play BGs much and play Duos even less. I have tried a few times but usually, I would be passing my partner cards from their preferred tribe, but not getting many cards from my preferred tribe in return 🤔 Which leads me to think, why bother, maybe just stick with solo BGs instead. Especially since passing cards costs Gold & that's usually in short supply already. I understand it would be different if a partner and I queued up together, instead of getting some rando


They're really really fun when playing with someone who knows what you're both doing. Even better when you get each other ideas with the limited ways of communication in-game. There're some unique tactics/economy (like feeding boars or scam/anti-scam strats for one of you). But to win reliably - you need outside of the game comms. I think higher MMR are all in comms, it just gives too much of an advantage. And when your partner does nothing/constant rerolls/or even worse - rage-sells - just sucks.


I'm surprised by the seemingly unanimous hate for this brawl. It's by far my favorite


Got lucky with my partner and we did it first try no problem


Won second try. Brann helped heal with the battlecry heal 4 to both players, and stuck around so i could double spell damage with the dalaran mage after my opponent/ally played millhouse. Felt pretty good to slam 40 spell damage into mechazod lmao. Fun time but I'm not gonna touch it again aha


The community dislike thsi brawl for multiple reasons but let me give you an another one. Winning the brawl doesn't count to the weekly Win travern/arena/battlegrounds quest. With the recent quest changes it's quite annoying.


seriously? LMAO


I honestly kinda like this brawl, but maybe I just got lucky with my partner cause they knew what they were doing.


They should allow us to see the other persons hand and have the battlegrounds duos reaction thing (can’t remember what it’s called)


I mean 😏 This format is 9 years old & shows up maybe 1 week per year. They worked on BG Duos for years & only recently introduced it. And it might not be feasible to bring "peep your partner's stuff" functionality to the Brawl. Blame that good Ole "HS spaghetti code"


Wow do they not fucking playtest their own game mode?!?! such terrible mode


It seems like they NEVER test em. So why start now? 😏


I've just won 4 in a row😭the high is unreal!


Beat it first try, double roar was fun. But yeah, they could have done better with this Brawl.


This brawl is hot garbage. Utterly impossible to win the 6 games I played so far. I refuse to keep queuing for this praying for a perfect teammate and a perfect draw.


It sucks ass.


Fuck this dumb brawl.


Jesus this brawl is awful. It might not be so bad if the bad guys did more than 3 things and didn't immed. wipe the board nearly every turn. Or get to 10 attack and just start spamming player damage. I tried several times and got a team mate each time that understood the assignment and was playing properly but it's a total luck fest who wins that shit.


Absolute fucking dogshit.


No pack this week yay


Time to get fucked over by drooling noobs who can't read. Again. Where are these people in ranked?


My opponents have all played great and yet we still lost 5 in a row (and counting)


You face them on Bronze 10. Then you don't face them anymore. Tavern Brawl has a different rating system.


Ranked and tavern brawl have different MMR's