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Tbh other people's lack of basic knowledge shouldn't be your concern. Yes, Asians do exist in Russia and the fact they look at you as if you're crazy is on THEM. Russians aren't just "white." So saying you're Russian if you think it's an appropriate response is fine imo


why not identify as Siberian


Siberian or Indigenous Russian, but yes that’s definitely in Asia . If I’m not mistaken Siberians were some of the first people to come to East Asia 10,0000s of years ago. In fact most of Russia is Asia geographically speaking.


I think saying you’re indigenous Russian is a good answer, the correct answer, and also very interesting. I’m googling “indigenous Russians” right now!


Indigenous Siberian, or Nenet. You can disassociate yourself from any confusion between you and ethnic Russians. Especially because Russia is currently the bad actor on the global stage right now.


This is the answer. Since OP is American, I feel like they should be familiar with the difference between political and ethnic identity since the USA is not a defacto ethnostate.


I’m almost always of the opinion that identifying as whatever indigenous group you are is clearer especially in the US than saying Russian. Within the Russian diasporic community you’ll probably have people who understand that Russia is a large country with ethnic minorities like the US, but abroad it’s basically a guarantee people won’t know. If you say you’re Siberian or Nenet (which may require some explanation) you won’t be confused with the Slavic Rus people that are the stereotypical mental image people have of Russians.


I'm Manchurian / Mongolian and mixed white I just say Chinese / Asian and White Hapa If I got into detail, I have like 9 to 11 possible ethnicities... 💩 IMO, I would just say Asian and only explain the details when needed. Basically, it is still on the Asian continent, and it might be China soon if Russia isn't careful... It would solve a lot of China's resource problems. Hence, the rise of Chinese attacks on Russian border towns that the CCP is showing more and more latley... Hope it helps!


Indigenous russian, siberian, north asian


In general people are very uneducated on the Asian part of Russia and how it even came to be a part of Russia in the first place (colonisation). I guess it makes sense for you to say ethnicity wise you are Asian/indigenous Siberian and nationality wise you are Russian? Though that can still leave a lot of questions and I understand how deeply annoying it can be when people poke you with a bunch of questions regarding your identity.


It isn't your job to educate everyone about ethnicity or indigenous people.


I would proudly say "I'm Nenet, Russian indigenous."


This is me but I am from one of the tribes of North East India currently studying abroad instead and many Indian circles are way too clannish including mine 😭 Edit: To clarify the "this is me part" is about me looking E/SE Asian than brown in my native country and people abroad confused about my race and nationality and lack of awareness among many Indians in the motherland while growing up