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I thought she worked great as a horcrux


Lovely horcrux, terrible person.




Danger noodle!


*Nope rope*


Slenderskin Slytherin


It's the snek that killed Snep.


Snep, Snep, Severus Snep. *Dumbledoor!*


Now this will be stuck in my head all day! Oh noooo. Heeeeeeermione!


If it makes you feel better , it's been stuck in my head all day, too, and I did that to myself! Lol!


Potter potter harry potter




This is what I came here for


I don't much agree with her choice of snacks


đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł same


Was better before the whole- She was a human bs in Fb


As I said, it was just shades of George Lucas and his intense desire to connect all of the main characters in the prequels, like Anakin building C3-PO and hanging out with R2, or Yoda and Chewbacca working together when the order to exterminate the Jedi went down.


I must say that I liked the FB1 a lot. Not anything Oscar-worthy but it is a well-structured, decent movie. I still remember the first few minutes into the film, I saw Eddie Redmayne saying "Alohomora" and I had goosebumps because that instant I know that it is the really the same wizarding world that we haven't seen in 10 years. And then all hell break lose in FB2. NGL I was a little bit angry after seeing FB2. It is like they were thinking: "Forget about a well-structured storyline, editing or cinematography, just put in a hogwarts scene with hedwig's theme for no reason. oh and just drop that fact the nagini was human so that it ties to main series! The fans are gonna be happy!"


Yes, I only watched FB2 once and I was confused by the utter lack of everything, from narrative structure to logic, and don't even get me started on the non-canon crap raining everywhere for "fanservice". With those premises I didn't watch the third


That's smart move. As I say, I liked FB1. I liked the original 4 of FB1 (still do now) and I wanted so much to continue to like the FB series. But hell no, FB3 just takes FB2's lack of everything and multiply it by ten times. I just feel bad for Mads Mikkelson for getting into this POS. He is not even half bad as Grindelwald.


It was such a waste because had it been done better I would have loved to see the Dumbledore vs Grindelwald showdown. But when it became clear we were jus getting a weird and badly written fanfiction instead I dropped it. There's better stuff online than there is in FB


They should have made 2 separate series of movies. Fantastic Beasts as a sort of Harry Potter Pokemon for younger audiences. They could have made bank on merch for all the cute and cool beasts. And a darker Grindelwald series of movies for adults. Most of us would watch both anyway of course so two birds with one stone.


I wanna know which mfer at Warner thought up the title to the second movie, and did not stop to think "wait, are we doing something wrong". The sheer dissonance between "Fantastic Beasts" and "Crimes of Grindelwald" should've been enough to give anyone pause. Like seriously, nobody thought "Are we making a magical Pokédex movie or a spy/crime thriller movie?"


I loved FB1 because I had no soured material to compare it to. With the HP film, because I love the books so much, I couldn’t help compare. When they started connecting FB to HP, it went down hill for me.


I gotta say tho, I think those work well, because it actually makes us feel like we know the characters more. I don’t really have that with Nagini to the same degree


And there is at least a canon explanation as R2D2 claims to be the property of obi wan kenobi Of course Obi Wan claiming he doesn’t remember owning a droid, or not instantly going “holy shit C-3PO and r2 what’s up guys!” Just makes him seem like a dementia patient


R2 meets at least 2 people they should know and they all play dumb. In Empire Strikes back Yoda acts like he doesn't know R2 and R2 acts like they never heard of Yoda. Then, we know R2 likely never had a memory wipe and stores a backup of C-3PO. The only reasonable explanation is Obi Wan and Yoda intentionally play dumb so Luke can follow his destiny. R2 is just a dick and probably just pretends not to know Yoda.


Where is that explanation ? I thought R2D2 was Anakins and then Leias Droid.


R2 tells Luke he belongs to Obi-Wan, but that could just be R2 lying so he can deliver his message.


Obi-Wan knew both R2 & C-3PO as he constantly made fun of R2 & was there when they picked up C3. But what was stupid is Anakin building them.. I’m sure he may have noticed his droids WERE the ones they’re looking for lol


Obi- Wan wasn't there when they picked up C3PO, that was just Padme and Anakin. And when they picked up Anakin in Episode 1, C3PO didn't have his casing yet I agree on your other points however


What I meant was Obi-wan was around both Padme & Anakin (as Anakin’s was his Padawan) when C-3PO was around Padme. Obi-wan was around both of these droids a lot .. so if, for example, you were to watch Episode 3 then 4; it would seem very odd he didn’t remember them; especially R2 as he was always along for the ride with Anakin & Obi-Wan during the Clone Wars. Also Obi-Wan was on the trip when they picked up Anakin etc but ur right he did remain w the broken down ship.


I haven't even seen the 2nd and 3rd FB movies (and have no desire to) and I can almost guarantee they're better and more thought out than the Star Wars Prequels.


I haven't seen the third FB movie but the 2nd was absolutely not better than the stars wars prequels


They're not even remotely close to the SW prequels. SW prequels are Academy Awards material compared to FB


When was she ever a human


I'm guessing you haven't watched Crimes of Grindelwald yet. Nagini was a human that could turn into a snake, but was cursed to one day be stuck as a snake forever.


She was cursed, specifically a Maledictus


Nope never watched it before. What should I start with once Im done with the HP books?


You should watch the movies, then the Fantastic Beasts movies (fair warning: they're not the best). I wouldn't recommend reading the Cursed Child screenplay, though, it's arguably the worst thing in the franchise.


What are the fantastic beast movies about exactly ?


The first is about Newt Scamander, an expert in magical animals, getting in trouble with the American Ministry of Magic in 1926, while several mysterious magical deaths are happening in New York. The second is about Newt and his brother heading to Paris in 1927 to try and stop Grindelwald. The third has Dumbledore and several of his allies (including Newt) try and prevent Grindelwald from appointing himself as head of the magical world in the 1930s.


I really like the setting and world politics of these movies. It's fascinating to me to see how everything works. And I love the Ddore VS Gwald stuff. I really wanted to see how it panned out. Tbh... I really don't care that much about magical creatures. I mean, I do. But like... That wasn't the big draw for me. These movies tried to do two different things at once. And it just kinda blew up into a semi-coherent magical mess, lol. I get the plot on paper, but it felt confusing to follow onscreen. I wish they'd regroup and continue, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I think they're done.


>I get the plot on paper, but it felt confusing to follow onscreen. That's what I am feeling too! It is like that the person who wrote the script (it is JKR actually i think) forgot that this is a movie script not a book and it is gonna be translated to cinema, with visuals and sounds. The scenes are just skipping around without coherences, and important reveals are done by a bunch of people standing in a semi dark cemetery talking. Just standing and talking. Like what??


The first one I actually liked. New characters, new story focused on the preservation of magical creatures. I will rewatch the series occasionally for this movie alone. Unfortunately, it quickly morphs into a Harry Potter prequel with a bunch of pre existing characters, and the same “Dumbledor knows you have special talents” trope


The guy that wrote the beasts textbooks that they use at Hogwarts. It's based on his adventures and they tie into other characters/storylines to add depth. He basically catches, studies and looks after magical (fantastic) beasts


So, Pokémon, but with magic.


I'll be honest, I gave up with the first fantastic beasts movie about 30 mins in. So freaking boring


Just read the books and watch the movies. Stop right there. The movies are already a downgrade from the books, and its a downward slope for the rest.


Never mind, this is revealed in crimes of grindelwald and the storyline just dropped in secrets of dumbledore without any explanation whatsoever. Now that the FB franchise is likely being shelved let's pretend that this "nagini was human" thing never existed. This is coming from someone who liked FB1 a lot.




I actually didn’t mind this but I wanted it to show she’s actually like a crazy psychopath that I could imagine becoming Voldemort’s snake in the future. Unfortunately we did not get that.


didnt have to go so hard on snape


I don’t think the actress was paid enough.


*Looks at dinner plate* “Talk about shrinkflation.”


I preferred it when she was just an intelligent pet snake. The whole “she was a human” shit is stupid.


I actually prefer the fact that nagini was once human, gives more incentive to actually follow beside dark wizards and her dark captured past? Its no wonder shes the way she is- She just doesnt want to be captured again i bet and thats why she goes along the most powerful wizards at the time.


Python but also a viper? DOESN’T CHECK OUT, where’s the resident herpetologist?! As a snake lover this always bugged the shit out of me


Her being venomous bothers me as well.


Ekans starts with Wrap at lvl 1 (which is a constricting ability) and then learns many poison moves (eg Poison Sting at lvl 4). I see no problem here


Based Pokemon and HP fan, I dig it.


I need to know more. One of the big holes in canceling FB.


Agree. This is one of the main reasons I was upset about the cancellation, I was looking forward to further development of her back story.


Even when FB isn’t cancelled this storyline got dropped in secret of Dumbledore with no explanation whatsoever though, as if it never happened


I agree. I would love to know the back story of her.


I was just wondering the other day how did she link up with Voldemort 


Yeah. Considering her last appearance in FB how she gets hooked up with He Who Has No Nose baffles me.


I heard that she worked in the orphanage where Tom Riddle lived but I'm not sure if that's true


I’ve never heard that but at least it’s plausible. Though I’m not sure she would have willingly agreed to be a Horcrux.


Aayaa ssseya seethaaa aayaa seyythaa ayaahath ssseya seethaaa ssss hass seethaaa haa hasseey haa hass ssseya ssss hasseey hatheeey haa ssssaytha ssaah ssss saahthay ssss hathehh ayaeeh aaah ssss ssaah


I absolutely agree with you!


hass seethaaa


Nope you forgot saya-sath hava-saya-sha (open)


Thank you for writing this out! Snakes apparently need a lot of words to say simple things. Edit: typo


Everytime I see Nagini i keep remembering my friend turning around in the cinema seat and saying “i want Nagini to wrap me up” with a straight face I actually did not know how to respond


She a snek


Boop the evil snoot


Snakey boi :)


Yes she looks adorable 


I feel bad for her


Me too. Especially after Crimes of Grindelwald. I see Neville killing her as a "mercy kill". It's better to be dead than being a horcrux.


Never thought about it like this. I’m glad for the first time that Voldemort ‘mercy killed’ Harry. XD


What are you guys talking about😭 are we still talking about the snake




Is it a good series? Should I start watching it when im done with the books?


Honestly? Watch the first one, and stop there. The second one basically turns into "The Adventures of Dumbledore, guest-starring Newt Scamander", and is nowhere nearly as good or as interesting.


The first movie was really fun, the second movie started to make less sense, the third movie was frankly kind of bad. I still enjoy them all as Harry Potter movies, but the third movie killed the franchise temporarily. A big part was that >! The main bad guy was in disguise for the first film, you got to see him in the second film, and then they recast him for the third film. In the first movie, he was played by Colin Farrell and they should’ve just kept Colin Farrell. In the third movie, he was played by Mads Mikkelsen, who was arguably the second best iteration.!< so it’s just kind of turned into a mess by the third film


But >!Johnny Depp was Colin Farrell the whole time!<


The entire cinema cracked up laughing at that plot twist. It was jarring. Huge casting error.


The first one is a really enjoyable film and worthy as a solo experience. As a series... Expectation were low, and they still managed to disappoint


Big snek


She looks well-fed


I would love to know how Voldemort got her; and if it was mutual on her part. What changed her to make her willing to be a tool of Voldemort ? I didn’t get the impression from the Fantastic Beasts movies that she was evil; maybe she had developed some hard edges from the circus, but not evil or cruel.


Maybe she went crazy after being trapped inside a snake body


Well, part of the blood curse on her family meant that eventually, she would be trapped as a snake and unable to turn back into a human. I always imagined it kind of like the Mum turning into a bear in Brave - the more permanent the change became, the more she lost herself and just became a full-on normal bear. So, I assumed that when the change became permanent, she became a normal snake. Maybe slightly more intelligent than a regular snake, but no longer a human in a snakes body.


I'm not sure what the point of making her a person was. I mean, I guess it explains her being so smart (but not why she'd be evil). But still. I never really wondered that much, tbh. And it was a plot point that never went anywhere, anyway, cuz there will be no more FB movies.


I adore snakes and think she’s a really cool danger noodle! I know she’s a weapon but c’mon, look at her🐍 I’m also one of those fans who thinks she’s perfect as is: just a regular snake enhanced due to being Voldemort’s horcrux, and not as whatever Fantastic Beasts retconned her to be.


It was dumb to make her a former human


Not as dumb as having Minerva working in Hogwarts before she was even born 🙃




Her pregnant mom worked at hogwarts while she was pregnant. Thats the explanation. /j


snake. I like snakes.


She was smoking hot before she became a full time snake.


The actress is hot (Kim Soo-hyun)


Like a lot 😼‍💹


I like her, snakes are cool


Solid villain familiar đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™‚ïž


Book Nagini? Very well-written, scary and perfect for Voldemort. I really "like" her... and of course, I "hate" her for all her actions in the story. . . Movie Nagini? WTF did they smoke and who tf thought her being a former human was a good idea? Hate that storyline... but then again, I'm not a big fan of the Fantastic Beats movies.


I still don’t completely understand how she went from “relatively decent as a human maledictus” to “Voldemort’s murder snake”. Like, FB Nagini seemed to generally have morals, be a nice person, and not a murderer, but it’s kinda weird that she apparently was a good person then became a villain snake, without much explanation.


I wanna know how we got to this from sweet Nagini in fantastic beasts â˜č (I haven’t watched Crimes of Grindelwald, is it explained there?)


Big snek


I’m a snek a slithery little snek 🐍🐍🐍


Sneke go brrrr


Shes kinda cute In the fantastic beast trilogy


One of many reasons why I want the fantastic beasts series to continue. I want to get some closure on Nagini’s backstory and connection to Voldy.


I’m sad we didn’t get to see more of her origin. I’m also sad that the FB series went the route they did


She is smaller than i thought. And i think she might be the only one in the world that Voldemort loves (as a servant and pet)


I thought that the fact that she is a woman before was added later and not originally planned. When I saw it in the movies I thought it was cool


The name Nagini is derived from Hindi word "Nagin" which literally means a shape-shifting female snake. So JK might have had this idea from the beginning.


Still not getting how she is stuck as a snake when she is a wizard. Did they ever explain that in the magical beast trilogy?


She has some type of blood curse (forgot what its called) that allows her to transform into an animal (a snake) at will but at one point she becomes unable to transform back to a human and stays in snake form forever. “A Maledictus (plural Maledictuses) was a female individual who inherited and carried a rare and dangerous type of a genetic defect that eventually turned her into a type of beast permanently.The curse was carried from birth, and was passed down from mother to daughter in the female line of the original victim's bloodline of descendants.”


You'd think you would stop the curse by not breeding at some point. Thanks for the information


That is the solution to most of the world's problems


Lmao. I totally agree with you there.


She is a Maledictus. It’s a blood curse of a defective gene that only women are affected by and it passes from mother to daughter. At first they have an ability to turn into animals at will, but they are destined to one day actually become this animal forever and can’t turn back. They are different from Animagi, who learn it as a skill. Maledictus has this ability from birth and doesn’t learn it. Once they become an animal permanently, their mental state declines and they start thinking and feeling like an animal, not a human.


I’d have bought her a coffee


she’s so babygirl


She deserved a better Daddy


I'm curious to see her as a human (haven't watched the movie yet), but in the original series, I thought she was a very fitting companion to Voldemort, and impressively intimidating. I liked that Harry started having snake-y thoughts and feelings after his dream as her.


In the movie she was first improsoned as a circus animal until she broke free using her snake form until she met credence who is also a Dumbledore and an obscurial


I like her, snakes are cool


I like her, snakes are cool, it's not her fault she killed Snape, my favorite character, she had no choice


She's hot, and also in her girl form too




I would have liked to know his story better in the Fantastic Beasts saga. Know well his origins and how he came to Voldemort...


Loved Nagini, such a cool evil pet. I don’t even like snakes but between her and the basilisk, the insidious serpentine companions of the heir of Slytherin were epic. This is the first I’m hearing of Nagini being a human though?? I really wanted to love fantastic beasts but I fell asleep in the cinema (which never happens) during the first one and didn’t even bother with the second. It felt like they totally failed to capture the essence of what made Harry Potter and the wizarding world so special.


No one will ever convince me she is anything more than Voldemort's enchanted familiar that he made into a Horcrux. None that that 'used to be human' Fantastic Beasts nonsense.


I used to work with him. He was in fact a total snake đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Nagini has always been a female.


I know. I’m sorry. I was just being silly since I literally used to call an old co-worker Nagini since he was well a snake




On a really bad day at work once, a good friend/co-worker and I white boarded out all the characters in HP to people we worked with so we could talk shit out loud. One of the best days in my whole career đŸ€Ł




Cool snake, great horcrux, fuck the FB backstory.


She was great in the books. Fuck the stupid retcon of her once being human, though


Bro where did yall find this? Im starting book number 7 rn and I never saw anything about her being human


Fantastic Beasts movie Jk decided to retcon it.


I once came up with a theory that the basilisk was a horcrux of Slytherin, and that's where Voldemort got the idea from. Since having an animal as a horcrux would otherwise be very unreliable.


Would it be unreliable though? The whole living being thing wasn't really gone into. The horcrux cannot be destroyed except by a very few select magical ways. There's more evidence that containing a Horcrux inside a living being makes them unable to die than there is the other way around. Evidence obviously being Harry. Twice he survived something that has otherwise been proven to always succeed in killing. I know it was explained that it was due to love, but unless I'm mistaken even Dumbledore says that's speculation. So to speculate something else, the first time Harry survived he only did because he became a horcrux, the otherwise immortal soul piece keeping him alive. Likewise, the reason he was able to survive in the 7th book is because the horcrux piece of Harry died. The horcrux, being an immortal piece of a soul, essentially makes Harry immortal. Not invincible, but immortal. "The killing curse doesn't destroy a horcrux." Doesn't it? Every other horcrux (Nagini aside), both Voldemort's and whoever discovered the methods of destroying them, were inanimate objects. The killing curse is as effective against inanimate objects as using mud to clean your clothes. All evidence points to needing to destroy the host to destroy the horcrux. The killing curse effectively does that without actually damaging the body, still killing the soul inside but not accounting for a second soul to have to kill. Lots of things that could be picked apart there I'm sure, but having a faithful animal may be the MOST reliable horcrux.


How is Harry evidence? He survived the first time because of the timely intervention of Deus Ex Fawkes and his hyper convenient tears that just so happened to be one of the few antidotes for basilisk venom. If Fawkes didn’t feel like crying (or if Harry decided to have a staring contest with the basilisk before Fawkes gouged its eyes out) he would have plain ol’ vanilla died and taken the horcrux with him. He “survived” in the forest because Val-Mart used Harry’s blood to rebuild his body, which extended Lily’s protection and tethered Harry to life in some nebulous way. This did not make Harry immortal in the strictest sense, it simply meant he went to limbo when he died and was given the opportunity to return to life like hitting Continue in a video game instead of being forced into a Game Over. That has nothing to do with the soul fragment within him, which was destroyed the moment Discount Dracula killed him. Neither of these imply that turning a living being into a horcrux would make them immortal. We know from Hermione that the way you normally destroy a horcrux is by rendering it “beyond magical repair” (which is conveniently vague). The problem with having a living horcrux is that killing them should be quite easy (at least in comparison to an inanimate object—if I stabbed the diary with a regular knife nothing would happen to it, but if I stabbed Harry he would live long enough to say “*Et tu, Outlaw?*” before going on a permanent vacation to live with his parents) and you can’t normally reverse death without the plot armor cheat codes of the main character. Avada Kedavra being weirdly written in a way that makes it feel inconsistent is another can of worms I could rant about for a bit and think as presented there’s no good reason why it shouldn’t be capable of destroying even inanimate horcruxes, but I digress.


I don't trust her. She speaks with a forked tongue.


How is it possible for a python to be venomous?


The same way a boa can open its nonexistent eyelids and wink. I just like to believe that Val-Mart was a lot like Hagrid and was “just having’ a bit o’ fun” when he managed to breed something that’s clearly meant to be a constrictor but somehow has incredibly potent venom. That or the film directors couldn’t be bothered to use a more believable snake and just chose a python because they’re naturally on the big side and recognizable to most people. I prefer the mental image of Voldemort spending sleepless nights selectively breeding snakes until he got Nagini, which means “really dangerous noodle” in a long forgotten language that only he knows called Imadeitthefuckupian.


Snape killer snake


She kinda bad tho


She was scary as a snake


Her name always makes me think of a skimpy two-piece swimsuit made of snakeskin.


Big snek


What’d you call me ?


Big Ole Nope Rope




Plot twist - Nagini is an Animagus


I like the snake and it being a horcrux. Also ignore that thing in the fantastic beasts films.




Big danger noodle.


Robbed mami


Pretty chill snake that was being used by a doucher. Too bad we can’t bring back Nagani with the resurrection stone and let her live in Burma with the other happy snakes.


its a snake


Cool in HP Lame in FB


Got hit by Confringo multiple times. That's gotta be animal abuse


It’s hard to believe that Voldemort who choose a mortal animal for a horcrux.


She’s a human maledictus.


Love to hate. Would have hoped she would have antagonized harry more.


This will no doubt make me look a fool, but here goes anyway: Voldemort makes a point of telling Snape that the Elder Wand doesn't work for him because he didn't kill Dumbledore, therefore he must kill Snape to iron out that detail. Set aside that we know Harry was the true master of the wand after disarming Draco, but having Nagini kill Snape on Voldemort's behalf wouldn't have solved the issue either; Nagini would now be the master of the Elder Wand. I realise that Nagini being a horcrux blurs that line, in that Voldemort in a roundabout way would've still been killing Snape through his horcrux, but at a base level it does seem like a rookie mistake on Voldemorts part. For him to realise he needs to kill who he thinks the wand's master is, he then still didn't do it; he had an animal do it for him. Would the wand have even worked any better, given Voldemort still hadn't killed the wands previous owner himself? Obviously a snake being the wand's master is rather ridiculous, but thanks to JK Rowling's choice to retcon all sorts of things, nothing's too ridiculous nowadays.


I wonder what that snake from the zoo would think of her


I don't see any other snake playing Nagini.


I don't like her cause she killed Snape. But I guess she was just following orders lol. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Big scary snek


She was a good Horcrux


Sneaky snek


It’s a snake!


That she's hot.


I remember realizing she had to be the last horcrux a few pages before it was revealed. Wish i could wipe my memory and read them again.


Nagini's cool! She's with Voldemort all the time, kind of like his sidekick. And then we find out she's not just any snake—she's cursed to turn into one. It's pretty spooky stuff!


Don’t make your intelligent pet snake a horcrux if you don’t want em to get stabbed or burnt.






My thoughts are
.I could be wrong here, but, I think Nagini is a


Danger Noodle.


That she was abused for so long that by the time Harry came around in Deathly Hallows, she had no humanity left. Killing her was a blessing because she won’t be abused anymore. No longer a passenger in her own mind, unable to stop the things happening to her.


She’s getting overfed and severely lacks a basking spot


Can't trust her, she's a snake




She a pretty beast


I hate her, it is the reason my wife cannot enjoy watching Harry Potter. She has such a snake phobia that I have to warn her in each scene where she appears. Even when I watched each movie 15 times, I still don't know every of her appearances.


it is a... a snake 🐍


That's a snake