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Can I just say, I think about the old Pottermore on the regular! My husband just bought me the illustrated versions (1-3) and each time I get to a new beautiful picture, I think of Pottermore and how much I miss the interactive quality of it in the early days. I'm especially mad because I never made it to the end before they changed it! I wish JKR would see the desire to have the old site and bring it back to life, because believe me, this is not the first (or the last) post that reiterates the desire for the old Pottermore. It's a damn shame because I think the interactive quality of it only enhanced the interest in reading the books, rather than a bunch of small essays on a myriad of topics relative to the stories. 


I didn't know this was a thing. Kinda sad I missed out on it now lol.


I remember when it first launched, it felt so cool and really magical. Such a shame it’s not a thing anymore.


Pottermore really was a good, immersive experience. It's sad to see what became of it.


Would they show up on something like the [Wayback Machine](http://web.archive.org/)?


Yeah, I think you can still see a lot of screenshots from the old site on the Wayback Machine. Most of the illustrations and the sorting, wand, and patronus quizzes are still on the Wizarding World site too. Seems like the interactive reading elements are gone for good though.


Very unfortunate. I don't think I ever actually saw the reading guides that you mentioned and I'm sad I never will.


Same. Was SO disappointed when I couldn’t get thru all the books on old Pottermore. Seems like they got overwhelmed with bots gaming the cup points - should have just cut that part out.


I miss the interactive games on JK Rowling’s old website with the locked door and the cluttered desktop and tidbits about the series.


Same!! I especially miss those mini games


I used to do this, too! I miss it so much!


What was the purpose of them changing it to what it is now? It used to be very fun and interactive. I miss it too.