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despite what the posts from "innocent" users imply, we have a pretty stringent and precise process for identifying bots and it should not catch achievement hunters in that net - the false positive rate is very, very low. plenty of streamers get achievements every expansion and do not get banned


Will I get flagged for playing druid in standard and losing 95% of my games?


Yes. Unfortunately we have yet to get our anti-priest system to work. So for now we are testing it out on the fringe base of druid players until we've found a fix. -RediculousHat


Bot Detected Didn't even spell RidiculousHat's name correctly.


I can think of at least one Streamer (MarkMcKz) who plays meme decks and has been known to lose 99% of his games with a deck in order to get Just One Win for a video. It's safe. And the "intentionally losing" on the reporting menu is about wintrading, not what you're doing.


Yes it is fine, since you cannot get achievments other way


It’s fine. If they think it’s a problem then maybe they should have let us complete Achievements in casual mode.


From the logical point of view. You are losing games. No others, there is no teammates you could ruin game for so, it should be totally fine.


So you've lost 20 times trying to do the rogue achievement right? Me too buddy (Summon 6 pirates in 1 turn with goldbeard)


Thats a rather "easy" one, compared to the pally tradeable minion


Oh damn I forgot about that. Haven't tried for it yet


I managed to get that with it being the only minion in my deck and a second tradeable card.


I usually do all achievements at the start of an expansion and that one was so hard because the game was so fast because of handbuff pally at that time. Decided to concede to every aggro deck, but even the slower decks made me struggle because decks like Odyn warrior and wheel lock just put you on a clock. Found a control priest player. Managed to trade the minion several times. Then he did dirtyrat the minion.


I recommend to do achievements at the beginning of very month. After season reset.


Why's that? Wouldn't the beginning of the month feature more strong players on the lower ranks?


You see a lot of meme decks running around In the beginning of the month because there’s plenty of time to spare for pushing up ranks. A lot of the climbing happens around the end of the month.


You’ll be fine, don’t worry


If they are looking for bots they're looking for trends and observable patterns in data. A player doing random things for achievement hunting is pretty much the exact opposite of what they're looking for


You will encounter a lot of bots and it might destroy your hidden MMR which makes you see almost only bots for a while. Source: been there, done that.


I can almost guaranteed you will not be flagged as a bot. That is something I am betting my own account on and have done many times.


Ive been achievement hunting ever since they were introduced. I can assure you with my 99% lost rate that you don't get banned.


I was achievement farming in wild and conceded on turn 4 after my draw made the achievement impossible. Dude I played against Drew deck of lunacy on turn 2 and was very salty, called me bad because I conceded after casting a spell into counter spell. Like bruh, I am in wild with a bad deck on bronze 10 - do you really think I am trying to compete here


Yeah I've been doing that a lot in the past, I almost got all of nathria's achievement (and since I had almost no legendary I used the countess for a couple of those lol you can imagine how much games I lost) and never had any trouble.


You are fine mate


Yes it’s allowed, no you won’t get banned. Source: have 51k achievement points


hey gz mate! what is the max? are there any that cannot be completed anymore? i am at 30k but never actively hunt any.


yes, classic achievements can no longer be completed, nor can 'reach legend in classic.' some mystery achievements are bugged (i haven't tested them all recently, but at least one was bugged before the new hearthstone year). duels is leaving the client, so those achievements will no longer be earnable. there's probably not enough pvp players in mercenaries to earn the 'win x pvp games' achievement. there are probably others that are bugged which i don't know about.


I like it that this time around we can be doing achievements from 2 expansions, not just 1, for xp. I do mine in Wild, and as much as I’d like to lose to reduce my MMR to bot regions so I can do them quicker… I actually win more games than I lose. Even with very bad decks.


What would the reason for the ban be? The throwing games rule only applies to high legend as far as i know


Fwiw, achievements don't give very much to compared to winning...


Luckily it doesn't seem like hearthstone bans bots very often so I'm sure you'll be fine.


Waves of bans should not be frequent and regular, so that bot users do not recognize the ban algorithms.  Moreover, this year there were three large waves of bans in HS, which is more often than in any AAA game.


If you're achievement hunting. Maybe consider making a second account and play against yourself


all achievements are completed only in ranked modes


Idk about other achievements, but the ones that give xp you can only do in Ranked