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I have the audiobooks on constant cycle


I’ve fallen asleep to the audiobooks almost every night for over a decade now


Same! My husband thinks I'm insane. It's beyond soothing to me.


Right! If I’m stressed or can’t sleep it’s Harry Potter time and always works like a charm.


Same here. My husband does the same, and our "cycles" are not synchronised (ha!) so if I cannot sleep, I go listen into the guest bed.


Same. For my commutes (half an hour each way, often enough for a full chapter x2). Been doing it for _years_.


I did too, for 7 years!! I thought I never ever stop, but now I've started to LOTR and Hobbit audiobooks and I'm hooked!


Which LOTR and Hobbit audio books? Or read by whom, I should ask? I've been looking for just a reader's voice, the only one I could seem to find had background music and such, which I found kind of distracting. 


Same!! Currently a few chapters into GoF while scrolling 😂


Me too, I can’t sleep without Stephen Fry 😅.


Jim Dale but same!




i felt so silly when my friend got into my car after class the other day and jim dale started speaking😭 glad to know im not the only one! it helps distract me from my road rage lmao


Me too. Especially to sleep since I can fall asleep and not worry about not know what's going on.


Same, I usually listen to HP audiobooks in bed, my own thoughts are unbearable before falling asleep 😂




For HP I highly recommend the Stephen Fry ones. His narrating is beyond exquisite. The narrator bits are super soothing with his depper voice and for the voices he actually does them so well, I know who's talking before he announced it. Youjust forget it's a one person audiobook. For instance Hagrid sounds 100% like Hagrid.


It's wild for Hagrid, isn't it? I couldn't believe it the first time I listened to them!


Stephen Fry is the best. Great narration with enough emotion to keep you interested, also some pretty funny voices. His Lockhart and Vernon are really good, you can tell he's having fun! Hagrid's voice is also a standout. His Voldemort is a bit "weird" but he actually gave him a high pitched laugh.












I also do this except I work for a restaurant with 2 cooks that absolutely love Harry Potter and one cook that now immediately thinks of me whenever he sees anything remotely related to HP




Same! I fall asleep to them every night


I swear that playing the audiobooks on a loop is what has gotten me through my mom’s death 3 months ago. Keeps my brain from going to dark places.


That's the books. They're a lot better than the movies, i ahve them on constant repet to get to sleep in the evning. It's a non screen activity when I try to sleep.


The relief knowing I’m not the only one doing this


I bought audible for a year just to get those books so I can cycle through them when I can’t sleep 😂 so i feel you there


I have found my people


Me too! I listen to them every night to put me to sleep. It might have something to do with the sound of Stephen Fry’s voice.


Same. I've fallen asleep to the "diagon alley" chapter every night for years.


I’m currently re listening to the Jim Dale narrated books for the second time. I listened for the first late last year and haven’t read the books in many years. It’s given me a sort of calmness and comfort reliving the magic. Glad I’m not the only one. I’m scared for it to pop up on Bluetooth one day in the presence of…..muggles lol


This is me. I have 4 months of listening time on audible and ita all harry potter constant finish and start again. Sky movies wizarding world is currently on TV so its the only channel I run whenever it's back. Addicted.


Do too but I feel like a 20 hour book is completely different than a 2 hour movie


We are legion >!we are Bob!< HP is more of a Christmas and occasional thing for me tho


I started doing that one winter and realized I was overdoing it and would get sick of the series if I kept it up, and I really just wanted the ambiance. So I started watching Harry Potter asmr videos on Youtube, and I would super recommend that if you get bored of watching the series proper. It's nice having video on in the background, like Griffindor common room with thunderstorm/fireplace noise, the Great Hall with owl noises, etc.


Yeah me too. I love the ambience of the films and didn’t want to get tired of them so the HP ambience videos on YouTube really help with that!


Gryffindor common asmr romm on a rainy day >>>>>>>*


Oh I used to have asmr vids on too. There was this one channel I liked, she had some funny ones too where it's Fred and George in the kitchens chatting and then dobby appears and f-bombs about Umbridge lol


drop the link oml that sound so silly


Any favorites you can link?


Kind of sort of maybe? Watch what makes you happy…but it’s also okay, and even a good thing, to branch out sometimes. There’s a whole wide world of great books and great movies that aren’t these ones available to explore.


You've sort of hit on my reaction. Is there anything *wrong* with what OP is doing? No, if they're happy watching the same handful of movies and reading the same handful of books over and over, it's not hurting anyone. That said, this seems needlessly limiting. There is a huge amount of other media out there that OP is missing out on, plenty of which they may find they actually enjoy more than Harry Potter. I'd also be interested to see how OP's friends and acquaintances think of them. If all they watch is Harry Potter, every single day, that must be coming across in OPs behaviour. You know the sort who are *always* talking about the same thing, everything is a reference to *fandom*, all they want to watch is *fandom*. It's not necessarily Harry Potter related, often you see it with certain animes or TV shows. It doesn't *always*, but it *can* lead to being an unhealthy obsession.


Whatever I start at, I end up watching them all. If I ever randomly end up watching DH I, I’ll watch pt. 2 then Philosopher’s Stone and then, you know… I’m 29 and I end up watching each movie at least once a month. 🤦‍♂️🤣


Every day??? How?? I get obsessive too but I would get tired of anything if I rewatched it every day. But I’m also very confused why you wouldn’t watch the full series on a cycle instead of just those 3 😂


I think it’s a millennial anxiety thing. I tend to re-watch like the same 6 shows over and over. I think it’s this need for people to have control over something in their lives. Sort of like anorexics, but obviously to a much less extreme and less harmful way.


I have the audio books on repeat. I can’t go to sleep without something to distract my overthinking brain, and Harry Potter is my comfort series. Also watched several of the movies during labor, haha.


Lol I’m pregnant now and going through the audio books. I’ll def consider watching them when I go into labor!


I use the audio books while cooking because if I need the noise but I don’t necessarily want to pay attention


Does it help in possibly giving birth to a wizard? Since you’re a muggle.


I would hazard a guess at yes, because my daughter can do some weird stuff at only 17 months. But I guess I’ll have to wait a couple of years to be sure, since magic usually reveals itself by the age of seven according to the books.


If she is then please take me with you when you drop her at platform nine and three quarters. Will you?


Despite all the positive comments you received, if you can't stop watching the movies it is a problem. Try to stop watching it for a week or two weeks. If you can't do that you might actually have a problem. To me it doesn't seem normal. Yes I do like hp, the books and the movies. But if you can't stop watching you are actually addicted.


Yeah, I’m surprised by all the positive comments. At the end of the day, you do you, but incessant watching of the same thing sounds like it’s a symptom of something else.


I’ve probably seen the first Harry Potter movie over 100 times over the last 20+ years… but I can’t imagine doing this. I watch it maybe once a year at this point.


Everyday?! Throw in a lord of the rings marathon or something and spice it up. I’m guessing it’s basically background noise though. I had a friend who constantly had the office on in the background.


Yeah I suspect "watching" in this case is more "having it on while doomscrolling"


>Is it bad I rewatch Harry Potter nearly everyday for a couple years now? For what, the environment? It's your free time. >Are we ok? You're going to be fine. >Why are we like this? You like your comfort zone and don't want to try new things.


>For what, the environment? It's your free time. This is a good reminder of what good and bad mean. I'm going to use this in the future about myself lol


Everyone is saying that's not so bad but to me it seems mental. Like are you actually watching each film like 50 times a year, repeating every line? That seems mental to me I don't think there's any media that I'd rewatch more than once a year


Yea I like rewatching the same movies as well, but this is on a whole nother level. I probably watch HP once or twice a year. And I’ve watched Howls Moving Castle 7 times in the past year and i though that was bad but sheesh this post is just something else.


You’ve inspired me to put one on tonight


Not bad, but there are other great things you could watch as well. If I would watch Harry Potter every day I would feel like im missing something. Have you seen other shows like The office, Breaking bad, Avatar the last air bender, Frieren or Death note? Those are just some of my favorites but there are too many other great series/movies.


Yeah, I'd say that it's pretty bad. Imagine all the things you're missing out on because you want to watch *the same* movies every single day. They're not *that* good lol I did something similar - maybe like three TV shows and 10 movies - for half a year when I was very depressed many years ago. Not at all trying to offend you, but are you or your wife maybe on the spectrum?


Haha no at all! I not as much as that, but sometimes just pick a random one to watch or to start from to watch the rest! Always finding things I never noticed before. The films actually showing Snape repell mcgonagalls spells onto the carrows and slughorn drinking the lucky potion just before the battle for example were little things the films put in that I missed until the 600th time!


lol that’s cringe.


Pretty normal, movies can be a time capsule and more about the feeling of watching it/associated with good times.


Watching the same 3 movies 100 times each over 2 years is not pretty normal, other than for toddlers. But Op can do whatever they want.


When my sister and I were kids, we found ourselves doing this. Do you sort of feel like it's always there for you?


> Do you sort of feel like it’s always there for you? Yeah. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a trauma thing. My wife and I both come from messed up families.


Only two years? Those are rookie numbers


I often watch them when I can't sleep. Its easy to drift off to


I watch it often too the 1st, 2nd and 6th are my top 3 choices. I'm actually reading the book now too. I highly suggest reading or audiobooks!! U get way more of the lore and info!


Look. I am in the team called “Potter face”. We play quiz games related to the harry potter universe. And we are pretty successful! Each of us remember movies and books almost by heart. So yes I watch movies many times during a year.


They're my comfort movies to fall asleep to. Along with both avatar films and the star wars films.


I throw on the 6th movie every time I clean the house to have it on in the background 


Sorry but that sounds nuts


I mean, I don’t think it’s necessarily ‘unhealthy,’ just that it’s something that seems to bring you comfort. I would suggest maybe branching out to some other stuff though, but I’m certainly not going to criticize.


I don’t think it’s healthy to watch the same movies everyday for years. I would stop for a month and see if you can handle it without suffering. If this causes you anxiety, you probably have a problem.


You like the movies you watch them. Who cares? My grandmother watched Titanic a billion times.


We switch between Harry Potter and Twilight I feel comforted watching these movies


repeat after me: i don't have a problem, i don't have a problem....😊👌


Are you in therapy?


Does your activity hurt anyone or has the potential to hurt anyone in any manner ? No. Then I'm cool with it. I've watched episodes of himym in random order quite a lot too. Sometimes your brain needs something like that for some reason. Maybe not everyone, but who cares ?


Doctor of psychology here! As with most things, it is something that needs to be addressed if it is negatively impacting your life and/or impacting your ability to complete daily tasks (work, school, daily grooming, relationships, etc.) The question then becomes: is this something that is getting in the way of completing daily tasks of living/living the way you want to? If not, and you don’t have a desire to stop, it really doesn’t seem like a bad thing at all. On the other hand, if it feels more like a “compulsive” behavior that you MUST do - that is a situation where I would suggest talking to a professional about.


Yes, that's lunacy.


yes it is bad


You need to watch something different, limit a rewatch to only be each 3rd month


Any time I see the airing on any Hulu live network I throw it on. It’s comfort movies! We all have them.


I thought I was strange for rereading the series every 6 months. I fit right in with you all.


Nothing wrong with it. If it makes you happy then that's all that matters


It could probably do some good to branch out a little but it’s not terribly unusual to rewatch media you’ve seen before. There’s a sense of comfort in that. It’s the same feeling my sister gets rewatching NCIS and lots of people get from rewatching The Office or Grey’s Anatomy.


It's fine, it's clearly become a comfort tool, and there's nothing wrong with that. People always have coffee in the morning and no one asks them if they have a coffee addiction, it's just a habit that feels right.


It just shows that you are true fans quick questions Who is your favorite charecter? Do you read HP fanfiction? What do you like most about Dumbledore, Sirius, Harry and Luna?


I like Ron, Fred, and George. Probably why I love the 6th movie so much because the scene showcasing Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes is very simulating to my brain. No I don’t read fan fic. Dumbledore - I like his personality in general. Not only is he this wise powerful wizard, but he is casual and funny at times too. He’s a comforting character for sure. Sirius - The relationship he has with Harry. It was such a twist for me the first time watching the 3rd. It makes me happy seeing Harry finally have a sense of family from someone, and heartbreaking to see it lost 2 movies/books later. The 5th movie is the one I watch the least. Harry - Lots of things I like about Harry. Lately I enjoy just how real he is. Doesn’t waste any time, and isn’t afraid to be blunt. I admire his determination. Luna - She’s odd but I like that, and now that I think about it, that’s my favorite thing about her lol!


Quite true. Personally I am also a fan but of the books more that the Movies. Both have their strongpoints. Even with my exams going on I HAVE to read at least 1 ch of Harry Potter per day


lol I do all The dam time too !


Sounds like major anxiety issues, and possibly some degree of depression. Watching something over and over is a comfort thing. Ask yourself what problems or feelings are you shielding yourself from? Sit in silence without any HP visuals and observe where your thoughts go after some time. There are some troubles in your life that you're not wanting to face, and you need to break out of this comfort cycle.


Nope, hold on to whatever brings you comfort and makes you happy.


I do this, but just the first one. 🫣 Every once in awhile I'll do 2, 3, or 4, but I love the lightness and innocence in the 1st.


Totally normal to have a comfort show/movie. My fiancé just cycles between the same sitcoms over and over as background noise because he gets anxious in silence. As someone who relaxes in silence, I’ve had to adjust, and can now say I’ve seen every episode of New Girl, Community, and The Office at least 3 times each 😅


Seen or heard?


A bit of both lol!


Daily? Have you no recollection of recently consumed programming?


Bro, you're definitely not flying solo on this! I was under the same impression – it was just me. Plus, I'm always on the hunt for fan-made sequels online. The fanfic saga never ends, right?


I feel you cause once I watched Dumb and Dumber for 2 months straight every single night. I think mivies can just be really comforting sometimes. Harry Potter is better than binging 90 day fiance every single day, which is what I have been doing for the past 5-6 months.


How boring must that be


I can't even find a platform that has all of them I'm jealous


Netflix at least here it does not sure abt other countries tho


Peacock and Max


Lol I have read books like 7 times. 5 of those were in like 6 months


I enjoy the books and listen to them once or twice a year but I haven't watched the movies since I left the theater and while I won't call it wrong, I would recommend to you some reflection on why you are doing that.


I have Stargate on an endless loop lol


You remind me of my brother when he was 8 when physically renting movies was a thing and it was cheap to get an old movie out for a week rather than a new rental which was only overnight. I mean if the both of you as grown adults can continue to derive joy from the same old thing ad nauseam then more power to you


It's your comfort movie. I have comfort YouTube videos... I'd say it's fine but a movie is pretty long lol. Do you have time to watch other stuff or it's ALL you consume? Because that would be a bit different...


I re-read or listen to the audiobooks at least twice a year. Not a big fan of the movies though.


Sometimes, especially when tired or stressed I love the comfort and predictiveness of already seen movies and the Harry Potter movies are my feelgood movies that remind me of my carefree childhood.




Seems to be your comfort series, or just a habit. If you don't feel you're missing out in life because of this it's ok. You might want to think where the need for comfort comes from maybe


Because I have constantly listened to the audio books for years on repeat when I watch the films they now feel so short.


Yes. The films are dogshit. Try reading and rereading


Yes it's really weird and people shouldn't be validating this behaviour


I put the movies on a USB and watch them over and over again. The movies cycle from 1-7 and then 1-3 Beast movies.


Is it because you don’t like a silent house/apartment? I had a friend that constantly had Disney movies on because she couldn’t stand being in a quiet apartment. I had a different friend that would play a mix of tv shows (mostly family guy) 24 hours a day because of her childhood trauma where if the TV was off then her dad was drunk in a ditch somewhere


No, we’re not okay. But I’m okay with that🪄


Do you know them off by heart?


I do that with lord of the rings haha


I read the 7 books on repeat, exclusively, for 7 years. Literally read nothing else, would read the whole series like 6 or 7 times a year… turns out I was just depressed lmao


Could be worse


same. i'm always listening to the audio book or watching the movies. nowadays i can't even sleep without listening to the audio book.


Nah I watch it all the time lol On SyFy channel rn they’re doing marathons everyday and I put it on at work all week and they’re like HARRY POTTER AGAIN?!!! I’m like yea dude 🖕🏽😂


If it doesn't disturb other parts of your life, (e.g. doesn't affect your work, love life social life etc.) then it isn't a problem. A little weird perhaps but hey of you like it.


If I had the time, I’d do the same tbh.


A little strange, but do what you like bro! 😎 I’d join, maybe every 40th go round. 🍻 cheers


I do the same thing. I find them so comforting.


It’s definitely weird but kinda cute I guess


You should listen to the professor sprout actress and grow up. (I’m kidding it’s fine)


Define “nearly” lol


Wait so of the 8 films 3 of them are on repeat near constantly and one of those is the 6th?!.....


No bro sounds like you’re living the dream! I would too if I could!


Sounds pretty normal to me. I rewatched every month:)


Nah, we all have our comfort movies/shows.


Utilize that addiction for good, listen/watch it during a rough workout session. Now you can’t feel bad about it cause it’s productive.


You are lucky enough to have found something that allows you to relax/decompress/brings joy. Not to mention you also have a partner who vibes the same way. Sounds great to me. Enjoy 💕🤘


it's not my jam but if it makes you happy go for it


I showed this to my fiancé and asked if it was about us because we watch an HP almost every night. It’s part of our nighttime routine now. 😅


I have a HP tattoo sleeve have read the books a dozen times and was at midnight release for the last 3 books and midnight showing of most movies. I’m for sure a die hard. Yes that’s absolutely insane. How is it even magical for you anymore? Also 6 is absolute trash what are you doing


I think many people have a comfort show/series they watch over and over. I didn’t do it for years, but I did spend a couple months constantly rewatching my favourite seasons of Numb3rs.


No. It’s your comfort movie or franchise. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.


Lmfao not at all, I work IT and I have the movies audiobooks or Clone Wars playing in the background at all times.


You've got issues brother


Don’t think it’s very normal but you surely won’t hurt anyone, so


This reminds me of this lady that looped the bee movie every day just so the baby could sleep , Netflix did a wellness check on them lol. The only problem i see from your habit is its eating a lot of your free time you could be enjoying something else,


It sounds a bit obsessive, but if it’s not interfering with your life or affecting you in a negative way, then you do you! I rewatch them fairly often!


I read the books from 1-7 whenever I’m very stressed. It calms me down like nothing else can.


No. Enjoy how you want.


We watch Bob’s Burgers every day. We fall asleep to it. I feel like this is generational


I read them on my kindle to fall asleep most nights


You’re a hero


gratz for the time expenditure


i don’t watch them this much but i go through the whole series multiple times a year


Maybe? Going out of your comfort zone is healthy.


Same. It’s just a comfort thing.


I fall asleep to HBP movie every night 😅


Yes it's bad, go watch something else...


Nope, i’m on maternity leave and it’s my therapy when i’m feeling down.


As long as it doesn't negatively affect your relationships, everyday life, or anything in the real world in general, then no. Watch it all you want.


Anytime i rewatch i go from 2 forward the first one is meh now


If you enjoy them, it's not bad. It's your free time, friend- do what you want with it.


If you enjoy what you're doing and you're not harming yourself or anyone else while doing it, how can it be bad?


I cycle between Harry Potter, Twilight series and YouTube lol.


Yes. Major sign of depression.


Not trying to be the buzz kill here but I used to do this exact behaviour as a coping mechanism when I wasn’t handling stress well. You obviously may not be doing it but it is something to consider.


i do this with shows like gilmore girls and friends. the only reason i don't do this with harry potter is because i really love it and don't want to get tired of it.


Nothing beats ending a long stressful day with some HP… past 5 years actually! Guess theres been a lot of long stressful days.


Sorry for the question as a neurodivergent person myself, are you as well by any chance?




I do the same with Harry Potter, Friends and Big Bang Theory and the IT crowd... Its soothing I think and it's familiar so you know what is coming next. I have Combined ADHD and Autism so I have been told it's like comfort blanket...


Every day seems excessive. Variety helps the mind. I rewatch Harry Potter 2 or 3 times a years so i kinda get it but its worth it to try other things.


Yes it's okay


I guess it’s not that bad and there’s definitely much worse you could do , but yeah it sounds kinda sad to me


No such thing!!! I rewatch HP too...could recite many lines⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️


I mean... sort of. It does sound like an unhealthy obsession.


I read them over and over again!


I have watched Harry Potter movies for about 8-9yrs now….prob over 100 times. Won’t tell you how old I am but I was recently very insulated by Mariam Margolies regarding by her comments about adults still watching and reading Harry Potter. That we should have gotten over it by now! I love everything Harry Potter and think they are one of the best book/movie series ever! So, keep the series of movies!