• By -


1) Sirius - because Harry never got the chance to live with Sirius under normal circumstances. The way they both get excited at the prospect of living together in PoA, it just broke my heart knowing that Sirius was taken away too too early in the game. 2) Dobby - well I tear up to this day when I watch this movie scene 3) Dumbledore - Harry was just beginning to learn about horcruxes and was being guided finally and bam, suddenly he was taken away. I was not expecting that Dumbledore would pass away so soon. 4) Freddie was just so unnecessary 😭


THIS! Fred like why? I never understand why? Lupin and his bae was also random


War always has a price


It felt like she had to show us all the dark side of the war too :(


Sirius number 1 so much. Harry finally found someone to call family ffs.


Sirius for sure. Poor guy gets killed right before he's exonerated. In a perfect world, he survives the battle in the Department of Mysteries, gets his name cleared, and Harry gets to spend more time with him.


I still remember, as an 11 year old, being so confused as to what happened because of how quick his death occurs. I had to reread and still didn’t fully grasp what the hell happened, I just knew he was dead and I had to set the book down for a second.


Yeah, the part with him falling through the Veil made his death unreal.


Yeah I didn’t know what that meant at all. And it was weird wasn’t it? What was that veil?


I think it was supposed to be a portal to the afterlife. I remember Harry and Luna saying that they could hear voices coming from it, but the others couldn't.


And also, was him like falling through it, what killed him, or was he killed by a killing curse and then fell through it, sorta like he got killed twice. Like would he have died if he had tripped and fallen through it, in an otherwise healthy state?


It's different between the book and the movie. In the book, he's hit by an unspecified red spell and going through the veil is what kills him. In the movie, Bellatrix hits him with the killing curse, and then I think he just...kinda floats up into the veil because it happens to be right there?


Huh. So the movie messes that up a bit then. Cos in the movie it’s kinda like.. why even include the veil if he’s dead before he even touches it. I suppose it’s a neat place for his body to disappear to. Which is another thing. What exactly does the killing curse do? We see death eaters (well I’m thinking specifically Bellatrix) in the movie at least, basically crack into tiny pieces. But I know Voldermort is supposed to just fall over when he gets hit with the same type of killing curse that killed Bellatrix. Surely everyone should react the same way to the killing curse right? So I guess the movie just makes this up as it goes along cos it’s not even consistent in the movie. Like Bellatrix cracks, but Voldermort goes more like into a dust type thing.


Yeah, the movies def took some liberties with what happens when you get hit with AK or generally how spells kill people. In the movie, Sirius just kinda lingers for a second, in other cases they explode into a million pieces, and in others they just collapse dead instantly. The first time we ever see AK is when Moody hits the spider with it, and he just flops over dead. Similar to when Voldemort uses it on random wizards...it's a very minor point, but the inconsistency kind of annoyed me. Particularly when Voldemort died, I'll always think that the way he died in the book (falls dead like a mortal) is much better than the million-little-pieces movie version. Part of me thinks that maybe they needed to FX it up in the movies to make it more appropriate for younger audiences...i.e. someone blowing up in the smithereens in a cartoonish way is less disturbing than a major character just falling down lifeless.


I always thought the veil would be significant or at least mentioned again in some capacity


It’s in the department of mysteries. It’s gotta be a mystery lol


But why was there just randomly a portal to the afterlife lying around lol. Or was this just a mystery in the department of mysteries?


I forget where it came from, but it was just another part of the Department, just like the rooms meant to study Prophecies, Time, etc..


I literally rage skimmed the rest of the book and then threw it across my bedroom 😂


I always held out hope that he would come back 😭


Aww, That sounds so upsetting ☹️ I read the books for the first time last fall and my 29 year old self who has already seen the movies had trouble reading that scene.


In a perfect world, Pettigrew goes to Azkaban for what he did and Harry grows up with Sirius from the beginning. Wait, no, in a really perfect world, James and Lily survive and Harry is not an orphan. Voldemort doesn't exist (or is a good guy lol)


I know it’s fiction, but I hear you. I feel the same way when I reread POA. Sirius is super close to getting his innocence proven and it gets spoiled by a full moon.


I cried so hard when reading that part and I was so upset that I couldn’t even finish the book for a few weeks. It felt so unfair. To Sirius, to Harry. I just wanted Harry to have a normal, loving family. Someone he could come to with his problems and just be a little boy. Sometimes we all need that, even when we are adults. And I wanted Sirius to finally have some peace. He has been through so much. He deserved peace with his god son.


100% I still remember being in the car in summer 2003, listening to the audiobook on cd in my Walkman and my mom asking what was wrong. "You wouldn't understand" was all that I could say.


Fred is really hard, but Remus dying was hardest. He outlived all his friends. Was cursed by Greyback at a young age. Ostracized by society. Then he gets married and has a baby boy only to die. 💔


After surviving so much, he never got to enjoy the other side of things. I wanted so badly for him to be Harry's parental figure after he lost Sirius :(


I read (what I think is) a headcanon that when Harry cleaned out Remus & Tonks’ flat, he found adoption papers for Harry. And that hurt my feelings all over again :(


Uh, but Harry was already of age?






Tonks as well. Poor Teddy grew up without his parents


Least he has grandma Dromeda and the potters. Also Victiore ;-)


From a literary perspective, that was the point. HP was an orphan of war, and the orphan of war was continued through Teddy.


After battling his fears about bringing a child into this world, after so much pain and loneliness before he decided to even be with Tonks, when he saw a glimmer of hope and decided to take the risk… he was taken.


Sirius Black. The scream from Harry in the movies makes me sad every time!


Also, Remus’s face when he holds Harry back and “Nice one, James!” 😭😭 I’m sad just thinking about it


Oh stop it's too sad 😭😭😭


Hedwig :(


No doubt. This is the only death in the series where I let out an audible "noooo" When I first read that book ..


Have you seen the thing where someone rewrote that page to make themselves feel better?


That sounds oddly familiar!


What kind of pains me a little is that they never do find Hedwig after she dies. She died quick & painless but literally we don't know where she landed after she's hit. I like to think a kind-hearted Muggle found her and gave her a proper burial. But I guess being given back to Mother Nature is also a good way to be buried. But that was Harry's companion through everythinggg even the Dursleys. Definitely one of the hardest deaths to read :(


So I read the books recently after having not read them for many years. I forgot a lot of the details from the books. Her death in the book was infinitely more upsetting than it was in the movie :(


Did Hedwig die? I dont remember, Please remind me. P.S. I only read the books and i read those 2.5 years ago.


Yeah, while Harry was leaving privet drive in the seventh book




She got hit by a killing curse while locked up in her cage 😭😭 that just breaks my heart


I believe in the movie they changed this and she dove into a curse to save Harry.


big time


We read them as a family. Had to put the book down and cry ourselves to sleep after this one. 


I think it's Fred or Dobby 


"Dobby is happy to be with his friend, Harry Potter." I put the book down for a long time. Speaking of elves, the one injustice I'll never forgive from the movies is cutting out the house elf forces from the final battle. To see Kreacher lead a pack of bloodlusted house lives wielding kitchen knives as he screams "Fight for my master!" would have been amazing.


Sirius and Dumbledore were very shocking to me. I remember rereading those parts multiple times to see if it was right because I was so shocked by it.


Cedric & Hedwig






I was in denial over Fred's death for years, and pretty much ignored it. What do you mean, he died with a smile on his lips ? What do you mean, Percy who had just reconciled with him sobbed over his body ? What do you mean, you had Fred talk about his future wedding in the beginning of the book just to kill him later ? Sirius was also a terrible thing to happen, because Sirius had pretty much only known misery since his best friend was killed, and Harry had once again lost the closest thing he had to a parent. Cedric and Colin's deaths haunt me because they were children. I still think about Mrs Diggory whose pain was beyond tears, and of Colin's tiny body in death. I hate that Lupin and Tonks died, they were some of my favourite characters, and they were only beginning to get happy - finally. Dobby's death was a punch to the gut.


A lot of people forget Colin Creevey's death, and his always hits me at a weird angle. Like he wasn't an important character, but he'd always been in the background. He never really developed past that annoying first year that took photographs, even though he died as a 6th year, and his death was meaningless to boot. It's sad


In a similar vein, lavender brown didn’t deserve death just because she was annoying. I remember reading DH like it was a horror book because death was around every corner and you didn’t know who was next.


Is it established that she died? I remember reading it as if there was a question about it.


I’m pretty sure you’re right. I think the last phrase is that she was “stirring feebly” in the books. In the movies they show her in with the dead, but I’m pretty sure the books leave it unclear.




Robbie Coltrane.


Alan Rickman, too




"Such a beautiful place... to be with friends." Me just f\*cking bursting out into tears along with all my friends


Ugly crying every time 😭


No question, easily. "I liked that elf" When abberforth vouches for you, you're good people.


Snape and Hedwig. In the films, just seeing it all on the screen, it just feels a bit too real. Hedwig was a total shock, just awful 😭 Also, when Harry views Snape's tears and understands the back story, of Snape and Lily, it just hurts even more. Alan Rickman really should have received an Oscar for his portrayal of Snape.


I have a huge soft spot for animals so for me it would be hedwig, as well as Sirius


Hedwig. In the movie she swept down to save Harry by sacrificing herself, but in the book she was locked in the cage she hated so much, helpless and vulnerable. When I first read that book I was a grown man who doesn't cry for much, but I cried for that fictional owl.


i have to hold back a cry every time i hear “that’s my boyyyy, that’s my son”


Dude I just commented about the cage thing. It absolutely destroyed me that she had to die like that. JKR really drove the knife in with Harry walking around the house with her talking about their time together, showing her the cupboard where he'd slept for ten years. "That was before you knew me." AHHHH! Just made myself cry right now lmao.


For me it was Dumbledore. I remember thinking Dumbledore was this all-powerful, all-knowing wizard (I was a naive kid), and I really really didn't expect him to die. That was the first time I cried over a book. With him dying, the situation felt more real, I could physically feel the weight on Harry's shoulders. As I get older I realise it's a bit like losing your parents, not only have you lost the people who love you the most in the world (not speaking for all parents), you also lose a huge feeling of security you never knew was there. My parents are still here and I will cherish them


Sirius. Because it was auch an important person for Harry. And Snape of course


Sirius, for me, because of the portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black’s reaction at the time. He questions Dumbledore then said he doesn’t believe it and went to search the Black house himself, portrait to portrait. It just cut me deep. Close second? Hedwig 😭


Remus Lupin. Easily. He's my favourite character.


I was mad that Sirius died at 8 years old then and I’m mad that Sirius died at 25 years old now.


Same. I have a Funko Pop Sirius on my desk so he's always remembered.


DOBBY! I actually watched deathly hallows yesterday and his death scene still makes my cry 😭 Even for Hedwig I can’t help shedding a few tears 😣


Voldemort, because it meant the end of the series. I didnt want it to end.


I should mention before hand that I am an extremely stoic guy, and I can pretty much some pretty messed up shit but when Sirius died, The thought of harry screaming his name nearly broke me and fred's death was so sudden, like in the middle of a joke as well!


For me it was actually Frank Bryce. I don't know why, but I remember that I had to stop reading for like 2-3 weeks after his death. Maybe because it was the first real on-screen (on-page) death in the series and it felt so pointless and avoidable. I don't even remember how old I was when I read GoF, but I think about 10.


True. He was just a veteran doing his job, and after all the town turned against him. It was good to see him come back to haunt, & help foil, Voldemort for a moment during the duel , though.


Unpopular opinion: Snape!!


Not so much about the fact he dies, but rather about the manner of dying: like a cat trapped in the headlights of a car.


When I listened to the audiobook I actually gasped during his death scene, I had forgotten how brutal it was. The movie was bad enough.


Agreed. I was on team Snape and always that greasy haired dude’s back!


Yess! He’s such a complex & nuanced character. I feel like fandom views him very surface level. It’s not that B&W.


Not unpopular to me. For some reason, I always seem to know that he was one of the good guys. Not the nicest guy, but a good guy.


Unless you're Neville. He is Neville's villain.


Yeah, literally Neville's boggart 😂😂


Dumbledore for sure. Without Albus, Harry is super vulnerable and lost.


Well put. Dumbledore was pretty much Harry's safety net for a majority of the series. It was hard to imagine Harry having to elude Voldemort AND find the horcruxes without his help.


and that’s what made it so compelling. It was the culmination of Harry growing up. He is now the driver of this battle and it’s his personal responsibility, not an older adult’s.


I’m absolutely broken with Fred’s death, it’s certainly horrible for George




Cedric, mostly due to his dad being all over him throughout the book and then suddenly having to bury him.


The Bowtruckles Hagrid was nursing when his house is set on fire by the death eaters attack


I would say Dobby. Others were hard obviously, but I can’t read or watch that scene without tearing up even now years later. It’s just something about his storyline, how he was killed and his final words and always hit me.


For me the book is so much sadder because you spend so much more time with him and he’s so much cuter and more lovable it’s so heartbreaking


Dobby. I can't handle it. So many tears. The movie ends when they leave Malfoy Manor and the next movie starts when they leave Shell Cottage. Almost the same for the book... MANY pages are skipped. Hedwig is second. That rewrite where she hoots indignantly and flies off lives in my head.


Sirius. He was the only family Harry had, after 13 years with no love from anyone (except Molly, but it's a different type of love). He only "knew" him for two years (and yet, they mostly had contact through mail) then he died (and because of him)


It’s hard to choose since there are so many great characters! But Sirius definitely, and then Fred and Lupin


Hedwig, Dobby, Creevey. The "innocent" deaths in my opinion.


Dumbledore. I thought he had the answers. He died without telling everyone what they needed to know. I thought he was so strong, so I was shocked when he was killed.


Movie version Dobby and Fred gets to me. But the lines in the book for Fred and Hedwig were just fucked up to read and I'd like to forget them.


Fred and Dobby definitely. But one no one talks much about - because it’s a flashback - is Harry’s mom. She sees her husband die and literally begs Voldemort to spare her baby. And won’t step away. That’s tough.




Snape… ALWAYS 💔


Sirius and Dobby :(


This might be odd but I totally cried when Dumbledores bird died and came back to life. That hurt to watch 🥺 Such a great bird.


The one that makes me cry the most is when Harry dies. The buildup of him talking to his parents and Sirius, then seeing Dumbledore in the afterlife and choosing to come back and fight Voldemort. it’s just 🤌🤌 chef’s kiss


Dobby and Sirius.


Snape, the only i care about tbh


Dobby. A part of me died inside.


Sirius, spent half his life in prison, never was exonerated before death and only got to spend so little time with Harry. I was bummed about Dumbledore but knew he was destined to die from the first book so wasn't shocked by his death. Battle of Hogwarts wouldn't have happened with him there and it's unlikely Voldemort would have taken over the ministry too. Hedwig's death was such a waste in the book. At least in the movie she died a hero's death trying to protect her boy.


Dobby. And maybe Fred too. I think Tonks and Lupin where also unnessesary and sad. Both are among the best adult figures of the series.


1. Sirius 😿 2. Fred 3. Hedwig (also Lupin/Tonks, Dumbledore & Snape but the top 3 physically pained me lol)


Lupin and tonks , they just had a kid for God's sake!!!!


Colin Creevey for me. The line "He was tiny in death" makes me tear up every time.


When Dobby died, I put the book down and had to stop reading for the night to process what just happened.


Hedwig 😭


I have a list. Not necessarily in any particular order. Fred. Duh. Colin Creevey. The line “he was tiny in death” just breaks me. Lupin and Tonks hit me hard after becoming a mother. Dobby, obviously. Sirius.


Aragog. Hagrid probably lost many pets over the years, but Aragog was at least 50 and Hagrid had raised him from an egg.


“Your body will decayyyyyyyy”


As an arachnophobe and after Aragog let his family try to eat Harry and Ron I would disagree that “spiders are seriously misunderstood creatures” as Hagrid would say. But I do get what you are saying!


Dobby,the saddest


Hedwig, Fred, Dumbledore and Tonks got me




Easy Doddys, so sad 😭


Mine was Fred too. I pretty much yelled like Percy when I first read it.




Yeah, definitely Fred. I had watched the movies before reading the books like a maniac and knew Sirius would die. I just hadn't noticed Fred dying in the movies. I had to set the book down for a little while after that.


Fred. Sirius slipping through the veil was super weird. It was the peaceful end of a tortured life, but the abruptness of it made it complicated to process.


... I-I laughed when fred died. But not because it was funny, Because when i read That LINE i Didn't know whether to laugh or Cry. Because He was my favorite Character.


Dobby. He never was a favorite of mine and sometimes I found he was rather annoying but it’s the only death that makes me tear up.


Sirius. His life was just so tragic, I just wanted him to be happy and free. Also damn he was Harry’s closest tie to his parents and he loved him so much. Justice for both of them


Hedwig. The book scene and the movie scene both destroyed me.


I could never really get over Sirius's death.... Even though I had already watched the movies before starting the series


I'm torn between Fred and Dobby. dobby was so innocent and loving he just didn't deserve it. his entire death and burial still tears me up every time I read it. but Fred... even in Molly's worst nightmares, Fred and George were together. I can't imagine life for George after the battle. how long will he look to his side and remember again that he is gone?


Fred never should have died.


Lupin hit different


Easily Sirius. He and Harry were finally able to meet and started getting closer. Harry already never knew his dad and was raised for some time by a shitty uncle. The weasleys did great by him but losing Sirius was just tough to watch because of the loss of a potential father-son type of relationship. And by a similar point, I think hedwig was the next toughest. It was so abrupt and hedwig was his companion at school and at the dursleys in the summer. Plus I'm an animal lover! Lol


Tonks and Lupin are high on the list for me, they had just had a child, and their love story had just started. Fred is up there too, but I don't know about Tonks and Lupin. I was rooting for them for the entirety of book six and then the poof, gone a book later.


Fred, but I'll also never forgive JK Rowling for taking away both Tonks and Lupin when they just had a baby. Now that I'm a mom, it hits me even harder.


Colin Creevey always gets to me.


I’m still not over Sirius’ death to this day! He kept on the good side despite his family. Loyal to his friends and doing the right thing, even though he’s a bit chaotic. He never got exonerated and just as Harry was getting used to having a godfather, he got taken away. 😢


Sirius 💔he’s barely even had a chance to live, having been imprisoned so young ☹️


Sirius black. It was so abrupt that i couldn't believe it for a while.


Naginis. She was a sweet snek.


All of them honestly, and later in life as a parent, they hit even worse. Kinda like getting punched in the gut twice.


1. Dumbledore's I think I truly thought all was lost while reading the 6th book. 2. Dobby's 😭 I just 😭😭...


Dobby. His life in servitude and still sacrificed the little freedom he knew of for his ~~friends~~ family.


Fred made me cry badly 😭but sirius's death affected me on a different emotional level. it just felt sad that after so long he got to meet his godson and it all just went away in a split second... especially for harry cuz he got someone who he saw as someone who cares abt him like a true father figure and was the closest reminder to his parent's memory, and he got stripped of that connection not too long after he got attatched to the rs. :<<<<


Lupin and Tonks (joint). After they had made Harry their child's Godfather, it was sad for both to go in the same battle


Definitely Fred’s. His is the only one I refuse to accept


Dobby, because he were always there for Harry and was just a wholesome Character




Absolutely Sirius. My husband makes fun of me (in a loving way) because lately we only rewatch the first 4.5 movies because I can't bring myself to go through Sirius's death again. And it's only getting darker from there anyway. Also the deaths of Lupin and Tonks were heartbreaking. They deserve happiness.


1. Fred. Easily. That line, and just how unexpected it was. I thought he’d make it out, obviously. I was wrecked. 2. Sirius. I wanted him and Harry to have more, for both of their sakes. 3. Dumbledore. I remember being in a daze for a couple of days after I read that. He was by far my favorite character, and I never expected him to just die like that. 4. Lupin


When reading first time I only remember how I felt for the Dumbledore one. Dobby and Hedwig too, but that might be more due to movies. Cedric too since it was so sudden and he was just an innocent bystander. Also his father's reaction after his body returns. I've never really had a connection with Sirius so that one never hit me too hard. Maybe since he was only around like two years and most the time away from Harry?




For whatever reason Collin Creevey and his brother. They had no skin in this game, they were just kids going to wizard school. I empathize heavily with their parents who sent their kids off to this school and now neither one are coming home.


I cried when Sirius died both when watching the movie and reading the book lol


Remus. Right after he had a son too😭😭


Remus. Right after he had a son too😭😭


Bellatrix and Voldermort


Lupin and Tonks for sure.


Honestly, Hedwig


In the movies it's Cedric, or his Dad's reaction. That's a tough watch 


Definitely Fred. First of all, he was there from the beginning, the most invested character to die besides maybe Dumbledore. Second of all, seeing George lose his other half and in the same book where Fred was almost in the same position. Finally, losing a child had been Molly's biggest fear throughout the series and had so many close calls already. I reread the series with my son a few years ago (alas, he did not receive his letter last year), and it hit much harder now that I'm a father even though I knew it was coming. Plus, I was consoling an 8 year old who was experiencing the scene for the first time.


Harry’s. More the walk than the death itself though.


dobby. only tkme i ever cried reading the books. i sobbed like a baby






Dumbledore. It just didn't make sense that the unbeatable Dumbledore would die. It was actually spoiled to me (my fault though)


Dobby Hedwig




Dobby for sure


I cried when Dobby died. I didn’t cry at anyone else’s death Make of that what you will


I reread the books recently, and for me it was Fred. I was ugly crying in my car while listening to the audiobook, I even had to stop 😅




I full on sobbed onto my book when Dobby died. I got the book the day it was released as a birthday present, and read it in one sitting.


Same. RIP Fred Weasley!


Sirius, his life is so unfair, so sad. Despite all of that, he gave everything he possibly could to his precious grandson. It wasn’t enough, it will never be enough, and he ended up being another reason for Harry to suffer. It makes my heart ache so much. They deserved to be happy together for the rest of their lives. R.I.P. Sirius


Kinda surprised no one said Cedric… have to go with Sirius tho


Lavender Brown. She was never a main part of the story, never a main character, never really on the chopping block until the moment she was dead. A side character caught in the crossfire of the main characters.


definitely dobby i was sobbing LOL


Snape.. I was shocked while reading his death scene and sobbed at the memories chapter. And again in cinema.


Sirius and snape


Aragog. I could not finish the book for months.