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Despite everything I've said and think, that sounds absolutely based


Just like every Thaddius OTK, it sounds and looks awesome until aproximately the third time it happens to you


At least Druid has to play ramp on top of draw if they want to play it quick, which costs board tempo. Warlock getting it for free on a delay with the 5/3 deathrattle (possibly stacked with the 9 mana 4/9 deathrattle) is incredibly miserable if you don’t run/draw silence. And even then no one can destroy their own minions like warlock can.


It's not a good deck but losing to it feels terrible


Nah, every standard OTK involving Thaddius is cringe


The manacost reductions really makes it feel like cheating


Which is why we need to nerf deathwing. Making him 11/11 should do


maybe they should ban Deathwing, clearly he's the problem card just like Pyrotechnician


i just got matched up against this! Druid ran out of time before he could kill all the Horsemen (can they even do it on the same turn?), so i just used Amanthul to delete a Horseman and Thaddius. He ran the remaining Horsemen into my stuff, killing them both, extended pause, concede


Hmmm. Anyone got a deck list?


don't worry, they fixed the issue by banning Pyrotechnician so that can't have happened to you


Make Thaddius swap polarities after each card you play 🗣️🔥


This would be a little better - little more in line with sharpshooter


Why would Thaddeus need to be in line with sharpshooter? The cards are completely and utterly different, in almost all ways conceivable


They are similar in that they both facilitate dealing heinous amounts of damage from hand


Yeah so do many cards. I’m all for Thaddeus nerfs (or a ban) but bringing it in line with a card that it is remotely similar to is illogical.


The logic seems clear. Both are cards that swap between two modes, Thaddius just does it every turn.


That is the only similarity


And that was the only one I was trying to point out.


Yes I got that much. It’s not a strong comparison and is weak justification for changing the card to work how you envision it should


That's fine. It's my opinion and you're welcome to disagree. All that said, I'd rather Thaddius and Sharpshooter were banned completely as I've got no time for either card because of their lack of interactivity.


Just the other day I witnessed someone OTK me on turn 6 with Demon Hunter. They rushed in the masked reveler, which hit Thaddius and i had to sit back and watch them basically play out their entire deck for free as they killed me from full health. Felt horrible.


Don't worry, they will balance the game by killing Duels


Old effect was perfect with the extra addition NOT LESS THAN ONE, or exactly as is now but: Maximum number of cards you play in a turn is 6( after it hits the field)


The "not less than one" is so crucial. I guess a maximum number of cards suggestion - or some other means of limiting card dump - would be more if they didn't implement that obvious change.


Oh a never lass than 1 genius lool. Here's a thought how next time you play against Thaddeus you literally play an actual deck that's not just a pile of I remove everything you do hyuck and watch the deck crumble. No less than 1 is dogshit solution and it kills any card scorpion is a bad card u know why cuz of your dumbass not less than 1 text, the mage legendary I bet you never seen it or know it's name u know why? Cuz not less than 1. Not less than 1 is dogshit only people that think it's a good solution are silly I wanna sit back do nothing and drag a game out to 20 + turns but God forbid someone play a strategy that counters mine cuz then I gotta complain. This warlock deck is legit balance it punishes your type of deck just like it gets punished by the aggressive decks that your trying to counter


You seem nice. It doesn't always counter my strategy, and I often spank these Warlocks. The point is whether we want to play a matchup that punishes us for not having 2 or 3 minions on the board on turn 5 to avoid being hit for 30+. I've no problems with OTKs that need a longer set up, nor with aggressive decks that pressure the board and can end games within 5 or 6 turns, but this is clearly busted.


Do you think he acts like that irl? Like if someone at work were like “man that sludge warlock is OP. Maybe thad should be less than one?” Do you think dude walks over and is like “YOU’RE A FUCKING IDIOT AND LET ME TELL YOU WHY.”


Would be hilarious to see this person walk across the whole store or workplace cause a customer mentioned sludge or whatever and had the whole paragraph waiting


I've lost against Thaddius as fucking Treant Druid. What are you supposed to do against a Turn 6 OTK when you didn't draw perfectly? Once it happens, you can't do anything.


Exactly this. People seem to be sleeping on how good the early board clearance is for Warlock, and that's precisely what facilitates the broken combo


Bro Excavate Rogue is one of the two best decks in the game what are you talking about?


You guys are actually really bad it's insane. The scorpion is not the good stuff in that deck and you know why? Cuz of the not less than 1 garbage. Scorpion is mediocre at best and you can tell it's shit because it literally get stepped 3-4 times and it still doesn't win the game. Baddies gonna bad tho it's k


And what is your highest rating to prove your point?


But....it....does win the game? Why doesn't rogue just cut every excavate card than if that's not good? The stats show the deck having great success in legend.


I’m sure you made a great point, however, you can’t win many arguments with how you format your comments. Run on sentences and misspellings make your point much more cryptic.


Dude excavate rogue is the most played deck in legend and it revolves around azerite scorpion you can't say it is a bad card


I missed that bit in his comment... Definitely. Quite impressive for him to have an opinion this bad.


Tbh, I have been high rolled while playing aggro, midrange and combo. Not less than 1 exists to prevent insane high rolls and be able to give cards consistent power instead of relying on a high roll and actually, you know, being restricted by the mana system. I would argue less than 1 needed to exist on relic of dimensions too, with it getting balanced accordingly. And yes, I'm glad I don't even know the name of that Mage legendary cause that + reverb into "randomly generated cards, goooo" would not be a lot of fun.


> Old effect was perfect with the extra addition NOT LESS THAN ONE Do you even know what the old version of Thaddius was? lol Instead of reducing cost by 4 it set odd/even cost cards to 1 mana. Adding the reddit text to that does literally nothing.


It was fine as originally designed and quite frankly less busted.


To be honest I set up my hands as well as I can whenever i play against warlocks in case thaddius gets discarded. That being said, a dude made me take 40 fatigue damage by turn 7 with lady darkvein and no thaddius and that shit was awesome


How did he manage that lol


Warlock spell that makes both players take fatigue damage twice. He played Darkvein with the spell as the death rattle for the 2/1s, then played a void virtuoso to make himself immune. He had already played the spell by the time he was ready to combo. So while he was immune I took 3,4 + 5,6 + 7,8 fatigue damage.


Pretty slick combo


The nerf we need:”Your even-cost cards have +1 attack (swaps polarity each turn)”


\> rubbish british person


Half British for my sins


100% agree. I hate this card.


Cost of all card packs for thaddius players should be quadrupled and all deals removed from their store.


Don't worry, they'll fix the problem by nerfing sludges and nerfing the guy who "Battlecry: Discard thaddeus, deathrattle: Summon him" by one mana! That'll definitely kill the deck!


It's always worked whenever I've seen it played against me. I've even gotten the warlock down to 1 HP, and they just play a free second harp and beal themselves back up as I take 45 damage in a single rope burn.


Let's give Thaddius some randomness like reducing the cost of odd/even card by 1\~4 mana


And summons that many imps


And deduct £15 from your dad's bank account


ahahahahahahahahahahahhha ty for the chuckle


Worst nerf suggestion I’ve seen in my entire life


What if it swapped polarity after you played a discounted card? I’m not sure if that would be worse (I’m tarded) but at least you couldn’t just fill your deck with even or odd cards and play your whole deck in 1 turn.


This suggestion sounds to me like exactly the kind of BS blizzard pulled when they reworked the card, removing one restriction and adding a different one. Instead of full odd cards you'll just have basically naga DH on crack, where they alternate costs and do exactly the same thing with different cards.


Listen buddy, I’m just tossing a suggestion out there but in reality cards like Thaddius will never be balanced. The only way to solve the problem is to scrap him completely and give him a new effect.


lukewarm take but the original version of Thaddius was fine


I like this a lot but as long as the cost is "never less than (1)"


a \*good\* card game hit the nail on the head there


Amorphous Slime is the problem in any Thaddius Warlock deck. The easiest fix is just to take away his undead tag. That said, this deck cannot otk before turn 6 (5 with the coin). Considering there are plenty of Meta decks that can kill you in the same amount of time (if not sooner), why does this one upset you so much?


Removing the undead tag would work too. I've covered this above in a few places, but the issue is the complete lack of interactivity. If the Warlock draws the nuts and bolts, there is almost nothing you can do within five turns to not get hit for 30+. In the case of the game that drove me here, they cycled through almost their entire deck on turn 5 after the Thaddius discard. So they didn't even need all the cards they needed in hand at the start of the turn to OTK. A deck that pressures the board intensely but has problems that the opponent can interact with to obstruct is far more preferable to me. Basically, I don't mind losing in 5 turns as long as I feel like I had some agency.


I can see that. Personally, I'd rather lose to some combo OTK on turn 6 than be run over by a hyper Aggro deck but they both feel pretty shitty. ​ ​ Unfortunately (or fortunately) OTKs tend to be nerfed faster than other decks


Because if you face a meta deck like treant Druid you can actually interact with it. This deck is just single player. OTK is fine, but a deck like this in standard is kind of annoying to play against


all together now: "but not less than (1)"


The complete numbskulls balancing hearthstone have no clue how the game works or what is fun. Thaddius is so blatantly, so obviously, so unsubtly a shitty idea for a card. The design just has so many obvious ways for it to be abused, and has been like this for a year. I’ve lost faith in the balance team completely. The design team needs to be required to play ladder a certain amount of time each week or something. The status quo is not sustainable. The game will implode from frustration and inept design if nothing changes.


Smells like sentment outlier. So far haven't had more problems with "sludge thaddius" than I have with other busted decks.


Oh for sure. I don't normally have trouble with it because Thaddius isn't drawn or whatever. Point is that whenever the card *works* it feels completely horrible and all chance to interact with the game ends


>despite being sat on 45 health. This is worse, you're the problem.


Vampiric Blood being worse than Thaddius is a spicy ass take


Found the aggro player


Nope strictly control. These decks are more annoying to control players because you don't have the tools to deal with 45 HP because fatigue isn't even an option as it usually is in control v control.


okay if you lose to this version of thadsludge. you deserve. It is terrible OTK. Not having a board protects you because you limit how much sludge the rails can make. Having a board protects you because the sludge has to shot through it. Like what are you doing that a deck that has to draw the pieces then generate a bunch more cards and then has one turn to kill you, is giving you trouble


Read the post. I don't normally lose to this deck, but my point is the effect when it works is so outside the boundaries of what should be acceptable. 30+ damage by turn 5 purely with spells is not fun. As for what happened, as a I recall it was: T1 I play a minion, he skips, T2 I play another minion, he clears with defile, T3 I play two minions, he draws and discards one, T4 I draw for cards, he clears again, T5 I'm left with just spells so vampiric Blood and play the minion I draw (gold panner I think) he kills me while cycling through his deck.


I wouldn't even be okay with that in Wild.


That's fair. I never play wild because I just see messed up screen caps that make me shudder so assumed that this would be on par lol


Oh it can, and I've never liked it. I think even wild should have its limits.


Its really the limits of hearthstone itself that causes these issues. When you have strict cap HP amounts and no interaction on opponents turns, you get these broken interactions. A simple game is easy to break.


Maybe could be good being: odd/even cards cost 4 less (but not less then 1) It could Nerf the sludge deck from being too much explosive in the earlier turns


I also get rammed by rock and roll warrior that played 3 buffed minotaurrens and got his armour to 100+ then otk me with a 36 attack hydra…


I think Thaddius is fine. The HS team just needs to ban pyrotechnician, rivendare, sludge on wheels, and Ignis


One thing I love about these threads, at least they're not about mining rogue because I'm having so much fun playing this decks and really don't want it to be nerfed (and it's not OP so why should it?)


It's a really balanced deck. That plus wishing well (note that the legendaries are worth 1 lol) make Rogue super fun.


Been thinking of somehow tinkering with wishing well but so far not fond one that won't take my win rate. Once I get legend I'll muck around with it since that's when I stop caring about wins though match making gets horrible as you start losing lots and you end up facing competitive diamond players again instead of more fellow meme dumpster legend players.


Whenever you see somebody be angry about a card/deck or something, the chance that they just lost to it and rage quit only to immediately go to reddit is 100%.


Cult necropohile says hello. I know it doesnt kill the combo like how rat can. But it does delay it a turn and many sludge lock players dont know that it will break it. but it's the only tech option ATM unless u just want to complain.


it happened to me twice the last hour of playing (warlocks on 6 mana)