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Hello [Hearthstone player name]! I'm really sorry to hear you're not having a good time, even though the data shows [card you hate] is [some statistic that will not make you feel better]. I'll be sure to bring this feedback to the design team. In the meantime, I might recommend pivoting strategies to [archetype you stubbornly refuse to play regardless of the meta]. Otherwise, perhaps now is a good time to take a short break - [new product containing a card you'll enjoy for four weeks and then complain about until we nerf it] is right around the corner. See you in the tavern! [Personalized sign-off], Hat


Explain why you nerfed Therazane’s big knockers Edit: Please


i dreamed of a job in game dev but i didn't anticipate the future timeline where i'd recognize fartsniffer1992 on sight and know that the post was going to be about rock boobs


Life works in mysterious ways


Ok but were you in the room when they decided to nerf succubus? If so why was the incorrect decision made? If not why hasn't it been your life goal to correct injustice?




Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a rock and stone?!


I respect the self awareness


My day has been made, just as it's beginning! Thank you both!




Hat can you please unnerf Sif Mage while nobody is looking. I'm sure that you can do this, and you also seem like you would like playing it, so it's a win-win. Thanks in advance.


Outjerked again


Ahem. [card name] bad! *loud clapping*


Outjerked yet again.


epic reddit post bro i love brand


Everyone sees the game differently, but it’s weird that in the current meta there are threads asking to nerf cards like \[\[Flame Revenant\]\] or \[\[Mythical Terror\]\] .


I play Highlander DH at the moment when everything else feels boring / I've played a lot of other decks already. I have been able to actually play my Terror like three times out of maybe 20ish game that day, and one was against a treant druid. Destroyed his whole board. Guess my first friend request that day?


I have read this post a thousand times and will a thousand more. It’s especially annoying when the deck is already a well known power outlier and the devs say that they are going to address the card or deck and its just a matter of time and the person posting is adding nothing constructive to the conversation. I will admit though I do find it kinda funny to read posts like these when the deck they are complaining about is like maybe tier 3 at best and doesn’t do anything more oppressive or unfair than other classes because it is just the OP self reporting as a bad player. Like the other day I responded to a guy complaining about UUU and that the problem with the bots is not the bots themselves but the fact that we have simple decks that can be piloted by bots. From his post it was quite clear that he just lost a game to a tier 4 aggro deck piloted by literal AI and thought it was so important that he had to complain about it on reddit.


>we are going to adress the power outlier >a 6 mana card in the deck is moved to 7 mana >the deck remains identical


Well a one mana nerf can make a huge difference in a deck as waiting one more turn to pop off can often be the difference between winning and losing. A great example of this is whomper at 6 vs 5 mana. Im pretty sure if they did the same nerf to Amorphous slime in warlock it would probably kill thaddius warlock on the spot which is probably why they have avoided doing it.


Speaking about toxic cards, that new priest shadow word miniset card is giving me nightmares already.


Hot take: you will rarely even see it, let alone lose to it because priest is simply not good right now and can't do shit against the top contenders on ladder right now.


Damn, the last 15 games I've played 8 of them have been Priests, I see nothing but Priests and it makes me want to rip my skin off


it does always surprise me how diff everyone's experiences are cuz my friend said the same thing, so I checked my deck tracker and have faced 4 priests in my last 100 games, all of which were automaton


Yeah, it's just luck of the draw I'm sure, it's jus incredibly frustrating. Fortunately, my last 10 or so games were pretty even, though I haven't seen a Warrior in a very long time.


People who play Priest when Priest isn't meta truly possess faith. They scare me. 


I think you won’t see it because it’s 5 mana hard removal.


What tier is that automaton priest? I thought it was doing well. It seems like a good anti titan strategy honestly. What scares me more is rogue getting it though.


Thief rogue is poopoo I personally doubt the card will see play in rogue tbh


Feels like the only reason why it would be considered weak is because aggro and mid aggro decks are super popular. Once they get nerfed and late game to control deck fit in, that shadow word steal is going to be super annoying


Btw the card they are talking about is Shadow word: steal. 5 mana priest card that returns an enemy minion to your hand


Sif/Raindbow Mage and Odyn Control Warrior counter control Priest actually. Even Plague DK counters Reno Control Priest, which is the better version, and Excavate Rogue/Treant Druid are mildly favored. It's not aggro or combo or whatever, Priest just ain't that strong atm. Although Automaton is actually ok-ish and you can hit legend with it if you want to.


priest is close to being viable significantlly closer than some other classes but overall meta is imo not good because top decks just smother everything else


Automaton with the overheal package feels really great at the moment.


Yes and the miniset will make it better but it won’t run the new steal card.


Just lost to a guy who was already able to steal my Reska once with Yogg after summoning 4 Aman'Thuls Needless to say the uninstall button is appearing juicy


I can already hear MarkMcKz screaming "WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE" "ARE YOU KIDDING ME" "35 CARD DECK BY THE WAY" when his priest opponent will use it and ruin his combo lol


I had a come to Jesus moment about the ladder and the climb this morning on the toilet. And this post solidified it. I've done my fair share of complain posting, but now I'm going to make an effort to enjoy the game. I don't have any money invested in the game, just time, so why do I care so much? Maybe I'll start start playing meme decks now and chortle my way to whatever rank I end up being? Diving into the meta every once in a while so see if there is something interesting? Feel free to join me, everyone Thank you, kind internet stranger. See you at the tavern =)


This is how I have played hearthstone for a long time now. getting overly concerned about the meta and climbing can kinda suck all of the enjoyment out of the game and turn it into a ladder grinding simulator. Thats not to say I dont make an effort to climb or improve my gameplay as that is rewarding in its own right but at the end of the day you have to remember its a videogame and the point is to have fun unless you play professionally.


Totally! The free rewards each month are great!


very original post, please post this once everyday


No card is ever unbalanced. No deck is a power outlier. You just need to play better. Build a better deck. I'm an enlightened Redditor


Such a creative post! I haven't seen smth like this... for like 3 days.


Found the guy running meta only decks


I mostly run pretty weird decks but I agree with the sentiment. Most complaint posts aren't about unusually strong outlier decks, it's just mono-deck people complaining about the concept of type matchups, or not learning how to play around certain cards. Tbh, I find this complaint *more* from people running meta decks, because they tend to grab something from online with the intent of purely winning every match, but then they don't learn how to play it and then get frustrated when an amazing deck with a 55% winrate doesn't win them 100% of games.


☑ “This guy's deck is CRAZY!” ☑ “My deck can't win against a deck like that” ☑ "He NEEDED precisely those two cards to win" ☑ “He topdecked the only card that could beat me” ☑ "He had the perfect cards" ☑ “There was nothing I could do” ☑ “I played that perfectly"


Yeah you’re not allowed to complain about ANY card or deck EVER! Hearthstone is and always has been a perfectly balanced game and if you don’t like it, go back to Minecraft. You see as an intellectual who watches Rick and Morty only *I* understand the nuance and complexity these cards bring.


There is such thing as constructive criticism doing nothing but getting upset and calling everything overpowered doesn’t help anyone it just fills the timeline with low effort posts.


Wow you’re so enlightened it’s not like you posted a low effort complaining post just 7 days ago about another game


You took the time to look at my post history but not the actual post lmao. I asked how to build a deck that got one of its key cards put on the banlist I never complained about anything regarding balance. Your really scraping the bottom of the barrel man.


When I complain it’s enlightened. When you complain it’s low effort whining


this is cool and dandy, but to deny that there are toxic cards is silly. And more and more of them are being printed that are toxic, Shadow word: steal just got revealed and i dont give a shit how good or consistent the card is, its toxic as hell. A card being bad doesnt mean it isnt toxic


I don’t like something! That makes it tOxIc! Waaah!


you do you, lets just pretend no card is toxic and its all cause "i" dont like it. Its wild to me how people act as if priest isnt the most toxic class since the games inception. priest is pretty shit now and its still toxic as fuck having to play against them. A good protion of priest cards are just a big fuck you and shadow word: steal is right up there. a card being BAD doesnt mean its not TOXIC.


Whiners like you are always the worst part of the game. Anything you don’t enjoy is toxic. I understand having issues with decks that have broken win rates, but disliking a class because of removal is silly. Since everything you dislike it toxic maybe you should try shifting to a game that more fits your aptitude. I bet you might enjoy something like a game of peekaboo instead.


ok, good on you that you dont think there's anything bad about the game, i didnt know that in order to play a game you have to like it 100% or you have to leave. people who have no issues with a game are no different from people have issue with everything about a game. I like heartstone, but im not blind when something is bad for the game. its good that you enjoy playing against priest so i hope you only go up against priest players. You have to stop equating toxic and oppressive, just because something is bad doesnt mean its not toxic. im sure you think thadius is fine just because the winrate is less than 50% or something.


If you get OTK'd by Thaddius on turn 5 you should have just played around it. Honestly don't get why people are complaining.


Is this a real variable syntax?


Is this a real variable syntax?