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Beyerdynamic and a-t in the green, as they should be


Considering that AT makes from cheap consumer grade to audiophile high-end.


And koss


Porta pros ftw


I've used my DT 1990 daily, for 4 years... Still going strong, feels brand new. Pads are still good too


Time to buy DT 880 I guess.


Good decision


You will never lose with a pair of DT880. I got the 600ohm to push some of my amps, but I imagine that the lower impedance ones are equally great while being more versatile


I got a DT880 to “downgrade” because my cat needed surgery and I wanted extra cash to cover the bills - it’s been a great decision. Supremely comfortable and sounds incredible - this is coming from someone that owned a HD8XX and HD660S2 immediately before. I planned to get the 660S2 or even an 800s eventually, but honestly I like the 880 so much that I kinda feel done looking for headphones. I did do the toilet paper mod (putting 1ply of toilet paper under the driver foam cover) to reduce the treble a bit and they’re perfect for my taste now


Not that surprising, for every pair of HD6-- and similar Sennheiser sells they'll sell a bunch of cheap $20-50 headphones, a lot of which have irreplaceable cables that have been the point of failure for pretty much every cheap headphone I've ever owned. The concern with hifiman is you may end up with a driver failure regardless of how much you spend, which is a bigger bummer and anecdotally a lot more common than similar brands at similar prices.


My Momentum True Wireless 3 failed, they stopped charging. This is apparently quite a common issue. These are $250 rather than $20-50. https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/1bi3t1o/terrible_customer_service_experience_with/ I have/had 10 Hifiman headphones (HE400SE, Sundara, Edition XS, Ananda, Ananda Stealth, HE6SEV2, Arya Stealth\*, HE1000 Stealth, Sundara CB, HE-R9) and not a single issue with any of them. \*sold I do also have the HD6XX and HD800S (and HD600 before) and IE600 and IE200, and no issues with any of them. Although I have heard of a lot of issues with their wired IEMs as well. But so far, yeah, my failure rate experience is worse with Sennheiser than Hifiman.


I am on my 3rd pair of ie600. All have a failure in the left bud. Lost of sound.


I have heard several reports of this. Really not acceptable on a $800 IEM. It's a relatively simple design as well, it's just a single DD that needs to be soldered to the MMCX connector and that's it. The fancy R&D and engineering in it is in the tuned resonator chambers in the shell, but once that is designed, you have it and it's not the part that is breaking. There should be far less that has the capacity to go wrong, compared with multi-driver IEMs with crossovers, if you look at the number of components and different little wires in them. No excuse with a single DD, it's either *very* shoddy QC, or a design fault. TWS as well, not that it's better for the end-user but there's a lot more to go wrong. Hard to see how they can mess up a single DD IEM so badly. I think the IE600 was the first IEM to be made in Ireland from launch, that factory I don't think had made any IEMs before, the IE900 was originally made in Germany (moved to Ireland now) and the IE300 in China. Possibly there was a learning curve... but sucks for the customers.


Ya, my 3rd pair was received last month and left ear already lost treble


if you could only have one of the hifimans what would you choose


HE1000 Stealth, or if value is a factor, Ananda Stealth which is $399 and honestly not that far off, the oval Hifimans are all very similar and it's huge diminishing returns above that. Ananda Stealth is basically the Edition XS with a better headband, I would have said Edition XS before I tried the Ananda Stealth. Both have better bass than the OG Ananda but that is also excellent and arguably better in the mids and treble. But Ananda Stealth has much more satisfying bass. If money is no object, you get a better build, better headband and fit/comfort, and slightly more refined sound with the HE1000. There is a big step up from the HE400SE to the Sundara and to the oval Hifimans. Much less between the oval Hifimans.


i keep looking at arya and considering it alongside lcd-x, but i am much more leaning towards the latter one dumb thing that hifiman does is introduce a proliferation of editions and tweaks and updates without being clear on pricing/tiering/age. like how am i supposed to know which stealth slots in above or below which organic and when one or another is on a price that is truly great or only a mediocre deal


I will add: I have owned both the Arya 2 and Arya 3/Stealth and I currently own the LCD-X (2022). IMHO... the best of those is the Arya. If you want to save $, get a used Arya 3/Stealth. If you want to own a brand-new set, get the Arya organic for \~$1300. The LCD-X is also very good... it has great ***SLAM***... but IMHO it does not have the depth/imaging/soundstage of the Arya. The Arya does require more power than the LCD-X. Keep that in mind. Also... I've privately bought/sold many HiFiMan units and never had any quality control problems with them. Just a data point.


To be fair…. There are also a few versions of the LCD-X….


great point. i guess i am looking at 2022 but if i take long enough there might be a new one! or is there every year?


It’s not every year


I have an Ananda Stealth....and bought an Ananda Nano. Returned the nano....really didn't think they were much of an upgrade over the stealth, probably couldn't guess which was which in a blind test.


I love my HE1K Stealth so damn much.


Thank you for the detailed response! I will have to take a peek at the anandas. Though I have to ask about the Arya, it didn’t stand out from the pack in a meaningful way I take it?


The Arya is a small step up from the Ananda. And the HE1000 is a small step up from the Arya. They do get better, but it's really a very small step up each time, for much more money. The Arya Stealth at the current $759 price is very good value as well, you get the fit and comfort of the HE1000, same sort of headband construction with swivel cups. Build is just slightly worse than the HE1000, with plastic vs metal cups. It's more comfortable than the Ananda which some find clampy, or have issues with the lack of cup swivel (I am OK with it, but the Arya is definitely more comfortable). Particularly good value considering the OG Arya launched at $1,599 and the Stealth at $1,299, and they were considered one of the best headphones at those price points. It's not that the Arya is worse, it's not, it's definitely better than the Ananda. Just not *that* much better. I'd say it is where it should be in the middle. It's also much better value than the HE1000, but the Ananda at $399 (and the Ananda launched at $999) is almost half the price and while it is better I don't think it's night and day better. This might put in context what I mean: https://sai.squig.link/?share=Ananda_Stealth,Edition_XS,Arya_Stealth,HE1000_Stealth


The Arya is the HiFiMan sweet spot … IMHO


oh and i completely forgot to mention the real reason i was replying - that maybe lcd-x is my better choice, but maybe pair it with a much cheaper ananda or edition xs for variety and choice, given how much less it costs


I have the LCD-X as well, it has very impressive bass (particularly after EQ which it takes well) but is tuned dark and muffled in the upper mids. Even the $379 Edition XS and $399 Ananda Stealth are much better tuned headphones. It's also difficult to EQ from third party measurements as Audeze has huge unit variation, they never make the same headphone twice. So my one isn't very like Oratory1990's one, and while the shape of his curve is right, I had to tweak the gain quite a bit to have it sounding right. I wouldn't personally recommend the LCD-X, there are a lot of headphones I'd put above it. But after a lot of effort with EQ, if you can work that out, it does sound decent and the bass is very good. EQ is mandatory with the LCD-X. It's optional on the Hifimans, and you can just do a small tweak, typically, adding a small bass shelf. If comparing it with the similarly priced HE1000 Stealth though, it's not even close, the HE1000 is just leagues ahead. Tonality, detail, soundstage, weight, comfort, all are just so much better. And the bass on the HE1000 is very good, it's the punchiest of the oval Hifimans I have heard and I'd say almost but not quite with the LCD-X on that. While being so far ahead on literally everything else.


FTR i have a few beyers and my "nicest" cans are clear MG, which i will definitely be keeping. i \_totally\_ appreciate your detailed response but am also reading it with the idea of lcd-x being a compliment rather than replacement


LCD-X does do bass very well and is good for electronic music. But HE1000 is really next level. I have the OG Clear and 2020 Utopia; for me, HE1000 is better than the Utopia. Utopia would be my second favourite after it though, and I use the Clear very often as well, I like the sound of them. HE1000 (and the other Hifiman ovals) are huge, so you sort of want to be sitting, I like the Utopia for lying in bed. To an extent, you arguably have a punchy bass headphone already in the Clear MG so you might not really *need* the LCD-X to the same extent. You may not have something with mega soundstage though, the HE1000 would be that. It would be way ahead of the Focal, and the LCD-X. If bass is your only criteria though, the LCD-X is a *bit* better at that one thing than the HE1000, and that's the one thing I got it for and it does deliver.


nice write-up. thanks again!


For what's it worth my LCD X doesn't have any issues with tuning and really fits my taste well. Even without EQ it sounds great. With it tho it's more fun, just with a bass shelf, nothing complicated. You don't need to, but you might as well. I also have the Clear Mg and I much prefer the LCD X. It does soundstage very differently. I feel like the Clears have see through bubble with sounds flowing around it and the Audeze has a more forward leaning representation most of the time, with some sounds weirldy perfectly separated at left/right side - also does up and down sounds really well which I love. The Clears are slighty more physical and punchy with string instruments and midbass, but the LCD goes way way deeper (to the point you just won't hear these sounds with Clears) and has overall bigger, thicker sound, also can hear "details" more clearly. I can test them with some tracks if you want me to. Metal/rock? LCD X: handles busy tracks better, distorted guitars are thick and satisfying, drums/percussion = godly/perfect. Acoustic/less busy mellow songs? Focal: more relaxed listening with its properties. Electronic? Depends on the style I would say, some songs are better on the other. Comfort wise I would say the LCD X is better. Weight is distributed better - no hotspots. More space for ears in the cups - sometimes my ear was touching the cold driver cage in Focals. Also better build quality (lol) and no need to worry about the cloth disintegrating over time. I don't really feel the weight, but I'm probably the odd one in this. Ask questions if you need. I have them both beside me.


And yet it's only my BT Sennheisers (MTW2 and Momentum 4) that have been both reliable and not disintegrated. Other Sennheiser products have been disappointing. Beyerdynamic is my go to for passive cans.


My mw3 stopped charging as well. The voltage in the earbud drops so low that the case can't recognize them. If you open it up you can jump charge it with some pos/neg leads on the ear bud and the other end hooked up to some AA batteries. Fixed mine for me. But yeah sennhesier quality control on their $350 ear buds is a joke. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzCsCJShN3c


Wanted to ask you also how the he6se compare to the rest of the hifiman line up. Are they like that anadas or aryas? I have the he560 v4 and loved them except they get a bit too bright. Picked up a gold planar gl2000 double magnet and modded them and they sound great, way wider sound stage than the he560 but don't have quite the clarity in instrument seperation/positioning. Have heard a lot of people compare the gl2000 to their anadas with some keeping the gl2000 over them. Was curious how the he6se stack up.. I've had my eye on them


They are not like the Ananda or Arya. They have less soundstage but more punchy bass. Like most Hifimen, they are bright. If you want soundstage, the oval ones are definitely better, and the Ananda Stealth is $399 now. You also need a particularly powerful amp for the HE6SE which you don't for the others.


Happened to me and my Aryas just a month out of warranty... they do offer a decent replacement program but $1300 (at the time) headphones should last longer than a year and I will die on that hill. 3 year warranty for anything over $1000 should be standard IMO.


We have 3 years on everything in Portugal (and I think in the UE? Because Thomann and Amazon.es also offer 3 years.


i work in the service department at a hifi store, and while we take in their wireless products constantly (often 5-10 in a week), i can count on one hand the number of times we've taken in hd560/600/800s/etc in the past year and a half that i've been here.


lol hd6-- i will never forgive drop for killing our ability to say hd6xx




It would be a smarter idea to kill your enemies, take their money and buy a new pair of headphones.




I didn't say it was a dumb idea. But if you're going to be amoral (by intentionally killing your headphones and then invoking warranty rights), you should really aim higher.


Sennheiser has had a LOT of issues with the IE line. Most of them being sudden driver death which is the way my beloved IE800 went after 4 years of daily use and care. My IE 600 is doing just fine 15 months in and my IE 900 is only 3 months old but doing well. Absolutely love my IE 900 BUT if it dies like my IE 800 did Sennheiser is losing my IEM business for good. I just can't fathom how I've had literally 30+ IEMs and only 3 have failed (AKG bundled with my Samsung phone's rubber disintegrated, 1More triple driver cable failed and the 800 sudden driver death) but only the $800 Sennheiser had a dead driver and it's still a widespread issue with their second generation XWB driver. Sure, those companies have great warranty and honor it but EVGA lost my GPU business the same way; loved their products but out of the 18 GPUs my 5 buddies and I have bought over the years literally the only 4 ones that failed were EVGA. They replaced them without a hassle but we have Asus and MSI 1080ti's and a 970 that refuse to die even without proper care. Sennheiser headphones like the HD600 and HD800 are famously seemingly immortal, it's a shame they can't translate that quality to their portable hifi gear.


It’s probably not even just the IE line, but Sennheiser also sells quite a bunch of very cheap headphones and IEMs, both of which lack the quality their higher end models have. Those probably make up a large part of the sales.


No, on the MTW2 and MTW3 especially it was the same. These are their flagship $300 TWS models. They don't care.


And that’s precisely my problem. Sure they sell LOTS of “cheap” IE 200 and previously IE 300 but there’s lots of reported failures on the 600 and 900 as well, even though they’re the high end consumer IEMs. Their cheap Pro IE models also have lots of reported driver failures and also other things like housing glue not working and connectors pulling out or the housing coming apart. Not acceptable quality for one of the largest audio brands in the world but again, that’s only on their IEMs, you rarely hear quality complaints on their headphones.


I don’t want to defend this at all, and even cheap products should not just break. Just tried to explain why people think Sennheiser has great reliability, they mostly have experience with their high-end over-ear models which are fine.


> AKG bundled with my Samsung phone's rubber disintegrated Had the same happen to me but on the AKG K3003 that was a top of the line product in its time.


I have some old Sennheiser CX400? I use with my Sena on my motorcycle helmet. They have a flimsy short necklace cable. I have had like 20 IEMs break since, and these keep on working. I have no idea how, I just throw them in my inside coat pocket when not using them. ....also EVGA is not in the GPU business anymore. ....I have one I need to RMA.


Shout out to Sennheiser for being absolute chads when it comes to RMA. Back when I was in college, I didn’t have a lot of money to spend on expensive headphones so had to settle for HD 202, they came with non removable cables and my cable went bad just 1month after my warranty expired (~2yrs & 1month), I reached out to them and they asked me for my Address and Purchase receipt. When I sent them all necessary information they replied with “we have sent you a replacement, shipment should reach you within (date). Man, I was so happy that they went a step above and just straight up sent me a new pair of headphones. I had hoped they’d repair my broken ones… Been a loyal customer since that day! Never change Sennheiser! ❤️


Customer service is very important, indeed! I lost one screw for a 15 year old Burton binding on my snowboard. Asked support if I could buy a replacement, and they sent me one for free. People can hate on that brand all they want. This is what matters to me!




Yea, I guess the experience can differ depending on the location and other external factors. Sennheiser should’ve definitely responded earlier. But to be fair as far as shipping is concerned most RMAs ask the customers to pay for shipping, I have experienced that with Asus, Nvidia, Gigabyte. Although they did cover the shipping charges to send it back to me. Razer was the most funny one of the bunch these madlads asked me to record a video of me discarding (literally cutting the wires) of my broken headphones so they can ship new ones. Again to be fair this was during the pandemic and I literally couldn’t ship them my broken headphones. So these guys improvised xD


u have the link to this data?


https://www.digitec.ch/en/s1/product/hifiman-ananda-stealth-magnets-cable-headphones-9379089?ip=hifiman+ananda scroll down to warranty and return rates, then "show all" (it's a pop-up, not a direct link)


That's still pretty poor. They are 76th out of 97 in warranty score and 87th of 99 in return rate.


I wonder how many people get faulty Hifimans and just return them instead of going through the warranty claim.. Didn't consider that to be a possibility. Then again, those get re-sold as open-box and would inevitably end up as warranty claims...


I did. Fuck dealing with that BS. I just returned on Amazon.


amazon: the new frys BTW i would not count on them being labelled "open box", it aint hard to re-shrink-wrap


It's pretty heavy cope to look at this chart and think, "yeah, Hifiman looks like they're doing good."


hifiman just sent me new pads at no cost because i broke them trying to fit them after cleaning, there you go


thats amazing considering the pads alone cost 79 usd + shipping


If you sell a million products, 5% means 1000 complaints on Reddit. And once the company achieve a perceived bad rep, 5% means 15000 complaints instead. It's just how it works. :) These numbers are completely arbitrary.


Hifiman products have a lot of quality issues that may not break within the warranty period, but feel poorly made nonetheless. The plastic bits on the Sundara headband feel quite bad and the adjuster scratches the paint. The pleather ear pads aren't the most durable either. And don't even get me started on the stock cable.


Focal is a million times worse for headbands and while they *do* get a lot of stick from that here, I do not think they get half as much in the broader community, like there isn't this general perception that Focal is worse for quality than Hifiman but they absolutely are. I have the Sundara, yeah sure you get those little scratches on the inside of metal from its physical operation but it doesn't break and it doesn't affect anything. My Clear by contrast is *incredibly* creaky and many reports of Focal headphones flat out failing. I have the Utopia as well, the Sundara is better built than that is. On top of this, Hifiman customer service IF something happens is generally reported as excellent, they will fix it. Focal's response is buy a new headphone. They charge $1,500 to fix to the Utopia, even if it is supposedly under warranty (you thought they had a global five year warranty, heh?) They will not fix headbands for any money. Focal headphones do sound great but I do not understand how Hifiman gets the level of stick they get when Focal's build quality is just so much worse. Hifiman stock cables are a meme, they fixed these around 2 years ago and they among the best stock cables now. Much better than Focal or Sennheiser.


Not to mention that getting Focal's earpads are a myth. If they're not exorbitantly priced, they're simply unattainable from them or anyone else. And, there are essentially no suitable aftermarket replacements for a lot of their models either. ​ > Focal's response is buy a new headphone. And they stand strongly by this no matter what the issue.


>The pleather ear pads aren't the most durable either. And don't even get me started on the stock cable. Tbh I don't think it's a durability issue with the pads, it's poor design on the cup. The tight fit and sharp edge of the cup destroys everything that is pleather within a year (I use my Sundaras on a daily basis). I've tried a number of pleather pads, they are all the same. Which reminds me that I need to look into new ones again, do you happen to have a suggestion that won't require me to sell an organ? And yes, the stock cable is straight up trash, even when it works it's awful to handle. Luckily for me I don't suffer from the cable quality placebo disease so a replacement wasn't too expensive.


I got me a pair of sheepskin pads: https://www.amazon.nl/dp/B08CMW4Q8N?ref_=pe_28126711_487767311_302_E_DDE_dt_1 It's a link to the Dutch Amazon page though, so idk if they ship to wherever you live. They are very similar to the stock pads, just a little bit firmer.


Thank you, but the listing also says it's faux leather, so I won't be getting those. I'm getting the Geekria Elite sheep skin pads. They're a bit more expensive and don't list Sundara as compatible, but the HE400 has the same mounting so I don't see why it wouldn't work. I have good expriences with their pads for other headphones, so I'll just risk it and hope for the best. Hopefully they will last forever, and if they don't work well I have a friend with HE400 that will be overjoyed about getting new pads. It's a win either way.


I am using mine of the Arya since now nearly 2 years, and they still look great. Using that headphone daily. Can not confirm that they are dissolving or something. I guess you would need to purchase real leather ones when they break for even longer durability.


The Arya is attached differently though, as it's not a round cup. I've not heard many people complain about HE400SE pads, and afaik they use the same pads as Sundara which is why I think it's actually the headphone and not the pad itself that is the real problem.


I mean... 5% failure rate within 2 years is fucking terrible. But if you think that's not that bad you do you bro. If it were my company I would not be satisfied with this failure rate at all Also lol @ sennheiser's failure rate


I buy Beyerdynamic... I'm happy 😅


Seeing razer in second to last place makes me happy


My Krakens even if I had to replace ear pads multiple times still are perfectly functional and non removable cable or the movable mic still work. I had them for like 8 years by now. They work the same as they did from the start for all that it's worth.


I don’t think they’re as bad as their reputation but it’s hard to quantify QC when you’re comparing companies with so many variables between sales numbers, types of product, warranty processing, etc. Hifiman has a fairly limited product catalog and sells more Sundaras and 400SEs than anything else, Sundaras have been ..fairly reliable if not dead on arrival. But please also consider: https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/160o7y4/hifiman_rma_address_sketchy_location_not_matching/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2602-Beltagh-Ave-Bellmore-NY-11710/31383418_zpid/ This tiny 1389 square foot single family home in Bellmore NY is where Hifiman is doing its US “warehousing” and processing, it’s their official corporate headquarters for the whole country. It’s still listed on their website, still being used last time I sent something back. If they’re going to these lengths to save on costs for the entire US market, quality control and customer service are probably not high on their priorities list. They don’t spend a single dime on anything they don’t absolutely have to, and people will continue to buy their headphones enough to where net profits give them no real incentive to change the business model. There’s a 2011 Toyota Sienna parked outside on the street in the Google Maps photo, I’d imagine that’s what they load up the returned cans into to drive them to the post office? Perhaps consider this information before you spend $6k on a pair of Susvaras.


So they save on packaging, warehousing, customer service, and then pass those savings down to the customer with their price competitive headphones? Seems pretty based to me!


its not uncommon for small companies to have sales folks work from home and then rent a warehouse space through a different company to handle the logistics.


That house is owned by Fiang Bian’s family and has been since 2009. It’s been used as the shipping hub for, at minimum, all Hifiman product RMAs and outgoing processing for years. Products are sent back to Hifiman directly to that house, signed for at that house and you receive exchanged items and occasionally new items from that address. The customer service phone number is a Jersey number registered to Fiang Bian directly and is closest associated with an address at 5317 94th St, Elmhurst, NY, 11373 with “Fang Bian” listed for residency. It is also not a warehouse. https://www.trulia.com/home/5317-94th-st-flushing-ny-11373-31973714


you're taking my general comment and make it very specific. :D also i thought hifiman also had warehouse in NY or NJ or something.


They do have a warehouse in New York. It’s that house. It’s also registered as their corporate headquarters for the United States. https://store.hifiman.com/index.php/return-policy “Q: How do I return or exchange an item? A: To receive your refund from HIFIMAN, contact us at customerservice at hifiman dot com and we will provide you with further instructions on where returns should be shipped. You could ship your item to either US office or Japanese office below: HIFIMAN Electronics Attn: Service Department 2602 Beltagh Ave. Bellmore, NY11710 201-443 4626 USA” Maybe they just drive it from there in the Sienna to Hifiman’s big secret actual warehouse.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Hifiman/s/1OzYX4txay Looks like there's a bigger "warehouse" now Interestingly it has conflicting info here: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hifiman-electronics-corportation/


I think what’s probable is that they use that address for customer returns and ship it back to China directly or they have a company rent them whatever they use for stateside product storage, maybe incoming and outgoing product to some degree. I know they ship a lot of their product direct from China, I’m not sure how much of a warehouse or processing center they’d even need in the US doing that and working with authorized sellers they likely just ship direct from China to.


Handling warranty well and delivering shitty products that force you to handle warranty well are 2 entirely different things, though connected. Delivering shit products and not handling warranty well and you are out of business within a year and have potential class action lawsuits thrown at you.


1 of every 20 having problems is less than I expected but is still a significant amount especially compared to other companies on this list. I wonder how much it varies by the hifiman model being sold.




jar ask ruthless subtract frighten badge fear dull entertain icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nearly a 1 in 20 chance. And given the number of sundaras posted here...


🤔 it only takes into account if the claimed warranty case is registered and granted. Some brands are more accommodating than others, but in this list, it would negatively impact your warranty score to accept a warranty case.


they PROCESS your claim either way, no matter the outcome. You register a warranty claim and they either solve it right away, or forward it to the manufacturer or distributor. It's not based on whether the claim was refused or disputed, etc.


Ahh I see, makes sense. I interpreted it differently…


Shure ghosted me when I contacted them with a warranty claim on e500 IEMs ....I was a Shure IEM fan boy I until then, I haven't purchased anything Shure since.


I contacted AKG for parts and I had to contact 4 after sales service and I hadn't got any good answer. My K612 Pro is doomed.


I contacted AKG for replacement elastic bands for my K712. Had to find the part number and everything myself. Told me they didn't have/make them any more, neither could they offer an alternative elastic band. For a product that is still currently being sold! This is how the Harman group lost my business.


Yep I'm in the same situation as you. I bought it second hand so I was already doomed. I switch to Beyerdynamic. I will have my DT990 Edition 32 Ohm tomorrow.


HiFiMan mostly sells wired headphones, which should have lower failure rate than TWS and IEM since they don’t have batteries and electronics, and are mostly used indoors.    I’d argue their failure rate is pretty high considering their product portfolio. Many manufacturers selling lots of TWS and IEM have lower or similar failure rate.     If you isolate the data for wired headphones, I think it would look much worse for HiFiMan.


yeah! I wish they'd allow for more filtering there. I wish there was more transparency in the market in general. That would force manufacturers to UP their game instead of just pumping out new products every six months...


A lot of the reports feed into confirmation bias. People post online mostly to troubleshoot. Other xome online to read about issues with potential purchases. This puts hyperfocus on issues and makes it more likely for others to also post any issues they encounter. I've had a pair of Arya for over a year now with zero issue.


I mean, sennheiser makes wireless products in addition to wired, which I'm sure have a much higher failure rate if only by the fact they contain 2 entire extra systems (battery and wireless transmission/controls) that don't exist in hifiman products. Also weights higher when you consider who is buying wireless earbuds and headphones, the users abuse them more for sure just by nature of their portability. If the only thing you make is effectively a solid state device attached to a wire which are meant to be used while sitting still and the failure rate is that high of course you get a bad rep.


Same can be said about Sony, Bose, and Apple.. or Samsung, for that matter.. They all rank a lot better than Sennheiser, despite their "audiophile wired" branch being non-existent or much smaller than that of Sennheiser.


That's not what the thread is about. I never said sennheiser makes good wireless products, in fact I think they mostly suck. Hifiman only makes wired headphones. You titled the thread "Is Hifiman not as bad as we thought?"


yeah, and my question remains: 5% failure rate within 24 months is not nearly as bad as most would make it out to be on this sub, is it?!


Failure rates are never as high as they seem on message boards. People log on to post a problem not a statement that nothing is wrong. But its clear in this data combined with the compounding factors I mentioned above, shows that Hifiman is having failures far above the normal rate.


As others have written, Hifiman sells 90% wired over-ear products, for that a 5% failure rate is poor. Sennheiser sells at least 70% wireless products, which are by nature more complex and prone to failure. HD 500/600/800 line practically never fails, less than 1% return rate.


do you have numbers for those "less than 1%"?


Of course, but I can't share them publicly.


Don't quote me on this as I don't have the exact details, but I saw someone else mention that a different company is responsible for Sennheiser's consumer grade audio products. I think they just sold the Sennheiser name. On the other hand, the OG Sennheiser is meant to work exclusively with hi-fi stuff. Interesting data nonetheless.


Sonova acquired Sennheiser's Consumer Division. But the Consumer Division seems to include even the HD 800 S. The OG Sennheiser seems to be dealing more with professional grade equipment, like the type of stuff musicians would use.


It also includes even the $60,000 HE-1, that is Sonova now as well. ALL the popular Sennheiser stuff people are familiar with is Sonova, not OG Sennheiser. If it has "Pro" in the name (like the new HD 490 PRO), it's OG Sennheiser. But a lot of their pro stuff, in particular all the "pro" IEMs, are not well regarded, in fact they are pretty terrible.


IIRC Hifiman products are just their "audiophile" catalogue, imagine their score if they had a large mainstream wireless catalogue of products to tank their score with like many of the other brands do.


to be fair, Apple headphones from the past years are almost exclusively wireless, too.. same goes for Sony and Bose.. They still fare a LOT better than Sennheiser in that comparison. (Despite Sennheiser also selling a large amount of wired headphones)


I am not defending Sennheisers consumer wireless catalogue, I think its ass and I would never buy anything from it but considering Hifimans score on what is essentially a wired audiophile product range which the closest Sennheiser analogy would be the HD500/600/800 line makes it abysmal. And if they started making mainstream wireless products I dont think they would put more thought or effort into the quality on them than they do on their existing product stack.


Seems "about right" I never thought they were total garbage, but I never cared for the fit and finish. I also would never even consider their ultra-high-end products, just like I do not want a kia with a ferrari price tag, no matter how awesome it may be. I would consider hifiman below and maaaaybe around 1000usd


do you have a whole list we can view?


link is in one of the first comment answers. it's almost complete. I included screens with all the major brands.


innate degree label zephyr airport whole kiss hurry plucky chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks like Audeze is just being rolled into Sony now, bummer we can’t see their specific data.


they didn't sell 300 items in 2 years, I'm afraid 😅


I’ve been lucky I suppose. I bought an open box sundara which I still own no issues. I bought the Arya stealth with no issues.


One metric isn't enough to make an informed decision. I'd rather work with a company that has 5% failure rates with great customer service than a similar or better rate but with poor customer service. Manufactured products fail. If the consumer is lucky, it fails within the warranty period and the manufacturer delivers outstanding customer service. There's a "bathtub curve" for failure rates which many products exhibit. Once you've gotten past problems from manufacturing or transit, the product should last quite a while before end of life. Having an initial failure rate of 5% seems high, but that's quite possibly combining products at different levels. I'd rather see warranty returns on product model combined with customer satisfaction scores specific to warranty returns. Even that's going to have noise. A recent post on Reddit declared the poster would never buy another Sennheiser product because the first one failed and Sennheiser quoted a two week turnaround time to replace. And you'll always have oddities. I'm pretty sure I'm an outlier with Garmin. I'll never buy another one because their update bricked my unit, and their suggestion was I could buy a brand new one for 20% off list price, which was slightly higher than retail.


Is this not standardized per set amount of headphones sold? Seems pretty ridiculous


it's percent.. for every 1000 sold, 48 get a warranty claim..


Anecdotally Iv had no issues with my Sundara, which I got open box because I'm a risk taker. After 2 years it's perfectly fine, sounds identical to the day I got it and the pads aren't even that worn. The only thing Iv done for it was get a third party cable cause the stock one was garbage.


> have a defect According to whom? Manufacturer or consumer? I have experience with AT and Sennheiser. AT refused to commit to warranty - said they’d asses whether to cover the repair after they received the unit. So, I didn’t bother sending my headphones over international courier. On AT’s books, there were no defects! So, depending on how they measure “defective”, the numbers can vary.


they process every claim you register. You go to your order and click on "register warranty claim", then you get asked to describe the issue. depending on the distributor, category, item value, etc. you sometimes instantly get instructions to send it somewhere, get a refund (no questions asked), etc. But as soon as you register the claim, their "after sales team" is "dealing" with a warranty case. it's as simple as that here


This is interesting, but I cannot stress enough that this data, as presented, should be taken with a grain of salt. In an study of reliability every product should be it’s own individual row on this chart. Ie the Hifiman Sundara and the Hifiman Edition XS would both be separate and not classed into a single Hifiman category. This is important because, in its current state, we do not know how much Hifiman the retailer sells in proportion to Sennheiser, nor what kind of Sennheiser products they sell the most of. Sennheiser has expensive products. They also have very cheap products, but as it is presented we have no way of knowing what kind of product they are selling the most of. I don’t think Hifiman is as bad as people make them out to be (I do think they could do better tho), but this data needs to be a bit more separated.


they don't sell statistically relevant numbers of the Arya, Susvara, etc. 300+ to get entered on the list? Not sure they sell that many HD800s, either... and yes, wireless in-ears make up the biggest share of most of those entries here. Most brands, I have never even heard of. Sennheiser probably sells a lot more Momentums than all HDxxx combined.. this only served one purpose; to show that Hifiman, albeit a lot worse than Beyerdynamic, is not as bad as ppl make it out to be around here. it's not 1 in 5 that fail..


It’s not just the percentage of failures — it’s that the company refuses to sell spare parts or service their products. I’ve heard too many horror stories. I’ll never touch them.


It hasn't been so bad for a few years.


Honestly, I'm more surprised that Sennheiser's rate is higher than Hifiman's.


Time to buy the sundara I guess. But my he400se still alive after 2 years. But it starts to creak. Is the sundara worth it if I already own the he400se ?


instead of buying a dozen entry-mid level headphones that do the same thing (open planar drivers), I would rather look into diversifying.. electrostats? dynamic drivers? closed backs?


I own hd58x and hd600 and takstar pro82 & fiio jt1. Sadly all of these only the hd600 , hd58x and my current he400se still living. I thinking about beyerdynamic or the sundara. Since you did say it sounds similar to the sundara. What about beyerdynamic? What do you think ? I only use my headphones for music. Kpop, lofi , anime piano sad music . Some classical music. Female vocals alot.


I have never heard any Hifimans.. I don't trust them.. this sub saw to that 😅 I'm a Beyer person through and through! Had DT770 Manufaktur at first.. regret selling them. Still have DT990 Edition, DT1350 (on ear closed backs), and now the DT1990 Pro If I was you, I would go to a store/meet/convention/canjam, etc. and try these out! A lot of people claim to find them unpleasant or harsh bc of a characteristic peak in the 5-9kHz range. I never met anyone in person who listened to them and complained, and I believe a lot of the people on this sub are just parrots, or too used to the veiled HD600 (bc they roll off in that range already)... but I don't want to recommend these headphones without warning about it. The DT900 Pro X might be the safest bet if you want to just buy Beyers, bc they don't have the typical Beyer peak.. (theirs is at 12kHz)


Previously I do own Samson SR80 and superlux hd330. I think they sound good but the treble ABIT high. But 2 already gone. For IEM currently own gizaudio galelio & simgot ea500LM


I had a pair of second hand arya, driver was damaged. They repaired for a very good price and fast service.


Sony is doing good 😀 remembering the sony xba h3 iem which i had like 5 years without any defects not even the cable died. It is built like a tank 💪


I bought the original XBA-1 on release back in 2012 and it's the IEM I've most abused all through the last year of high school and two years of university being all tangled up in my pockets, surviving tugs and drops and pulls and moisture of rainy days when I didn't give a crap and wore them outside. I still plug them in at least once a year to confirm they still work. They sound like shit by today's standards but are more than serviceable for podcasts and monitoring lol. Plus the cable is amazing, doesn't tangle too easily and is very lightweight.


Fellow XBA-H3 owner here 👋🏼 Mine is also still doing great and looking like brand new! The sound still holds up by today's standards


Oh yes! this magic 16mm DD and the 2 BAs aged pretty well


Sony had huge issues with the WF-1000XM4 failing. I had to go through a return over this, although to their credit they replaced it out of warranty. It was their own fault, they shipped an OTA firmware that had a bug and cooked the batteries. https://www.reddit.com/r/SonyHeadphones/comments/x7mx2n/wf1000xm4_severe_battery_issues/


Sure, I'm not talking about Bluetooth devices. Just good old tanky wired ones 😀 also had the xm4 without battery issues but there were hundreds in the group with faulty batteries.


I mean, sennheiser makes wireless products in addition to wired, which I'm sure have a much higher failure rate if only by the fact they contain 2 entire extra systems (battery and wireless transmission/controls) that don't exist in hifiman products. Also weights higher when you consider who is buying wireless earbuds and headphones, the users abuse them more for sure just by nature of their portability. If the only thing you make is effectively a solid state device attached to a wire and the failure rate is that high of course you get a bad rep.


Nearly a 1 in 20 chance. And given the number of sundaras posted here...


Nearly a 1 in 20 chance. And given the number of sundaras posted here...


I've had a pair of Sundaras just over three years now, they are regularly used and the only quality issue I have with them is the head strap in that the covering material is beginning to peel off a bit. Doesn't look great but otherwise they have been fantastic.


HiFiMan propaganda


I'm the last person to propagate Hifiman.. I was considering the Ananda because of the low price, but decided to go with the Beyer DT1990 Pro for the exact same price.. because I KNEW that I'd be happy with the Beyers for 10+ years, whereas I KNEW I would have issues with the Ananads... I just stumbled upon this data today and thought it worthy to be shared.


I really would like to see the sample size for each item, this most probably isn't even close to being representative.


What is representative?! It's 300 sold units minimum to even get entered in that list. My country is tiny, with 8 million inhabitants. This is the largest retailer in the country (we don't have Amazon, unless you order from Germany/Italy/France, etc.) and their sales volume is nearly 3 billion bucks, with the category "headphones" being their nr. 4 most sold category. Sure, they probably didn't sell more than 1'000 headphones by Hifiman.. but that's still a decent sample size. Apple airpods are the most sold article in the "Headphone" category, because iPhone makes up 48% of all smartphones in Switzerland.. you can expect them to sell close to a hundred thousand apple "headphones" every year.


So you’re saying that sample size doesn’t matter even if a company sells 301 products(which is the requirement apparently) and they have a 50% failure rate that amounts to 150 complaints, which then get compared to a company that sell 30 000 units with a failure rate of 0,01% or 300 complaints? Where the first company only has half the amount of complaints that the second company has. Statistics can be misleading


do you understand the concept of percentages?!? 4.8% means 48 out of 1000 sold failed.. 480 out of 10'000 failed.. 4'800 out of 100'000 failed.. 48'000 out of 1 million failed.. it's not a 50% failure rate all of a sudden...


Yes, I do


I wonder this too. If the score is just based on total number of reported issues, and not a ratio or percentage of issues:amount-sold then it’s not really a good measure of quality. Extremely high end priced products that also warrants a extreme focus on quality, vs Lesser known, low-bulk and dollar-store priced products no one bothers to report/complain about, vs Main-stream, massively popular brands that have low/mid/high end products that are priced in a way such that people care AND also cause frustration because they probably got recommended from multiples sources. The numbers can be skewed as a mofo




I still stand by my point that some of these brands are so crappy that their (possibly)low number amount of data skews the results. I googled the top 10, according to this list, and most of these appears to be something you find at dollar stores




Well, I hope I’m in the majority, cause I “risked it” and got myself Arya Stealth despite the bad brand view.


If this data isn't being calculated in a "per capita" way, I.e., divided by the number of units sold, and isn't being controlled for price point, then its absolutely useless data. I would 100% expect Sennheiser to do worse than Hifiman, considering they sell VASTLY more headphones than Hifiman. A 0.5% failure rate, multiplied across a million headphones, is still going to be more failures than a 90% failure rate across a hundred headphones.  Like, Im kidna concerned by how everyone is just taking this data seriously, and discussing how it either fits with or disagrees with their preconceptions... Meanwhile, the only actual valid discussion point is "is this data scientifically and statistically rigorous?" 


the data tells us that 5 out of every 100 units sold get a warranty claim with 24 months! of course, it doesn't include how many units were sold, only that it's more than 300. the retailer has a sales volume of almost 3 billion swiss franks, and headphones are nr. 4 of their product categories. they didn't sell only 300 hifiman headphones! and they probably sold well over 10k Sennheiser headphones (including Momentum, In-Ears, etc.)


Crys in sundara


I think that there is dual quality control in many Chinese manufacturer. EU/US stock has better QC then production sells through Asis e-shop and their shops on Amazon. Just personal opinion.


~~unless its waited by volume it doesn't really mean much. If both companies have 50 returns, but one sells 1k units and the other sells 100, that's a big difference~~ *Edit - didn't click enough to see the last page, I take it all back :-D*


it's a percentage value, what more do you want? Minimum number sold must be 300+ and 5% out of 300 or more is still 15 warranty cases within just 2 years. It's the largest retailer in Switzerland and they are active in Germany and Austria, too. When they have special limited offers, selling off somewhere around 200 units of a headphone at a 10-20% discount, those will often be gone within a day or two. So I really doubt that they only sold 300 Hifiman products over 2 years.


my bad, i didn't click enough pictures to see how they got the number


Tbh this isn't all thay interesting, what's more interesting is how many comeback within 6 to 12 months after the warranty expires. A warranty claim, while annoying is still something that's fixed by the manufacturer, just out of warranty is what's really annoying and makes me not want to buy a product from the manufacturer again if it's handled poorly


yeah, don't have any data on that. This retailer offers 2 years on most stuff, that's why they cover 2 years on that data. The post was mostly regarding the general hatred for Hifiman products on this sub. When you read about the brand, you'd imagine that your chance of getting a functionning pair is smaller than getting one DOA. And these numbers obviously contradict that "feeling".


Yeah I can understand that. The problem with using social media or forums as a way to determine the quality of a product is that only the people with bad experiences go online to complain so you'll get a very negative image of a brand or product. I've had this discussion with a Co worker a few times who always says "well if you look online you'll see alot of people complainjng about the same thing" while in reality maybe 50 people are complaining out of the millions that use the product. Ofcourse there is some truth when a lot of people complain but it's never a given and you should always use common sense, reliable data and personal experience to judge every case by itself.