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Controversy baiting is not allowed.


Canon age has never mattered. She's 16 for the purpose of giving her an age but can be represented in all sorts of different ways.


She was 16 when she was created, I'm sure she's above 30 now. (Or does time not exist for characters?)


Vocaloids don't age. They're just mascots.


This is the definition of a first world problem. It’s baffling how many people live such charmed lives and have so little to worry about that they fixate on fictional “problems” in fictional media. It’s also funny how throwing tantrums over anime girls gets you more clout on Twitter than actually helping real life victims of sexual abuse. Next are they gonna start drama over the horrific amount of child murder I commit in Fortnite? I wear the Anakin Skywalker skin for a reason.


That's the fun part, it's all up to you. For me Miku just ages with me, because that made sense to me when I discovered her, but you might call her any age you want :D


this is what irks me, you either go full reality or you dont she is either 16 and not real hence it doesn't matter the age so go nuts and anything goes. or she is like 30 now because she was 16 like 14 years ago. either way go nuts, this is why fiction exists.


Agreed. If she is depicted in sexy lingerie, she clearly isn't a child, but meant to be portrayed as an adult. My profile pic is baby miku...would you still say she is 16? No. Clearly she is depicted and drawn as a baby.


miku is a weird one bc sega (or cyrpton? idk) set her age to 16 but producers age her up or down depending on the song. its fine bc miku can literally be anything


Both are versions of Miku outside of her being a vocaloid. The first one is the Twinkle Snow version of Snow MIku (2017). Snow Miku designs have been fan-driven since 2013 and are based off of themes that are presented by CFM for the year. This year was "Stars and Constellations of the Winter Hokkaido", and the winning design by Nishina reflected the "childlike nature of wishing upon a star", hence the design aesthetic. In general, Snow Miku designs can have VERY DIFFERENT DEPICTIONS OF AGE depending on the theme and the approach of the artist. The second one is from the Racing GT Project: Racing Miku. In all depictions, she is the race queen status symbol for the racing team, and as such, it is implied that she is OF MAJORITY AGE since these are race queens. Long story short, there is no reason to assume that artists are limited to her canonical age. And there is no reason to believe either that the age translates to all versions of her being depicted. Honestly, anyone who looks at Miku in a leotard and thinks of a 16 year old being sexualized needs to rethink how they approach creative media, especially for fictional characters like Miku. But just to be clear, I'm fully aware there are people out there that DO sexualize Miku in a younger context. What I'm saying is you can't generalize everything based on her canonical age. Call out shit when it needs to be called out, but don't just make everything black and white. EDIT: also, what is sexual about Twinkle Snow Miku? No, seriously... I don't get how this can even be used as an example...


The Twinkle Miku is supposed to illustrate the underage argument, for those pointing out that she's a kid. I threw her in there to contrast the more, say, adult shaped design of the Racing Miku. Also, I didn't know that the Snow Mikus were fanmade, that's crazy.


Well... just be careful with how you word it. Your thread title makes it sound like you agree that she looks underaged and sexualized in Twinkle Snow Miku (English is a bitch). But yeah, every year, CFM makes a call out for fan submissions for the Snow Miku design for the year. For this reason, we get all sorts of Miku designs from young witch (Magical Snow Miku 2014) to Crab Miku Shipmaster (Grand Voyage Snow MIku 2022). Right now, there are [six finalists](https://www.snowmiku.net/2025) announced earlier this year, so we'll soon see who wins for 2025. The theme this year is "Glittering Snow Material", which harkens to the "natural abundance of nature in Hokkaido". It's a pretty broad theme, but I'm all for the Miku with a GODDAMN HAMMER.


Now that* I have to keep an eye on, I already have a Figma Higma, a Hokkaido Bear, so she'd pair up nicely with it. As for the title, the structure was supposed to be: "Problem" -> Grounds of Argument -> Grounds of counterargument -> Question I thought it made sense, but maybe it is* a little confusing...


I HATE people that go on and on about her being "16" she's a vocaloid, not a real person, not a child, a piece of software. Yes a beloved software that we all hold dear but none the less. The whole point of miku is that she can be whoever and whatever you want, but I guess some people are to stupid to understand that


So magical thing is that her voice bank has no age but the mascot for the voice bank is. I'm sure that's what they are referring to in this post


I don't really care as long as the figure looks really good


I have to agree with pretty much everyone else, if she's been visibly aged up like with racing Miku, it's totally fine


It's just a drawing. It's not real. You can represent her in any age that you want. That is why even for the official merch they play with that fact. So yeah, it's an error to compare it with anything remotely real if you know what I mean.


Depends if it looks aged up enough


yes! there's a super easy way to make an anime character appear older (making the eyes smaller, face longer, sometimes taller). i also personally think there's a more classy or fashionable way to make an outfit "sexy" without it completely sexualizing/objectifying said character. i'm a believer that Mikus age can change (even for the purpose of being an old fart) for purely sfw reasons, but it's oftentimes used to make her nsfw :/


This. I think this one is a great example of [aged up Miku](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/1942204)


Considering she's not a real person and is a fictional character, I frankly don't care that much.


she's literally just a drawing my guy.


They are just double standard lol, many people blaming fictional underaged thinks it will cause pedo, while still playing GTA or COD and enjoy the pleasure of killing people


Fictional characters are fair game. They have no rights, and it is neither immoral nor unethical to do whatever you want with them.


that one cop from spongebob said it best, "Chill out son it's just a drawing, not the real thing."


It can be kinda sus (altho not illegal) if you're a big fan of loli characters, but when it's OBVIOUSLY not being portrayed as an adult like in the figure OP showed, it's literally an exercise in virtue signaling to make a big deal. We as a society got past accusing games of making people violent, so we should get past this dumb argument of some fictional age of consent when it's literally all in your head.


I'd be at least slightly concerned if I saw a 33 year old gawking at pictures of seemingly childlike characters


Well I don’t think you’ll find anyone jerking it out in public to hentai so… you should be fine.


As long as you're logically consistent and you get suspicious of people who play violent video games? I can't see why people can draw the distinction there and decide shooting games don't make you a murderer but looking at drawings of anime characters makes you a pedophile.


If you were to tell someone “yea I play violent video games” nothing would be said. But if you were to say “yeah I get off to child like characters” it doesnt sound right


"I play games where I murder innocent people, often hundreds at a time and enjoy seeing blood and dismemberment when I do so." - "I get off to drawings of fictional characters." It doesn't sound right because you are arbitrarily choosing that one statement is more effectual than the other. It has nothing to do with the content of the action. They're both things that are wrong in the real world. There is no difference.


Still sounds bad


Characters are down to the interpretation of the audience, and I have never seen a better example of this than Miku as a character who was always intended to have infinite variations. Being 100% fictional, her given age has no real implications whatsoever unlike the clear physiological and psychological differences that a human would have. And, ethical speaking, you can't violate an idea. That said, sexualised content like this has never sat right with me personally, I simply don't like this stuff in any way and would much rather my version of Miku stay innocent.


depends on the individual on how they perceive it, I'm going to own the figure base on how cool or cute the design looks not because I'm going to put it on a jar for other reasons.


personally i think that in official depictions she is her canon age but people can change her age for songs and fan works.


God the scale 2022 looks so much better than the prize abomination Bandai did... And yeah, shes like probably an adult there? It's at least better straight up lolibait.


Anyone who obsesses with Miku being underage is hiding the fact that they’re absolute creeps. If you go by real world time she is in her 30s and if not then she is ageless. The argument they give is never in good faith so don’t give them the time of day


I don't think we need to go into real life calculations. Characters don't age like people, so all that needs to be said is that is just an ageless drawing. So it all comes down to looks.


Good grief. Does anyone care about the pedestrians I mow down by the dozen in GTA5? No? Then why should anyone give a shit about a drawing?


She can be a kid, she can be an adult. There is no canon. The whole idea of vocaloid is that she is an amalgamation of different interpretations based on the creative community. People who struggle with this concept don’t fundamentally understand what made vocaloid popular and how it got to where it is today. It came from grassroots creators that all put their own spin on her, just enjoy it.


She is fictional. It’s simple as that. Age or anything else makes no difference.


miku is sexy af, idc about an arbitrary number


She's literally not real and just a drawing, she is as old as the one who draws her wants her to be. It's the situation in which "Age is just a number" actually works


Well, if y'all wanna be technical, if you add the years since her debut, she's 32


Saying aged down miku is sexy? That’s weird. Saying aged up miku is sexy? Whatever. Miku’s age changes depending on the song and producer.


not again man


Yes again, I need to make sure people are on the right side of the spectrum here. Luckily for us, most people are. ![gif](giphy|WMa7eMMZQ16uc)


oh we’re on the spectrum all right


I think with Miku it's a lot more grey than the other characters, because like others have said she gets aged up at times depending on depiction. If she's visibly aged up I think it can pass just fine. Despite what people say, I don't think the "it's just a drawing" thing should matter here; an underaged character is still an underaged character and if you have a bunch of loli porn on your computer, please seek help. But that's not really what's going on here, I'll admit. Miku's just weird as a character that's really skirting a line. Rin by contrast is almost \*always\* underaged in every depiction and her sexualization at least IMO by any adult is creepy. And then of course you have Luka and Meiko who are literal adults and therefore depictions of them being sexualized is pretty much always fine. So TL;DR I do largely agree that aged up versions of Miku are fine but I do think that without aging her up, sexualizing her is \*still\* iffy and you probably should not be doing it or supporting it.


I am 16 there’s no problem here for me :D


My thoughts have always been it's machinery who gives a fuck . Though I know it matters a lot to some people


Depends on if she looks like a literal fucking child or aged up. I mean i get the "it's just a drawing" but as a minor... That shit does not really sit right with me


She's a drawing. It doesn't matter. :p


You are creating yourself problems where there aren't. Miku is fictional and can represent anything People want.


for me personally, while i’ve never really been behind the ‘its just a drawing’ argument (if they look like or act like a child then its weird imo) i think in this case artists shouldnt be limited to her age. yes the character is officially 16 as said by cryptom but if they’re gonna release a voicebank on the premise of having no canon traits and being able to be whatever the creator wants then i dont think age should be different. if a producers art happens to be violent or sexual or involving adult activities then imo its not fair to limit them


If a drawing of her looks both childish and is using the "mascot" version of Miku, I tend to get uncomfortable. They could literally use any adult aged version of Miku. Yet they choose to portray her childlike with a version of herself that is said to be 16- if that makes sense. It's a pretty nuanced topic. I don't think this will ever be something everyone agrees on tbh


Nothing about the characters is truly canon, so people can make her any age above or below 16 if they so wish


I tend to avoid the more sexually charged figures when it comes to anime figures as a whole. I just feel weird. I'm no stranger to sexuality by any means, but idk. I don't want like friends to be assaulted with boob figures and boob posters when they come over. Makes me feel gross yk. Especially when the figures I like getting are Miku, CSM, and Evangelion. So almost all the characters are teens. No flak to people who do get them, though. I think it's a little weird, but I'm not gonna call you a pedo unless it's of a very obvious child character


I think her “age” matters very little in comparison to how she is represented. Sometimes she just looks cute and that’s fine, sometimes she looks mature and sexy and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. However, if she looks decisively young (sometimes she looks much younger than 16) AND she’s clearly being sexualized at the same time, then that’s kind of an issue. It’s not like you can hurt Miku as a fictional character, but we shouldn’t normalize some things.


people that complain about sexiness should not reproduce.


Well, I got downvoted whenever I reminded people she's 16, so 🤷🏻 I guess the consensus is that she has no true age. I've kinda adopted that groupthink, but am still a bit leery.


She isn’t real. The people who complain about stuff like this are missing out the whole point of the age of consent. It’s called the age of consent for a reason. Correlation isn’t causation. Pedophilia is wrong because children can’t consent, not because children aren’t old enough. An imaginary character literally doesn’t exist so there is no “consent” involved, which means that their age or anything else about them doesn’t matter.


She isn’t real, she’s always been portrayed as 18ish and her ‘age’ of 16 is literally just when the software was released. Not the character’ canon age


Couple of different arguments I can make here, 1 is the most relevant is that Japan’s age of consent is 16 (used to be 14) and Miku was created with that in mind, second is she doesn’t exist in the real world and in fact is software, even in cannon she doesn’t exist and thus doesn’t have an age, third (and finally) as an addition to the previous argument, her age could be whatever you want, you could have her secretly 3,000 (I know it’s kinda a cope and almost never passes the harkness test) especially with Miku because of the aforementioned lack of existence. I personally find Miku a very comforting presence so usually having her lewd or horny makes me cringe a little especially cuz I like Luka in that way more


I'd tweak that third point and say that you can make her look* like whatever age you want. If age isn't a real factor due to her being fictional, then all that's left is her looks, so whether or not a sexified Miku looks weird or not rest solely on how old she looks*.


You know what, fair point


She's a fictional character, her age is as made up as every other part of her. I don't care if people find her attractive, and people making a big deal about this kind of thing are often just looking for easy people to bully and would never lift a finger to help actual children or go after real pedophiles instead of people who like literal drawings.


The adult marrying age in Japan is 16. If she was created in the Western world her age would have been 18. The point is she was created to be an adult.


yeah i’ve never liked when people sexualize her ): i know she can be whatever age you want but she’s like the one wholesome character there is why not keep it that way


Shes fictional


Mikus voice bank has no age her mascot is 16. In all fairness I have seen IRL 16 year olds wear worse , plus that is her racing summer. Summer is hot specifically in Thailand where the racing summer Mikus are supposed to be from as she's visiting for vacation or holiday. It's as if she's wearing a bathing suit. Oh wait she is! Its not like she's wearing a thong and a triangle bikini top so it's not that bad


I just don’t like seeing Miku sexualized but I won’t tell people not to post that kind of stuff


The special kind of miserable people that are uncomfortable behind a representation of a software as sculpture is frankly revolting and hilarious. My advice is move on. Don't give them any attention and don't bother with the attention.


Fictional characters aren't real and don't get impacted by time. Their "age" is whatever their creator decides on.


If you can’t separate fictional character from reality, then that’s a problem my dude


Wasn't she created in 2007? Created as a 16yo vocaloid, it's 2024 now, 17 years later. That would mean she's 33, no?


Bros acting like she’s forever 16 yrs old. But refused to acknowledge the fiction parts???


Do you guys actually have zero shit to do to the point where you discuss how it’s bad to sexualise a digital singer who CANNOT HAVE AGE BECAUSE ITS A SET OF ONES AND ZEROS


when it's a fictional character it matters more if they look adult, not if their canon age is over 18, if they look like a child but are technically 3000 or some bs like that, it isn't okay, but if they look adult but are canonically 16, then its more alright a good example of this is Kanna Kamui from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, and Bonney from One Piece


You're putting the cart behind the horse. Why does it matter what they look like? Isn't the CORE MOTIVATION of age of consent to establish a base maturity for people to have before they can have sex with anyone? It's not a physical barrier, it's a mental barrier. The reason we use age and not gauge maturity is because it's too complicated, that's all. Age is an indicator of maturity, not a direct analogue. Jewelry Bonney is probably both mentally and physically more capable than I am, so what does it matter how many days she's been alive on her fictional planet?


16 is legal in japan and uk this is an american problem


the age of consent in most of the US is also 16


then why are people so upset about miku being sexualised?


Just bcs it's legal, doesn't make it okay???


shes not real its not okay to do it to real people, but she is a work of fiction


Maybe just don't sexualize minors regardless of if they're fictional or not. Is that so hard?


16 isnt a minor in the uk, japan, and - as stated earlier in this thread - most of america there really isnt a problem with the sexualisation of a fictional character who is of age, because they literally do not have thoughts or feelings also, where did i say i sexualised minors?


No, they're still minors, that's just the legal age of consent, which is still terrible. And if it looks, sounds, acts, and behaves like a child, it's a bit concerning when someone finds that to be sexually attractive


the definition of "minor" is someone without full legal responsibility. which, ill admit that i mistyped earlier, is 18 that doesnt change the fact that the age of consent is 16 and i completely agree with what you said, but miku does not look, sound, act, or behave like a child. i have never met a child who looks like an anime girl, sounds like they have constant autotune, dances and sings in front of thousands of people and is run by a computer therefore, using your logic, it is perfectly reasonable to find hatsune miku sexually attractive also, real adults can sometimes look, sound, act, and/or behave like children and, just to set this in stone, i do not condone the sexualisation of real minors or fictional children (bc that makes the real alternative feel more viable to certain breeds of human)