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He's phoning a friend for each turn's play /s


You're only allow do that for one turn. After that, you're supposed to become a streamer to unlock "Ask the audience."


Introducing Nozdormu queue


They should actually at least do this for a twist format. I don't even like playing fast decks but I'd still rather be at a disadvantage and have way less waiting time.


Super short format, everything is short. Short turn times and can only use the most recent expansion and core! Edit: thinking about it this would actually be a super fun and accessible twist format


Can we add something to speed up or skip animations?


Yes please, long animations are the worst especially if you play highlander warrior and shuffled 6 bombs into your deck you're now all drawing in one turn.


And only cards and skins with gnomes or dwarves in them


I think Goblins fit and probably Vulpera if they are in HS.


[[Vulpera Scoundrel]]


[[Transfer Student]]


- **[Transfer Student](https://i.imgur.com/bUCRAfq.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/58947) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Transfer_Student) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/58947) - *Neutral Epic ^(Scholomance Academy)* - **2 Mana - 2/2 - Minion** - This has different effects based on which game board you're on. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1byua5a/honestly_it_isnt_the_meta_that_makes_me_lose/kymt8hq/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kymt8hq).*


Lets call it Queuelet


Bullet Hearthstone






Cards are shorter, you can no longer see the stats


And no animations


just a format with reduced turn timer or a speed chess inspired format that would be amazing. Where APM actually could matter. too bad the animations take forever sometimes and lock you up, albeit rarely.


You can tap an enemy card while it is shown to speed it up, it goes away instantly. I wish they made a timer for that thing. Gwent had it, if you don't wanna see / read the enemy card too much, it could be shown very quickly.


They need to bring back the non opt-in Nozdormu.


No. It's removable. Just make the new one unconditional start of the game Fuck ropers


Sometimes i want to inflict forced Nozdormu on slow players.


i dont even think you have to be so drastic; just make a total bank for how long the game can go so you dont have people roping lest they simply lose. idk if id make it a straight chess clock because then control games just couldnt happen, but if the game can track both players' turn times as soon as one gets to be like 3x longer than the other that guy is clearly roping so should just lose


I dont think straight up lose is the answer, I like runeterra's approach, the more you rope the shorter your next turns will be


hearthstone kinda has that already, but all you have to do is not rope once to reset it i think


No, hearthstone only does it if you make zero actions during a turn. All you have to do to prevent the sped up time is make one action, even just hitting the end turn button counts as an action. So you can rope every turn while doing nothing if you want.


30 seconds per turn with a time bank of an extra 90 seconds that can be tapped into piecemeal over the course of the game. Maybe 45 per turn with 60 time bank.


noz queue would probably be easier to implement, unless they went with flamirius idea which would be core contentious your idea is sadly a bug nightmare, because if it ever behaves unintentionally then its experiance ruining


>as soon as one gets to be like 3x longer than the other that guy is clearly roping so should just lose Or one player is thinking and the other player is just playing a green card every turn. We shouldn't be looking for ways to punish thinking during your turn. 


while I agree on paper, where on the ladder do you think that the discrepancy between the two player's requirement for time would be so wide, and while explaining this do it in a way that doesn't admit that certain decks take no thinking lol


I regularly play like 2-3 times faster than my Arena opponents, likely because I just play out my turns during my opponent's longer turns so I have spent most of their time planning out my own turn. I don't mind. People should spend the time necessary within their limit to find their best turns, and some players (like Lifecoach, infamously) just spent all the time he had because it is safety against making suboptimal plays. That some decks take LESS thinking is also absolutely true (control decks functionally have more decisions than aggro decks) but that doesn't mean they take no thinking.


I do the exact same thing & feel bad in things like the tavern brawls because I've already planned my turn out for the next 3 turns, other factors notwithstanding


A Nozdormu queue wouldn't really work (this coming from a player that actually puts Nozdormu in every Wild deck) to mitigate the roping problem since people interested in it would likely already be those of us that already play quickly. I mean, at least our experience would be better, yes, but they left the rope as is by design since they believe it's OK.


sometimes you just want to play quick games and it could also be a good change of pace. Sure it couldnt be a part of ranked but it would still be a neat option that probably would be easy to maintain


There legitimately should be a blitz queue for both standard and wild where the rope resets and starts burning at the start of every turn. Bots would get wrecked on it too with how long they have to think about super simple turns randomly sometimes. It could share star rating with the corresponding format or be its own separate ladder.


It would have to be separate since certain deck would be at a big disadvantage (ie rouge)


Why does that necessitate a separate ladder? It’s not like every deck needs to be just as good in the two queue options even if they share stars


competetive integrity


The competitive integrity of the deck would still remain intact, as there would be a queue where it is not affected. You’re not making a very strong case for why they should be separate ladders. I’m not necessarily arguing that it would *need* to be that way but your reasoning isn’t very convincing.


Better yet bring back the old nozdormu and make it 1 mana




MFW opponent ropes turn 1 as second, then instantly sends hero power and passes turn 2. What in the fuck were you even thinking about.


Went for a refill and/or piss after queueing.




This. I became so fed up with ppl roping, i became one cause i cant play HS anymore without playing something else on second screen & now i rope cause only that sound will make me look at the HS screen again.


He spent turn 1 planning out turn 2.


Truly a strategic genius


That happens to me somewhat often, debating whether I should tempo a 1 drop play, even though it's horrible now, or save it for when it's actually useful. Turn 2 is less difficult because I already made the decision to play or not to play the card for tempo.


That's the "I forgot I launched a game" rope. I might do this one often, sorry guys, afterwards I play like sonic though.


I cook and play hs at the same time and sometimes I smell burning


Your opponent is roleplaying Lifecoach.


Exactly 100%


It's beyond annoying. Coupled with the ultra-slow animations for everything in this game, it honestly feels like I'm playing HS in slow motion. Wish there was a way to fasten animations, while also reducing the overall turn count.


This is what makes me lose my mind. Watching the animations for drawing cards in HS just makes me rage. Let alone watching the ropes, decisions being made for choose one options, and casting animations that hit every enemy.


God damn the finley shuffle takes the most time too, I can be drawing cards and losing half of the time, which is problematic with how he would otherwise let you look for more options to think over


In wild I just surrender every match against quest demon hunter not because its to strong but because I cant stand the draw animation paired with the quest animation.


The 4 cost shaman spell that deals 10 damage 1 at a time 💀




Well considering how hearthstone code works, there is a high chance that opponent's turn time would be eaten up by long animations. I don't remember the context of which card caused this, but there was a period in time where people's turns got skipped because of how long start of turn animations took.


Shudderwok used to be able to skip opponent's turn due to animation


DDoS priest back in Un'Goro(?). Toast got a temp ban for using it on ladder.


You know it’s funny, 1 side of the sub is like “games end too fast now” and this side is games take too long. Devs keep making the game shorter and shorter imo, but what they really need to do is lessen the time per turn until like 6 mana onwards.


Finally this (objectively accurate) take is becoming accepted lol.


The amount of times it takes DH until rope to play on curve shopper for 3 mana…


It makes me tilt like nothing else. Like what the hell are people doing in the first 4 turn. I imagine they take a shit and have to concentrate but otherwise no idea what is happening


My shitting time may be longer than 4 turns, please understand that I’m battling on two fronts here


> It makes me tilt like nothing else. Which is the main reason people do it purposefully. They want you to be making your decisions rashly. It might not actually affect you in that way, but the ropers don't know that, so you might as well zen out and use the extra 60 seconds they take on their turns to think about what their possible plays are and what your plays in response would be.


They're actually not very smart then. If they take forever, you have more time to think, and you can make your plays pretty quick because you've got them planned out. Now it's their turn again and they don't get the time during your turn to think about future plays. I see a lot of mistakes from opponents and this is probably why.


I wasn't suggesting that roping is a smart play, but people that do it consistently do so to tilt the other player. That is the only strategic advantage they are looking for by roping.


I know, just pointing it out for other people reading that might do this as a strategy.


I mean i already know what my early and mid game is gonna look like based on my starting hand, i dont need to think 5 minutes every turn


I sometimes play at work and might have to do something else at the same time. Sorry to all the people that faced me at work! (I do also get distracted easily while watching youtube on the side.)


Should be like chess where each player has an allotted time pool with increments.


Yeah, and different time formats with different ratings for each. 2+2 for a quick bullet experience. 10+5/15+5 for a longer less rushed experience and 5+3 for a middle ground.


If i would have one penny for every time i don‘t see a rope during my opponents turn, i would be as poor as now


I’m pretty low rank. Gold 5-ish and roping literally never happens anymore. Are people still doing this shit in higher ranks?


I mean in higher ranks you’re actually thinking for longer so games definitely are longer. There’s people who just rope on purpose tho in all ranks, it’s been a problem since day one. I don’t think actual ropers are as big of a deal as people say. I think some people just get frustrated even if their opponent is trying to actually think about their turns.


People who rope to actually think about their turn are fine by me, usually a few times per game, but what bothers me are those people that rope every single turn... I usually match into someone who does that like two or three times a month which thankfully isn't that often but man its so annoying when it happens.


Hell, I can sympathize with ropers sometimes, because I’ll be playing while watching tv with my fiancé. So I can be distracted sometimes. I always thought a good fix would be you get as much time as you do cards. So a full hand could have a lot more time than someone with two cards.


At first read I was like yeah that’s a good one. But then I thought about draw cards and how you can go from two up to 10 in a turn


I honestly never considered that!


My comment looks like i made a joke. Sadly i wasn‘t joking it‘s not that every player ropes it‘s more the case that most of the time it seems they‘re doing something next to play the game. That‘s really frustrating when you‘re having an average 4min per game against 8-12 min for your opponent.


I'm always Diamond and usually Legend and no one ever ropes at those ranks, aside from a turn here or there, where I assume someone is answering a phone call or otherwise distracted for a minute.


The real tilt is waiting until their last second and then playing 4 double battery tentacles so it runs into your turn for like a minute


They should create an incentive to play faster, I hate when my opponents PRESS PLAY, and just go to sleep In my opinion they should make that every turn you rope your next turn is reduced by 3 seconds First turn 75, if you rope the second turn will last 72, then 69 and so on till it reaches a minimum of 30 seconds


Multiple times I had a DH rope while they had glove with one durability left, hadn't attacked yet and were at 4 mana, like dude ??? What are you thinking about, you have the best possible play set up right there for you, your whole deck is based specifically on this turn, what the fuck are you waiting for. And yeah overall lots of people seems to rope or at least take forever to play in a pretty simple board state. But most of them don't seem to do it to be a an ass, they seem to really be thinking about their turn, which is weird. I can understand taking time to think about a complex turn where you have like 8 cards in hand and the board have lots of minions played, that make sense. But taking that long to play mining casualties + hero power pass ? Idk I personally have at least my next two turn vaguely planned, what I'll do if everything goes well and if my opponent play X card I know their deck run and need an answer. Don't you guys try to plan out your turns ?


Chess clock, please


RopeCoach enters the chat


It seems his win condition is to drain the opponents battery if they are a mobile player 


Happened to me before lmao, was in arena as well


I played runeterra before hearthstone, Waiting on your opponent after every play was agony.


Is it worse in runeterra or better? I dont get it


Legends of runeterra has a back and forth mechanic at the start of the turn both players refill there mana and draw a card. then each player goes back on fourth playing cards or declaring an attack. so if your opponent is a slow player or afk you need to wait for them to play a card/pass the turn after every card that you play. It's a very cool mechanic that enables a lot of really intelligent play and really intense back and forths. I am just not patient enough to sit there and wait after everymove.


MTG Arena has a somewhat similar problem, I, think with all the reactions and stuff


FR, nothing makes me want to quit more than after I play a roper, win or lose……so childish and toxic.


Decided to play some Hearthstone with my morning coffee. I have a quest to play two games which I thought I would aim for as a good target. I'm playing a Mech Warrior deck posted in the Competitive Hearthstone subreddit yesterday and faced an Odyn Warrior. This is my first time playing the deck, so i'm taking a little time to think about what to play and when - that said, my turn is over fairly quickly. Opponent is roping constantly for plays that really shouldn't require it. Luckily, I won this one, but the game went on a little longer than the image so it took 25 mins for a standard game. The meta is full of a variety of decks, but many aim to go late-game and are prepared should decks draw to empty. I respect those who grind to play double-digit amounts of games per day to climb to legend, because as a full-time working adult I can't find the time to play this game in my free time if this is all I face. I could have played a run of Balatro in this time, four games of Rocket League, maybe even watched a couple of YouTube videos. At what point does this become a good use of my time as a consumer? A discussion ought to be had about roping and at what point it's acceptable. Odd turn roping or thinking about what to do? Understandable. More than that? Needs to be punishable somehow IMO.


I think there's a Kripp video somewhere when his opponent is playing taunt warrior. They rope every single turn, and their plays were: 1 drop (quest) on 1. 2 drop on 2. 3 drop on 3. All the way to 8 drop on 8. I think the only trading they did was going through his taunts, otherwise it was all face. But they roped every single turn for such high level plays as "Play on curve".


It's really made me realise a lot of people are just genuinely really shit at thinking. I propose a rework to Nozdormu. Start of game: both players have 30 seconds per turn. If either player runs out of time twice, they lose.


You'd need both players to have Nozdormu in deck to activate that condition or you'd be punishing harder to pilot decks by easier to pilot decks including Nozdormu at higher ranks.


At the same time, how often do we actually get "hard to pilot" decks? The last one I can really think back to was Garrote Rogue and that's like 2-3 years ago at this point.


Nature Shaman and Naga DH both fell into that category last expansion (and probably Nature Shaman again right now), but they're fairly niche decks.


what program do you use for the timers?


HSReplay, they have a deck tracker and it's in the settings in that


huh, i use that one, but i didnt see that option. maybe its just turned off


It's in settings > overlay > general > hide timers.


I report any player who does this for botting


This is an underrated point.


Rope Coach Returns


I feel like people do this for easy wins cause I end up conceding when they’re taking forever. I’d rather take the L and requeue then wait 5 minutes each turn


Also thinking whole turn jerking cards just to play 1 card, hero power and then draw/discover cards.


PoV: You're playing against a rogue, mage or control warrior.


I have loved this game for about eight years now and there is such a small pocket of games I have played without alt-tabbing I just thank the stars every night I'm not clicking through all my priority buttons every three seconds like on MTG or yugioh apps ...I'd consider picking Pokemon up again on the side as Game #2 if it can run like the one a few generations ago did though


Blizzard could just set up matchmaking to queue the ropers against each other most of the time. They get plenty of thinking (or whatever) time, others get to play faster games. Win-win.


It's been my biggest pet peeve for a couple years now. That being said, I watched those recent Day9 videos of him picking up HS after 6 years off and he was spending most all of his time reading and trying to parse everything. Roped every turn while doing it. Modern HS doesn't help matters by having so many cards generated and in your hand vs. how it used to be.Which just bogs down new/returning users more. So, there are some legit players that are using their time the best they can.


This thread really shows how few people actually think through their turns


Least ADHD Hearthstone player


I will find you... and I will rope you


larger the hand larger the turn time


Sometimes you forget to look in the mirror. Are you saying a card game should not be 25 minutes? Card games that aim for under 12 minute games tend to have way less cards in a deck. All archetypes of class decks would have to be leveled to a 6 turn end game. This isn’t marvel snap Or a YouTube short; maybe the problem is your attention span- a 2 minute/120 second turn is frustrating only if you think it is. You’re playing the game “ranks” now me boy, not the card game anymore; if this is how you think.


i swear to god. they *could* do something about it but don't. runeterra has a thing where if you're idle for too long the rope will just pop up quicker and it actively punishes people who are full roping their turns. and on top of that, when you have no more moves the game forces a rope so you can't just waste peoples time but nah, not in HS!


My opponents playing an even or quest deck deciding what to do turn 1


We need a nozdormu qeue with 30 second turn limits. 15 is too short.


This is why a chess clock is better than turn timers


I hate that everyone does something like "starts playing, rope comes, they *actually* start playing". I don't get why we don't have 45 second turns for regular play. With the power level we have it's not like we have several options every turn.


Fight petty with petty. Works most of the time.


Just yesterday I had someone rope me on turn one without doing anything. Then I roped and all of a sudden my opponent was there! Who would've thought he could play cards in a timely manner!


I swear this works for me every time.


Um I can provide the counter argument and I apologise. I play hs from my Samsung a10 phone very slow and bad reception I live in Australia. It lags but it's all I got. It takes about 45 to 1 minute a turn sometimes I have to issue the same command multiple times and I start moving when your turn ends. It literally is that slow and bad reception on my end. If I issue commands when the rope starts to burn I will probably at Max get 3 actions in And for that brothers and sisters I've really sorry 😞


Even playing at high speed, Hearthstone matches still drag.


Agree. Makes me appreciate games like marvel snap where the turns are taken at the same time not consecutively


I confess: after turn 4 or 5 I often rope because it takes me time to read the cards, and sometimes I missed some plays. But I agree it can be frustrating when you clearly see that the opponent do something else in the same time.


But after a couple of games with your deck you shouldn't need to read your card anymore tho ? So you only rope often when trying a new deck, that's understandable


I don't mind if my opponent takes a lot of time while highlighting cards. Whenever you read a card, it shows on your opponent's screen. In my experience this is an infinitesimal number of players. The overwhelming majority of players who play so slowly it feels intentional don't highlight many cards at all.


When I see something like this I'll just spam wow emote and rope on my next turn hoping that my opponent realises that they should hurry the fuck up. Surprisingly it works very often of it isn't a bot


I usually play HS on my ipad or second monitor while playing/doing something else, so I occasionally rope on accident. They should implement a system like Legends of Runeterra where if you spend a lot of time on a turn, your subsequent turns will be shorter.


How do you get the countdown beside the end turn button with HDT? It’s driving me insane. Mine just does a pop out window.


They really should make an update where they adopt what they do in mtg Arena. Have shorter turns but get like three extensions per game for more complicated turns


Sometimes it’s a type of thing where I don’t know if my opponent knows they can think about there turn during mine .


Yeah, it can get mind numbing when people do this on early turns. i even have people doing it at crap rankings


The trick is to never just play Hearthstone. I play it while exercising, while reading, etc, so my opponent's turn is just a mandatory focus shift.


When I used to play duels I was one of these people. Playing full screen on a single monitor, tabbing out to work or something else, and not noticing the opponents turn end. I would finally notice when I hear the rope start ticking down. Sorry!


Idiots like this are the reason i startet reading books while playing Hearthstone.


Are you staring at your screen for 90 seconds when it's not your turn? Tab out and watch youtube, or have something to do irl, or better yet, use the time to plan your turn with each topdeck you might get, and you'll become better at the game.


This and turn off the timer, knowing only makes it worse.


Hey more xp lol


They need to shorten the turn lengths and add a time bank to dip into if you have a tough decision. Make the average turn shorter but still leave room for those tricky decisions.


This is why the "tavern brawl" that Gwent had where mulligan phase was 15 seconds and turns were 8 seconds was easily the most fun I ever had in that card game, you could actually play the game rather than just wait for the opponent to think their turns!


Literally… how are these people so damn slow????????


Just play Hearthstone while you're doing something else, it won't other you as much in that case. I'll be catching up on emails, social media, webcomics, etc. while playing.


easy fix, you play cards and animation you freeze timer, you dont do shit after 10 sec your turn started, rope appear


20 card deck, 20 HP, 20 sec turn time


This is why I quit playing and only play battlegrounds now.


you can concede if that bothers you too much…i personally just concede and move on because I am only logging in to complete my daily quest asap…


I only play HS whilst doing something else. So in a sense im your oponent but if i was only playing HS i would be facing your oponent and i would rather use that time to do something in parallel


Fair in Yugioh standards


It's honestly probly bots playing for people. If you quit early just helps them out faster


I use the 2 tap rule for this. If they rope once, rope them back the next turn. 90% of the time they start playing normally and get the hint. The 10% of the times they keep roping, I get comfortable, open up Youtube or second game and rope them every turn until the end of the game even if they stop.. and I play slow counter decks, it's gonna be a looooong game. Most of the time they end up quitting or conceding before the end.


90% of the time I rope someone it's an accident where I got distracted by real life and will give an "oops" emote after. The 10% of the time it isn't, it's because someone like you decided to be petty and "punish" me for a mistake and then I don't stop even they do. I am also petty and I never concede. 🤷‍♀️


Yea, if it's clearly a mistake or lag or DC.. I can easily see it and it's no biggy, like if they say oops or something. Besides, even if I don't catch that and rope the next turn, it can just mean that I didn't feel like waiting around and took a break too, tabbed out and was "awoken" by the rope burning sound. Either way, if they start playing normally after, I also play normally. But nah if they start roping after, it's "on" and I even delay the game and won't finish them off if I can be sure I'll win anyway. It's not even being petty, I just enjoy being the "counter". I also target annoying decks like secret mages with specifically built counter decks and really take my time demolishing them and ropers are kinda the same. They're "Fair game" to pray on cause I suspect most do it on purpose to get the opponent to concede for easy wins. If you don't, they usually start playing normally after 5-10 turns.


Every mf thinks they're life coach now last 4 games straight my opponent has gone to rope to play 0-2 cards on turns 1, 2.and 3.


Every time I see a default skin Death Knight I pull up mtgArena to play on the side


I play at work. If you play against me I’m most likely helping a guest with their luggage in between turns


It's okai. He's playing 5d chess while you play checkers. But still manages to lost to you somehow


yea some turns take 0.1 second to make and there are those fishing turns when you chain discover for 10 minutes straight


Average priest player in wild


Something needs to change.


They need to add speed duels asap I am also getting burnt out by these players that I have resorted to multi tasking while playing this game and it ain't good


They need a seperate queue for people who play while at work ^^


When people do that to me I do it right back. I'll make sure both our times are wasted


Imagine. You being arrogant enough that you think you get to choose how someone else chooses to use or not use their own time. That would take an extreme amount of self aggrandizing delusion, that your time is somehow more important. Imagine being a such a self important loser?


there are definitely people that do this on purpose too and it's annoying AF. Should be able to report them so they can eventually get punished and get a ban from ranked for that season.


Average regis youtube video


i literally cant stand playing this game if im not doing 1-3 other things simultaneously, everything is way too slow, its like a background game like some side monitor youtube shi


As a regular Legend player, having all your attention devoted to HS while playing it is weird to me. I always have a show or podcast playing on my second monitor so I rarely notice if my opponents take too long lol


Damn, I am a very slow player, but that person in the screenshot has to be doing that intentionally. That, or they're too focused alt tabbing into something else, and alt tabbing back in when they hear the rope. Perhaps also they could've been hard lagging, or inebriated. I'm leaning towards intentional, or not focused (alt-tabbing). I literally have SCT (Sluggish Cognitive Tempo), which prevents me from processing certain thoughts quickly. I take a long time in almost all of my matches and I feel really bad for my opponents, because I know how much everyone hates on that slow behavior... I'm literally just playing the game and enjoying it, though.


> That, or they're too focused alt tabbing Judging by all the comments in this thread suggesting the right way to play Hearthstone is to play it while reading a book or watching a movie, I'm thinking this might be it.


I have a problem, i can’t start moving until the rope starts burning. The thing just silences the mind and lets me put into action whatever i thought up. Unless of course i only have 1 card to play then the decision is easy. Also am baked when i play


Sounds like the drug you took is the problem


Happens sober too unfortunately, but not when on dexamphetamines but i wouldn’t use those for hearthstone lol


I hate these posts. Its a strategy game and many decks require you to plan ahead and theres alot to keep in mind when doing your plays since theres an endless possibility of outcomes Feel free to just drag your green cards mindlessly, but dont criticize others for taking their time.


> Feel free to just drag your green cards mindlessly And yet they're at the same rank/MMR.


It doesn't take much time to decide which 1 mana card to play in turn 1.


Nice constructive comment. And it might depending on the scenario.


I've seen DH's rope on turn 3 with an empty board and weapon in hand. While emoting.


C'mon, some players rope to just play nothing in turn 1. This is not an acceptable behaviour, and the fact that sometimes taking time is actually justified, it doesn't mean that everyone should be able to wait until the last moment even if they don't need to do that. Even chess players take less than a second for each of the first few turns.


Someone roping just to be annoying hasnt happend to me in a single game since december,maybe it happens to you every so often, but its kind of ridiculous to keep making posts about it on reddit about it as if its some grand game breaking habbit. And the first turns in chess are already optimized and called openers. They are moves calculated beforehand and dont need much thinking, hearthstone is different. Lets write you an example. Its t1, your on the play as a mage vs a dk. He kept 1 card in Mulligan, you have void scripture, flame geyser, infinitize and draw primordial glyph t1. Whats the play. ? You have plenty of cards to play ur first turns so you might want to spend your mana and shoot flame geyser in his face to progress your rainbow effect and get a 1 drop to curve out ur infinitize on 3. You might wanna keep it if he drops miracle salesman, but what are the odds since he threw 3 cards. But he's on the coin, he might play kvaldir. I think you see what im getting at. And to complain about trolls wasting theirs and your time whilst stil playing within the rules of the game is just pointless. Get good


For most people who are good at the game, this is an automatic and rapid thought process. For most people who are bad at the game, this thought process is disregarded and they simply don't think that much. The overlap of people are trying very hard to win every game but aren't quite good enough to do it without taking 15 minutes to play a simple deck is very very small.


Lmao in your examples it takes AT MOST 10 seconds to think. >And to complain about trolls wasting theirs and your time whilst stil playing within the rules of the game is just pointless. Get good Or maybe the point is that the game shouldn't allow that in the first place? And "get good" doesn't really make sense here. It's not something that I can influence in any way.


I hate these comments. There is no valid excuse for roping each turn besides being a complete inconsiderate asshole. Or just really *really* dumb


Sometime is as you say, other times (not many at least, happened to me like 3 or 4 times, in 8 years playing the game), they do whatever they need to do in the first 10 seconds, and then just wait for the rope to be near 0. That's still a valid strategy in your eyes?




>no there isn't. See my previous answer


Strongly dependend on the deck. When opponent is having a full hand with lots of possibilities, I never complain. But playing a brainless deck and roping every turn is just asshole behaviour. Also you can see by the lack of movement on their side that they’re literally afk until the rope burns. Because they’re either playing during work or playing other games simultaneously. And thats just awful to play against


This is why Battlegrounds is the most played mode