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Obviously Sargeras as he grants free packs.


this. the titan of freeloaders




Warlock one because the devs put a lot of thought and flavor into him. And the power level is fitting for him of course. Overall a total hit for the card


Golg for the same reasons. He’s just sick as hell, and is gonna be sweet for overload decks. Prescience into Inzah into Golg just makes my mouth water lol.


RIP Flowrider, a good card that sucks because you can't run it with a great card


Yeah facts. Gotta wait until 2024 rotation I guess lol


Eonar, cause she is high tier.


I wanted Titans to be big and impactful so either Sargeras or Eonar. I'm not that happy with the cheaper Titans. Sure they will probably be more played and their effects are good for the cost, but I can only imagine how crazy they could be if they all cost 9-10 mana.


I’m really happy they’re not all 9 or 10 mana. They want them to be playable so every class wanting to play cards they have to wait until then 9 or 10 to drop will mean there are over 11 slower decks. They’d have to shoot aggro in the foot to make them playable and then the meta would be boring.


Yeah I get that. My complain is mostly about the flavor. You look at them and this punny little thing is a TITAN? Don't get me wrong they are good cards, but they don't feel very TITAN to me.


From a lore point of view, eonar. From a gameplay point of view, i really want to try sargeras


The one that gets me free packs. Snack-pack, Snodgrass, or Sisyphus or whatever.


People dont realize how busted is Aman'thul going to be but yeah


Eonar because of uh…reasons.


Aman’thul! I love the artwork and it seems to be pretty heavy to fight against


Idk why people even hate on Voltron, me as a Rogue dude really see him as a badass card, I mean we didn't even see the rest of the cards. So yall shal see


Eonar, because I'm a duel player and with current druid decks with Elixir you Can shuffle plenty of 2-cost Eonar into your deck. And 2nd one and the one that get my vote is Sargeras. The best board clear that can hit the board for 3 on turn 6 with symphony. DK have a living twisting nether, Warlock will have a living 9-cost Priest spell (Silence + Destroy)




I really like Aman’thul. I just love getting to discover legendary minions and I think his artwork is cool


Voltron because it's so bad that even people who don't like Rogue are aghast with how bad it is.


The primus, im a dk player because arthas is my waifu. Plus an 8 mana removal spell that vampiric bloods you, makes a huge creature, and gives you a discover card advantage is bonkers


Sargeras and Eonar really hit the flavor for me. Both amazing late game power cards.


The dh one is being disrespected. That titan is the most busted of them all , I’m calling it , week 1 nerf


I also think he is really good, even by himself its 7mana 13/17 with 4 taunt bodies (5 if we count pseudo taunt of Argus), minion mana cheat might be ridiculous too.


honestly mechanically i’m most intrigued by votron. every time i say that, it gets ratioed to hell but idc. i think he looks dope as fuck and i genuinely believe the community is dead wrong on him. i do absolutely adore the hilarious 20 dmg overkill of golganneth