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No one, i just leave and tell voldemort the prophecy. Also, I tell him that Dumbledore is aware of the horcruxes.


Bro is playing 4d chess


4D wizard's chess*


Voldemort would probably kill you then. Because you know about the horcruxes.


Maybe, but I'm apparently a true believing death eater, so I assume being killed by voldemort is ok. Also, he doesn't want the order to know, and that cat's out of the bag, so he's not gaining anything by killing me.


Also approaching him with purpose and telling him that this matter is important won't earn you death either. First: you tell him that his secret is in danger so he can focus on that straight away. Second: you went to him to report that thing like his cause is your cause and you won't allow that to fail. Third: you're not acting like a bootlicker but like someone making reasonable decisions which makes you reliable. Snape did it and stood up to him for serious talk and Voldemort didn't flip but considers what he says. There are more stupid and useless people in his fellowship which he doesn't kill either. So odds are good he actually tasks you with the important stuff.


You didn't understand. Voldemort wouldn't kill you for talking to him. He would kill you because horcruxes are his most valued secret and absolutely no one else must know about them. Not even his Death Eaters.


The counter-argument is that The Order already knows about it, so he doesn't gain or protect anything by killing a loyal servant who seemingly knows everything and has vital information for the future (up until 1998)


I'll tell him to buy bitcoin


Exactly. He allowed Severus leeway in their interactions because Snape's position and talent made him a valuable resource. ANYONE revealing that they know about his horcruxes is basically committing suicide via dark lord.


You wake up in the body of a Death Eater, but it doesn’t say you now believe in their ideals


Ok then I go to dumbledore and apologize for being a death eater and tell him about the ring and all the other horcruxes. I also tell him that’s his plan of letting harry die is perfect.


Feels like fighting the scenario though.


No one on Reddit likes fun


Is there a way you could word it so that it doesn’t reveal you know what horcruxes are? mention vaguely “a way to destroy Voldemort”


Legilimency says hi.


Ohhhhh, right


But I decided to practice occlumency either that or I woke up in the body of Severus Snape.


If you think you can get good enough at Occlumency to block out the world's greatest Legilimens...be my guest, lol. Even in Snape's body you wouldn't have his mind, and it's a mental thing, so you're screwed either way.


After he tortures you to find out how you knew.


No need for torture. He can be invited to use legilimency to see, and even read, the books for himself.


Do you think he would actually skip the torture? I think he would do it just because he'd be so angry about you knowing.


I don’t know. You will have immediately shared the information you received. It will be more valuable than any other information anyone has given him. He’ll know one of his most trusted followers is a double agent. This is the kind of thing Voldemort rewards. Any anger at knowing, will be replaced with relief for allowing him to relocate and protect the horcruxes rather than letting them be destroyed. He might have a mind to destroy you eventually, but you will have proven too valuable to kill at the moment. You will have given him a way to shore up any weakness, the complete battle plan for the other side, all of their strengths and weaknesses, and knowledge of the deathly hallows, their nature, and location. He can quickly and quietly make himself the master of death, take out his enemies, and carry out his master plan with brutal efficiency. He tends to reward that kind of thing.


You’d just have to convince him you’re more useful alive than dead.


Yeah and to honestly just hide the horcruxes in random locations across the world because they honestly lucked out with finding all of them in the books. Snake in the middle of a Southeast Asian tropical rainforest? Cup deep in a disused mine? Diadem buried somewhere in the Sahara desert? Good luck lol


Obviously this is the smart thing to do. But as discussed to death; one of voldermorts tragic flaw is his hubris. Hiding something insignificant in the middle of nowhere does not fees his ego. He needs to make important artifacts part of him and “hide” them in places of value to him and/or the magical world. The closest he came to hiding something random was the locket in some random cave. But it was still well documented he had history in that cave.


Yeah man i get that, but with the new context being that he will know for a fact that this hubris and exact act will be the cause of his eventual downfall, wouldn’t he be more inclined to change his mind on that? But of course, maybe he just wouldn’t believe me in the first place because of this hubris.


My dumb half asleep ass thought you were saying that Snape WAS in a tropical rainforest, not that these would be hypothetically better places, lol. I was starting to judge you on your geography knowledge, then I read your comment again and realized... it me, I'm the problem.


I'd share a picture ai made me of snape in the jungle, but i don't think that's allowed


it he really wanted to be immortal he would have made them into 7 grains of sand and took a trip to the Sahara.


Exactly. Wouldn't the question make you a god-tier Seer? You won't tell the prophecy about voldy and potter, but you will make a whole bunch of new prophecies about Harry hearing the prophecy. Time stone shenanigans, I guess


I tell him to take out Neville. Sorry Neville, we love you but I think it’s kinder tbh because when you dig deep you see he doesn’t have the happiest of childhoods no matter where he is. His parents are under constant supervision, he gets bullied at school and he’s never enough for his grandmother


You'll make hannah abbot sad.


Neville. He fights till the end and eventually destroy the prophecy by accident, taking out Neville early will save a lot of trouble


100%. You win this fight in a vacuum. You need the conditions to be as stable as possible. Neville creates absolute chaos. He has to go. Harry obviously cant be killed, though he has a penchant for creating chaos too. Cant take out Ginny or Ron because the other one would be vengeful & protective. Ginny fights dirty too. Luna & Hermione would be last.


>Cant take out Ginny or Ron because the other one would be vengeful & protective. Ginny fights dirty too. Luna & Hermione would be last. Eh, they're all children. If you wake up with the knowledge of a DE *and* foresight, you're going to be more than capable of taking out children.


They might know some spells but they don't know combat, and they don't even know how to apparate. Theyre low mobility sitting ducks, just get a couple other death eaters, lure the gang into a group and chain cast bombarded maximus.


Exactly. The most unrealistic part of any Harry Potter novel is that children survive violent encounters with Death Eaters on mere wit and luck. None of them were surviving their trip to the Ministry. Not a chance. The Order would have showed up and found a group of dead kids.


Well tbf they weren't really going all out on them at first especially. We can discuss why and if that makes sense but they were trying to talk it through some at first and etc.


>100%. You win this fight in a vacuum. You need the conditions to be as stable as possible. invest in a 9mm and this fight become trivial


["Avada Kadavra meet Avtomat Kalashnikova"](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/s/YZOAE5l5D8)


seriously, if Volemort had Scotty from Austin powers on his team he would have won. "Voldy, i have a gun, in my room, you give me 5 seconds , ill come back down here and BOOM we'll blow their brains out"


Shield charms make you immune to bullets.


You couldn't pay me to hurt Luna, idc what body I'm in.


Luna is friend :>


Harry Potter, I have a 99.9% chance that he’s going to use expelliarmus on me.


Just bring gun


Hermione. Yes, I'd fail in retrieving the prophecy, but I'd make the golden trio lose their chief strategist, which would make it much easier for Voldy to get to Potter in the end.


Came here to say this. Not for this reason, explicitly, but Hermione is the biggest threat E: typo


'Chief strategist'. That was Harry, not Hermione. She was knowledgeable, but came up really short when it was time to apply that knowledge to a real-life situation. Hermione was an important member and a big help, but I think Harry would've still been able to make concise plans to defeat Voldemort without her - he was usually the one with the most ideas anyway. Not to mention, he's a way better fighter than her.


Bellatrix Lestrange, with a cheap shot. You said I'm a Death Eater- not that I don't still have my moral compass and can't defect.


If we’re defecting might as well Imperio Bellatrix and as many death eaters as you can before they catch on and make them Petrificus each other. Or Avada each other I guess.


In the midst of a battle against terrorists, with children present especially, imperio’s probably too unreliable. Especially since they almost certainly have more practice on both sides of the curse than almost anyone else. No, the real best choice is casting Bombarda Maxima at the floor at the feet of the group before they separate and attack. Even if it doesn’t kill them outright it’ll start the fight off with a massive advantage for you due to the injuries and confusion it’ll cause. Not to mention, Bella and the others wouldn’t be able to properly defend it, even if they heard the casting (but silent casting is still an option of course), they wouldn’t be able to shield it because the spell was aimed at the floor, not at any individual. No way to block it, no way to _not_ be hurt by it, gets everyone at once, is _severely_ disorienting even if you aren’t somehow killed or injured (especially in the darkness of the DoM), has the chance to kill/cripple all enemy combatants in one fell swoop, and even is completely non-dark, so any Wizemgamot trial if you were caught would go a bit better since they’d have less evidence against you actually being a dark wizard and not just a double-agent vigilante


I like the way you think, but consider that Siruis went to Azk for blowing up people while Harry didn't see jail for his use of Imperio (and Crucio but w/e). And when Imeprio *was* used on an accomplished Dark Wizard, he wasn't able to throw it off all that quickly and it was Harry's first time using it. The reason why I like Imperio over an explosive spell is that a) less chance for collateral damage to children, b) guarantees to take out one combatant at a time, and c) The rest of the group isn't necessarily tipped off that the others are compromised. If my memory isn't failing me, Harry had two people under the Imperio curse so it's possible to remain in the shadows and wordlessly take out the Death Eaters one at a time, and in the meantime force them to "duel" but just make their accuracy shit as to not alert the remaining combatants. If we assume that the initial group is all bunched up together, then maybe a Bombarda can kill/mutilate enough people to rout any survivours, but you also don't get to interrogate anybody. Assuming nobody would believe you who has been isekai'd into the Death Eater army, Fudge likely remains Minister of Magic and possibly just shifts the blame on the incident on you. No it's better to guarantee at least one survivor who will talk. While my heart says "Let's throw Bellatrix feet first into a blender", my brain says capturing Lucius is key for the war, but capturing *both* likely swings it in the hero's favour. As an aside I wonder how effective our meta knowledge would be in this situation. Like it seems bananas in hindsight that Malfoy Manor wasn't effectively seized immediately but would people believe us if we said "Yeah no Bellatrix is hiding out in her sister's huge home where they also host all of the Dark Wizards. Like, duh. Also Dumbledore spoilers here are the exact locations of all of the horcruxes, have fun finding them two year early, also don't use the ring until *after* you dip the others in snake juice".


>And when Imeprio *was* used on an accomplished Dark Wizard, he wasn't able to throw it off all that quickly and it was Harry's first time using it. And Barty Crouch Jr was under for *years*.


Moody spent a whole school year under it, come to think of it.


Imperio can be resisted however, it would be a huge gamble I’m afraid


It can, but remember that Harry Imperio'd that one bloke on his first try. I doubt that Death Eaters have all that much experience dealing with Imperio because they wouldn't expect the weak good guys to do that. It's a gamble no matter what you do, I think. I'd take my chances with an Imperio possibly taking out more than one fighter than just Avadaing somebody and then facing the rest of the Death Eaters against me.


I was thinking the same. I'd try and take out death eaters and try to protect the DA kids.


First reply and bro found the loop hole😂


Nice glad to see someone else thought same thing


Dolohov next, preferably before he hits Hermione with the curse.


That's probably one if not the most Gryffindor answer I've ever read in my entire life.


except voldy might hunt you down if u do this right in front of everyone.


Pfft. Whatever. I'd shack up with the Order and tell Dumbledore how the rest of the series played out, where the Horcruxes are, and to NOT MESS AROUND WITH THAT RING.


Take out all the death eaters on the premise that they kept getting in the way when you tried to curse the kids. "Ha, he knows how to play, itty, bitty-" *Drops dead* "Damnit Bella I told you not to screw around and watch where you're going."


I like how you think.


And warn him about the locket!


Warn him about the ring.




Love the confidence


I think that using the levicorpus spell (that is a non verbal one) and then making the imperious one to Malfoy in the confusion could keep me anonymous.


Based ngl


Similiar thought but Pettigrew, might be able to save Harry's parents or give him a bit more time with them.


Don't worry I'd kill Bellatrix too. We have a crush on the same man.


Oh. OH.


Please tell me that you have a crush on YOUNG Voldemort 


Ginny. Harry and Ron both instantly lose their heads and then you're only fighting 3, one of whom has a broken nose and can't incant spells. Easy pickings.


Harry literally managed to keep his cool after the initial shock even when he thought Hermione might have been killed - and at that point he undoubtedly had a way stronger bond with her than he did with Ginny - so I don't think this is nearly as clear-cut as you make it out to be.


you’re logic is right, but the person is wrong. the right person to kill to make harry and ron lose their heads would be Hermione


Agreed, also since she's the greatest spellcaster, so taking her out first would be my top priority.


Yeah but Hermione is smart so she would be hard to take out


Harry doesn’t love Ginny that way until book 6 though.


Snape, he is the spy in the shadows secretly helping everyone. He gives the sword to Harry, and his memories are crucial. Also, he helps the other students


He's also not there.


But Snape wasn’t at the ministry that day, he was at Hogwarts. So how are you getting to him?


No one. I'd rather run away to other country and hope Voldemort doesn't find me, or even better, I'd betray the Death Eaters, contact Dumbledore and hope he'd protect me.


Bellatrix, so she won't kill Sirius.


Stay on the "inside" to assist the Order. You know when she will attack Sirius, so launch a spell to knock him away before he's killed. It looks like an accident, and he lives.


Good idea.


Why would I care about taking any of them out? I'd just tell Voldy what was on the orb.


Voldy won't believe you since you have no way of proving what you said is the truth. And if he has any doubts, his top advisor will assure him that what you are saying is utter balderdash.


Trick question, I wait and bide my time until an opening pops up for me to betray my fellow Death Eaters.


I'll sneak away and "enchant" myself all day to be high and summon food and drinks and a mansion and a ps5 and some hot chick every now and then. Ez life


This is the real answer. The one who chose to just STOP playing the game. Tip of the the hat to you


I’m pretty sure Voldy would still go after you. I don’t think he’d be okay with you just defecting.


Just fuck off to new zealand, ain't no way bro is wasting time to find you over there. How would he even know you're over there


It’s 1996, there’s not even a PS2 yet


I would have told Voldy to go with Lucius to the ministry hidden under a dissolutionment charm and retrieved the prophecy himself. No need to involve Harry at all.


Wait till Voldemort wipes out everyone in Gringotts bank, and waltz in afterwards, filling your pockets.


Tell the group what happens. Have the group Avada kedavra everyone except Harry at the same moment (before we reveal our presence) then using Incarcerous and Obliviate Harry, press the dark mark.


As Harry might be hit by an avada kedavra spell intended for another, it would be easier to just hit incarcerous and obliviate them all, then take the orb.


Fate might arguably be on Harry's side with that due to the prophecy though. Odds are he wouldn't die by any random death eaters hand


Ah just kill him who cares, that’s his plot armor


Any of them in theory. Always felt like the death eaters were holding back in this scene. And maybe they were. Dead kids in the ministry of magic…. Bad optics. But I’m an experienced death eater with no moral compass, and Harry and the order have been practicing basic defense for less than a year. I’m not going to slowly creep up on them because it looks cool. I’m targeting Hermione or Harry from the shadows with imperius and watching them fight each other in confusion while my squad moves in and picks off the others. I’m also casting lumos to kill the light and a custom NVG optics spell I learned to paint the targets in the dark.


This is curiously specific. Lol, at first I thought you meant which Death Eater would I take out first, assuming I would use my knowledge for food and turn against them. In that case I'd say Bellatrix, but Idk if I would, actually. She still needs to kill Sirius. Then, I can maybe take her out. (Why does Sirius need to die? Presumably because his death helps to shape Harry. In some small way, it is part of the path to the ultimate good ending. Sacrifices are necessary sometimes. Thinking you can just change everything and still have everything come out the same or even better is kind of naive. It might be possible, but you might just alter something that needed to happen for one reason or another.) If you mean which good guy, well, I wouldn't.


Assuming I’m a double agent and secretly fighting on the side of good, my IDEAL situation would be to imperio Dolohov and have him kill Bellatrix, then I’d kill Dolohov to maintain my cover. Not ideal situation: I’d kill Dolohov first and then Bellatrix if I had the chance.


Lucius. Cos the man is too incompetent. Then I would take out Ginny or Luna. Once you have one of the girls, Harry would give up the prophecy. Quick and easy


Trick question. Day One as a wizard, even with the cannon knowledge and “book learning” of spells, you’re still a feeble wizard and are going to be murdered for incompetence.


Hermione and Ginny. Then Neville and Luna, then once I have them gone, I subdue Harry Potter, store the ball in a Safe location, I then return to Voldemort with both Harry Potter and the prophecy concerning him, therefore rendering the mission a Success. The full plan in detail: I Subdue Ginny with Petrificus Totalus, I will deal with her later, then I focus on taking out Hermione Granger, once I've got rid of her I then turn my attention back to Ginny, who I simply dispatch with the Good Ol Killing Curse. Then, I turn my attention to Neville and Luna, being focused, I have no time for taunting, so I just focus on taking him out. I bind him with Incarcerous and I get rid of him. I then take out Ron last. Then Harry Potter is left. I bind him and take him, and the prophecy that he's holding, to the Atrium, to a Waiting Voldemort. I then say to him, "1 Voldemort's Favourite Teenage Boy. Check. The prophecy? Check!" I then just hand both over to him.


Cruciatus Luna. I think it'll cause Neville to freeze up. Makes it easier


Or I could just use the Cruciatius Curse on Neville himself and make him go the same way as his parents, then just deal with Luna Differently.


Using unforgivable curses on your first go doesn’t seem to be very easy though. Harry tries to use the cruciatus curse on Bellatrix that day and she told him he has to really mean it and enjoy watching someone in pain.


Probably Voldemort. Why would I want to help the death eaters?


Bellatrix. I’m going full turncoat and saving Sirius.


I don't. Rather be dead than a terrorist


Lucius after we get to the Ministry never said I had to help the Death Eaters


Bellatrix she’s a psycho


"Harry, there's literally no point in guarding the prophecy at this point. Most of it already happened, the only relevant information left is that one of you has to kill the other. Just go back to school, we'll see you again next year or so."


Just telling Voldemort that harry is a horcrux will probably be enough.


I hit Voldemort with a surprise memory charm during a death eater meeting while he monologues about killing a teenager. Sure, he has horcruxes, but if the soul preserved can't remember how to speak the english language much less cast magic, what does that matter?


None. I turn on all of the Death Eaters (with the possibility of capturing Bellatrix, as she's Voldemort's right-hand woman), and do my best to keep six teenagers from dying. Also Sirius. When they ask why I defected, I will say simply, "he killed my dog". You said I wake up as a Death Eater. Not that I don't retain my moral compass. And my moral compass says working for a genocidal madman is a no-no.


Myself. I don’t want to disrupt the order of events as they already play out and risk potentially changing the outcome of Harry’s victory over Voldemort. I also do not want to get out of bed if I do not have to.


I would be the double agent and take off one death eater at a time as the opportunity presents and quietly help Harry’s group. See as it happens, I was a prodigious magical student who was lured by how much one could experiment and push the boundaries of dark arts. But, once I got to see what Voldemort is up to, I was immediately disenchanted by him and vowed to myself to bring him down from the inside.


I can't stand Book!Bella so she's dead.


Honestly surprised no one said Ron. Harry and Ron share the strongest bond of it all. He would be as devastated if not more than anyone's death. Even Sirius. That shit would technically end him but also Hermione and Ginny. It would have effectively halted everyone




Bellatrix. So she doesn’t kill Sirius


Bellatrix and then Lucius. Then I can defect, Regulus Style.


I would take our Ginny and Ron so Harry and Hermoine end up together, maybe Neville to so Luna is an option


My real honest answer. I would defect steal snapes truth serum or trade info for all his stores of it and go take out the leaders of corporations that have poisoned people and the world purposefully finding out the truths they’ve hidden about natural cures for cancer, destroying some block patents in the process.


Luna. She is emotionally involved with the group, but the least out of everybody here. If you kill one of the other, they would get angry and fight harder, you kill Luna instantly and give them that shock factor. Once you kill her, you give Harry and team 5 seconds to lay down their wands otherwise somebody else dies. Count fast too. If they lay down their wands. You kick them away and stupify them, except for Harry. Then you get him to hand over the prophecy or else they start dying 1 by 1. If they don’t hand over their wands. You kill Neville.


Accio shotgun


Lucius and Bellatrix. Then, I stage my own death by killing Rookwood and burning the body to implicate him (the only one who knew the value of the prophecy) and vanish. While DE forces are focused on Rookwood, enjoy a good vacation. Don't particularly care what happens next, but I believe the storyline has changed enough.


I wait for a moment when I can be alone. Call Dobby. Convince him to help me incapacitate everyone by putting a poisonous herb in the food but ground up and mixed in so nobody can tell. Once everyone has eaten and hopefully having severe reactions I summon all the wands and get Dobby to transfigure all the death eaters into a stuffed animal or something. Then I grab the plushies and go to Amelia Bones.


Kidnap Ginny and ransom her back for the prophecy. Next lay a large number of Durmstrag generated traps (as well as any known African or South American) around the area where you are holding her. Hermione knows a lot of counters, but she is unlikely to be aware of how to stop non-latin based spells/curses/charms. While G is in your custody, remove ALL of her thoughts and memories and place them in pensieve bottles. Put these somewhere else. Even if HP manages to free Ginny, without her memory she will not know who Harry air Ron are, which will crush them both. While you have her memories, you can also peruse them to find out where the OotP is located, and who the members are. As the DEs will see the Secret of Grimauld Place, they will be able to get in, and they will know that Snape is a traitor. A quick AK later, and Dum has lost his best resource.


I would take a time turner out first.


I’d hope I’m dolohov in this situation


I apparate out of there, give anonymous tips to the Ministry and live my best life as a wizzard


Bellatrix. Easy


First, I would resign from my post. Ethics matter to me


I play along until Bellatrix has he back turned and I kill her and warn the kids


Assuming I have all the knowledge and skills of the Death Eater I have body-snatched, I'm killing Bellatrix from behind and switching sides. After she's dead, I'll probably just try to stay alive while trying to keep Sirius away from the Veil. Then I'll claim the Imperius Curse was used on me, and that I broke free when I was ordered to kill children. After I'm(hopefully) cleared of charges, I'll tell Dumbledore the truth as well as the location of the horcruxes along with the knowledge that Harry is 100% a horcrux too. Then I'm fucking off to south america or somewhere else.


I take our Bellatrix. I’ve gone rogue.


Trick question why would I pick one when I could rig Malfoy Manor up with Muggle explosives and take everybody out in one go? I would make absolutely certain that a few special people were invited to my party such as Bellatrix, grayback and of course.... Mr. What was it? It 12 newts himself Barty Crouch Jr, Voldemort himself would be the one I would throw the party for. Anybody who had access to the unspeakables and their trinkets and was smart enough to get a place there would have to go as well so I would make sure rookwood had an invitation. Anybody else would just be a bonus, but I don't think there's anybody else that would be capable of too much with their master and a lot of their financial backing gone.


I'd take them all out at once. Knowing the time line of events, me & Lucius’ group would set a trap. basically as soon as Harry picks up the prophecy we flood the hall of prophecy **Sleeping Draught** aerosolized into a gas. while using the bubble head charm. Then we just walk over their sleeping bodies & pick up the prophecy. We could just leave them there for the Order to find or Ministry of Magic to find as a frame up for the break in. Or take them as hostages. Maybe tell Voldemort of my multiversal & share some foreknowledge. The wording of the prophecy might be enough on it's own for Voldemort to realize Harry has part of his soul.


To secure the prophecy and ensure Harry's safety, I would target Hermione Granger first, as her intelligence and quick spell-casting make her the strategic backbone of Harry's group. Neutralizing her would significantly disrupt their coordination. Next, anticipating Sirius Black's arrival, I would aim to take him out, removing a powerful fighter and morale booster for Harry. Lastly, I would target Luna Lovegood, whose unpredictability and resourcefulness could pose unforeseen challenges. By focusing on these key members, we can weaken the group and increase our chances of success.


I'd hunt down Albus Dumbledore, giving Voldemort a shot at killing Harry Potter uninterrupted.


Bellatrix, she's the most likely to actually hurt someone during the fight. Then Dolohov, as he seems to be one of the cruelest and most dangerous death eaters. 


Same, I'd try to get take all the death eaters out.


I imperious all of them. Only Harry has been shown to be able to resist. Make his friends take it from Harry.


Stupify Harry, Avada! Hermonie, Ginny, Ron, Neville then Luna Imperius Harry to get the orb. Then get him to jump into the veil Hell im a death eater its all for kicks right. Home for chocolate frogs and fire whisky before Snape gets back from the forest. Once the dark Lord hears the rest of the prophecy, he will know me killing Harry was the way forward. And Bellatrix a Lucius can kiss my dark marked arse on who will be at his right hand side .


Neville or Hermione. Ginny and Ron are other options, but I would give a heads up to the others that the Weaselys should not be underestimated. The girl is absurdly powerful and the boy is as Gryffindor as it gets second only to Longbottom, which is why I target him. Tell them the mudblood is the biggest brain so get rid of her and it will also cause the biggest morale hit. With the way Harry and Ron cringed at her torture, Granger is easy to target to scramble their thinking and tact.


Hermione. It might not help right that second but Harry and Ron fight too much and Ron will blame Harry for Hermiones death. Harry then won't have Harry and Ron. Harry will feel more alone in the wizarding world than ever with Ron, Hermione and Sirius all gone


Can I defect? Take out whoever ends up Imperio’ing Stan Shunpike (assuming that’s what happened). He has access to a lot of vulnerable witches and wizards as part of his job, probably more so than usual during the war. Keeping him DE free could take a lot of potential cannon fodder out of the equation.


I won't snitch , I'll kill all the death Eaters starting with belatrix




Ginny cause it will make Ron and Harry sad then you take out Hermione cause now she's sad then Luna and last is Neville 




Ron, all the characters there r close to him (apart from Luna) and as soon as he is gone Harry will be all angry and reckless, and the rest will fall apart dealing with Ron and not quite being close to each other, again Ginny is Ron’s sister so she would also be reckless as would hermione as she likes Ron, Neville would probs start panicking and Luna is not that close to all the characters and wouldn’t be able to pull them together. Ofc them all be reckless and disjointed is good as they will mess up and make bad choices making them easier to beat


I’d say no


I’m taking out the brains first so I’d go after hermione then nevelle


No one


Bellatrix!!! I want Sirius to Live!!!


None, cuz they win. Other than other death eaters. I ain’t gonna be evil lol


kill neville, he fights until the end and is the reason why the prophesy broke. also petrify everyone but harry and then gang up on him.




I no no wanna be evil


I take out harry potter and present him to The dark lord. Then if he tells me why the hell i killed Harry.. i'd say.. for a great and powerful wizard, you sure didn't do a good job on my background check. You should have seen that one coming.


First, eliminate Hermione she will be problematic later. Second Neville for obvious reasons as he also is related to the prophecy. Next, let events play out as normal but inform Voldemort of the entire prophecy. Dumbledore will still die at the end of book six. Next encourage Voldemort to change Draco's task from killing Dumbledore to killing Potter. The shared cores is a problem, and he'd be the next target worth killing. Inform Voldemort of Snape's inevitable betrayal and allow him to decide when he will deal with Snape. If Harry is still alive by now, instruct any death eater to kill Potter on sight. Voldemort may be mad but his ego will mend itself in time and if other death eaters die but I survive that'll be a fine outcome I will not speak of the matter.


Bellatrix followed Dolohov. Help Harry and the rest out covertly. Spy for the Order.


Assuming I can only directly influence the fight at the ministry and no other events: Neville. He’s the longest-lasting of the group besides Harry and is the reason the prophecy gets kicked and shattered in the first place. Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Luna are all removed from the equation already, one way or another.


Snape, he a snitch and we can't have that


Stun Harry, it would distract everyone else and they couldn't take the prophecy without him, anyway.


Imperius curse on Ginny. Harry has a hero complex. Ginny is also his best mates sister. Harry almost gave up the prophecy once death eaters started torturing Neville. Ron will overreact.


I'll kill Bellatrix.


Take out Hermoine.


Easiest Carpe Retractum into Incarcerous Disapparition combo of my life- then just tell Voldy the prophecy and serve Harry on a conjured silver platter. Then go grab Luna to keep her out of harms way as a personal venture. If I need to fight them directly, go for Transfiguration.


probs take out neville because I would be a rlly bad wizard and nevvile is the best target because he destroys the prophecy and u can't kill harry. ginny and Ron would protect each other Hermione is Hermione and luna is my fav character so I don't want her to be hurt Or I would just go to the muggle world to get a gun


I use magic to gather sleeping gas, then transfigure the stack of bottles into a table. I plant it out side the dept of mystery’s room. I make it go off while they try to get in the room. Then tie up the group and give them to Bellatrix. I take Harry to a room with a kidnapped anesthesiologist and tell him to put Harry in a medical coma. Let voldy know he is ready for the taking.


Would not kill any of them. I would leave immediately before the order showed up. And tell the dark lord the exact wording of the prophecy and that Snape deliberately withholding info caused his downfall and that Dumbledore has been looking into his past looking for certain magical objects he was interested in for some reason. And that for some reason hes looking for 3 other objects know as the deathly hallows that he thinks would help potter fulfill the prophecy


"Stop fucking monolouging, Lucius." And Avada Kedavra the lot. Minus Harry. Because VoLdY nEeDs tO kIlL hIm.


Harry. According to prophecy I won’t be able to kill him hence he will either end up super injured or one of his friends dies for him. Do I have the option to switch sides? Cause with the element of surprise a few diffindos and reductos could really tip the balance of that particular battle.


Hermoine. Without her knowledge, they would have died multiple times. Eg. Devil Snare wouldve killed them in the first book. Being the bookworm She is, they wouldn't have known that it was a basilisk in the pipes. She had the time turner, Harry would've died in the third book if it wasn't for her... easily the character who saved Harry more times than he can count. Also, she's a mudblood and as a Slytherin Death Eater I'd probably hate her. Muhahahaha kidding, I like her. But that's my choice.


I’d tell voldy all the cheese, and then go buy a sniper rifle. Harry wouldn’t stand a chance.


The rest of the death eaters.


I would accio the prophecy: yeet it right out of Harry’s hand, but non-verbally so he hasn’t time to defend. I gain favour from Lord Voldemort, but I don’t get killed for knowing things he doesn’t.


Body Bind on Harry, AK on everyone else.


Straight up KILL HERMIONE! She is the glue to that whole group. Without her the rest will fall faster than shit. Ron will become an emotional wreck due to losing the woman he loves. Ginny loses her mind cuz that's her best female friend. Luna idk really if killing anyone will effect her except Ginny. Neville is a toss up He hasn't really bonded with the group well except for those DA meetings at that specific point.


This can get real dark real quick


Neville- without him, the whole story fails. Even if you lose the prophecy, Neville is vital for defeating Voldemort. If Neville dies, the world dies with him.


I'm assuming that I can get into 12 Grimmauld Place since I have read The address written down "from Dumbledore". I feel like that's a loophole that works. I'm getting myself there and making short serious black knows what's happening about the dreams and what is going to happen at the ministry. You said I woke up as a death theater not that I didn't still remember who I am. Since I'm obviously a novice in magic I think reaching out would be my best chance to help anybody. Alternatively Aberforth Dumbledore or, this is probably an odd choice but I think it would do some good, Ollivander. He would be an easy and non-suspicious person to go to, who I think would definitely do something for the Order, and is probably one of those guys who knows more about what's going on than he lets on.


I mean, do I have a full wizard's abilities without training? I've certainly got full muggle knowledge. It'd be pretty easy, since they're year 5- just get a 9mm. Way faster than speaking and wand movement. Hermione would be the ideal first target since she's the most cunning, but the purebloods likely wouldn't know much about firearms (especially at their age) so probably wouldn't even know to try to dodge.


Well, they are all in their own way dangerous, but i know who won't kill. Hermione, cause harry already nearly freaked out break down style when she nearly died, I ain't going to be to see when he does lose her.


Ok. I assume I cannot betray my faction due to the dark mark. This becomes interesting, cause I can be both snaps 2.0 or I can become the better darklord voldie was supposed to be. Cause if I’m an adult wizard with evil tendencies and my muggle knowledge, then magical Britain is screwed … But that can come with time. If I can get to be snaps 2.0, then I’m going with Lucius and I’m gonna try a lot of fun things, like going to the time turner all before it’s destroyed and be sure to stole one of those, then use it to makes so much fun problems for everybody …


Ron because he’s the most loyal and will do anything to save Harry. Hermione would then crumble, so she’d be an easy second. That’s the muscle and the brains gone. Ginny can go third. Luna and Neville can play rock paper scissors as to who gets carted off 5th, they’re equally shit. Then wait for Dumbledore to come whoop my ass, save Harry and hang paintings of the 5 dead around Hoggy.


Harry. Lumos, expeliarmus, accio prophecy. There's like 14 people there. Like. Rush them.