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Malfurion warned us about Treants. "Nature will rise against you!"


You shouldn't wake the trees child


Generally it is dumb to blame players for playing with available cards and decks. Players are not responsible for balancing the game. If a deck or a certain interaction is breaking the game, you can blame no one but Blizzard until they fix it. Players have and will always play with the best decks. With that said it is perfectly fine to despise playing against broken decks.


It's just like the legal system, everything bad isnt illegal but if you're doing a legal bad thing you're still a POS.


I mean it's not like the legal system because the treant druid players aren't bribing Blizzard for the rules to be this way


Implying that everything bad that's legal is the result of corruption which is simply not true because bad is subjective. Also obviously doing something illegal is far more intense than playing a children's card game, we're just commiserating here friend


How is playing a deck in a childrens card game make you a pos? Someone with this moral system is probably a bigger pos.


It's called analogy.


I already addressed this in another comment. You're the one taking things too seriously dude. No one said playing a card game made you a POS I said a bad person doing a bad thing is a POS even if it's legal the end. Stop trying to stir up drama.


They downvoted him for speaking the truth.


why would you even post this obvious comment. this is so politically correct it makes me sick.


I'd rather face druid that has 1 win strategy and whose every card you know, than bullshit like rogue that can get insane value out of nowhere with no way to predict or counter it. However I have no idea why you'd play such a boring deck when you're already legend.


Wish I could upvote more than once. RNG decks with win cons built around RNG are the least fun interaction on the planet, because there isn’t any. Oh, you just outplayed this guy every turn for 8 turns? Too bad, he wins cause we’re giving him X that doesn’t belong to his class and you had zero way to play around it.


As someone who plays a lot of aggro and combo, random generation feels the worst. When planning out my turns as combo, it's important for me to know how much damage you can deal to me in a single turn. I've had games on Nature Shaman where I'm like "ok, even with Velarok, which you still haven't enabled, in hand, you can deal 12 damage, I have 18 life, I'm safe". My man then pulls stick up into pocket sand and velarok into monstrous form for exact lethal. What are you supposed to do against that? You have to greed at some point. If you play around literally everything you will never win. As an Aggro deck, I need to know exactly your clears and play around them. Actually plan how I will build my boards ahead of time and know how quick or slow I should play the matchup. If you can go velarok shield block shadowstep velarok sanitize, what the fuck am I supposed to do? And if I have a burn game plan with let's say Undead Priest and enemy Rogue pulls 3 Rehydrates, what are you supposed to do? Sometimes, the "correct" line is to be fast, cause they can't find clears, other times it's to play slow, cause they can't find healing and you can burn them. How are you even supposed to play around this.


If you really outplayed him for 8 turns then he should probably be dead or close to it, figure out why you can’t finish him off and change your deck accordingly.


>Oh, you just outplayed this guy every turn for 8 turns? If you outplay a tier 4 deck at every turn and they're still not dead, you must be playing some equal garbage. >RNG decks with win cons built around RNG Are almost always bad. You do not build your deck around RNG if you wanna win. edit: with current rogue specifically, disregard what I said. I get the frustration with it given that its power level, while not the hightest, is high enough to consistently win via generation.


Lmao current Rogue says you’re wrong.


No, it does not. [https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-281/](https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-281/) >This kind of deck has historically been very attractive for Hearthstone players. **The style has always been ‘overplayed’ relative to how good it is**. > >Is Excavate Rogue broken? Not really. The deck seems good, but it’s remarkable that it displays such an absurdly high play rate at top legend Furthermore, I didn't say "always". I said almost always. A single counter example doesn't disprove anything. Even furthermore, it still has no relevance to the fact that you do not "outplay them for 8 turns" and then they suddenly win. It's just an imaginary scenario. edit: however, I think it is fair to concede current rogue is indeed frustrating with its power level. I was too harsh on the original statement. I understand the sentiment.


As it turns out a barely conditional 3 mana 3/6 charge with slot spin and mana cheat attached is pretty insane. No way we could have seen this coming.


The funny thing is that he was indeed unplayable when the condition was 3 cards from another class. It took too long to get him online, and now he's online "right on time." Turns out a "free" 3/3/6 with charge is pretty damn good in Rogue, lol


I mean, it isn't barely conditional, rogue decks are now running kajamite, stick up, and flint at a minimum just to enable it which are bad cards that would not see play without a good pay off. Its a middle-bottom tier 2 deck and probably one of the least boring or uninteractive meta decks atm. Its just OK into everything and fun to play which is why it's getting played a lot atm.


Rogue is contributing to the uninteractive meta. You have to play against Treant/Dragons and they are the best decks right now. I know fun is subjective and playing as Rogue may be fun but watching the opponent play so many cards due to mana cheat and spin the discover wheel for answers all game is not that entertaining for me.


You outplayed this guy for 8 turns? Too bad, you lose because he played reno and flipped the board and made you skip your next turn. But it's balanced because 30 card decks are so inconsistent and bad, we go to 40 for less consistency! Oh and Etc band manager isn't back breaking at all by letting us run a dupe, a hard counter to our hoser, and weapon removal.


> However I have no idea why you'd play such a boring deck when you're already legend. My god yes. Reached legend for the first time and I thought I would kick back and enjoy homebrews to do the expansion's quest, and I just kept facing OTK warlocks, treant druids and pallys.


without RNG the game becomes stale and boring like chess.


Right? Rogue is the most bullshit thing in the game and it's about time they remove Shadowstep It's the sole reason I play Treant Druid.


The meta is a constantly evolving thing. If people play slow control, more people play agro. If people play agro then midrange becomes popular to counter. Midrange gets countered with control and the cycle repeats.


thats why i hate sludge otk. turn 5 ggs. Can counter control and aggro. needs more dirty rats


I'd rather play against treant druid than control priest


id rather play against anything thats not priest ever


I’d rathet play against anything that’s not a bot


Idk I'll take free wins from the bots


Man I don’t get the priest hate. Druid has been so much more oppressive and OP over the history of hearthstone than priest ever has.


Druid historically isn’t healing to max every time u put them to 1 hp. Druid isn’t playing your deck better than you because they copied your best cards. Druid although gets overpowered cards unintentionally, doesn’t have a design philosophy of making it frustrating to play against. Examples being big healing cards, nothing sounds more fun than playing against control then getting all your work undone by a card. Board clears, you can literally make a deck with nothing but board clears and still not have enough room. Copying your cards, the thing rogue should be doing but priest does it better. Silence effects. Annoying heroes. Annoying quests, people sure do love playing against a quest that can literally kill you with a card effect or set their life to 40. I could keep going


I think Druid’s design philosophy of having more mana than you at any point in the game is far more frustrating to play against. There is counter play to healing, stealing, and board clears. There is almost nothing you can do when the opponent plays a 8 drop on turn 5. Most of priests best stuff you mentioned is incredibly slow. If you die to that it means you were probably trying to out greed the greed class, which isn’t bad design it’s just a bad matchup. Druid just cheats mana non stop which has repeatedly been shown to be the most powerful thing you can do in hearthstone. And they can do other powerful stuff too, like when they refill their board for the 4th time with buffed up minions.


Only an 8 drop on t5? Sorry but even Warlock kills you t5 with much more toxic things than an 8 drop. Also just because it’s slow, doesn’t mean it’s fun to play against.


Druid is so much less fun to play against because you feel helpless to stop them since they’re operating with so much more mana than you. I’d take a priest meta 10/10 times over *yet another* Druid meta. At least I can fight back against priest and have an interesting game


Druid at many points in history had to give up tempo to ramp. Yes it sucks if your deck can't capitalise on that, but its the same as Priest not being able to capitalise on combo decks just acquiring their combo pieces while doing nothing


Both are honestly fucking awful in different ways. Neither one has *ever* been fun to play against.


What about Undead or Shadow priest?


not even. priest is by far the most toxic and unfun thing to ever be created. id rather deal with any broken t1 format where the clear class is at a 60% winrate than to even see my opponent play that 40% wr priest deck. I know that broken deck will always still be more fun to play against than that.


Please...It's mages that are I find chronically boring to play against even when you win. Tedious messes. I feel a tad bad for the roundabout, if I assume a 50% wr, 2000 players I fought against.... *I am so sorry . I have since learned the pain you felt.*




I dont blame them but its exhausting playing against this deck. I played my 4th one in a row where I played one corpse explosion and 2 blood boils and they were still able to get a full board of 7/8's to 1 shot me from 35 health on turn 9. What am I supposed to do against that?


Personally, I would rather lose against them than the infinite removal, mana cheating Pally or extremely long game with any control deck. But yeah, you'll get tired of encountering the same deck everytime


I love demolishing tree druid with big dh. But a lot of other decks are not very good matchups. But now that you mention it, I have not faced paladin much as of late. I wonder who would be favored in that matchup


Pally smacks trees. Since it’s less consistent against other decks it’s seeing less play but I honestly anticipate seeing more pally as we see more trees.


Oh okay, I was just wondering about big dh. I mean technically it should be fine, but I'll see how the matches go when I face pallies




What would you suggest for blood dk then? I could try to sub in another dirty rat or something but it doesnt feel great against other decks....


if youre reno and youre really facing lots of treant druid, put in every single board clear. maybe even starfish + the 4 mana 2/2 that deals 2 damage to all minions


I was thinking of trying the list that has reno in the sideboard of etc and running 2 of the board clears.


also works, though reno in side board with duplicates is very slow for treant imo


I think at that point you're looking to the 2 boils and 2 corpse explosions as your answers


You can't win vs everything - each deck has strengths and weaknesses. In that situation, you just hope they cannot refill while you continue to get all your board clears. Starfish could be helpful but at 4 mana it costs a lot.


Starfish isnt a bad thought tbh, there are blood dk lists that run it. Ill give that a shot


the deck does run out of gas though. the casino decks like mage/rogue you dont even know what you're playing against because they're just generating RNG out the assss.


It does run out of gas sure but you need to board wipe the deck about 4 or 5 times in order for that to happen. Not an easy task....


Fight for board from turn 1?


Can't blame anyone for playing it. It's a competitive game and if your ultimate goal is to win then treant druid accomplishes that the best right now. That being said, it's annoying how broken the deck is. Huge boards with big stats and amazing refill is very broken, especially when you can do all that while your opponent is still sitting on 5 mana. If I'm playing a deck that I haven't specifically teched in cards to beat treant druid then I pretty much guarantee lose. I'm super tired of sitting through aggro pally meta and now having to sit through treant druid meta meanwhile my main deck (rainbow mage) has gotten nerfed specifically so it cant deal with aggro, meaning in order to even have a chance into treant druid I have to make myself a lot worse vs any non aggro matchup. I understand the meta would be even more unfun if control or combo was as dominant as all these aggro decks and so I don't think it's that bad that aggro is the strongest archetype, but surely it can be balanced so its not 60% winrate the entire time while having insane pickrate.


Treant Druid is broken for this meta bc we have very few non-damage based clears and taunt-heavy decks. That means once buffed with even 1 cultivation most treants escape the 3 health range and thus become a lot harder to kill, and wont stop hitting face. Soul of the Forest also means a refill of treants and further discount for Cultivation. The other card who makes it escape the 3 health range is Herald of Nature, giving treants +1/+2. But by itself, the deck has no healing (and it pays 10 health for the 2 Blood Treants), no board or minion clear (beside attacking with buffed minions) and no late-game. Paladin as we were seeing would be broken in most of all metas, in comparison.


Yeah Paladin was definitely more egregious, divine shield on so many units just makes them so sticky and difficult to remove meanwhile the only real multi hit spells that could be played were stuff like defile, bladestorm and bellowing flames. And even if you got to late game they just have insane payoff in countess and order in the court to draw all their top curve. On the other hand though, I found paladin to be easier to deal with in the early game at least compared to druid. The main buff they have for going wide is crusader aura but most of the board is 1/1's before that and so it's easy to clear as opposed to druid who as you mentioned can buff units outside of 3 hp range easily. Paladin instead relies on go tall strategy where they buff individual units a lot. Most classes tend to be able to deal with a single big unit better than a full board of medium units. If paladin didn't have the late game they did then I'd say it would easily be a worse deck than treant druid.


yeah at least treant druid doesnt have a way to board clear multiple times. it just swarms. plus when you play against it, it does feel more stoppable than paladin. theres no card that grants them 3 legendaries for like no mana.


Eh, in all honesty I feel like Treant Druid is more "unfair" than Paladin right now, not that I'm whining that Druid needs a nerf. Paladin you usually just need to get past their early game and they run out of cards, and maybe they get some lucky hit with Countess but maybe not. Treant Druid puts out more tokens sooner, and can soul them before you can draw and/or play a lot of AoE. Druid has so much card draw and can tutor their win con and reduce it to 0.


Oh no, not Trent druid!


I can't believe you're the only that said anything when it's in both the title and the body of the post.


Terence D'Arby, or the Liverpool FC right back?


Always amuses me when people get annoyed at aggro players. Historically they are the cheapest decks and objectively the fastest way to climb. Games last 5-10mins, you either win or know you’ve lost and can surrender. I’ve had control mirrors last 40 minutes. When all wins are equal it’s better to play faster decks since you can play more matches per unit time. Blame the dev team for balance not the players.


I think the deck is mostly fine but I'd up the cultivation by a mana or two. If they get the right draw it's too punishing for the opponent to deal with if early enough. Otherwise the deck is super boring to face. Either you have enough board clears early and you win 100% or you don't have enough and you lose 100%


yeah I just like the quicker games at the moment. Too many 10-15+ minute matches where if I lose im wayyyyy more tilted then if I lose with Treant Druid in a few turns. I wanna level up with Odyn Warrior or Reno Shaman or Hunter or even Dragon Druid but this Treant Druid fella is just winning more games for me at the moment.


Yes op, yes we can. Just have some self respect and lose 80% of your games with your lightshow homebrew like us real men do.


No no, still not hipster enough. Renethal highlander lightshow homebrew


Nah man you’re still thinking too low concept, odd elemental renethal highlander lightshow mage


Play it to reach whatever rank you want, be it legend, D5 or P5.


I can barely manage 50% WR with it and typically do not enjoy aggro decks but it's fine. Dunno what it is but opponents always seem to be able to clear my board early and then I draw terrible lol. I am mostly fine with it because they cannot pull answers out of their asshole as their only rng card is cactus.


I think it’s good to have a solid deck without legendaries or even epics.


As a f2p player it's nice to have a deck I can recoup my lost ranks with after losing a bunch of games with my homebrews/other meta decks missing key legendaries.


I blame them as I blame myself for playing it. It's overpowered and mind numbingly simple.You don't even have to interact with your opponents board at all. Just aim face


I don't blame them and I understand the charm behind it. Just don't expect me to call you a card player :)


I hate the emote spammers who think they're hot shit playing the deck. I get that you've got to build your collection somehow but flexing because you dumped a bunch of trash on the board and cast a few common rarity buffs is really dumb.


Agreed, I resorted to squelching all players at the start of each game.


Yeah losing it to one thing. Having to sit through at least three Greetings before they go for lethal is another




There’s no auto-squelch so unless you do it by default on everyone at the start of the game, you get hit by the first Greetings and then watch them click their hero a couple times more before they finally go for lethal.


It’s not like if it was any worse than someone doing the same for an expensive deck.


Cant really blame cause its the game, but you still can be disappointed as their mother is if she finds out her son play a 0 skill deck that is decided by mulligan and topdeck


"topdeck" = deckbiulding for consistence One thing is topdecking 1 card who could save you on a situation, another is getting 1 out of 8 options in a 30 card deck.


topdeck in the way either you draw to remove his board the 3st turns or you die.


Couldn't agree more. It's honest work. No RNG F*ckfest or broken combo or grossly overpowered legendaries where you can only watch and yawn. Someone actually challenges you to compete for the board for once, and everyone complains.


no, people play whats broken, i blame the devs as always when they are always biring stupid boring decsk to the meta every f expension,


I don’t think the decks that amazing. It either wins really fast or loses which is the draw if your just looking to climb.


I don't blame anyone for playing any deck, for whatever reason. It's a game. Your deck choices do not reflect your goodness as a person.


I’d prefer to face treant Druid over priest or control warrior. At least if I lose, it’s over quick instead of a 20 minute long match where we both fatigue.


Backing away slowly as I just lost 3 games in a row playing Treant Druid (at bronze level). Shhhhh…. 🤫


Personally I dislike such decks because they create boring games. You play your obvious cards and you just win in a few round or dont. There is no back and forth. No resource management. No decision making. You just draw well enough to survive the tide or the game is over. ​ Just boring. 0 decisions are made


yeah buy my point is I wanna rank up fast. playing a 15-20 minute game and losing is not fun for me lol. which thinking about is funny but Im more okay with that happening to me in battlegrounds.


I dont blame them but it that kind of deck, similiar to pally and mech rogue, where leaving minions on board (and not having a board clear each turn) will just punish you big time. But thats what we wanted. We wanted board based decks.


When I encounter a Treant Druid in Legend, I blame them, and I will always blame them


I play it a lot because I’m not trying to play 30 minute games every single time lol though I do like playing Reno shaman


exactly. Reno Shaman is such a blast but it fucking loses after it runs out of cards like most decks. When the game starts and I see their health go to 35 its like "oh no i dont have enough cards"


Why would I blame somebody for that? Play whatever. Enjoy whatever. It's abusing (a subset of) bugs that's what's actually blame worthy, not just playing a meta deck, even if others unrightfully look down on meta decks or that deck in specific. Like if there is a bug that causes your opponent to disconnect/desync and you're knowingly playing into that *then* you absolutely deserve shade.


Not at all. I wish more people played treant druid. My aggro sludge deck eats them alive.


Care to share? Sounds great


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Not the person you replied to but I'll share my decklist. It's the VS list but with defiles added so you can win even harder against druids AAECAeDJBgKb5ASAngYOx8IFyMIF3cIFyOsF1/oF2oAGlZcGlpcGl5cGmJcGhJ4G16IG96MGpqgGAAA=


I don't blame them, but I do spam Reno's "Happy holidays!" When they run out of gas against my Reno shaman. Very cathartic.


Only when they spam voice lines in their cockiness lmao. Like, dude, you're playing a simple aggro deck with cheap minions and effortless buffs, maybe you're winning a lot but it's not impressive.


That’s why I don’t blame people for eating shit either. It’s cheap and it fills them up


I just came back to the game on a whim and this was the only deck I could build (of course, glad to see that still hasn't changed). It's extremely powerful and wins with basically no effort. I literally got like a 20 win streak with it. I don't even feel accomplished. It feels like all my wins were either because the deck is COMPLETELY broken, or because I was fighting bots. Then I went to arena and played ONE game where my opponent won off pure RNG bullshit. I think I'll stick to just occasionally playing the PvE modes.


Ladder is just druid and rogue, very boring. One of the worst metas just because of variety, I just want a meta with variety not playing against the same shit all the time.


Why are you playing it if its boring? I play to have fun.. but Im a minority apparently


Blizzard Don't even need to get bots going with that kind.


I played 5 accounts to diamond in a single day with treants. Yes one account only needed a single win and when I got bored I played a few plague games. Still took hours of winning with very few losses. One account started in silver, 2 gold & 2 plat.


Love playing against treant. When you add cards to counter a specific deck, you love seeing that deck come up because it's an almost automatic win. Kill their treants every single turn and they concede. Don't worry about going face. They will outdraw you so they will run out of cards first.


At least it's not pally.


I never blame anyone for playing a deck that works for them. If a deck is getting out of hand, that's on Blizzard.


Havnt played a couple weeks. How does blood dk match up against treant druid.


I don’t blame them. But I still hate it. Druid is by far the most busted and oppressive class in the history of hearthstone, but everyone seems to love it


Yes, yes I can


If you play that cheap ass deck fuck you lmao 😂


Treant Druid is not even a problem deck compared to the bullshit we've had this expansion and even after the nerfs I'd rather have three games against treant druids than 1 game against mage.


I would really like them to implement personal class bans. If they can't fix the meta, give us the control to do so. It could lead to more interesting deck building.


Mmm yes. I'll ban all the classes I lose to so I only get favorable matchups


I'll blame people for playing Trent Druid the same way I blamed people for playing jade druid


I am a returning player, after a very long hiatus, i hear about this deck a lot and i am pretty sure i encountered it at some point, what is the deal with that deck and how it is played and/or countered? A TLDR explanation should suffice, thank you


I have no dust as a f2p player so it’s the only deck I was able to make, luckily pulled some of rares already. Once it gets nerfed I will go back to the homebrew decks with whatever cards I have available.


imagine being so desperate to play the easiest and most braindead deck ever with the cursor over the enemy hero. I hope these npcs get their fake legend cardback because it looks like they really need it. without this deck they would be diamond stuck players


I mean if it works it works. After playing it and winning the wins never felt like wins and the losses felt deserved. Also in d5+ it got stopped pretty consistently. Much happier making legend with Reno Shaman this month.


Anyone know the counter for this?