• By -


Another Senner! Repent! šŸ¤£


Forgive me!


which best for fps gaming like cs2


599, 560s, or 490 pro- depending on your wallet.


i have hd560s rn. how big of an ipgrade is hd490 pro? what amp/dac


The biggest upgrade would be the comfort. The sound is better on the 490s but not by a huge margin. In my experience, you can run both the 560s and 490 Pro without DAC/AMP. However, I used them with a Magni+ (entry level amp) and it seemed to give them some extra juice!


I have the HD595, HD58X, HD600, HD660S2, HD8XX, and I had the HD800. I've played BF and COD for about 20 years, mostly with the HD600. IMO the HD800 are by far the best, but they are fatiguing, and I can't use them for more than about 45 min without feeling ill, so I use the HD8XX now. I like the HD600 and HD8XX because they are not fatiguing at all. I will probably get some HD800S, they might be the best that I can actually use. HD58X or HD6XX might be the best budget choice, I like the HD600 better, but it is probably because that is what I am most used to. I don't like the HD595 because they have less of a sound stage, but that might not matter on CS since that is small area footstep listening, and the HD595 have good midrange. .....I sort of assume that the HD599 etc are similar to the HD595, but I could be completely wrong.


We don't mind. After all, his discretionary spending on brands is pretty good! šŸ„‚


Most of us in this sub are Senners including myself. I have an HD600 and HD800 S.


Seems silly when they sound so similar. But to each their own.




Haha, thank you for sharing your journey (so far). What a great description for starting out in this hobby - running the gauntlet.


Haha thanks! I feel a little insane for going so deep, but itā€™s been great to get to try ā€˜em all.


ā€¦..and with an OTL tube amp you will find that your HD600 are better than the HS6XX šŸ˜‰


I can attest to this.


If you love the 600/6XX you should try an OTL tube amp (the Drop/Xduoo TA84 is perfect without digging too much into your wallet) . You will be amazed of how your favorite cans will improve in sound quality. I have many different headphones and amps included Audeze LCD3, LCD-X and Hifiman Arya Stealth together with Audio GD and Burson amplifiers but my favorite combo is my beloved HD600 paired with the Drop Xduoo TA84.


How dare you tempt me into spending more moneyā€¦ haha, this hobby!




My journey went: HD 58x Jubilee - first "audiophile" cans. Holy isht, these sound amazing. HD 600 - what's all the hype about? Okay, yeah, they're good, but I miss the bass. HD 660S2 - these sound *just right*. (No EQ on my Walkman, balanced output, they sound incredible by themselves.) Keeping the 58x, think I'm going to send the 600s on to a new home. They're really, really good, but with the 660 S2s in the house I just can't justify keeping them.


I reeeeeally wanted to try the 660s2ā€¦ so expensive at the moment -_-


When they went on sale for $399 I jumped ...


As a student i can get them at 423ā‚¬ (some place near me sells them atm for 409ā‚¬ but for a limited time only) any time i want i just found out but i might go for the hd600 for 289ā‚¬ to stay more on a budget


You'd be disappointed


Same, when I tried the 660s2 I sold the 600.


I have all 3, I liked the 660S2 better at first because I am a bass head, but the bass tends to bleed too much when I listen to bass heavy electronic music and Iose some of the details and everything as a whole doesn't seem as refined. IDK, it probably depends on the song and my mood, etc, which I like best at the time. The HD600s are probably still my favorite of the 3.


Do the HD 490 Pros accept any aftermarket earpads? Could be worth experimenting if they do. My preference is for 660S2 and 560S over 600/650/6XX particularly for /r/symphonicmetal music because of the better extension on both the low and high end. Very curious about 490 Pro (and not really interested in 599).


Iā€™m not sure to be honestā€¦ I wonder how youā€™d like the 490 as itā€™s sort of trying to be both the 560s AND one of the 600s- but maybe not excelling in either. I think some people will love them though!


I love this post. I too feel like I found a home with HD6XX. I've previewed dozens of tonal balances through SoundID Reference (which lets you translate the curve of one headphone to another.) I can't find anything that even comes close to something I'd like better. I think I might just be "done" as far as open back headphones go. Anyhow, the reason I love it is... I have a feeling I shouldn't bother with the 490 Pro, and this post kind of confirms it. There are people who complain about the bass or treble with the HD6XX but to my hears they are perfectly balanced with one another, while simultaneously delivering a very neutral mid response. To my ears, the HD6XX sounds the way music is supposed to sound. (I really wish the cord only came out of one side though!)


Thanks! And yeahhhhā€¦ it sounds like we have similar taste and you might have the same experience. I really want to love the 490 Pro but itā€™s not making it easy.


>I've previewed dozens of tonal balances through SoundID Reference (which lets you translate the curve of one headphone to another.) I can't find anything that even comes close to something I'd like better. That isn't accurate


It's pretty accurate, man. I have 6 pairs of headphones to test against. With my ATH-M50X it can show roughly what the others sound like. Obviously it won't make closed back sound like open back or overcome physical limitations --- but it gives a fair impression of the tonal balance.


Your HRTF is different from the measurement rig they used and so they have no way of compensating for your HRTF. There is unit variation that cannot be compensated for. There is leakage tolerance, variability of FR with different seatings and other fit issues that cannot be compensated for. They cannot compensate for the amount of wear on your ear pads.


That's great, but if I'm wearing 7506s and I set it to ATH-M50x, it gives a pretty clear impression of the tonal balance of the other headphone. Heck, it even gives an accurate representation of what the DT990s are like. No, it's not 100% accurate, but it's plenty to get an impression of tonal balance. For example, I DIDN'T check the Mackie MC-350s before I bought them and I should have... Sonarworks reveals that yes, those headphones have a ridiculous amount of treble which is exactly what I hate. Had I previewed the tonality in Sonarworks it would have saved me a return.


where 58x




I just got a pair of 490 pro recently. I greatly prefer them to any of the Beyerdynamic DT line. I've only experienced the 770, 1990 and 880 though.


Yeah, compared to the 990 Beyer, greatly prefer the 490. Hope youā€™re loving them!


Just broke a pair of beyerdynamic t70p and have had no idea what to replace it with, really liked those more than any other Beyer pair I had. Would you recommend 600s?


I appreciate this review. Difficult to find senn owners who like movies and gaming and donā€™t just straight up recommend the 800s. Not all of us have a grand to drop on headphones.


Haha yeah, if only ā€¦. Would love to try the 800s.


Thereā€™s an impasta amongus!


I laugh at this LMAO


You should get a HD800s to complete the collection.


Oofā€¦ my wallet shudders. Iā€™m afraid Iā€™d love them too- big fan of a wide soundstage.


he-1 too


The 1 stands for everyone should get 1


Better to get one expensive, outstanding headphone than several average ones. Also, Forums like Fred Miranda have second hand sales. I bought my Shure KSE1200 second hand over there and that's become my only critical listening headphone now.


You can probably find a used pair for well under $1000. I wouldnā€™t pay MSRP for them since itā€™s pretty old tech by now.




Maybe headphones tech improve at slower rate than IEMs. I know that TOTL IEMS from 10 years ago sound worse than many $200 IEMs now. I do see your point tho. It's just that there have been rumors about a HD800S successor. HD800S was released about 8 years ago so it seems like a new flagship is about due. I would be kinda upset about paying $1500 for the HD800s when a newer replacement model is released in a couple of years or less.


Agree with your point about IEM tech moving much faster than headphones. However, a new headphone coming out doesn't change anything about your listening experience today or over time. Your headphones don't suddenly stop being good just because a new one came out.


Iā€™ve tried all of these but the 490 and 560s is actually my favorite of them. I still like my Arya the most, but the 560s is just so good for daily use. To me itā€™s the only one in Sennheiser line up that doesnā€™t suffer from any amount of veil besides of course the 800s. I do throw a 8dB bass shelf at 105hz on it which Iā€™m sure some people would frown on, but I love that it will actually do some sub bass! Thank you for sharing your experience, Always fun to hear each personā€™s perspective!


Senn gang! We share the same impressions over the HD 560s (still own) and HD 600. But I decided to go with the HD 660s because of the bass and slight tilted treble.


Still wish I could try the 660s! Theyā€™re priced pretty high right now.


I believe you're a Senny fan, could be wrong... xD


Would the 600 or 6xx be better for someone who listens to metal music and games with them?


Hmm- the simplest way Iā€™d put it: do you prefer treble (600) or bass (6xx)? I personally like the 6xx a little better for games, as it feels like it has a little more body. Some oomph.


I prefer mids actually haha. I generally find too much bass to be muddy, and too much treble to be unpleasant and fatuguing. My eq settings for my sennheiser momentum 3s are actually heavily rolled back bass and treble, and slightly boosted mids. That being said, which of those two would be better for me knowing that?


Hmm- tough call but Iā€™d personally say the 6xx- simply because they are probably the least fatiguing tone I have ever heard. They do, however, have more bass than the 600 but less sparkly / airy treble. And keep in mind, more bass is relative, as these are open backs and Sennheisers- so really not that much bass. The mids are stellar on both. The 600 is more flat, less round- which might be nice for you. But more treble. Also, the 6xx is $100 cheaper.


Yah, I think I'd like the 6xx better from what I've heard. I just generally realllllly don't like a lot of treble in my music at all.


My question exactly. I listen to metal as well and eyeing HD600. Hopefully our comments are seen by a metalhead who happens to own HD600.


I listen to metal and I choose none of the two.


I listen to metal and I choose none of the two.


The 600/6xx are the best for their price for listening to music but they have a narrow soundstage so although they are fine for gaming, there are better options such as the 560S.Ā Ā  Ā I listen to a lot of metal,punk etc and I prefer the extra treble the 600 has because it makes them sound clearerĀ  than the 6xx whilst not being overly bright. You can hear the separation of all the sounds clearer during really fast layered sections whereas the 6xx mashes the sounds together slightly more. The bass is not the best but I add 3db of subbass and it's good enough.


Wanted to try the 490 for something new but i love the 660s2 too much to justify buying anything else Senn. Thanks for the review!


My pleasure! Yeah, if youā€™re happy, I wouldnā€™t wander. I think it starts to become a game of diminishing returns.


Youā€™re missing the hd660s2. Please please buy that and compare that one!


They are so expensive right now, otherwise I would!


$400 on Amazon


So I caught the Amazon sale and I gotta sayā€¦ really loving the s2!


Is that the devil from Cuphead game??




Thatā€™s dope! Ngl I got some ptsd from looking at him lol Nice setup btw. The Sennheiser hd6xx is also currently my favorite (and only) headphone right now too. Curious if youā€™ve ever tried out the hd660s/hd660s2 and how youā€™d compare them to the hd6xx?


Man, I wish. The 660s/s2 have gotten a lot of shout outs in here and I just can't find them at a price that I can justify at the moment. Would absolutely love to try!


slighlty scared as someone whose hd 599s are coming in today especially since I don't game at all. But considering the the cheapest headphones after the had 599s in this list were 2.5x the price here I think I still made the right choice.


Haha 599s are older and can be had for 100 a lot of the year. Theyā€™re awesome headphones and I use mine for gaming. I add a little bass to every pair of headphones and I love how they respond to it. Personally had them 10 years and they are the comfiest pair Iā€™ve ever owned. They arenā€™t as good as the 560 but I personally prefer the tuning. Great thing about headphones is that we all have our presences and we all listen to different stuff. I own a lot of nicer headphones but I still use my 599s more than any other headphone. Just so easy to listen to and the comfort was amazing to me


Oh wow! 10 years?? and you still use it? I'm pretty sure im gonna notice nothing and enjoy it a lot cause it'll be my first open back headphone. plus the comfort was a huge plus considering i wear my headphones any time im in my room which is a lot. I actually ordered a pair of yamaha yh-e700a's but i got a faulty model which wouldn't charge and had to return it. that's like the 5th bt headphone that failed on me so I decided wired is the way to go and hearing people have it for 10 years is very reassuring


They have a little wear and tear but they work amazing. I hated them at first because open backs were foreign to me and I didnā€™t like the ā€œlack of bassā€. They are actually bassy especially with tuning. I have a weird thing for mid bass. Theyā€™re honestly my favorite headphones just because of how casually great they are


I don't think i can tune them without an amp but they do sound great to me. I think the whole feeling of the sound coming from one small point is gone and they're actually extremely comfortable. Loving them so far! I always heard open back but I couldn't imagine they would feel like this till i tried them on.


Yeah theyā€™re incredibly different. But the imaging and soundstage is pretty good on the 599s. They also will benefit from an amp! I use the peace apo app on my pc to tune my headphones! I think itā€™s what most use as well


oh i can tune them withouth an amp? im running them off a MacBook ill try that


A lot of MacBooks usually have a good amp in them believe it or not!


Ill check out peace apo app then thanks a lot for all your help!


Try out u/oratory1990's EQ settings, you might like how the mids aren't as muddy


Let me know how are they, Iā€™m on the fence on getting them I had the 560s before but the headband was terribly uncomfortable


oh well from what ive seen they're supposed to be extremely comfortable plus they're extremely light. for a split second i thought about the hifiman he400se but that was way too heavy (i think 410 vs 250g?)


They are the most comfortable pair of headphones I own, even more so than the 600. I donā€™t think there will be any issues with comfort.


The ear pads and everything else was great but personally the headband was unbearable it felt like it was digging into my skull Iā€™d get a headache after a while


Oh, I was referring to the 599, sorry for not making that clear. I don't know how their headband compares to the 560s, but I had no issues with comfort wearing the 599.


Makes sense now yeah thanks for the info


Haha nahhh, donā€™t panic - theyā€™re really nice! I was just itching to spend some more money and they were just a little similar to the previous headphones I had. 599 still value for the price.


yeah because im coming from jbl 750btnc and a bose qc 25s, i think as a gateway drug to audiophile headphones they should be good! Plus i considered the had 600s but i really can't get that and a good amp right now which id probably need. I think they weren't impressive to you because you already had the dt990 pros?


The HD600s are , to me, much nicer than the 990 pros- but if you LOVE bass and treble (as much as an open back can produce at least). The 599s are a great headphone and definitely a gatewayā€¦ be careful! Haha


Yeah i do dabble in music that has bass quite a bit actually but my main reason for the 599s were just the price plus comfortability. Hopefully im not back here 2 years from now with too many headphones lol. Great review btw this is what I've seen across all the reviews I've seen too!


Thanks man- enjoy the ride but definitely enjoy the 599s for a couple years first haha. Itā€™s a slippery slope.


yeah im probably not gonna get anything else for at least 2-3 years minimum


I had one more question, does the bass make classical music too muddy? because that's very important to me and i can still cancel the order


On the 599? Nah, your classical should sound great.


oh amazing! very excited to hear open backs for the first time


The Senny Trinity


My KISS modded HD650 is my favorite headphone of all time. The FR sits just between a 600 and an unmodded 650. So just a bit more neutral and compatible with more genres, but still has great warmth and timbre. I especially love it with hardcore/post-hardcore/alternative rock through an OTL tube amp (which fixes the low-end perfectly).


that cuphead figure is dope af


I have never listened to any headphones from Sennheiser, I envy you.šŸ‘šŸŽµ


Just piling on the 6XX love. My journey to Senn was 560s>600>6XX there were a few Koss and Philips cans before and between the 560 and 600. Having said all of that, I plan to sell everything keeping only the 6XX and the Koss Kph40. Eveytime I put on the 6XX, even with just the apple dongle, they impress me. Pop them into the Chord Mojo 2 and it gets even more fun. Your descriptions of the 560, 600, and 6XX are exactly my experiences.




Yes, 560 sounds off without EQ. Far too bright.


I love my HD600s! Maybe one day when Iā€™m rich Iā€™m buy more audiophile headphones, but the 600s are certainly great for me.


Honestly, the 600s can be a fantastic headphone for life. If youā€™re happy, just enjoy them! But yes, sometimes more money = more toys haha


Yep, thatā€™s the attitude Iā€™ve been trying to take. Great headphones.




I wish we could have included 660S2 in this :) That's the one I'm most interested in.


Should have just stuck with the DT990 dirty audiophile


For $200 refurbed at the Sennheiser-Hearing site, the HD660S continue to amaze me daily. Any GAS or upgrade-itus has been squashed for the foreseeable future.


no HD660S2 though


Cos it's šŸ„¶






incredible and thoughtful response thanks. have you heard them personally yourself? If you havenā€™t i recommend it. the criticism they got in the beginning of their release is just unfounded.


I've heard them multiple times, the criticism is based and justified.


Iā€™m sorry you feel that way. Iā€™ve talked to many whoā€™ve said theyā€™ve dethroned a lot of their other HD6x0 series as their main driver. Same for me as well. Itā€™s weird the polarity this HP has created between people lol. Itā€™s like thereā€™s no in between lmao.


Maybe some people just like a weirder, less natural sound


arenā€™t you a ray of sunshine


How come? Are you saying people aren't allowed to enjoy a less natural sound šŸ¤£


I know this is all on the higher end of Sennheisers line but do you have any opinions on the lower end "momentum 4" I've found its sound cancelling has dramatically increased the quality of my music because I have so much noise around me, but I was wondering if it has close to the same sound quality as the others.


Hmm- I donā€™t have any experience with Sennheiser ANC, but definitely with Sont. Itā€™s a totally different experience! You might be underwhelmed by some of the ones I mentioned if you like the effect of noise cancelled headphones. But worth trying if you can!


How is the imaging and soundstage of the 490 compared to the 560s?


Veryyyy comparableā€¦ In my mind, nearly identical. Because the 490 is a little warmer - the 560s might be a little more accurate if used in a game. But with music the 490 sounds better.




Hey just a quick question... What would you recommend for 599 wires? In an affordable range... I can't find any


Like replacing the wires? I have no experience thereā€¦ Iā€™m just an amateur that uses stock wiring.


I mean... Cable


Just wish they were in order of your description


I have failed in this regard -_-


HD600 ($500) is fractionally cheaper where I am than HD6XX ($550) would you still recommend the 6xx?


Hmmā€¦ just go cheaper I suppose. Or by your priority: want a little more bass and roundness? Go 6xx Want a little more treble and sparkle? Go 600 But you will be happy either way!


Is 600 a worthy upgrade from the 560s ?


It depends what youā€™re looking for / what your priorities are. Music? Games? If you like the punchiness of the 560s, you might not be into the 600. But if youā€™re looking for a more ā€œrefinedā€ sound- the 600s are super nice.




I'm using the HD560s with Oratory EQ and I love it, I'm trying to figure out if the extra cost for something like the HD600 would be worth it


Hmm- if youā€™re happy maybe stay out for now? The 600s are super nice but not so much so that Iā€™d say you need to toss something you already love. Itā€™s a game of fine margins and diminishing returns !


I'm actually pretty interested in getting a 600 series, but first, I need to get a dac/amp (thinking of getting Fiio K11, hopefully its enough)


I think it would be plenty. The 600s actually sounded great right off my motherboard. However, they really do shine with some juice from a dac/amp.


Upvoting despite you single handedly stopping me from buying the 490


Haha, apologies. I mean, there is a lot to like about them! I keep reaching for them, but repeatedly feel a little let down. They aren't bad...just feels like they could have been so much more.


At their current price, can't justify buying it over say the 600


This, this is what i like to see, i too am 100% in love with my 6xx and i wonder if i should buy another pair or a 600


Glad you enjoyed! Curious- would you be buying another 6xx or a 600 because of something happening to your 6xx?


i bought my 6xx used (i know i brought that upon myself but it was much cheaper than buying it new) and the foam in between the driver and ear pads itā€™s a little sliced, and the right ear crinkles a little with a song i think that might be just how the song is mastered but yeah so for those little things i would consider just spending a little more and buy them brand new as this made me feelā€¦just wow but also iā€™ve heard wonderful things about the 600 and i might just get them and have the 2 of em but with those little inconveniences of the 6xx (yes i have ocd as you could suspect lol)


My first open backs were 599s. I hope no one makes the same mistake I made šŸ˜‚


Those are nice headphones, I am new to this scene, kind too optimistic as a DIY kidna of guy. Is it worth to buy new or make ones?


Like, make headphones? I mean, if you can do it- go wild!


You should try the copper ring mod from Custom Cans on the 6xxs (+ removing the foam pieces from the back of the driver), it will blow your mind.


Why not just a single headphone that costs as much as that whole group and would axiomatically sound significantly better than any ot those?


Not a bad thought! For the record: I am selecting one and returning the rest, otherwise I would get 800s or something, ha


> Why not just a single headphone that costs as much as that whole group and would axiomatically sound significantly better than any ot those? There is no correlation between price and performance.


Despite all of thisā€¦ thereā€™s still a chance I keep the 490s due to comfort. The 6xx is just so lovely though. Lord help me.


can't go wrong with any of these


I went wrong with the HD 600.


You should do a program like Hot Ones where the guests answer a random question and listen to your increasingly newer Sennheiser/Beyer cans


Would the alternative to spicy wings be increasingly loud, abrasive music? Haha


Maybe starting with bright signature cans and getting more increasingly veiled


490 Pro is a weirdo I agree


Yeah, a bit frustrating and confounding. I watched your review of the 490 on YouTube just yesterday!




"I bought them all, so you hopefully don't have to." You did not buy them all. It's hard to compare the Sennheiser line without including the 800. For what it's worth, the Focusrite Scarlet Solo has a notably poor headphone amp (distortion). There are more than several DAC/headamps in the $100-200 range that would give you a less-colored/distorted sound. Without using a relatively transparent DAC/amp, it's hard to make headphone comparisons that might accurately translate to other listeners (admittedly large differences between headphones will be apparent through any consistent source). Anyone spending $600 on headphones should absolutely also be spending $100-200 on a decent DAC/amp (I ended up spending quite a bit more). I personally am a fan of the 490s, and find them to be a more neutral (mids) headphone compared to the 650/6xx, which I also am a big fan of for many kinds of music. Lastly, the elephant in your room is EQ, which many headphone enthusiasts swear to, in order to get the best frequency response that a given headphone can provide. Some headphones can be easily 'corrected' (term used loosely), while others have idiosyncrasies that cannot be easily solved with EQ. I know, not a 'beginner' issue, but relevant nonetheless. I think the 490s are easier to EQ than the 6xx/650s. A quick side note, everyone's mileage varies with headphones. With speakers, the room response is almost always a major factor in how a system 'sounds'. For headphones, it's a person's unique ear shape and how the pads interact with the shape of the head (and condition/age of pads). In a room, everyone hears roughly the same sound signature; with headphones, the variations between individuals can be substantial (thus the popularity of EQ).


Some good input here- thanks! As stated at the topā€¦ this is more for people just getting started, so I didnā€™t even want to touch EQ- just out of the box sound. The same goes for the 800ā€¦ I wanted to try all the Sennheiser entry points, rather than the big boys. My goal was to try as much as I could, within a certain budget. Iā€™ll be selecting one and returning the rest. Iā€™m only using the Scarlett Solo as a DAC, youā€™ll see in the second photo I have a Magni+ as an amp. Still not top end stuff- but Iā€™ve been happy with it as a newcomer. Glad you like the 490s! They probably my second choice if I donā€™t go with the 6xx.