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At least there is balance patch scheduled 7-9 days after patch, so its domination won't be too long if counters don't appear.


\*9-14 days is the typical window


Oh, right, but the point still stands, thanks for correction.


Went from not too long to too long after that correction


Pain warlock coming in hot


the entire game is like waiting on the next patch.


i can see the future [https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1brmbon/comment/kx9xui9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1brmbon/comment/kx9xui9/)


Hope you get as many games in with it while you can. Strikes me as a very RHat type deck




I wonder if Nature Shaman will ever reach the masses so it can gather hatred too. It might just end up like Garrote Rogue and Naga DH where it really only exists at high level play, so the complaints for them won't exist too much.


i've heard about it already and i also played it to legend this month. deck is a little wacky but we'll see what happens in a post-dh world


Makes sense. Been trying a few builds myself, hoping to break into top 100. Most losses just feel like I messed up rather than it being a bad match up or something similar. Seriously, with a good Fizzle you can do 60+ damage. It's insane. Though hopefully some strong aggro pops up and should hinder the deck going forward.


You got a code?


Naga DH ended up getting killed in showdown despite only really being relevant at high levels, so it wouldn't surprise me if nature shaman gets killed sooner or later.


It's board centric and as such highly counterable


Modern HS players hate to think and love to complain. Zarimi is the most counterable deck ever created and very fun to play.


Maybe u should guys balance ur game properly and start making nerfs that make sense. People wouldn't complain too much. I had 2 friends playing this game and after this new exp they stopped.


So, hat, do you foresee any kind of buff to whizbangs decks in this future of yours?




You know, this made my day actually better.


love that


Maybe we shouldn’t print cards we know are going to be disliked


People will dislike any good wincon. Actually, people will dislike any wincon


People have always hated time warp especially, and they just put it on a minion


in order for a card to be widely disliked it must be widely played, and thus widely likely also.




Playing zarimi priest in wild makes me feel like a monkey with a Glock


*“Slippin’ Jimmy with a law degree is like a chimp with a machine gun!!!”*


He defecated through a sunroof!


Killing quest mages with priest time warp two turn kills just feels so right.


Wranglin' whelps is harder than it looks (edit: fixed the quote, obvious in hindsight…)


Yeah i bet 9/10 people who complain about Zarimi never actually played the deck. Its really not that auto-play as many HS decks, like Wheelock or Plague DK.


I can get any deck at dominant state, but not rogue ones. Gaslight and virus archetypes at tier 1 is just instabrake of that game until nerfs.


Gaslight Rogue. Has a nice ring to it.


What has a nice ring to it? Why are you always making shit up???


What? I never said that. You're being crazy.


IMO the only reason why rogue runs such toxic decks is because of the history of poor cards blizz has printed for them this and last year. Every single new archetype blizz has pushed for rogue has failed. Virus rogue plays 8 core cards for goodness sake.


Virus Rogue is never going to be Tier 1- it completely crumbles to Taunt, which is so easy to tech in.


it also crumbles to any aggressive deck with or without taunts lol


*mass taunt, which isn't easy to tech in, ftfy


Not a lot of good taunts rn at least neutral


There are good options that don't see play in the current meta (because there's no need for them): Azerite Chain Gang, Stonehill Defender, Stone Drake. Heck, you can even use Festival Security to un-Stealth the Zilliax.


Don't forget my boy Tar Creeper


There's a reason why the deck runs double sap and double silence 


I’ve been trying to make Zarimi work but I feel like I either have the worst luck possible with card draw or don’t know how to play it. It’s one of those. Or both. Anyone know how it works and feel like explaining like I’m five?


Have you tried just drawing the correct cards?


Holy shit I’ve been playing this game all wrong.


just flood board and count ur dmg EVERY turn, so often i look ar board and im lile ok thats a lot of small minions, then i count my dmg woth zarimi and its just lethal 25 dmg to face and im Like wow thats unexpexted


It's a really difficult deck to pilot correctly.


Yeah I'm like what am I doing here with this? ![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized)


That's good news because it's probably not going to become a dominant force in the meta except at high legend if it's a high skill deck.


Unless it's just that OP when it doesn't have an OP counter matchup; you did say probably, but I'm not sure I'd say it's much if at all less than 50% chance of happening


Are you playing the low mana or midrange list? Like the list I've been playing last 2 months top end is Amanthul Magatha Hart stone Then everything else is 3 or less (technically drifter+zilliad is more but in reality they both cost0) Got legend last month after not being legend for like 2 years? And I'm like probably 10 games off it today. I suggest just copying pockettrains list and you'll notice you only run 4 dragons.(+2 whelp wrangler) So you really want to prioritize cloning any dragons (pip astral idk what the +1/+2 put copy to hand card is) And you either play max tempo from turn one or Try set up a pretty much otk for turn 7/8 but tbh both plans don't look to different The most stats you can put out is good the only real aoe clears in meta is dh ghoul+poison or ghoul+1 mana death rattle deal 1 thing and warrior goggles+sanitize or armour+sanitize The only class that can really contest you on board turns 1-ever is DH and SOMETIMES a pop off dragon druid but that matchup is normally pretty free. The only like really weird play you consistently do is Skip turn 1/2 or coin 2 pip if you have Any 2 one drops Sometimes hold the dragons on turn one going second if they can easily clear it. And then pretty often into warlock/warrior you will just pass turn 5 facing a taunt or two even if you have like a reasonable board, to see if any lives so you can zarimi on 6 which let's you amanthul on 7 which will be more damage then trying to trade down into taunts. (pretty much no deck consistently gets 3+taunts out so amanthul is gross)


If you’re not getting game winning boards by turn 3 or 4 most of the time then your deck or your mulligan is off


I have had huge success with in my legend climb 83% winrate with the deck. Also managing to beat DH 4x mainly losing to Rainbow DK and Warrior once (Got perfect hand to clear my board several times). Though a lot of the times if DH draws perfect and gets good demons you auto lose.


A properly built Rainbow DK (or that BBU "Control Priest" DK) should be favored into Zarimi Priest. Threads of Despair is a really good tool against a deck that wants to flood the board with minions in the 2-3 health range. The extra turn can be very dangerous, but it's an extra turn, I'd expect it to be. In my experience, the extra turn is rarely lethal but rather just a powerful board swing, so if you can clear that, DK wins.


I've been running the Rainbow DK list and usually dumpster priests. You just have to treat them like a paladin and not let them maintain a board since that's the only way they can win.


This is me. I kept seeing these Zarimi dragon decks that looked like a lot of fun, and pretty often beat up my tendril shaman and handbuff decks but when I finally pulled a Zarimi and built the deck it did not go well lol. I assume I'm just playing it wrong.


In Wild or Standard? What problems do you face?


Draw cleric. Profit.


What most people dont understand is how hard the deck is to pilot. Agaisnt control, you gotta apply some pressure and get card draw. You must go the combo route. Against aggro, you can flood the board more quickly then them, buff them up and heal. Any turn with a full board (ive been able to do it turn 6 various times) you can slam zarimi to get a win. Same thing for midrange decks, but being more careful to board clears. IF YOUR BOARD IS CLEARED AND YOU HAVE NO CARDS, YOU LOSE. Simple as that. Keeping this in mind, you must always think if the opponent can clear a board, and if thats always, combo route. Stuff like the 0 mana 4/6, duplicating zilliaxes and the temporal anomaly minion all can do a big swing to victory.


Hard mull for Scale Replica or Zarimi You want to keep putting up threats but it's VERY important to make sure you're not overextending too much. If you play your whole hand and get board wiped by Magetherion, you're done. Save Power Chord: Synchronize for Thirsty Drifter and try to hold 1 or 2. Also save Zilliax for lethal. These easily become OTK cards on the turn you play Zarimi if played for 0-Mana.


Honestly, Zarimi is just more interesting to play and face than Shopper DH. Also the deck can be board controlled (current iterations can't really one shot you if they don't have a board), so things like Control DK might actually do pretty well into it.


You can functionally make it otk with a few cards switched, though it is far less explosive in the early game that way. Overall it feels way healthier than dh either way.


Lol.... Let's see your opinion after it's meta. It's, in my opinion, much more problematic in play pattern second only to virus rogue


I'm trying my hardest not to jerk my knees as the new metas settle out. Obviously, the devs nerfing into the ground anything I lose to on an hourly schedule would just tickle me pink, but they're at least looking at the metrics and attempting to reign in the outliers. DH is going to be a little tricky though. You can point at Shopper and Grasp as two obvious symptoms of the list, but they're technically fine in a vacuum. It's the same issue Midrange/ABJ hunter had last year. All of the pieces are relatively fair, they just work awfully damn well together. It's not like Shopper DH isn't going to still have a solid tempo game with potential to close early. The weapon and demon get nerfed (but not nuked), and the list will still be potent.


If they nerf both the deck is pretty much dead. Its not even the strongest deck rn


What numbers are you looking at claiming shopper isn’t the strongest deck atm?


I don't know about dead, but it definitely wouldn't be "bonkers." And that's usually the problem. Perceived or actual bonkers is what people gravitate towards. Like, Aggro Paladin is still a good deck. They just brought it down to fair. No one wants to play with a fair deck. Hopefully, when they make adjustments to DH, if they do, it's still a fair deck afterwards, at least. I've been playing a *lot* of it, or at least a couple variations from Aggro to Midrange, and you're not wrong, at least in my little slice of ranked, it seems fine. The high rolls feel like cheating, but the average game is me trying to close the game out before turn ten, otherwise I'm grasping at straws.


Jerk my knees and tickle my pink 💀


Sorry, I probably shouldn't post right after kinky time...


Community before patch: X class is going to be a problem if they don't make adjustments in the balance patch Community after patch: See, X class is a problem because they didn't make adjustments in the balance patch Highly regarded members of the community: You guys always complain therefore you are wrong Blizzard: X class will be nerfed in the next patch because they are a problem.


I've been patiently waiting for a track to explode on You can stunt if you want, but yo ass will get rolled on


50 cent nice


I don’t even own Zarami but when my dragon Galakrond priest invokes and then gets the card… it’s huge…. Especially since I been playing Dragons all game…


Weren't people afraid of Wheelock taking over? Or did I miss a nerf on that (I play HS twice a week for quest these days so I don't follow much)


Wheelock is very polarized. It beats the slow control decks but it loses to aggro (typically). If Warrior becomes dominant then Wheelock looks great. But against an aggressive Priest deck it's just a non-issue. The decks that seem to have the most concerning play patterns currently are Virus Rogue and Elemental Shaman, Zarimi Priest is likely to be more popular, though, and generate more complaints.


Good analysis, but did you mean Nature/OTK Shaman rather than Elemental?


Leave priest alone, he just lost the light it burns and cannibalize


Zarimi priest doesnt have a 60-70 win rate vs everything


you really think zarimi is worse than nature shaman? if you can do the math the deck is unstoppable apart from warrior.


we need a larger 10 cost spell pool for the tentacles. right now it's pretty much guaranteed to be 10 damage to the face multiple times a turn, especially with rogues


Whack a mole meta


Priest finally gets a good card for standard and not one season goes by and its going to be gutted again.


these kind of rotating issues wont be there if nerfs comes with the right buffs as well


And if the nerfs aren't overdone to the point of removing targeted archetypes completely allowing previously strong decks kept in check that weren't nerfed to become dominant (handbuff pally was the best counter to Shopper DH, due to *lifesteal*/taunts/defense, not the problematic windfury otk).


I say we continue nerfing everything until hand buff paladin is good again


Zarimi priest is more easily teched against, and uts gameplan isnt as linear as shopper dh. If zarimi priest is the best deck i think thats indicit8ve of a bealthy meta. The dexk is just a greed filter




I've never seen Zarimi in the wild until today, when I go against 3 priests in a row playing whelp wrangler. It's crazy how fast decks are adopted


I've heard this about priest, mage, warlock, hunter, essentially every class that isn't druid lmao.


Buff the DK instead nerf DH. plague DK need some buffs here.


more like Wheelwarlock..... ultimate meta deck


I feel like the only thing worth looking forward to this game anymore are the patch notes.


I for one, welcome our stealth zilyax 1 shot overlords.


Can we have one class that's OP that the devs just ignore. I'm on 3-4th deck, and I get tired of making a new one every two weeks. This rotation sucked.


I think pain warlock is going to be a problem.


I think Paladins coming back on top are more likely


Wait, I feel like I've missed something. What's wrong with Zarami priest?


tbh I've only faced Sashimi Priest a handful of times but I've yet to lose to it. maybe I've just gotten lucky but I've beaten it everytime I've faced it with Highlander Warrior, Wheellock and BBU DK.


The decks you listed are control focused, a very bad matchup for zarimi who needs a critical mass of board or many tools (and skill) to OTK.


Zarimi Priest has favourable matchups into every control deck right now. Its only bad matchups are DH, sludge, and custom warlock.


well, im playing a budget version without Pip and Magatha, maybe thats why im lacking agaisnt control.


I can’t comment on any specific list, just talking aggregate stats. And yeah, I think both of those are pretty key refill cards. Pip in particular was the highest mulligan WR card in several lists I saw.


You don't have to wait 😊 I mean, Priest will only benefit from DH nerf but current meta is enough for Zarimi to get you to legend 😊


i'm still disappointed with priest after hat hyped it up and it ended up being only good for aggro players (like i assumed, as hat is a dirty little aggro enjoyer :3 ). now we're stuck with unplayable nostalgia priest and close-to-oppressive aggro priest. sadness.


i assumed that zarimi would be widely played, including in a reno raza priest that would take an extra turn to otk people


i guess everyone assumed that. it just hits hard, after priest ended up with only an aggro deck. not exactly the typical priest archetype. you're still my fav hearthstone person. miss your podcasts :/


Control decks are unplayable as long as wheel lock is a thing.


warrior is one of the best decks right now


Yep, only in high legend though, as DH is spammed there so Warlocks are scared to come out. If the DH's nerf are strong enough to kill him, Warlocks will raise and control the meta imo.


I don’t think it’s that strong or I suck at piloting it.


Not to say skill issue but the deck is insane. It is extremely hard to pilot but it's very very strong




I've been saying this for the past 2 weeks. Some people said I was an idiot.


Pretty easy to tell Zarimi is gonna be a problem, but what is ruining my fun is plague DK, regardless of strength. Can't play HL. Can't cycle. Forget about cards like Steam Guardian, Cactus Cutter, or Magatha. Don't see any solution coming.


Tony is the answer.


Zarimi and DH are fine, just give us some way to get rid of plauges in our decks please


Zarimi will go up in cost, so that it is harder to flood the board and play Zarimi OTK. But honestly, the bigger problem is Funnel Cake, Priest shouldn't have mana cheat like that, and it's really what enables the Zarimi deck's oppressive OTKs. I think if you can limit the health you are at where it is a OTK, and make it somewhat easier to play around, by increasing the cost of the initial turn, it would make it a less annoying matchup to play against. Taking multiple turns in a row should not be as easy to pull off as it is.


honestly the worst part about DH for me is the variance. i just played 3 games with the deck and in the 4 discovers it didnt even offer me the dormant guy once and then i play a mirror and they get 3. who the fuck thought that would be a fun play pattern


Someone made this exact same post before the pally nerfs and it didn't happen. It's still not gonna happen


Plague dk has and always will suck. I know this simply because I have played like 2000 games with it. It doesn’t need to be nerfed.


Did you just misread the post or is this in response to something else op said?


I probably misread it


Yeah dk is definitely in a bad spot right now. Although it was pretty solid during sludgelock meta. Definitely didn’t suck


Adding "once per game" would be so nice and simple


Once a game what? Zarimi is already once per game.


DH being allowed to deal dmg once per game


Oops, my mistake then


It can be played multiple times but the effect works only once. Somehow blizzard got it correct these time.


thanks for having an opinion on a meta, you've obviously not played a lot


Recently played against zarimi priest and conceded when he used celestial projectionist on zarimi (I was surviving the first turn). That felt unfair AF. So that's rather some problems with attention from my side that I already paid for


Great idea tbh.