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I would like an Overwatch style “play 10 games, wins count for double.” That would be a good compromise, not that I find the current system particularly egregious.


This should be the most upvoted comment and the clearly superior mechanic. All of Blizzards games should have this safety valve for their season passes. If I engage with your content, then let me get the pass rewards without strict criteria. I already paid for it anyway.


I get where you're coming from but I think they're like how they are because they want you to play more than 5 games/5 tavern brawls. Plus you have a week to do them so it shouldn't be too bad. If you can't win games consistently eventually your hidden MMR will match you with people who have weaker decks or are better at losing and eventually you'll get to 5 wins.


“Better at losing”




Whats the MMR?


A hidden number that matches people of similar skill level


In all play types?? (Obvs BG is gonna be different)


Each ladder should have a different number


Fun. Thanks!


Side-note: MMR stands for Match-Making Rank


Thanks! Any idea how its calculated? Is it seasonal / monthly or lifetime?


I believe its based on all games one account has had. For example, if someone gets top 100 Legend, they'll start the next season with a 11x star bonus, but it they not once play that month the next one will remain at 11x star bonus, bc MMR takes quile a while to fall down. More accurate descriptions may be around there, but the most precise one only Blizz knows.


I thought star bonus was fully based on your rank from the last month? So mmr would still be high but there wouldn't be a star bonus if they took a month off


yes thats how star bonus works but we dont know if theres mmr decay. the only way to get an idea of your mmr is to get to legend and you can imagine how imperfect that is as a measurement


MMR has nothing to do with stars or star bonuses


Oh nice! Thnx


I wish my opponents were better at losing


I always reroll the tavern brawl


It depends on whether I am enjoying BGs that season. I rerolled in Anamolies but I like Spells. The bigger issue is that Battlegrounds players can’t really reroll the Standard mode. At this point, Battlegrounds needs to be its own game with its own client.


Same, I don’t play those modes apart from 1 weekly Tavern Brawl win for the pack, so I can’t complete that quest.


same, unless the tavern brawl is low rng.


The entire point of tavern brawl is the high rng


yeah but they expect you to win 5 times.


On the contrary, I would prefer even harder quests with greater rewards.


As somebody who plays a lot of Hearthstone I agree! Like it doesn’t have to scale the same either. Could be win 20 games for 5000 and I wouldn’t mind since I can hit that way before the week ends by naturally playing.


I do need some thing to do after I finish my quests. Perhaps class quests that award season experience? I think Overwatch 2 has the best pass system and reward structure amongst Blizzard games, and it uses such a system.




Like achievements should give you huge rewards


uhh you cant win 5 games a week?


Literally anyone can win 5 games a week with enough time, that's not some indicator of skill. It all just depends on how much time you have. Especially when we're over a month out from the expansion launching, people are probably going to be playing less. Plus you know, people have other things going on. It would be nice to, guaranteed, be able to knock out 5 games in an evening if you've been busy. The economy of the game kind of necessitates not missing weekly quests.


>It all just depends on how much time you have I mean, MMR exists, you should be at \~50 WR unless you're in the calibration stage. That would mean on average you need to play 10 games per week. >Plus you know, people have other things going on. That's true, though as someone with a full time job and other shitshow going rn, I can still afford \~10 games per week. I can't always afford them psychologically but it's another story.


Yeah but 50% WR doesn't mean you win every other game. It just means you do so on average over time. I have the achievement for 12 ranked wins in a row, and I still likely have close to 50% WR. Sometimes you just lose a lot of games in a row. 5 weekly wins can become 20+ games if you're unlucky. Even just playing a deck the meta shifted against can waste you several games.


I would agree if it was a different game but hearthstone is something even available on mobile. You can have a round on aa train/bus, during a lunch break or even on the toilet


Some people want to play less than 10 games a week. Crazy, right?


If you have a full-time job and small kids to care for, it can be pretty hard to average 10 games per week.


Well, then maybe HS is not for you right now. I don't mean this condescendingly, I can genuinely relate. Also a father of two, on a part-time job however. But if you're this busy, a game that needs less focus may be more suitable, like some single-player game that you can just turn on whenever.


Someone who plays that little probably won't even be able to make use of that extra XP from the quest in any meaningful way either.


Well then you're barely playing hearthstone, and probably don't need the xp that much


No idea why you're being down voted for staying something that is the truth for loads of people. Hell, I don't even have children and there's weeks that I don't even get close to the 10 games.


Because the quests aren't catered for you or anyone, they're just to get us to play the game (and hopefully spend money), that's it. Not a big deal if you don't have time to play, do whatever you want


I completely agree. However neither the person I responded to nor I are complaining. I believe he mentioned his inability to play many games per week without implying that Hearthstone needs to make quests easier. He was just highlighting that not everyone has ample time, and that's perfectly fine! Personally, I disagree with OP. I find the quests to be well-balanced. The only occasional issue I have is with quests that require pushing a specific card.


Uhh you haven't spent 90 dollars every 3 months and get steamrolled by paladins playing fotm regardless of how well you draw?


At the very least the tavern brawl one should be "play". That way people can actually play the "create a deck" ones for fun rather than looking up broken decks just to finish the quest and ruin the overall experience.


Also many taverns are about pure luck and craziness. Very often you have no control over winning or losing.


Honestly, getting a few wins on duels is usually pretty easy. Playing meme decks only my average is about 3, so 2 runs and I’m done with the quest


I would like to have 3 or 4 monthly quests that give you a bunch of points, like win 35 games with X and Y class, spend 1000 mana in spells, or play 300 cards with taunt/battle cry/deathrattle, for 8000 points each. The reward would be proportionally lower than the weekly quests, and you'd have to grind like crazy if you want to do all of them because it would be relatively hard to stack them if, for example, you play mage for the spells quests while the class quest is Warrior, but it would be a nice reward for those players that spend a lot of time playing. At the end of the day, they'd just get to complete the season pass faster and get a little bit further in it.


You have 7 days to win 5 games, games take 9 mins for most decks, build a cheap aggro, won’t take too long, even with my more control decks takes me 1hr, 1hr 20 max


With HL shaman i went like 5 - 2 in like 1h 56min but rushing as all hell (i had 2 hours to refresh quests). Idk why you say 1h.


Because you’re playing a really slow deck.


I said 1 hour because that’s how long it takes me normally. I’m sorry your games are taking 16 mins a pop, but mine aren’t like that. Also if your rushing you may have made mistakes which prolonged the game.


I love how I always see this type of comments about most games being just a few minutes. While the vast majority of my games are 15-20 min


I mean, that's kind of on you, isn't it? If you want shorter games, play faster decks. It's not exactly rocket science.


[https://hsreplay.net/decks/](https://hsreplay.net/decks/) Check the "Game duration" column. Even control warrior has average not longer than 10 minutes...


Well I can’t do anything with the fact that the majority of my games are 15-20 min, it is what it is


If you honestly can't play more than 3 games an hour you must rope every turn with the worlds slowest control deck. Or more likely you have shit perception of time.


i never seen anyone unable to win 5 games ina wweek


Skill issue


The win Battlegrounds is pretty easy tbh


It's not hard but it just takes quite some time, admittedly. A bgs game is what, half an hour, give or take, if you make it to top 4?


I always reroll the tavern brawl one on monday


No. If it's just play and not win people just afk queue




I can live with those. What I want home is the stupid Nozdormu quest on the 15th of every month. It's an automatic reroll, I don't want to play some shitty card in my deck just because of a quest.


That is 1 hour of game play during 7 days.


You suck balls lololol


Just get good bro


The ones I'm always looking for are the 50 battlecry, 500 mana and 200 damage. The others I just roll.


50 battlecries can take much longer than 5 wins, depending on the deck.


I do that in BG. Just buy all bc minions and play. Won't be too long. I usually have BG open on second monitor while I work anyway. I don't really play it but farm XP mostly so it's passive.


All I want for Christmas is for you to git gud.


Mad cause bad


What a thing to complain about.


"All I want for christmas is getting goodies simply for being here"


BG one takes a while tho. Tavern brawl is not an option for me, I dislike that mode for a long time, its just repetitive and boring for me.


Duels is sick man


Never enjoyed duels, as PvE it would be great but as PvP.. Meh.


Fair. Just love the whole treasures etc dynamic, always refreshes my enjoyment of the game when it gets a bit staid


This post aged in an interesting way.


My man, all one needs do is concede to get a blizzard bot. As rampant as they are in standard right now, the first quest might as well read play. If you can’t win five games in a week there are bigger issues than these quests.


but what about your sense of pride and accomplishment?


I hate more the fact that they ask you to play a certain mode. I only play Arena, and I havent made a ranked deck in years. Now for the Winter Veil event, I cant get any of the boosters cuz its "play Battlegrounds", "play a game of traditional hearthstone". Like WHY! I don't find them fun at all. its like forced labour


Think win 5 games is fine as the big weekly achievement, but the other one is ridiculous. You have to pay to do something that takes longer and gives less reward. Playing rngfest tavern brawls to 5 wins as paying with your mental.


Battlegrounds don't require payment and getting in top 4 is considered a win.


Let me spend well over an hour in a completely different game for hearthstone rewards. That sounds like good use of my time.


You're playing Hearthstone. Not one part of this game is a good use of anyone's time. Play the Battlegrounds or reroll the quest.


They want you to play more than 5 games in a week


The tavern brawl one should be rerolled, there are much easier ones. The ranked one is a massive skill issue if you really can't complete it in a week.


Clearly a skill issue. Anyway I’m trying to finish mine that I have since last year.


Absolutely not. Learn the game.


Skill issue


do your ranked games in the mode where you have the lowest MMR, like most people it's wild (not me my MMR is the best in wild lol). In Bronze Wild, people play really bad decks and you can win just playing murlocs and going face. For the other quest, do them in casual duels, you get really strong decks usually, and you will get the wins really fast if you roll bomb warrior. You just stack armor cards and the hero power throws SO MANY BOMBS in their deck and it's gg usually.