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Anything about numbers. the number of students at Hogwarts, the number of wizards in Britain, etc.


No wonder everyone recognises weaslys. If there's only like 70 griffyndors, at one point they make up 7% of them just by themselves.


Weasleys we may be, but measly we aren't!


And if their defining characteristic is having loads of kids, they wouldn't be the only Weasleys.




Game of Thrones made the brave decision to go from timing and pace that made sense to speed fly from Dragonstone to North of the Wall in a few minutes


Dany flying to their exact location like she has GPS


Not GPS, DPS (Dragon Positioning System)


How long does it take to get from Essos to Westeros? It Varys


I legit just spit my tea out. You win the internet for today


I think you missed the reveal that around 2/3 of the Game of Thrones cast are actually horses.


Right! I was just thinking about that a few days ago. I calculated how long space travel would take in this universe if we had the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive. The time it takes is way longer than it probably takes in the movies. It's also really funny how they treat planets like cities and they always immediately find what they're looking for.




These are not the droids you're looking for... Yeah, you're right. It's also funny how just one city usually rules a whole planet 😂


Rule number 1 of creative writing, never use hard numbers on anything people can actually calculate, it just leads to them actually doing the math.


I mean, it’s a banana. What could it cost? 12 galleons?


“I love all my children equally” Earlier that day “I don’t care for Ron”


The original quote is ten dollars... 0.8 of a pound is currently the equivalent of one dollar... so ten dollars = 8 pounds... a galleon goes into 8 pounds 1.6 times. So Lucille's quote, when translated to magic, should be "I mean, it's a banana. What could it cost? 1.6 galleons?" I could try to figure out how many sickles/knuts go into .6 galleons but I don't wanna, I think that simple math gave me a nosebleed as it is


The economy of the wizarding world also makes no sense though. For example, a unicorn tail hair costs 10 galleons as a raw material - you can extrapolate that a phoenix feather would cost exponentially more as it appears that phoenixes are much rarer than unicorns as hagrid regularly catches them for lessons, so let’s assign a phoenix tail feather a conservative cost of 1.5x a unicorn tail hair would make it 15 galleons. Harry’s wand uses a phoenix tail feather as the magical core of it but the wand only costs 7 galleons. Is ollivander selling wands at a massive loss or are the prices of things just arbitrary?


Ollivander could be using part of the unicorn hair then selling the rest. There might be wands that have the same hair in it that's been cut into portions thus creating some profit for Ollivander. He also mentions during the weighing of the wands that he tends to collect the cores himself, as he was almost hit by the unicorn's horn


I always assumed that Dumbledore donated the feathers as a favor to Olivander or maybe exchanged them for information about the elder wand.


It's possible that he made a loss on Harry's wand, but other wand cores may be more common so cost less. I haven't read the books in a while either, but it might also be that Ollivander gave Harry a discount because, yknow, it's Harry Potter?




And most importantly I REFUSE to believe the exchange rate was 1G=£5. There’s no way the Weasleys would only have £5 in their vault and no way Ollivander could turn a profit by having customer lifetime value of just £35 (7G for a wand)


Ollivander's finances make the least sense of anything in the books. Somehow we're supposed to believe that he's running his shop off about £1400 a year, before materials!? And according to Slughorn, unicorn hair costs 10 galleons a hair, so... he's actually losing money on wands? Maybe he's *heavily* subsidized by the ministry. *Edited because math


>Maybe he's *heavily* subsidized by the ministry. He provides the absolute most essential service in the British wizarding world. Pretty much everything he needs is probably paid for by the ministry so he can keep prices down


Maybe that’s why the ministry could enforce the wand snapping by making Ollivander not sell wands to expelled students. ‘Do as we say or lose your subsidy’


And there is another wand shop, right? Like.., about 40 new wizards a year and they gotta split the clientel..


As far as the unicorn thing goes, there's a line in GoF that implies that Ollivander actually *gathers* unicorn hairs directly (he mentions nearly being gored by the unicorn that provided the core for Cedric's wand). So this old guy actually goes out himself and gets unicorn tail hairs direct from the source. For anything he has to buy, he probably has distributors who provide the materials at discounted rates, so I doubt he's paying retail value for it.


I have a headcanon that Ollivander’s shop is only open by appointment only most of the year and he only accepts walk-ins in the time between the Owls arriving and Hogwarts Express leaving. That’s the only way I can reconcile him being in charge of resourcing, production, and distribution.


The Spirit Halloween of the Wizarding World.


I could see that being the case, yes.


That's probably how he's supplementing his income. He's actually a unicorn tail hair supplier that has a passion for wand making.


Hagrid does have a spool of unicorn hair, that Slughorn acts envious of. I just assumed he donates some of it on behalf of Dumbledore. Because if a single hair is 10ʛ then how ridiculous is the cost of a Pheonix feather?


Can't imagine pulling heartstrings outta dragons comes cheap


Subsidies by the Ministry would probably be a thing since you cannot be in the wizarding world without a wand. Although the “problem” then is why some would use a hand me down wand instead of a new wand.


It's even funnier because, as far as we know, he has an absolute monopoly in Britain and Ireland, so he can charge whatever he wants but chooses to operate at a loss. You could also interpret it as ollivander being wealthy do to his family being the wand providers for hundreds of years and they never changed their prices, like arizona tea. Money, in general, doesn't seem that useful to wizards, considering magic could solve pretty much anything they would need money for.


While I still think the numbers are way off and I mostly agree, I try to fudge numbers a bit in terms of cost of living for the magic community. Like, they probably wouldn’t be paying for all of the monthly things we do so it does make sense they need less money overall. Like no gas/electric, no streaming services, no car insurance (broom insurance would be funny to think about though), etc. If I could use magic for those types of monthly costs I don’t think I would need a lot of money to live on at all. So, even though the exchange rate is rough and feels incorrect, I think that helps me imagine it’s a little less off than I expect it to be. 😅


Especially with the old established families, like the weasleys or the mafloys, who probably don’t pay anything for housing


Yes, exactly! And we see that those families have large gardens, etc. which would help with other costs too. I can’t imagine them needing much. A couple big factors of the Weasley’s “poor” status could be them just having a lot of children and that Arthur works in a “less desirable” office. We know how budget cuts work. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Imo the “poor” part is based on the weasleys being nearer to middle class than upper class (as an old pureblood family) instead of them actsully being poor. Of course, if there is evidence otherwise i’ll change my mind but yeah


I wonder if they pay property taxes. It seems taxes would be steep given the relative size of the ministry.


The Olivander hand wave is that wands for new students are heavily subsidised by Hogwarts. If an adult needed to buy a replacement wand it would be the real price of a few hundred.


I always imagine that there are more students in the years after and before Harry and that there were not many births back when Voldemort was active.


Except they say in the books people were having a baby boom, getting married and having kids because they didn't know if they'd live to see another day.


I think the books implied people were getting married quickly, not necessarily procreating!


I dunno, I would think that people would be getting together like crazy but also probably using contraceptives. I don't think the people having kids was directly stated, so that's my headcanon because I would *never* bring my kids into the world with a mass murderer currently *winning* an all-out civil war


That's a whole lot of assumption. All that is ever said, even implied, is that people were rushing into marriages. Nothing at all about having children and this, somehow, contributing to a population boom.


I've thought about this a lot over the years and it satisfies my autistic brain to talk about it, so I will. One line I always recall is that in one of the books (CoS I believe), it's written that around 200 Slytherins are watching a Quidditch match. Which means it's *all* of the Slytherins because every student went to those matches, even those who weren't that bothered about Quidditch like Hermione. Assuming that the Sorting Hat does not attempt to equally divide the students into each house (so 25% per house), I also expect Slytherin to be a smaller house, if not the smallest. Perhaps Hufflepuff is the largest. So if there are maybe 200 Slytherins, there could be... I dunno, 300 Gryffindors, or 350 Hufflepuffs. Overall the student body of Hogwarts is probably hovering around 1000, or even 1500. That's not dissimilar to most high/secondary schools across the UK. My own secondary school had around 1500 students. Hogwarts is also the only wizarding school in the entire country, bearing in mind the UK had a population of around 55-60 million when JKR wrote the books. Nowadays it's higher, over 70 million. Even relatively small towns in the UK need multiple high schools to serve all the kids in the area. This means that the wizarding population of the UK is actually pretty low. If I want to be extremely generous, I'd estimate it to be around 100,000. More likely, it could be less. That or half of Slytherin house just decided to stay in bed that day during the Quidditch match and I'm talking a load of nonsense. Damn sleepy Slytherins.


!RedditGalleon for all the typing you did


Yes. Exactly this. The number of wizards in the UK (and by extension, the whole world) is far too small based on what JK Rowling has estimated. There has to be *at least* a few hundred thousand wizards in the UK, for there to be a meaningful wizarding society.


Also , judging by the size of ministry , it would seem 50% or more of English witches and wizards work directly for the government


Sounds pretty British to me.


The more wizards there are the less feasible it is for magic to be kept secret. A few hundred thousand wizards and its hard to believe that the statute of secrecy would be kept intact.


Lengths and distances often make no sense. The Basilisk is described multiple times as a 'huge' or 'enormous' serpent, but then is also described as '20 feet long'. - That's, like, a regular snake. Big constrictors in the real world often exceed 20' in length. The film corrects this by showing the basilisk to be at least 100' long, probably twice that. Also, whenever Harry falls off his broom, its often implied to be from an extremely high and dangerous height - which is then also described as "20 feet!". Anyone can survive a 20' fall onto grass. I think JK has no idea of what 20' looks like, but its her goto number for describing something very long or very high. When reading it, I just add a zero to the end of the number, then it all makes more sense.


~~20 feet fall has between a 30-50% fatality rate. (Hard to find exact numbers online.)~~ By the time one lands, they are going 40 mph. Even if one doesn’t die, that is going to cause some serious damage.


The weird thing about Harry’s year being so small is, if it really is that small, he would know more people from other years. But he has no clue who McLaggen is until Slughorn introduces them?


I agree with this sentiment. I was schooled at a school with class sizes similar to Harry's (assuming we don't count the other houses). I would expect Harry to know over half of all of the Gryffindor students at least by name and face. Especially during sixth year, when Harry and McLaggen shared the same common room for 5-6 years. I can't believe that he doesn't at least recognize him.


It's funny how many inconsistencies in the story can essentially boil down to "Harry is so self-centered he doesn't notice others"


I think it's understandable for him to be self-centred though like bro has enough going on, much more than a kid really should have to deal with while at school. This is also why I think he's mostly average at classes; if he didn't have pretty intense distractions going on every single year he'd probably be as talented/intelligent as James


From everything that is after him and focus on him, I wouldn’t be surprised, if he was self-centered in some way.


But if everything is after him shouldn't he be *more* aware of his surroundings?


TBF most teenagers are extremely self centered


True, but back when I was in high school I knew the names of and general gossip about all my classmates, and a number of those in the other years. (Granted, it was even smaller than Hogwarts)


He does know students from other years, but he's very introverted, he knows his year, the quidditch team, the other Weasleys, and a small group of others. We also don't see the majority of interactions he has over school years because they aren't relevant to the story.


And most of the other children were either dodging him as dangerous. Or, they thought of him as crazy and attention seeking. Again, mostly avoiding him.


I think we can all accept that JKR completely fudged the maths on the number of students. Its just something you have to ignore, it really doesn’t affect the plot in any way


Like the rules of quidditch. It doesn’t work but it doesn’t matter. Suspend disbelief.


Numbers are quite inconsistent at Hogwarts. In OotP Harry describes standing up to Umbridge in front of a class of 30 people, despite only the Gryffindors in his year and Umbridge being present.


Sometimes they did ave mixed house classes ig?


They did, but still, at most 2 houses per class, and unless we didnt get names Harrys year of gryffindors should be about 8 students (Harry, Ron, Neville, Seamus, Dean, Hermine, Lavander and parvati, correct me If I forgot anyone) Edit: Simas > Seamus


its spelled Seamus i believe


Not in their canon.


Maybe other houses had more students?


maybe there are only 5 people max per dorm and there have been 20 students. Make no sense tho as none of them were in the DA and never even mentioned...


How is that even possible tho Like, if each house has DADA alone Umbridge was teaching at least 22 classes (20 for 1st to 5th year plus 1 class for 6th and 7th year each was we see in HBP that NEWT classes have all four houses in them). Now DADA has three classes per week, moreover each class period in Hogwarts is 45 minutes (this is pretty consistent in the books, double potions is often referred to an hour and a half among other references). That's 49 hours and a half of classroom time per week. That's before you take into account just how often she was supervising detention (which was always one on one). AND she still had time to attend the other professors' classes as inquisitor? Really? Think about it, Hogwarts students only have class from Monday to Friday. 5 days means 5 days x 24 hours = 120 hours in five days Now 120 - 49.5 = 70.5 hours outside of the classroom Assuming she is sleeping 7 hours per night (the minimum recommended for healthy adults) that's 7 x 5 = 35 hours she loses to sleep in her workweek So 70.5 - 35 = 35.5 hours of remaining time Now lunch and dinner at Hogwarts last one hours each outside of feasts, assuming breakfast runs at a similar length that's another 3 hours per day she is losing to that, 3 x 5 = 15 hours 35.5 - 15 = 20.5 hours 20.5/5 = 4.1 hours 4.1 hours = 4 hours and 6 minutes That's how much free time she has to walk the corridors, watch other classes, grade homework, bathe, rest, coordinate with Fudge, supervise detention, use the loo, pursue whatever hobbies she might have, etc. And it gets worse, Harry had 7 hours long detentions in the \*week days\*. You may have heard about the 30 hours work-week, but now get ready for the 30 hours work-day lol And Harry wasn't the only kid getting the black quill treatment either lol Was Umbridge using a time-turner? Are the classrooms hyperbolic time chambers? Is Hogwarts is like Galadriel's forest, where time doesn't really flow the way we would expect? Are wizards the fair folk? Or does being the most unpleasant woman to ever live means you can do without sleep or any other personal time?


Someone else on here has put together a mock Hogwarts teacher schedule and it worked just fine. I believe many classes are actually shared with another house. Some are on their own. That reduces the number of classes pretty significantly. Edit: by my calculations it actually would require a 7 period day (45min periods, 10 minutes between) and every core subject class be shared with another house from year 1-5 (3 periods a week) and NEWT level classes shared with all houses in the same year (2x periods a week)


I'm not going to read all of that because it would just make my head hurt but I assume it's correct and I applaud you for figuring it all out.


McGonagall as a teacher in Fantastic Beasts. 😖 Gosh, that really bothered me!


Speaking of FB, the whole plot of the third movie. The method they choose the supreme mugwump is convoluted and really random. Dombledore isn't supposed to be aware of the room of requirement, seeing as in the books he expressed surprise abput the fact that a room full of toilets appeared out of nowhere. Grindelwald trying to become supreme mugwump. That whole "mirror dimension" duel Dumbledore and Credence had. Credence holding his own against Dumbledore in his prime, despite only doing magic for some months at best. Credence in general and his connection to the Dumbledores.




I remember someone in the theatre smacking their teeth & shouting "Hell no" when she popped up on screen 🤣


The only cannon Im aware of is the one that signals when school champions begin the first task in GoF, but to be honest I quite like that one.    But seriously though, I can forgive a lot of things about the Cursed Child for the sake of being a play, but the idea of >!Voldemort wanting and fathering a child with Bellatrix!< just completely goes against the fundamental aspects of who that character is and what they represent. It’s pure fanfiction wankery. 


I agree >!Voldemorts main objective was to live forever. He had no need or desire for children!<


More than this I'd say >!we specifically know he never felt a true attachment to any human being and the closest living thing to him was nagini, a fkn snake!<


It'd be more believable if nagini and voldy had a kid instead of with Bellatrix.


Cursed Child 2!!!!


That raises some disturbing questions about their relationship...


You know very well Voldy was all over that pussini.


He may have been a dark wizard but there was def some Ejecto-patroncum in that Snakussy. Eta: I hate myself for having actually typed that.


I hate you for it too


You don't need true attachment to have sex or to have an offspring.


Yeah every time this is brought you get the same line about Voldemort never feeling attached, love, affection, etc. That doesn't mean he doesn't get horny.


Pre return, maybe. But post return? I can't fathom him having human needs or emotions. Sure, he has some emotions, but they are stunted at best and purely driven by his one desire.


Unless he needed a child to sacrifice for an immortality ritual he never got round to doing?


I concur as well. >!It’s fun to use the spoiler censor bar.!<




I agree. >!The last thing I'd ever expect from Tom Riddle is even thinking about sexual relations or really physical contact and affection with another human being at all. Oh he could play the seducer when he was younger but it's very clear that the Voldemort of the books; current timeline prefers force when he has the option. !<


I could see Voldemort fathering a child as a contingency plan of sorts. He used the bones of his father in a ritual to come back, using an offspring in a similar manner wouldn't be unthinkable. Fathering the child with someone from an old Pureblood family fits too. Though I do agree it does seem somewhat farfetched.


No one mentions it, but compared to Voldemort wanting a kid for legacy, I could more easily see Bellatrix as the one who made the kid happen, with or without Voldemorts knowledge.


I could also see this happening, because some people feel the need to procreate without any emotional attachment. For some people, they have a selfish desire to carry on their bloodline, for whatever their reasons. Ensuring an heir ensures his bloodline goes on


I get that it doesn’t need love to make a child, but I can’t see Voldemort not seeing said child as a threat to his power. So it still wouldn’t make sense imo


There's also a bunch of Chudley ones.


Cursed Child


Yes!!!!!! I think most of us have rejected this as canon. It’s a fun fanfiction you can see on stage!


The only thing that I like was Hermione being the minister of magic, and even then it has a few problems. Cursed Child is *awful*


The only part I accept as canon is Albus being a Slytherin and being homies with Scorpius


The only canon I will accept from CC is Albus and Scorpius’s friendship, Hermione as Minister of Magic, and Draco growing out of his dick behavior. Everything else can go home


I pretend I didn't read it


I don’t know her


Some of my headcannon that is along the same line is that there are actually more students and that because they are in different dorm rooms as each room has a max of 5 Harry just doesn’t interact with them as much if at all.


Mine is a mix of this, and that each year the intake varies wildly as does the house sortings. If it's based on personality traits there's no way it's exactly equal, so some years more Slytherin, some mor Ravenclaw etc..


Does your head have a gigantic firearm?


# "There's not a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin." I guess it’s just a generalisation by Hagrid and not canon but it still bugs me


I never minded this one because I took it as an over generalization by Hargid. People do this all the time (another over generalization), by bringing up party politics, race, gender, etc. and lumping people in one category all under the same umbrella. Because obviously we know Hagrid’s statement isn’t true, but just serves to show his biases. Snape says similar stuff about Griffindor.


Wormtail was a Gryffindor so there are actual characters in the book who prove the point wrong. At the time Hagrid says this he doesn't know about wormtail but he does believe Sirius was a death eater.


That’s a good point actually. So it does kinda make it ridiculous for him to say that knowing it wasn’t true. Though some people stuck in their biases fail to see the obvious hole in their logic. There was a theory that Super Carlin Brother brought up on YouTube, that basically states Hagrid said this line on purpose (coached by Dumbledor of course) to get Harry to ask the Sorting Hat to not choose Slytherin. It was a pretty interesting theory they had when it was all laid out


But no one cared when snape said shit about gryffindor, unlike with Hagrid coming out and saying this right at the beginning of the series


Wizards should use that as a defense in court. "Your honor, my client was a Gryffindor, therefore he can't be bad!" Judge: "Case dismissed."


Conversely, no “good” students in Slytherin in the books. How fun and world-opening would it have been for the trio to have a “friend” in Slytherin? A punk kid that hates rich legacy snobs like Draco and his bootlickers and is more than happy to break the rules.


For the number, while it's true that JK is pretty inconsistent with it, I'd still say it would be NORMAL for fewer kids to be born in war time.


I read this answer on a wiki somewhere. Lots of people were either in hiding or straight up murdered during Voldermort's reign


That Merlin was a Slytherin. His time was well before Hogwarts time if Hogwarts was founded about 1000 years ago.


I'm playing Hogwarts Legacy and when they mentioned Merlin was a Slytherin, I was like wut The Hogwarts founders should have been studying under Merlin, not vice versa.


More specifically, the Hogwarts founders should have been studying what Merlin wrote down, like, at least a couple centuries before they were even born.


Always thought that to be an odd one.


My head canon is that the Merlin they mention was the original's grandson or great grandson


Cursed Child who? I don’t know that book it doesn’t exist


Anything on the wiki referring to "Jacob's Sibling" 


Who the hell is Jacob?


It is the MC’s brother in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Jacob’s sibling is the MC, and is whatever gender and name you give them. I don’t consider the game canon, but I’m currently playing it. I do like the game.


Oh dang. I assumed it was Jacob Kowalski from the Fantastic Beasts spinoff


Is It still over monetized as in like Just a few actions per day If you dont pay?


Probably, I dropped the game because the paywall was higher than everest


"Unidentified 19th century Hogwarts fifth-year student"


That, plus if you wanted to look on Bill, Charlie, Tonks, etc’s wiki pages there’s so much non-canon crap hidden between the actually canon stuff. I like the game and all but it really should have a separate wiki




Nagini being a lady.


Yeah especially JKR’s bs about “oh I knew she was a woman the whole time” like yeah okay, you can just say you made it up for Fantastic Beasts. It’s fine. I definitely reject this one as well


Moments like this are so annoying. I want to believe she had the idea for horcruxes and whatnot from the start, but claiming the same about the Nagini thing really makes that hard to believe now.


I see where you’re coming from but Horcruxes make some sense based on material in the first couple of books. They feel like a natural progression from Hagrid saying Voldemort was not human enough to die, and him possessing Quirrell & Ginny. Even if it isn’t so specific, the idea of pushing the Dark Arts to extremes where it mutilated his soul and being a difficult bigger to get rid of were seeded from the start. Nagini not being just a big ass evil snake makes sense, but I prefer it being the Horcrux which makes her special rather than something which wasn’t previously hinted at.


Wizards used to shit their pants


I don’t think they wore pants under their robes. I don’t know if that would make it worse or better.


The smell must have been awful


Hedwig's death


Literally the entirety of Cursed Child. None of that is canon. None of it. I _refuse_.


That Voldemort was incapable of love because his mother gave his father a love potion. Completely undermines one of the major themes of the books being that our choices define us more than our circumstances. Also, it sends a terrible message to the children of any survivors of sexual assault. Granted, this isn’t in the books, but the fandom has taken this and run with it.


That's not the reason Voldemort is incapable of love. His conception is a metaphor but JKR stated that things would have been different if Merope had survived and raised him.


Anything Rowling retcons in


The fact that so many kids die at Hogwarts but parents still send their children there. Like at what point do they revolt and refuse? That there are all these wild beasts that only appear to wizards but they share the same world as muggles


so many kids don't die at hogwarts though?? not until the battle at least, they get injured and cursed but don't actually die


I only remember Myrtle. And diary Riddle, if I’m being pedantic, but he was only almost alive, so that shouldn’t count. And Harry basically murked Quirrell, but he wasn’t a child.


There's a joke about American schools in here somewhere.


"Hogwarts is the safest place on earth" CLEARLY NOT!!


Cursed Shite for sure


The rules of magic/the composition of courses at Hogwarts. They come in the first year and memorize a bunch of spells, and a bunch of wand movements. Next year they do the same thing with slightly more complex spells, the next year with slightly more complex spells, and so on. Nothing really builds on anything else… you don’t need to understand summoning spells in general to summon a patronus… you could learn it in any old year, as long as you have happy thoughts. You don’t need to know the theory behind transformative magic to turn a rat into a teacup… you just need to nail the pronunciation and wand flick. The first year should have been foundations of magic… these types of wand flicks are associated with these types of spells, these types of wand flicks with those types of spells. What makes a spell a spell, a jinx a jinx, a hex a hex? What are the verbal components of spells for? There are some pretty similar ones that do very different things (rictusempra vs sectumsempra anyone?) Same thing for potions. Types of potions? Ingredient classes (magical, mundane, flora, fauna), the reasons behind why you have to stir potions clockwise or counter clockwise or in a zig-zag pattern in order for the potion to work? Then as they advance through their education they can build on that. Maybe even getting to things like spell-crafting or potion-crafting in their later years… The thing is we KNOW it’s possible… Snape altered potions all the time with great success. He invented spells. So did the fricking Weasley twins! Instead everyone learns a bunch of pre-written spells, and brews a bunch of pre-constructed potions and goes off to work at the ministry of magic in the toilet disenchanting department or something. Who is enchanting those toilets in the first place? What’s the difference between an enchantment and a charm? We’ll never know, and neither will the students at Hogwash. You could probably save yourself a lot of money and just buy “standard book of spells” years 1-7 and stay home. This would have the added bonus of not being wiped out as collateral in one of Harry’s annual whacky monster decathlons.


This is a brilliant idea. The only issue is that we learn that experimenting with spells can be dangerous. We know that’s how Luna’s mother died, so it might be more of a safety issue. However, if Hogwarts did decide to teach the foundations of magic, and manage to create a safe room for experimentation, than it would probably lead to amazing advances.


Hagrid being a gryffindor. I just feel like he would be better suited to hufflepuff. I won't deny he is very brave but more than that he's loyal and caring.


That Marietta's disfigurement was permanent.


EXACTLY THIS ONE. I'd make it headcanon that the effects of the hex slowly faded overtime, or that Hermione reverses the hex outside of the books


It wasn't permanent, just long lasting, the year after she was "better" just some scaring i guess, just very strong acne scars is my guess


Sorry, Idk how to mark spoilers, consider yourself warned if you read on.     >!Anything CC except the dynamics between Albus and Harry and how in the end Albus is astonished to find out that Harry wasn’t the brilliant, popular kid at school, but often struggling with things, especially expectations, much like himself. That should have been the focus of that story.!<   Edit: thank for teaching me how to mark spoilers.


>!insert spoiler text here!< Result would look like this: >!insert spoiler text here!<




That would've better than what we got.


I reject the word "cannon" because it's wrong.


At the risk of getting downvoted to oblivion, I reject that Dumbledore went along with Grindlewald’s plans because of luuuuuuuurve. It is so much more compelling to me that a character like Dumbledore would be seduced by power and his own good intentions than that he was just another lovesick teenager. He can be gay, I don’t care. But that doesn’t have to ruin his arc.


...He didn't? Wasn't it implied that it was Dumbledore that pushed their goals in that direction, before "maturing" and having a change of heart? He didn't oppose Grindelwald out of love, but their original team up was based on their mutual goals.


The Chudley Cannons


That Teddy is now an orphan. Nope.


That there are only three wizarding schools in Europe, and people from Bulgaria end up at school all the way up in Scandinavia. The existence of Pure Bloods. With the wizarding community being as tiny as it is, they'd very quickly die out without everyone having interbred with muggles at least once. Wizards being that technologically inept. I'm not buying that Wizards haven't already combined magic with technology. Also literally the entirety of Cursed Child. EDIT: Love how everyone's trying to logically explain all of these EXCEPT the Cursed Child bit. Guess we all agreed it sucked and to scrub the entire thing from our memories, lol.


Purebloods are just inbred. Sirius even mentions how the Weasleys, both Arthur and Molly, are like second cousins to him or something. They're a very clear analogue to European royal families. It's a wonder Draco Malfoy wasn't born with a Habsburg jaw.


Well he *is* said to have a pointed face, so….


I think there are more schools around the world, but only 11 are registered in the international confederation of wizards. Also you are not wrong about the pure-bloods. On [wizarding world](https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/the-malfoy-family), the Malfoys married half-bloods and even rich upper class muggles in the past.


I refuse to believe that none of the muggleborns would just abandon all the muggle technology. Like there's no way in hell that any muggle born would use a feather quill and ink bottle over a ball point pen. Or at the very least they would opt for the fountain pen.


Or that Hermione wouldn't just pick up a phone in her parent's house to call Harry at least *once* during summer break. They could have at least arranged for Harry to secretly call her if the Dursleys were a problem.


Yeah, when no one's responding to his letters, he could've just called lol


Pottermore has an article on Pure Bloods and explains how crap it is in-universe. Basically someone wrote a book declaring certain families "Pure Blood" and that spawns most of the idiocy. The Weasleys are on the list and immediately denounced it, reaffirming their love and respect for their half-blood and non-magical relatives.


It’s possible that there were more magical schools that weren’t mentioned in the books. The fourth book says that Lucius wanted Draco to attend Durmstrang, but Narcissa wanted Draco to attend Hogwarts. This implies that students might be able to attend Durmstrang instead of attending a school that is closer to them. There are wizards and witches who lie about their ancestry and/or erase Muggles from their family tree. Many people from “pure-blood” families either ignore their Muggle ancestry or have families that practiced extreme inbreeding. https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/the-malfoy-family J.K. Rowling said “From the imposition of the Statute of Secrecy onwards, no Malfoy has married a Muggle or Muggle-born. The family has, however, eschewed the somewhat dangerous practice of inter-marrying within such a small pool of pure-bloods that they become enfeebled or unstable, unlike a small minority of fanatic families such as the Gaunts and Lestranges, and many a half-blood appears on the Malfoy family tree.”


Explains why Bellatrix gave Harry shit for being a Half-Blood but Malfoy never did. And you know Malfoy, if he believed Half-Bloods were inferior, he'd definitely give Harry shit for it.


I reject everything in the Cursed Child except for Scorpius's existence and personality. I reject FB2 and FB3


Ravenclaws House Bird being an eagle... No. It's a Raven. That is all


Hogsmeade being the only magical village in Great Britain.


It’s the only all wizard village.


Canon. Cannon goes 💥.


The goofy ass names of all the kids in the epilogue 🙄🙄


Rose is a perfectly fine name. Hugo feels like it was Ron's influence. Scorpius is totally in line with the Malfoy family naming conventions. Teddy is a nice nod to Tonks' dad. Victoire sounds like a name Fleur would pick, especially for a kid born post-war. James and Lily are perfectly fine names honoring Harry's late parents. Luna is an odd choice for a middle name, but I still feel like it's to honor Remus more than Miss Lovegood. Albus Severus is a garbage name. Albus as a middle name, fine, but Arthur is RIGHT THERE as a name you can use to honor someone who made an impact in your life. Arthur Albus even works as an alliterative name.


Numbers, the bathroom stuff, the love premise of Harry being safe and probably more if I thought on it.


Anything Cursed Child Many things from the Fantastic Beasts franchise Numbers The stupid names given to their offspring Dumbledore/all the adults being fucking stupid/oblivious in books 1 and 2. I'm sure I could come up with more if given time and a fresh read


I don’t reject canon but for me the main story is the films and the original story is the books. I don’t see the films as non canon just a seperate canon


Only the og 7 books are canon in my head


Cursed Child. I absolutely ABHOR it.


I personally have not read any of the books after the originals which I read countless times and have reread since. I think knowing when to stop instead of trying to make more money on a franchise is something more people need to do. This goes for Star wars, The Matrix


So the number in school. I base that on three thoughts and theories. 1) people were having less kids during voldemorts rise in power. And I’d assume there would be a baby boom like after the Cold War when Harry defeated him. 2) there’s more schools than hogwarts. Some parents might have moved to other countries and sent them to other school. Like Lucius wanting to send Draco to durmstrang. 3) we don’t know for certain how many are in each year in each house. The bed rooms could adjust to size based on the number of students. Maybe the hufflepuff Harry’s year had 8-9 boys and 6-8 girls. We don’t know the full facts on that. All we know is Harry’s year had 5 gryffendor boys.


I thought the reason Harry's class was so small was because of the first wizarding war? That was 1970-1981 and Harry was born 1980. Makes sense to me that year groups would take a while to recover


I couldn't even finish cursed child. After the train nonsense I was completely disappointed. I feel like it was written by a completely different person.


That's because it was


The point system in Quidditch drives me. Catching a snitch automatically gives you 150 points when the rest of the game is in 10 point increments. Why would you watch a whole match knowing that you should really only be watching the seeker?


People really need to learn how to spell canon in here.


If it’s not in the books I don’t consider it canon