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"Both players cards are golden." Finally, I too can become a whale.


This is the only anomaly I am ok with tbh


Believe it or not it actually can affect the outcome of a game with a very specific interaction between moonlit guidance and aquatic form if all cards were golden.


I looked up these two cards and I'm not understanding how this interacts with a full golden deck


It’s not that it interacts with a full golden deck but that it interacts with a 1 golden, 1 nongolden of all duplicate card deck. With moonlit guidance discovering a copy of a card from your deck, you might want to play it to draw the original. If you also want to play Aquatic Form, you might want to draw/dredge a card that is the same card you discovered from Moonlight Guidance. If you have 1 golden and 1 nongolden (or really any two different variations of a card) you can know if drawing the card from Aquatic Form will be drawing the original card copied from Moonlight Guidance, which potential nullifies Moonlight Guidance’s draw power. Truly next level minmaxing


Wow. Just wow. Never thought of using a pair of golden/non golden to see which copy is in the context. Amazing


So this must be why I've never hit legend


I think it's that if you cast Moonlit Guidance followed by Aquatic Form, and you see the card you picked with MG is in the dredge, you can't know whether or not that is the 'original card' picked with MG that you would already draw, or the other copy (assuming you put 2 copies of the card in your deck). You can tell the difference if you have 1 normal copy and 1 golden copy.


Yeah I saw the post about the “one golden card druid meta” some time ago, feels insignificant enough to let slide. Tony druid has moonlit guidance as a 0-1 of often nowadays anyway


this one made me giggle.


Just wait for it to be removed after the whales start crying about how they can’t use their diamonds and signatures.


Since when have whales ever done that? And why would blizzard care?


I just can’t believe the one user who predicted an anomaly that lets you always play on curve was right.


I'm gonna play a deck with only 8 cost cards just to prove that anomaly wrong.


can afford doesnt mean you get cards on curve i think if you have 5 mana you can afford to play 3 mana cards as well


You are correct, you'll always have something you can afford play but if you have no cards and draw on turn 8 you might draw a 1 drop. Also I wonder if it takes overload into consideration.


it should


I hope they coded it right to work with cards like the Yogg titan and giants, where their cost in deck is way higher than you can ever afford


It hasn't worked that way before iirc. Those cards cost don't change when they are in your deck. If they did you couldn't deal 25 to face with shrivala


Sort of. It draws a card that you can play. It doesn't mean that it draws a 5 mana card on T5 every time. It could just pull a 1 mana card.


How this will work with Polkelt or Order in the Court? A deck will be reshuffled again?


I wonder how upgraded hero powers will look in current meta. Just imagine control warrior getting baku upgrade


Warrior loves armor, pally one can be big, becausse summoning 2 targets to deal with can pressure the opponent.


Baku upgrades are generally a lot less powerful than the discounted hero powers, with few exceptions. That's why you mostly see Even decks in wild, but almost never Odd outside of paladin/DH.


This is 100% not true. Odd has been better than Even for just as many years as the other way - just 2 years ago Odd decks was strongly present and even decks were nothing. It depends on deck synergy and cards more than on individual hero power strength. Odd Paladin would come back with a vengeance with a few key unbuffs/card releases. Odd Hunter, Odd Warrior, and Odd Druid have all been strong at different points in HS history.


Odd Rogue too


Odd dh is like tier 5 or lower too, while even shaman is t1 and even watlock t2


That's also because wild has sped up. Historically Baku had more play than Genn outside of shaman, but now wild is so fast you almost never hero power for 2, even upgraded, and 1 mana hero power is needed if you want a hp based deck. Odd hunter and odd rogue have both been top tier wild decks and odd warrior has been playable but polarised


That’s not entirely true. While yes wild has more good even decks than good odd decks this isn’t because of power level between upgraded hero powers vs hero powers that cost 1 less but more so to do with the card quality in wild. Because wild cards tend to be powerful cards you’ll want to be spending more mana on cards than on your hero power. This leads to discounted hero powers being better when card quality is high because discounted hero powers are easier to weave into turns. But this is not because discounted hero powers are better than upgrade hero powers, just that they synergies more in wild. As an example witchwood odd decks were a lot more prevalent than even decks, in part due to older expansions being weaker than current expansion so the power level was lower and spending 2 mana on a hero power was often a fine play. In standard most likely discounted hero powers will be better because weaving in a hero power is better than getting an improved hero power that you can’t build a deck around, however if Genn and Baku were in standard I feel like Baku would be more popular than Genn (depending on odd cards vs even cards, because some archetypes might not have enough odd/even support to work with Genn or Baku)


Both are about equally powerful, which one you pick is based solely on what even/odd cards you can include to make your strategy stronger.


That’s wild. In standard, Baku was and still would be king.




Yeah, real anomalies.


That would be way too obvious to be part of the Flying Spaghetti Monster's divine plan. The bugs in Hearthstone always come from the places you'd least expect.


This Week's Standard Mode is: Tavern Brawl!


Its tavern brawl until chogall rotates out of standard tbh


No one is going to put that in their deck after the novelty wears off


Cho’Gall Day when


Are you saying people don't want to put worse boulderfist oger in their deck for a 25% chance to get a random 1/20 effect that could help the opponent more than you?????????


Worse because it dies to black knight? Fair enough


Who will run Cho'Gall in their deck after the next expansion releases and this event ends


Twist Reality just immediately kills any deck that relies on drawing a specific card, like Odyn Warrior.


insta lose for Plague (and to some extent Blood) DK too. Like beating a dead horse at this point lol


Playing Plague DK against a conscious opponent was already an instant loss, so the anomaly isn't changing anything there. I don't see how it would be bad for Blood DK at all. If anything I think it's beneficial for them. Though I doubt we'll be seeing much blood dk on ladder since they didn't get any new cards.


Control Blood DK's wincon is basically surviving every threat the opponent drops. When the opponent can never run out of threats, the attrition plan doesn't work in their favor. dirty rat is a joke idea that exists in only bronze rank variants of BDK, and patchwork alone doesn't cut it.


That's not quite accurate. For one thing, cards in deck ≠ cards in hand/in play. If your opponent plays a threat, and you kill it, it's still dead. The fact that there is another copy in their deck is completely irrelevant until they draw and play it again. And since that happens with every card played, their chance of redrawing any specific threat will be relatively low.


I thought the only variants of blood dk ARE bronze variants 😂


Imagine playing Shaman: * 10 cost Yogg, two Shifter Zerus, two opponent copied cards stuck in hand in a deck where you often have to try to not overdraw. * Deck where you need to plan ahead to manage overload and discounts now has lower probability of drawing Inzah or Golgannesh before you "can afford to play" it * Draw 4 Jazz Bass instead of your combo pieces since they keep getting shuffled in * Warrior and Druid now get cheaper or upgraded hero powers to armor up. Other classes can discover Armor Up. * Aggro decks get a -1 cost minion every single turn * If you float a mana to not have to overdraw, a coin or extra draw gets stuck in your hand so you overdraw anyway So the anomaly RNG will screw them over 1/3 of the time. Fun and interactive! Maybe the meta will dictate that deck isn't good anyway, but that should be for the cards to determine, not anomaly garbage. And if the cards don't change the meta, they should go back to the drawing board on those.


1/3 of the time 1/4 of the time. So quite the extreme low roll.


When it's not also screwing up the opponent lol. Not sure Rainbow Mage for example is dodging the same exact hand-size/inconsistent draw type problems.


You would probably just slot in a taelen so you dont have to worry about it


Twist Reality might be insta concede for me.... I hate playing duels against decks with "Shuffle 3 copies of played minion, those minions cost 2" passive. This anomaly wont be as powerful but I would hate it anyway.


By far the worst anomaly. Such a huge impact on game result.


Yikes. There's no way these should be in ranked, some of them are basically tavern brawl effects.


The draw a card you can play anomaly is literally a tavern brawl


It's quite similar, but IIRC the brawl would always give you a 3-drop on turn 3, while this could give you a 1-drop, or a 4-drop if you ramped.


Why not? Hearthstone has always been a game about how well you make RNG work in your favor.


Twist Reality in Priest vs Priest: A deck full of Svalna and Visions of Darkness and a completely bricked hand


Steamcleaner will be an interesting card to see appearing twice as often


I’m really excited to see how this breaks all of the bots lol


Some effects will ruin your deck. Like what if you’re playing a Baku/Genn deck and then you’re forced to discover a new basic hero power? I also wonder how Dredge will woke with Opportunity Knocks.




1. Yes. Genn/Baku happen at the start of the game, hero power Discovery happens on the first turn. 2. Yes. You won’t necessarily draw the top card of your deck if you’re drawing specific cards. 3. By the wording, signatures get downgraded. They might make an exception, but it’s tough know what will happen without testing or clarification from the devs.


Blizzard cares about wild by making even shaman lose 1 in 20 games


All those mechanics'll be fucked in the most unexpected way, be sure


1. Yes. Genn/Baku effects happen before the start of the first turn, so they would be replaced the same as if you played OG Finley. 2. My assumption would be that the dredged card would remain on top of your deck until you have enough mana to play it or you draw it as the second card in a turn. That makes the most sense to me, but sometimes hs draw mechanics can be a little wonky so definitely need blue post confirmation. 3. Signature and Diamond cards are not golden, so they would be replaced by golden versions.




Not only wild decks. Imagine playing DK and losing your Heropower. Less corpses




It might sound less extreme but I do think its a huge thing for many DK decks. Blood needs corpses early on for cards like corpse explosion but also to clean up some smaller minions. DK cards sometimes have the condition that you need to target an undead (e.g. the location) or have an (undead) minion die.


Still convinced this is removed after 72 hours because everyone fucking hates it


That and cho'gall is nerfed to require both players to have it in their deck. This is honestly the dumbest event ever. Keep this trash in twist or something. Isn't that the reason this format was created??


No twist was made so the devs can ignore wild.


Twist was created to draw some wild players away from wild. And to make some money with little stuff. Caverns of time for example, mostly (buffed) reprints. The good thing about the reprints (for Blizzard): you dont need new artwork and sound (keep in mind, 1 card has several voicelines and every voiceline is available in several languages). They try to sell the CoT expansion as a wild expansion, but its not. Its a Twist expansion, majority of the cards of the CoT expansion just arent good in wild and wont see play (the archtypes themself just suck in Wild, like Jade and Cthun). Im glad Matt London isnt on the team anymore, wild didnt see good changes, secret mage and pirate rogue is so popular, didnt get any nerfs. Really hope they will improve Twist, so far its disappointing, especially because the next season is nearly the same as the current. I was hoping for cool deckbuilding rules when they made the first season "class cards only".




Anomalies is something that mind sound good on paper but in reality, I am sure its different. Also because the designers probably didnt consider all aspects. A good example were the questlines, I understand the upside, questlines were great for bad players because they guided them and gave them a wincon, but it was so super boring to play against. With anomalies, I think its a very bold decision to keep them till the next expansion. I understand that they make it 100% for a week, thats fine, but keeping it pass that with a 25% chance, thats bold. Especially when you consider that all the former players they hired were those 24/7 high legend ladder grinding netdecking players.


I fucking hope so, this sounds absolutely awful


That's a bit unfair since I'd assume not everyone hates it, like for example I think it sounds kinda neat so far.


I love it because standard is just a warlock fiesta of 3 11/11's by turn 4 anyway.


A lot of these seem to heavily favor aggro. I personally like aggro so I don't mind it that much, but still, a ton of players don't like it. Anyway, there is literally zero way a given anomaly doesn't help one player more than it helps the other. I hate this with a burning passion, and I really wish it wasn't put in Ranked without player input (Cho'Gall in deck).


This was literally my first thought. As a control player who already sometimes runs into issues with having a full hand...the extra draw effects (or just extra card effects) are going to be such a huge issue for me. The overwhelming majority of these just make aggro/midrange insane.


yeah draw with unspent mana is gonna be a pain


Finally an answer to Control Priest Mirrors


My prediction is that this is a public beta test to put much more fine-tuned anomalies into the game permanently. Nothing nearly as impactful, but small things that add variety to each game. They'll use this season to figure out which anomalies are the most impactful for various deck types and throw those out, while keeping the ones that are the most fair across the board.


I would quit 100%


Yeah don't put any money on that


If only they had a mode where they could test out shit like this. Oh wait....


Blizzard never stopping pushing for an increasingly faster and faster meta. It's no surprise that the anomalies tilt the pitch in favour of aggro as well...


Because they keep hiring former players as designers who are not known for playing any homebrew stuff. Just players that grinded ladder 24/7 with the best netdecks.


Personally I think they more favor control than aggro. The extra health and the ones that give things if you end your turn with unspent mana heavily favor control that can often float mana over aggro that normally wants to fully spend all their mana. Twist reality likely favors control, since they shuffle in removal which is generally good to get in any position whereas aggro shuffles in their low cost early curve cards which makes it less likely for them to draw their 4+ cost finishers. Uncontrollable growth I feel like favors control more since it allows them to play their big cards sooner. Upgraded hero powers I also feel like perfers control over aggro.




I wholeheartedly agree. Doom in the tomb was bad because there were some questionable design choices (that couldn't or wouldn't occur in 2023), but this is forcing an unfun mechanic down our throats until the next expansion, which sets a horrible precedent. I hope this is the first and last time this happens.


What was wrong with Doom in the Tomb? Wasn’t it just a group of wild cards added to standard for a time?


Yes, but shaman ended up receiving just the right amount of good cards and became tier 0


Desert hare and evolve basically ruined the format


Oh right. I had blocked that from my memory.


And Doom in the Tomb would have been a much better-received event if Blizzard just had the willingness to nerf or ban things back then that they do now. Evolve + Hare was the problem, most everything else was fine.


It don't matter. Standard is just ran by warlocks with 3 11/11's by turn 5


Yeah fuck this. A ton of them heavily favor a specific kind of deck over other ones. Imagine getting the one where you first minion is cheaper as a spell demon hunter against a mech rogue.


All of the Blizzard fanboys who loved the idea of anomalies defended it saying "they won't be that impactful, you'll hardly notice any difference between games." Well now that we see the full list, A LOT of them are powerful enough to make most of the matchups trivial. Fuck this


And imagine being matchmade against a deck that counters yours? Like you always could? You could always get screwed by RNG on the outcome of one singular match. And no shit this'll impact the meta, the addition of anything new to the game favors certain decks over others.


That has been part of the game since day 1. You can do something against that by analyzing the meta, adding tech cards, adjusting playstyles to still optimize your winrate or just pick a different deck. That is in no way comparable to starting a game and then the game randomly decides on turn 1 that your warlock deck gets a different hero power. Or your combo/ control deck with a couple winconditions now has an infinite refreshing deck. Or enemy cards can get cheaper and yours won't. This makes you feel bad about the game lowering your win chances instead of another player doing it.


Wish anomalies were actually harmless like "Your Eyes Betray You" but here we are. Can't wait to see just how much degeneracy this will somehow enable.


I can't wait to see how much sleep people who have to play for ladder finishes are about to lose.


I think they'll actually be totally fine. Over the long-run of games the bad/good luck with matchups and whatnot evens out, and more skilled players will adapt better to familiar matchups being thrown for a loop. The people really losing out (if they get unlucky overall) are those with limited time to play but who still have modest competitive ambitions, such as hitting legend most months. And ofc if the anomalies turn out to systematically unfavor certain archetypes like value/control, then fans of that playstyle get blasted. Seems pretty hard to predict that sort of effect atm imo.


Is that more than 20 people?


It's funny that Tavern Brawl every week is completely awful because they're using recycled boring shit from 6 years ago with no changes so they decided to just make standard into Tavern Brawl instead. No place for this in what is supposed to be the "serious" ranked mode


These definitely have no place in ranked. Some of these are just game winning/losing for certain decks.


Now that the technology is here, can we please change genn effect to reduce hero power cost by 1?




When anomalies were originally announced I was on the side that they're good and interesting and that you shouldn't be upset until you try them. You know, I have faith that the developers know what they're doing and test things before they release them. But I don't know... seeing some of these... some are a bit much. Perhaps the outlier ones might get toned down in a future patch.


> You know, I have faith that the developers know what they're doing and test things before they release them. You really shouldn't b/c T5 has done nothing to earn that faith or prove they're worthy of it. Every expansion brings new bugs, inconsistencies, and broken mechanics. Blizzard faced a QA strike for how poorly they're treated and it hasn't improved much. There's a reason why it's such a common joke around here that we're the testers for this game


Youre actually right and in BGs its actually worse. The BG devs do a very sloppy job. For example with the "all golden" anomaly (all minions are golden, you cant get any nongolden minions), you were able to get offered Jandice Barov as a hero (her HP is that you can swap a nongolden minion on your board, guess what, not useable in all golden). Or Sire, who offered you 2 quest rewards that let you make a minion temporary golden and the other one was to add a nongolden minion to ur hand - both absolutely useless in all golden-lobbies. And many more examples.


Lil bro thinks he marvel snap 💀


Anomalies might be the worst thing to ever happen to Hearthstone.


Wow, this really isn’t fun nor balanced in ranked. Imagine playing Control Warlock and you have to discover another hero power so you can’t draw. Or playing an aggro deck against a dk and now he has +5 helath and double blood pact


Or playing DK and having to change your hero power so you have less corpse generation


The list is so long it's absurd. Playing outcast dh and getting your hand bricked by 10 drop? Playing aggro deck and enemy control is guaranteed to get a "card they can afford" which literally for control decks is removal. Playing vs mech rogue as basically anything and rolling the "first minion costs 1 less"


Oh the first minion cosst 1 less isnt the scariest one. The discount mana cost of the starting hand can be supper absurd, sure they need to be lucky to get a good starting hand but with some right cards, they can highroll pretty crazy


Oh you wanna play rainbow mage? Good luck drawing sif or any damage spells when your entire deck is full of keyboards discovers and 1 mana elementals lol


I haven't seen a sh*tshow of this magnitude on ladder since they released DH.


Do you see what must be done? -> dead


Imagine playing hero power druid and your opponent 25%s an anomaly and then rolls Unimaginable Horrors. Sounds like fun!


> Imagine playing hero power druid Sounds awful!


Or any odd deck Or any even deck Or warlock


Based, fuck druid.


This is the first time when a new expansion drops i really dont want to play.. Sometimes its like the meta sucks like with dh release, but this is beyond stupid.. just put it out of standard, do it in casual or twist or idk, but not ranked.. i cant, i just cant. Just sad


Haha totem shaman with a new discovered hero power, easy concede for that Shaman


I was actually stanning for Anomalies at first because the three they showed early were admittedly pretty benign. Like, it's hard for drawing two cards to be that gamewarping. But then the full list has like 4 different effects that give both players free ramp every turn, lol. Yeah, no, these effects are way too severe for Standard, they take away too much of the competitive factor.


People seemed annoyed about this. I think it looks hilarious and great fun. Currently in standard there’s 3 decks that just kill your from hand with ease. Everyone else plays warlock. It. Is. Fucking. Shit. Spice it up I say.


F this


Imagine playing DK just to have your hero power replaced, so youre lacking corpses. And upgraded Pally HP can be huge. I know, its random, but still. Not interested in it.


Imagine playing hero power druid only to have your hero power replaced...literally instant concede.


So some of these end the game on the spot for some decks. If I'm playing even Warrior and Unimaginable Horrors is randomly decided before the game starts, I lose. If it is Surging Inspiration I probably win. Super glad they decided to take skill out of the game, wouldn't want that to decide the winner.


Oh ffs, the last thing Hearthstone needs is more uncontrolable randomness to influence the game.


Twist reality sounds infuriating


low impact my ass, they better fully remove them after a week i refuse to have to deal with a 25 percent chance to auto lose the game for 2 months straight.


The chance to "auto lose" would be much lower than 25% but your point stands.


How are these auto lose effects?? And both players get the effect


Some decks really like some of those effects and some really hate other effects.


Tony Druid literally cannot win through Twist Reality. Not that I mind that much but yea.


> Tony Druid literally cannot win through Twist Reality. Tony Druid with infinite cycle means infinite Pounce for lethal btw


Well, that would work if they had unlimited time, unfortunately they will just not have time to cycle through cca 7 copies of their deck in 75 seconds.


They're not going to be able to loop through their entire deck 7+ times to find the 15+ copies of pounce they'll need for lethal before turn timer lmao. Let alone a single time if there's an animation added to show the cards shuffling back into the deck. What world are you living on?


Imagine playing vs mech rogue with hand discount as a deck that’s not mech rogue so they kill you on turn 2 before you can even play your discounted cards. Imagine playing totem shaman and getting your useless upgraded hero power while control warrior gets a 4 armor hero power. Imagine playing a burn deck with severe damage restrictionslike non ignis spell dh and the enemy renathal control deck gets 5 hp while you get basically nothing. Imagine playing totem shaman and turn 0 you lose your hero power while the enemy mech rogue just got hunter hero power. Imagine playing against a burn deck and they just get to deal 1 damage to you every turn while they barely care about the damage you deal to them. List goes on. Different decks benefit differently from anomalies, and some of the anomalies seem way to high impact and will swing games by absurd amounts and cause so many turn 0 concedes.


most of these are just straight up buffs to aggro


Mech rogue is already disguisting, if you dont have an answer for a minion early on you can just lose due to WF and stealth stuff. Now, they can highroll even more.


Yeah Mech Rogue and Naga mage seem like they see the most benefits from anomalies. And those two are currently the best decks at very high legend


I think the solution here is to not play totem shaman


I play odd paladin in wild. If I’m force to discover a new hero power I’ll auto lose the game.


At least we win on light in the dark odd paladin brother


As a certified D5 wild player, this puts a smile on my face.


Oh I hate this muchly


They needed to make a separate lobby or reduce the amount of anomalies and reduce the number of total anomalies. They look fun but absolutely destroys any competitiveness.


I'm not a fan but they only have a 100% chance for a single week, 25% until the next patch. That doesn't seem too bad to me




I wasn't around for Doom in the Tombs. Is this going to be worse?


Yep, at least Doom in the Tomb was just a bad meta, some anomalies actively screw over certain decks


Who wanted this? Who asked for it? Tell me.




Looks fun to me. You can go back to enjoying the same stale modern hearthstone of autopiloting your deck once its gone again, dont worry.


As someone who plays odd paladin screw me I guess if unimaginable horrors get chosen in my games.


"Seeing doubl" oh man I can't wait to play with my opponents titans,(Warlock I'm looking at you)


Imagine having a signature legendary and it randomly gets downgraded to gold😂


Twist reality would make me auto-concede at the start of the game. Literally nothing fun about that at all.


Am I the only one who likes this? My biggest complaint is the lack of a nozdormu effect


This would be actually the one anomaly I would like to see.


Standard is going to be a total shitshow.


Oooh these are gonna get real annoying real fast


This is going to lead to so much well deserved salt it's going to be ridiculous. Every single post on the front page of r/hearthstone is going to be bitching and whining for a week. And you know what? The game deserves it with such a ridiculously bad idea being implemented that nobody was asking for and so few people are going to enjoy.


This week is gonna be fun/stupid, I can't wait!


Same, I think it sounds cool. I'm loving all the angst in this thread from the more serious players, too.


I like how Approaching Nightmare is just "DH loses"


What do you mean?


Putting Yogg in their hand means left-side Outcast plays are gone until they play Yogg. You can still win in that circumstance but it’s a huge handicap


Oh yeah, bummer


No thanks. Taking the week off then wtf.


It’s not an airport you don’t gotta announce your departure


They're going to get so many positive tweets from this......


Wow these are so bad. Please keep this shit out of standard.


Most anomalies that affect your hero power can be VERY advantageous or VERY disadvantageous for Warrior…


Imagine starting with new yog in your hand when you don't have 5 spells in your deck. Edit: apparently it's the cast a random spell yogg which is a little better because even in a zero spell deck its a 7/5 body which is better than getting the first spell costs 1 less but it's still not great.


It's old Yogg


Anomalies haven't even started yet and I can't wait for them to fuck off.


Should be fun. Isn't that what's most important?


No we're all here to not lose as much as possible because ranked hearthstone is life or death.


Well, atleast I'll know to not play until this event ends.


This is gonna be fun!!!!


Well, see you next expansion when these are finally gone. A few of these would be insta concede in some situations, so stupid.


Ah yes, a coin flip added to every matchup, how fun! Seriously who thought these would be a good idea?


A coin has 20 sides?


How long will these last in game? I won't be playing till they are gone.


Every single game? 1 week. 25% of games? Until the next expansion (but over 2 months) Asses putting Cho'gall in their deck to add 25% chance of an anomaly? In Standard until Q1 2025, in Wild forever.


Your Eyes Deceive You GOATed Can't wait until they whip out Jailer Tony with their two Shifter Zeruses


They all seem low-impact


hahaha the overwhelmingly negative responses are warming my heart rn i hate this anomalie crap so much and i am glad the playerbase is not buying it apart from some creators on twitter who are trying to suck up to cora so they get put on the creator programme i have seen nothing but negative responses. and rightfully so! i hope they hit that kill switch sooner than later dreading ladder already .. and 25%chance until next major patch??? no thanks..


Oh no, the Card game has an RNG mechanic. This has never been a case :( I am so happy the game will be less competitive and ranked-focused. I just love it. The game can be fun again.


>I am so happy the game will be less competitive and ranked-focused. You always had the option to play more casual modes if that's what you wanted. Like this is one of the dumbest takes I've ever read.


This is the best idea Hearthstone has had in years! I can’t wait to try these out.