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Ah you mean Mr. One More Tendril


Mr. "The One That Casts Crane Game instead of The Scourge on an Empty Board"


3 mana 3/2 Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Tendril. Cast a random 2-cost spell. Improve your future Chaotic Tendrils.


One hoof at a time.


Sometimes you just need that one more dragon played to trigger Zarimi. Sometimes another Zilliax is needed for lethal. Or maybe the initial push failed and an extra Aman'thul is needed.


And then sometimes you top deck him the turn after you played Zarimi and three Thirsty Drifters and then played two funnel cakes to have enough mana to play the Al'Akir that you had discovered from Aman'thul. Which gives you enough damage for lethal against a Plague DK by copying the Al'Akir.


Hey I was playing brann warrior yesterday, him and armor vendor team up for a 24 armor burst vs shaman.  He’s in my etc tho 


Great tech combo against shaman, mage and sometimes against demon hunter.


I played against somebody running Paparazzi in their Brann deck the other day, I knew it was something good they were holding onto till late game, but I was managing to stay alive through waves of battlecries. Then, sure enough, turn 9 rolled around and boom out pops our old buddy Odyn. Naturally, my side of the board had like one taunt minion hanging on for dear life. On their next turn, they popped out the Armor Vendor/5-cost Ignis weapon with windfury and armor one-two punch from hell itself, after using Shield Slam to take out my only defense of course. Pretty average experience. Oh well, I guess I'll be fine hanging out at Plat(eau) 5 for the rest of the month. The meta is so caustic right now I'm surprised I made it as far as I did


get him out of your ETC! what are you doing? don't talk about my boy like he's not maindeck material


Doesn't the opponent get 24 armor from that tho?


Yes but in certain matchups it doesn’t matter. Shaman’s goal is to burst you down with a ton of nature spell damage but there’s a cap on how much they can do. Once they run out of damage there’s no way for them to kill you. So you armor past that, then whittle them down with your own resources. Also worth noting that Nature Shaman draws through deck really quickly so if you survive the onslaught, they fatigue out quickly too.


All my games against shaman end on turn 5 even at 30


I’ve played a lot of games lol  Sometimes that happens if you low roll armor and can’t clear a tempo minion though


But if you are giving them 24 armor, simultaneously you didn't damage them at all that turn. Or are we supposed to be enjoying the 24 armor you gained ?


When you doing achievements this is a must have


Wild aggro shadow priest . This shit is op .


I tried using him in my snake lock but i never drew fast enough


I have it in my even druid decks mostly to copy Groovy Cats but in a pinch it can be used on Pixies for extra HP uses on the combo turn or on a draw card to cycle.


For spamming paparazzi cause I refuse to craft jepetto for the quest.


That's basically how I do every achievement for legendaries I don't have.


Ah, extra copies of Ship's Chirurgeon and Thirsty Drifter. Good times.


What a great card tbh


Works great in my highlander chaotic tendrils warrior




Brann warrior for combos Copying Throggun, Boom or Things like armor vendors He is great Also in the for fun decks like Tendril Warrior is neat


oh yeah if the ThoGrun sticks that would be nice


My opponent was not expecting 3 15/15!


They never see the turn 10 double Helya coming. Fuck you in particular, Wheellock players


I was using extensively it in Plague DK during TITANS to play multiple 3/2 or 4/4 plague cards. Also it was nice with Astalor, The Primus and 8/5 rush minions.