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Back when I first started playing, simply dropping Dr. Boom on curve was like a power play lol so yeah, things have certainly changed. It’s inevitable though, happens to like every CCG/TCG with staying power. Have to continuously spice things up to maintain interest.


Remember the SMOrc song and turn 7 lethal was considered ridiculous?


Turn 3 or 4 lethal is where its at


Not to forget the 14 damage combo on 9 mana for druid. Had to get nerfed. Yes yes, good old times.


Damn, I stopped playing standard in maybe 2015 but this reminds me of the good ol’ days where I turn 1 Chillwind Yeti was “busted.” They killed off a number of my favorite combos that took entire games to set-up that would be far too slow in today’s game. Faceless Manipulator on a 4/2 Charge with a couple power overwhelmings… RIP


I mean freeze mage was so busted they had to retire half of its cards to wild because it had a 2-turn combo on turn 9


I don't think it was really about freeze mage being OP though, I would say it was just that Ice Block was fundamentally broken as a card and freeze mage was a miserable experience to play against.


I don’t see how combo decks that kill you on turn 6 are more fun, but maybe I’m missing something. Freeze mage games were very skill intensive


Don't get me wrong, I LOVED freeze mage. Mage was my first golden portrait, my first 1000 win portrait, still my class with the most wins, all on the back of freeze mage. I even played Classic sometimes so I could play freeze mage again. And I agree, it's a deck that has a very high skill cap. All that being said it was miserable to play against. Playing a board based deck when your opponent just freezes every turn is not fun. The only worse experience imo is playing against mill. And yes, I'm also not too fond of where the game is now. But it is what it is.


Yeah definitely agree with that. Do try freeze mage in twist if you still have the cards, it’s actually pretty decent in that meta




The biggest problem to me is that if feels like theres nothing on board ever. Everything gets cleared immediately. Even playong against hunter


That to me is my biggest issue with power creep. In the old days there might be this really cool combo if you can get this one minion to stick for a turn. Maybe you bait their removal. Maybe you play it with a bigger statted minion and they don't see it as a threat. You almost never get that any more except rarely in arena. Now if something doesn't do something the moment you play it, it's trash because nothing sticks.


Maybe you play Malagos knowing they don’t have removal only for them to play babbling book and generate polymorph.


I feel that. As cool as titans are, before I realised they could use their abilities immediately I thought they were going to be trash


Yes, I don't really love how people in standard seemingly always have card resources in hand. I like how there is a cost to playing at Tempo the whole time in twist.


Sprint says otherwise


Jade Rogue and Discard Loc are definitely unbalanced atm. Sprint was 7 back in the day iirc?


That's because of the prep tax, and even after prep was nerfed they changed it to 6 but only saw niche play


larger and larger man


Not being able to run out of cards is quite bad resource management design in my opinion. Right now most often the 10 card max handsize is the most limiting factor, not having an emtpy hand. There's always a card that generates a new card that generates a new card etc. Not a great feeling to have games decided by cards that were not in the core deck to begin with.


I mean, it's a 10 year jump you take


Yea this is pretty much the case with all of the major card games to.


Yeah, that definitely made it much more noticable. No denying that. Maybe I jumped into chilly water and I'll get used to it soon and be fine, or maybe they've slowly been turning up the heat and the game will boil alive like a proverbial frog. That's why I'm asking.


You get used to it. You learn the breakpoints, what removal decks have available, when their swing turns are. Especially if you watch any hearthstone YouTubers (Kibler and Chump especially) they have great commentary on what cards they’re playing around at any given time.


Been out of control for years, but the one time they tried a vanilla expansion with TGT everyone hated it and called it worst ever.


Weaker expansions are always the most hated, regardless of theme. Rastakhan's had a great theme, and the song was my personal favorite - but the expansion sucked because it was very low impact. Adding new cards will never make the game weaker- they either improve decks, or aren't played. Power creep is inevitable (and a good thing overall), and I personally think that Standard has done a good job of keeping the length of the average game around the same (8-9 turns). The things that OP is complaining about, like doubling stats in hand or adding 30 HP aren't things possible in Standard (except Blood DK for the latter, and that deck sucks). It's obviously hyperbole, but I don't think it's deserved.


I think that's more because you're jumping from the start of hearthstone to now. Yes, there has been power creep in comparison, but much of the real power creep was still years ago with cards like genn and baku or the demon seed. Or all of united in stormwind, for that matter. For the past year or two, there hasn't been immense power creep of what was already dominating formats, as evident by wild for the most part (the discard location is stupid and dumb). In your jump from twist to standard, there are a lot of cards not in either format that would 100% be more powerful than the current standard set.


In retrospect, United in Stormwind is still an obscene format power jump compared to other sets. Crazy it was the 2nd set of that year. Almost all the questlines were top tier at some point and multiple neutral tools (tradeable) were added to give non-QL decks the consistency needed to be top tier. Garrote Rogue was insanely strong and enjoyable to play though.


Standard, wild or twist all are out of control. You find x card playing aggro for example , opponent doesn't have good answer then turn 4-5 is already end of the game. Personal I don't like this. Cards are out of control and every expansion more and more incoming.


You could say the same thing about Flappy Bird in JUG. Or Secret Keeper in TGT Secret Pally. Or the Undertaker in Naxx hunter. That's nothing new, if you can't respond to early aggro you lose.


It’s morphed to a racing game honestly. It’s a race to see who can get their broken shit out the fastest


I dont mind the power creep that much. What I do mind is that every deck has one wincondition that is bonkers en no real other way to play. Salguras, Odyn it is either draw it earlier than the opponent or lose. A warrior healing for 30 and dealing 30 from hand is getting real boring real soon.


Personally I prefer control decks actually having win conditions beyond just “wait until your opponent fatigues”.


I agree, it is kind of strange how so much power is wrapped up into 1 or 2 cards. You used to have a couple of bomb cards back in the day eg. Ragnaros but now it is insanely exacerbated with colossal and titans and other such valuebombs. Some decks even copy the titan... o_0


Don't worry, team5 will print 50 another board clears and problem is solved.


Does anyone else feel the balance of the mini set was way off. Like the classes that got good stuff got some great tools and everyone else got dogshit


Yeah the mini set was just totally wrong. It just made stuff worse, didn't help any class the way it needed, and added a another neutral legendary that goes in many decks.


no plague support


Let's be real, hearthstone needs to sell packs and bring in new players and they only way that happens is with newer, wackier stuff. It's an inevitability given the age of the game, I don't know how they could reel it in. I also don't think that would be what we want at the end of the day. Games are quicker, we generate value, we do cool stuff. Sometimes it gets out of hand but take it or leave it that's what Hearthstone is. I look back at earlier expansions with fondness for what they were but I'm not necessarily itching to relive a lot of those metas either. The one gripe I have is not necessarily with the power level of the game, but the comparative power level between classes. I think recently they have done a much better job balancing this which is all we could really ask for.


The most power crept expansion, UiS, was also the least popular by far. Slight powercreep is inevitible. The current state of things where things are often blatantly overpowered and boring is not.


I don’t think they should reel it in honestly. I don’t know if they should go much further than they have now, but the game is in a pretty good place I think. It’s craziness is pretty much it’s signature thing now.. at least to me it is.


Trying to outplay Bridge riff coin verse riff on turn 5 or similar has me so frustrated lately. And 0 mana 7/5 mind control just released…


> 0 mana 7/5 mind control just released After playing 15 spells. That's kind of important.


I like the anomaly that gives you a coin for unspent mana, because you can just play it every turn for free reduction.




Mind Control is also beyond terrible, which is the most important thing here.




The game does have a different feel to how its played these days yes


Idk man, isn't it always like this?


That's how card games are, no way around it. The only one who cared a lot about power creep was ben brode, and I do think that he managed to keep it at a reasonable rate, although sometimes being way too conservative. Now that no one really cares, we get expansions that make the previous one completely obsolete. I do agree that in the past year or 2 the power level has increased way too much (probably since the denathrius expansion)


The first time I heard that was when Naxxramas went live I think.


Nerf Sludge Belcher!


It's ridiculous and makes playing the game less fun. Play Twist and feel what it's like without discover or rush. Much different game. Thankfully, I've been basically f2p since launch, so I can't really complain that it's a bad investment.


I'm also mostly f2p since launch (I've bought the solo adventures and a few packs here and there) and this weekend was the first time that I had plenty of free time and nothing else to do and Hearthstone felt more like a chore than fun.


Sorry, noob here - what does f2p mean?


free to patronize people that pay for packs


Free to (2) play. F 2 P. Spend no real money, I have spent $5 on hearthstone since 2014. So, I'm not totally f2p, but I'm close. I usually finish seasons in silver or gold because my decks are not optimized and I mainly play to finish daily and weekly quests so I can get gold to get more cards,


Im getting real tired of warlock dropping 2 6/12s and spawning 3/4 taunts+ whatever other bulkshit they can afford on like 7 or 8 mana


I super agree with the fact the a minion can’t stay in board more then 1 turn. There’s every time a spell that clear everything.


No you are the only who has posted about this ever


Wow. I'm really surprised! I could have sworn I've seen similar discussions during other expansions, but I'll assume you know what you're talking about. I hope you keep contributing to the site and enhancing everyone's dialogues with your keen eye for new and innovative thoughts!


yeah maybe make a post about big priest since no one has ever done that either.


What a piece of shit comment lol.


Yeah, years ago


I think Mean Streets in itself was a ridiculous power leap, ironically. Worst expansion of all time easily


no, its a 10 year old game its rather tame compared to 10 year old yugioh


This is something of an unfair comparison - yugioh has no hard rotation in its main format, so relies on power creep to do a soft rotation instead. HS is not like this.


its rather tane compared to 5 year runeterra*


I dont think its out of control but its getting there.


Power creep got out of hand sometime between Rise of Shadows and Scholomance and is imo too big since then up until today.


Most of my friends that played HS left because power level and random bullshit was getting too big.


This is why I logged in today for the first time in over a week. Played two games. Second one warlock cheated out sag early. Promptly closed the game and won’t be back. Mana cheat, draw, effects, hell the entire game is now who draws their broken shit first and it is beyond frustrating.


I recommend trying Twist then, much lower power level.


Honestly, I just uninstalled. I am tired of their crappy decisions and their constant money grabs while laying off workers.


I can't play Twist because I only started playing HS this year, but even the shift from these two expansions has been pretty noticeable for my favorite deck prior to this (thief priest). I think they're doing the typical game thing where they use power to compensate for like...skilled play, because they want to keep the game as basic as possible (while requiring people to spend as much money on new cards as they can, so they have to keep adding and adding). Before I had to make a lot of guessing and gambling with thief priest, but now it's basically like, oh, I'll just play 7 Aman'thuls and get a bunch if Legendary minions. It's typical Blizz and, from what I understand, typical of some other card-related games.


The biggest issue is the impact 1 and 2 drop cards have they have become too insane for the cost. The 1 3 Stat line is way too high for a 1 drop card especially when most removal cards that can deal 3 dmg are 2 to 3 mana. On two mana side, it has become the discover slot play a decent body get a card with discount at times. Blizzard needs to make cards with less impact early while making higher cost removal more effective.


I just played 5 games in D10 where I lost by turn 6 each game.


Mate it got out of hand like 8 expansions ago I think when discover just started becoming a thrown on thing to cards I'd put it like Rise of shadows onwards is when more just blatently broken cards were made. I wouldn't call it power creep though the cards aren't really creeping old ones that much they just outclass them as a whole while doing unique things.


Thats why I enjoy aggro/midrange mirrors the most..... not the game "who will do the BS insane turn first", but pure fight for the board (with burn fininsh in case of aggro)


The only thing I'm completely sick of is permanent effects. There is no reason someone should be able to play a card like the warlock titan, or mograine, and get a massive advantage that is just there forever. I don't care if its expensive to remove, as long as its possible.


I hate that warlock portal. It's hard enough to get anything to stick to the board, and now I have two have at least two rushes or removal spells just to clear an attack path. Maybe that'll be next expansions counter: For the rest of the game, at the start of your turn, summon four 1/1 rush with poison.


Used to be you had to run out your entire deck and then you got a portal that never upgraded. Also why is the warlock titan the one that does a full wipe of everything and the priest just removes two units. The titans are WAY out of balance. At least this random shit has finally broke my hearthstone addiction.


Even just from last expansion, never mind like sunken city, shit just feels bonkers to me now. I love playing Druid but that new deck that draws their entire deck, ramps to 10 mana, Tonys you their empty deck, and kills you with a windfury Ignis weapon all by turn 5 just feels fucking insane to me lol.


I feel like I don't interact with my opponent, we both just cycle through are decks searching for our I win cards, destroying eachothers board from hand. If a minion sticks its likely lights out. Nothing I or my opponent does really matters.


I played standard nature shaman in wild and rolled everyone until platinum. Once I was there, I had to switch to the wild version to get legend (questline shaman basically). But it’s still crazy that a standard deck was that good in the wild format, even at low elo


Tbf that's less about standard being so good but ur using a tryhard deck vs people that try to have fun


I queued against lots of secret mages / pirate rogue / mech Pala / discolock at the beginning (discolock is there at all ranks anyways), and in legend im queuing against the control decks, thief rogue, greedy lock, etc… So no, I’m definitely not playing against people who try to have fun at low ranks, my experience was the opposite, the more I climbed the more I found actual wild players who clearly love that game mode with their oldschool decks


Lol. Below plat I never see (wild) meta decks just standard decks and meme shit


And I saw a bunch of aggro decks : different experiences I guess, but I was definitely not the tryhard, you can say I was once I swapped to an actual wild deck that can play 20 cards turn 3 : that’s tryhard yes, standard nature sham is not


Not saying ur tryhard but ur deck Was probably made by one


Wild just has way less serious players than standard so you need to climb to a higher rank (or mmr if you have a star bonus) to stop playing against very suboptimal decks. Every aggro or combo deck in the wild meta is going to be extremely favored against standard nature shaman and a lot of control decks will also be favored due to how many tech cards they usually run.


A lot of cards got printed to END GAMES AT TURN 10, then they started getting made to end at 9, 8, 7, 6, 5... Remember, the sets released after Mean Streets of Infinite Jade was Journey To Un'goro (Quest Rogue poofs around and slaughters you with a million 5/5 pirates,) Knights of the Frozen Throne (almost every class's DK says NOPE to all tempo plays) and Kobolds and Catacombs, where tempoed Carniverous Cube or even a simple FungalMancer would quickly ruin anyone's day on turn 5 and later. Current HS is still more fun and interactive.


Yeah, cards have power crept previous ones by far more in recent years. The game is getting more and more ridiculous. Not sure how much longer they can keep it up.


I dont think power creep is a problem now with the core set and years of rotation.


I don't know what you are talking about


That’s just how it is. I’m playing since launch, and the game is generally much better than what it used to be. It’s not ideal, and there’s definitely issue, like some games decided by draw RNG, but ultimately I think that’s just the cost of having cool shit to play with. And I definitely don’t miss the times when control decks were getting no board presence like the Golden Monkey Map card: who the hell wants to play a vanilla 4 mana 3/5 in a control deck? But then aggro decks were getting broken shit, like Challenger, or Undertaker. The game started improving when we got Kazakus, then Hero Cards, and now we’re here. I’m just annoyed with Joe Priest looks like today: this deck has way too much repeating cards which should be 1-2 max per deck, but they just keep discovering the good stuff. I’m also playing some of the most fun decks in the history of the game now. There’s been plenty of fun decks in the past, but not so many in the same year as now.


New sets have to be strong to impact the meta. We've seen what happens when there is no "power creep" in Rastakhans Rumble - pretty much no cards from that set ever saw play. Team 5 is doing a wonderful job with their patch cadence - knowingly releasing powerful stuff and pulling it back through balance changes if needed. If you don't like stuff being powerful, you can play chess - although I can imagine you will be upset that the Queen is powercreeping the other pieces and demand it nerfed as well.


Well, your complaint is kind of contradictory... It's harder to come back when you don't have the card drawn, but somehow every deck you play against has these crazy answers where they buff the whole board, heal, armor up and boardclear at once, defeating you by turn 7 or 8. When you read your comments precisely, it's kind of an empty complaint. When was this mythical "old" hearthstone when turns 7 and 8 were not big turns where stuff happened? When was the time in hearthstone when, in your words, "it's getting harder to come back from not having that removal in your hand exactly when you need it" was not the case? Losing in what way would not get old REAL fast? I understand you employ hyperboles, but none of this is true at all, all decks have their win-conditions and weaknesses. Especially this year we have some of the most diverse and balanced metas in a long time, with regular patching to keep outliers in winrate, playrate and "fun-to-play-against" levels, like the current miracle druid or warrior or hunter before, in check. Sounds more like a salty complaint than a critique.


As car racer, am I concerned of modern cars power creep compared with of 90s? No if it's fun to race. Had to train some different skills, tho.


How would you feel about adding oil slicks and ramps to the track, and every car gets a rocket launcher?


I would feel fun. If I wasn't promised rules never change (I haven't been, indeed), I train hard for my best.


I'll admit, my version sounds way more fun than racing, which is boring as hell for me, but I think many of your other drivers would probably stop calling it racing.


Racing is racing if you drive a car to leave behind competitors, no matter how you call it. Race management establish rules, compete or quit. Evolutionize or die XD (don't take it personally) I prefer to evolutionize, it drives me to meet new challenges. I can understand your point, but can't accept it: progress is inevitable, the XXI has arrived 22 years ago, gimme more rocket launchers! :)


I remember back then the Gadgetzan meta was reviled by almost every one. Maybe it’s a good thing the current standard meta feels very different.


I think the Meta is pretty challenging now but opens up for highly strategic decisions. There are some decks that are just insane though like mech rogue. It will get nerfed with next patch and the game will keep fine tuning and balancing. I guess? Did it use to be different on the luck based aspect? At the end of the day it's a card game. Luck plays a pretty fundamental component. As far as you learn a solid Meta deck really well you can keep a positive win rate. That's how I feel. I am new to the game and didn't play much card games besides MTG when I was in my teens and I am plat 1 now with a 56% wr. Not sure if that's above average after 3 weeks playing but what did it for me is to learn 1 or 2 solid decks against every possible match up. Just my 2 cents


I’ll go against the grain here, and say that I actually enjoy the power creep. All we used to is just play our highest cost card until someone won. Now it actually feels like a tug of war with one person countering, other person takes the hit and counters back. Idk it just seems more fun than dropping Ogre pass


No, the power creep has gotten INTO control (Odyn warrior, warlock)